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The era of journalism and the participation of the readers on online media websites have changed online journalism. The research interest is now focused on removing the distinction between the publisher/entrepreneur and the... more
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      MarketingCommunicationJournalismOnline Communities
Transport networks are vital for the prosperity of countries and local communities as they facilitate passenger and cargo flows. Especially for islands, coastal transport systems are the lifelines for the well being of the islanders. The... more
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      IslandsUsersCoastal Shipping
Velika uloga lokalnih vlasti u pružanju lokalnih javnih i socijalnih službi u Europi se u suvremeno doba gotovo podrazumijeva, dok je u drugim dijelovima svijeta situacija raznolika. I u razvijenim zemljama, naročito u velikim gradovima,... more
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      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementServices of General InterestRegional and Local Governance
Telehealth refers to the delivery of health care services at a distance by the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). Due to numerous advantages such as the enhancement of the treatment or reaching remotely located... more
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      Speech-Language Pathology/ Communication DisordersTelehealtheHealthEmpirical Study
What might it mean to use books rather than read them? This work examines the relationship between book use and forms of thought and theory in the early modern period. Drawing on legal, medical, religious, scientific and literary... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
In 1925, the Netherlands was a country of cyclists and cycle producers, as all classes cycled and almost all cycles were produced domestically. The bicycle was not a Dutch invention and the country had an open economy, and this raises the... more
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      Economic HistoryProductionMediationKnowledge
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      TwitterUsersSports Mega Events
Engagement has emerged as an important concept for news organizations. Yet lack of agreement within the industry and the academy on the definition of engagement has left news companies vulnerable to the definitions dictated by... more
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      CommunicationDigital MediaPublic RelationsEngagement
In the last few years, social networks have been winning more and more space in the daily lives of users/consumers and therefore also in companies, and thus becoming an important element of interaction between both parties. Many events... more
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      Social NetworksSocial MediaBusiness MarketingConsumers
Information plays an important role in teaching, research and development. Moreover, information is growing in ever increasing volume and rate, in every field of human activity. During the recent decades, information needs have increased... more
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      Knowledge ManagementInformation NeedsInformation Seeking BehaviorUsers
A crucial question tha t has arisen is whether the involvement of Web users can be ext ended t o t he funding of news organiza tions aimed at their financial independence f rom traditional funding practices. The evolut ion of mult imodal... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesJournalismSocial Sciences
Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is an innovative automated library system for automatic identification and tracking of library material. Currently, RFID applications range from book tracking and stock management, to theft... more
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      MaterialsInformationRFID SystemsUsers
Dans un monde façonné par de nombreuses innovations dans le domaine de l’information il apparaît pertinent de se pencher sur les apports des Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication à l’analyse des usages et des usagers à l’ère du... more
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      Information TechnologyMedia Impact and Effects and UsagesUsers
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      History of Science and TechnologyHistory of Sciencescience and technology studies (STS)Users
A mental model is a model that people have of themselves, others, the environment, and the things with which they interact, such as technologies. Mental models can support the user-centered development of digital libraries: if we can... more
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      Human Computer InteractionHuman FactorsWeb searchHCI
This paper studies the web third-person effect (WTPE) hypothesis in the context of news websites and social media. Specifically, the study examines the role of social media metrics (i.e., shares and likes of news articles) in shaping... more
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      MarketingSocial PsychologyHuman Computer InteractionCommunication
El objetivo de este trabajo es organizar la diversidad de significados asociados a la expresión apropiación social aplicada tanto al conocimiento científico como tecnológico, presente en la literatura contemporánea de los estudios sobre... more
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      Apropiación social de la Ciencia y la TecnologíaSociología de la CienciaUsers
In a short period of time, open design went from an unknown notion to a buzzword in the Dutch design world. This development is usually attributed to the proliferation of bottom-up activities fostered by a typically open Dutch society.... more
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      PersonalizationOpen InnovationMass CustomizationModularity of Mind
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the academic debate on new scenarios of creation, production and distribution of goods, through the model of Open Design, a phenomena based on co-creation, shared knowledge, distributed... more
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      FablabFAB LABOpen SystemsUsers
The birth of the internet in the 1990's did not only change the way of how people communicate but also of how they access information. The amount of information that the internet offers is enormous, it grows by the day and can be... more
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      Computer ScienceLanguages and LinguisticsInternet StudiesChinese Studies
"Three levels of axioms matching three levels of disciplines: 1. Multidiscipline: Macro most general where the metaphors and axioms and metaphors used by the widest and diverse disciplines, users and societies. All of society, crossing... more
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      Critical TheoryArtArchitectureCultural Theory
Introduction In the proliferation of computational technologies the user emerges as an increasingly necessary subject-position to traditional regimes of modernity/globalization. The notion of user is no longer a design or platform... more
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      GeopoliticsUser InterfaceUsersPlatform design
Social media can enable and significantly increase the collaboration and learning from customers in various ways, for instance by novel social ways of providing and receiving feedback from new products and concepts. We have created a... more
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      BusinessOrganizational LearningInnovation statisticsCommunity Engagement & Participation
Title: «It is best of the accessible»: quality of imported consumer goods of the USSR from the socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe (1950s – 1980s) Abstract: The article is first studied in the historiography of the problem... more
