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The term 'propaganda' is normally taken in the pejorative sense of deceitful messaging. Propaganda is considered dubious if it is produced by a government agency, especially if by a ministry of war or propaganda. In this article I apply... more
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      PhilosophyHistory Of Propaganda
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Second World WarWorld War II
La historia de la Enfermería está irremediablemente ligada a los grandes conflictos que han acaecido a lo largo de la historia de la humanidad, en los que los avances sanitarios fueron a la zaga de las nuevas tecnologías armamentísticas.... more
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      NursingSecond World WarWorld War IIHistoria
Katedra pedagogikyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult
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      Social CareHumanismSocial PedagogyChildren
Chinese Role in Second World War October 2024 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10633.04964 Agha H Amin Chinese role in the second world war was heroic and their human cost much heavier than USA, UK , India or Japan , but their influence on the... more
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      Military HistoryChinaSecond World War
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    • Anuario colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura
Het is de eerste week van oktober 1944. Het westen van het dorp is dan weliswaar al een paar weken bevrijd, maar het front zit muurvast in Nederweert. Aanhoudend vallen er Duitse en Engelse granaten en bommen. De inwoners van de... more
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    • Art
Universal conscription and compulsory military service was implemented in Serbia in 1883. This move was drowned relatively earlier then in the most of European countries and transformed from scared, undisciplined and inadequately skilled... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistorySerbian history
, the leaders of North America and Western Europe flocked to the beaches of Normandy, France to pay tribute to the historic battle fought between the allied forces and the Nazis for control of France and to eventually overthrow the Nazis.... more
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      World War IISoviet Union (History)Nazi GermanyWorld War II history
During the Second World War, many who attended Connecticut's Trinity College served in the Army Air Forces and the Eighth Air Force, flying the B-17 Flying Fortress or the B-24 Liberator. The Apple TV+ "Masters of the Air" series... more
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      Second World WarWorld War IIAir Power HistoryWorld War II history
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Air Force StudiesStrategic Studies
Рад је заснован на необјављеној грађи Дипломатског архива Министарства иностраних послова и Војног архива СР Немачке, Војног архива у Београду, Архива Југославује, Архива Српске академије наука и уметности, Архива Србије, као и на основу... more
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This round table aims to take stock of current debates about Belgian memory of World War II by addressing the history of collaboration in Belgium and the role that cultural products, including literary texts and digital resources, have... more
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      Belgian HistoryWorld War II historyNazismAntifascism
Albert Bereczky, the pastor of the Reformed Congregation on Pozsonyi Street (Budapest), joined the anti-German resistance after the German invasion of Hungary on 19 March 1944 and became one of its most committed activists. His friendship... more
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      History of HungaryHolocaust StudiesAnti-nazi resistanceChurch History
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      HistoryEthnic Group
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      World War IISoviet Union (History)World War II historySoviet Union
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      World War IISoviet Union (History)World War II historyEstonia
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryBorder StudiesCross-border cooperation
Key inquiry question To what extent did overconfidence from the Japanese and the advantage of the US cracking the Japanese code influence the outcome of the battle of midway and the overall outcome of the pacific theatre?
