The Melkites
Recent papers in The Melkites
This Book Review was published in Nov/Dec 2021
Monsieur le Président, messieurs les membres du jury, Je tiens d'abord à remercier Fr. Patrick Prétot d'avoir accepté de diriger ma thèse ainsi que Mgr Job Getcha d'avoir suivi l'avancement de ma recherche. Je remercie également chacun... more
Das Werk ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Die dadurch begründeten Rechte, insbesondere die der Übersetzung, des Nachdrucks, der Entnahme von Abbildungen, der Funksendung, der Wiedergabe auf fotomechanischem oder ähnlichem Wege und der... more
The paper aims to offer a wide and dynamic overview of the development of the Melkite Catholic Church during the late Ottoman Empire up to extension of the Mandate system. The analysis will focus on detailing the relationship between... more
Grecy i Arabowie... autorstwa ks. Krzysztofa Kościelniaka to fascynująca książka prezentująca burzliwe dzieje melkickich patriarchatów Antiochii, Aleksandrii i Jerozolimy, które od czasu muzułmańskiej aneksji Syrii, Palestyny i Egiptu... more
The present study examines the social history of the Graeco-Arabic translation movement from the perspective of the Christian communities that participated in it. Special attention is given to Melkite and Nestorian translators active in... more
Abstract: The present article reports the discovery of a previously unknown ninth-century Arabic paraphrase of Dionysius the Areopagite and demonstrates that this paraphrase was accessible to al-Ġazālī (and, probably, to other authors,... more
The “Book of Sessions” (Kitāb al-majālis) of Elias of Nisibis, Metropolitan of the Church of the East (975–1046), with his Muslim vis-à-vis, vizier Abū ʾl-Qāsim al-Maghribī (981–1027), is a remarkable example of the Christian Arabic... more
Although witnesses of the presanctified liturgy exist in almost all Eastern traditions, so far, a complete liturgical text of an Alexandrian liturgy of the presanctified gifts has not been published or made known. This study will publish... more
These are translated excerpts from my book 'The Byzantines and the Franks in Antioch, Syria and Cilicia'. 2015, Vol. II. Chapter 1, sec. 5. P.41-55, and my article ‘The Vanished Churches of Antioch’ in Panorama Iskysstv, 2017, which deal... more
While the influence of worship in Jerusalem on the rest of Christendom has been studied extensively, 1 how the Hagiopolite rite would later be dominated by that of another city, Constantinople, is less understood. This change, or... more
The present article surveys the early stages of the Graeco-Syro-Arabic Melkite translation movement in Antioch, from the first known translation (the Graeco-Syriac version of the Life of St. Symeon the Stylite the Younger, BHG 1689)... more
La famille des Embriacs fit son apparition au Levant au début du XII e siècle. L'un des membres de cette famille génoise, Guillaume, soutint les pèlerins en Palestine lors des opérations contre Jérusalem en 1099. La république de Gênes... more
The aim of this article is to analyze the development of the relationship between the Melkite and the Latin Patriarchates within the Holy Land between the second half of the 19th century and the third decade of the XX century as a part of... more
Table of Contents Foreword Heraclius and Ishōʿyahb II: An Eastern Episode in the ‘Ecumenical’ Project of the Byzantine Emperor The Age of the Caliphate The Epistle on the Unity by a Baghdadi Melkite in a Coptic... more
Y. Petrova, I. Feodorov, éd., Europe in Arabic soucres : ‘The travels of Macarius patriarch of Antioch’, Kiev, A. Krymsky Institute of Oriental Studies of the NASU, 2016, p. 117-134.
Resisting a reduction of the conciliar event to an arbitrary power struggle between liberals and conservatives, Ormond Rush proposes a three-fold conciliar hermeneutic. First, a diachronic reading studies the development of ideas and... more
This book focuses on the impact of political relations with the East, especially the Muslim caliphate, on the reign of the last iconoclast
Comnènes L'Orient néo-romain intégré (1159-1183) L'empire de Constantinople, celui que la langue courante de l'époque appelait la Romanie et la langue moderne Byzance, donnait une définition de lui-même, au moins jusqu'au XIII e siècle.... more
A study of Matth. 28 in twenty-five Arabic gospelbooks from the collection of the Sinai monastery reveals a series of eight different translations, some of them having been revised. 1) The group of Sinai ar. 74, the oldest one, seems to... more
The long reign of John V, Patriarch of Jerusalem (705-735 CE), may have provided the crucible in which the Melkites were formed. One of the longest of any Christian sectarian in this period, his reign appears to be the first and only... more
Distribution électronique pour Publications de la Sorbonne. © Publications de la Sorbonne. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
The fourth instalment in the "Unpublished Texts from the Arab Orthodox Tradition" series makes accessible a neglected document from the Orthodox Christian tradition in Arabic: canonical responses of the Chalcedonian Orthodox patriarch... more
Le catalogue longuement attendu des nouvelles découvertes de manuscrits syriaques du Sinaï que vient de livrer Mère Philothée, avec la collaboration d'Alain Desreumaux pour les fragments en araméen christopalestinien, est plein de... more
Abstract: This article focuses on one of the most important – and the least studied – centres of Christian Graeco-Arabic translation activity: the region of Antioch after the Byzantine reconquest of the city in 969. It discusses the most... more
Proche-Orient Chrétien 68, 2018, 46-61
No período que se seguiu ao Concílio de Calcedônia (451), a cidade de Alexandria mergulhou em verdadeiro caos. A cristologia desenvolvida nesta cidade havia suplantado a sua concorrente antioquena no Concílio de Éfeso (431). Sob a... more
In A. D’Ottone Rambach, K. Hirschler, R. Vollandt (eds), The Damascus Fragments: Towards a History of the Qubbat al-khazna Corpus of Manuscripts and Documents (Beiruter Texte und Studien 140). Beirut, 2020, 265–290.
The article discusses a little known thirteenth-century Christian Arabic author Macarius, archbishop of Sinai. Based on all the available documentary evidence — colophons and copyists' notes in Sinai Arabic, Syriac, and Greek manuscripts,... more