Translation into Slovak
Recent papers in Translation into Slovak
The Slovak Translations of Cyrillo-Methodian Sources. With a Special Focus on the Work of Ján Stanislav
Súčasná umelecká-literárna tvorba jednej z najväčších krajín Európy-Ukrajiny zostáva pre slovenského recipienta pomerne neznámou veličinou, rovnako ako aj jej dejiny. Slovenský preklad románu Čierny havran aspoň v niečom zapĺňa túto... more
In this presentation, we discuss dubbing in Slovakia in comparison with its Czech counterpart. The theoretical background of this form of translation is introduced shortly. To further illustrate the current situation in this area, the... more
The paper is based on our empirical research into literary translation criticism. It confronts the views of Slovak translation theorists on translation criticism with a sample of texts evaluating literary translations into Slovak,... more
There are five means for expressing the passive meaning in the Slovak language: analytic passive, reflexive passive, transformation in active construction (with an indefinite personal object), modal expression with an active infinitive,... more
This paper deals with dubbing and its specifics in Slovakia. The categorization of countries according to their preference in audiovisual translation is reconsidered and redesigned around the current data regarding audiovisual translation... more
V tejto kapitole z vysokoškolskej učebnice možno nájsť prehľad vývinu anglicky písanej literatúry Spojeného kráľovstva a Írska. Kapitola je doplnená o interpretácie kľúčových diel a ukážky existujúcich slovenských (v niekoľkých prípadoch... more
This paper analyzes Czech and Slovak dubbed versions of the first season of the American TV series Glee. The primary focus is on the Slovak version which exemplifies the low quality of Slovak dubbing for commercial televisions. The Czech... more