Grade 11 Course Outline
Grade 11 Course Outline
Grade 11 Course Outline
Course Leader
Mr. Campbell
Course Description
Rational: This course enables students to further develop technical knowledge and skills related to residential construction and to explore light commercial construction. Students will continue to gain hands-on experience using a variety of materials, processes, tools, and e uipment! create and interpret construction drawings! and learn more about building design and pro"ect planning. They will expand their knowledge of terminology, codes and regulations, and health and safety standards related to residential and light commercial construction. Students will also expand their awareness of environmental and societal issues related to construction technology, and will explore entrepreneurship and career opportunities in the industry that may be pursued directly after graduation.
Course Strands
Construction Technology #undamentals Materials, $rocesses, and Components %esign Considerations %esigning and $lanning Mathematical Skills #abrication, &ssembly, and #inishing Skills $rofessional $ractice and Career 'pportunities
Units of Study
Unit# 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description of Units Health, Shop and Machine Safety Tools and Equipment Design and Layout Cabinet Making Plumbing Career Research
Textbook: Wood Technology & Processes Magazines: Woodworkers Journal, Fine woodworking, Canadian Home Workshop Websites: and many more
Seventy percent of a student(s final grade will be based on assessments and evaluations conducted throughout the term. Thirty percent of the final grade will be based on a final evaluation administered towards the end of the course.
Term Work (70%)
,-. of term work*/0. of final mark ,-. of term work*/0. of final mark /-. of term work*2. of final mark 3-. of term work*43. of final mark
3-. of final evaluation 5 /3. of final mark 3-. of final evaluation 5 /3. of final mark
Method of Assessments
&ssessment will be done using techni ues such as, Tests, 7ork sheets, %rawings, $ortfolio(s, $ractical $ro"ects, $ractical %emonstrations, 8esearch and $resentations, $ractical Tests, 8ubrics
Final Evaluation (30%)
7ork logs 9&: ;andouts* 7ork Sheets9T*1: 6xamination 96: Culminating 96: Tests 9)*+: #inal $ro"ect 8eport 9C: Careers 8esearch 8eport 9T*1: $ro"ect / 9&:
,-. 9of final mark: <. 9of final mark: /3. 9of final mark: /3. 9of final mark: /0. 9of final mark: 2. 9of final mark: 3. 9of final mark: /3. 9of final mark:
Classroom Expectations
Students are expected to help each other during day to day practices in the Construction shop. >ullying and picking on will not be tolerated. Students are expected to bring a three ring binder and something to write with every day to class. $ersonal listening device are NOT PERMITTED in room ,33 at anytime. 1f they are brought into the classroom they will be taken away for the remainder of the class. 'n second offence they will be taken to the office and a parent will have to be called before they are released and phone call home will be made. Students are expected to encourage and support each other while working in the construction facility.
Material Fee:
Students have the option to pay a thirty dollar material fee that will help to provide wood for additional pro"ects that students can take home upon completion. 1f students choose not to participate in the optional pro"ects other work will be given so that students are able to meet all curriculum expectations.
1 fully understand what has been written in this course outline and will comply with all of the rules and structures in the course. %ate? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
7e*1 have reviewed this course outline with our*my child and understand the rules and structures which my son*daughter is to abide by in this course.