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      Social NetworksSocial SciencesSocial NetworkingSocial Media
The semiotics of the face studies the meaning of the human face in contemporary visual cultures. There are two complementary research foci: widespread practices of face exhibition in social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and... more
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      SemioticsCultural SemioticsVisual SemioticsFace Recognition
The semiotics of the face studies the meaning of the human face in contemporary visual cultures. There are two complementary research foci: widespread practices of face exhibition in social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and... more
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      SemioticsSocial NetworksInternet StudiesSocial Networking
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      Social NetworksSocial MediaFacebookOnline social networks
The Internet has become an integral aspect of our daily lives, playing a role in work, leisure and personal relationships. Over the past fifteen years, researchers and clinicians have noted the intricate ways that the Internet impacts our... more
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      Grounded TheoryFacebookLogistic RegressionFacebook Studies
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
Las generaciones más jóvenes utilizan las Redes Sociales Virtuales (RSV) para diversos objetivos tales como la obtención de información, y la interacción y organización con sus amigos, contactos o compañeros de escuela, entre... more
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      FacebookFacebook StudiesRedes socialesEscuela
The number of people engaging in and using social media has increased substantially over the past decade. Recent research has also suggested that a minority of individuals appear to be addicted to social media (e.g., so called ‘Facebook... more
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      BuddhismPsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Psychology
Death and funeral practices are a constant presence in many Aboriginal Australians’ lives—research in some communities found they are eight times more likely to have attended a funeral in the previous 2 years than non- Aboriginal people.... more
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      Indigenous StudiesMourningFacebookAustralian Indigenous Studies
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      Social CapitalFacebook StudiesLaços sociais
While most previous research on cyberactivism in the Arab Spring, in general, and the Egyptian revolution, in particular, focused on analyzing the role of social media in mobilizing the masses for political action, coordinating protest... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaDigital MediaPolitics
RESUMO Este trabalho aborda a (in) visibilidade das juventudes (tribos) na pós-modernidade, tendo como pressuposto que nos espaços virtuais de confluência entre a tecnologia e a arte elas podem ganhar visibilidade. A abordagem ancora-se... more
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      FacebookCiberculturaFacebook StudiesEstética
In our article, we investigate the affective economy of national-populist image circulation on Facebook. This is highly relevant, since social media has been an essential area for the spread of national-populist ideology. In our research,... more
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      Visual StudiesNationalismPopulismSocial Media
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      Facebook StudiesTrabajo SocialConectivismo
Se presentan los resultados del plan de medios sociales de la Plataforma Latina de Revistas de Comunicación (PlatCom) integrada por 8 revistas académicas fundacionales y dos revistas honoríficas consorciadas. El estudio refleja la... more
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      BlogsSocial MediaFacebookTwitter
Il testo si interroga sulla nozione e sullo statuto del discorso letterario soprattutto in relazione alle nuove scritture che emergono sulla Rete. Più in generale il saggetto propone una visione allargata del campo letterario fino al... more
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      Media StudiesNarrativeOrality-Literacy StudiesLiterary Theory
Establishing and developing relationships with customers is an important and inseparable part of marketing management. This effort should be relevant to the target group of customers, and it should be interesting in order to get the... more
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      Social MediaCustomer Relationship Management (CRM)Marketing CommunicationSocial Media Marketing
As with corporate branding and widespread advertising, social media such as Twitter have helped companies and the culture industry influence what young people buy, how they identify with one another, and even how they speak. Through MTV... more
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      AnthropologyDigital MediaYouth CultureSocial Media
The paper deals with intercultural marketing, which is a combination of two different phenomena - marketing and culture. The first objective of the paper lies in providing theoretical definitions of the above-mentioned areas.... more
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      MarketingCultural StudiesIntercultural CommunicationIntercultural Management
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      FacebookFacebook Studies
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      SociologyInternet StudiesResearch EthicsQualitative Health Research
This article shows how the presence of an election campaign affects the way in which the main political leaders of 18 countries communicate on Facebook. Findings indicate the presence of robust qualitative and quantitative differences... more
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      Comparative PoliticsWestern EuropeLeadershipPolitical communication
This exploratory paper analyses monetary and power relations between Facebook and news companies by investigating their web traffic sources, social sharing practices and content distribution on Facebook. The paper also seeks to determine... more
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      Platform StudiesGoogleNewspapersFacebook Studies
일단 맥락부터 짚어보자. 페이스북이 저널리즘 프로젝트를 공표한 2017년 1월1은 미국 대선이 치러지고 채 두 달도 지나지 않은 복잡한 시점이었다. 페이스북은 ‘가짜 뉴스(페이크 뉴스)’를 확산시킨 진원지라는 오명에 휩싸였고, 도널드 트럼프의 대통령 당선이 실리콘밸리에 준 충격을 페이스북이 온전히 감당해야만 하던 때였다. 대선 전에는 트렌딩 토픽 스캔들(페이스북 실시간 뉴스 서비스인 트렌딩 토픽의 뉴스를 의도적으로... more
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      JournalismSocial MediaFacebook Studies
In this paper, I explore the concept of multitude according to the writings of Toni Negri, Michael Hardt and Paolo Virno and in opposition to the concept of mass, developed by the French thinker Gustave Le Bon. Multitude appears as a kind... more
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      WikisInternet StudiesCommonsFacebook
Although extensive research has been carried out on virtual learning environments and the role of groups and communities in social networks, few studies exist which adequately cover the relationship between these two domains In this... more
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      Human Computer InteractionSocial NetworksE-learningSocial Networking
