Recent papers in Ulama
عندما كانت تعانى الأتراك العالمانية المتطرفة ويتجربون طابعها المدمر على دين الإسلام، برز الداعية المجدد الذي كافحها وأحيى محاسن الإسلام وعرضها بين يدي الأتراك ملائما للعصر. ولا شك أنه الداعية المصلح الكبير الشيخ بديع الزمان سعيد النورسي.... more
Social media have influenced millennials of ulama or Muslim scholars in fatwa production. They access and use online knowledge to make daily fatwa according to community requests. However, limited is known about how the millennial ulama... more
Revisión y actualización de los datos que se conocen de los Banu Jattab/Banu Abi Yamra y relación de los individuos pertenecientes a esta familia que cuentan con biografía en las fuentes árabes.
Memlükler döneminde Mısır ve Şam bölgesinde inşa edilen çok sayıda ilim kurumunun âlimlerin ilmî çalışma usullerinde bir dönüşüme sebep olup olmadığı tartışmalıdır. Ancak bu kurumların sundukları mansıplar yoluyla âlimlerin hayatının... more
Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa Anregurutta Haji Muhammad As'ad Al-Bugisi (1907-1952) adalah ulama muktabar dan kesohor yang telah banyak mencetak tunas-tunas baru harapan bangsa. Lewat lembaga pendidikan Madrasah Arabiyah Islamiyah (MAI) di... more
İmzalı yazılardan, ilan ve reklamlardan reklam sahipleri sorumludur. • Sayın okuyucularımız, dergimizin sayfalarında ayet-i kerime, hadis mealleri ve mübarek isimler bulunduğu için yerlere atılmamasını rica ediyoruz.
South Asia’s encounter with Western colonialism preceded that of the Arab world, arguably rendering it more sensitive to the intellectual challenges implicit in political subjugation. Consequently, scholars of South Asian Islam, such as... more
Paper ilmiah ini ditulis untuk diikutsertakan di dalam salah satu pemaparan panel UHAMKA 1st International Conference on Islamic Humanities and Social Sciences, 23-24 Maret 2017. Paper ini bertitiktolak dari pemikiran dan nilai-nilai... more
As it is the duty of Muslim scholars or ulama to preserve and spread the teachings of Islam, they have always carried out this responsibility. Further, they have also presented the best possible argument in favour of Islam if there was... more
Syeikh Mahmud merupakan pendukung Tarikat Ahmadiah Qodiriah dan pengasas Madrasah Nurul Iman
Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat serta karunia-Nya kepada kami sehingga kami berhasil menyelesaikan penyusunan makalah ini tanpa ada halangan suatu apapun.
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji ulama dalam masyarakat urban Banda Aceh, Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, dan persepsi mereka tentang konsep negarabangsa dan isu-isu turunannya. Isu-isu turunan itu adalah: 1) anti-kekerasan; 2)... more
This article aims to explore emerging trends for the Sunni religious elite and the Islamic legal tradition in the new context of the Arab Uprisings by focusing on Yusuf al-Qaradawi, arguably the most prominent of these ʿulamāʾ alive... more
Born in 1737 AD, Sheikh Abdus Shamad was a Sufi Ulema from Palembang.His grandfather, who was also a Sufi Ulema held a position of a Mufti in Kingdom of Kedah. His grandmother, however,belonged to a noble family from Sultanate of... more
The Zap River rising from Mengene and Haravil (Yiğit) mountains to the north of the Bashkale district of Van flows towards Iraq in the south direction after passing through the Bashkir plain and Hakkâri provinces. Continuing... more
Gagasan pembaruan dalam ranah politik yang pertama kali muncul adalah Pan-Islamisme (persatuan dunia Islam) yang pertama kali dipopulerkan oleh tokoh dan pemikir terkenal, Jamaluddin Al-Afghani. Dialah yang pertama menyadari sepenuhnya... more
Buku ini terbagi menjadi lima bagian. Setiap bagian terdiri dari beberapa sub. Bagian pertama terdiri dari sejarah masuknya Islam di Sulawesi Selatan secara resmi yang dibawa oleh Datuk Tellue dan tertulis dalam sejarah lontara,... more
The contributions in this book explore Muslim religious leadership in multiple forms and settings. While traditional authority is usually correlated with theology and piety, as in the case of classically trained ulema, the public advocacy... more
In the present Javanese society, the sacred flower Widjojo Koesoemo is considered to be a myth with no reference on the once-existed court tradition to obtain the flower for Javanese king. In this research, I demonstrate the role of... more
It is something of a truism that the Quran’s narrative defies modern texts’ linear chronology demarcated by definitive beginnings, middles, and ends. Quranic studies specialists have expended considerable effort investigating its... more
Riyadhus Shalihin berarti Taman Orang-orang Shalih. Kitab ini adalah karya Imam Nawawi. Kitab ini banyak membahas masalah-masalah sehari-hari, sehingga cocok menjadi buku pegangan bagi keluarga.
