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      Late Middle AgesLanded NobilityNobilityMedieval France
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      HistoryModern HistoryFeudalism and Lordshipthe Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta
Final proofs of the whole book
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryHistorical SociologyMedieval History
LAND AND PEASANTS IN MEDIEVAL CRETE. XIIIth – XIVth c. The conquest of Crete by the Venetians and the new state of affairs imposed by Venice soon led to a new social and economic order for the island. If, on a social level, the changes... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesFeudalism and LordshipBastard Feudalism
Han Fei’s doctrine of absolute monarchy is one of the most sophisticated political ideologies ever devised in any ancient society, and it proved critical to the foundation of the first imperial dynasty. One must nonetheless acknowledge... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryPolitical PsychologyTotalitarianism
Demographic model was primarily a critic of the trade and urbanization model that Paul Sweezy had presented. Demographic model presents a contour to explain how changes and developments in population influence the decline of feudalism.... more
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      European HistoryFeudalism and Lordship
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval StudiesRural History
Размещаю вариант без опечаток, в отличие от опубликованного.
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    • Feudalism and Lordship
La cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims ayant été victime des bombardements de la Première Guerre mondiale, l’architecte Henri Deneux saisit l’occasion pour y entreprendre des fouilles archéologiques. C’est ainsi que le 26 octobre 1920, il... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesNumismaticsMedieval Archaeology
The debate since the 18th century on the nature of Canadian fiefs in the St. Lawrence Valley
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      Québec HistoryFeudalism and LordshipCanadaNew France
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      Medieval HistoryLocal HistoryFeudalism and LordshipLocal and regional history
Feudalism is a system of landownership by superior classes in special relation to the royal or state power. Its a system of receiving land from a king and in return working and fighting for him. The feudal system revolves not around the... more
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      PakistanFeudalism and LordshipPakistan StudiesFeudalism
Vicende del territorio alle porte di Padova intorno ad una fortificazione del secolo XII tra storie di "fattori avogadri" e banditi.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Church HistoryVenetian History
A draft translation of three interconnected documents - two charters and a letter - regarding a donation made by Matilda of Tuscany and Canossa (r.1076-1115). The first charter, issued in May 1095, records Matilda's granting of the estate... more
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      Medieval HistoryWomen's HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Latin Literature
This paper looks at the forced labor (corvee) and taxation systems of early modern, especially Rana, Nepal, as they were imposed upon the indigenous communities today known as the Tamang living to the north and west of Kathmandu.
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      Economic HistoryHistorical AnthropologyGovernanceSocial History
L’opera esamina l’affermazione e lo sviluppo delle signorie territoriali in Sardegna tra XIII e XIV secolo attraverso l’esempio dei Malaspina, casato originario della Lunigiana, del quale vengono ricostruite le vicende... more
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMediterranean Studies
This study focuses on the genesis of developed feudalism in Georgia as well as historical and geographical aspects related to the process. Another issue will be the changes in social terminology. It should be said that in Georgia the... more
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      Feudalism and LordshipGeorgian StudiesHistory of GeorgiaFeudalism
Trabalho feito no âmbito da cadeira de História Medieval (Economia e Sociedade) na FLUL, Lic. de História. Propomo-nos, aqui, analisar três textos unidos pela temática central - as relações de vassalidade nos séculos VIII e IX na... more
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      Medieval HistoryCarolingian StudiesMerovingian periodFeudalism and Lordship
etzung mit der tlichkeit ist eine g, der sich die schaft zu stellen elalterforschung vergangenen befasst. Vor nd versucht der Möglichkeiten ediävistischer eschichte am rschungen zu Der geschichtliche Ort der historischen Forschung Simon... more
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      Intellectual HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval HistoriographyHistoriography
When one speaks of feudalism in Japan, one must always bear in mind that "Japanese" feudalism is as peculiar as "European" feudalism which exhibits different patterns in different countries at different times. The Japanese example is no... more
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      Japanese StudiesMedieval Japanese HistoryJapanFeudalism and Lordship
In his analysis of medieval lordship, Thomas N. Bisson differentiates between lordship and feudalism, as well as between lordship and kingship. He also compares biblical lordship, derived from man’s creation in the image of God, to... more
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      HistoryHigh Middle AgesMedieval HistoryFeudalism and Lordship
В статье анализируется функционирование земянского сообщества Копыльского княжества – наследства князей Олельковичей, в XVII–XVIII вв. находившегося во владении разных ветвей рода Радзивиллов. Очерчивается первоначальный состав земянского... more
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      Early Modern HistoryGenealogyNobilitySocial History
This paper looks at the various views of historical geographers, archaeologists and historians concerning the nature of settlement in early Ireland. It examines the way that the idea of 'tribalism' has shaped views of the past. How far... more
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      Village StudiesEarly Medieval IrelandEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)Feudalism and Lordship
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesRitual
This is the presentation that I give within the course "Medeltidens Europa" at the University of Gothenburg. The 60-minute lecture (40+20 minutes) is followed by group work in which students try their hand in medieval source criticism and... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Iberian HistoryEarly Medieval HistoryMedieval Scandinavia
Smar Jbeil is a medieval stronghold built during the Crusader period. A feudal mountain castle belonging to the barony of Boutron (Batrun), it was part of the Crusader county of Tripoli. The castle witnessed three consecutive phases of... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCrusadesLebanon
When socialist feminists discussed the potential and pitfalls of Marxism in the "domestic labor debate" 1 , the specific relationship between patriarchy and capital emerged as a defining concern.
