VUCA - Volatile Uncertain Complex Ambiguous
Recent papers in VUCA - Volatile Uncertain Complex Ambiguous
The "User`s Guide To The Future" is a powerful model developed by Mark McKergow and Helen Bailey for Solution Focused (SF) working with the future. In our session at SOLWorld 2019 we explained the model and demonstrated in a live coaching... more
Bu araştırmada, yöneticilerin sahip oldukları yeni liderlik becerilerinin iş ortamlarında yaşadıkları stres üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Ayrıca söz konusu liderlik becerileri ile iş ortamında algıladıkları karmaşık, oynak, muğlak ve... more
Introduction: Practitioners of NLP have been increasingly involved in life and executive coaching in the last 15 years due to a global rise in the demand for coaching. NLP coaches in Singapore have been experiencing the effects of an... more
Selama menyikapi pandemi, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk (UNVR) yang mengalami peningkatan penjualan pada produk kesehatan dan kebersihan, seiring dengan semakin meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya kesehatan selama pandemi. dan... more
Policy documents from OECD and UNESCO have been stressing the need to prepare students for what has been termed a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world. They emphasise socialemotional competencies as necessary for coping... more
Dunia VUCA berkaitan dengan globalisasi dan mempengaruhi perspektif orang dalam berkembang dan bahkan bertahan dalam bisnis global. Ini adalah cara yang sangat aplikatif untuk melihat perubahan yang terjadi dalam perilaku organisasi.... more
The term VUCA stands for “Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity”. This term, frequently used in the realm of busıness, is now applied to the world of education. As such, long-term educational plans cannot be made as in the... more
“Setengah abad silam, keunggulan mesin, modal, dan letak geografis adalah faktor penentu atas keberhasilan sebuah bisnis perusahaan. Berkat transformasi teknologi, kompetisi bisnis yang tadinya vertical, sentralized, dan exclusive berubah... more
Enterprises operating in a world order where technological developments, rapid digitalization, and global boundaries are eliminated, deal with complex services and products, unforeseen developments, and constantly fluctuating market... more
The concept of missional church represents a confluence of ideas on spirituality, discernment and leadership. The very idea of participating in the missio Dei implies a spiritual journey and underlying spirituality, and discernment is... more
In accelerating this technology, we are required to prepare competencies in this 'Era' which is also called the VUCA Era. VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity, meaning the world we live in today. If... more
Topik Pembahasan: Apa yang dimaksud dengan coaching? Mengapa coaching penting untuk mencapai high performance? Apa saja kompetensi vital bagi seorang coach? Sejauhmana setiap leader perlu menjadi coach? Bagaimana performance coaching... more
Policy documents from OECD and UNESCO have been stressing the need to prepare students for what has been termed a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world. They emphasise socialemotional competencies as necessary for coping... more
Welcome to the VUCA world. Starting in the early 1990s, in the wake of the breakup of the USSR, military strategists started tracking and assessing a geopolitical world with infinitely different and challenging conditions. They... more
İçinde bulunduğumuz ve geçmişle kıyaslanamayacak hızda değişen, birbirleriyle karşılıklı ilişki içinde pek çok faktörün oluşturduğu karmaşık, oynak, muğlak ve belirsiz ortam, ABD’de VUCA olarak isimlendirilmektedir. VUCA, volatility,... more
What is the next level of learning? After Transformational Learning, the upcoming stage of adult learning is the AGILE SELF LEARNING.
Menyikapi pandemi, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk (UNVR) pangkas besaran alokasi belanja modal (capital expenditure/capex) di tahun ini, menjadi hanya 1% dari total penjualan dari biasanya di angka 2%-2,5% sebelum pandemi. Kemudian untuk... more
The main purpose of this study was to find out the perceived impacts on the garment and textile industry of Vietnam from the Belt and Road Initiative (the BRI), a global-scale developmental and trade facilitation policy of China. The... more
We are living in times of great transition, uncertainty and exponential change. In the 1990s the US Defense Department coined a new term to describe this period: VUCA, that stands for "Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous." VUCA is... more
Application of VUCA as Strategy Tool
(on Economic Development and Education)
(on Economic Development and Education)
El enfoque del presente trabajo apunta a integrar por un lado el cambio de paradigma que se ha producido a lo largo de los últimos 50 años del Siglo XX y sigue hoy generando transformaciones a partir de algunos hitos que marcan saltos... more
The paper focuses on our organizational and leadership methods, which are quickly becoming obsolete in the contemporary context. It is based on the presentation of the "Grey Zones" conference and covers three areas (1) a quick... more
Developing and leading emergence teams to cope in VUCA contexts on strategic projects
Policy documents from OECD and UNESCO have been stressing the need to prepare students for what has been termed a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world. They emphasise socialemotional competencies as necessary for coping... more
Negli ultimi tempi un nuovo acronimo si è fatto prepotentemente largo nell’universo concettuale del dibattito che ruota intorno all’interpretazione del mondo in cui viviamo. Questo acronimo è VUCA, termine coniato in ambito militare... more
La naturaleza de la innovación ha cambiado significativamente en la última década, avanzando casi transgresoramente desde su “cuna” (los laboratorios de investigación corporativos y universitarios) hacia una multiplicidad de fuentes no... more
Policy documents from OECD and UNESCO have been stressing the need to prepare students for what has been termed a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world. They emphasise socialemotional competencies as necessary for coping... more
The main purpose of this study was to find out the perceived impacts on the garment and textile industry of Vietnam from the Belt and Road Initiative (the BRI), a global-scale developmental and trade facilitation policy of China. The... more
There is a lot of research in the area of stress. The studies consider that the stressors vary according to the environment. With the changing environment, the higher education institutions also need to develop their competitive advantage... more
The Yellow Ocean IME Factors are the inter@intra-relative triplet connections between (1) the organizational DUAL INTERNAL Cores with (2) its MIXED Entities and (3) its EXTERNAL Surrounds
Dalla notte dei tempi l’essere umano ha sempre incontrato la dimensione della crisi avendo l’opportunità di attraversare quei “luoghi” che gli studiosi della scienza della complessità definiscono “ai margini del Chaos” potendo affinare... more
Profesi akuntan syariah menghadapi banyak sekali tantangan pada era VUCA, yang merupakan sebuah era yang penuh dengan ketidakpastian dan hilangnya sekat-sekat yang ada dalam dunia usaha. Menjadi sebuah kewajiban bagi akuntan syariah untuk... more
Policy documents from OECD and UNESCO have been stressing the need to prepare students for what has been termed a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world. They emphasise socialemotional competencies as necessary for coping... more
As we enter the next decade of the 2020`s the world is expected to be more volatile and uncertain. Managers need new set of frameworks and mindsets to tackle the changes as seen in some recent events. This blog tries to show some context... more
Written for a capstone project for a Master of Transformative Leadership in 2015 through California Institute of Integral Studies, and updated to reflect recent political changes, this paper proposes a new model of leadership designed to... more