Recent papers in Destiny
Titanic was the most famous ocean liner in its time. It became more famous when it sank in April 1912. It inspires many authors to write literary works. One of them is Thomas Hardy who wrote "The Convergence of the Twain." It portrays a... more
Inside this eBook, you will discover the topics about tarot card basics, what are the meanings of the pages in tarot, how to interpret tarot card combinations, how to use tarot for wealth & luck, how to calculate time frames with tarot,... more
Free Will, Destiny, and Sympathy for the Damned
A compulsive theory of the Mind and human response to life situations shaped by our Destiny and how we overcome Destiny by repeated alternative responses based on our Resilience. Truly a Generic Guide to Willful Action.
Poceski, Mario. “Chan narratives about death premonitions and avoidance of fate.” International Journal of Divination and Prognostication 2 (2019): 288–321. The article explores the scope, content, and function of prophecies and... more
Ultimately, the Beowulf Dragon is both a real creature, a terrible foe, aglæca, and a genuine archetype, a mythic, psychological symbol in both a Christian and a pagan Germanic sense. With the Dragon’s tale, the poet offers to his... more
Lecturas del concepto clásico de destino en tres obras (dramática, narrativa y lírica) de Oscar Wilde como reflejo de la formación e inquietudes del autor. While reading Oscar Wilde's works, one is bound to be struck by a vision of the... more
Anthropological studies on causality in South Asia in the past decades have focused mostly on local idioms of 'misfortune', with very little attention being paid to ideas of 'fortune' and 'luck'. This article, based on fieldwork carried... more
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya) The plants, animals, seas, mountains, and people we see when we look around, and everything else in the micro universe – living or non-living – which we cannot see, are all obvious evidence of a superior wisdom... more
Présentation du projet de recherche pour le Doctorat ès Lettres - Egyptologie. Cotutelle entre les Universités de Genève (CH) et Turin (IT).
dans Sylvain Briens, Mickaëlle Cedergren, Marthe Segrestin, Anna Svenbro, Jean-Marie Valentin (co-dir.)
Paris, Klincksieck, p. 561-577 (ISBN 978-2-252-03887-1 / ISSN 0014-2115)
Paris, Klincksieck, p. 561-577 (ISBN 978-2-252-03887-1 / ISSN 0014-2115)
ТОСКА, or how to talk about sadness in Russian and Polish (on some literary examples) Abstract The article focuses on ways of expressing sadness in Russian and Polish, particularly on the features of the linguo-cultural concept of ТОСКА,... more
Arabesque Perception of Destiny –Orhan Gencebay CaseArabesque music as one of the important aspects of popular culture has been effective for many years in terms of Turkey’s society in a wide cuts. Arabesque is an important sociological... more
In the mid of 19th-century, French Naturalism attempts to transform Literature into Science, creating “the experimental novel”. This is based upon the idea that our actions are determined by social laws. The aim of this article is to... more
The debate on the philosophical nature of the beliefs in Ori and human destiny in traditional Yoruba thought has for sometimes now, been controversial. Several metaphysical interpretations have been given by various African philosophers... more
Apesar de ser um dos temas frequentemente citados pelos filólogos para abordar a problemática dos Poemas Homéricos, o facto é que esta é uma questão complexa e pouco consensual. Os problemas começam logo no facto de o(s) poeta(s) não... more
The Welsh Lord of Destiny – He who leaves his imprint
over the entire Fourth Branch of the Mabinogi.
A poetic descriptor
over the entire Fourth Branch of the Mabinogi.
A poetic descriptor
PENDAHULUAN Apakah itu bahasa roh? pertanyaan ini adalah suatu pertanyaan retorika, karena setiap orang Kristen pasti mempunyai suatu pengertian tentang istilah di atas. Istilah ini merupakan suatu pokok Alkitab yang seringkali menjadi... more
Antígona y Hamlet, dos nobles que sufren el abuso de poder de sus respectivos tíos, protagonizan dos de las tragedias más célebres de la historia de la literatura. Odiseo y don Quijote realizan famosos viajes en cumplimiento de un... more
In Taiwan, fate (mingyun) powerfully emerges and circulates in and through language. I focus on three core genres through which the "language of fate" operates in local life-the language of rumors, the language of personal crisis, and the... more
The Mahabharata by Vyasa and The Iliad by Homer are gallery of heroes. Karna of The Mahabharata and Achilles from The Iliad are the two great heroes. They share some similarities. Destiny plays a significant role in their lives. Though... more
The debate on the philosophical nature of the beliefs in Ori and human destiny in traditional Yoruba thought has for sometimes now, been controversial. Several metaphysical interpretations have been given by various African philosophers... more
Brief extracts from Jawaharlal Nehru’s Tryst with Destiny
ÖZET Stoa, Hellenistik dönemin önemli bir felsefe okuludur. Her ne kadar Stoa'nın düşünceleri eklektik bir yapı arz etse de ontolojik bağlamda determinizm, kader, doğa, doğaya uygunluk gibi tartışmalarda ortaya koyduğu düşünceler, sonraki... more
The question, "Is information systems a real discipline?" has taxed IS scholars for over 20 years, and they debate its identity at length. Many other disciplines are facing similar crises. This article suggests a new approach, which views... more
L'articolo, dopo una premessa teorica sul genere autobiografico, è dedicato alla trattazione dei temi di caso fortuna e destino nelle memorie in volume di Charlie Chaplin, Rita Levi Montalcini, Mikhail Gorbačëv, Philip Roth, Eric Hobsbawm.
In this article author critically examines the thesis of fatalism and draws a distinction between rough and sophisticated version of fatalism. Although these two versions are psychologically and rhetorically closely related, their... more
Abstract: From political point of view, federal government is a kind of political organization in which political power is divided among smaller political units and each one of them has its own regulations and organs which acts in... more
El oído interior. Acerca del encuentro de Cristina Campo, María Zambrano y Marius Schneider Victoria cirlot el presente texto trata sobre el encuentro, tanto anecdótico como teórico, de cristina campo, maría Zambrano y marius Schneider.... more
4Healing program gave answers in Media Televised format on Social Media and New Media and education learning of lessons, assignments and papers motivation and healthcare by way of Complementary Alternative Medicine Therapies. Mind –Body... more
pred desetimi leti sem akademiku dr. milku matičetovemu ob njegovi 80-letnici posvetil prispevek, v katerem sem skušal predstaviti nekaj trenutkov najine skupne raziskovalne poti v reziji, in ob tem tudi pokazati na relativno kontinuiteto... more