The aim of the paper is to investigate the use of social media by Italian universities as communication and relational tools. An analysisof the 95 Italian higher education institutions highlightshow nearly halfof the universities (51.6%)... more
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      Social MediaPublic Relations & Social MediaFacebook StudiesPublic Sector Communication
Resumo: Analisa como os jornalistas acompanham o Facebook e como se pautam pelos assuntos apresentados ali. Compreende qual a relação desse profissional com a rede social e como seu uso impactou o trabalho, tendo em vista peculiaridades... more
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      FacebookFacebook StudiesComunication and NewWebjournalism
Terjemahan lirik 7
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      Academia ResearchGoogleFacebook StudiesAcademics
The media are playing an important role in childrenns daily lives, whether measured in terms of family income, use of time and space, or importance within the conduct of social relations. Curiously, there is a notable discrepancy between... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationNew MediaEducational Technology
The purpose of this article is to analyze and contextualize the relationship between the Commercial Law and the Internet Law with regard to Facebook’s Free Basics initiative, based on information from the ICT Households 2014 survey.... more
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      Internet LawFacebookNet Neutrality (Computer Science)Net Neutrality
Worldwide, the use of digital communication networks has been a key strategy in activist events involving demonstrations. Its use was evident in the media’s repeated publication of pictures taken on demonstrators’ mobile phones during... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial MovementsVisual SociologyVisual Studies
The academic question about the effects of mass media on political participation has a long research history. If the previous century asked the question about the printing press, radio and television, the current century questions now the... more
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      New MediaMass CommunicationSocial MediaFacebook
La connettività individuale abilitata dal Web 2.0, unita alla possibilità di essere sempre in contatto con la propria rete di contatti grazie ai Social Network Sites (SNS), come Facebook o Twitter, contribuiscono a disegnare una rete di... more
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      Media StudiesFamilySocial MediaFacebook
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      Social MediaMuseums and Exhibition DesignMuseumsFacebook Studies
In order to create an effective article, having great content is essential. However, to achieve this, the writer needs to target a specific audience. A target audience refers to a group of readers that a writer intends to reach with his... more
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      Personality PsychologyBloggings, Social Webbings, & Other Emergent Writing/Reading FormsMachine LearningClassification (Machine Learning)
Egypt's January 25 Revolution of 2011 was a dramatic demonstration of the role social media has come to play in radical activism. A key moment was the appearance of the Facebook page "We Are All Khaled Said," which linked activists across... more
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      Middle East StudiesDigital MediaFacebook StudiesEgyptian Revolution
Estamos viviendo un gran fenómeno social que está revolucionando la manera de comunicarse y de interactuar con los demás. Este fenómeno se denomina «redes sociales» y que desde su origen, se define como una estructura social conformada... more
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      Web 2.0Social NetworksSocial NetworkingFacebook
Suite à la suspension temporaire du Programme de Sciences, lettres et art en 2011, le comité de programme a travaillé d'arrache-pied afin de rendre le programme plus attrayant et plus adapté à la réalité de ce début de XXIe siècle. Parmi... more
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      Facebook StudiesMarketing DigitalCégepEnseignement Collégial
В статье рассмотрены основания, на которых ведущие технологические компании стремятся трансформировать образ жизни человечества и даже природу «человеческого», используя для этого идею «метавселенных» как перспективного проекта развития... more
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      FacebookMetaverseFacebook StudiesMetamodernism
With focus on Facebook, this paper contributes to the scholarly discussion that draws from Marxist concepts to examine “labour relations” between social media organizations as capitalist enterprises and users as both free labour and... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyPragmaticsDigital Media
This chapter focuses on the role of social media in galvanizing street protests, demonstrations, and other forms of democratic participation associated with the Iranian Green Movement, and examines how Iranian activists framed relevant... more
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      Political SociologySocial MovementsSocial NetworksSocial Sciences
Abstract With the diffusion of the Internet, Web 2.0 and online social network usage, consumers’ power has increased against to companies which were seen inaccessible in the past. The Internet that enables consumers to be producers has... more
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      FacebookOnline social networksPolitical consumerismFacebook Studies
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      Web 2.0LexicologyDialects of EnglishLanguage Variation and Change
Cerchiamo diagnosi e cure su «Dr. Google». Leggiamo blog alla ricerca di recensioni su specialisti e ospedali. Interagiamo con il medico su WhatsApp. Contattiamo le Asl su Facebook e Twitter. Sempre più, oggi, Internet e i social media... more
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      Health CommunicationSocial MediaSociology of CommunicationFacebook Studies
Since the 1990’s the digital revolution has inspired the prophecies of Silicon Valley pundits that we are about to enter a leaderless society. Yet, the cyberutopian excitement about the ‘wisdom of the crowd’ has given way to an... more
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      LiberalismDemocratizationPerformativityThe Emerging Church and Radical Orthodoxy
En la actualidad se cuenta ya con un robusto cuerpo de investigaciones relacionadas con las redes sociales online. Sin embargo, a pesar de ser una temática que ha dado lugar a numerosos trabajos, hasta la fecha sigue abordándose de manera... more
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      Qualitative methodologyFacebookYouthDiaries
Click farms are often considered either a form of fraudulent online marketing or as a type of exploitative digital labour based on an illegitimate business operation that produces ‘click spam’. There has, however, been limited research on... more
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      AnthropologyMedia StudiesNew MediaSoutheast Asian Studies
An International, Interdisciplinary Conference Organized by SILC, Semiotic Interdisciplinary Laboratory on Cultures, Shanghai University and University of Turin Co-Sponsored by The Department of Chinese Language and Literature,... more
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      SemioticsCultural SemioticsVisual SemioticsFace Recognition