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In the composition of his poetry, John Donne subverted the traditional rhetorical conventions which dictated the order of presentation of textual contents in both literary and non-literary discourse. Much of Donne's poetry is based... more
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      John DonneRenaissance Lyric PoetrySuspense
Through the nightclub sequence, we analyze how, during ten minutes, the building of suspense is made, which never falls and does not lose its intensity at any time, particularly thanks to a very specific type of editing. Also, this... more
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      Film StudiesNarrativeFilm AnalysisNarrative Psychology
In the study of film, Nöel Carroll (2001) coined the term the “paradox of suspense” to refer to a situation in which rewatching a film continues to invoke suspenseful feelings. According to the paradox, the tension associated with... more
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      Video GamesSuspensePsychology of Video GamesParadox of Suspense
A splash of something huge resounds through the sea-fog. In the stillness of a dark room, some unspeakable evil is making its approach. This new selection offers the most chilling and unsettling of Hodgson's short fiction, from... more
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      Gothic LiteratureGothic StudiesTwentieth Century LiteratureOccultism
This essay considers the aesthetic and cultural importance of the slow, contemplative thriller in contemporary world cinema. While the thriller genre tends to be associated completely with the mainstream—and thus with action-oriented... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisThrillerEast Asian Cinema
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      NarrativeCognitive NarratologyNarratologyLiterary Theory
Katja Mellmann Vorschlag zu einer emotionspsychologischen Bestimmung von ›Spannung‹ Spannung wird im folgenden Beitrag konsequent als psychisches Phänomen, nicht als Texteigenschaft aufgefasst. Ausgehend von psychophysischen... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologyEmotion TheoryLiterary Darwinism Or Evolutionary Literary TheoryPsychology of Emotions
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Analyse 'gender studies' de Terminator (1984) et Terminator 2 (1992) mise en perspective avec la technologie et autres paramètres (narratifs, esthétiques) de ces films.
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      Gender StudiesFilm StudiesFilm TheoryGenre studies
O artigo discute os conceitos de narratividade e suspense (Baroni, 2007) próprios da experiência de leitura dos quadrinhos (Fresnault-Deruelle, 1976) a partir de um ponto de vista negativo: pretende-se contemplar a suspensão do suspense... more
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      Comics StudiesComics/Sequential ArtNarrative TheoryComics and Graphic Novels
Gilbert 13:2 (October-November 2009): 9. An essay in the Miscellany of Men feature in the magazine, this one treats of Alfred Hitchcock's life and work, with particular attention to the influence exercised on him by the work of G. K.... more
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      Film StudiesFilm and HistoryAlfred HitchcockG.K. Chesterton
In the study of film, Nöel Carroll (2001) coined the term the “paradox of suspense” to refer to a situation in which rewatching a film continues to invoke suspenseful feelings. According to the paradox, the tension associated with... more
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      Video GamesSuspensePsychology of Video GamesDiGRA
Dans la continuité d e Freud , on est sans d oute fond é à d ire que la plus grand e aventure humaine ne résid e pas d ans la maîtrise d es océans ou l'escalad e d es sommets les plus hauts, mais d ans l'exploration d e notre propre... more
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      Film StudiesFilm GenreThrillerSuspense
Bu çalı􏰕şmada ele alınan L’heure De La Sortie (Sébastien Marnier, 2018) isimli filmde gerilimin nasıl yaratıldığ􏰓ı ve gerilim duygusuyla toplumsallık arasındaki bağ􏰓lantılar, toplumsal statü ve rol kavramları ekseninde incelenmiş􏰕tir.... more
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      SosyolojiSinemaSuspenseVisual and filmic sociology
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFearPhilosophy of Film
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Psychological Thrillers (Books),Crime Thrillers (Books),Suspense Thrillers,Fiction
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This book is not mine. The author is Agatha Christie. Enjoy!
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      Detective FictionCrimeSuspenseDetective fiction and crime writing
Megan y Duncan Richards son gente normal. Él es banquero; ella, agente inmobiliaria. Tienen dos hijas adolescentes y un hijo. Viven en una casa preciosa. Todo indica que sus días de activistas políticos, allá por 1968, han quedado muy... more
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    • Suspense
My chapter in Salem Press's recent entry to its Critical Insights series, _The American Thriller_ (2014). As the title indicates, it is a history of the development of the psychological thriller in American culture.
