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      GeographyAdvertisingThe InternetLoyalty
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ETDs are bearing greater responsibility worldwide to improve data skills of research scholars, more so for research scholars in developing countries. To improve and evaluate the quality of ETD services, it is important to implement Total... more
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      BusinessTeamworkTotal Quality Management
Türkiye, kültürel mirasıyla turistleri ekonomik, sosyal ve çevresel açıdan etkileyebilmektedir. Balıkesir’in Edremit ilçesinde bulunan Antandros Antik Kenti’nin eski uygarlıklara ev sahipliği yaptığı bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmada... more
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    • Tourism Studies
In Amasra, art of çekicilik, which has survived from prehistoric times to the present day, is also the most important cultural heritage for Amasra, as a branch of art whose material is wood and produced by shaping wood. Although it is... more
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      TURİZMKültürel çalışmalarAmasraBartın
Purpose: This present study examines the correlation between tourist attitudes toward international travel post-Covid-19 pandemic as well as the image of the travel destination and the perceived risk. Methods: A cross-sectional method was... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingCultural Heritage
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For a long time the concept of public opinion adhered to the notion of consensus reached by means of the majority opinion. Such representation of public opinion was close to the idea of unanimous and silent compliance with the prevailing... more
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      Social PsychologyInfluenceRationalityMinority
The concept of traveler has been discussed over the centuries and has played and imported role in realization of cultural interaction. On the other hand, with the development and progress of mass media, the works of travelers have become... more
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      Media StudiesDigital MediaYouth CultureBackpackers
Increase in the number of people living in poverty in the world has led to an increasing search for strategies to address the situation, and tourism has been identified as one of the relevant tools for reducing poverty. The paper assesses... more
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      GeographyPovertyTourismPoverty Reduction
Resumo: Este texto tem o propósito discutir o fator econômico do Turismo que foi o primeiro a despertar a atenção para esta atividade. Mas, atualmente, pensar dessa forma é limitar sua real abrangência e os benefícios que o Turismo traz... more
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The main purpose of this study was to investigate customer satisfaction with the food services offered by the University Homestay of Central Mindanao University. Given the importance of quality food in improving the emotional and... more
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    • Tourism Management
This paper examines the extent to which Japan has entered into comprehensive economic partnership agreements (CEPAs) to enhance its international trade position. Facing challenges from the creation of other major trading blocs such as the... more
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      BusinessEconomicsInternational TradeEuropean Union
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    • Humanities
In this paper we study the relationships between local and global properties in networks of dynamical systems by focusing on two global properties, synchronization and peak-to-peak dynamics, and on two local properties, coherence of the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsComputer SciencePhysics
Bu çalışmanın amacı turistlerin satın alma güdülerinin klasik tüketici satın alma modelleri kapsamında değerlendirilmesidir. Bu temel amaç çerçevesinde turistlerin, turistik destinasyon tercihlerinde hangi klasik satın alma modelinin... more
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      EconomicsTourism MarketingConsumer BehavioursBuying Motives
For a wide range of regions tourism is a critical element of their development. In effect, profound intensification of efforts intended to advance the destination?s competitiveness may be observed. A principal source of competitive... more
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      BusinessMarketingCompetitive advantageTourism
As an international tourist destination, Taman Wisata Candi Prambanan has to provide accessible facilities for the disabled paraplegia. This is accordance with the Rules of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta No. 4 of 2012 on the Protection and... more
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      TourismParaplegiaJurnal Penelitian
There is a growing literature addressing psychological variables that can be associated with choices of environmentally sustainable tourism alternatives. This paper contributes to this literature by focusing on individual differences in... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyTourism StudiesHuman Values
