Recent papers in Wikileaks
Mucho se ha discutido en medios de comunicación, debates académicos y grupos activistas sobre la extravagancia de la tipificación de los delitos atribuidos a Chelsea Manning. Por ejemplo, por el hecho de que resultó convicto de... more
El sábado 12 de junio de 1971, la hija del ex presidente estadounidense Richard Nixon, Patricia, celebraba nupcias con su prometido Edward Finch Cox. Todo apuntaba a que el siguiente día, 13 de junio, la prensa dedicaría un amplio espacio... more
Current foreign policy under the Obama administration is examined (from the Cheonan incident to the Arab Spring) and there is a brief examination of what may lay in store for America's future.
Este ensayo analiza y reflexiona desde una perspectiva sociológica el fenómeno de Wikileaks, a partir de las implicancias que la información por éste filtrada podría tener sobre la institución del Estado moderno racional. La relación... more
The terrorist outrages in the United States (US) on September 11th 2001 created unprecedented challenges for intelligence and security communities and policy makers. Anxiety over further attack led to a profusion of intelligence being... more
Reseña publicada en el número 13 de la revista "Comunicación" del departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad de la Universidad de Sevilla (pp. 97-100). ISSN 1989-600X Jorge Lozano (ed.): "Secretos en red. Intervenciones... more
Erschienen in: Alexander Filipovic/Michael Jäckel/Christian Schicha (Hrsg.): Medien-und Zivilgesellschaft. München: Juventa 2012, 260-272 -post-print -Die ausgestellten Zahlen in eckigen Klammern entsprechen der Paginierung des Drucks.
"This book is an interrogation of humanity's new potentials and threats brought by technology when the question of social change is becoming more crucial than ever. The selected essays in this anthology confront questions from a... more
#Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online. Everything from Hillary Clinton's emails, McCain's being guilty, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs HIV letter, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents... more
In the last few years we have had a number of infamous national security leaks and prosecutions. Many have argued that these people have done a great service for our nation by revealing the wrongdoings of the defense agencies. However,... more
Mintpress, May 29, 2019 Julian Assange and WikiLeaks revealed the American military’s war crimes, the American government’s corruption and... more
A review about Julien Assange's Cypherpunks.
Overview: The aim of this course is to provide a general introduction to a range of theories that seek to explain why we communicate as we do. The first part of the course establishes a general overview of communication theory, from both... more
The term "cable," as used in the context of diplomacy, is ambiguous. It denotes both a message and its technological messenger. Telegraph wires were used around the middle of the nineteenth century to connect the capitals of Europe. The... more
Im Jahr 2006 ging eine Website online, die nur Monate später die Welt bewegen und schließlich in zwei Lager spalten sollte:WikiLeaks. Die Whistleblower-Plattform macht es sich zur Aufgabe, durch „leaks“, also „Löcher“ im System erhaltene... more
Entre el año 2006 y 2012, Bolivia, Ecuador y Venezuela vivieron uno de los momentos más interesantes de la historia diplomática de América Latina, cuando comenzaron a reconstruir su propia Diplomacia Pública ante el ataque comunicacional... more
Çalışmada uluslararası ilişkilerde toplumların görüş, talep ve tepkilerinin gündemin belirlenmesi ve bununla bağlantılı olarak siyasetin işleyiş sürecinde önem kazanmasıyla, akademide gittikçe daha fazla ele alınmaya başlanan kamu... more
An augmented version of the CP article of 2 November 2016 that was subsequently under pressure taken down from the site. The present version provides additional information and analysis not contained in the earlier piece.
In this working bibliography I bring together a large set of (mostly academic) references on a specific category of political actor that I am calling ‘freedom technologists’, namely those tech-minded individuals, groups and organisations... more
Este trabalho apresenta o advento do WikiLeaks e enfatiza o seu papel na luta pela transparência de informação na Internet. Atualmente, o WikiLeaks é usado tanto como um destino de compartilhamento de documentos como uma fonte de... more
Este trabalho é uma análise das relações entre os Estados Unidos e o Brasil durante o governo Lula. Mais especificamente, investigamos como a relação foi vista pelas lentes do imperialismo norte-americano, o que fizemos a partir da... more
Julian Paul Assange 3 Temmuz 1971 Avustralya doğumlu, internet aktivisti (hacker) ''Wikileaks'' adlı internet sitesinin editörü ve basın sözcüsüdür.
