Contracts Full Outline
Contracts Full Outline
Contracts Full Outline
Agreement in writing?
One party claims prior oral/written agreement?
Prior agreement was not in the writing but was intended to be
part of K?
R 209 + 215
• Parties have intended a writing as the
final expression of all or part of their
agreement = evidence of any other prior
term is not admissible to contradict the
• Parties to a written K have agreed to an
integration(complete and final embodiment of the terms
of an agreement) = evidence cannot be used to add or
change the terms
• When
integrated part but PER could be used to prove elements
of the agreement not reduced by the writing
3. WHY
Juries favor underdog
People make up agreement that never happened
Certainty in K interpretation
• ‐
• Parties intended the written K to be a final and complete
statement of the agreement
• Parties intended the writing to be final expression of
part of the agreement
1. FORMAL INTENT: (traditional view) writing could
be treated as an integration if taken as a whole
and on its face the writing appears to be an
instrument that completely expresses the parties
agreement (writing is evidence of intent) [Gianni
v. Russel]1
integration only if the parties actually intended
for the writing to be integrated. (courts can
consider relevant evidence to determine the
intent) [Masterson v. Sine]2
UCC 2.202(cmt 3):3
• Only if the term would have certainly be included in the
writing, if agreed upon, then it must be kept from the
trier of fact.
§ 216
• Naturally test, it is a term that would have naturally not
been omitted then a complete integration
A provision in a K that provides that “the K is the complete and
final statement of all the terms the parties have agreed upon”
on the question of whether the writing is an integration
(modern approach‐minority rule) will sometimes say it is one
factor in determining whether there is an integration
claim it is unconscionable
mistake [Bollinger v. Central Pennsylvania]4
Separate consideration
• Even if the writing is integrated the PER could apply if
the written agreement and the parol agreement are
supported by separate consideration
Collateral agreement
• If the parol agreement is related to the subject matter
but not part of the writing(collateral) then PER is
• (modern rule)‐PE is admissible if it concerns a term that
would have naturally been omitted.
1. Naturally if term
a. Doesn’t conflict with written integration
b. ‐
c. Concerns a subject that similar parties
would not ordinarily be expected to
include in the writing.
i. Reasonable person would have
omitted it
ii. Actual parties may have omitted it
[Masterson v. Sine]5
8. Analysis
Did the parties intend for the writing to be a final
Is it a partial or a complete integration?
• Gianni(writing)
• Masterson(parties intent)
Look for a merger clausemay be unconscionable
Look for UCC 2.202certainly testincluded
Look for evidence that the writing was the final statement
• If it is a complete statement §214 interpreting evidence
can always be admitted
Where the interpretation of a expression (words or conduct of
one party) is in issue the expression should receive an objective
interpretation(reasonable person standard)
• When
court will find a K under a reasonable
interpretation[Frigaliment v. BNS]6
• Two completely different ideas of the meaning [Oswald
v. Allen]7
When a term could easily be as meaning two different things
[Raffles v. Wichelhaus]8
When both parties interpretation is different from the objective
meaning. (dispute unlikely)
When one party knows of the others interpretation then the
known interpretation rules. A knows B’s interpretation so B’s
When there is a common trade usage [Hurst v. Lake]9
Plain meaning rule: what parties reasonably understood term to
Public Interest: (think Peevyhouse‐court looked to support
public policy not the ∏)
Expressio unius: to express one is to exclude others
Nascitu a sociss: known from its associates
Contra Proferentum: against the author of K
Evidence internal to the K
Foreign language
Statutes or regulations
Trade usage, course of dealing, custom
Most likely intention of parties
Good faith obligations means that Party A will not do anything
to reduce the reasonable expectation of party B and jeopardize
the expectation of the K.
2. UCC
R 205 & UCC 1.203
• In all K, there is an implied obligation of good faith on
both parties. (Eastern v. Gulf)10
• Definition of good faith
• Sale of goods
• Merchants have a higher standard of good faith; have to
operate both subjectively and objectively on good faith.
• Course of performance‐parties conduct throughout the
K[Eastern v. Gulf]
3. WHY
The implied obligation can’t contradict the expressed terms of
the K. [Dalton v. ETS]12
term/duty especially if it would contradict the expressed terms.
[BK v. Weaver]13
5. Woods Rule
Courts have presumed employment to be at will and that an
employee can be dismissed at anytime for any reason
• Older courts place some public policy limitations on
woods rule (adding terms to K for employment at will)
1. Something in convo, or employment manual that
might imply firing only for cause.
2. Public Policy exception: at will employees may
not be terminated for engaging in conduct in
which the public has an important interest like 1)
refusing to commit perjury 2) filing a workers
compensation claim 3) engaging in union activity
or 4) calling the employers attention to possible
criminal violations. [Sheets v. Teddy’s]14
3. Employment
good faith and fair dealing…has to be some
reason for firing an employee.
• Modern courts have cut back the above 3
1. Statutes providing no good faith obligation
2. Disclaimers in employment manuals
3. Public policy narrowed considerable
4. ‐
5. Does not apply to in house counsel because
violates client trust (2 courts disagree because
attorney’s deserve protection for reporting
unethical practices of their employers) [Balla v.
When and why will a court read an implied term into a K?
What meaning will the court give to an implied term in the K?
Do the exceptions apply?
Does trade usage govern?
K may provide a condition “a party does not have a duty unless
a condition is fulfilled
A parties failure to perform may be excused by the failure to
meet a condition
An event or state of the world must occur or fail to occur before
a party has a duty to perform under the K
An event or state of the world(occurrence or non occurrence,
which will release a party from its duty to perform under the K
3. Restatements
R2d 244
• A condition is an event, not certain to occur, which must
occur, unless its non occurrence is excused, before
performance under a K becomes due
R2d 217
• Conditions‐a reasonable well‐accepted exception to the
parol evidence rule. One is permitted to use parol
evidence to show the parties agree to a condition
precedent to the effectiveness of a K.
1. The condition cannot contradict the writing in
order for the condition to apply
Have the parties made a particular event or non even a
condition of one party’s performance or both parties
Has the condition, if it is one, been satisfied?
occurrence of a condition?
1. Sarah promises to carry Carl’s goods in her ship
from London to Gibraltar. Carl promise to pay
her for that service 500l. In addition the parties
agree that in some fashion Sarah will get the
goods there in 25 days. Two ways to word 25 day
a. Sarah could promise to get the goods
there in 25 days. If she’s later, then she
has breached her promise and will be
liable for damages
b. Parties will word the term as a condition.
“It shall be a condition of Carl’s obligation
to pay that Sarah get the good there
within 25 days” If she is late, she hasn’t
breached, she just doesn’t get paid. This
excuses Carl’s performance.
c. It is almost always more equitable to
construe language as a promise than as a
If a reasonable attempt to meet the condition is made but fails
the party is relieved from performance [Luttinger v. Rosen]16
Timing provisions: When a date is set for a payment, payment
will happen on that day it is not conditional because that is the
day that contractors usually get paid; trade usage[Peacock v.
Modern Air]17
Condition to act in good faith[Gibson v. Cranage]18
• ‐
• Subjective: if individual taste is involved, exercise
judgment in good faith
• Objective: if economic utility, fitness, marketability or
performance to satisfy a reasonable person
• A
perform a condition precedent where he has prevented
that party from being able to perform
Waiver, Estoppel and Election
• Waiver‐R2d 84
1. Intentional relinquishment of a known right
2. Waiver is not explicit
• Estoppel‐R2d 84(2)‐UCC 2.209(5)
1. A party that, without consideration, has waived a
condition that is within the other party’s control
before the time of occurrence of that condition
can retract the waiver and reinstate the
requirement that the condition occur unless the
other party has relied to such an extent that the
retraction would be unjust
• Election:
1. A party that chooses to disregard the
nonoccurrence of a condition is bound by an
election to treat this duty as unconditional
• ‐
• Impossibility
condition of fulfillment of the condition is not a material
part of the agreed exchange and forfeiture would
otherwise result
The duty of each party to render performance is that the other
party has rendered its performance or made tender of its
If the ∏ breached the duty, provided that the performance was
a constructive condition of the others duty, then the ∏ is in the
Without good security there is not duty to perform[Kingston v.
Work must be completed prior to performance of payment
[Stewart v. Newbury]20
• What sort of conduct by one party gives rise to a cause
of action for breach by another party, or gives to
another party the right to withhold its own
Doctrine of substantial performance or substantial
completion[Jacob & Young]21
• When the ∏breaches but still completes performance
the other party is still under a duty to perform
Doctrine of Divisibility
• When the performance has been or can be broken into
different parts and assigned a value then the breaching
party can only recover for the work they completed. [Gill
v. Johnstown Lumber]22
Doctrine of Restitution
• Where a K is unenforceable for some
reason(impracticality, frustration etc) but a substantial
aggrieved party may want restitution instead of
• Resistance to this doctrine because seems unfair to let a
breach party recover anything. [Britton v. Turner]23
Non material breach‐“yes I breached but your later breach was
more serious”[Walker v. Harrison]24
Material breach(factually sensitive)‐“your breach excuses me
from performance”[K & G v. Harris]25
Breach at the time of performance gives rise to an immediate
• A contractor contract to build a milling dollar building
and puts on some of the wrong doorknobs, the
Contractor will be liable for damages but the owner
won’t be excused from paying(performance)
• The extent to which the breaching party has already
• Was the breach willful, negligent or was it completely
• The
perform the remainder of the K
• Extent to which the non breaching party will obtain the
substantial benefit he has bargained for
• The extent to which the non breaching party can be
• Hardship on breaching party if the breach is material
• Major breach
• UCC 2.609
1. ‐
2. a victim of a minor breach should request
assurances of adequate performance in the
future and if the other side does not respond
then you can say they repudiated
Responses to this defense
• I substantially performed
• K is divisible and you have to pay me at the rate for the
portion I did complete
• I am entitled to restitution fo the K for the amount of
the benefit I have conferred on you
• By
failure to act.
• Separate K doctrine: a party cannot breach in one
contract just because there has been a breach from
another contract [NW Lumber v. Continental]
3. Application
Is there an uncured breach?
Is it a breach of duty to perform that was to be exchanged
under the exchange of promise?
What the performance to be performed before the aggrieved
party’s performance?(material breach)
• If not a material breach then parties must perform and
can recover partial damages but not cancel the K.
• If a material breach 2 options 1)treat at complete breach
or 2)treat as a partial breach
If a material breach then COA for damages and no performance
from aggrieved party
If the breach is not material then COA for damages but other
side must perform
If either party to a K, before time of performance, repudiates,
the repudiation excuses performance of other party
The innocent party may treat AR as a material breach
Acts are a sufficient AR[Stewart v. Newbury]
Insistence on terms not contained in the K constitutes an AR
Renunciation may be treated as a material breach.[Hochster v.
De La Tour]26
Installment K
• Cannot file breach early instead must wait until deadline
for completion.
Acceleration clause
• State a default on any one payment on this K shall cause
all remaining payments under the K to be due.
Declaratory judgment
• Declaration by court that buyer breached and payment
If the recipient of a repudiation free to make other
Can the recipient of a repudiation to court immediately?
Can the recipient of a repudiation ignore the repudiation and
wait for performance?
What are the consequences if the recipient of repudiation urges
Can a party withdraw repudiation?
A mistake by both parties to a K concerning a basic assumption
of fact on which the K is based
(traditional) if the ∆ was mistaken concerning the substance or
identity of the K subject matter then K was voidable
• If it was only an accident or a collateral attribute K was
not voidable(barren cow)
(modern) if the mistake is concerning a basic assumption of the
fact then the K is voidable by the adversely affected party I the
affected party did not bear the risk of that assumption.
• A race horse is purchased but the horse dies before it
was sold but neither party knew. Then the K is voidable
b/c both parties were mistaken(jewelers case)
Mistake was not basic enough [R 2d 152]/question of value
Parties considered the possibility of a major gain or loss/ assume
risk by virtue of trade
Not a mutual mistake because “I had an inkling”
• Perfect knowledge Duty to tell person; K undone
• No knowledge mutual mistake; K undone
• Middle ground no duty to tell for just a hunch but not
exactly mutual mistake
• Mistake is a belief that is not in accord with the facts
• For a mistake of both parties at the time the K was made
1. Basic assumption has a material effect on the
aggrieved exchange
2. K
risk of mistake
• Party bears the risk where the party is aware at the time
of K that she has only limited knowledge with respect to
the facts, but treats her limited knowledge a
sufficient(conscious ignorance)[Nelson v. Rice]27[Stees
v. Leonard]28
1. I don’t think the paintings are very valuable,
although I know they might be, so I will sell them
for not very much. I know I should have them
authenticated but that timely and costly. Court
allocates the risk to one party on the ground is
reasonable to do so
• Either
rescission on the grounds of mistake(forward
looking)[Renner v. Kehl]29
• Unilateral mistakes[Elsinor]
Performance is excused if the it has been made impracticable.
Occurrence of an event that was sure not to occur at the time
the K was made
Adversely affected party must not have assumed the risk of the
event occurring
When an element of the K becomes unavailable because of an
event to which neither party is at fault then the K is voidable.
more difficult does not render the K legally impossible or
impracticable. [Transatlantic v. US]31
• Test
1. A contingency(something unexpected) must
have occurred
2. Unexpected occurrence must not have been
allocated for
3. Occurrence of the contingency must have
rendered performance commercially
UCC 2.615
• Doctrine of commercial impracticability: the unforeseen
cost increase that would excuse performance must be
more than onerous or expensive, it must be unjust to
hold the parties bound.[Eastern v. Gulf]
Supervening prohibition by law
Destruction of the subject matter [Taylor v. Caldwell]
Farmer makes K to sell wheat to G, G sells wheat to Wheaties.
Drought occurs and no wheat. Is the farmer liable for breach
b/c the G had to purchase at a higher price?
• Defense: impossibility of performance or commercial
• Issue: Was the K for a particular quantity of wheat or
specifically for all the farmers wheat?
• If it’s for the farm’s wheat then performance is
impossible and defense works. If it is for a specific
quantity, performance is not impossible and then farer is
liable for breach.
1. RULE‐R2d
Performance may be excused under the doctrine of frustration
where the purpose or value of the K has been destroyed by a
supervening event that was not reasonably foreseeable at the
time the K was entered into?
Always possible for the buyer to fulfill his promise to pay, even
if he gains nothing
Where the object of one of the parties is the basis for the K,
performance is a constructive condition on the attainment of
that condition. [Krell v. Henry]32
1. 1.102:
Simplify, clarify and modernize law
Permit the continued expansion of commercial practices by
validating trade custom and usage as well as parties expressed
To make the law uniform among the various jurix
Commercial reasonableness
Facilitation of actual commercial practices through the
incorporation of course of performance, course of dealing and
usage of trade
• 2.208‐course of performance‐how we perform the K
• 1.205‐course of dealing‐how we performed under prior K
• 1.205‐usage of trade‐how the industry understands K
2.201(19)‐Honesty in fact:
• Subjective test
• So long as the person really believed their contention
that is good faith
• Obligation of good faith on every party of a transaction
governed by any part of the UCC
• ‐
• Supplements good faith def. under Art II good faith for
merchants includes not only honesty in fact but also the
observance of reasonable commercial standards of fair
1. 2.104‐merchant
• Deals in goods of that kind
• By his occupation he holds himself out as
having knowledge or skill peculiar to the
practices involved in the transaction
2. SUPER MERCHANT‐look for the broadest
definition of goods[wiglet case]
3. Can’t disclaim good faith or commercial
reasonableness so make sure the conditions are
not inherently unreasonable
1. 2.102
Applies to transactions of goods
• Not just transactions by merchants
• ONLY super merchants make merchantability warranties
• Where a K is a hybrid (service and goods) the court will
look to see if the K was more service or more goods or if
the goods were independent from the service part of K.
[Anthony Pools v. Sheehan]33
2. 2.105
Goods=all things movable at the time of identification to the K
other than money, investment securities, and things in action
3. TESTS[Anthony Pools v. Sheehan]
Predominant purpose test
• Whether
sale of goods with labor incidentally being involved.
Gravamen test
• Whether the reason for the breach is directly related to
the fault of the service or the fault of the good
• If the test results in transaction for services then it is not
UCC based
1. 2.204
K for the sale of goods can be made in any manner sufficient to
show an agreement
Still requires a meeting of the minds
2. 2.206(1)(a)
A party may accept in an manner and by any medium
reasonable in the circumstances unless the offer unambiguously
states otherwise.
Unilateral K can be accepted by a promise to perform
Option K is enforceable without separate consideration (2.205)
3. 2.207 Eliminates Mirror Image Rule
• Route A: a definite and seasonable expression of
acceptance or a written confirmation which is sent
within a reasonable amount of time operates as an
acceptance even though it states terms additional to or
different from those offered or agreed upon (could be
called the first shot doctrine)
1. Is there a contract? Yes
2. What are the terms? Terms provided by the
3. Are the new terms accepted? They are
proposals to the existing contract; if they are
merchants then the terms become an automatic
part of the contract, with the exceptions that the
new terms do not materially alter the
characteristics of the original bargain, or if the
offer limits the acceptance, or notification of
objection to them has been given or is given
within a reasonable time.