K.H. Muhammad Yahya (commonly known as Abuya Sepuh or Abuya Mamad) is an Islamic scholar from Cimahi. He is a Da'i, Murshid Tariqah, and also a Judge in the Religious Courts. He was the founder of Pesantren Darussurur Cimahi, and... more
The life and work of a historian steeped in Islām’s fourteen-century, intellectual tradition, Maulānā Ḥakīm Sayyid ‘Abdul Ḥayy al-Hasanī, serves as a model for rethinking the history of Muslims in India during the British Colonial period.... more
This dissertation presents a full-fledged portrait of the muftiate (spiritual administration of Muslims) in modern Russia. Designed initially for the purpose of controlling religious activity, over time the institution of the muftiate was... more
Al Washliyah merupakan organisasi Islam yang lahir dan besar di Sumatera Utara pada tahun 1930. Aktivitas Al Washliyah dalam mencerdaskan masyarakat adalah dengan pendidikan, dakwah, amal sosial, politik dan ekonomi. Keberadaan ulama Al... more
Buku ini membincangkan karya Syeikh Fādānī yang fenomenal dalam bidang hadis iaitu “Al-Arba‘ūn al-Buldāniyyah”, yang memuat 40 hadis pilihan dengan segala keistimewaan dan keunikannya dibanding dengan buku hadis arba’īn yang lain.
Artikel ini membahas tentang perkembangan Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) baik nasional maupun lokal dalam sekitar satu dekade terakhir. Tulisan ini berargumen bahwa terjadi pergeseran signifikan MUI baik secara teologis maupun politis,... more
Polymaths of Islam analyzes the social and intellectual power of religious leaders who created a shared culture that integrated Central Asia, Iran, and India from the mid-eighteenth century through the early twentieth. James Pickett... more
The renowned Syrian ʿālim Shaykh Muhammad Sa'id Ramadan Al-Buti was one of the world's leading scholarly representatives of Sunni Islam in contemporary times. The written debates that occurred between the Damascene ʿulamā', al-Buti, and... more
In the absence of clear-cut guidance from the primary sources of the shari‘a, how do Muslim scholars derive a workable religious praxis in changing circumstances and which authorities do they invoke in the process? This article explores... more
Communication au webinar international « Revisiting the History of Medieval Libya (7th-16th centuries). Sources, Analyses, Projects » (en ligne, 18 mai 2022).
Report on : https://libmed.hypotheses.org/759
Report on : https://libmed.hypotheses.org/759
between the two sides about the declaration and conduct of war, but on the contrary, Islamic scholars made certain revisions in the doctrine of ih d, taking into account the political con uncture, in other words, the needs of the state.
Asırlarca Osmanlı Medrese öğretiminin temel direklerinden birini oluşturan Birgivi Mehmed Efendi'yi (1523-1573) hayatı boyunca iktisadi bakımdan destekleyen dayanışma ağı konusunda fazla bir şey bilmiyoruz. Bu makale gerçekten Birgi'li... more