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      History of the USSRConsumer BehaviorCentral and Eastern EuropeRussia/USSR
In the novel Solar by Ian McEwan, Professor Michael Beard accepts a position as the head of a renewable energy research centre and, after the failure with a small‐scale wind turbine, ends up developing photovoltaics. He sees the job as an... more
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      UsersPhotovoltaic Applications In Built Environment
Cet article propose une approche socio-économique des médias et du rôle de l'usager à deux niveaux. À l'échelle « micro », on s'intéresse aux usagers qui sont des individus ou des communautés, et qui, au-delà de leur rôle de consommateurs... more
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      Media StudiesUsersMedia ConcentrationSocio economy
The article shows the results of a study conducted in the area of Academic Registration and Control which took part as elements, and direct observations timed in jobs, personal interviews with officials, implementing surveys to users of... more
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      Continuous ImprovementProcessesUsers
Hypertext as a nonlinear, computer-based or digital text that is now used along with conventional, linear printed text and can be described as a relatively advanced text type. Moreover, hypertextuality is among the characteristics which... more
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      SociologyNew MediaJournalismDigital Media
Los clubes de fútbol se han incorporado rápidamente a los sucesivos avances en las tecnologías de la información, entre ellos, las redes sociales, donde ocupan posiciones destacadas de audiencia. La generación de vínculos de compromiso... more
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      CommunicationSocial NetworksSocial InteractionPublic Engagement
Costumes and Textile Designs of India is derived from the rich Indian cultural heritage, which within recent years has received wide recognition throughout the world. Indian art has received some recognition from the hands of the scholars... more
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      TechnologyTextilesPerformance ArtInteractive Media
Joy Garnett is a painter and the arts editor of the journal Cultural Politics. Susan Meiselas is a photographer best known for her documentation of human-rights issues in Latin America. Both artists live in New York City, and their work... more
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      Art HistoryPhotographyMedievalPainting
"...the industry has to learn from manufacturers how to study its customers' needs and develop products that meet those needs.." Sir John Egan Rethinking Construction, July 1998 Entering an architectural space we react to it...most... more
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      ArchitectureConstruction IndustryQuality Function DeploymentUrban Design
Engagement has emerged as an important concept for news organizations. Yet lack of agreement within the industry and the academy on the definition of engagement has left news companies vulnerable to the definitions dictated by... more
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      SociologyCommunicationDigital MediaPublic Relations
Przedstawiany tekst jest jednym z rozdziałów książki „Społeczność Internetu” wydanej w 2002 roku. Początkowa część książki (okładka, strona redakcyjna, spis treści, wprowadzenie) są udostępnione w serwisie w dziale Books.... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation SocietyThe Internethistory of Poland
This paper presents a method for analysing an aspect of interaction that can help us understand how users can feel that they are part of a work. I argue that interaction can be a form of depiction, causing the user to imagine both her... more
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      Electronic LiteratureInteractionDigital ArtFiction
Cette contribution interroge la place du « penser, classer, catégoriser », dans la construction des connaissances, depuis les travaux visionnaires de grandes figures de la documentation (Otlet, Briet…), aux pratiques collaboratives et... more
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      Information LiteracyYouth CultureTeenagersInformation Culture
Posearthquake housing reconstruction in Ixtepec, Mexico. Resumen: De las múltiples dimensiones que contiene el proceso de reconstrucción, este trabajo, se centra en analizar cómo se reconstruye la vivienda después del desastre a través de... more
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      Public TransportUrban PlanningTerritoryUrban movility
User Activity, in: U.S., Russia, Romania, China, India, Iran, et al., ecology, environmental science, water, attention to publications of Moscow University
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      Environmental ScienceWaterInterestAttention
La información periodística adquiere una nueva dimensión en redes sociales como Twitter. Desde esta plataforma, los ciudadanos debaten y condicionan asuntos hasta ahora reservados a los medios de comunicación. Los periodistas ya no se... more
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      JournalismDigital JournalismCitizen JournalismSocial Media
Transport networks are vital for the prosperity of countries and local communities as they facilitate passenger and cargo flows. Especially for islands, coastal transport systems are the lifelines for the well being of the islanders. The... more
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      IslandsUsersCoastal Shipping
An analysis is presented of a design meeting in which users and other stakeholders enter the design dialogue as ‘others’ who are talked about and spoken for in absentia, with particular attention paid to the circumstances in which these... more
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      Research Methods and MethodologyConversation AnalysisUser Centred DesignEthnomethodology
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      Product DesignUsers
Resumen: La pandemia por COVID19 afectó la vida cotidiana surgiendo dos posturas de manera contrapuesta: aquella que afirma que podremos volver a nuestra vida "normal" y otra que plantea el surgimiento de una "nueva normalidad". Esto... more
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      Public TransportUrban PlanningTerritoryUrban movility
This handbook is designed to familiarise legal practitioners who are not specialised in the field of data protection with this area of law. It provides an overview of the EU’s and the CoE’s applicable legal frameworks.
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      Human RightsAccountabilityCross-border cooperationSecurity
The design of museum education resources is a mediation process, and as such, its main considerations involves the visitors. How can we connect with our audiences? How to decode their reasons for meaning-making? How to integrate the... more
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      Museum EducationDesign thinkingAudienceHuman-Centered Design
Departing from a transdisciplinary cooperation between Architec-ture-Urbanism-Neuroscience, this research investigates the action of the central area of the city of Campinas (São Paulo - Brazil) on the spatial... more
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      DesignArchitectureSemantic MemoryUrbanism
e temporanea di tali informazioni effettuata al solo scopo di rendere più efficace il successivo inoltro ad altri destinatari a loro richiesta".
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      Social NetworksTerrorismHate SpeechEvidence
Active involvement of users in smart grids is often seen as key to beneficial development of smart grids. In this paper, we investigate the diverse assumptions about how and why users should be active and to what extent these assumptions... more
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      Smart GridDemand Side ManagementProsumerUsers