• ‐
• Route
conditional on assent to the additional or different
1. Is there a contract? A conditional acceptance is
usually a counter offer and not acceptance. Have
to find that the offerer has assented to the terms
of the counter offer. (last shot doctrine)
2. What are the terms? The counter offerer controls
the terms
3. Are the terms accepted? Not necessarily
accepted terms but are the terms agreed upon or
are they implied by the UCC
• Route C: conduct by both parties which recognizes the
existence of a contract is sufficient to establish a
contract for sale although the writings of the parties do
no otherwise establish a contract.
1. Is there a contract? If there is conduct
2. What are terms? No one party controls them;
what ever was dickered for and gap filler terms
3. Are the terms accepted? If there is conduct?
• Route D: an oral agreement and both parties send
confirmations (one with a new term)
1. Is
2. What are the terms? Because of the new term;
we treat a new term in a confirmation the same
way we treat an acceptance of route A.
A party must expressed unequivocal assent to the terms
[Diamond v. Krack]34
1. 2.201‐sof
K for the sale of goods more than $500 is not enforceable by
way of action of defense unless there is some writing sufficient
to indicate that a K for sale has been made btn. Parties AND
Dispenses writing requirement in 4 situations
• Btwn merchants, if confirmation is received in
reasonable time and is sufficient against sender , unless
objects within 10 days
• When
manufacturing of a specially manufactured good or has
committed itself to buy goods forma 3rd party it may
enforce an oral K for them if it cannot resell them in an
ordinary course of business. (Distribu‐Dor v. Karadanis)35
• If a party judicially admits the existence of the alleged K
• To the extent that the seller has received and accepted
payment of the buyer has received and accepted the
goods, the Statute is no bar (2.201(3)(c)
2. Elements
Evidence of K
Must be signed (2.201(39)
Writing must specify a quantity
3. Defenses
I never entered into a K
Even if there was a K, there was no objective meeting of the
minds(no signed K)
1. 2.202
A writing intended by the parties to be a final and complete
statement of the terms of the agreement and cannot be
contradicted by any prior agreement term
The final writing can be explained or supplemented using the
• By course of dealings, usage of trade, or performance
• Where there is a partial integration, by evidence of
consistent terms
Is the writing integrated?
Is the integration partial or complete?
If no then the rule does not apply!
If it is completely integrated then (a) says it can still be
explained or supplemented by course of dealing or usage of
trade or course of performance) (214 evidence could come in
If it is a partial integration then consistent additional terms can
be introduced (b).
3. 2.209(1)
Modification does not need consideration to be binding
1. Oral modifications are okay unless it falls under
the SOF or is bad in bad faith
2. A modification(if fails above) can operate as a
waiver of a oral modification clause.
4. 2.210
(1) a party bay DELEGATE its duty unless the other pary has a
substantial interest in performance by that party(singer)
(2) a party may assign a right unless doing so would materially
change the duty of the other party, or increase materially the
burden of risk imposed.
1. GAP
Common omissions (price, duration, payment, delivery date)
• Even though one or more items are left open a K for the
sale does not fail for indefiniteness if the parties have
intended to make a K and there is a reasonably certain
basis for given an appropriate remedy
• Price:
1. How do we know there is K without a price
2. Parties
3. Or when the price is not determined because of
one party the other party can cancel the K or
assign a price
• Quantity
1. No quantity unreasonably disproportionate to
any stated estimate or in the absence of a stated
estimate to any normal or otherwise comparable
prior output or requirements may be tendered or
2. OUTPUT SELLER: may not tender an
unreasonable quantity[Feld v. Henry]36
a. Seller has a good faith obligation
b. Buyer did not give up right to buy
somewhere else
c. ‐
d. This language seeks to protect the buyer.
Seller must produce and the buyer must
unreasonable[Eastern v. Gulf]
a. Seller did not give up right to sell
b. Buyer must purchase in good faith
• EXCLUSIVITY: Best efforts for a exclusivity
requirement[Wood v. Lucy Lady Duff]
1. Seller gives up rights to sell elsewhere
2. Buyer must use best efforts
3. Like a requirements K, language seeks to protect
the seller
4. Buyer must operate in good faith
• Unless otherwise agreed the buyer has the right specify
the assortment of goods
• Delivery
1. Sellers place of business unless otherwise agreed
2. If no place of business, his residence
• Termination
1. Notification
• Parties must comply with ordinary, reasonable
commercial practices
1. 310(A) buyer pays where buyer receives
shipment(the buyer has possession of the goods)
• Trade usage
• Course of dealings
• Course of performance
1. 2.312‐2.318
Commercial‐loss is economic
Consumer‐personal injury from a defective product
2. Buyer
Establish that the seller warranted the goods under
• 2.313 expressed warranties
1. Affirmation or promise
a. If the buyer could have reasonably
considered the statements from the seller
to be his opinion only then there is no
expressed warranty based on affirmation.
b. Reliance
some states.
2. Description[Keith v. Buchanan]37
3. Sample(actually drawn from goods) or model(not
drawn from bulk of goods) [Barton v. Tra‐Mo]38
1. Puffing
a. Comparing goods to other goods
b. Specificity of the representations
c. Relating to goods quality
d. Goods experimental
e. ‐
f. Buyers actual knowledge of goods
g. Statement written or oral
2. Reliance
3. Privity (2.318)
4. Expressed
a. Disclaimer is dropped if inconsistent with
expressed warranty
5. Merger clause
• 2.314 impliedmerchantability[Blockhead v.
Plastic]39[Valley Iron v. Thorin]40[Delano v. SC Wine Co.]41
1. Applied to every sale of goods by a merchant
with respect to goods of that kind
• 2.315 impliedfitness for a particular
purpose[Blockhead v. Plastic]42[Valley Iron v. Thorin]43
1. When the seller had reason to know of the buyers
need AND
2. The
judgment to select the goods [Keith v. Buchanan‐
no implied warrant]
3. These are likely to have been included had the
parties considered such terms.
Prove that goods delivered did not conform to the warranty
and that as a result the buyer suffered damage.
3. Seller
2.316 authorizing certain warranty disclaimers[Blockhead v.
2.719 permitting certain remedy limitations
2.318 requiring a measure of horizontal privity
2.607 (3) require that the buyer give reasonable notice of the
breach [Delano v. Wine Growers]44
2.735 SOL
4. Issues
Is the seller a supermerchant? Does he deal in goods of that
Are the goods merchantable under 2.134(2)?
Is the item being used for its ordinary purposes foor for a
particular purpose? Is the itme specially manufactured?
Warranty of fitness 2.315
Did seller breach warranty of fitness?
What defenses?
• Warranty disclaimers 2.316…was it conspicuous?
• Remedy limitation 2.719? Will warranty fail of it s
essential purpose if this is enforced
• Trade usage (2.208)? Can buyer come back with course
of dealing response(Delano)?
• 2.607 (3): did buyer give effective notice of the alleged
breach in required reasonable time?
• LV – CA
1. Warranty
(1) a seller may not disclaim an express warranty
(2) a disclaimer of the merchantability must mention
merchantability and be conspicuous (if in writing), a disclaim of
• The manner in which the K was entered
• Whether the parties has a reasonable opportunity to
understand terms of the K
• Whether important terms were hidden in fine print[Cox
v. Lewiston]46
2. Remedy limitation 2.719[Moscatiello v. Pittsburg]47
(2) invalidates any remedy limitation that causes a warranty to
fail of its essential purpose
(3) provides that a limitation of PJ damages in a sale of
consumer goods is prima facie unconscionable [Cox v. Lewiston
***be aware that if the goods have needed repeated repair
then the limited warranty then the proper remedy would be to
3. Notice
Requires a buyer to notify a seller within a reasonable time of
any claimed warranty breach or be barred from remedy Buyer
bears the burden of proof(4)
1. 2.607(3)
warranty “within a reasonable time”
Cmt 4: allows a retail consumer somewhat more time to notify,
but for a merchant a reasonable time bay be very short (10 days
for perishable goods)
Notice given immediately upon discovery of breach ordinarily
satisfies the requirements
Manner and content can be important; oral notice is ordinarily
sufficient may have to specify breach
Occasionally, direct notice form buyer to seller is not required at
all; when the seller has actual knowledge of the defect of the
product, or is deemed to have been reasonably notified by the
filing of the buyers complaint
2. Variations
Seller has actual knowledge of the problem
3. Issues
Prejudice test: would the seller been able to fix the problem if
they had found out earlier, has the car been driven too much to
recognize the problem
Effective policy argument: even if we had given notice two
weeks earlier, it wouldn’t have mattered
If the consumer is actually a merchant, that person should be
held to a higher standard
1. When
Only parties interested in this are insurance companies and tax
2.401(2) unless otherwise explicitly agreed, title passes at the
time of delivery to the seller
2.308 GAP FILLER: unless otherwise agreed, delivery is a the
seller’s place of business
2. When does good title pass to the buyer
2.403 Voidable title(sub1) Entrusting (sub2)
• Voidable
transferred to a good faith purchaser
3. Difference btwn a good faith purchaser for value (voidable title
analysis) and an ordinary course of business (entrusting analysis)
Good faith purchaser for value can buy from anyone
• In good faith
• Give value (1.201(44)
• ∏ must show
1. ∆ delivered under transaction of purpose
2. ∆ paid with a bad check
3. ∏ was a good faith purchaser for value
If you are and entrusting analysis, you have to buy from a
merchant who deals in goods of this kind. A buyer in ordinary
course of business is only buying from a
supermerchant[Heinrich v. Titus]48
• Entrusting 2.403
• Intermediary needs to be a merchant who deals in goods
of this kind
• ‐
• Buyer
UCC allows good faith purchasers to obtain title more than the
common law did
• Seller or entruster is in a better position to judge the
merit of the intermediary than the purchaser
• Stream of commerce we don’t want buyers from
supermerchants worrying all the time about whether
they are going to get a good title.
CL and US ActROL rested on the party holding title to the
UCCROL are more flexible and more functional
• Places the ROL on the party most likely to take
precautions against loss (one with control of the goods
or the one most likely to insure)
2.509 Risk of loss absent a breach
2.510 effect of breach on risk of loss
4. Insurable interest under the code
2.501‐buyer obtains insurable interest in goods upon their
identification to the contract. At this point the buyer may
insure the goods.
5. Types of delivery
Systems]49[Cook v. Schrlock]50
• Buyer pays shipment costs and the ROL passes to buyer
when goods to carrier
• Seller pays shipment costs and ROL passes to buyer
when the goods are tendered at the destination as to
enable the buyer to take delivery
CIF and C&F Terms
• ‐
• CIF prices includes in a lump sum the cost of goods
and the insurance and freight to the named destination
• C&F Price inc. costs and freight to named destination
6. Bill of lading
Receipt (document of title‐warehouse receipt is also a
document of title) indicating what the goods are; where they
are suppose to be delivered.
7. 509
• ROL on the buyer once the goods are in the carriers
2)(b)[Jason v. Peter]51
• ROL on the buyer because the goods were in the hands
of the bailee and because acknowledgement had not
been given to the buyer.
3)[Shock v. Ronderos]52[ Wilke v. Cummins]53
• ROL on the buyer because the seller is not a merchant
• ROL passes to the buyer upon TENDER of
delivery(payment for or acceptance of)
1. Seller cannot be a bailee
8. 510effect of breach on ROL
ROL goes to the breaching party; who but for the breach would
not have had the loss
to give a right of rejection, the risk of their loss remains on the
seller until cure or acceptance.[ multiplastics v. Arch]54[
• ‐
• Wild card of negligence here…even if one party bears
the risk…if the other party can show that the other
parties negligence caused the damage then the neg COA
trumps the other.
1. 2.507Delivery
and unless otherwise agreed to his duty to pay for them.
2. 2.511tender of payment is, unless otherwise agreed, a condition to
the sellers duty to tender and complete any delivery
Cmt 2explicitly concurrent conditions
Practical effectneither party can sue for breach w/out
properly tendering his own performance
3. Buyer right to prior acceptance
Inspection and rejection
• B can inspect to ensure conform with K (2.513(1))
• B
• Reject the goods 2.601
• Refuse payment and invoke remedies (2.711)
• Upon accepting goods; waives rejection right, pay the
price, assumes burden of proving breach(2.607)
• B can revoke after acceptance but much
stricter(2.608)[Bowen v. Foust]55
• Payment before revocation is not acceptance (2.512(2))
• If goods or tender fail to conform the B can reject (2.601)
• ‐
• Good faith to peform (2.103)
• Seller has right to cure (2.508)
1. Does seller have right to cure?
2. What constitutes an effective cure?
• B can’t reject installment K unless substantial impairs its
value (2.612)
• B
ensure does not provide right to reject (2.504)
1. Good faith obligation
2. 2.612, B may not reject shipment for non
conformity unless substantially impairs its value
3. B can’t reject if already accepted(2.607) and seller
has a right to cure (2.508)
4. B must make an effective rejection
(2.606(2))[International Comm v. North Pacific
1. B
After reasonable time to inspect
B fails to make an effective rejection
B acts inconsistent with S rights
2. B revocation (2.608)[Kesner v. Lancaster]57
Upon acceptance buyer looses right to reject(2.607)
Requirements of revocation
• The non conformity “substantially impairs” the value of
the goods and that
• B accepted the goods either without discovering the
defects because discovery was difficult or assumed the
seller would cure the defect and he doesn’t
Revocation must be within a reasonable time
3. 2.605‐specify what the defect is
4. Anticipatory repudiation(2.610)
reasonable assurance of performance. If the other party fails to
respond you can assert an anticipatory repudiation
1. Code
performance had occurred (1.106)
2. Code wants an aggrieved seller to try to resale (2.706) and a buyer to
mitigate through cover(712)
S doesn’t need to specify market price for goods
Cmt 2: failure to act properly deprives S of the measure of
damages here
If S cannot recover the entire K price under 2.709 or 2.706 the S
might recover K‐MP a the time and place for tender plus
3. 2.703
4. 2.711 catalog buyers remedies
i. When and where to measure the market price
ii. What times to include in damage measure
iii. When do we have a lost volume seller
2.709 full K price
• Seller may recover full K price if
1. Buyer accepted (2.606) and retained the goods
a. B
b. B who wrongfully rejectsaccepts the
c. B revoking acceptance (2.608) no
2. Conforming goods have been lost or damages
after ROL passed(2.509)
3. S tried and failed to resell goods or circumstances
show not likely
2.706 resaledifference btwn K and resale price
• Most sellers invoke 2.706
1. If non breaching party resells in good faith, then
the aggrieved seller may recover the difference
btwn K price and lower resale price +incidental‐
expenses saved.
2. If seller makes a profit does not have to share
3. Advise client to act like it is their own
money(commercially reasonable care)
4. Resale privately, must give notice of intent to
resale privately
5. Resale
6. If resold unreasonably (way below market price)
can’t get remedies under 2.706 but maybe under
2.708K market penalty
• ‐
• Lost volume seller: if the damages of 2.708 is inadequate
then proceed under (2) to recover profit(including
overhead)that would have ensued from sellers full
performance + incidental ‐proceeds from resale
2. 2.704 permits a reasonable completion of ½ finished goods
Risk: can lose even more money if you are unable to resale
goods after you have finished You want to notify the buyer of
your plans to resale
1. 2.716Specific performance and replevin(like 709 sellers)
Specific performance where goods are unique
Cmt 1 wants a more liberal application of spec per
Cmt 2 output/req. K involving special markets or sources are
now the typical commercial spec perf cases. ***see these
where the seller can’t recover***[Eastern Gulf]
2.716(3) replevin
• When cover is unavailable
• When
has tendered full payment
2. 2.712cover(like 706)
Without unreasonable delay and in good faith a reasonable
purchase of goods in sub for those due from the seller
(2) K – cover and any incidental costs‐expenses avoided
Cmt 2
1. Did the buyer act in good faith
2. Within a reasonable time
3. Irrelevant whether it was the most inexpensive
4. But must be reasonable [Farmers v. Lyle]58
Non covering buyer can get other remedies but cannot recover
consequential damages that cover would have prevented
3. ‐
4. 2.713market price (708 sellers)
Recovery between market price and the K price when the
aggrieved party does not seek spec. per or cover
Have to determine the proper date and time for fixing the
• Determine
performance, date for knowledge of breach(usually use
the later date)[Cargill v. Stafford]59
• Determine place by place for tender or if after
revocation place of arrival
5. 2.714breach for accepted goods
B accepts defective goods and does not revoke acceptance by
nonetheless sue for breach
(1)B may recover damages “reasonable manner”
(2)breach of warranty regarding the goods the measure of
damages will normally be the difference at the time and place
of acceptance between value of the goods and the should have
been value of the goods
FALL 2000
Theories of Obligation
1. Contract – if it meets consideration
2. Quasi-Contract – if unjust enrichment can be avoided
3. Promissory Estoppel - if person is reliant
B. Consideration
2. Benefit to promisor
3. Consideration Examples
(a) performance – unilateral -- 1 promisee, 1 promisor
(b) promise - bilateral
(i) both are promisees and promisors
(ii) both want assurances about the future
(c) Contracts implied in fact based on interpreting the parties’ intentions
(i) Wood v. Lucy - designer hires sales agent to use “reasonable efforts” –
no explicit promise by sales agent but ct. found implied contract
(ii) damages = what was intended
(d) Moral Obligations – Since there is a moral obligation to follow through on
every promise, every promise would be binding. Contract law focuses more on
business deals, not personal matters/promises. Contracts need to be reliable
(legally enforceable) and morality varies individually – not stable enough for
business purposes. Court refuses morality to play a role in legally enforceable
contracts. Autonomy vs. Paternalism: Law is meant to protect fair-minded
people from “Good Samaritans” that fair-minded people may feel casually
obligated to compensate people that they didn’t even bargain or request them to
do something. Casually in the sense that you may have second
thoughts…Cautionary Function – make people think twice before making their
promise. Ultimately, this protects fair-minded people in making sincere promises
with consideration that would be legally binding. Autonomy is limited by this
cautionary function (paternalism).
