Young Carers
Recent papers in Young Carers
Findings from Suzanie Adina MAT SAAT’s PhD research at Loughborough University that explored the experiences of Malay children whose parent has cancer and their information needs and behaviour to cope with the challenges they faced as... more
This exploratory study considers young carers’ perceptions of fac- tors contributing to their adjustment and benefit finding within their caregiving role. Benefit-finding, defined as the “process of deriving positive growth from... more
Caregiving is usually associated with adults’ responsibilities. Official statistics and research have demonstrated, however, that many children and young people in the global North and South have substantial, regular caring... more
This paper explores the causes and effects of a unique begging style involving children as guides in Dodoma Municipality, Tanzania. The rationale for Dodoma Municipality to be the study location is that the begging phenomenon using... more
Projet de soutien aux jeunes dont un parent est atteint d’un trouble de santé mentale : Synthèse de la consultation auprès d’adultes ayant grandis lors de leur enfance/adolescence avec un parent aux prises avec un ou des problème(s) de... more
In many Sub-Saharan African countries, the care of chronically ill, disabled or elderly relatives is usually regarded as the responsibility of family members, within a broader landscape of often overburdened healthcare systems, the... more
Ebony was at school when her mother Rebecca's best friend called in a panic. She was in hospital and had been injured at work. Rebecca, a professional chef, was near the end of her day and cleaning a metal grease trap when " Bang. Done.... more
This chapter provides insight into young people’s caring relations and transitions within what is often considered a particularly ‘troubling’ familial context in both the global North and South: living with HIV. I analyse the findings... more
The paper aims to
Present new research on young black and minority ethnic carers in Sweden, the UK, Greece and Italy
Contextualise the findings within Europe’s current reality
Connect power, education, equality & young carers
Present new research on young black and minority ethnic carers in Sweden, the UK, Greece and Italy
Contextualise the findings within Europe’s current reality
Connect power, education, equality & young carers
In this paper we respond to the question: How can we gain a better understanding of our own values and where they come from, and how this has influenced our work together and in our interests in improving outcomes for carers? We evidence... more
Recent research and policy have recognised the central role of unpaid care-givers (often women and girls) in the global South. Disability rights perspectives, however, challenge the language of ‘care’ and ‘dependence’. Drawing on... more
This paper explores the impacts of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on children and families in northern Tanzania using the concept of social resilience. 1 The study is based on the findings of childfocused research with street children and children... more
PhD young adult carers thesis Report Title: Mixed Method study to investigate young adult carers (Aged 16-25) mental health, wellbeing and social isolation in the North-West of England. ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to target young... more
This article explores care as an inequality-creating phenomenon pertaining to the position of young female carers. Engaging the normative theory of Nancy Fraser on ‘participatory parity’ as a framework for equality, an intersectional... more
Theme Focusing on young carers, one of the most marginalised groups in Europe, this international event will explore youth led-solutions to unemployment with the ultimate objective of bringing barriers down and informing international... more
This paper investigates the time-space practices of young people caring for their siblings in youth-headed households affected by AIDS in Tanzania and Uganda. Based on qualitative exploratory research with young people heading households,... more
Caring for a loved one has been reported as potentially being a very stressful experience and can have negative consequences on carers’ wellbeing. However, research also demonstrates individual differences in the ways that carers respond... more
African childrepn who care for sick or dying adults are receiving less than optimal support due to confusion about whether or not young caregiving constitutes a form of child labour and the tendency of the authorities to play it 'safe'... more
This paper presents the findings of a study exploring the perspectives of community agencies in Edmonton, Alberta on issues related to young carers (young people who are primary caregivers to a family member or friend who is ill,... more
Residing on an empirical study carried out in Istanbul with young female carers (daughters who share the care responsibility of their younger siblings with their mothers), this article explores the care provider positioning of a child by... more
This is the ebook brining together four national reports that were produced as part of the C2W programme. The reports were produced by the project partners and were written in native languages focusing on the UK, Sweden, Italy and Greece.... more
While many academics are sceptical about the 'impact agenda', it may offer the potential to re-value feminist and participatory approaches to the co-production of knowledge. Drawing on my experiences of developing a UK Research Excellence... more
Millions of children in sub-Saharan Africa undertake personal and medical care for family members who are unwell with AIDS. To date, no research has investigated whether such care provision places children at heightened risk for pulmonary... more
Leeds to attract carers to the service in Primary and Secondary care. A qualitative evaluation of new working practices.