Youth Policy
Recent papers in Youth Policy
تستعرض المقال ملامح الاهتمام الرئاسي في مصر بفئة الشباب، وأبرز المبادرات التي تبنتها أجهزة الدولة، وأفرزها المناخ العام المصاحب لها، مع محاولة تقييم مدى فعاليتها، وتقديم مقترحات بشأن الآليات، والخطوات اللازمة في الفترة القادمة لتفعيل تلك... more
The ‘Eastern Partnership Youth Policy Analytic Report’ (EYPAR) was prepared between September and December 2015, following a request by the European Commission (DG NEAR) to provide a study on youth policy developments in the... more
"The following article analyses the consideration afforded to the stage of youth over the last twenty-five years, coinciding with the period of democracy and the implementation of public policies in Catalonia. The article begins with a... more
Concern about high rates of mental health disorders amongst young people has underwritten a proliferation of social and educational policy aimed at improving youth wellbeing. This chapter examines educational concerns with mental health... more
What are the European Youth Goals and how do they relate to the EU Youth Strategy? Do they embody the principles of solidarity? Can they contribute to solidarity in the youth field at a national and European level and if yes, how? This... more
Статья рассматривает историю учреждения литературных комсомольских премий в СССР во второй половине XX века. На примере учреждения премии Ленинского комсомола ЦК ВЛКСМ, литературной премии им. Н. Островского, литературных премий комсомола... more
Leading education policy researchers argue that policy is best understood as a process of contestation and struggle. This theory is particularly convincing at a time when youth workers and young people are protesting against student fees,... more
Este artículo condensa nuestros últimos trabajos en torno al emprendimiento y la juventud y los sitúa en el marco de reflexión que Gaceta Sindical propone en este número. Para ello revisamos primero el contexto socio-laboral de... more
However, national youth policies are highly diversed in the European Union, the role of the European Union should not be diminished in the formation of the national policies. This article attempts to analyze an impact of the European... more
تسعى هذه الورقة إلي بلورة المنطلقات الأساسية التي يجب أن تكون حاكمة للعمل الشبابي في "عملية بناء الدولة الجديدة" في مصر بعد ثورة 30 يونيو، وعرض أهم السياسات العامة والإجراءات التي يجب تبنيها أخذاً في الاعتبار التدرج في طرح هذه السياسات... more
Presentation delivered at the Caribbean Region Directors of Youth Meeting, hosted by The Commonwealth, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, June 23, 2018.
This paper is the introductory chapter of a reader on European Youth Studies, the first in a series of publications reflecting upon the rapidly changing world of young people in Europe and seeking to contextualise and understand those... more
Finlandiya’nın 2020 verilerine göre nüfusunun 5.540.720 olduğundan bahsetmektedir. En büyük yaş grupları nüfusun yarısından fazlasını oluşturan 20-39 yaş aralığı 1.38 milyon, 49-59 yaş aralığı 1.39 milyondur... more
În acest articol analizez situaţia tinerilor vulnerabili din România, cu accent pe tinerii NEET, una dintre categoriile aflate în risc de excluziune socială în spaţiul european. Scopul este de a înţelege situaţia tinerilor care se află în... more
In today’s globalized world, dramatically characterized by modernity, information technology (IT) and social media (SM), how do young Moroccan adults (aged between 18 and 29) identify themselves? How do they see their identity being... more
Pada saat ini potret pendidikan di Indonesia semakin memburuk, hal tersebut dikarenakan karena beberapa permasalahan yang timbul dalam dunia pendidikan yang tidak selayaknya dilakukan oleh para pelajar. Kejadian tersebut seakan-akan... more
Висновки Команди міжнародних оглядачів Ради Європи
Content in turkish: abstracts in english
Pensar sobre os jovens e política em Moçambique, convida-nos para um debate maior que não pode unicamente ser visto do ponto de vista da idade que esses actores possuem. No nosso entender, a participação política juvenil não é apenas um... more
Робота пошвецена випитованю становиска младих Руснацох ґу сущним еґзистенциялним темом котри ше находза у Националней стратеґиї за младих Републики Сербиї. У випитованю автор хаснує модификовану методу фокус-ґрупи. Структурованим... more
The current status of education is outlined in Chapter 1, reflecting evolving challenges and opportunities, and the way the formal education sector is becoming informalised, while non-formal learning is simultaneously becoming more... more
Quitter ses parents, entrer dans la vie active, construire son autonomie : comment devient-on vraiment un adulte ? Cet ouvrage est le fruit d'une vaste enquête comparative sur les expériences contemporaines du passage à l'âge adulte,... more
61st Political Studies Association Annual Conference – 'Transforming Politics: New Synergies', London, 19-21 April 2011.
Focused on the period after the 2008/09 crises, this qualitative study on the situation of disadvantaged youth in Austria is based on document analyses and 19 semi‐structured expert interviews. It shows that from an international... more
El presente texto da cuenta de los resultados de la Evaluación Participativa de la Política Pública de Juventud en Bogotá, producto derivado del Convenio N° 204 de 2013 entre el Observatorio Javeriano de Juventud de la Pontificia... more
Pubblicare un libro che restituisce alla città di Milano gli esiti della sperimenta- zione operata dal Servizio Giovani in materia di politiche giovanili, nel biennio 2013-2014, non è una scelta scontata. Non è nemmeno... more
Ukraine is the 19th country overall, and the third of the Commonwealth of Independent States (following Armenia and Moldova) to have its youth policy reviewed by the Council of Europe’s international review team. Ukraine presented a range... more
Artikel ini menawarkan ide-ide kritis untuk mengembangkan kajian kepemudaan di Indonesia. Secara spesifik, ide-ide ini difokuskan pada agenda teoritis dan praktis yang relevan dengan kondisi kontemporer pemuda di Indonesia. Pemuda sebagai... more
Practical guide (manual) about cross-sectorial cooperation in the youth policy field. 2014, M.Ulozas and N.Miginis.