(i) Mills v. Wyman (∆’s son) became ill. Mills took care of him and
consequently incurred expenses. Wyman’s dad promised in writing to pay
Mills for these expenses, but he did not follow through. Court says
promise was without legal consideration – no bargaining of the “contract”.
Services of the sick son were not bestowed at his request. Π was a good
Samaritan and gave ∆’s son comfort until he died.
(ii) EXCEPTION!!! Only avail in certain jurisdictions Webb v. McGowin -
victim promises to pay $15 every 2 weeks to man who threw himself off a
roof w/ a 75lb block to save his life – enforceable against estate because
victim received material benefit of life.
II. Quasi-Contract - Contracts implied in law or fact. Court does not care about individual
intentions, but what a reasonable person would want. No consideration requirement. It’s
express purpose is to prevent unjust enrichment.
A. Requirements:
a) Conferred benefit
b) Unjust Enrichment -- Officious and Gratuitousness – To recover on the quasi-contract
theory, the Π must prove that defendant was enriched, received a benefit, and that
retention of the benefit without paying for it would be unjust. If the plaintiff is acting
gratuitousnessly and officiously than the contract is not enforceable.
Cotnam v. Wisdom – Doctor/Streetcar Case. (1) whether compensation under a legal
contract is entitled since recipient of services was unconscious…Yes.
(1) Benefactor cannot act officious --“The Meddler” -- Person voluntarily
renders services without being asked or being bargained.
(2) Benefactor cannot act gratuitous -- Presumption of gratuity if good Samaritan
voluntarily aids helpless – recovery/compensation is denied. Exceptions (1)
samaritan’s services are excessively expensive or burdensome and (2) samaritan
renders services in a business or professional capacity.
B. Amount of Recovery
a. “Implied in Fact” contract – based on the intentions of the parties; the agreement
is intended by both parties. Compensation determined by the going rate.
b. “Implied in Law” contract – intentions of the parties have little or no
determination of proper measure of damages. Restitution is not limited to the
value of the acquired benefit.
Paschalls, Inc. v. Dozier contends that Π must exhaust legal remedy against direct contracted
party before rightfully pursuing the other party. Therefore, if case against original direct contract
fails, Π still has an alternative party remedy under Paschalls not Callano. Justice comes from
“process” in Callanos and “outcome” in Pashcalls.
A. Reliance and the Requirement of Bargain
Kirksey v. Kirksey – Widow moves for an adequate place for her to raise her family and
subsequently evicted. Court rules ∆’s promise was merely gratuitous because it was not
III. Promissory Estoppel - Restatement §90 – Promises which foreseeably induce reliance
on the promisee’s part. Contracts are an exact rule, while Promissory Estoppel and Quasi-
Liability meets an inherently, vague indeterminate standard. Rules are better for planning
purposes because of their specificity—more business oriented. Note: Restatement Second 90
– a promise which the promisor should reasonably expect to induce action or forbearance on
the promisee is binding if injustice can be avoided only by enforcement of the promise. It also
suggests in some situations that relief may be measured by the extent of the promisee’s
reliance rather than by the terms of the promise. Note: Promissory Estoppel is distinguishable
from Equitable Estoppel because (1) the issue is the promise, not the facts; and (2) it can be the
basis for a suit instead of just used as a defense against payment.
A. Elements
a) promise
b) induces actual detrimental reliance
c) reliance is reasonably foreseeable. See Alden v. Presley - no reasonable reliance b/c
mother-in-law knew she wasn’t getting the money b/f she brought divorce suit.
d) unjust
B. Four categories:
1. Family Promises – promise made by one member of a family to another.
2. Promises to Convey Land – promises to convey land on which the promisee had relied by
moving onto the land and making improvements.
3. Promises Coupled With Gratuitous Bailments – a bailor seeks to enforce a promise made
by the bailee in connection with a gratuitous bailment.
4. Charitable Subscriptions – enforce the promise by finding that the charity has done or
promised to do something in exchange for the subscriber’s promise. Enforceability is
particularly desirable as a means of allowing decisions about the distribution of wealth to
be made at an individual level. Charities are reliant on funding sources, thus promised
contributions are enforceable. Allegheny College v. National Chautauqua County Bank
of Jamestown (NY 1927) is the most influential case in this category.
(1) Feinberg v. Pfeiffer – Little Old Lady’s Retirement Case -- At the time the
payments were discontinued, Π was 63 years old and it was virtually impossible
for a woman of that age to find satisfactory employment.
C. Damages
a) c/b reliance interest vs. expectancy (full amt. of promise)
b) depends on the court - but bias toward reliance
A. Unilateral and Bilateral Contracts. Unilateral contracts entail one party making a
promise—not binding unless one party acts on the basis of the promise. Bilateral contracts entail
both parties making promises. Determination of which type of contract is identified through the
terms of right and duty. Right and duty are correlatives – there can never be a right without a
duty, nor a duty without a right. The offeree has the power to change the relationship.
can do whatever he wants without impacting the arrangement. Thus, his promise does not meet
Note: CAB v. Ingram – court says binding contract can be forged out of a former, invalid
bilateral contract. Thus, this case (Strong) would be decided differently under those perimeters.
Mattei v. Hopper – Satisfaction Standards and Illusory Promise -- ∆ allegedly breached contract
by failing to convey her real property in accordance with the terms of a deposit receipt. Π had
the power and privilege to terminate the contract if he did not obtain the required leases. For the
contract to be enforceable, both parties must have assumed some legal obligation. If one of the
promises leaves a party free to perform or withdraw from the agreement at his own unrestricted
pleasure, the promise is deemed illusory. Court believes this case is most similar to the
subjective, good faith standard in determining the satisfactory clause. Because both parties
inserted a satisfactory clause on Π’s performance, the contract was not illusory, nor lacking
2. Subjective, good faith honesty standard by particular person. Burden is on the party that
made the satisfactory condition as part of the contract to evaluate it.
a. Fancy
b. Taste
c. Judgment
Eastern Air Lines, Inc. v. Gulf Oil Corp -- Similar fact pattern to Strong v. Sheffield and
Mattei v. Hopper. Judge applies UCC. ∆ alleges the contact is (1) not binding because it lacks
mutuality – illusory promise since no required supply amount…could be nothing and still
compliant with contract – Π has no constraints; and (2) commercial impractical with current
economic conditions. Court says ∆ is not excused for impracticality. ∆ is unhappy with its own
promise…too bad. Contracts for output is not too indefinite since it is held to mean good faith
output. It must be reasonably proportional.
Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon – Designer Case. Court says even if a promise may be
lacking, the writing may be animated with an obligation. Court says this promise has value --
Π’s implied promise to share results from his reasonable efforts to bring in a profit.
does have consideration. For example, I promise to do Y, but I can terminate Y – no mention of
any time or any reason excuses.
Lucy v. Zehmer –Sold Farm in Jest -- Subjective intent is not enforceable; rather it’s the
party’s outward manifestation of intent – CITE on TEST -- If words and acts, judged by
a reasonable standard, manifest an intention to agree, it is immaterial what may be the
real but unexpressed state of his mind.
Keller v. Holderman – “Frolic and Banter Rule” -- a mere peppercorn intent lacks
consideration based on objective standard. Restatement § 75. Π not expecting to sell,
nor ∆ intending to buy.
(a) Common law principles (1) that absent an expressed intent that no contract
shall exist, mutual assent of the parties, even though oral or informal, to exchange
acts or promises is sufficient to create a binding contract, and (2) that to avoid the
obligation of a binding contract, at least one of the parties must express an
intention not be bound until a writing is executed.
(b) Factors to determine whether the parties intended to be bound in the absence
of a document executed by both sides (Winston v. Mediafare
(1) whether there has been an express reservation of the right not to be
bound in the absence of a writing.
(2) whether there has been partial performance of the contract
(3) whether all the terms of the contract have been agreed upon
(4) whether the agreement at issue is the type of contract that is usually
committed to writing.
B. The Offer -- An offer is an act whereby one person confers upon another the power to create
contractual relations between them. Restatement Second § 24 defines offer as a manifestation of
willingness to enter into a bargain. Invitations and preliminary negotiations are not offers – no
intent to be bound. The power of acceptance is determined through an expression of will or
intention – an act that leads the offeree to reasonably believe that a power to create a contract is
conferred upon him. Mere price quotes are not legally binding.
Owen v. Tunison – Price Quote -- ∆’s letter in response to an offer of $6K for his property may
have been written with the intent to open negotiations that might lead to a sale. “It would not be
possible for me to sell unless I received $16K.” Invitation for offer, not an offer itself.
Harvey v. Facey – Price Quote -- Bumper Hall Pen. The mere statement of “lowest price” at
which the vendor would sell contains no implied contract to sell at that price.
1. Addressee of Offer -- an offer can be accepted only by one whom it invites to furnish
the consideration. A vague ad or price quote protects a seller from unrealistic
expectations of the buyer – rather, specific quantity of goods and clear intentions of the
seller create a legally binding contract. The statement “first come, first served” is an
explicit offer. However, few cases exemplify this principle because most offers are
addressed to a wide audience.
Boulton v. Jones – When a contract is made, in which the personality of the contracting
party is or may be of importance, no other person can interpose and adopt the contract.
Craft v. Elder & Johnston Co. -- ∆ advertises in newspaper for $26 on sewing machines
(typo on price). In the absence of special circumstances an ordinary newspaper
advertisement is not an offer, but an offer to negotiate. No contract is formed to take a
specified quantity of the goods at that price. An advertisement is merely an invitation.
*Vague ad protects seller from unrealistic expectations of the buyer – specific quantity of
goods and clear intentions of the seller create a more legally binding contract.
Lefkowitz v. Great Minneapolis Surplus Store – Scarf for “Women” Only. When an
offer is clear and there is nothing left to negotiate, it is a contract upon acceptance.
Offeror does not have the right to modify the offer after it is accepted.
* Despite newspaper ad rule, “First come, first served” is an explicit, definite offer.
2. Knowledge of Mistake. If the offeree knows of the offeror’s material mistake until the
time of acceptance, then the offeror is not bound. Difficulty arises when the magnitude
of the mistake was such that it should have been apparent from the face of the offer.
Heifetz Metal Crafts, Inc. v. Peter Kiewit Sons’ Co. -- After Kiewit accepted Heifetz’s
offer, ∆ discovered that he had overlooked some subsidiary kitchen installations required
by the plans. Since its quotation was 1/3 less, ∆ should have known there was a mistake.
Court finds the contract enforceable because in a general-subcontractor relationship, the
subcontractor’s intent is unknown to the general contractor. Sometimes a subcontractor
has a special reason for desiring to obtain a particular job (i.e. the subcontractor wanting
to establish a favorable working relationship for future work) and would submit a figure
controlled by that consideration.
C. Acceptance: a voluntary act of the offeree whereby he exercises the power conferred upon
him by the offer, and thereby creates a set of legal relations called a contract. In the beginning,
the offeror has full control in creating power for an offeree. After acceptance, the offeror is no
longer free to change his mind and nor able to withdraw from the relationship without incurring
liability. Generally, acceptance needs to be communicated within a reasonable time frame
before work commences, unless the offer (1) includes notification within the offer, or (2) offeror
invites acceptance by means of performance (method of acceptance) and not a promise --
unilateral contract.
*Note – an executory contract is when neither offeror nor offeree has performed any element of
the contract, but the contract is still binding.
International Filter Co. v. Conroe Gin, Ice & Light Co.-- Π manufactures machinery to
purify water in connection with the manufacture of ice. ∆ manufactures ice. Contract
states that it is binding upon prompt acceptance. Subject to change without notice for any
delayed acceptance. ∆ accepted on the same day. A few weeks later ∆ tried to
countermand the order. Court reasons that Π did accept the offer, but communication is
not required by Π when the offer includes notification within it – “contract upon prompt
White v. Corlies & Tift -- Π was a builder and estimated the cost of fitting up a suite of
offices. On the same day, ∆ changed the specifications and asked Π to update his
estimate. ∆ sent note that “upon an agreement, you can begin at once.” The next day ∆
countermanded their offer. Before receipt of the countermand, Π began renovation.
Issue – whether Π has duty to give acceptance of a contract before commencing work.
Ever-Tite Roofing Corp. v. Green -- Greens wanted a re-roof on their home. The
agreement shall become binding upon written acceptance of Π. Several days later, Π
returned to the Greens only to find someone else re-roofing. Higher court finds in favor
of Π. The contract did not specify the time within which it was to be accepted. A
reasonable time is contemplated where no time is expressed. Restatement § 54.
2. Guaranty Case
Bishop v. Eaton -- ∆ wrote to Π that if Π would help his brother (Eaton) to get
money, then ∆ will see that it is paid. Π helped ∆’s brother. ∆ did not repay the
loan. ∆ is bound when he sees that action has been taken on the faith of his offer.
Allied Steel and Conveyors, Inc. v. Ford Motor Co. -- Ford ordered machinery
from Allied. A standard provision required that Allied assumed full responsibility
not only for the negligence of its own employees, but also for the negligence of
Ford’s employees in connection with Allied’s work. On this specific order, that
provision was marked “VOID”. Ford proposed to purchase additional machinery
under the same purchase order. The supplemental form did not mark “VOID” on
the provision as the last one. An employee was subsequently injured as a result of
negligence of Ford’s employees. Ford impleaded Allied in the lawsuit on the
basis of this provision, not marked “VOID”. Rule: (1) If the offeror prescribes an
exclusive manner of acceptance, an attempt on the part of the offeree to accept the
offer in a different manner does not bind the offeror in the absence of a meeting of
the minds on the altered type of acceptance. If the offeror merely suggests a
method of acceptance, other methods are not precluded. (2) If the offer requests a
return promise and the offeree without making the promise actually does what he
was requested to promise to do, there is a contract if such performance is
completed within the time allowable for accepting by making a promise.
Hobbs v. Massasoit – briefly touched on this case -- ∆ received goods 4-5 times
in the past and paid for the shipment. Court says ∆’s silence on the most recent
shipment coupled with ∆’s retention of the goods for an unreasonable time
amounts to an acceptance.
1. Lapse of the Offer – If no period is specified in the offer, it lapses after a reasonable
time. If the industry undergoes fluctuates in price, the time frame will shorten. The
primary factor in determining reasonableness is based on the circumstances surrounding
when the offer was made -- how the offer was communicated and the state of the world.
2. Revocation – an offeror can terminate an ordinary offer at any time before it has been
fixed period within which the offeree must “pick up” the option. The expiration date of
any option contract is a principal element in determining its value.
Toys, Inc. v. F.M. Burlington Co. – Remember -- Π’s notice of intent to renew was
premised on a substantially different understanding of the prevailing rate. Court finds it
difficult to reconcile Π’s theory with their actions. The basic facts of this case are clear,
but the inferences to be drawn from the facts and Π’s intentions are not. The question
must be left to the fact-finder. One act/promise can meet consideration for two different
promises/acts. In this case, the offeror’s promises of a 5-yr lease + not revoke the option
is consideration for offeree’s single promise for payment. Bottomline -- plan ahead.
Mailbox Rule:
Acceptance Dispatched -- Adams v. Linsdell laid down the mailbox rule. It states that once the
offeree has dispatched an acceptance, is it too late for the offeree to reject the offer. The offeree
bears the burden to make sure their acceptance is received. Disadvantages to the Mailbox Rule
– burden on the offeror to rely on revocation and sells the goods to another buyer before
receiving acceptance.
Revocation Upon Receipt -- Under Restatement Second § 42, a revocation is generally effective
only on receipt, not on dispatch. Common law’s tendency is that the risks of transmission of
revocation are on the offeror. It makes the offeror’s duty of performance conditional upon
receipt of the acceptance. See Restatement Second § 63. Disadvantages to the Receipt Rule --
While the letter is in transit, offeree is free to watch the market and speculate while offeror is
unable to revoke.
