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The field of science and technology studies (STS) has introduced and developed a "sociotechnical" perspective that has been taken up by many disciplines and areas of inquiry. The aims and objectives of this study are threefold: to... more
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      Climate ChangeScience PolicyRenewable EnergyEnergy
The scale, rate, and intensity of humans' environmental impact has engendered broad discussion about how to find plausible pathways of development that hold the most promise for fostering a better future in the Anthropocene. However, the... more
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      FuturesAnthropoceneSustainability TransitionsScenarios (A.D.A.); (J.F.) Abstract: The aim of this article is to complement research on transformations towards sustainability by drawing upon the innovation systems (IS) framework. The IS framework... more
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      Sustainability (Organisational Strategy)System Innovation For SustainabilityEnvironmental SustainabilityInnovation Systems
The concepts of food security and food sustainability are two main paradigms in the food system discourse—however, they are often addressed separately in the scientific literature. We argue that this disconnect hinders a coherent... more
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      Food SecuritySustainable Food SystemsSustainability TransitionsAlternative Food Networks
The agro-food system needs a genuine sustainability transition to achieve sustainable food and nutrition security in the face of climate change, population growth, ecosystem degradation and increasing resource scarcity. Agro-food... more
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      FoodAgricultureStrategic Niche ManagementSustainability Transitions
An increasing number of studies have analysed the scope for, and the barriers to, transitions toward sustainability in the context of developing countries building on analytical perspectives from the sustainability transitions literature.... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentDeveloping CountriesTransitionGlobal Value Chains
Transitions towards sustainability are urgently needed to address the interconnected challenges of economic development, ecological integrity, and social justice, from local to global scales. Around the world, collaborative... more
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      Evaluation ResearchSustainability ScienceLiving LabsStrategic Niche Management
Different governments and international organizations have shown interest in agroecology as a promising pathway for transition to sustainable agriculture. However, the kinds of innovation needed for agro-ecological transition are subject... more
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      AgroecologySustainability TransitionsSustainable Innovationsustainability-oriented innovation
The acceleration of ecological crises has driven a growing body of thinking on sustainability transitions. Agroecology is being promoted as an approach that can address multiple crises in the food system while addressing climate change... more
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      AgroecologyFood and NutritionAgricultureFood Sovereignty
Transformations towards sustainability are needed to address many of the earth's profound environmental and social challenges. Yet, actions taken to deliberately shift social-ecological systems towards more sustainable trajectories can... more
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      ConservationEnvironmental StudiesSocial-Ecological SystemsSustainable Development
While practice theories and diverse economy approaches are widely employed by human geographers, the two literatures have developed in parallel, rather than in dialogue. This article argues that this has constrained understandings of... more
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      SociologyGeographyHuman GeographyEconomic Geography
Unprecedented global challenges demand wide-reaching societal modification to ensure life support functions and human well-being. In the absence of adequate international responses to climate change and the need for place-based... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesClimate Change AdaptationUrban PlanningMainstreaming of gender and environmental issues in rural development programs
Cities account for the majority of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide with a large portion of emissions generated by the transportation sector. São Paulo, Brazil’s largest municipality, is in the early stages of a socio-technical... more
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      Socio-technical transitionsClimate Change MitigationSocio-Technical SystemsSustainability Transitions
The multi-level perspective (MLP) is a prominent transition framework. The MLP posits that transitions come about through interaction processes within and among three analytical levels: niches, socio-technical regimes and a... more
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      FoodAgricultureSustainability TransitionsMulti-level Perspective
With respect to wind and solar electricity, Hungary is a laggard in the European Union. Key geographical and economic factors fail to explain this. Using the multi-level framework, I rely on technological and policy documents, 21 expert... more
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      Political EconomyWind EnergyNuclear EnergySolar Energy
Amidst rapid urban development, sustainable transportation solutions are required to meet the increasing demands for mobility whilst mitigating the potentially negative social, economic, and environmental impacts. This study analyses... more
