Umayyad coinage
Recent papers in Umayyad coinage
An unpublished dinar al-Andalus 109 followed by a discussion of verse 33 of sura 9 of the Qur´an and the possible meaning of the word "dîn" in the 8th century
In this contribution a few remarkable Arab-Byzantine coins are discussed. They were struck in late 7th-century Bilād aš-Šām. This core province of the Umayyad Caliphate, adjacent to the Byzantine Empire, is also known as historical... more
This Festschrift honors the outstanding German scientist Dr. Lutz Ilisch who from 1990 until his retirement in 2017 headed as collection curator the Research Center for Islamic Numismatics (FINT), which had been built up with his efforts... more
Arabic Glasses (Coin weights, jetons and vessel stamps) from Umayyad Syria, in T. Goodwin (ed.), Coinage and History in Seventh Century Near East 5. Proceedings of the 15th Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table held at Corpus... more
This study entitled "Monetary Reform In The Umayyad Caliphate And its Influence On The State" Economy And Administration During The Period ) 41-132H / 661-750AD( clarifies the historical and cultural importance of monitory reform in... more
It is proposed that, in the Marwanid period (79-132), the various provinces of the Caucasus region had only a single silver coin mint that was located at the residence of the regional governor, and moved from place to place as he did,... more
4th Assemani Symposium on Islamic coins, eds. A. D’Ottone and B. Gallagher (Numismatica antica e medievale. Studi) (Trieste, in the press)
The article addresses the problem of when Umayyad copper coinage in southern Bilad al-Sham (roughly speaking present-day Israel and Jordan) ended. Most of these coins are undated, and no clear typological arguments exist for... more
The lecture will be an update of the article: "Nuevos documentos sobre la Conquista Omeya de Hispania: Los precintos de plomo, The new evidence for the Umayyad conquest of Hispania: the lead seals." احتام فتح الاندلس See at:... more
In this contribution a few remarkable Arab-Byzantine coins are discussed. They were struck in late 7th-century Bilād aš-Šām. This core province of the Umayyad Caliphate, adjacent to the Byzantine Empire, is also known as historical... more
Attention is drawn to the unnoticed occurrence of the Greek term ΚAΛΟΝ on the reverse of some seventh-century Arab-Byzantine coins of the jāza hādhā type. The implications of the same for the dating and attribution of the two main... more
Following the Arab conquest of Jerusalem in 638 CE, its official name remained essentially unchanged for over a century, the Latin form Aelia merely being transliterated into the Arabic Īliyā. This fact is attested on coins and seals... more
The production of coins from the Taifa kingdoms is a reflection of the political fragmentation of al-Andalus in the fifth century AH. Coin issues were irregular and the fineness of the coins was unstable. The interpretation of such a... more
An examination of 159 hoards with 1822 dirhams minted at Damascus during the first four centuries of Islam sheds much light on a number of important questions regarding the economic history of the Near East during the Umayyad, ‘Abbāsid,... more
In the seventh century, there were (at least) two mithqal standards, the 4.25 mithqal of Mecca and Madina, and the 4.10 full weight silver drahm of Iran, considered as another mithqal (Baladhur, Futuh, ). The Hijaz mithqal was the... more
See at:
This coin was struck during the governorship of Yahya b. Salama al Kalbi, Umayyad governor of al-Andalus from 107-110H (725-728CE).
This coin was struck during the governorship of Yahya b. Salama al Kalbi, Umayyad governor of al-Andalus from 107-110H (725-728CE).
A survey of the last Roman and earliest Arab coinage of Egypt, the latter being coins of Alexandria that simply continued the very last Roman issues of the city, followed by various coins evidently Arab (or at least evidently post-Roman),... more
It is argued that the earliest Islamic coinage of North Africa was issued simultaneously at two mints, probably Carthage and al-Qayrawan, first with simple religious statements in Latin and, at Carthage only, copies of images from earlier... more
This paper proposes new interpretations of the origin or significance of two obverse types from the so-called Imperial Image phase of Arab-Byzantine coinage, the 'falconer' type as produced at the so-called pseudo-Damascus mint and the... more
I thought this paper was one of my more brillant efforts, but it turned out to be completely wrong in its conclusion. Lutz Ilisch pointed out (Oriental Numismatic Society Newsletter 176 2003, 5), that the dirham is more likely to be an... more
in: MIN 33, 2006, p. 5-11
This article considers the various powers who fought over the control over the region of Kirman after the Islamic conquest of Iran and Iraq. For much of the Umayyad period the region fell outside the control of the Umayyads and instead... more
Кулешов Вяч. С., Сапаров Н. Ж. Пайкендский клад 2014 года // Материалы Бухарской археологической экспедиции. Вып. XIII : Отчёт о раскопках в Пайкенде в 2013–2104 гг. / [Редактор А. В. Омельченко]. СПб.: Государственный Эрмитаж, 2016. — С.... more
For more on lead seals:
Einige Münzbilder und Darstellungen in Stuck und Malerei aus den sog. Wüstenschlössern in der Levante wurden von der bisherigen Forschung als Darstellungen eines Umayyadenkalifen oder - prinzen interpretiert. Sie entsprechen keiner... more
This article considers the Arab Sasanian coinage of Sistan, which provides a chronology of the various governors of Sistan in the early Islamic period. This was a difficult region to govern and for much of the time the region was... more
Lecture given by authour at the " V Coloquio Internacional, La Perdida de las Hispanias. Ideologia, poder y conflicto. Made into 'article form' by Sebastian Gaspariño for MANQUSO : The... more
"The oldest Islamic coins in the Leipzig University Library" - on occasion of the 300th anniversary of the library’s coin collection
Corrected 12/1/2015. Coins of period see: The transitional coinage, exclusively in Latin, was struck during three years 93-95H, practically a year after the very beginning of the... more
En la cara A pone, centro:
Le haut Moyen Âge ibérique se caractérise par un changement brutal initié en 711 avec la conquête musulmane du royaume wisigothique. Cet évènement qui bouleversa l'histoire de l'Espagne n'est éclairé que de manière très lacunaire par les... more
studies in the Khalili Collection, have, without a doubt, shed an enormous amount of light on the various types of known Arab-Byzantine coins and, in particular, on the great deal of diversity within the series of Standing Caliph coins of... more
During the first half of the fifth/eleventh century, the caliphal minting practices of the previous century gradually changed, and by the end of this period, a very different monetary system had been established. While in the fourth/tenth... more