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      Genre studiesThrillerGenre TheoryLiterary History
Review of Doug Dorst's 2013 novel "S" (created by J.J. Abrams), which appears in BSJ: The B.S. Johnson Journal, Issue 2. Link to the publication here:... more
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      Experimental LiteratureSuspenseExperimental Novel
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      Agatha ChristieSuspenseMysteriesHercule Poirot
Ce mémoire de recherche-création cherche à repérer trois figures de mise en scène dans le cinéma des frères Dardenne (la caméra portée à l'épaule, le cadrage restreint, le plan- séquence) et d’identifier en quoi celles-ci sont... more
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      Film StudiesCinemaQuébec StudiesFilm Aesthetics
Joe Hill, one of King's three children, writes thrillers with a softly disquieting supernatural edge. In this case, it is not that soft because we are speaking of three boys becoming men who were and are, have been in one or two word(s)... more
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      CancerThrillerPhilosophy of LoveCurses
This article explores the construction of narrative suspense in Edgar Allan Poe's and Alfred Hitchcock's works. Central to their creations is a dual narrative structure that builds tension by articulating two stories in one.... more
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      NarrativeGothic Fiction and the horror filmEdgar Allan PoeAlfred Hitchcock
This article examines some of the formal properties, stylistic motifs and thematic preoccupations of classic and contemporary South Korean horror films. As a genre that has enormous box-office appeal and crossover potential for western... more
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      HistoryHorror FilmGhostsKorean film
The focus of this final paper is on the analysis of Martin McDonagh’s first non-Irish play called The Pillowman, as well as on the elements of crime fiction genre which are present in the play. Due to the fact that the genre of crime... more
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      NarratologyCrime fictionSuspenseMartin McDonagh
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      Creative WritingArtificial IntelligenceScience FictionFiction
This study aims to shed light on the role multilingualism plays in Alfred Hitchcock’s films, by examining the different solutions adopted by Italian audiovisual translators to cope with the multilingual situations represented. The... more
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      MultilingualismScreen TranslationAlfred HitchcockDubbing
Este e-book faz parte do projeto Literatura Descoberta, que tem por objetivo levar ao público traduções inéditas de textos disponíveis no Domínio Público com uma linguagem mais acessível. O projeto foi idealizado por Laura Scaramussa... more
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      Edgar Allan PoeSuspenseContos
The stories " The Fall of the House of Usher " and " A Rose for Emily " have made an important contribution to literature. " The Fall of the House of Usher " presents a story of a family consisting of two siblings who lived together in an... more
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Marginalia hors série no 21: bibliographie internationale des études sur la vie et l'oeuvre d'Alfred Hitchcock.
This document is an international basic bibliography of secondary sources on the life and work of filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock
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In After Kubrick: A Filmmaker's Legacy, ed. Jeremi Szaniawski (New York: Bloomsbury, 2020). This essay explores how Jonathan Glazer, Paul Thomas Anderson, and David Lynch operate within an aesthetic tradition of dread inspired by... more
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      Film StudiesFilm Music And SoundFilm AnalysisHorror Film
Coupled with threats from a violent stalker who is upset by her decision to leave her innocent pop idol life in favor of a darker role on a crime television show, Mima’s sense of identity begins to fracture. As people involved in the... more
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      Japanese AnimeManga and Anime StudiesCelebrity CulturePerformativity of Gender
Edip Yüksel'in otobiyografisi 2 dosya halinde:
1. Otobiyografi: 624 sayfsa
2. Fotoğraflar: 48 sayfa
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      Political PhilosophyCensorshipTheologyHuman Rights Law
A close reading of Patricia Highsmith's short story collection ELEVEN reveals the author's use of third person narrative to posit and explore the irrational urges of human beings through her characters.
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      Film StudiesSuspensePatricia HighsmithThe Talented Mr Ripley
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      ThrillerMurderSuspenseSerial Murder
The aim of the thesis is to provide an overview of three contemporary action films: Dredd 3D, John Wick, and Mad Max: Fury Road, through a so-called "bio-structuralist" approach - combining archetypal criticism, literary Darwinism, and... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologyFilm StudiesCognitive NarratologyNarratology
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Tujuan dari praktikum ini adalah agar praktikan dapat mengetahui dan memahami pembuatan sediaan suspensi dengan metode dispersi, serta dapat mengamati perbedaan antara suspensi dengan bahan aktif yang telah digerus dan suspensi dengan... more
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      FisikaSuspenseLaporanLaporan Praktikum
From the period that David Herman refers to as classical narratology to the present day, we can observe major shifts in the way plot and narrative sequence are dealt with, giving new insights into the dynamics and indeterminacy of... more
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      NarrativeCognitive NarratologyNarrative and interpretationNarratology
English: How are the movie screen and the emotions of the audience linked? And how can we write a history of this connection? This monograph tries to answer these questions by conceptualizing the film historical period of the New... more
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      MelancholyFilm HistoryAffect TheoryCinematic Affect
Ce volume fait le point sur les différents courants de la didactique de la littérature et explore diverses tentatives d'enseigner la littérature en classe de langue étrangère. Il part de I'hypothèse que la lit-
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      LiteratureNarrativeDidacticsCognitive Narratology
Suspense and surprise, as common and crucial elements of interest realised in literary fiction, are analysed closely in a sample of short stories, so as to develop a detailed explanation of how these forms of interest are created in... more
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Ludwing se despierta muy asustado por la madrugada debido a que escuchó que había un asesino desquiciado que podía matar a cualquier persona en la calle.

Este microrrelato se encuentra en la página 10.

Diciembre 2021
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      SuspenseNarración CuentosMicrorrelato
This paper looks at two bestsellers from the 1890s: George du Maurier's Trilby and Bram Stoker's Dracula. An operational definition of suspense in narrative fiction is provided which attempts to combine an understanding of its cognitive... more
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This long conversation with Meir Sternberg focuses on some crucial points in narrative theory. Special attention is given, in the first part, to the historical evolution of narrative studies, as well as to the theoretical differences... more
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Suspense as an amalgam constitutes a criterion for addressing the requirements of specific audiences. It therefore plays a role in the entire area of reception aesthetics — the cognitive activity of the recipient, the expectations of the... more
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      Ancient Literary CriticismSuspenseAncient Greek Comedy