NØ SCHOOL NEVERS is a unique international summer school, held in Nevers, in Burgundy, aimed at students, artists, designers, makers, hackers, activists and educators who wish to further their skills and engage in critical research around the social and environmental impacts of information and communication technologies.

FILE 2024 – Call for Entries

The Call for Entries to participate in FILE – Electronic Language International Festival’s projects in 2024 is now open. The festival seeks original artworks in Art and Technology, by Brazilian and international artists. Registration remains open until February 10th.

61.4223 – Technomass and Nature

61.4223 invites viewers to experience the moment of contemplative observation of a transformed landscape. Comprised of sculptural representations of German open pit mines inside a 1m³ cube, and alongside mechanisms that mimic the movement of (counterpart) excavators, the installation visualizes exactly how many cubic meters of earth have been moved since the installation started.

Portable Black Cat Radar – Mediating Superstition

The Portable Black Cat Radar is part of an ongoing series exploring Machines Responding to Superstitions. The device is comprised of a GPS, gyroscope and magnetometer to gauge your position in the world while at the same time generating fictional black cats for you to dodge.

Sazen City: A cartography of digital memories

Sazen City is a digital collaborative platform designed to stitch shared memories into a cohesive digital landscape. By integrating both individual and collective experiences in the form of postcards, the project seeks to create a dynamic, ever-evolving cityscape.

Controlled Uncontrollables: SAD and the Bubble Printer

Developed in the context of Human 2 Objects project, the main concept was to reflect the human capacity to transform natural elements and to use the human body and its spatiality as an input for interactivity. As a result, the exhibition Controlled Uncontrollables is composed of two sculptural installations in a delicate interplay of art and technology.

µ Muography – Dark Matters

Created by Jon Butt the µ Muography device is an experimental DIY particle detector that detects high speed cosmic particles (muons) as they rain down to earth.

Web – A deterministic universe

Web is a fully on-chain generative cross-linked network of 1000 webpages on Ethereum mainnet. All pages and the links between them are generated and form a deterministic universe.



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