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In 2006, Mexico became the first transition country to transfer part of its public-sector natural catastrophe risk to the international reinsurance and capital markets. The Mexican case is of considerable interest to highly exposed... more
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      ManagementPublic FinanceDisaster risk managementFinancial Risk Management
Farms in Tajikistan currently face a severe debt crisis. This is part of a more general problem, as many transition countries in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) have been struggling with farm debt overhangs. Debt resolution... more
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      Time SeriesMoral HazardProfitabilityMarket economy
The paper examines the effect of inflation on growth in transition countries. It presents panel data evidence for 13 transition countries over the 1990-2003 period; it uses a fixed effects panel approach to account for possible bias from... more
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      Transition EconomicsDemand for MoneyApplied EconomicsPanel Data
Building on institutional theory and on existing literature regarding barriers to private businesses in transition countries, this paper examines the inter-related effect of nineteen factors grouped into four types of barriers (formal,... more
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      EconomicsInstitutional TheorySmesTransition
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      MultidisciplinaryForest certificationTransition CountriesEnvironment
This review reports on why is there still rabies in the world?-an emerging microbial and global health threat. Rabies remains an important public health issue in the world. While rabies has been controlled throughout most of the developed... more
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      Global HealthPublic HealthLatin AmericaDeveloping Country
This paper investigates whether an Okun-type relationship between output and unemployment is taking hold in formerly planned economies as they move towards the market. Using a first-differences variant of Okun's Law, we test for its... more
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      Economic GrowthEuropean UnionApplied EconomicsTransition Countries
The policy prescription for solving environmental problems of developing countries and countries-in-transition (CIT) is slowly getting polarized into two viewpoints. One group of researchers and policy advocates including multilateral... more
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      Eastern EuropeColombiaPoliticsMalaysia
The recent growth in research on "good governance" and the quality of government institutions has been propelled by empirical findings that show that such institutions may hold the key to understanding economic growth and social welfare... more
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      Public AdministrationEconomic GrowthPolitical ScienceGovernance
The farming structure in transition countries has shifted from dominance of large corporate farms to family smallholdings. Smallholders everywhere experience difficulties with access to market services, including sale of products,... more
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      Rural DevelopmentAgricultural cooperativesCommonwealth of Independent States (CIS)Transition Countries
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      Distributed ComputingProject ManagementManagement AccountingBPR
The authors are grateful to the sponsors for their support and also, most especially, to the many colleagues both in the international financial agencies and in many national governments who have, over the years, contributed so much to... more
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      Value Added TaxTransition Countries
The objective of this paper is to look at employment services and labor market policies in the transition countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and identify key benefits and constraints of active labor market programs, as well as... more
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      MarketingEastern EuropeEmployabilityLifelong Learning
6 Abstract: This review reports on why is there still rabies in the world?-an emerging microbial and global health threat. Rabies remains an important public health issue in the world. While rabies has been controlled throughout most of... more
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      Global HealthPublic HealthLatin AmericaDeveloping Country
Corporate governance is the organizational arrangement by which a company represents and serves the interests of its investors. It encompasses anything from a company's boards to executive compensation schemes to bankruptcy laws.... more
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      Corporate GovernanceEmerging EconomiesTransition CountriesGovernance Failure
The last decade has been witness to one of the largest tax experiments in economic history, the transformation from centrally-planned to market-based tax systems. The cultural and institutional legacy of central planning has had a lasting... more
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      Economic HistoryLawTax reformTax Policy
This paper was developed with financial support from the SBF Bourse de Paris and the New York Stock Exchange, and the assistance of George Sofianos, Bill Tschirhart, and Didier Davidoff is gratefully acknowledged. We appreciate comments... more
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      EconomicsCorporate GovernanceEconomic DevelopmentVenture Capital
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      Local governanceTransition CountriesFiscal EqualizationTransition Economy
This volume presents six monographs of currency crisis episodes in two Latin American countries in 1994-1995 (Mexico and Argentine) and four Asian countries in 1997-1998 (Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Korea). The Asian part of this... more
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      Eastern EuropeSouth KoreaFinancial CrisisBanking Crisis
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      Health insurancePublic sectorInformal EconomySecondary Education
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are highly complex information systems. The implementation of these systems is a difficult and high cost proposition that places tremendous demands on corporate time and resources. Many ERP... more
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      Distributed ComputingProject ManagementManagement AccountingBPR
The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the key issues surrounding entrepreneurship development in transition countries focusing on six main themes. Though it can be argued that the transition countries started from more or... more
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    • Transition Countries
6 Abstract: This review reports on why is there still rabies in the world?-an emerging microbial and global health threat. Rabies remains an important public health issue in the world. While rabies has been controlled throughout most of... more
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      Global HealthPublic HealthLatin AmericaDeveloping Country
So far, little research has focused on female entrepreneurship in a transition context. Using an institutional perspective, this paper compares two countries at different stages in the process of transformation. Lithuania followed a rapid... more
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      EntrepreneurshipEconomicsFeminist EconomicsInstitutional Theory
This paper is studying the degree of financial independence and decision of local authorities, in a number of transition countries in South-Eastern Europe. Our research identified the strengths and weaknesses of public finance reform, for... more