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      HistoryNaval WarfareNaval HistoryJapanese
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RADU TUDORANCEA * Evenimentul reprezentat de atacarea Legaţiei SUA la Bucureşti, pe 19 aprilie 1961, a rămas unul prea puţin cunoscut, deşi aparţine unei perioade care corespunde, pe fond, unei reale îmbunătăţiri a relaţiilor... more
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      IntelligenceHistory of Communism
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    • Biography
On August 6, 2020, it was 75 years ago that the Americans dropped their first atomic bomb on the inhabitants of the Japanese city of Hiroshima. For a long time it was generally believed that this bomb ended World War II. Those who would... more
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      RadiationNuclear WeaponsJapaneseIndonesia
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      PsychoanalysisEducationArtPsychoanalysis and Education
It is rare to find explicit analyses of factors that influenced the soldiers’ experience of war. This article explores the extent to which British and Anzac combatants had agency during the Gallipoli campaign of 1915-16. It argues that,... more
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      HistoryPhilosophy of AgencyBritishGallipoli
En raison de leur nature insulaire et de leur expérience des conflits asymétriques auxquels ils furent confrontés dans la cadre de leur empire colonial, les Britanniques perçurent assez tôt l’émergence de nouvelles formes de guerre... more
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      Military IntelligenceIntelligence StudiesIntelligence HistorySpecial Operations
Au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le renseignement connaît un développement sans précédent, et ses progrès sont encore plus marqués qu’entre 1914 et 19181 et il entre véritablement dans son ère moderne. Ses méthodes se diversifient... more
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      Military IntelligenceIntelligence StudiesIntelligence History
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      Foreign PolicySpanish Civil WarThird ReichAdolf Hitler
Боровець І. І. Перша Словацька республіка та Третє Болгарське царство (1939-1944 рр.). Автор статті простежив напрямки словацько-болгарських міждержавних відносин у роки Другої світової війни в дипломатичній, політичній, економічній та... more
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JUDGING CRIMES OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR PERIOD BY THE SPECIAL CRIMINAL COURT IN KATOWICE 1945–1946 The book presents the activity of the Special Criminal Court in Katowice in the years 1945-1946. It describes its organisation, staffing,... more
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      War CrimesProsecution of war crimesUpper SilesiaCommunism and national question
This publication adds to a rapidly growing volume of scholarship on U.S. cultural diplomacy. Most of this scholarship focuses on the Cold War and on Europe. This volume, in turn, is concerned with a lesser-known episode that came to... more
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      World War IIWorld War II historyReseñas
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Essendo stato per 55 anni attivo Collaboratore degli Uffici Storici della Marina e dell’Aeronautica, e ancora oggi apolitico, ho scritto questo saggio, a 80 anni dalla fine del fascismo. Lo scopo e quello di fornire la conoscenza, nel... more
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      Political ScienceForumLuxembourgHistoriographie
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      Military HistoryPolitical ScienceCanadian Military HistoryAeronautics
1°)-Présentation Brigitte Bouzonnie : Cet article rédigé par l'historien Jacques Pauwels sur la guerre à l'Est (opération Barbarossa), déclarée le 22 juin 1941 par Hitler, est certainement ce que j'ai lu de mieux sur le sujet. Et j'en ai... more
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      German HistoryRussian HistoryTwentieth Century GermanySoviet Union (History)
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      Nationalsozialismusdeutsch-französische BeziehungenGrenzenZweiter Weltkrieg
The Second World War was a global conflict that took place from 1939 to 1945, with its origins been traced back to the aftermath of World War I (1914-1918) and the treaties and conditions imposed upon defeated nations. World War II was... more
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      HistoryInternational StudiesUnited NationsSecond World War
In questi giorni ricorre l'anniversario 80 della morte di Antonio-Antonuccio-Caravaggio, giovane brindisino, ufficiale pilota della Regia Aeronautica, pluridecorato, caduto in combattimento a soli 24 anni l'8 novembre del 1942 sul fronte... more
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      AereonauticaSeconda Guerra MondialeStoria di Brindisi
Review Film "Grave of the Fireflies" dikaitkan dengan keadaan politik Jepang pada saat itu. Tulisan berisikan sinopsis film secara singkat dan kemudian review oleh penulis.
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese AnimeFilm AnalysisJapanese Politics (Political Science)
Nel momento in cui in Italia, a causa di una X, da parte di certi elementi di una parte politica (con professori di Storia e giornalisti della stampa e della televisione praticamente ignoranti), si é scatenato un putiferio, nessuno a... more
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The properties and numerical characteristics for a modern war of attrition are described. Eight principles for victory are given: "readiness for total mobilization and horrific losses", "readiness for total destruction", "defense is first... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)War TheoryWar StudiesPolitical Mobilization
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      GeographyContemporary HistoryMILE
My reflections on D-Day, the Battle of Normandy, and the (pseudo-)liberation of France.
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      20th century FranceWorld War II historyCharles de GaulleGénéral De Gaulle
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