Teaching-learning Methods and Techniques
Recent papers in Teaching-learning Methods and Techniques
نتوقع بنهاية هذا البحث أن يكون القارئ قادرًا على أن : 1. يعيـّن الفرق بين المقاربة و الطريقة و الأسلوب من حيث المفهوم. 2. يُعـدّد بعض طرائق التدريس المستخدمة خصيصـًا في تعليم اللغات . 3. يحدد ملامح كل طريقة من حيث السمات المحددة... more
ABSTRACT Communication-based activities which guide students from input to output offer advocates of both communicative-and structure-oriented approaches the opportunity to foster accurate, yet communicative, language skills in the... more
Pedagogical vision, training or other development of teaching skills The foundations of good university teaching lie in communication, particularly in the level of involvement in the process of transmission of knowledge from teachers to... more
This article explores the role of posture in the language learning process, and concludes that it is sometimes critical for learning success. Principles of learning and moving are outlined. The history of physical movement in study is... more
The purpose of this study is to see the impact of learning methods and environmental knowledge on the naturalistic intelligence of children aged 5-6 years. This research was carried out at Ar-Ridho Nature Kindergarten Semarang, with a... more
The present study is applicable based on aim and related to methodology is correlational. The aim of present study was the study of the relationship between learning styles and level of creativity in students of Semnan University of... more
The aim of this article is to describe purposes, aims, and teaching and learning methods of outdoor education based on such previous studies that have discussed outdoor education from the point of view of promoting sustainable development... more
The application of Behaviourism in the classroom aims to increase student performance, motivation and learning. Knowing students' behaviours, teachers, lecturers or trainers will find it easier to teach as they know how to tackle... more
Question: Compare and contrast three of the established approaches to EFL teaching outlined in this module, explaining the rationale behind the different methodologies and evaluate how they impact upon teaching and learning in the... more
pembelajaran merupakan rangkaian proses yag menyenagkan dan kreatif untuk membangun suatu pemahaman pada peseta didik. metode pembelajaran konvensional dianggap tidak cukup meningkatkan motivasi mahasiswa, yang berakibat pada pencapaian... more
Many English learners are not confident and competent in speaking English language. To find out more about the problem and solution, the researcher has employed a role-play training programme to see its effects. The programme conducted in... more
The application of learning theories in the classroom aims to increase student performance, motivation and learning. Using appropriate learning theories; teachers, lecturers or trainers will find it easier to teach, as students are... more
Jag kommer i den här artikeln att presentera några reflektioner över hur lärare kan hjälpa elever att utveckla sätt att tänka och lära produktivt genom de aktiviteter som läraren planerar och genomför i skolan och vilka faktorer som kan... more
Lecturers, teachers, researchers and experts in the field of education as well as coordinators of education and training projects from all over the world came together in the fifth edition of the International Conference “The Future of... more
Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts, and is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching. For elementary school students, there is... more
The word 'eclectic' originates from a Greek word 'eklegin' or to derive things from various sources. One is said to have eclectic tastes when they select from diverse resources to fulfill their needs; similar in context of the eclectic... more
Lecturers, teachers, researchers and experts in the field of education as well as coordinators of education and training projects from all over the world came together in the fifth edition of the International Conference “The Future of... more
Paper devoted for the analysis and summary of several methods and approaches for teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) based on a series of videos by Diane Lasen-Freeman. This paper was elaborated as a compulsary assignment for the... more
La presente publicación tiene como objetivos: • Ser una guía para los facilitadores del Diplomado Haz Crecer a tu Comunidad, oportunidad en educación continua que forma parte del programa estratégico Laboratorio Pedagógico para la... more
The main purpose of this study is to show the internal situation of the characters through external events by exploring every character’s mind, emotions, and thoughts of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. By traveling through every... more
