Recent papers in Triadology
Modern Byzantine scholarship has not paid adequate a ention to the treatise in question. 1 This is particularly true regarding Russian scholarship: neither in The Orthodox Encyclopedia nor in Hesychasm, an Annotated Bibliography, can we... more
Taina Întrupării lui Hristos în opera Sfântului Chiril al Alexandriei. Dialogurile „Despre Întruparea celui Unuia-născut” și „că Unul este Hristos”
Eirini Artemi
Traducere: Alexandru Prelipcean
Eirini Artemi
Traducere: Alexandru Prelipcean
The whole journal issue is available at Abstract The intuition of number implied in the Byzantine notion of Holy Trinity is inconsistent and, more specifically,... more
This article builds on C. S. Peirce’s suggestive blueprint for an inclusive outlook that grants reality to his three categories. Moving away from the usual focus on (contentious) cosmological forces, I use a modal principle to partition... more
Starting from the idea that the authority in the Church finds its source in God our Father, together with Tillard, the primacy is seen as service, whose nature is: sacramental (Eucharistic), episcopal, martyriological, agapean, personal -... more
The article is the first part of our study concerning some possible repercussions and influences between the sixth-century thinker Leontius of Byzantium, in whose writings a complex logical, theological and philosophical apparatus for... more
The line separating the Orthodox from the Filioquist triadology consists in the theological method. The primary elements of the Filioquist doctrine are dialectical thinking and essentialism, doubled by a logic of the separation – because... more
The paper presents the newfound fragments of St. Cyril of Alexandria’s «Commentary on John» translated into Russian. The fragments in question were discovered after critical edition of this Commentary by Ph. Pusey was published in 1872.... more
The Trinitarian teaching is the central doctrine of the Christian religion. The Christians believe in one God who has three persons. The truth that in the unity of the Godhead there are Three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy... more
The Byzantine criticism of the primacy of Rome cannot be fully understood without taking into account the progressive development of the Byzantine proto-Palamite and Palamite ecclesiology from the twelfth to the fourteenth centuries. In... more
In this paper I intend to point out the common features and differences between the theological anthropology of Father Stăniloae and Martin Buber’s personalist view. To do so, I will concentrate on the role played by the presence of human... more
"The Triune God exists "beyond" of the world and therefore the human being fails to know Him through his own forces. God reveals His idioms but He never reveals His ousia – nature. Isidore urges that the deity should be accepted only by... more
2 ) ن دكأ و ، نكرج ن يأ ً نيت ن جيط نور. ن ض قد نا ن ن نيتص ن ع قد نلٌن ن قدكأس نيتس ن ا ت ُ قدك نكقد ن ع ا ن ن ض ة ن ن بدأس نيتن ن نك ن ي ة ن ن... more
Here we compare terminology of Veccus and Leontius of Byzantium, first of all, in what such crucial notions as hypostasis and enhypostasised is concerned. We tend to believe that Veccus might not have read Leontius at all, that being the... more
A rather old article of mine (2008) dedicated to a particular problem, i.e., to the small triadological treatise of Pachymeres and to its putative targets. An Orthodox stance of Pachymeres in the Filioque debate is underlined.
Resumen: La interpretación de los Salmos por Cirilo de Alejandría muestra cómo la presencia de Dios Uno y Trino embellece las vidas de los creyentes en Él. Dios ayuda a la gente a deshacerse de la tristeza y los problemas, y a encontrar... more
Nicholas Mesarites (ca. 1163/1164 – post 1214) was rather a " theologian of transition " , than an independent thinker. Yannis Spiteris discovered in 1977 that the entire chapter on the primacy of Rome in Mesarites' treatise The Account... more
Богословие св. Кирилла Александрийского, как правило, рассматривается в рамках христологической полемики с Несторием, в то время как триадологическое учение святителя менее известно в русскоязычной патристике. Статья представляет собой... more
Marcellus of Ancyra tried with zeal to combat Arius, but he adopted the opposite extreme of modified Sabellianism. Marcellus taught that the Logos did not become a separate person until the incarnation, perhaps looking back to an earlier... more
In his lecture «Speculation in Colours» prince E. N. Trubetskoy quotes an unnamed «biographer» of St. Sergius of Radonezh, who reported that the saint «erected a church in the name of the Holy Trinity as a mirror for all those whom he had... more
Oratio 42, 15 Григорија Назијанзина у рецепцији Григорија Паламе Саже так: У тек сту се испи ту је Пала ми но тума че ње про грам ског изло же ња вје ре које Гри го ри је Нази јан зин даје у сво јој "опро штај ној бесје ди", саста вље ној... more
In this paper Saint Augustine`s egsegesis of the Old Testament theophanies in his work De Trinitate is discussed. Augustine`s hermeneutical principles are observed in his egsegesis, one of wich is fundamental — In Vetere Novum lateat,... more
In his lecture «Speculation in Colours» prince E. N. Trubetskoy quotes an unnamed «biographer» of St. Sergius of Radonezh, who reported that the saint «erected a church in the name of the Holy Trinity as a mirror for all those whom he had... more
The writings of Saint Sava, but also the first hagiographical works that describe his life, are consciously dedicated, underlining, promoting, protecting and defending faith in the Holy Trinity, the only true God. In this study, the... more
Since Christian theology, in order to formulate the articles of faith, inevitably uses the categorical apparatus of historically established philosophical traditions, the problem of theological languages is objectively present. This... more
Μετάφραση Dr George Awad Ibrahim إن القديس إيسيذوروس والقديس كريلس قد قاما مبواجهة املشاكل العقيدية لعصرهم على أساس تفسري وتعليم الكتاب املقدس. هدف القديسني هو تسليط الضوء على احلقائق اإلهلية السامية اليت توجد يف النصوص الكتابية. هكذا... more