Environmental sustainability may be seen as a collective challenge that can only be met if a sufficient number of individuals cooperate. Whether or not individual tourists are willing to contribute their share may thus depend not only on... more
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      MarketingPsychologyTourism StudiesSustainable Production and Consumption
Abstract The growth-oriented approach in the tourism sector, like in other competitive sectors, has often overlooked environmental impacts, leading to damage to the historical, cultural, social, and environmental structures of... more
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      ArkeologiaOver Tourism
The Metaverse, an expansive online 3D virtual realm, has transformed how people work, socialize, and engage, but its growth brings critical cybersecurity challenges, particularly in data security and privacy. Since many cybersecurity... more
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      Behavioral Decision MakingMetaverseCyber Security
Adventure tourism is conceived as a type of alternative tourism that moves away from typical practices, such as sun and beach or cultural tourism. In particular, this segment implies a tourist who assumes an active role in an adventure... more
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      Tourism StudiesTerminologyCorpus LinguisticsLexicography and Corpus Studies
Island, Thailand. Factors associated with participation of local people were examined in decision-making, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation phases. Result showed social capital as a driver in various stages can be considered... more
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      BusinessSocial CapitalCitizen JournalismCommunity Participation
Çalışanların mesleklerine ilişkin bilgi ve becerilerini, görüşlerini örgütlerinde bilinçli olarak ifade etmemeleri durumu olan örgütsel sessizlik, örgütlerin gelişim ve başarıları önündeki önemli bir engel olarak görülmektedir.... more
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In the last decade, creativity has become a buzz word in developmental context, from creative industries, creative classes, creative economy, creative cities, creative business, creative governance to creative tourism. Creative industries... more
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      EngineeringTourism StudiesCreativityDestination Management
El daño al medio ambiente es cada vez mayor, los problemas ambientales globales crecen por día, ya sea por causas naturales o antrópicas. Esto provoca la aparición y agravamiento de diversas enfermedades por lo que existe una relación... more
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    • Humanities
Bozkır Atlı Göçebe kültürün bir parçası olan Türklerin kullandıkları diller hakkında, günümüze kadar yapılan çalışmalarda seyahatnamelerden çok fazla yararlanılmamıştır. Hâlbuki farklı seyyahların, Türklerin konuştukları diller hakkında... more
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      Türk DiliTürkçeTürk Halk BilimiKültürel çalışmalar
This book delves into tourist behavior and sustainable tourism, especially in the post-pandemic era. Amid the pandemic, Ukraine-Russia tensions, social shifts, geopolitical changes, and climate concerns, the tourism industry has witnessed... more
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    • Tourism Studies
Little has been updated in the field of anthropology and tourism since the first works of Eric Cohen, Valene Smith, or Nelson Graburn. With a special focus on social and cultural aspects of tourism and travel, this new book brings out the... more
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    • Anthropology of Tourism
Yaşam standartlarının değişmesi ve farklılaşmasına paralel olarak turizm çeşitliliği ve seyahat tercihlerinde de değişimler yaşanmaktadır. Özellikle turizm açısından farklılaşan talebi karşılamak için turizm çeşitliliğinin arttırılması... more
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      GeographyRural TourismTourism
El presente trabajo se propone analizar el rol del turismo en los discursos y prácticas puestos en juego por la última dictadura militar argentina para contrarrestar la mala imagen proyectada hacia el exterior. En torno a ello, el Mundial... more
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      Tourism StudiesHistory of TourismDictadura Militar ArgentinaArgentinean Dictatorship
This study explores the job perceptions of hotel staff and tour guides. It aims to discover more about their skills, attitudes and career plans, and gain comparative insights that will help to develop human resources within these areas of... more
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Cultural heritage tourism is essentially comprised of cultural tourism and heritage tourism. Authenticity of the attractions is unquestionably the most critical success factor for this niche tourism. While authenticity of the “built... more