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      Feminist TheoryMarxismCapitalismFeminism
Volume pubblicato con il contributo del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell'Università degli Studi di Macerata (PRIN 2008WY7TXK_003 "Passato e futuro del medioevo. Figure dell'immaginario" -unità di ricerca dell'Università di Macerata:... more
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      AnthropologyMedieval LiteratureMedieval French LiteratureMedieval Studies
Conformemente a quanto indicato nel «Regolamento per la classificazione delle riviste nelle aree non bibliometriche», approvato dal Consiglio direttivo dell'Anvur in data 21 luglio 2016, tutti i contributi pubblicati dalla rivista sono... more
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      Early Modern HistoryEighteenth Century HistorySeventeenth CenturyFeudalism and Lordship
When one speaks of feudalism in Japan, one must always bear in mind that "Japanese" feudalism is as peculiar as "European" feudalism which exhibits different patterns in different countries at different times. The Japanese example is no... more
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      HistoryJapanese StudiesMedieval Japanese HistoryJapan
« Un réseau seigneurial salin : implantation et arborescence des Saint-Maixent de l’Aunis à Lusignan (Xe-XIIe siècle) », in Sylvain GOUGUENHEIM (éd.), Aux sources du pouvoir. Voir approcher, comprendre le pouvoir politique au Moyen Âge,... more
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      History of saltFeudalism and LordshipMedieval Prosopographyde Lusignan family.
The article discusses one of the many transport services provided by serfs for the benefit of the ruler and his officials on the lands of the former Polish state. Podvoda (the podwód) consisted in supplying horses, which were used mainly... more
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      Polish HistoryTransportationPolish StudiesFeudalism and Lordship
Recherche des documents, généalogie et savoir-faire archivistique dans la France rurale 1 par Markus FRIEDRICH
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      French HistoryGenealogyArchivesHistory of Archives
The Slavic variation of Feudalism (Analysis of the example of bellatores in Bosnian medieval history) In this essay different aspects of nobility in medieval Bosnia are analysed, with one essential goal: to put it in context with the... more
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      Medieval HistorySouth East European StudiesHistoriographyNobility
El objeto de este trabajo es estudiar las consecuencias que tenían los pactos vasalláticos a través de la visión de Fulberto de Chartres.
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      Feudalism and LordshipCultura y Mentalidades Baja Edad MediaMiddle AgesFeudalismo
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      Medieval StudiesSpace and PlaceMonastic StudiesEarly Medieval Archaeology
Mediaeval Turin diocese was a extended district, including plains and hills around the city, but also a wide sector of the Alps, from the valley of Stura, near Cuneo, to the valleys of Lanzo. The ecclesiastical tasks of the bishops and... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Church HistoryFeudalism and Lordship
Analyse des chartes de Saint-Bertin relatives à leur seigneurie d'Audenfort (période 1466 -1574) et transcription du rôle du centième d'Artois de 1569 pour cette même paroisse. Table des fiefs, table des familles.
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      Feudalism and LordshipFeudalismNord Pas de CalaisSaint-Omer
Even after numerous interpretations of Marxian model of evolution of society, the matter which is already interpreted and is yet in the process of many upcoming research is the Marxian formulations of the ambiguity related to the specific... more
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      Capital MarketsHistory of CapitalismCapitalismKarl Marx
The Friulan feudal lord Lucio, count Della Torre and Valsassina (1695-1723), was banned from the Venetian Republic in 1717 for serious crimes and then went on to live in the Austrian territories amid scandals and... more
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      History of Social SciencesHistory of ViolenceNobilityHistory of Elites
Depuis les travaux du baron Delzons au XIXe siècle, on croyait bien connaître la lignée des Conros, ou Astorg d’Aurillac. Une lecture critique des analyses de l’érudit souligne pourtant la fragilité de ce qui n’était au départ qu’un... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesFeudalism and LordshipMedieval Aristocracy
A draft translation of the 'Edictum de beneficiis regni italici' (Edict on the Benefices of the Kingdom of Italy), also known as the 'Constitutio de feudis' (Constitution or Ordinance on Fiefs) issued by Emperor Conrad II (r.1024-1039) on... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Latin LiteratureDiplomatics (Medieval)
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      HistoryModern HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
''India, Modernity and the Great Divergence is an original and pioneering book about India’s transition towards modernity and the rise of the West. The work examines global entanglements alongside the internal dynamics of 17th to 19th... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsHistoryEuropean HistoryHistory of Science and Technology
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryRitualProtest
La presente comunicación pretende analizar a través de un caso concreto y paradigmático la resistencia antiseñorial que se produjo en la Castilla bajomedieval y altomoderna frente al proceso de señorialización desarrollado, sobre todo, a... more
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      Early Modern HistoryNobilityFeudalism and LordshipEdad Moderna
"La deuxième partie de l’ouvrage s’attache à déployer une réflexion sur les moyens et les ressorts de la légitimation de la violence. Or, la violence n’est pas un phénomène statique, il s’agit donc de la mettre en perspective avec des... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval French LiteratureSemanticsCrusades
The church of Holy Trinity in the village of Wensley is situated on the north bank of the River Ure, which runs through the valley of Wensleydale in North Yorkshire. The river valleys of the Yorkshire Dales form natural corridors of... more
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      HeraldryMedieval Church HistoryChurch ArchaeologyFeudalism and Lordship
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval HistoryMedieval Europe