The Modern Business Letter

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The key takeaways are that a good business letter should carry an important message, deliver the message promptly, sell goods or goodwill, and generate new business. It should also have a plan and structure.

The main components of a good business letter are the beginning, message proper, and close. The beginning introduces the topic, the message proper discusses the main points, and the close concludes the letter in a clear and concise manner.

Some factors that make a letter more effective than a salesperson are that it is less expensive, can be sent persistently, is less likely to offend, and the sender has full control over the details.


Missions 1. It Carries a message of Importance.

Every good business letter carries a message of importance to its reader. He who receives your letter must actually feel that his yes or no to what you propose is a matter of no little importance to him.


Missions 2. It must deliver the message promptly.

A good business letter must do vastly more than merely carry a message. It must deliver that message promptly and without fail.


Missions 3. It should sell either goods or goodwill, or both or pave the way for future business..

Every business letter should be fundamentally a sales letter. Its purpose should be to sell either goods or goodwill, or both.


Missions 4. It is a business -getter.

The importance of the business letter as a stabilizer of old business and as a producer of new business is firmly established. Today, in numerous business, the place of the expensive, personal representative or salesman is taken by the letter.
Sto. Tomas

Missions Several factors:

1. Less expensive 2. Persistent 3. Inoffensive 4. Controllable

Sto. Tomas

Missions/ Several Factors 1. Less expensive

The entire cost of the letter in material, time, and preparation is only a fractional part of the travelling mans salary and expense.

Sto. Tomas

Missions/ Several Factors 2. Persistent

Its well-timed calls may be made frequently-persistently. It does not need to wait in any anteroom for an interview; the written communication gets prompt attention.

Sto. Tomas

Missions/ Several Factors 3. Inoffensive

It is not likely to offend or make itself obnoxious, as an over-ambitious salesman.

Sto. Tomas

Missions/ Several Factors 4. Controllable

He who sends out written appeals absolutely controls every minute detail that enters into their production from their pleasing, attention-commanding appearance clear thru to their expression of a cheerful mood, to their logical presentation of winning talking points, and to their last suggestive urge to immediate and favourable action.
Sto. Tomas


Characteristics 1. The plan of the letter

Business today is largely transacted on the basis of efficient and intelligent service. Its every transaction demands a well-defined course of action-a plan.


Characteristics 3 distinct and fundamental steps in the composition and final representation of writers thought:

1. The Beginning 2. The Message Proper 3. The Close


Characteristics/Distinct and Fundamental steps 1. The Beginning

Which is designed to meet existing circumstances and conditions, makes the situation clear and prepares the readers mind for the favorable reception of the message.


Characteristics/Distinct and Fundamental steps 2. The message proper

At once the backbone of the heart of the whole letter, in which the writer has developed clearly, definitely, and persuasively the principal thought he wishes to impress upon the reader.


Characteristics/Distinct and Fundamental steps 1. The Close

The usual purpose of which is to clinch the chief argument of the letter and to leave a good impression on the reader . It contains the final urge that is to move the reader to act in accordance with the writers suggestions and wishes.


Characteristics 2.The language of the letter

The language of the letter is a reliable indicator of the character of the firm from which the letter comes. The backwardness, conservativeness, or progressiveness of a firm are determined by the kinds of words, phrases, and sentences used and the manner in which they are used.

Characteristics/The language of the letter 1. It is progressive

The language of the resultful business letter is progressive when:

a. it does not use hackneyed or outworn expression; b. it does not use objectionable construction; c. it does not use participial or passive constructions.





Questionable Construction 1. Omission of essential words:

a. The subject of a sentence, when a pronoun, is often omitted. Such an omission not only results in an incomplete sentence, but it also makes the tone of the letter curt and incomplete.


Questionable Construction 1. Omission of essential words:

Example: Weak: Have yours of the 10th

Better: Thank you for your letter of April 10.


Questionable Construction 1. Omission of essential words:

b. Omission of the word letter The word yours is frequently incorrectly used for letter.

At best, yours is very indefinite.


Questionable Construction 1. Omission of essential words:

Example: Weak: Yours of recent date received, and contents duly noted. Better: As suggested in your letter of November 5, we are sending you a copy of our first magazine.

Questionable Construction 1. Omission of essential words:

c. Necessary words of the predicate of verb of the sentence are often omitted.


Questionable Construction 1. Omission of essential words:

Example: Weak: We have your letter of November 8th which indicates that you are desirous of obtaining our price list.. Better: We have received your letter of November 8 inquiring about our price list.

Questionable Construction 2. Participial construction

Avoid the use of participial construction in important positions-in opening and closing sentences of a letter. It is a relic of the quill-pen age; it is weak, hackneyed, and uninteresting.


Questionable Construction/Begin a letter effectively with: 1. Begin a letter effectively with:

1. A subject of the letter 2. The you attitude 3. A pertinent question 4. A definite, to-the-point statement 5. A courteous request or command


Questionable Construction/Close a letter Close a letter promptly, gracefully, and specifically with:

1. A definite, to-the-point statement. 2. A courteous respect 3. A courteous command 4. A pertinent question


Questionable Construction/Close a letter Close a letter promptly, gracefully, and specifically with:

1. A definite, to-the-point statement. 2. A courteous respect 3. A courteous command 4. A pertinent question


Questionable Construction 3. Passive construction

This is often used indiscriminately in place of the active construction . It robs the sentence and letter of personal touch and character.


Questionable Construction 3. Passive construction

Example: Weak: Our assistance will be given to you on lines solicited in your letter of June 3. Better: We shall be very glad o assist you in the matter outlines in your letter of June 1.

Questionable Construction/Passive construction 2. It is suggestive

The language of the letter is suggestive when it leaves the reader to set in accordance with his own free will and volition.


Questionable Construction/Passive construction 3. It must be positive

Smile attracts: frown repels.. Applied to letters, suggestions that is positive put in words that bring pleasurable thought associations is more powerful than negative suggestion, or the appeal to emotions and sentiments that are more or less painful to the reader.

Questionable Construction/Passive construction 4. It must be individual

The language of the letter is individual when it suits he intelligence, understanding, and temperament of the reader. The language used in a business letter should be selected with the purpose of expressing the character and personality of one distinct person.

Questionable Construction/Passive construction 5. It must be clear

The ideas set forth in the letter should not be obscure. They should be seen in all details and in their proper relationship.


Questionable Construction/Passive construction 6. It must be correct

Errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, idiom, sentence structure, and the like are costly because they consume a large part of the readers time and attention, which should be devoted to the contents of the letter..


Questionable Construction/Passive construction 6. It must be concise

a business letter is concise when it is brief and comprehensive. It is brevity without sacrifice of completeness.


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