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      SociologyCultural HeritageHeritage TourismCultural Heritage Management
The air temperature is the main climatic parameter which gives important information about climate change and variability. The increasing of the temperature and frequency of occurrence of extreme high temperatures during the recent years... more
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      Environmental ScienceClimate ChangeClimatologyextreme cold
Çalışmada oyuncak müzelerinin ziyaretçi deneyimine olan etkilerini ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda oyuncak müzelerindeki iç mekan tasarımlarının ziyaretçiler üzerinde bıraktığı etkiyi değerlendirmek ve tasarım önerileri... more
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      DesignMuseum StudiesInterior DesignInterior Design (Architecture)
La creación de un país apto para atraer la inversión: historias del turismo en Nicaragua. Este libro versa sobre la historia de la cultura de viaje del turismo en Nicaragua durante la dictadura somocista (1936–1979), en cuanto a su... more
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      Cultural HistoryTourism StudiesContemporary HistoryTravel Literature
As the number of cities using gastronomy as a source of creative development grows, so does the need for effective governance structures. This paper considers the issues linked to creative governance in the development of gastronomy,... more
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      Tourism StudiesGastronomyGovernanceFood and Tourism
As Unidades de Conservacao - UC se consolidaram como substancial atrativo para a sociedade, pois oportunizam sensacoes que minimizam o estresse urbano, mobilizando um crescente fluxo de turistas. O Refugio de Vida Silvestre Metropole da... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical Science
Global iqtisodiyotning jadal rivojlanishi xalqaro transport operatsiyalarining ahamiyatini oshirdi. Turli mamlakatlar o'rtasidagi savdo, iqtisodiy va madaniy aloqalarni rivojlantirish uchun samarali va ishonchli transport tizimiga ehtiyoj... more
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Učebnica pre vysoké školy so zameraním na turizmus z pohľadu dopytu aj ponuky. Vymedzuje a kategorizuje všeobecné socio-ekonomické trendy v spoločnosti i špecifické trendy v sektore turizmu. Popisuje nové formy a druhy turizmu, zameriava... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementTourism Trends
Çalışanları bir arada tutarak işletmelerin amaç, strateji ve politikalarının yürütülmesinde etkin rol oynayan örgüt kültürü, sağlık hizmetlerinin kesintisiz sunulduğu örgütsel yapılar olan hastanelerde kuruma karşı aidiyet duygusunun... more
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      Political ScienceMedicine
Culture and foreign policy have a long-standing nexus which dates back to the 19 th century. The intersection has continued to grow in relevance and is becoming more relevant as the decades come by. Nigeria's foreign policy has evolved... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisForeign PolicyCultureNigeria
Avrupa ülkelerinde ortaya çıkan Türk Milliyetçisi kurumsallaşmaları incelediğimiz tebliğimizde genel olarak 1961 sonrası gerçekleşen antlaşmalarla Avrupa ülkelerine yönelen Türk işgücü göçüne ve göç sonucu Avrupa’nın genelinde görünür... more
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      MilliyetçilikAlmanyaTürklerGöçmen İşçiler
The Government of Meghalaya advocates the creation of a UNESCO world heritage site, with at its centre the Balpakram biosphere reserve, as well as several other national parks. The site, tentatively named the Garo Hills Conservation Area... more
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      Cultural HeritageSocial and Cultural AnthropologyEthnography (Research Methodology)Northeast India
•“Water” is one of the 5 elements – Panchamahabhutas •River according to the legends represents an interface between living world and the heaven •The land water interface has a complex spiritual interpretation in Indian culture •The... more
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      River EcologyRiver Basin ManagementRiver RestorationHeritage Urban Riverfront
The latest trends and analysis of gastronomic tourism in Italy
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      Tourism StudiesGastronomyCultural TourismFood and Gastronomy Tourism
Küreselleşme ve teknoloji alanındaki hızlı gelişmelerle birlikte, rekabetin giderek arttığı iş dünyasında, işletmelerin farklarını ortaya çıkararak diğer işletmelere karşı rekabet avantajı yaratmaları oldukça önemli hale gelmiştir.... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipCorporate EntrepreneurshipInnovativeness
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Accreditation and affiliation of Yoga Institutions including Prescribing of basic requirements for affiliation of Yoga Institutions. l To bring certain amount of self discipline in the operations of the Yoga Institutions l To conduct... more
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      Yoga PhilosophyCulturePublic HealthModern Yoga