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Unserdeutsch, in der englischsprachigen Fachliteratur auch unter dem Namen Rabaul Creole German bekannt, ist die einzige deutsch relexifizierte Kreolsprache der Welt. Es ist um die Wende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert unter mixed-race... more
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      Germanic linguisticsGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Pidgins & CreolesPidgin and Creole Languages
Seit Beginn der 1990er Jahre sind Menschen zwischen Deutschland und Osteuropa, Russland sowie Zentralasien in Bewegung. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes widmen sich diesen neuen post-sozialistischen Migrationen, Remigrationen und Verortungen in... more
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      TransnationalismSocial and Cultural AnthropologyMigrationGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)
Eric J. Schmaltz. “Los alemanes de Rusia (The Germans from Russia): Other Immigrant Destinies in South America." Heritage Review, Vol. 48, No. 2 (June 2018): pp. 10-23. Revised and expanded article reprinted with permission from... more
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      German diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Russian GermansRusslanddeutscheRussian-Germans
This article seeks to examine the mass violence unleashed by Joseph Stalin and his regime against the USSR’s ethnic Germans. It endeavors to comprehend how Soviet policies of repression progressed and intensified to the extreme detriment... more
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      German diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)EurasiaNazi GermanyНistorical research of symbolics development of Germans during the Russian Empire from 1763 till 1917, research of problems of national identity, worldview.
Eric J. Schmaltz and Samuel D. Sinner, "'You Will Die under Ruins and Snow':  The Soviet Repression of Russian Germans as a Case Study of Successful Genocide," Journal of Genocide Research (2002), 4 (3), pp. 327-356.
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      Genocide StudiesGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Comparative genocideStalin and Stalinism
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      German StudiesPeasant StudiesGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Campesinato
alter Deininger era chaparro. Y sí, detrás de los cristales de sus lentes se atisbaba un par de ojos color azul. Pero, contradiciendo al cliché que se tiene de los alemanes -de rígidos y toscamente francos-, el carácter de Walter era... more
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      Central America and MexicoGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)El SalvadorTwentieth Century Germany
Eric J. Schmaltz. “Other Immigrant Destinies: An Overview of South America’s Germans from Russia.” Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia 39:1 (Spring 2016): pp. 1-13 Many scholars are unaware of the... more
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      German diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)ParaguayArgentinaBrazil
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      German StudiesRomanian HistoryGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Romanian Studies
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      ArchitectureMedieval HistoryUrbanism (Archaeology)Urban History
Compiler's Note: I have translated some of the following entries directly from the German and Russian languages out of numerous academic and popular sources. For many of the translated entries, I have taken the liberty to make careful... more
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      German diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Post-Soviet StudiesSoviet, post-Soviet, Russian politicsNazi Germany
Deutschsprachige evangelische und
römisch-katholische Kirchengemeinden
im Donauhafen Turnu Severin ca. 1833-1939
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      German diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)History of Roman CatholicismGerman EmigrationHistory of the German minority in Romania
Resumo. Este trabalho pretende analisar as práticas mágicas que acompa-nham os principais ritos de passagem e as acusações de bruxaria que marcam o cotidiano dos imigrantes pomeranos, trabalhadores rurais de origem alemã vindos do Norte... more
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      German diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Witchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)European Witchcraft
Die Auflage lautete, einen Abriss der siebenbürgisch-deutschen Literatur zu verfassen. Nach einigem Besinnen gaben wir uns Rechenschaft, dass ein solches Unterfangen schwerlich zu einem guten Ende zu bringen würde sein, jedenfalls nicht... more
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      Reformation HistoryGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Austrian LiteratureTransylvania
The migration of Romanian Germans was one of the most significant ethnic migrations from Romania. It was a population movement that was conducted in three distinctive waves: during and in the aftermath of the Second World War, during... more
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      Romanian HistoryMigrationGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Romanian Studies
Eric J. Schmaltz. “Preface” (in English) in Samuel D. Sinner, The Open Wound: The Genocide of German Ethnic Minorities in Russia and the Soviet Union, 1915-1949 and Beyond/Der Genozid an Russlanddeutschen 1915-1949. Additional preface... more
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      Genocide StudiesHistorical memoryGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Comparative genocide
Mosaico. Palavra que melhor define o que representa as migrações no estado do Espírito Santo. Vários pequenos grupos, fluxos diferenciados e a importância dos italianos e alemães, como etnias expressivamente significativas, constituem... more
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      German StudiesGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)
Introduction to the guest-edited themed issue of German Studies Review.
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      German StudiesGerman HistoryDiasporasNationalism
Saint Vincent is one of the saints the worshipping of which occupies an important place both in the official church cult and in folk religiousness. He is currently regarded as the patron of wine growers, wine producers and woodcutters.... more
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      MigrationGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Cult of SaintsMinority Studies
This volume, "Our Path to the Old Kingdom", focuses on the fates of the of members of the German Community in the Old Romanian Kingdom. Collection of autobiographical writings.