Der amerikanische Think Thank STRATFOR wird seit Jahren von den Medien "Die Schatten-CIA" genannt. Sie galten als Quelle des Bösen und als eine Art krimineller Tochter der Central Intelligence Agency. Gleichzeitig galten STRATFORs... more
The existing literature on the recent global wave of social protest ranges from theories that regard new media as ‘game-changers’, to those that stress the centrality of global communication networks or of online/offline articulations in... more
This paper revisits the feud between Fatah and Hamas, after Fatah lost the legislative elections to Hamas on 25 January 2006. Using the unprecedented disclosure of US diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks, Palestinian negotiating documents... more
The main task of this paper is to analyze the online collective known as Anonymous as a case study using the theoretical framework of traditional social movement studies. I outline this framework in the literature review section of this... more
Much is spoken and written about the liberal nature of global trade and its relation to democracy and freedoms. Trade representatives of the transatlantic free trade agreement (TAFTA | TTIP) have talked about the importance of the... more
If the contents of this book are true, there can be no doubt about the meaning of life. Understanding the meaning of life is the human quest and forms a foundation for psychological well-being. The purpose of religious and philosophical... more
As a result of Wikileaks' cooperation with traditional media, the line between journalism and activism was blurred and investigative journalism was encouraged. Robert Rosenthal, who leads the Centre for Investigative Reporting (CIR), said... more
El caso de Julian Assange es paradigmático y contemporáneo a nuestros días producto del escándalo político que ocasionó el actuar de Wikileaks. Tomando como actor a Assange, proponemos un estudio de su caso a la luz del derecho... more
This essay updates (to early 2019) earlier work on the WikiLeaks story in order to consider what more recent developments reveal about the theoretical promise that Assange articulated at the time of the website’s emergence. Assange has... more
Un fragmento del libro: “Cuerpo en disolvencia: flujos, secreciones, residuos”, de próxima aparición.
The Pentagon Papers, WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden are among the most topical whistleblowing cases where journalists got involved to publish articles based on leaked information. On occasion of these major leaks, strategies of circulation... more
Caracteres es una revista académica interdisciplinar y plurilingüe orientada al análisis crí7co de la cultura, el pensamiento y la sociedad de la esfera digital. Esta publicación prestará especial atención a las colaboraciones que aporten... more
El anuario aborda la crisis financiera internacional y algunas alternativas en el marco de Naciones Unidas. Se analiza el papel de Wikileaks en una nueva era de la información y los límites y potencidades que presentan los índices de la... more
This thesis investigates the relationships between surveillance, acts of resistance to surveillance and their respective roles in the contemporary social order. The context for this investigation is the contemporary ‘information... more
Whether it is smart (as in “smart bombs” or “smart power”), involves stealth (“stealth technology” like the B-2 bomber, or “leading from behind” as in the US-led NATO war on Libya), uses “leverage”, employs “force multipliers,” or engages... more
This paper investigates the role of ‘truth’ as an object of contention within organizations, with specific reference to the ‘politics of truth’ in the WikiLeaks case. For an empirical illus- tration of a ‘truth game’ this paper draws on... more
The present contribution maps materialist advances in media studies. Based on the assumption that matter and materiality constitute significant aspects of communication processes and practices, I introduce four fields of inquiry –... more
This article explores Twitter and online forum discussions of WikiLeaks' November 2009 leak of 9/11 pager messages, placing them in the context of ongoing debates about the meaning of 9/11, about online privacy, and about the presentation... more
The coverage of Wikileaks' huge amounts of leaked data was a challenge for newspapers -they had to figure out how to get stories out of extensive and complex data sets and how to present their findings to readers. The result significantly... more
The attempt to establish a unified taxonomy for the field of Information Ethics is both unattainable and unwarranted. The categorization of Information Ethics as a defined discipline, an applicable practice, a philosophy and a worldview... more