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      Information SystemsRisk Management and InsuranceTransportation EngineeringInformation Science
To break away from techno-institutional lock-in in climate change and in other sustainability problems, many have focused on innovation in technological 'niches'. The destabilisation of the incumbent 'regime' has been neglected and... more
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      Sustainable TransportationRenewable EnergySustainable DevelopmentEnergy
Dominant food systems are configured from the productivist paradigm, which focuses on producing large amounts of inexpensive and standardized foods. Although these food systems continue being supported worldwide , they are no longer... more
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      Organic agricultureFood SystemsAgricultureSustainable Food Systems
Latin America has historically been a vanguard of agroecology. In Nicaragua, an agroecological transition is occurring, with three decades of building a groundswell based on the farmer-to-farmer movement and the recent... more
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      AgroecologySustainable agricultureNicaraguaSustainability Transitions
Agricultural innovation systems has become a popular approach to understand and facilitate agricultural innovation. However, there is often no explicit reflection on the role of agricultural innovation systems in food systems... more
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      Food SystemsAgricultureInnovation SystemsSustainable Food Systems
Cities are key for sustainability and the radical systemic changes required to enable equitable human development within planetary boundaries. Their particular role in this regard has become the subject of an emerging and highly... more
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      Urban GeographySociotechnical SystemsPolitical EcologySocial-Ecological Systems
In response to calls to develop more politically-informed transition studies, a burgeoning literature on discourse-transition complementarities and niche-regime interactions has recently emerged. This paper draws these strands of... more
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      Renewable EnergyEnergy PolicyEnergy and EnvironmentEnvironmental Sustainability
Questions have been raised on what role the knowledge provided by sustainability science actually plays in the transition to sustainability and what role it may play in the future. In this paper we investigate different approaches to... more
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      EthicsValuesSustainability IndicatorsEnvironmental Sustainability
Sustainability transitions have been studied as complex multi-level processes, but we still know relatively little about how they can be effectively governed, especially in transnational domains. Governance of transitions is often... more
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      CoffeeGovernanceStandardsTriple Bottom Line
Cities are facing complex challenges that require novel policy responses in order to trigger much needed sustainability transitions. Specific forms of intermediation and experimentation in urban governance, as well as social innovation... more
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      Space and PlaceUrban PlanningUrban StudiesBuilt Environment
Food sustainability transitions refer to transformation processes necessary to move towards sustainable food systems. Digitization is one of the most important ongoing transformation processes in global agriculture and food chains. The... more
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      ConsumptionICTFood ProcessingSustainability Transitions
Recent literature has turned considerable attention to the role of policy mixes in shaping socio-technical systems towards sustainability. However, the identification of relevant policy intervention points has remained a relatively... more
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      Environmental SustainabilitySocio-technical transitionsSustainability Transitions
Sustainable development as a global challenge brings about several implications not only for society, economy and politics, but also for 21 st century science. 'Transformative science' therefore starts out from real-world problems of... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentTransdisciplinarityURBAN SUSTAINABILITYHappiness and Well Being
Mobility systems in megacities are facing persistent sustainability problems. A focus on regime shift in transitions literature in addressing these problems reflects a western bias as it relies on niches as sources of change. In... more
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      Urban TransformationGlobal SouthIndiaSustainability Transitions
While agency has received considerable attention in recent sustainability transitions studies, as well as in the literature on socio-ecological systems and sustainability transformations, the focus has been on the agency of humans. Given... more
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      Actor Network Theory (ANT)Human-Nonhuman AssemblagesSustainability ScienceMateriality
This review explores the current evidence on the role and success factors of grassroots initiatives in sustainability transitions, with special attention given to social innovations and the transformation of urban food systems, a field... more
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      Urban Food SystemsSustainability TransitionsGrassroots Initiatives
Can ecological distribution conflicts turn into forces for sustainability? This overview paper addresses in a systematic conceptual manner the question of why, through whom, how, and when conflicts over the use of the environment may take... more