Restatement Second § 64 states that § 63 does not apply when there’s a substantially
instantaneous two-way communication – email does not meet instantaneous standard.
Telephone probably would apply.
party whose reliance has conferred a benefit on the other may have a claim to restitution to
prevent unjust enrichment even though no contract has resulted.
A. Cronin v. National Shawmut Bank holds that the benefit from a broker’s work does
not lead to liability where there has been no employment. Contrastingly, in Hill v.
Waxberg, the parties achieved the prerequisite conditions for the agreement, but they
could not finalize the agreement between them. Π sued to recover reasonable value of
services expended during the prerequisite stage. Evidence and enrichment from Π’s
efforts were submitted as evidence. Court holds that an implied contract, which entails
services being rendered to achieve the full contract, is enforceable.
B. Restatement § 45 – REMEMBER #
(1) An option contract is created when the offeree begins the offeror’s invited
performance. Promise not to revoke needs to have consideration for the contract to be
(2) Offeror’s duty of performance is conditional on the completion of the offeree’s
invited performance.
Reliance on an Offer that Seeks a Promise – An offer for an exchange is not meant to become
a promise until consideration has been received.
Drennan v. Star Paving Co. – Spent a couple classes on this case. -- Π is general
contractor and requested bids for paving. Π used ∆’s bid as part of an overall project
budget. The next morning ∆ rescinded. Court determines that there is no evidence that ∆
offered to make its bid irrevocable in exchange for Π’s use of its figures in computing his
bid. Thus, no consideration nor bilateral contract binding on the parties. Issue: whether
Π’s reliance makes ∆’s offer irrevocable…Yes. Rule from Restatement § 90 (Promissory
Estoppel): A promise which the promisor should reasonably expect to induce action or
forbearance and which does induce such action is binding if justice can be avoided only
by enforcing the promise.” This is not a promissory estoppel case, rather it’s creating an
option contract. Court says Restatement § 90 applies to an implied promise that forms an
option contract. Offeror cannot revoke an option contract. Acting in justifiable reliance
may in some cases serve as sufficient reason for making a promise binding. The absence
of consideration is not fatal to enforcing this promise.
Class Notes:
Restatement §45 enforces implied promise contracts.
Restatement § 87(2) – applies the Drennan decision in its principle. Think about the
relationship between this section and Restatement § 45. Is there overlap or intertwining?
What’s the relationship between consideration and reliance?
Implied in Fact – court supports what the parties want at the time of the deal – autonomy
Implied in Law – court does not abide by what the parties want
1. A special promise of an executor to answer damages out of his own estate.
2. A special promise to answer for the debt, default, or miscarriage of another person.
3. An agreement made upon consideration of marriage.
4. A contract for sale of real estate, or any interest in or concerning the same (see Lucy v.
Zehmer). The agreement or some memorandum of note thereof must be related to the contract.
It doesn’t have to be the actual contract -- scrawling on a napkin counts.
5. An agreement that is not to be performed within one year from the making thereof.
The courts have shown some disfavor towards the Statute by narrowing the classes of contract
that must satisfy its formal requirements. An oral contract is enforceable, by the prevailing rule,
if there is some possibility that it can be performed within a year.
The content of writing and the signing requirement is minimal in sale-of-goods contracts, while
more is required to satisfy other clauses of the Statute. The omission of a material term (such as
the price) may disqualify the writing.
The effect of the Statute is minimized, in varying degrees, by court-made doctrines – partial
performance doctrine and action in reliance (Restatement Second § 139).
A. Minor’s Contracts -- An infant, anyone under 18 years of age, cannot enter into an
enforceable contract – Bright Line Rule. No exceptions.
A. Pressure in Bargaining
Watkins & Son v. Carrig – Cellar/9xRocks case. Halfway through Π and ∆ orally
agreed to remove the rock for 9x increase. Contract states Π is responsible for removing
all material. If Π was unwise in taking changes, his burden cannot be relieved on account
of his mistake. ∆ relies on the principle that his promise to pay more lacked
consideration since Π already began the work. Court finds that consideration is not
disregarded in spite of the net result of a promise to pay more for less, without additional
obligation of the promisee. The fact of recission rather than the effect of recission
determines its legal quality. ∆ is held to the new arrangement.
2. Misrepresentation entails: (1) A false statement (2) of a material fact (3) that
the other party is reliant upon. Π has the burden to establish that ∆ made the
misrepresentation knowing it to be false or at least with reckless disregard for its
Williams v. Walker-Thomas Furniture Co. – Spent two classes on this case. This case echoes
misrepresentation (ambiguous apportionate clause), economic duress, and capacity that
culminate into shocking the conscious. Paternalistic? Π purchased household items through
monthly installments. Unconscionability includes an absence of meaningful choice (procedural)
and unreasonable terms (substance), which is negated by a gross inequality of bargaining
(a) Bargaining over terms may not be between equals.
(b) There may be no opportunity to bargain over terms at all.
(c) One party may be completely/relatively unfamiliar with the terms.
B. Tickets, Passes, and Stubs – If a business wishes to limit its liability for negligence, it
must give adequate notice of the contract and receive the assent thereto. In the mind of
the bailor, this stub does not rise to the dignity of a contract.
C. Duty to Read and the Right to Understand – The failure of a signer to read a written
contract is not such a mistake as will ordinarily excuse compliance with it. Yet, the
requirements of a relievable mistake have been loosened over time.
Carnival Cruise Lines, Inc. v. Shute -- On cruise tickets, all litigation was to be filed in Florida
(forum selection clause). Rule: The forum clause should control absent a strong showing that it
should be set aside; and, even if the clause establishes a remote forum for resolution of conflicts,
the petitioner should bear a heavy burden of proof. Court contends that enforceability is not
always linked with bargaining. Passengers benefit from a forum clause through reduced fares.
Court finds that ∆ does not meet their heavy burden because Florida is not a remote alien forum
and ∆ can still litigate the issue.
CAB, Inc. v. Ingram -- Two approaches to modify restrictive covenants. (1) “Blue Pencil” Rule
– an unreasonable restriction against competition may be modified and enforced to the extent
that a grammatically meaningful reasonable restriction remains after the words making the
restriction unreasonable are stricken. Advantage – simple and prevents the court from rewriting
private agreements. Disadvantage – the contract still fails if the offending provision cannot be
stricken. (2) Reasonableness Rule – unless bad faith on employer’s part, a court will enforce to
the extent that they are reasonably necessary. If a contract is deliberately oppressive, then the
covenant is invalid.
I. Measuring Expectation – The goal of contract remedies is to award the sum of damages that
will (through monetary extent) put the injured party in the position in which it would have been
had the promise been performed.
C. More on Lost Life – It allows recovery for the actual or intrinsic value to the
plaintiffs, but denies recovery for any unusual sentimental value or fanciful price.
E. Losing Contracts
U.S. (Coastal Subcontractor) v. Algernon Blair, Inc. (1973) – restitution instead of
expectancy damages through quantum meruit. -- Blair agreed to construct a naval
hospital and breached the contract. The lower court found that since the subcontractor
would have lost $37K if it completed performance and the amount due to the
subcontractor was $37K, then the subcontractor’s damages were none. (Π entered into
really bad contract.) Issue/Holding: whether a subcontract recover in quantum meruit
the value of labor and equipment already furnished pursuant to the contract irrespective
of whether he would have been entitled to recover in a suit on the contract…Yes. While
this is a correct application of the normal rule, the appellate court believes the
subcontractor is entitled to recover in quantum meruit. Coastal, at its own expense,
provided Blair with labor and the use of equipment. Blair retained benefits without fully
paying for them. Thus, Coastal is entitled to restitution. Court’s formulation…restitution
– payments already made under the contract = Coastal’s damages.
A. Avoidability –The injured party is simply precluded from recovering for loss that it
could reasonably have avoided. Duty to mitigate based on Hand’s Formula B<P +L.
Restatement Second § 350.
B. The Rejection of Constructive Service Doctrine – an injured party cannot recover for
loss that could have been avoided by taking affirmative steps to arrange a substitute
Parker v. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp. – Shirley MacLaine Case -- Studio offered
actress a different lead with the same terms of an earlier agreement. Rule: The employer
must show that the other employment was comparable. Court rules that the studio did
not meet its affirmative defense burden since it did not offer any evidence of similar
Voorhees v. Guyan Machinery Co. – An offer of reemployment will not diminish the
employ ee’s recovery if further association between the parties would be offensive or
degrading to the employee.
Davis Chemical Corp. v. Diasonics – Medical Diagnostic Equipment Deal. Davis says
Diasonics should mitigate the damages by selling their product to another party
(alternative transaction). Whether Diasonics would have been able to fulfill both Davis
and another party’s contract and it would have been profitable for it to have produced and
sold both...yes, however, the alternative transaction does not substitute for the original,
breached contract and does not mitigate the damages.
Contracts Outline, Fall 1999
DeAnna M. Horne
Jim Mooney, Professor
I. What are Contracts?
A. Legally enforceable agreements
1. Ask yourself:
a. Is there a promise?
b. What are the consequences of that promise?
2. Assumpsit
a. Arose out of torts—money exchanged but it really ought
to be refunded (If I bought jeans from JC Penney that fell
apart in the washer, I really should get my money back).
b. Either an expressed or an implied promise
c. Broader and more enforceable concept of contracts than
was used prior to 16th century.
B. Equitable concept of contract law
1. Embodied in Portia—emphasizes mercy
2. Existed through 18th century
3. Features fairness
4. Courts would not enforce unfair contracts (i.e. a loan of money
in exchange for the “pound of flesh nearest your heart.”)
5. “Sound price doctrine”
a. Sound price warrants a sound commodity (agreement to
pay full price for hay implies the hay will be good and not
b. This reflects the ethical standards of the day—the
community’s values were offended by price gouging and
like practices.
C. “Will theory” or “Classical theory” of contract law
1. Embodied in Shylock—literal interpretation of contract
2. 1815-ish modern markets and the commercial class developed
a. Old equitable conception didn’t really work
3. Features predictability
4. Parties must have the will to bargain
5. Court will not enforce contract without some type of
consideration—adequacy of consideration becomes less
important under this concept than previously
6. “Caveat Emptor” becomes the rule and the court becomes much
more hardened and impersonal
a. Courts are much less concerned with the fairness of the
D. By the mid 20th century, Equitable concept began returning
II. Basis for Enforcing Promises
A. What is Consideration?
1. Either a benefit to one party or a detriment to the other (Note:
consideration does not have to be shown on both sides)
a. This is a very broad definition of a detriment—it doesn’t
have to be something bad for the party, just at forbearance
of a right or the like.
b. An example: I will give you a dollar if you don’t pick your
nose all day. Consideration is the promissee’s forbearance
of a legal (but disgusting) right. This agreement does
nothing for the promisor (except, perhaps, spare him the
2. There must also be a bargained for exchange for consideration
to exist.
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a. Past action by a party generally doesn’t count as
consideration because it wasn’t bargained for.
B. Consideration as a Basis for Enforcement
1. Consideration demands some quid pro quo for the promise—a
promise that is not “paid for” in some way is not enforceable.
2. Required to form a valid contract (with a few exceptions)
a. 2 reasons for requirement
i. Cautionary policy—you are less likely to do
something ill advised if you take the time to make
sure you are getting something in return.
ii. Evidentiary policy—provides proof that a promise
was made and intended
iii. See Feinberg v. Pfeiffer
3. Hamer v. Sidway
a. “Money for nothing” case
b. Refraining from an act to which one has a legal right, at
the request of the promisor, is sufficient consideration to
enforce a contract.
c. Consideration was the nephew’s detriment in giving up a
legal right to do all kinds of “immoral” things. In
exchange, his uncle was to give him $5000.
d. There was a detriment to the nephew in exchange for the
money—detriment to promisee and a bargain.
Consideration existed, therefore a valid contract.
C. Adequacy of Consideration
1. Restatement of Contracts § 71
a. If the consideration given is a “peppercorn,” the
consideration is inadequate and the contract is invalid.
b. For instance, Dad agrees to buy a 1963 Lincoln
Continental worth $2,000 for $1. Consideration is invalid
D. Gratuitous Promises
1. Unenforceable—no consideration
2. See Hamer v. Sidway—the court found consideration, they did
not find that the uncle owed the money simply because he had
promised it.
3. Consideration must be bargained for
4. Goes to adequacy of consideration—a “peppercorn” is not
adequate consideration, makes the promise gratuitous.
E. Fiege v. Boehm
1. The “Oh, sorry, wrong guy” case
2. Agreement to forbear a legal claim, made in good faith, is
sufficient consideration for a contract, even if the claim turns
out to be unfounded.
a. This is a departure from classical consideration doctrine
3. For an invalid claim to be valid consideration 2 requirements
must be met:
a. Must be a good faith belief in the claim
i. “I really believe you are the father”
b. Claim must be reasonable
i. “Well, we did have sex.”
4. Restatement of Contracts § 76 covers this
a. “Forbearance to assert an invalid claim…by one who has
not an honest and reasonable belief in its possible validity
[is not consideration].”
F. The Problem of Action in the Past
1. “Past” Consideration
a. Past acts can not establish sufficient consideration to
enforce a contract even if the action creates substantial
moral obligation
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i. This is “classical consideration” doctrine
ii. The court may actually create some imaginary
previous promise if a past action gives substantial
material value to the other party—see Webb v.
McGowin, below.
b. Feinberg v. Pfeiffer Co. (take one)
i. The “little old lady and her pension” case
ii. Plaintiff’s past actions did not constitute
consideration for defendant’s promise to pay her
pension. Neither was the plaintiff’s continued
service to the company valid consideration.
1 The plaintiff’s arguments did not address
the bargain issue. The pension was offered
gratuitously with out strings attached.
2. “Moral Obligation”
a. Mills v. Wyman
i. Ungrateful father case
ii. Only when the party making the promise gains
something, the person to whom it is made loses
something, is the promise enforceable.
iii. Even though this court used strong language to
describe the defendant, it stated that the moral
obligation owed to the plaintiff should not be used
to enforce the contract.
iv. Court drew a line between “legal” and “moral.”
b. Webb v. McGowin
i. Nefarious Executor case
ii. Plaintiff’s service to Defendant was sufficient
consideration for the purposes of a contract.
Where the promisor is under substantial moral
obligation because he has received substantial
material benefit, then past consideration does
iii. The court tap-danced around the issue by imposing
material benefit on something that had great moral
G. Restitution as an Alternative Basis for Recovery
1. Relatively new theory of recovery for past actions
a. Though bargained for consideration or a promise may not
exist on the facts, a party may have a cause of action on a
quasi-contract if otherwise unjust enrichment may result.
2. Theory not based on promise but on preventing unjust
a. I.e. I pay $100 for a CZ but when I get it home, I discover
it is a 2 ct. diamond. Should I be allowed to keep it when
the jeweler discovers the mistake? Restitution says no. I
would be unjustly enriched.
3. If someone has received material benefit and been unjustly
enriched, courts may enforce payment by the enriched party.
4. Plaintiff must provide some service.
a. Plaintiff must expect to be paid and the defendant knew
(or should have known) that payment was expected.
b. Defendant had a chance to reject the services—or if he
was unconscious, a reasonable person should infer he
would have accepted the service.
c. Amount of restitution calculated—2 rules:
i. Market value of the benefit received
ii. Actual monetary benefit received
5. Cotnam v. Wisdom
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a. Streetcar doctor case
b. Harrison, the deceased, fell off a streetcar and was
injured. Dr. Cotnam ran to his aid. Harrison died
anyway. Cotnam billed the estate for services rendered.
c. Court held there is an implied contract when a reasonable
person could infer that the defendant would have
accepted the services had he been conscious.
d. Even though such services given in an emergency are
assumed to be gratuitous, if the person is acting in a
professional capacity (like an ambulance that happens
upon an injured person in the road), that assumption may
be overturned.
6. Callano v. Oakwood Park Homes, Corp.
a. “We want a…SHUBBERY (Ni!)” case
b. Court calls restitution “quasi-contract” here.
c. Contract entered into with deceased—the defendant sold
the property and was enriched by services provided by
plaintiff who was never paid.
d. Court said, “too bad.” Unjust enrichment was not proven.
Court further says that the wrong party is being
sued—compensation should be sought from deceased’s
H. The Problem of Unsolicited Action
1. Reliance and the Requirement of Bargain
a. Classical contract law says consideration must be
bargained for.
b. What is a bargain? The law says what it is not.
c. Kirksey v. Kirksey
i. Widow and Orphans case
ii. Court said there was no bargain—“if you will come
and see me, I will give you a place to live” not a
iii. The “if…then” statement merely gives the widow
Kirksey a way to receive the gift—not
consideration for a contract.
d. Central Adjustment Bureau vs. Ingram
i. Evil bill collectors case
ii. Terminable at will employment contract that
contained a covenant not to compete
iii. When the defendants left the employ of plaintiff,
they opened their own collection agency in
violation of the covenant
iv. A covenant not to compete requires consideration
v. Normally, future employment doesn’t count as
1 Court said the length of employment and
the value of the training was adequate
consideration for the covenant not to
vi. Covenant not to compete in the employment
contract was too broad here, though and the court
2. Reliance as an Alternative Basis for Enforcement
a. Though bargained for consideration or a promise may not
exist on the facts,
b. “Promissory Estoppel”—a substitute for consideration.
