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In 1944, with the beginning of the re-occupation of Western Ukraine by the Soviet Union, the practice of using forced evictions of local civilians as a method of repression and combating against anti-Soviet organizations and movements was... more
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      History of Forced Migrationshistory of OUN UPAStalin's Mass DeportationsPolitical Repressions In the USSR
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      Soviet HistoryKorean StudiesCentral Asian StudiesPost-Soviet Studies
У Радянському Союзі депортації були інструментом, який комуністичний режим застосовував для досягнення широкого спектра цілей: від соціальної інженерії, коли влада проводила примусове виселення або переселення задля гомогенізації певної... more
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      Forced MigrationUkraine (History)Soviet UkraineStalin's Mass Deportations
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      Military HistoryInternational RelationsCommunism (Revolutions)Totalitarianism
Сборник документов и материалов Ответственные редакторы доктор исторических наук Н.Н. Аблажей кандидат исторических наук Г. Харатян НОВОСИБИРСК «НАУКА» 2016 2 УДК 325.254.6(479.25))"1949"(060.53) ББК 63.3(2Арм)631-361я45 Д35 Р е ц е н з е... more
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      Armenian HistoryStalin's Mass DeportationsMass DeportationsSSSR
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryCuban StudiesKorean Studies
Статья посвящена анализу особенностей политических репрессий сталинской эпохи на территории Киргизской ССР и последующей реабилитации репрессированных граждан.
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      Soviet HistoryStalin and StalinismStalinismPolitical Economy and History
În perioada ocupaţiei sovietice, Basarabia (în special RSSM) nu a fost ocolită de calvarul deportărilor masive de populaţie. În perioada stalinismului dur (1940-1941, 1944-1951), în RSSM au fost operate trei valuri de deportări în masă... more
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      Soviet HistoryStalin and StalinismOral History and MemoryGULAG
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      HistoryRussian StudiesSoviet HistoryPolish History
Η ελληνική Διασπορά στη Ρωσική Αυτοκρατορία ήταν μεγάλη και πλήρως διακριτή από τον 18ο αιώνα. Προέρχονταν από κάθε μέρος του παλιού ελληνικού κόσμου: Βαλκάνια, νησιά Ιονίου και Αιγαίου αλλά κυρίως από τη Μικρά Ασία και ειδικότερα από... more
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      Soviet HistoryDiasporaModern Greek HistoryDiaspora Studies
Отдавна се каня да публикувам някои факти и аргументи в полза на горното твърдение и по този начин да сведа темата до архивите, но удобният момент дойде едва сега, когато значително множество започна да осъзнава, че твърдението ми дето... more
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      Russian StudiesCommunismHistory of the USSRRussian History
The essays in this volume provide a new perspective on the history of convicts and penal colonies. They demonstrate that the nineteenth and twentieth centuries were a critical period in the reconfiguration of empires, imperial... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryModern HistoryJapanese Studies
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      North CaucasusThaw-era Soviet UnionStalinismDestalinization
Eric J. Schmaltz. “Preface” (in English) in Samuel D. Sinner, The Open Wound: The Genocide of German Ethnic Minorities in Russia and the Soviet Union, 1915-1949 and Beyond/Der Genozid an Russlanddeutschen 1915-1949. Additional preface... more
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      Genocide StudiesHistorical memoryGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Comparative genocide
The chapter is based on newly disclosed KGB files in Chisinau and represents the first attempt to deal with agent infiltration into a non-Orthodox religious group in the Soviet-Romanian borderlands during the early Cold War.