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      American LiteratureFinanceEngineeringElectrical Engineering
With the Netherlands having the world's highest cycling rates, many see its current cycling policies as a model for the transition to sustainable transportation systems. Understanding these high cycling rates, however, requires... more
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      Social MovementsUrban CyclingSocio-technical transitionsMobility
James J Patterson, Thomas Thaler, Matthew Hoffmann, Sara Hughes, Angela Oels, Eric Chu, Aysem Mert, Dave Huitema, Sarah Burch, Andy Jordan Constraining global climate change to 1.5C is commonly understood to require urgent and deep... more
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      Sustainability TransitionsClimate governance; low carbon development, climate justice, business and climate changeEnergy transitions and climate change
This study identifies systemic problems in the New Zealand Agricultural Innovation System (AIS) in relation to the AIS capacity to enact a co-innovation approach, in which all relevant actors in the agricultural sector contribute to... more
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      Institutional ChangeManagement of InnovationAgricultureAgricultural extension
Autonomous cars controlled by an artificial intelligence are increasingly being integrated in the transport portfolio of cities, with strong repercussions for the design and sustainability of the built environment. This paper sheds light... more
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      Urban GeographyArtificial IntelligenceSustainable TransportationMobility/Mobilities
Cities play a crucial role in shaping coupled human-environment systems at local and global scales. With a view to amounting sustainability deficits, urban stakeholders thus require transformative capacity to perform radical change within... more
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      Urban GeographyDevelopment StudiesSustainable Production and ConsumptionTransformative Learning
Citizens and urban policy makers are experimenting with collaborative ways to tackle wicked urban issues, such as today’s sustainability challenges. In this article, we consider one particular way of collaboration in an experimental... more
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      Open AccessParticipatory DesignUrban PlanningUrban Studies
A B S T R A C T Many transitions scholars underscore the importance of learning in sustainability transitions, but the associated learning processes have hardly been conceptualised. The diverse, well-established research fields related to... more
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      Social learningCollaborative LearningOrganisational learningInteractive Learning
Intermediary actors have been proposed as key catalysts that speed up change towards more sustainable socio-technical systems. Research on this topic has gradually gained traction since 2009, but has been complicated by the inconsistency... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentTechnological InnovationInnovation SystemsTransition
Biocluster initiatives have become an important tool for governments to establish, promote, and strengthen economic collaboration, learning, innovation, and employment within particular regions. However, in addition to issues like... more
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      Economic GeographyBioeconomySustainability Transitions
Recently, increasing attention has been paid to intermediaries, actors connecting multiple other actors, in transition processes. Research has highlighted that intermediary actors (e.g. innovation funders, energy agencies, NGOs,... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentBoundary-Spanning Knowledge SharingEnvironmental SustainabilityTransition
In this paper, we analyse community energy (CE) projects in urban settings. Building on insights from the literature on the geography of sustainability transitions, we examine how contextual conditions promote or hinder the development of... more
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      Renewable EnergySustainability TransitionsCitizensUrban Energy Systems
This article examines the establishment and development of a protected 'green' niche around the solar manufacturing industry in the United States in the 2000s. The paper uses the case of Solyndra, an innovative solar manufacturing... more
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      Environmental EconomicsEnvironmental SustainabilitySocio-technical transitionsSolar Energy
It is widely known that governance is central to the successful implementation of sustainable development policies and measures. Yet, there is a paucity of research which explore the links between governance and sustainability. This paper... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentGovernanceEnvironmental SustainabilitySustainable Transitions
This paper aims to explore energy insecurity in Turkey at the intersection of environmental sustainability, human security and justice vis-à-vis growing energy demand coupled with greenhouse gas emissions coming from the transport sector.... more
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      Sustainable TransportationRenewable Energy PoliciesSocial JusticeEnergy Security
In this paper, we explore the notion of systems entrepreneurship in the context of innovation systems (IS) dedicated to transformations towards sustainability. To this end, our paper draws primarily but not exclusively on the leverage... more
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      Social EntrepreneurshipInnovation SystemsSustainability TransitionsLeverage Points