Reliance as a basis for the enforcement of promises.
i. A promisee’s foreseeable, reasonable, detrimental
reliance may serve as a substitute for consideration
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if failure to enforce the contract may result in
c. For Promissory Estoppel to exist, there must be:
i. A promise that a reasonable person would think was
serious and would have relied upon
ii. Reliance upon the promise
iii. Detriment due to reliance
d. Ricketts vs. Scothorn
i. Rich Granddad case
ii. Grandfather promised $2000 and yearly interest to
granddaughter so she quit her job.
iii. Estate stops payment after grandfather’s death and
granddaughter sues.
iv. Court finds there was not bargained for condition
that she quit her job. Plaintiff did, however, rely
on the promise of money when she quit her job.
v. Detrimental reliance, even though not bargained
for, is sufficient to enforce a contract.
e. Expectation—Remedy under Promissory Estoppel
i. Puts the non-breaching party in the position
expected if the contract had not been breached.
f. Reliance interest—Remedy under Promissory Estoppel
i. See Restatement § 90
1 “Promise Reasonably Inducing Action or
2 Puts the party back where they were
before reliance on the promise. NOT where
they expected to be based on
g. D & G Stout, Inc. v. Bacardi Imports
i. Liquored-Up contract
ii. Plaintiff passed on an offer to sell his business based
on a promise from defendant
1 The court found Bacardi liable for
damages. But which kind?
1. Expectation damages—lost income
from sales of Bacardi’s product
2. Reliance damages—difference
between the 1st offer and the final
price from the sale of defendant’s
2 Court says “Reliance it is!” Why?
1. Lost future earnings (expectation)
are not recoverable under P. E.
3 Stout rejected 1st purchase offer—relying
upon Bacardi’s product to hold out for a
while as an independent until a better offer
came along.
h. General Rule: Reliance can not exceed expectation
i. Feinberg v. Pfeiffer Co. take 2
i. Little old lady case revisited
ii. Under Promissory Estoppel, there is a happy ending
to this case.
iii. Ms. Feinberg relied to her detriment upon the
promise of the company to pay her a pension. She
is no longer able to work. She wins on reliance
I. Promise for Promise
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1. When a promise is given in exchange for a promise, both
parties must accept some legal obligation in order for the
agreement to be an enforceable contract.
2. 2 types of contracts made when promises are given
a. Unilateral contract
i. Only one side makes a promise—“If you mow my
lawn, I will pay you $10”
b. Bilateral contract
i. Both sides make a promise—“I promise to give you
$10 if you promise to mow my lawn.”
1 Promises constitute consideration when
given in exchange for promises.
3. Strong v. Sheffield
a. Shiftless husband and nefarious uncle case
b. Defendant claims not enough of a promise was made in
exchange for her promise.
c. Court says, “you are right!”
i. Endorsement of debtor’s note as security for a past-
due debt is without consideration when the
creditor merely agrees to extend payment until he
feels like collecting.
d. Court cannot change an implied promise to an express
promise. The promise in this case was illusory.
4. Mattei v. Hopper
a. Satisfactory leases case
b. In the agreement to sell, defendant backed out stating the
provision making plaintiff’s “satisfaction” necessary to
close the deal made the promise “illusory.”
c. Court disagreed here—the plaintiff’s duty to perform and
exercise his judgment in good faith was adequate
consideration to support the contract
d. This case sets out a “reasonable person” standard for
i. The buyer should be satisfied if a reasonable person
would be
ii. Satisfaction is not dependent upon the individual
“taste or fancy” of the buyer. If it had been, there
would have been no consideration.
e. Further argument by defendant: this was merely an offer
to sell and not an agreement to sell. Because the
defendant removed her offer from the table before the
plaintiff had accepted by obtaining satisfactory leases, this
is a “concealed offer.” Court didn’t think this one would
fly either.
f. Though a contract containing a satisfaction clause may
seem to impose no real obligation, courts will typically
enforce the contract by imposing a duty of good faith on
the promising party (Mattei in this case).
5. Eastern Airlines v. Gulf Oil
a. Aviation fuel case
b. Requirements contract—seller agrees to meet the
requirements of the buyer at a specific price and the buyer
agrees to buy exclusively from the seller
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c. These contracts did not used to be enforceable—not
enough predictability
i. Both the UCC and Florida law has codified them.
d. Defendant argues this contract is “void for want of
i. Want of mutuality—Gulf argues that Eastern gets all
of the benefit from this contract. Court said “NO.”
Gulf’s benefit is that Eastern does not buy from the
e. Once again, the test is “good faith”—if Eastern had not
been acting in good faith in ordering aviation fuel, the
contract would have lacked mutuality and it would have
been void.
f. The court in this case finds that the contract is enforceable
in both the Florida statute and in common law.
6. Opposite of a requirements contract is an “outputs contract” in
which the buyer agrees to purchase all of the seller’s output of a
certain product.
a. Aviation fuel case is requirements contract; Glue case on
pp. 132 is Output contract.
7. Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff Gordon
a. Titanic designer case
b. Exclusive dealing contract. Representative gets a
commission regardless of who does the selling.
i. In this case, Wood didn’t care that Lady Duff Gordon
was selling, he just cared that she didn’t turn over
_ of the profit to him.
c. Lady Duff-Gordon’s argument is that Wood is not bound
to do any work; he did not bind himself to doing anything
specific other than to account for moneys received by him.
d. Cardozo says this argument is ridiculous—if Wood
doesn’t act, he gets no money at all. His promise to work
is implied in his promise to turn over _ of the profits.
8. Termination Clauses
a. If the contract is terminable at will by one party only, the
promise may be considered illusory
III. The Bargaining Process
A. The Nature of Assent
1. Lucy V. Zehmer
a. The Farm in Jest case
b. Defendant agreed to sell Plaintiff his land—Defendant
says he was just kidding and he had no intent to sell the
farm. The court said, “Too bad.” By your actions you
showed intent to proceed with the sale despite your
drunken condition.
c. The objective words and acts of the parties became
important here. What the parties believed subjectively is
not really important.
d. Mental assent of the parties is not required to form a
contract so long as the words and actions of the parties
show a serious intent to enter into the contract. A true
“meeting of the minds” is not required.
e. If, however, one party understands the other party is
joking, no contract –see Keller v. Holderman (pp. 143,
f. The law says, “You intend what you say and act.” In other
words, if the acts and the words of a party warrant a
reasonable belief that the intent is serious, there is no
backing out because you were “joking.”
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g. The acts of the parties must lead a reasonable person to
believe that the contract was agreed upon. The price
agreed upon may be a large part of this objective test
i. Agreement to buy a farm for $50,000—pretty
ii. Agreement to buy a watch valued at $15 for
$300—probably not a serious transaction.
2. Laserage Technology Corp. v. Laserage Laboratories, Inc.
a. In the break up of 2 companies founded by the same man,
who was to be forced out, the disagreement over whether
the deal that was agreed upon allowed Byrum (founder)
to maintain his shareholder voting rights.
b. Court found that the actions of the parties showed that
there was no intent to deprive Byrum of his voting rights
as a course of the agreement.
c. This case is very similar to Lucy v. Zehmer—the court
focus on the outward manifestations of the parties actions
to come to the heart of the intent matter.
3. Gentlemen’s Agreements
a. Problematic area of contract law.
b. If the parties go through all of the motions of contract but,
subjectively, neither intends to be legally bound, is there a
i. If both parties expressly state (i.e. in writing) that
there is no intent to be legally bound, no
enforcement by the court
ii. In such a case, parties act on the understanding that
so long as circumstances continue as expected,
everyone will perform.
c. So…if 2 guys walk up to each other in the street, make an
agreement and shake hands—Is there an enforceable
contract at that time?
4. Formal Contract Contemplated
a. What if in the same hypothetical as above, one of the 2
guys says, “my lawyers will be in touch.” Is there a
contract? If so, when is it effective?
B. The Offer
1. An offer is an expression of will or intention—it is an act that
allows the offeree the belief he has the power to enter into a
a. Hmm—kind of lofty.
2. Restatement Second §24 says Offer is the “Manifestation of
willingness to enter into a bargain, so made as to justify another
person in understanding that his assent to that bargain is
invited and will conclude
a. Traditionally, the courts will want to see an offer followed
by acceptance as evidence of a contract. There are some
cases where the actions of the parties lead the court to
believe that objectively they have entered in to an
3. Things to keep in mind about the next 4 cases:
a. These cases are really pretty consistent in the courts’
insistence that contractual intent must be objectively
b. The objective standard in evaluating intent to contract is
used in all 4 courts.
c. In cases dealing with land, the courts have been extremely
reluctant to force people to part with their land if there is
any question of intent to do so.
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d. There is no offer when the “offer” comes in the form of
advertising circular. The courts are loath to call this an
offer—the seller may be overwhelmed with acceptances!
i. Note: for an ad to show that is isn’t an offer, it must
not be too specific. I.e. saying there is one fur coat
available for $1 to the first customer of the day.
e. Be careful in drafting communications! If the agreement
can be redrafted to say the opposite thing in language that
seem synonymous with the first communication, the court
will usually be persuaded.
f. There must be a mirror image between offer and
acceptance; if the acceptance adds or takes away from the
offer, the contract is invalid. Fairmount Glass made this
argument—court did not find it applicable here but it may
be elsewhere.
g. The offer must be definite. This argument was made in
Fairmount Glass as well. The defendant said an offer to
sell an indefinite quantity was not an offer. The court
said, “nice try” and found sufficient definiteness in this
instance. It may work elsewhere.
4. Owen v. Tunison
a. Plaintiff asked defendant if he could buy some of his land
for $6000. Defendant responded that he could not
possibly sell for “less than $16,000. Plaintiff agreed to the
price of $16,000. Defendant did not wish to sell his land
and refused to accept the $16,000. Plaintiff sued
b. The plaintiff offered to buy the property, but the
defendant’s wish to sell was never discussed. The court
held that there is no contract.
i. The court talks about “meeting of the minds” here,
but there are bits of objective evidence that the
defendant really didn’t expect the plaintiff to
cough up the 16k.
5. Harvey v. Facey
a. Plaintiff initiated transaction by writing to defendant
asking if he would be willing to sell a piece of property
and at what price
b. Defendant answered only the price question and the not
the willingness to sell question. Court says no offer to sell
was communicated.
c. The confusion here arose over language. Even though the
parties were communicating in writing doesn’t mean they
understood what the other was saying.
d. The courts are loathe to make people part with their land
without perfect understanding—the type of item being
sold seems to matter in this type of cases.
6. Fairmount Glass v. Grunden-Martin
a. Appellant (Grunden) invited Fairmount to quote prices on
glass jars. Fairmount responded in specific language
indulging prices, discount for cash payment, and the term
“for immediate acceptance.”
b. When Grunden accepted the quote and placed a specific
order, Fairmount was unable to fill the order.
c. The court held that the quote constituted an offer and
Grunden accepted that offer.
d. Once again the language was very important. Because the
quote contained the words “for immediate acceptance,”
the document was held to be an offer. The offeror was
empowered to enter into a contract.
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i. If Fairmount had enclosed the words, “all orders
subject to stock on hand” instead of “for
immediate acceptance,” the communication would
have been a quote instead of an offer.
7. Moulton v. Kershaw
a. Salt circular
b. Kershaw sent Moulton a trade circular with a special on
salt. When Moulton ordered, Kershaw had no salt left.
c. Court says a trade circular is not an offer it was an
invitation for offers.
C. Mistaken Bids
1. In the bidding process for contracts (usually for buildings and
the like) the contractors submit bids for jobs, these bids are
considered offers. The buyer of the services chooses the bid and
accepts one.
2. What if the contractor submits a bid with a mistake in it?
3. Elsinore Union School v. Kastorff
a. The defendant submitted a bid to the Elsinore school
district. The defendant had the winning bid. The next
day, the defendant discovered he had made a clerical
error in computing his bid and the plaintiff was informed
right away. Should the defendant be held to a contract
that resulted from a mistaken bid?
b. Court held the defendant could withdraw the offer if the
mistake was:
i. Innocent
ii. Clerical
1 An error in calculating the materials
required is not allowable
iii. Material
iv. If it is unconscionable to hold the defendant to the
v. If the notice of the error and intent to rescind is
vi. If the offeree can be put back in status quo (the
position it was in before the offer was accepted).
1 The offeree must have the ability to still
accept the next lowest bid
c. Here, all of these conditions were met. The contractor’s
rescission of the bid is like it was never submitted at all.
d. Note that reformation of the contract is not allowed. If the
contractor wants to do the work, he has to do it at the
price bid.
4. Bid Shopping can contribute to these types of errors. The
contractor invites sub-contractors to bid on the job. In order to
prevent the contractor from going to other sub-contractors
asking them to beat a bid, the subs submit their bids at the last
possible moment. This contributes to a high-pressure situation
for the contractor to get his bid to the bidding on time.
5. If the offeree knows of the offeror’s error at the time of the
contract, the offeror will not be bound to perform—the offeree
knows they are taking advantage.
6. Most courts are truly unwilling to grant relief to the contractor
on these types of cases. There is a real feeling that the
contractor should be held to the deal.
7. Heifetz Metal v. Peter Kiewit Sons’ Co,
a. The Subcontractor was not released from his bid to the
contractor when it was discovered they had mis-bid on
the work for a commercial kitchen.
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b. The mistake was based on the amount of work they
thought needed to be done—there was more than they
had originally anticipated.
c. The contractor had submitted his bid based on the sub’s
erroneous bid. The contractor could not be placed in
status quo.
8. How are these 2 cases different?
a. Most of the cases when bidder is let out of a contract is
with a general contractor and not the sub—the contractor
has relied on the sub’s bid in preparing his.
b. The work had already been started in Heifetz. The
mistake was perhaps one of judgment and not a clerical
D. The Acceptance
1. Acceptance is a voluntary act of the offeree creating a contract
through their acceptance.
a. Acceptance may occur by performance or through a
i. Hamer v. Sidway—offer was by the uncle, nephew
accepted the offer by performance
ii. Promise—I promise to buy the goods you are
promising to sell.
2. Notice of Acceptance in Unilateral Contracts.
a. Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke
i. Guarantee of £100 to anyone using the Carbolic
Smoke Ball who comes down with the flu.
ii. Defendant argued that it wasn’t a real offer and, if it
were, the plaintiff had not notified of acceptance.
iii. Court said that the language of the advertisement
was so definite as to be an offer and in this
instance no notice of acceptance was required,
performance was enough.
iv. From the character and nature of the transaction,
notice of acceptance of an offer may be
b. Bishop v. Eaton
i. This is an oddball case where action itself does not
constitute acceptance of the offer.
ii. Ordinarily, acceptance is perfectly fine but in some
cases, notice needs to be given of the acceptance
and the performance.
c. Allied Steel v. Ford Motor Co.
i. The offeror may prescribe a method of
acceptance—an acceptance in the manner
prescribed will bind the offeror.
1 Acceptance in a manner that is not
prescribed in this instance will not bind the
ii. A method of acceptance may also be suggested by
the offeror. If the method is merely suggested,
other methods of acceptance are recognized.
1 Partial performance is one of these
methods and it is the one that got Allied in
trouble here.
iii. The court also says here that if here is no fraud or
deceit, the parties are bound by a contract that
they signed and had the opportunity to read.
iv. Allied whined that they did not read the
amendment to the purchase order—the court
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found this to be bunkum. Allied supplied the
equipment ordered, they must have read it.
3. Shipment of Goods as Acceptance
a. A contract can, sometimes, be accepted by shipping goods.
i. I.e. the buyer sends an order and in response, the
seller ships the items.
b. If the seller ships items not ordered, is this acceptance?
i. There is no mirror image between offer and
acceptance in this instance—could be breach of
4. Silence Not Ordinarily Acceptance
a. Restatement §69 says that generally, silence alone is not
b. Sometimes, if there is a past relationship, however, the
offeree can be held if there is only silence.
i. Hobbs v. Massasoit Whip
1 Plaintiff sent a load of eel skins to
defendant and heard nothing in return.
2 The eel skins were not returned and the
defendant did not pay for them.