L'articolo presenta la cornice teorica e metodologica e l’articolazione del progetto Edu4Sec – Effective Education for Improving Data Security Awareness attivato nel 2016 presso l’Università di Padova con l’obiettivo di promuovere, negli... more
The Dalton Plan is often considered to be a version of the Montessori Method: as if the theory and practice of the Italian education reformer were the guiding force in Parkhurst’s educational reform. This is a misconception. As an... more
Fluency is one of important aspects in language use. It is related to the ability to control many language"s lexical and syntactical devices and being able to decide readily the language when it is appropriate and efficient to use them.... more
3 rd International Conference on Data Mining & Machine Learning (DMML 2022) will act as a major forum for the presentation of innovative ideas, approaches, developments, and research projects in the areas of Data Mining and Machine... more
Scope & Topics 4 th International Conference on Machine Learning & Applications (CMLA 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of on Machine Learning &... more
This study aims to improve students’ motivation to learn about the dynamics of democracy in Indonesia in class XI MIA 7 SMA Negeri 1 Yogyakarta. In improving students’ motivation, it is necessary to apply an appropriate learning approach... more
Elinizdeki kitap öğretmenlerin sürekli gelişen eğitim-öğretim dünyasında ihtiyaç duyulan aktif öğrenme ortamlarını oluşturması için öneriler sunmak amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. Bu doğrultuda Türkiye’de az tanınan veya uygulama aşamaları tam... more
This paper studies the effectiveness of using structure drills in the teaching of sentence structures in English. A group of 23 students of undergraduate classes was given 20 hours of grammar training in twenty sessions of structure... more
Higher order thinking skills are essential for the 21 st century youth and the workforce. There is however, concern on the extent to which various teaching practices enhance these skills in the secondary school student in Cameroon. The... more
3 rd International Conference on Big Data and Machine Learning (BDML 2022) will act as a major forum for the presentation of innovative ideas, approaches, developments, and research projects in the areas of Big Data and Machine Learning.... more
Аннотация: Основные положения статьи основаны на изучении российского и зарубежного опыта реализации образовательной технологии педагогического сотрудничества “Team teaching”, как одного из способов профессионального развития... more
Despite a tremendous amount of studies on first language acquisition and second language learning from many aspects, few people seem to have attempted to unify the various pedagogical, psychological, and physiological findings into new... more
Bagaimana perbandingan penerapan kedua metode khusus untuk pembelajaran membaca di sekolah dasar.
Education is a life-long process of learning. Its aim is to develop a particular country as a whole by imparting knowledge, skills, and values to its citizens using the world latest technology. Education is meant to produce individuals... more
En este capítulo se hace una breve presentación de las recomendaciones técnicas mínimas que deberían tomarse en cuenta al momento de registrar imágenes, sonidos y videos con la finalidad de preservar una lengua determinada. Se pone más... more
The background of this research is SMPIT DaarussalaamSangatta East Kutai as the only one education institute ofjunior high schools in East Kutai that implement Ummi Method and Al – Qur'an study as the priority program. The aim of this... more
This chapter primarily introduces a novel approach to language education called, humor-integrated language learning (HILL). It addresses teaching with and about humor. In doing so, the theoretical and practical ties between humor and... more
ÖZ Bu çalışmada Türkçeyi yabancı dil olarak öğrenen B1 düzeyindeki öğrencilerin yazma becerisini geliştirme amacıyla oluşturulan " döngüsel yazma " etkinliği açıklanmakta ve etkinliğin öğrencilerdeki üstbilişsel, bilişsel ve duyuşsal... more
A Pre-requisite Model to Explore Teaching Technique: Before following any teaching technique, it is very important to Learn the Learner and then to implement the teaching technique based on the learner’s capability. Hence, I propose... more
Dewasa ini kepedulian terhadap pendidikan anak menunjukkan akan esensi pendidikan dalam merespon tantangan dan persaingan. Tidak sedikit orang tua menuntut anak untuk menjadi yang terbaik dalam bidang akademis maupun non akademis.Namun... more
Any needed change in societal norms, beliefs and practices could best be achieved through the school curricula. The curriculum is the centre of formal education without which an academic programme cannot be successfully planed or... more
PENDAHULUAN Pembelajaran abad 21 memerlukan keterampilan yang dikenal dengan istilah "The 4Cs", yaitu communication, collaboration, critical thinking, dan creativity (Partnership for 21st Century, 2007). Mason (2006) menyatakan bahwa... more