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We examined the effects of the thematic congruence between ads and the programme in which they are embedded. We also studied the typicality of the to-be-remembered information (high- and low-typicality elements), and the effect of... more
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      MetamemoryRadio AdvertisingDivided AttentionTypicality
The EU is ferociously protecting its Geographical Indications (GIs) in the name of authenticity and rural development. Not only in the countries of the EU, but internationally. Australia and most other New World countries protect... more
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      TerroirGeographical IndicationsTypicalityRegionality
This doctoral dissertation investigates the notion of physical necessity. Specifically, it studies whether it is possible to account for non-accidental regularities without the standard assumption of a pre-existent set of governing laws.... more
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      Statistical MechanicsMetaphysicsChaos TheoryMetaphysics of Modality
The paper provides a critical discussion of the Super-Humean view of spacetime (Huggett's regularity account) and the " minimalist ontology " in terms of Leibnizian relations and primitive matter points, recently developed by Esfeld et... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePhilosophy of PhysicsHistory and Philosophy of PhysicsRelationalism
Little is known about how the content of advertisements is remembered. We studied how product interest, thematic congruence between advertisement and programme, and the typicality of the elements of an advertisement affect memory for new... more
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Certain results, most famously in classical statistical mechanics and complex systems, but also in quantum mechanics and high-energy physics, yield a coarse-grained stable statistical pattern in the long run. The explanation of these... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePhilosophy of PhysicsMetaphysics of ScienceLaws of Nature
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      Statistical MechanicsMaxwell's DemonTypicality
We discuss Boltzmann's probabilistic explanation of the second law of thermodynamics providing a comprehensive presentation of what is called today the typicality account. Countering its misconception as an alternative explanation, we... more
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      Statistical MechanicsPhilosophy of PhysicsEntropyTypicality
We examined the influence of the type of radio program on the memory for radio advertisements. We also investigated the role in memory of the typicality (high or low) of the elements of the products advertised. Participants listened to... more
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      RadioMemorySignal Detection TheoryAdvertisement
(LOFT 6, 2004) Typicality is extensively investigated in a variety of disciplines (Philosophy, Psychology, Linguistics, AI, etc.) However, despite the wide range of evidence for the existence of typicality effects, it is still not clear... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLanguage AcquisitionPragmaticsSemantics
In Gärdenfors and Makinson (Artif Intell 65(2):197–245, 1994) and Gärdenfors (Knowledge representation and reasoning under uncertainty, Springer-Verlag, 1992) it was shown that it is possible to model nonmonotonic inference using a... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophyConceptual SpacesLinguistics
The recent use of typicality in statistical mechanics for foundational purposes has stirred an important debate involving both philosophers and physicists. In this paper I try to approach the problem from the point of view of the... more
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      Statistical MechanicsPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of PhysicsFoundations of Physics
This article seeks to contribute to critical readings of realism’s mimetic claims by tracing how framed narration, or writing-about-writing, establishes reliability in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s seminal novel Half of a Yellow Sun (2006).... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesAfrican LiteratureRealismChinua Achebe
(From proceedings of Israel Association of Theoretical Linguistics 21) Parts 1-3 present and criticize Partee and Kamp’s 1995 well known analysis of the typicality effects. The main virtue of this analysis is in the use of supermodels,... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsVaguenessLinguistics
In Gärdenfors and Makinson (1994) and Gärdenfors (1992) it was shown that it is possible to model nonmonotonic inference using a classical consequence relation plus an expectationbased ordering of formulas. In this article, we argue that... more
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      Conceptual SpacesTypicalityKnowledge Representation and ReasoningDefault Logic
The formal construction, the style, the textuality, and the very act of writing in Jamaica Kincaid’s Mr Potter (2002) are revolutionary in a number of ways. In bringing a critical focus to the use of rhythm in the text and aligning this... more
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      AestheticsModernityImmersion and ExperienceTextuality
We introduce Propositional Typicality Logic (PTL), a logic for reasoning about typicality. We do so by enriching classical propositional logic with a typicality operator of which the intuition is to capture the most typical (or normal)... more
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      Belief Revision (Computer Science)Nonmonotonic ReasoningTypicality
Franz Brentano is at the root of a long-lasting philosophical tradition spread by his students and, then, by his students’ students between the late 19th century and World War II. This influence gave birth to a large number of... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageContextualismSign LanguagesFranz Brentano
Modification usually decreases the judged likelihood of typicality statements. People judge "Old coyotes howl" usually as less likely than just "Coyotes howl". This paper addresses this so-called modification effect. In order to analyse... more
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      FramesPrototype TheoryProbabilistic reasoningTypicality
En este trabajo comparamos las recepciones de Niklas Luhmann y Jürgen Habermas del concepto de Lebenswelt y de problemas asociados como la tipicidad y la cotidianeidad. Focalizamos sobre el lugar de esta recepción en sus respectivas... more
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      Social Systems TheoryEveryday LifeLifeworldCommunicative Action Theory
In this work we extend the so-called typicality approach, originally formulated in statistical mechanics contexts, to SU (2) invariant spin network states. Our results do not depend on the physical interpretation of the spin-network,... more
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      Quantum PhysicsThermodynamicsQuantum GravityInformation Theory
This is the reply to authors' criticisms of my review of their book.
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      Statistical MechanicsMaxwell's DemonTypicality
At : 03: 08 Publisher: Rout ledge I nform a Lt d Regist ered in England and Wales Regist ered Num ber: 1072954 Regist ered office: Mort im er House, 37-41 Mort im er St reet , London W1T 3JH, UK
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAdvertisingMetamemory
Propositional Typicality Logic (PTL) is a recently proposed logic, obtained by enriching classical propositional logic with a typicality operator. In spite of the non-monotonic features introduced by the semantics adopted for the... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceNonmonotonic ReasoningTypicalityRational Closure