3 Because of a past relationship of doing
business in exactly this manner, the
defendant was held to be in breach of
4 Also: the defendant could have been seen
to be unjustly enriched by the plaintiff’s
5. Termination of the Power of Acceptance
a. Power of acceptance may be terminated by:
i. Lapse of the offer
ii. Revocation of the offer
iii. Rejection of the offer
iv. Offeror’s death or incapacity
b. Lapse of the Offer
i. If no specific time is indicated in the offer (i.e. you
must accept by Friday), the offer expires after a
“reasonable time.”
ii. Of course, “reasonable” is open to interpretation.
iii. Akers v. J. B. Sedberry
1 An offer made by one to another in the
course of a conversation only remains open
until the end of the conversation.
iv. Loring v. City of Boston
1 3 years and 8 months from the date of the
advertisement of an offer was not a
reasonable time.
c. Revocation of the offer
i. The offeror may revoke the offer at any time prior to
ii. Exception to this rule is an option contract
1 Option contract: for consideration, the
offeror promises to hold the offer open for
a specific period of time with no right of
revocation. —There must be consideration.
d. Rejection of the Offer
i. This is the offeree’s right.
ii. The offeree cannot accept the offer after he has
rejected it.
iii. A counter offer is a rejection of the first offer.
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e. Offeror’s death or incapacity
i. Pretty self-explanatory—all bets are off.
f. Hoover v. Clements Paper
i. When is a communication a revocation?
ii. Hoover’s statement that “we have not decided, we
might not want to go through with it…” was a
revocation of the offer, Clements could not later
accept the offer.
6. Options Contracts
a. A promise, made by the offeror, which effectively limits
the offeror’s power to revoke.
b. Toys v. F.M. Burlington
i. Plaintiff entered into 5-year lease with option to
ii. Plaintiff said they would exercise the option but did
not like the price the defendant quoted for rent.
After some hemming and hawing, the defendant
listed the space for rent and plaintiff sued (after
moving out.)
iii. Court said the renewal option is more than an
agreement to agree—it was definite and contained
sufficient bargained for consideration to be
iv. Court remanded the case for trial because there
were questions of fact as to whether the plaintiff
had exercised their option or had let the time
period lapse
1 Jury at trial found Toys to have exercised
their option but waived its right to renew
when it failed to agree before the deadline.
c. Dickinson v. Dodds (pp. 207)
i. Agreement to hold offer to sell property open for
specific amount of time did not work
ii. Court found no consideration for the agreement and
so a third party’s communication to plaintiff was
notice of revocation of the offer.
iii. A promise to leave an offer open must contain
sufficient bargained for consideration.
d. Restatement §43 allows for indirect communication of the
revocation of an offer.
i. Offeree must receive reliable information of the
offeror’s behavior.
e. Thus:
i. Offeror may revoke at anytime prior to acceptance
ii. Offeror may do so even if the offer is “irrevocable”
for a specific period of time—UNLESS bargained
for consideration is received for the promise
(Restatement §87)
iii. Revocation must be communicated in some reliable
way. Selling to someone else isn’t good enough.
iv. Communication of revocation may be indirect.
f. Ragosta v. Wilder
i. Fork Shop case
ii. Plaintiffs agreed to buy shop from defendant but
needed to obtain financing.
iii. Offer gave plaintiffs a deadline to appear with the
money at a bank. Plaintiffs appeared at the bank
before the deadline with the information on
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iv. Defendant sold to someone else. Court said “That’s
v. There was no consideration for the promise to keep
the offer open—plaintiffs’ argument that the
money they had spent in obtaining financing was
7. Mailbox Rule
a. Restatement §63
i. Time when acceptance takes effect
1 Acceptance is effective when it leaves the
offeree’s possession
2 In an options contract, acceptance is
effective when it reaches the offeror.
b. Restatement §40
i. Rejection or Counter-offer’s effectiveness
1 Rejection or counter-offer must be
received by the offeror to be effective.
2 If an acceptance is also sent, the
acceptance must be received before the
rejection or counter-offer.
c. How these work:
i. Revocation must be received before an acceptance is
mailed to be effective.
ii. Acceptance is good upon dispatch; revocation is
good upon receipt.
iii. Acceptance of an offer eliminates the right to reject.
If the offeree attempts to reject after an acceptance
is mailed—too bad.
iv. If the rejection arrives before the acceptance, the
buyer may choose to enforce the contract unless
1 Seller has relied on the rejection and sold
to someone else.
2 If the seller has relied on the rejection and
sold to someone else at a loss, the seller
probably can recover from the 1st buyer for
the loss.
v. Acceptance dispatched after a rejection is effective
upon receipt if at all.
E. Precontractual Liability
1. General rules and info:
a. General rule: Neither party is bound until a contract is
entered into.
b. Courts may decide to enforce a promise in which one
party acts in reliance upon a future contract when a
benefit has been conferred upon the other party
c. Tension between the classical contract rules and the
human need to reach just results
2. Restitution cases:
a. Sometimes restitution is allowed, recovery not based on a
promise but on avoiding un-just enrichment.
b. Cronin v. National Shawmut Bank
i. Insurance agent revised proposal several times to
meet the wishes of a bank officer
ii. When another company received the insurance
contract, plaintiff sued.
iii. The bank never availed itself of Cronin’s proposals
and an invitation to submit proposals does not
(normally) lead to liability.
c. Hill v. Waxberg
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i. Goes the opposite way from Cronin
ii. Contractor, Hill, made preparations to build on
defendant’s lot on the defendant’s promise that if
the financing could be obtained, Hill would get the
iii. Negotiations for the contract fell through and the
contract went to someone else.
iv. Court awarded restitution damages
1 Hill conferred a benefit on Waxberg and
needed to be compensated for it—the
expected profit from a contract was what
Hill undertook the expense for.
3. Wormser’s Hypothetical for Unilateral contracts
a. A promises B $100 to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge and
instead of saying, “I accept,” B simply starts to walk.
Once B gets _ way across the bridge, A yells, “I revoke!”
What is the result if B sues A?
i. Wormser initially said that the acceptance of A’s
offer is signified by the completion of the task and
not by the commencement.
1 He reasoned that B had not given A what
he had asked for—the completed walk
across the bridge and the acceptance of A’s
offer was the completed walk.
ii. Restatement Second §45 disagreed with
him—acceptance is signified by the
commencement of performance, not its
1 An option contract is created by partial
performance or tender
2 In this case, consideration for the options
contract is part performance
3 This works only in a unilateral contract:
the performer may opt out of the contract
by ceasing to perform but the offeror may
not revoke part-way through completion
b. Brackenbury v. Hodgkin
i. Ms. Hodgkin promised the family farm to her
daughter if she would move from Missouri to
Maine to care for her until her death.
ii. Problems erupted and Hodgkin threw the
Brackenburys out and they sued.
iii. The court held that since this was a unilateral
contract, a promise exchanged for action, Hodgkin
was bound by the Brackenburys acceptance
through performance
c. Davis v. Jacoby
i. This is a similar case to Brackenbury, but the letter
asked for the plaintiff to respond.
ii. The court held this to be a bilateral contract, a
promise for a promise—the performance, as
acceptance doesn't work here.
4. Reliance on an offer that seeks a promise
a. Drennan v. Star Paving
i. Sub-contractor revoked offer to contractor after the
contractor’s bid had been accepted by the client.
Contractor sued.
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ii. Star Paving argued that they had made a revocable
offer and revoked it before plaintiff had
communicated his acceptance.
iii. Drennan argued that he had relied upon the
defendant’s offer to his detriment.
iv. Court called this an Implied Subsidiary Promise.
1 Defendant was aware that plaintiff would
be submitting his bid based on the lowest
bid received and understood this
2 The defendant stood to substantially gain
from plaintiff’s winning the bid and as a
result, the offer had an implied promise to
remain open for a reasonable period of
v. What is the consideration for the implied subsidiary
1 Detrimental reliance acts in place of
consideration in this situation
vi. Note: unlike the Elsinore School District case
above, the contractor plaintiff here could not be
placed in status quo. He had submitted his bid
relying on the bid from the paving contractor.
b. Restatement §90
i. Promise reasonably inducing action or foreberance
1 This is the promissory estoppel
restatement—see above.
2 It works here because it allows reliance to
act in place of consideration.
c. Restatement §87(2)
i. Combines §45 and §90
ii. Options Contracts are binding if
1 In writing and signed and states some
2 Made irrevocable by statute
iii. An offer, which the offeror expects to cause the
offeree to do something (or stop doing something)
which would give substantial benefit to the offeror
AND when the offeree relies on it, a binding
options contract is created.
1 Mooney can’t think of anywhere this is
used where it is not in the realm of
5. Liability for failed Negotiations
a. If one party has conferred a benefit on the other during
the course of negotiations, the recipient of the benefit may
be required to make restitution.
b. Be careful, though, courts usually have accorded parties
the freedom to negotiate without the risk of
precontractual liability.
c. Goodman v. Dicker
i. Plaintiff was lead to believe his application for an
Emerson radio dealer franchise was accepted. He
spent money in preparation, hired employees and
lined up customers.
ii. When the franchise fell through, plaintiff sued.
iii. Court held an award of damages that the plaintiff
had spent in reliance upon the defendant’s
statements but denied damages for lost profits
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iv. Reliance damages were awarded but expectation
was denied.
d. Prince v. Miller High-Life
i. Plaintiff entered into a contract for the distribution
of Miller beer. He spent $20,000 to build the
business and then Miller terminated the contract
and gave a profitable distribution area to another.
ii. Appellate court upheld directed verdict for the
iii. The court stated the “Missouri Rule,” which gives
the franchisee an opportunity to recover costs sunk
into building a business IF the franchise has not
been in place a reasonable amount of time when
the franchiser takes it away.
iv. Court further said that the Missouri rule doesn’t
apply here—there was a contract that stated
“terminable at will” in the cases the plaintiff was
relying on, there were no contracts at all.
e. Grouse v. Group Health
i. This is much like Goodman v. Dicker, above
ii. Plaintiff relied to his detriment on the promise of a
job from the defendant.
iii. Court said that plaintiff could recover reliance
damages—he had not been given a good faith
opportunity to perform his duties to the
satisfaction of defendant.
f. Ragosta v. Wilder
i. See above
ii. Part 1 (above) court said no consideration for the
promise to keep the offer open
iii. Part 2 (here): court remands the case for trial on
promissory estoppel.
iv. In order to win here, plaintiff must show:
1 They relied upon the promise to their
2 Defendant could reasonably have
inferred that the plaintiffs would incur
such a high cost of reliance
g. Hoffman v. Red Owl Stores
i. Plaintiff acted in reliance on defendant’s promise of
a franchise—sold his bakery, bought and sold a
smaller grocery store and obtained $18,000 from
his father-in-law. Defendant refused franchise
ii. Even though the parties had not finalized their
negotiations so that even an offer could be
inferred, the court awarded damages based on
promissory estoppel.
1 Should the promisor have reasonably
expected the promisee to act or forebear
based on the promise?
2 Did the promisee act or forebear?
3 Can injustice be avoided only by
enforcement of the promise?
iii. Court awarded reliance damages on the value of
the small grocery store.
h. Channel Home Centers v. Grossman
i. Mall rental case
ii. Letter of intent was a contract to negotiate in good
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1 Court held that Grossman breached that
iii. Contract was supported by
consideration—Grossman used it to get financing.
1 This issue is really a red herring, doesn’t
matter if it is present or not.
2 Court found that both parties were bound
by their obvious intent to be bound
i. Heyer v. United States
i. Court held that a cause of action exists against a
party who negotiates without serious intent to
F. Requirement of Definiteness
1. Two issues involved here:
a. Contractual intent
i. Whether a reasonable offeree would conclude that
the offeror intended to be bound
ii. Language of the offer is part of this element—vague
language is bad!
iii. If the offer is too vague for the court to conclude
that there is content, the definiteness is then a fatal
b. Contract sufficiently definite to ascertain breach and
fashion a remedy.
2. Restatement Second § 33
a. Certainty
i. The terms of the offer and the contract must be
reasonably certain.
ii. Terms are certain when they provide a basis for
determining breach and giving an appropriate
iii. Lack of certainty may show a lack of intent to
3. Toys, Inc. v. Burlington
a. Take 2, see facts above
b. Defendant said the terms were too indefinite (an
agreement to agree).
c. Court says it is plenty definite—definite, ascertainable
method of determining price term for lease extention
d. Defendant still wins, see above
4. Lee v. Seagram & Sons, Inc.
a. Seagram argued that its promise to provide a
distributorship in another city with “a price roughly equal
to the capital obtained for the sale of their interest in
Capital City” was too indefinite to enforce.
b. Court held that the plaintiff had submitted enough
evidence at trial to show that the capital was indeed
IV. The Requirement of a Writing For Enforceability: The Statute of Frauds
A. Reasons to have the Statute of Frauds:
1. Evidentiary
a. We want to make sure these contracts exist before we
enforce them.
2. Cautionary
a. We really want people to think about these before they
enter into them.
3. Habit
a. We want business people (an others) to get in the habit of
writing things down.
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B. Statute of Frauds Requires writing for enforcement of promises for:
1. Surety Clauses: To answer for the debt for another
a. How surety works:
i. C loans to A upon the promise of B to pay if A
doesn’t—looks like a co-signer!
ii. There are look-alikes not covered by the statute of
1 A is not actually bound to pay
(“if you lend A money, I’ll pay it back,” says
B) but B pays anyway.
2 A&B both get benefit from C—B is a co-
3 B acting to further his own economic
interests (say B is a loan-shark and covers
A’s loan in return for lots of interest).
4 New Contract (Novation)—B enters into a
new contract with C in place of A. Like the
taking over of a lease.
5 B promises A and not C—B says, “if you
buy from C, I’ll pay if you become unable
b. Party taking on the debt gets nothing so the writing is of
important evidentiary value—before this type of contract
is enforced, we want to be sure it exists.
2. Contracts that cannot be performed in a year
a. An unwritten contract may be enforceable if there is any
chance that it may be performed in a year
i. “I promise to work for you for the rest of my
life”—could be less than a year, no statute of
frauds issue
ii. “I promise to work for you for 5 years if you live
that long”—possible to perform in a year
b. Contract must be impossible to perform in a year not
simply highly unlikely or not expected.
c. Part performance in one year does not equal complete
performance—still under statute of frauds.
d. Year runs from the time the contract is made, not the time
taken to perform
i. Promise to appear 18 months from now on a 1 hour
TV program—statute of frauds issue
ii. Promise to appear 6 months from now on a 1 hour
TV program—no statute of frauds issue
e. If the contract is terminated in less than a year (by breach
or whatever) does not necessarily take the Statute of
Frauds out of the picture.
3. Convey interest in real property
a. Leases
b. Sale of Land
c. Granting of Easements
4. Sale of goods worth more than $500
a. Goods are not services
5. Agreement made upon consideration to marry
a. Not a mutual promise to marry—“Will you marry me?”
“Yes, I will marry you.” Not a statute of frauds situation.
b. An agreement to marry if a certain number of stocks are
transferred, statute of frauds issue.
i. Pre-nuptial agreements fall here
6. There are others added in some states
a. Wills must be in writing in some states.
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C. Three questions to ask when considering Statute of Frauds:
1. Does the statute apply here?
2. Assuming the statute applies, has it been met here?
a. Can we find enough of a signed writing?
i. May be several sets of writings hiding out.
ii. Courts have accepted notes, etc. to satisfy the
3. If it has not been met, what are the consequences?
a. Defendant wins!
b. If the court decides the defendant does not have a Statute
of Frauds defense, the case will proceed on the
merits—perhaps an oral contract existed.
D. Dispensing with the requirement of a writing
1. Monarco v. Lo Greco
a. Plaintiff relied upon verbal promise that the family farm
would be his if he stayed and worked it—he worked for
15 years.
b. Plaintiff gave up any opportunity to work and buy
property of his own. The court held that the Statute of
Frauds should not be applied because:
i. Unconscionable injury to promisee would result
ii. Unjust enrichment to promisor
iii. Detrimental reliance on a verbal promise was
sufficient to defeat the requirement of writing.
c. So: promissory estoppel prevented denial of the
enforcement of this verbal promise even though the type
of contract should have fallen under the Statute of Frauds
because of the promissee’s detrimental reliance and the
promisor’s unjust enrichment.
d. Court argued by analogy—why is investing years of work
any different than investing years of money?
e. Expectation (fair market value of the land) was seen as
inadequate damages. Specific performance (the title to
the land) was awarded.
V. Policing the Bargain
A. Capacity—A party to a contract must be the member of a group whose
promises we think should be generally enforceable.
1. Drunkenness
a. In order to get out of a contract through intoxication, the
intoxicated person must be so drunk as to be unable to
comprehend the nature or consequences of the contract.
2. Minors (infants)
a. Until a person reaches the age of majority (usually 18),
any contract entered into is voidable at his option
b. Contracts entered into by them are, however, enforceable
against the other party.
c. Statutes may prevent minors from voiding contracts
entered into for things like food, clothing, and
shelter—hopefully this encourages business owners to
deal with minors for these things.
d. Banking transactions, insurance and educational loans are
all exempt from this provision—minor cannot get out of
e. Ratification is frequently an issue here.
i. If the child reaches majority and ratifies the debt,
says, “I know I owe this money and I agree to pay,”
she is bound
ii. If the child ratifies by implication—waits a couple
of months and makes a coupe of payments, she
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cannot then revoke the contract on the basis of
f. In order to revoke the contract, the child must return the
merchandise (or whatever)—can’t just say, “I disaffirm!”
and then keep the car.
g. Suit is more likely to succeed on the basis of incapacity if
the minor is the defendant.
