St Thomas Aquinas
Recent papers in St Thomas Aquinas
On the History of Political Philosophy is a lively and lucid account of the major political theorists and philosophers of the ancient Greek, Roman, medieval, renaissance, and early modern periods. Topics include discussions concerning... more
Reviews the historical origins and principal elements of Karl Rahner's critique of Thomas Aquinas and Bernard Lonergan. Argues that Rahner's critique fails to come to terms with the basic problematic of Trinitarian theology, and... more
Two prominent scholars on the history of natural rights disagree sharply on many issues, but they agree in opining that Aquinas did not have such a doctrine: Michel Villey, La formation de la pensée juridique moderne: cours d'histoire de... more
Here are the first pages of my new book on general sacramental theology.
This 9th edition has been superseded by the 10th edition of August 2022, found on my page and at
Quelques jours après le début du confinement imposé en Italie et ensuite dans beaucoup d’autres pays à cause la pandémie du COVID-19, le pape François a invité les catholiques empêchés d’aller la messe à adopter la pratique de la... more
Biblia, pamięĆ i tomizm biblijny Dla św' Tomasza z Akwirru (1225'1274I wyrosłego w benedykty skie.| tradycji rnedytacji nad słowem Bożym i dominika skim <1uchu co:ntemplata aliis tradere' niezwykle znajomo brzmieć musiały słowa psalmu... more
En primer lugar, se enfrenta lo que corresponde a la naturaleza de la metáfora y su lugar en el discurso filosófico. Por ello, aparecen los estudios sobre el tema del filósofo alemán Hans Blumenberg, no sólo con la intención de... more
The encyclical Fides et ratio is based on Thomistic philosophical thought. It questions the relationship between faith and reason and emphasizes the necessity of philosophy for specific theological disciplines. However, in this research... more
Death is a reality that everyone experiences. We shall all die. Are human beings mortal or immortal? Do we fully die or merely exist differently? According to Thomas's view, these questions are going on a debate between two groups of... more
Attached is the handout to this talk given at "Ethics and Mental Health" conference at the D.B. Reinhart Institute for Ethics and Leadership at Viterbo University in La Crosse, Wisconsin (April 2017).
as a Negative Rule for Philosophy. For the rationalist Descartes, theology (sacred theology or supernatural theology) is not a science, which is the opposite of the position of someone like St. Thomas Aquinas, for whom theology (sacred... more
Se considera y demuestra la posibilidad de tal estado, a la luz de santo Tomás, contra el parecer de H. de Lubac.
This article examines how St. Thomas Aquinas developed rich theological insights to be used ultimately in his preaching ministry as a thirteenth century magister in sacra pagina. His exegetical approach deploys a careful divisio textus to... more
A critical reflection on Marcus Plested´s Orthodox Readings of Aquinas
To begin to examine the relation of orthodox Catholic Christian faith to evolutionary theory and the question of human origins, consider words of the fourth pope, St. Clement:
Here are the Table of Contents and first pages from my new book on general sacramental theology.
Platon und Aristoteles verpflichtet? Diese Frage ist kurz in drei Punkten zu erläutern:
10,00 € 6,00 € Samuele Pinna Presentazione di Piero Viotto SINTESI Il volume è un’introduzione al Vaticano II, nata da una rielaborazione di quanto papa Benedetto XVI ha scritto o insegnato, in diverse occasioni, sul... more
This MRP explores the concept of the will in the philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer, and explains how his theory of the will influenced his ethical thought concerning nonhuman animals. Part one considers four theories of the will prior to... more
While we all seem to talk about politics, few of us actually know how today’s issues fit into the framework of political history. Indeed, as contemporary French philosopher Philippe Nemo points out, much of our Western secondary education... more
On St. Thomas Aquinas's De Veritate (Disputed Question on Truth)
Among the European “mirrors of the princes,” the work of Thomas Aquinas, On Kingship; or, On the Government of Princes, has a special place. Thanks to the author’s reputation, this text has become one of the most famous and influential in... more
Kant and Aquinas: who can doubt they are different? And however, there are some who equate Aquinas and Kant in doctrines in which they are actually opposed; some attribute to St. Thomas Aquinas approaches that are Kantian and by no means... more
It is commonly assumed that for Thomas Aquinas, intentionality (the characteristic of mental states such that they are “about” an object) has to do merely with mental representation (the characteristic of a mental state such that it is... more
A presente obra pretende aprofundar, a partir de São Tomás de Aquino (1224/25-1274), o que se entende por amor de Deus. A obra de São Tomás de Aquino escolhida é o Comentário ao Evangelho de São João, uma das obras da maturidade do Doutor... more
Para Tomás de Aquino, a alma humana é uma forma substancial capaz de subsistir por si, ou seja, de existir por si e não por causa de outro. Todavia, isto traz dificuldades ao seu pensamento. Geralmente, a subsistência é atribuída aos... more
The Influences of the Dominican Order in the Middle Ages Taylor Institute, Lincoln College, and Blackfriars Hall, Oxford University September 10-12, 2015 This interdisciplinary conference will explore the influences of the... more
This paper discusses the theme of "personal justice" in the Summa theologiae, a concept inherited from the Nicomachean Ethics wherein Aristotle says that a man is just toward himself only metaphorically, insofar as the parts of man are... more
This paper seeks to defuse two claims. On the one hand, I confront the Hildebrandian claim that Thomism, by placing the principium of love in the needs and desires of the lover rather than in the beloved, denies the possibility of... more
This is a philosophical paper that was given a grade of 1 (Excellent) at the University of Santo Tomas Graduate School. It previosuly generated over 2,000 views at SCRIBD.
Worth Wanting is relevant, insightful, and at the forefront of the conversation between ethics and the rapid advancement of technology. Conveying a sense of urgency and an awareness of the power of technology to exact change, Vallor's
This research seminar focuses on Aquinas’ treatise on human acts (Summa theologiae I-II.6-21), which represents one of the finest and most complex and sophisticated discussions of the principles of ethics in medieval philosophy. After... more
I am planning a history of the notion of philosophical nonsense and naturally difficult historical and exegetical questions have come up. Charles Pigden has argued that the notion goes back at least as far as Hobbes and that Locke,... more
Ziel und Handeln des Menschen / Thomas von Aquin. Übersetzt und kommentiert von Klaus Jacobi.-Berlin [u.a.] : De Gruyter.
Étienne Gilson and Thomas Langan note Spinoza's rationalist-determinist-monistpantheist rejection of miracles in their Modern Philosophy: Descartes to Kant: "What are the Scriptures for Spinoza? There were no real prophets writing under... more
Encyclopedia entry on Natural Law and Natural Rights