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      German diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)German EmigrationHistory of the German minority in RomaniaCatholic Germans in Bucharest
O Prêmio Margarida Alves de Estudos Rurais e Gênero promovido pelo Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário, por meio do Programa de Promoção da Igualdade de Gênero, Raça e Etnia e do Núcleo de Estudos Agrário e Desenvolvimento Rural e... more
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      German diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Magic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Religious StudiesWithcraft
THe author has sent copies of tape recordings from his fieldwork with speakers of Rabaul Creole German to the Pacific Collection of the University of Hawai'i Hamilton Library and the Michael Somare Collection at the University of Papua... more
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      German diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Pidgin and Creole LanguagesUnserdeutsch (Rabaul Creole German)Linguistic Fieldwork
This text explains the participation of the German lieutenant Karl von Gagern during the Reform War, the French Invasion, and in the political life during the Restored Republic. As a cultured man he joined the “Sociedad de Geografía y... more
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      German diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryHistory of Freemasonry
One of the aims of this article is to signal out the manner in which history, archaeology and the heritage of the medieval monuments from Transylvania, with a special emphasis on the Transylvanian fortified churches, are perceived in the... more
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      Romanian HistoryCultural HeritageGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)History of Central and Southeastern Europe
This introduction to a special issue of Language and Linguistics in Melanesia about language contact in the German colonies is an attempt to correct the colonial amnesia prevalent in German academia by showing the magnitude of the... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsGermanic linguisticsGerman LanguageGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)
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      German diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)German Migration
Eric J. Schmaltz. “What’s in a Name?: Russian Germans, German Russians, or Germans from Russia, and the Challenges of Hybrid Identities.” In Schriften des Bundesinstituts für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa.... more
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      Ethnic StudiesMulticulturalismTransnationalismImmigration
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      Ethnic StudiesAnthropologyGlobalizationData Mining
Este trabajo aborda el modo en que fueron producidas y utilizadas las fotografías presentadas por inmigrantes entrevistados en el transcurso del trabajo de campo con la finalidad de obtener informaciones, siendo por lo tanto sus sentidos... more
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      Visual AnthropologyResearch MethodologyGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Migration Studies
Prefácio do livro escrito pela Prof Dr Giralda Seyferth e apresentação do livro O tiro da Bruxa. Identidade, magia e religião na imigração alemã.
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      German diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Witchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)German minoritiesPomeranians
"Unserdeutsch“, a creole spoken in a former German South Pacific colony, and what is now Papua New Guinea, is being extensively documented and studied by linguists for the first time. There is no time to lose, because after a chequered... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsGerman LanguageGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Pidgins & Creoles
Rabaul Creole German or Unserdeutsch is a poorly documented language of East New Britain Province that has many grammatical similarities with Tok Pisin. It arose in an home for mixed-race children at the Vunapope Catholic Mission near... more
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      Germanic linguisticsGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Pidgins & CreolesInternational Migration
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      German StudiesGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)PomeraniansPomeranos
Australia is a multicultural society in which over 300 different indigenous and migrant languages are spoken. While its cultural diversity is often celebrated, Australia's linguistic diversity is still at risk due to the inherent... more
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      German HistorySociolinguisticsGerman LanguageGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)
Resumo: Diferentemente dos aspectos mais propriamente culturais que subja-zem a colonização rural teuto-brasileira dos séculos XIX e XX, os temas agrários e florestais permanecem estritamente localizados nas realidades ambientais e... more
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      Environmental HistoryGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Fire History
The article, based on the field ethnographic research, held among German inhabitants of the Perm Krai, the Republic of Bashkortostan and Orenburg and Chelyabinsk Oblast, is devoted to the structural peculiarities of the calendar of the... more
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      EthnographyGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Traditional Culture
Introduction to the guest-edited themed issue of German Studies Review.
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      HistoryGerman StudiesGerman HistoryTransnationalism
Book Review by Eric J. Schmaltz. A Time for Reflection: The First One Hundred Years (Reprint and Update of the Hundredth Anniversary of the Germans from Russia in Sheboygan, Wisconsin). Pp. 44. Sheboygan, WI: Sheboygan County... more
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      ImmigrationGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)German Immigration - USMigrations
The purpose of this study is to attempt to analyze and interpret an outbuilding located in Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, a town established by French settlers in the 1780s. First the functional activities associated with the outbuilding will... more
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      Archaeology of GenderMarxismRace and EthnicityGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)
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      NationalismGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Minority StudiesHistory of Hungary
Sirkeci, Ibrahim and Zeyneloglu, Sinan (2014) Abwanderung aus Deutschland in die Türkei: Eine Trendwende im Migrationsgeschehen? In: Alscher and Kreienbrink (eds.) Abwanderung von Türkeistämmigen Wer verlässt Deutschland und warum?.... more
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      German diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Migration StudiesTurkish migrationGermany
Unserdeutsch, also known as Rabaul Creole German, is the only known German-lexifier creole. This critically endangered language has its origins in an orphanage in German New Guinea for mixed-race children, where Standard German was taught... more
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      Germanic linguisticsGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Pidgins & CreolesFieldwork in linguistics
Scanned by CamScanner i m i g r a ç ã o n a A m ó r ic o La t i n a : h i s t ó r i a s de f r o c a s s o s A n i m a i s e c a m p o n e s e s a t r a p a l h a d o s q u a n d o o n a r r a d o r é s e u p r ó p D o p e r s o n a g e m... more
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      German diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)PomeraniaPomeraniansPomeranos
Ausstellungskatalog Herausgeber Nationalmuseum für die Geschichte Rumäniens, S. 182, Bukarest
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      German diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)History of the German minority in RomaniaDeutsche Minderheit in RumanienDeutsche Minderheiten in Mitteleuropa
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      MigrationGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Migration Studies
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      Eastern European StudiesGerman LiteratureMedieval LiteratureLate Middle Ages
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      German StudiesGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Education and Migration
Între anii 1913 si 1942 a apărut la Bucuresti cu anumite intreruperi revista catolică de limbă germană "Bukarester Katholisches Sonntagsblatt". Iniţiativa înfiintării acestei reviste a apartinut episcopului Raymund Netzhammer. La data de... more
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      German diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)History of the German minority in RomaniaEmigration from Austria-HungaryEmigration from Germany
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      German HistoryAustraliaGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Migration Studies