B. Unfairness—the substance of the exchange may be so unfair that it
shouldn’t be enforced at all.
1. McKinnon v. Benedict
a. Trees issue
b. Oppressive contracts will not be enforced in equity.
c. Plaintiff loaned defendants money ($5,000) to purchase a
resort upon the agreement that they would not cut down
the trees that bordered his land for a time of 25 years.
d. Defendants found they needed that land some 4 years
later to make the business profitable.
e. Court found the burden placed on the defendants was
very large, they were denied use of their land, while the
burden on the plaintiff was very small—a secured loan
which was paid back early.
i. The court called it a “great hardship”
f. This agreement was found to be substantively one-sided
and the contract unenforceable.
2. Tuckwiller v. Tuckwiller
a. Parkinson’s disease case
b. In determining the fairness of the contract we must view
it prospectively (at the time it was made).
i. While Ms. Morrison did not know how long she
would live, neither did Tuckwiller—she entered
into the contract to care for Morrison to the end of
her life willingly in exchange for the title to the
farm upon death.
c. Although Morrison only lived a month, never changed her
will, and Tuckwiller only cared for her for 2 weeks; the
court held the contract was enforceable.
d. Promise was relied upon when she quit her job.
e. Specific performance was ordered: Tuckwiller got the
i. Defendants argued that she was only entitled to
restitution for the 2 weeks she cared for Morrison.
3. Black Industries v. Bush
a. Bush was a “middle-man” who contracted with plaintiff a
manufacturer to purchase items at a certain price. Bush
then turned around and sold them at a large profit to a
government contractor.
b. Plaintiff argued that the contract was against public policy
because Bush was so inflating the prices that the taxpayers
were footing a huge bill.
c. The court held that simply getting a massive profit on the
sale of goods does not create inequality of exchange.
d. Substantive unfairness issue was not created
here—plaintiff entered contract with “eyes wide open”
and tried to back out of deal when it realized it could have
been charging more for its product.
e. Very difficult to prove Substantive Unfairness when the
party crying it is a business.
4. Void as against Public Policy
a. Brought up by Black v. Bush
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b. Only allowable under 4 situations
i. Contract for penalty in guise of liquidated damages
ii. Contract to induce public official to act
iii. Contract for an illegal act
iv. Contract for collusive bidding on public contracts
C. Overreaching: Conventional Controls
1. Traditionally this includes:
a. Fraud
b. Mistake
c. Duress
d. Innocent misrepresentation
2. Remedies for these:
a. Recision
b. Avoidance at the instance of the victim
3. Pressure in Bargaining
a. Pre-existing duty rule
i. Agreeing to do what one is bound to do anyway is
not consideration
1 Very important in classical contract
b. Duress
i. Not very popular with the classical contract thinkers
ii. It is not duress to do what one has the legal right to
do anyway was the classical thought
1 It is not duress to threaten to fire an at-
will employee
iii. Clear legal rules are very important here,
subjectiveness in this context is not very popular.
iv. A party must act like a person of ordinary firmness
in order to later claim successfully that it should be
freed of its obligations due to duress
1 This is ALWAYS an issue in a duress case
v. Duress is often associated with unlawful conduct.
vi. Duress has been expanded significantly in the last
30 years.
c. Relationship between Pre-Existing Duty Rule and Duress
i. Duress is a far better litmus test for deciding which
modifications to a contract should be enforced
ii. Pre-existing duty rule is not very helpful in making
these types of decisions.
d. Alaska Packers v. Domenico
i. Defendants were hired to perform work on a
canning ship—when the plaintiff transported them
to Alaska, the defendants refused to work unless
the agreed upon salary was increased.
ii. The foreman agreed to increase the pay but when
the work season was over, paid at the rate of the
first contract.
iii. Under the pre-existing duty rule, the court ruled
that the only money the defendants were entitled
to was the money under the first contract.
iv. Under duress, the plaintiff argued that it was so
difficult to get workers in Alaska that it had no
choice but to agree to the worker’s
demands—therefore, the 2nd contract was entered
into under duress.
1 Still sounds like a labor dispute to me
with workers exercising their right to
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v. The court accepted the duress argument and the 2nd
contract was not enforced
1 Mooney says this is a hard and fast case
on duress.
e. Schwartzreich v. Bauman-Basch, Inc.
i. Torn signatures case
ii. When a 2nd contract was negotiated, the signatures
were torn off 1st contract, signifying the rescission
of the first contract.
iii. The court held the 1st contract to be void BECAUSE
of the tearing of the signatures—ridiculous. The
important act was the free bargaining between the
parties that led to the new contract and the
rescission of the old one.
f. Arzani v. People
i. Subcontractor brought suit for balance due on a
contract that included money promised him by the
ii. Court held that because the first contract had not
been rescinded, the second contract was not
enforceable and the money owed was limited to
the unpaid portion of the first contract.
iii. Pre-existing duty rule applied here
iv. Even though the sub acted in good faith and did not
attempt to extract extra money for himself—the
suit did not work.
g. Restatement Second §89
i. Modification of Executory Contract
ii. Fixes the apparent injustice in Arzani
iii. Makes the promise to modify a contract that is not
fully performed on either side binding if:
1 The modification is fair in view of
circumstances not anticipated by the
parties when the contract was entered
2 To the extent that justice requires
enforcement in view of reliance on that
promise (sounds like estoppel!).
h. Corbin urges the courts to attempt to “separate the sheep
from the goats,” by enforcing contracts by honest
contractors and by not enforcing contracts by dishonest
contractors. Matthew 25: 31-46
i. To fix contracts that may fall under the pre-existing duty
i. Rescind the old contract and make a new duty for
the new contract:
1 I promise to be at work _ hour before
every one else.
2 Extend the length of the contract by a
j. To fix claims of duress:
i. Write in a clause that says something like:
1 This contract has been entered into freely
and without duress.
2 In consideration of changes in market
4. Scope of the Pre-Existing Duty Rule
a. One party owes a pre-existing duty to a third party
i. De Cico v. Schweizer
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1 Promise by bride’s father to make an
annual payment to the couple in return for
their agreement not to join in breaking the
2 An agreement by bride’s father to pay
groom annually to not break the
engagement is not enforceable
3 This agreement, however, is to induce the
couple to not join together in rescinding the
engagement contract.
4 Cardozo said the parents were bound to
b. Accord and Satisfaction
i. Accord (party agrees to accept less on a debt owed)
is not enforceable without consideration.
ii. Satisfaction (actual payment of the lesser amount)
iii. Look for duress on these cases as well
iv. Foakes v. Beer
1 Agreement to pay judgment in
installments while foregoing interest is
without consideration
2 If Foakes had said, “I will pay you the
entire amount right now if you agree to
forgive the interest” there would have been
v. Kibbler v. Garret & Sons
1 “Payment in full” checks
2 Defendant made partial payment of debt
with a note on the check—acceptance and
endorsement of this check represents
acceptance of payment in full.
3 Court said that the defendant did not
show that there was no communication
with the plaintiff of his intent to pay less
than billed.
4 Accord and Satisfaction requires
manifestation of assent to debtor’s offer.
5. Economic Duress
a. Austin Instrument, Inc. v. Loral Corporation
i. Plaintiff entered into contract with the Navy to
supply radar sets and entered into contract with
defendant for the manufacture of parts for those
ii. After things had been rolling along for a while,
defendant sent communication to plaintiff stating
that they would stop shipment of the parts
immediately unless the plaintiff agreed to
substantial increases in prices
iii. Plaintiff was up against the wall and had to agree
so they would not breach their contract with the
iv. Court sets out elements of an economic duress
1 Party making the claim was forced to
agree by a wrongful threat
2 Immediate possession of needful goods is
threatened, or that one party has
threatened to withhold goods
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3 Threatened party could not obtain the
goods from another source
v. Pre-existing duty rule does not apply here:
1 Pre-existing duty is a defense alone
2 In order to regain money already paid,
you must claim duress.
6. Victims Options
a. When thinking duress, ask:
i. Was the victim opportunistic in yielding to the
ii. Might the victim have resisted and found
satisfactory remedy for resulting injuries?
b. A threat to sue for a money judgment is easily countered
with a defense unless:
i. Mortgage foreclosure
ii. Body seizure
D. Concealment and Misrepresentation
1. Most courts will not insist upon the degree of disclosure that a
person of exceptional scruples might make.
2. In allowing bargaining advantages to be secured by persons of
little scruple, the law may attach a disadvantage to
conscientious conduct and fair dealing!
3. Swinton v. Whitinsville Savings Bank
a. Termite ridden house case
b. Plaintiff bought a home the defendant knew to be termite
ridden. The fact was not disclosed to the plaintiff. When
the plaintiff discovered the fact and that the value of the
house was actually much smaller than the defendant
represented, plaintiff sued.
c. The court says the whole thing was OK. Because all the
defendant did was conceal a fact from the plaintiff, the
court says “Caveat Emptor” and lets it go at that.
d. The court actually says: “if this defendant is liable on this
declaration, every seller is liable who fails to disclose any
non apparent defect known to him in the subject of the
sale which materially reduces its value and which the
buyer fails to discover.” Isn’t this only fair and what we
want sellers to do?
e. Therefore: So long as there is no false statement, mere
silence or “bare nondisclosure” of defective merchandise
is OK.
4. Kannavos v. Annino
a. Defendant offered a house divided into apartments for
sale as an “income property.” Plaintiff purchased the
house with the stated intent to rent the apartments out.
b. Defendant was knowingly in violation of the zoning
ordinances when she divided the home. Soon after
plaintiff bought the house, the city started abatement
c. Court held that the defendant was bound to disclose that
multi-family dwellings were in violation of the zoning
5. Distinguishing Swinton and Kannavos
a. In Kannavos there is outright duplicity—brokers
misrepresented the purposes for which the homes were
suitable. Swinton is an example of “bare non-disclosure.”
b. The buyer in Swinton could not have easily discovered the
termites infecting the house but the buyer in Kannavos
could have easily run a title check and discovered the
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zoning problem—this doesn’t work because the seller in
Kannavos openly and deliberately misrepresented the
c. The law distinguishes between bare non-disclosure and
misrepresentation—the difference between keeping quiet
and openly lying.
6. Misrepresentation
a. Even innocent misrepresentation is actionable and
grounds for rescission of contract.
b. Limits:
i. Must be a material misrepresentation
ii. Misrepresentation of opinion or law is not
iii. Fiduciaries have a special duty not to misrepresent
iv. Attorneys have a special duty to not misrepresent
the law.
E. Unconscionability and the Problems of Adhesion Contracts
1. Strict Construction
a. Before unconscionability became a reasonably well-
accepted defense in contract actions, the courts would
construe the language of horrible contracts in convoluted
and weird ways to make the case come out on the side of
b. 3 problems with this approach:
i. Legitimizes the efforts of fancy wall-street lawyers to
draw the language in contracts so tightly that the
courts cannot construe away the advantage the
stronger party has.
ii. Fouls up future cases—lawyers will look to the
decisions and attempt to follow precedent
iii. The real issues in the cases are not addressed; the
courts look to the language and not the principles
c. UCC §2-302 was written to try to work around
this—gives courts the power to throw out contracts with
elements that are unconscionable.
2. O’Callaghan v. Waller & Beckwith
a. Plaintiff fell on the defective pavement of the courtyard of
a large apartment building and sued defendant.
b. Plaintiff had signed a lease that contained an exculpatory
clause holding the defendant harmless.
c. Court said that the exculpatory clause was against public
policy but should be taken up by the legislature.
d. The contract term barring plaintiff from suing her
landlord was upheld.
e. Was the exculpatory clause really open to bargaining or
did the landlord during a housing shortage have more
power to dictate terms than did the plaintiff?
3. Mooney says that legislatures should address public policy and
judges should not:
a. Judges are not legitimized by elections the way legislators
b. Judicial actions are more limited and less systematic than
legislative action
c. Courts are less well equipped to inquire into the wide
reaching merits of a contract clause.
i. Although, judges may be better equipped than we
think—they may not be able to look broadly but
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they can look more deeply into one particular
situation without the self-interested hangers on
mucking things up.
4. Tickets, Passes and Stubs
a. Klar v. H. & M. Parcel Room, Inc.
i. Close case—the printing on the ticket for parcel
storage limited the parcel storage’s liability for loss
or damage of items
ii. Found not enforceable here because the defendant
was negligent and the “contract” did not
indemnify the defendant for negligence.
b. The enforcement of tickets with contracts on them
depends on:
i. How clearly the clause appears on the ticket
ii. How understandable the language is
iii. Whether a reasonable person would have
understood the terms on the ticket.
c. Restatement Second §211
i. Standardized agreements
ii. Doesn’t matter if the party has read the ticket
d. Henningsen v. Bloomfield Motors, Inc.
i. Steering mechanism on brand new car failed and
plaintiff was injured shortly after purchasing car
and sued on breach of the warranty of
ii. Defendant claimed the Henningsens had waived the
warranty by signing a contract in which the
smallest, tiniest print waived the warranty.
iii. Court said this is no good—absolutely
unconscionable and against public policy
1 Defendant had a significant power
advantage and the plaintiff could not have
bargained for or against the clause.
e. Williams v. Walker-Thomas Furniture
i. Defendant ran a rent-to-own furniture business;
plaintiff was a customer.
ii. Court said the terms of the contract here were so
unconscionable at the time the contract was signed
as to completely void the contract.
iii. Unconscionability is the absence of meaningful
choice on the part of one party with terms that are
unreasonably favorable to the other party.
1 This case is a textbook example
iv. Ordinarily one who signs an agreement without
full knowledge of its terms may be held to assume
risk that he has entered a one sided bargain but…
v. Plaintiff here had little choice in the matter—she
may have expected her stereo set to be repossessed
when she was unable to pay but every stick of
furniture she had purchased in the past as well?
vi. Test to apply:
1 Are the terms so extreme as to appear
unconscionable according to the mores and
business practices of the time?
f. Jones v. Star Credit Corp.
i. Door to door salesman sold a freezer to plaintiffs.
ii. Where extreme disparity in purchase price and
maximum retail value may constitute
unconscionability as a matter of law.
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1 In other words, the plaintiff got hosed!
g. Carnival Cruise Lines v. Schute
i. Court found forum selection clause on passenger
ticket to be just fine.
ii. Dissent focused on the lack of bargaining power the
defendant had.
iii. The Supremes placed a heavy burden on a party
wishing to strike a clause in a contract—plaintiff
did not meet the burden
1 Must have shown the clause to be
F. Illegality
1. Concern with illegality is to protect the public at large from
imposition by both parties on matters of important public
2. Court’s ideas of public policy come from the legislature and
their own feelings
3. Contracts that are entered into illegally, contain illegal
provisions, or are performed illegally are not enforceable.
4. There is a longstanding tradition that contracts arising out of
co-habitation are against public policy—we have moved away
from this type of moralism.
5. Under what circumstances are covenants not to compete
a. Must be written
b. Part of the employment contract
c. Based on reasonable consideration
d. Reasonable in duration and geographic limitations
e. Not against public policy
6. Hopper v. All-Pet
a. The court found that the clause not to compete here was
all right for the most part.
b. Court modified the duration of the contract from 3 yrs to
1 yr.
c. Damages were not awarded—contract damages must be
pretty definite.
d. This case is distinguishable from CAB above because of the
way the contract was imposed on the employees.
7. Over burdensome clauses and how to get rid of them
a. The whole contract can be thrown out
b. “Blue pencil rule”—the court can eliminate things it
doesn’t like
c. Modification—if the scope of the clause is too broad the
court will simply modify it.
8. Inducing Official Action
a. Aka Influence peddling
b. Most are unenforceable as contrary to public policy—i.e.
bribing a public official
c. Courts will not enforce an illegal agreement!
d. Sirkin v. Fourteenth Street Store
i. Plaintiff seller bribed the purchasing agent of
defendant. When the scheme came to light, the
defendant refused to pay for the goods that were
the result of an illegal deal.
ii. Court said the illegality of the deal barred the
plaintiff’s recovery and the importance of cracking
down on commercial bribery was too important.
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iii. Note the tension here between the court’s ruling
and the unjust enrichment doctrine—the seller still
got the merchandise and they didn’t have to pay.
e. McConnell v. Commonwealth Pictures Corp.
i. Plaintiff entered into a contract with the defendant
to promote movies.
ii. Plaintiff turned around and bribed some people to
get his job done without the defendant’s
iii. Defendant refused to pay.
iv. The court held that the contract between plaintiff
and defendant was not illegal BUT bribery was
directly used to obtain the benefit so, the contract
is unenforceable.
v. The principle of refusing to enforce illegal contracts
does not apply to every minute detail of a contract,
there must be a direct connection between the
contract and some important public policy (like,
don’t bribe people).
f. Licensing Laws
i. Courts will uphold contracts entered into with
unlicensed vendors so long as the purpose of the
licensing statute is to produce revenue and not
protect public health, safety, or morals
ii. It is not significantly against public policy for these
persons to be unlicensed.
iii. Contracts with unlicensed lawyers, doctors, liquor
sellers, structural engineers, etc. will most likely
not be enforced.
iv. Courts are becoming much less concerned about
the public welfare and more concerned about
unjust enrichment—more plaintiffs are winning.
g. Degree of involvement
i. if the plaintiff’s involvement with the illegal activity
is minor, the courts are more likely to enforce.
h. In Pari Delicto
i. Equally blameworthy
ii. A defense to a claim of illegality
iii. Saying, the other guy is more guilty than me.