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      Eastern European StudiesSoviet HistoryRomanian HistoryBaltic Studies
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      Soviet HistorySecond World War (History)Romania Russia BessarabiaStalin's Mass Deportations
The article examines the national and socio-political resistance of the North Caucasian highlanders against the Bolshevik invasion embodied with the experiences of the anti-Soviet struggle of Mountain intelligentsia in European capitals... more
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      CaucasusNorth CaucasusWorld War 2North Caucasian Emigre Movements
Exile which aims at leaving people in limbo by forcing them out of their homes and homelands, is a type of forced migration. Some of the Turkish and Muslim communities living in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics were unwanted by... more
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      Stalin's Mass DeportationsSoviet nationality policiesAhıska Turks
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      Baltic StudiesBaltic Sea Region StudiesHistory of the USSRForced Migration
Once a group of people are labelled as outsiders and removed from a given territory forcefully , they become the subject of a deportation practice. Additionally, the experiences during and after the deportation constitute an important... more
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      Group IdentityAhiska TurksStalin's Mass Deportations
Open access to the KGB archives in Eastern Partnership. Analytical report,  edited by Anna Oliinyk, foreword by Andriy Kohut, Kiev, 2017.
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      European HistorySoviet HistoryRomanian HistorySouth East European Studies
Comparative review of two monographs: Jon K. Chang, Burnt by the Sun: The Koreans of the Russian Far East. 276 pp. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2016. ISBN-13 978-0824856786. $68.00. Victor Zatsepine, Beyond the Amur: Frontier... more
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      Asian StudiesSoviet HistoryKorean StudiesEast Asian Studies
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      World War IIGULAGGulag LiteratureStalin's Mass Deportations
Subiectul coeziunii sociale în RM este pe agenda societăți civile și guvernamentale. Pentru soluții eficiente în vederea consolidării coeziunii sociale, este necesar să găsim cauzele care stau la baza lipsei acesteia. Desigur, ele sunt... more
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      HumanitiesCultural HeritageHuman RightsMigration
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      American StudiesSoviet HistoryMexican StudiesCuban Studies
The article deals with the origins of the deportation operation “Zapad” (“West”) in 1947. In particular, the author analyzed the practice of forced evictions of the population of Western Ukraine, which supported the Ukrainian liberation... more
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      Forced MigrationDeportationhistory of OUN UPAStalin's Mass Deportations
The analysis of new archival records from the "KGB archives" in Ukraine, made it possible to further study the deportation policy of the USSR in occupied Western Ukraine in 1940-1952. Along with campaigns and operations, there is a need... more
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      Forced MigrationUkrainian HistoryOUNhistory of OUN UPA
Die Zeitschrift RGOW wird vom Institut G2W, Ökumenisches Forum für Glauben, Religion und Gesellschaft herausgegeben, das vom gleichnamigen Verein getragen wird. © Nachdruck von Texten und Übernahme von Bildern nur mit Genehmigung der... more
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      Russian StudiesCommemoration and MemoryNorth CaucasusChechnya
The aim of this text is to present a review on Domenico Losurdo´s book: "Stalin: história crítica de uma lenda negra". O objetivo deste texto é apresentar uma resenha sobre o livro de Domenico Losurdo: Stalin: história crítica de uma... more
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      Stalinist HistoriographyStalin and StalinismStalinismStalinism and De-Stalinization
In the Soviet Union, during World War Two the patriotic resurgence and exaltation of the Russian nation went along with a process of purification of the social body. Thus, a wave of repression targeted the Karachays, the Kalmyks, the... more
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      Social MovementsSoviet HistoryRehabilitationCentral Asian Studies
В данной книге, посвященной 70-летию выселения армян 1949г., публикуется 97 архивных документов, анализируется общий фон в Закавказье в преддверии депортации армян и вопрос, кого и по каким критериям советский КГБ мог считать лицами,... more
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      Soviet HistoryStalin and StalinismStalinismEthnic Cleansing
Das geheime Zusatzprotokoll des Hitler-Stalin-Pakts gab der Sowjetunion freie Hand, sich Bessarabien und die Nordbukowina einzugliedern. Mit der militärischen Besetzung begannen die Sowjetisierung und der Terror gegen die Bevölkerung.... more
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      MoldovaGULAGStalin's Mass Deportations
The Soviet Union deported every last ethnic Korean from the Far East to Central Asia in 1937 - Victoria Kim tells the story of those who ended up in Uzbekistan.
