Recent papers in Teleworking
// Многообразие культур: практики, идентичности, дискурсы: сборник студенческих научных работ. – Казань: Изд-во Казан. ун-та, 2014.С. 141-148. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.2204.3682
This paper investigates teleworking, its benefits and challenges briefly, and effect on organizational control. Some issues related to teleworking such as flexible work time and its effect on employees Attitudes to teleworking has been... more
Telelucrul, ca un nou mod de a lucra prin efectuarea unei activităţi (forme de muncă) flexibile în timp şi la distanţă, utilizând tehnologia informaţională şi comunicaţiile avansate, se concretizează în teleactivităţi şi teleservicii. În... more
The emergence of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) has threaten individuals, organisations and Government Agencies across the world and grounded almost everything to a halt. COVID-19 continues to spread rapidly asymmetrically around the... more
Purpose -Although informal communication at work has been shown to serve important functions of sociality, little is known about the messages that comprise routine, everyday interaction. The purpose of this paper is to examine two... more
En este artículo se reflexiona en torno a la comunicación, la cultura y el liderazgo para el teletrabajo. Esta forma laboral apunta a la flexibilización organizacional,aporta al desarrollo personal, familiar y profesional de los... more
This chapter reviews current research on telework. We first examine the literature on telework and job performance, job attitudes, and professional isolation, before reviewing the outcomes of telework on employee well-being as... more
This paper examines and analyzes the differences in organizational commitment and trust at work among conventionally employed and remote employees. Two additional control variables are introduced into the research: Gender and Age of the... more
Este artículo se centra en el estudio de las condiciones en las que un grupo de jóvenes artistas desarrollan la actividad teatral en México a través del trabajo a distancia. Se trata de una investigación de corte cualitativo con... more
Despite their widespread adoption, concerns remain that virtual work arrangements can harm employee job performance and citizenship behavior. Does telecommuting really hamper these critical dimensions of employee effectiveness? To answer... more
Il presente rapporto descrive i risultati della prima indagine nazionale rivolta ad amministrazioni ed enti pubblici che hanno avviato forme di lavoro a distanza. A livello individuale sono state esplorate la sfera lavorativa, familiare e... more
Preguntas sobre el teletrabajo y el trabajo en casa que se responden con esta investigación: ¿Qué porcentaje de los trabajadores pueden trabajar desde sus casas? ¿Quiénes son los que pueden hacerlo y qué características socioeconómicas... more
O texto inicia tratando da relação de emprego e de seus integrantes, quais sejam, empregado e empregador. Por meio de revisão de literatura e pesquisa documental, essencialmente relativa a legislação, e apresentando um texto ensaístico... more
El presente documento, corresponde a una propuesta laboral, resultado de un proyecto de investigación-acción, para que algunos colaboradores de tiempo completo que se desempeñan como personal activo en las instituciones públicas del... more
This article points out that during the pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 virus and quarantine, people who were already addicted to the Internet, video games or TV, this was exacerbated in most cases. Other people have had to adapt to the economic... more
This paper examines and analyzes the differences in organizational commitment and trust at work among conventionally employed and remote employees. Two additional control variables are introduced into the research: Gender and Age of the... more
En este artículo se reflexiona en torno a la comunicación, la cultura y el liderazgo para el teletrabajo. Esta forma laboral apunta a la flexibilización organizacional, aporta al desarrollo personal, familiar y profesional de los... more
Pandemic crisis management requires new solutions that are not neces-sarily workable options in the traditional labour market. It is not about starting from scratch but about bringing to the fore legal institutions that have not been... more
El teletrabajo resulta una opción contributiva frete a la falta de suministro del combustible. Su impacto positivo se está demostrando en otros países, pero el gobierno mexicano aún no incluye un programa específico para fomentarlo
This article analyzes the transformations in public em- ployment as a result of the advance of technology, especially the need for training in digital skills for public employees, the profes- sional profiles that this will require in the... more
Comentario sistemático de las propuestas definitivas de enmiendas del Proyecto de Ley de trabajo a distancia (procedente del Real Decreto-ley 28/2020, de 22 de septiembre).
RESUMEN En el tránsito del siglo XX al siglo XXI la institución social del mercado de trabajo en los espacios urbanos ha experimentado profundas modificaciones como con-secuencia de transformaciones ocurridas en diversos ámbitos de la... more
This paper contributes to an emerging discourse on the meaning of technology in today’s networked society by exploring connectivity as a hallmark of the networked society. Based on an empirical study of professionals, arguably the... more
This paper investigates teleworking, its benefits and challenges briefly, and effect on organizational control. Some issues related to teleworking such as flexible work time and its effect on employees Attitudes to teleworking has been... more
Abstract Women in the workplace have an essential role in advanced and emerging economies. Women have shown courage, enthusiasm and passion in every occupation. They have the growth mindset to develop their career despite the challenges... more
Covid-19 lockdowns, local restrictions and resulting slowdowns and/or recessions have resulted in new ways of working and operating. The implications of these changes and virtual operation for corporate productivity depends upon a number... more
El teletrabajo se ha constituido como la
respuesta por excelencia ante situaciones
fuera del control humano, tales
como escasez de combustible automotriz,
desastres naturales o, como sucede
actualmente, epidemias que aquejan a la
respuesta por excelencia ante situaciones
fuera del control humano, tales
como escasez de combustible automotriz,
desastres naturales o, como sucede
actualmente, epidemias que aquejan a la
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) must be aligned with the development of the organization. PT. Mitra Intregrasi Informatika (MII) in its development decided to change the traditional way of work to modern telework. This encourages... more
This paper examines the potential for teleworking to reduce travel in the industrial countries. Although telework did not fulfil the early predictions made for it, in recent years it has been growing very rapidly in the US and some... more