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      Public FinanceComparative StudyPublic expenditureSouth Eastern Europe
The paper exploits a large set of more than 8,000 firms for ten advanced transition countries in order to uncover the importance of different channels of technology transfer through FDI and its impact on productivity growth of local... more
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      Foreign Direct InvestmentTechnology transferForeign InvestmentTransition Countries
This article quantifies the impact of incentives related to potential membership on institutional change as measured by the World Bank Governance Indicators. Based on a panel of 25 transition countries for the period from 1996 to 2008, we... more
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      EconomicsTransition EconomicsGovernanceInstitutional Change
Purpose -The aim of this paper is to examine how corporations in India interpret corporate social responsibility (CSR). Focusing on four commonly known approaches: the ethical, the statist, the liberal, and the stakeholder approach, the... more
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      MarketingBusiness EthicsApplied EthicsCorporate Social Responsibility
Theoretically, the explanatory approaches of foreign direct investment (FDI), as for example, the internalization theory and the eclectic paradigm, and general equilibrium trade models that incorporate horizontal multinational firms... more
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      Tourism economicsEconomic GrowthForeign Direct InvestmentApplied Economics
Credibility of an exchange rate policy is one of the most important factors contributing to success or failure of any stabilization program. Authorities usually hope that the public will trust official exchange rate commitments and take... more
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      Exchange rateTransition CountriesTransition EconomyTheoretical Model
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      Social PolicyNonprofit StudiesWestern EuropeEast Germany
Urban agriculture may have a role to play in addressing urban food insecurity problems, which are bound to become increasingly important with the secular trend towards the urbanization of poverty and of population in developing regions.... more
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      MicroeconomicsDevelopment StudiesNutritionRenewable Energy
This paper examines the causal relationship between financial development and economic growth in Turkey. Five alternative proxies for financial development are developed and Granger causality tests applied using the cointegration and... more
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      Eastern EuropeEconomic GrowthTransition EconomicsFinancial development
Congenital heart defects (CHD) occur in 8 per 1000 live births. If they remain untreated, 70-80% of these patients die in early childhood. With modern diagnostic and treatment procedures, 90% of these patients reach adulthood. Within 8... more
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      Health CareInternational CooperationHealth PolicyAdolescent
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      Eastern EuropePovertyEconomic GrowthTransition
The paper analyses the link between the autonomy according to business function and the performance of foreign subsidiaries in Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Estonia. The obtained results supported the argument that the... more
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      International Technology TransferTransition Countries
Using data from 1996 to 2000, we investigate the effect of extensive foreign ownership on the banking sectors in general and bank efficiency in particular for eleven transition countries. Our unbalanced panel consists of 220 banks and 830... more
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      Applied MathematicsPerformanceTransitionProfitability
This paper is part of a wider research on South and East Asian countries' taxation, carried out in this Department, under the direction of L. Bernardi, A. Fraschini and P. Shome, and under the supervision of. V. Tanzi. South and East Asia... more
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      Tax reformEast AsiaTax PolicyEconomic integration
This paper is part of a wider research on South and East Asian countries' taxation, carried out in this Department, under the direction of L. Bernardi, A. Fraschini and P. Shome, and under the supervision of. V. Tanzi. South and East Asia... more
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      Tax reformEast AsiaTax PolicyEconomic integration
Various research studies addressing the specific problems and difficulties in the underdeveloped regions in the transition countries from Central and Eastern Europe have identified possible reactions regarding appropriate economic and... more
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      Social PolicyEastern EuropeRegional developmentCentral and East European Studies
Decentralized drinking-water systems are an important element in the process of reaching the Millennium Development Goals, as centralized systems are often deficient or non-existent in developing and transition countries (DC and TC). Most... more
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      MicrobiologyWaterWater qualityWater Purification
We analyse how the choice of reform speed and economic growth affect one another. We estimate a system of three equations where economic growth, economic reform and FDI are jointly determined. New reforms affect economic growth... more
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      Economic GrowthForeign Direct InvestmentApplied EconomicsBig Bang
Përkthyes për gjuhën shqipe për librin 'Decentralizimi Fiskal dhe Transferimi i Granteve Në Vendet në Tranzicion: Një Perspektivë Kritike' 2005 i shkruar nga Ņeljko Ńević, Universiteti i Greenwich, Mbretëria e Bashkuar e Britanisë së... more
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      Fiscal DecentralisationTransition Countries
Enforcement more than regulations, laws-on-the-books or voluntary codes is key to effective corporate governance, at least in transition and developing countries. Corporate governance and enforcement mechanisms are intimately linked as... more
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      SociologyPolitical EconomyCorporate GovernanceEconomic policy
Aston Business School Research Institute is the administrative centre for all research activities at Aston Business School.
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      Applied EconomicsRegulatory EconomicsPanel DataDeveloping Country
Transport is a significant enabler of sustaining livelihoods among poor communities. Transport is increasingly important to deliver benefits of greater inclusion of persons with disabilities into society enabling them to participate more... more
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      Public TransportLow Cost TechnologyAccess To InformationInclusive Education
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      Exchange rateNorth AmericaTransition CountriesWealth inequality
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      Personal Income TaxIncome TaxTransition CountriesTax incidence
This paper explores interactions between growth, economic liberalization and democratization during transition. The results can be summarized as follows: (1) Liberalization has a strong positive effect on growth during transition (also... more
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      Economic GrowthApplied EconomicsEuropean Political EconomyEconomic Reform
The arnona, the system of property taxation in Israel, is a unique form of taxation being based on a property's size (m2) and not on its discrete open market value. The actual use of the property (residential versus non-residential), its... more
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      FinanceEastern EuropeBuilt EnvironmentEquity