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryKorean StudiesCentral Asian Studies
En mars 1953, la mort de Staline ouvre une période d'aggiornamento du système politique et social en URSS, sur fond de luttes de succession entre les membres de son entourage, Viatcheslav Molotov, Lavrenti Beria, Gueorgui Malenkov et... more
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      Soviet HistoryRehabilitationCentral Asian StudiesCaucasus
Victoria Kim, in looking into her own history, dives into the story of how Koreans came to Uzbekistan. This is the first in a three-part presentation of Victoria Kim’s multimedia report, created in memory of her Korean grandfather Kim... more
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      Russian StudiesKorean StudiesCentral Asian StudiesHistory of the USSR
"When looking back at the early history of photography, one is reminded that its protagonists made work that took on all of the long-established genres then found in painting: istoria, or edifying narrative, genre, or scenes from daily... more
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      Russian StudiesArt HistoryArtArt Theory
The article examines the changes in demographic indicators of Chechens and Ingush through the prism of the deportation of 1944-1957. It analyzes the exile's impact on the evolution of previously critical trends for both ethnic groups,... more
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      Soviet HistoryHistorical DemographyCaucasusEthnic minorities
Наприкінці березня 1944 р. у західних областях УРСР, практично відразу після того, як територіями, де діяла УПА, а ОУН мала розгалужену мережу осередків, пройшла лінія фронту, радянські органи держбезпеки відновили проведення депортацій.... more
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      Deportationhistory of OUN UPAStalin's Mass DeportationsWestern Ukraine
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      Ukrainian StudiesHistory of the USSRSoviet Union (History)Stalin and Stalinism
О Девочках, Дочечьках, об Учителях и Учениках, о Творчестве, Дружбе, Сотрудничестве и об Искусстве Любви.
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      Korean StudiesPaintingCentral Asian StudiesPost-Soviet Studies
Arviolta 30 000 inkerinsuomalaista pakkosiirrettiin vuonna 1942 Leningradin saartorenkaasta eri puolille Siperiaa. Artikkelini tavoite on tutkia inkerinsuomalaisen muistitietoa omasta ja ryhmänsä pakkosiirrosta Leningradin piirityksestä... more
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryOral historyIngria / Ingermanland / Inkeri
The Memory Expeditions is a project aiming to recover the memory and reconstruct the Stalinist deportations following the path of the people deported from the Bessarabia occupied by soviets towards the special sites from Kazakhstan and... more
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      StorytellingSiberiaMemory StudiesStalin and Stalinism
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie; detaillierte bibliographische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
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      History and MemoryBiographyHistory of HungaryCollective Memory
The story continues as the Koreans transition through life in forced labor camps to building new lives in Uzbekistan. This is the second in a three-part presentation of Victoria Kim’s multimedia report, created in memory of her Korean... more
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      Korean StudiesCentral Asian StudiesHistory of the USSRPost-Soviet Studies
Статья посвящена проблеме составления баз данных и подготовке на их основе Книг памяти депортированных. Затрагиваются вопросы выявления и обработки массовых персональных источников на эту категорию репрессированных. Приводятся... more
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      Soviet HistoryArmenian StudiesPost-Soviet StudiesStalin's Mass Deportations
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      TotalitarianismInsurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)Forced MigrationUkraine (History)
The study has been prepared with the support of UNHCR Moldova to be submitted to the CIS Conference Follow-Up Process, Fourth Steering Group Meeting of 24-27 June 1999
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    • Stalin's Mass Deportations
Korean communities have lived in the territory of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and successor states for over 150 years. The history of the post-Soviet Koreans has been shaped by multiple transnational mobilities, including a... more
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      Korean StudiesCentral Asian StudiesCentral AsiaKoryo Saram