9. Restitution in Illegal Contracts
a. In representing an unlicensed engineer (for example)
i. Licensing statute should not preclude recovery
ii. Even if the contract is unenforceable, to avoid
unjust enrichment, engineer should recover for
benefits conferred by his service
iii. Always think of avoiding unjust enrichment, then
think, restitution.
VI. Third Party Beneficiaries
A. Some types of contracts should benefit third parties and those third
parties should be allowed to sue if the contract is breached.
1. Life insurance is such a contract—the contractor has died and
named a beneficiary who is a third party to the contract and if
the life insurance company doesn’t pay up, the beneficiary may
B. Lawrence v. Fox
1. Fox owes a debt to Holly; Holly owes debt to Lawrence; Holly
says to Fox, “don’t bother to pay me, just give the money
directly to Lawrence.” Fox doesn’t pay and Lawrence sues.
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2. Fox argues that Lawrence was not a party to the contract.
3. Court found the money Fox received from Holly was sufficient
consideration for his promise.
4. The court says that parties to a contract have the power to
create rights enforceable by a person not a party to the original
contract and one of those rights is the right to sue for breach.
C. Restatement First §133
1. Definition of Donee Beneficiary, Creditor Beneficiary,
Incidental Beneficiary:
a. Donee Beneficiary: Promisee intends to give the
beneficiary the benefit of the promised performance; a
right against the promisor is conferred (a gift to the
b. Creditor Beneficiary: Performance of the promise will
satisfy an obligation of the promisee to pay a debt to the
beneficiary (Lawrence v. Fox).
c. Incidental Beneficiary: Someone who doesn’t fall under
the Donee or Creditor umbrella but should be allowed to
hold the promisor to the contract.
D. Restatement Second § 302
1. Intended and Incidental Beneficiaries
a. Sets out the test for whether a party is a beneficiary or not
b. Is the beneficiary’s right to performance necessary to
effectuate the intentions of the parties?
E. Municipal Contract and Public Services
1. Moch v. Rensselaer Water
a. Business owner brought suit, his building burnt down and
there was insufficient H2O pressure at the hydrant to put
the fire out.
b. Plaintiff argued he was a third party beneficiary to the
contract between the city and the water company.
c. Cardozo found that there is no duty by the city to protect
its citizens against fire and therefore no additional duty
arose out of the city’s contract with the water company.
d. Plaintiff was not a third party beneficiary
2. Kornblut v. Chevron Oil
a. Plaintiff’s husband died as the result of a heart attack
while waiting by the side of the road for 2 hours for
Chevron to arrive and help him fix a flat.
b. Plaintiff argued that she was a third party beneficiary to
the contract between the highway authority and Chevron
in which Chevron agreed to provide service to a disabled
car within 30 minutes.
c. Users of the toll road were, indeed, intended beneficiaries
of the contract, but the death of motorist was not a
reasonably foreseeable result of the breach.
d. Damages from breach must be reasonably foreseeable.
3. Koch v. Consolidated Edison
a. As the result of a “blackout” in New York City, the
plaintiffs sued as third party beneficiaries on the contract
between the state of NY and the electric company.
b. The court found the third parties here were exactly the
claimants for whom the contract was entered into to
benefit and so the suit was allowed.
c. Again, damages were to have been reasonably foreseeable.
d. This case is often cited for the elaboration of negligence
law in Tort—when these cases are brought in Tort, it
doesn’t matter if the parties are beneficiaries to a contract.
F. Davis v. United Airlines
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1. Plaintiff sued UA for discharge due to his epilepsy. In a first
cause of action under the “Rehabilitation Act” the court found
Davis had no private right to action under this legislation.
2. Plaintiff now says he is the third party beneficiary of a contract
between the US government and UA.
3. Federal law looks to the Restatement Second §302 for the
guidelines allowing the plaintiff to sue and finds that:
a. Recognition of the right to performance would NOT
effectuate the intentions of the parties
b. Circumstances do not indicate the promisee intended to
give the 3rd party the benefit of the promise.
4. This case illustrates that sometimes a 3rd party claim is made in
a creative way to attempt to avoid injustice.
VII. Assignment and Delegation
A. Most contract rights having commercial value (i.e. money) are
1. Rights are assigned
a. Like a debt or judgment owed to you
2. Duties are delegated
a. Like a debt or a judgment owed by you.
B. What rights are assignable?
1. Restatement Second §317
a. Assignment of a Right
i. If the assignment is not precluded by statute, it is
generally OK.
ii. Right to buy or sell goods
iii. Assignment must not change the performance of
the obligor in any meaningful way
1 Personal service contracts are assignable
but if what was a pleasure to do at one time
becomes drudgery, the performance has
iv. Assignment must not be precluded by the contract
2. Intent to assign a debt must be manifested either orally or in
C. When may a duty be delegated?
1. Restatement Second § 318
a. Delegation of Performance of Duty
i. If the delegation is not against public policy, it is
generally OK
ii. If the promisee still has an interest in whether the
promise is performed then it is generally OK
iii. If the person to whom the debt is delegated doesn’t
perform, the original debtor is still liable
2. Duties by physicians, attorneys, entertainers are not delegable
3. If the delegated duty is not performed, the person who
delegated is not off the hook with the exception of when a
Novation contract is entered into.
4. The promisee may sue the third party directly—third party
VIII. Remedies for Breach
A. A breach may damage a party in 5 ways:
1. May deprive party of expected return performance
a. The difference between what the party expected and what
was actually received is the LOSS IN VALUE
i. I.e. you owed me $100 and I only got $50. Loss in
value is the $50 I am still owed.
2. The breach may cause other damage
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a. Additional loss like personal injury, damage to property,
expenses from trying to remedy things—OTHER LOSS
i. I.e. you owed me $100 and only paid me $50. I
owed the same $100 to Lenny the Loan Shark and
he broke my kneecaps when I couldn’t pay. Other
loss is my broken kneecaps.
3. The non-breaching party may have expected a profit
a. Profit that is lost by the breaching of a contract is
i. I.e. I agree to buy 10 items from you at $5 each and I
have decided to sell the items for $15 each. You
are unable to provide them. I had anticipated
profits of $100.
4. Breach may have a beneficial effect on the injured party
a. It may save some money—this is the COST AVOIDED
i. I.e. you agreed to mow my lawn weekly at the cost of
$10 a week for a year. You came once and I paid
$10 but you never showed up again. I avoided
$510 in costs on the contract.
5. Breach may have the beneficial effect of allowing the injured
party to reallocate funds that would have gone to the contract
a. The breach may allow another use of capital—this is the
i. I.e. because you breached the contract to mow my
lawn, I was able to use the $510 I saved to put in a
new hedge instead.
B. Calculating expectation damages—the fundamental damages of contract
1. 2 ways to figure out the injured party’s damages:
a. Damages equals Loss in Value less Cost Avoided
i. LV-CA=Damages
1 I.e. I have agreed to do some landscaping
for the total contract price of $500. I
bought $200 worth of plants when you
breached and still had $100 worth to buy.
The loss in value is the $500. The cost
avoided is the $100 I still had to spend.
Damages=$500-$100 or $400. This
includes the money I already spent plus the
profit I expected.
b. Damages equals Cost of Reliance plus Anticipated Profits
i. CR+AP=Damages
1 I.e. same as above except to calculate the
damages, my cost of reliance was the $200
I already spent on plants and my
anticipated profit was the $200 I had
planned to make. Damages=$200+$200
or $400. Note that the end result is the
2. A little damages review:
a. Note that expectation damages puts the non-breaching
party in the position he would have been in had there
been no breach.
b. Note that reliance damages puts the non-breaching party
back where they were before the contract was
breached—not where they expected to be.
c. Restitution damages avoid unjust enrichment.
C. Sullivan v. O’Connor
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1. On the breach of a patient/doctor contract, the court said that
expectation damages were impossible to calculate.
2. Reliance damages were awarded, putting the plaintiff in status
a. These damages included pain and suffering for the third
operation she was forced to undergo.
D. Vitex v. Caribtex
1. Contract entered into for the processing of wool. Plaintiff had
re-opened shop in preparation for the defendant’s wool to
arrive. Defendant breached.
2. Court awards expectation damages and uses LV-CA to
3. Defendant argues that overhead for the operation of the factory
should be subtracted from the total of damages. Court says that
this is ridiculous—overhead is always taken out of gross profits.
It is not a part of the cost avoided on any particular contract.
a. The reason no overhead should be included—it is not cost
avoided, the plaintiff still has to pay employees, pay
electricity, etc. regardless of the defendant’s breach.
E. Loss Volume Sellers
1. In order to be a loss volume seller, the seller needs to show:
a. Absent breach, it would have sold 2 items
b. Seller could have produced the second item
c. It would have been profitable for the seller to do so
2. Davis v. Diasonics
a. Plaintiff breached the contract it made with defendant to
purchase an MRI unit. Plaintiff sued for the return of its
deposit less a penalty.
b. Defendant argued it was a loss volume seller and not only
was the plaintiff not entitled to its deposit back, the
plaintiff was also liable for the balance on the unit.
c. Even though the MRI unit was sold to a third party, the
court agrees with Diasonics that a second MRI unit may
have been sold absent plaintiff’s breach and the case is
F. Problem of Losing Contracts
1. Other types of recovery available when the contract was one
that would have lost money for the non-breaching party.
2. US v. Algernon Blair
a. The non-breaching sub-contractor sued the breaching
contractor. Because the contract would have lost him
money before the breach, he wanted something other than
b. The contractor argued that the sub shouldn’t get anything
because they would have lost more if the contractor
hadn’t breached.
c. Restitution damages were awarded here
i. Avoided the unjust enrichment to the contractor
(getting work he never paid for)
ii. Sub-contractor got fair value of his work.
3. Acme v. Israel
a. Court awarded reliance damages to gun manufacturer
who undertook expense to prepare to manufacture guns
for defendant.
b. When defendant breached, the court put plaintiff back in
status quo.
4. Keohe v. Rutherford
a. On a losing contract, the court awarded a Pro Rata share
to a paving contractor when the city breached.
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b. The court took the amount of money the contractor spent,
divided it by the amount of money he expected to spend
and multiplied the result by the contract price.
i. (Costs Incurred/Cost of Reliance)*Cost of Contract
ii. This results in the contractor eating the same
percentage of the loss that he would have had
there been no breach.
5. To calculate the damages on a losing contract:
a. Work out what the expectation would be
b. Then work out the other types of damages
i. Reliance
ii. Restitution
iii. Pro Rata
G. Limits on Damages
1. Non-breaching party has a duty to limit damages or to mitigate
a. Don’t keep going after the contract is breached. Stop.
2. Restatement Second § 350
a. Avoidability as a Limitation on Damages
i. Damages are not recoverable for loss that the non-
breaching party could have avoided without
undue risk, burden or humiliation
ii. If non-breaching party makes a good faith effort to
avoid damages and it is impossible, recovery is not
3. Rockingham v. Luten Bridge
a. Defendant was contracted to build a bridge. Plaintiff
breached the contract and informed the defendant that he
should stop building. Defendant finished the bridge and
brought suit.
b. Court found that the defendant had a duty to mitigate the
damages suffered by stopping when he was told to.
c. Injured party must do nothing to increase the damages.
4. Parker v. Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp.
a. Shirley McLaine case
b. When 20th Century Fox breached the contract to make a
movie and offered plaintiff a role in a different movie
instead, the plaintiff refused and sued for the expectation
damages on the first contract.
c. Court found that an employee does have a duty to mitigate
i. Must make reasonable effort to obtain other,
comparable employment
ii. Must accept reasonably similar employment
d. The employment offered by the second contract was not
reasonably similar when the genre of the movie was
completely different and the terms of the new
employment contract were inferior.
e. Court awarded expectation damages.
5. Avoidability and Problems of Defective Performance
a. The performance in these cases is complete, the contract
was breached by substandard or defective performance.
b. The problem here is to determine the proper measure of
i. Do we award the cost to complete correctly (redoing
work probably involved here)?
ii. Do we award the diminishment in value by the
substandard performance?
c. Jacob & Youngs v. Kent
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i. Redding Pipe case
ii. Defendant specified the brands of almost every
component of his custom built home including the
plumbing pipe. When he discovered the plaintiff’s
use of a different brand, he refused to pay for the
balance of the contract. Plaintiff sued.
iii. Cardozo said that the difference in the pipes used
was a trivial and innocent breach and it does not
preclude action on the part of the breaching party.
iv. The court awarded diminishment of the value of
the home by the substandard performance.
1 The court ruled that the diminishment
was nothing.
d. Groves v. John Wunder Co.
i. Plaintiff leased his land to defendant for 7 years.
Defendant intended to take sand and gravel from
the land with strict conditions that the land be left
in good condition
ii. Defendant deliberately breached contract by taking
only the best gravel and leaving a hole in the
ground—the plaintiff brought suit.
iii. The court used really strong language to chastise
the defendant for his willful breach. The cost to
put the land back the way they found it was worth
more than the land itself, but the court instructed
the lower court to award “cost of performance”
greater than the cost of the land.
e. Peevyhouse v. Garland Coal
i. Plaintiff leased land for extraction of coal with the
provision that the land would be restored after the
mining was done. The restorative work was not
performed and the plaintiff sued.
ii. Court found that the provision to restore the land
was incidental to the purpose of the contract and
because the cost of restoration was so
disproportionate to the diminution of the land
value, the court awarded diminution in value.
iii. The court also said that the jury may have given the
subjective diminution in value and not the
objective but that was OK.
6. Foreseeability
a. Hadley v. Baxendale
i. Plaintiff owned a mill and when the mill broke, he
arranged for a new mill shaft and paid for delivery
by a courier in advance. An employee of the mill
communicated the urgency to an employee of the
courier company but the mill shaft was much
ii. Plaintiff sued the courier company for their lost
profits while awaiting the new shaft.
iii. Court overruled a lower court’s award of £50 in
damages saying the damages were not foreseeable.
iv. Damages must be:
1 Fairly and reasonably considered as
arising from the breach—arise out of the
breach itself.
2 Damages must reasonably have been
supposed to be in the contemplation of the
parties—reasonably foreseeable.
35 1/7/00
b. Restatement Second § 351
i. Unforeseeability and Related Limitations on
1 Damages are limited to those the
breaching party would have reason to
foresee when the contract was made.
2 Loss may be foreseeable because it arises
in the ordinary course of events
3 Loss may be foreseeable as a result of
special circumstances that the breaching
party knew about
4 Court may limit foreseeable damages as it
c. Spang Industries v. Aetna Insurance
i. Plaintiff was to deliver steel for a bridge but the
delivery was significantly delayed causing
defendant’s surety client to suffer damages.
1 Damages included overtime and added
shifts in order to get the work done before
winter hit.
ii. Court found that the damages were reasonably
foreseeable based on the breaching party’s
significant experience in the NY construction
d. Bockman Printing v. Baldwin-Gregg
i. Plaintiff bid on printing jobs in reliance that
defendant would deliver the newly designed
“double chopper folder” machine on time
ii. Defendant was unable to make the machine work
and plaintiff sued.
iii. Court said that the defendant could not reasonably
foresee that he plaintiff would bid on jobs based on
a new, unproven design.
7. Emotional Disturbance
a. Courts are reluctant to award damages based on
emotional disturbance resulting from contract breach
b. Restatement Second § 353
i. Loss due to emotional disturbance
ii. Recovery is barred unless the breach causes a
physical harm or the emotional disturbance was a
particularly likely result from breach
c. Brown v. Fritz
i. Plaintiff sued for emotional distress over the sale of a
home when the sellers fraudulently misrepresented
the property.
ii. Court said that because the damages were sought on
a breach of contractual relationship, recovery was
barred. If the seller’s actions were sufficiently
outrageous, the plaintiff could recover under
punitive damages.
d. Lamm v. Shingleton
i. Plaintiff paid defendant to inter her first husband in
a watertight vault. During a heavy rain, the vault
rose above the ground and in the presence of the
plaintiff opened the vault and discovered the coffin
to be wet.
ii. Plaintiff suffered “considerable shock” and the
defendant refused to clean the mud out of the vault
36 1/7/00
and said, “to hell with the whole damned
iii. The plaintiff sued for breach of contract and she
recovered for severe emotional distress
iv. The court held that because the contract was
extremely personal in nature, the contractual
obligation was connected with matters of mental
concern and the sensibilities of the party to whom
the duty is owed are concerned, this is a rare
exception to the rule against emotional damages.
8. Certainty
a. Damages need to be relatively certain to be recoverable
b. Normally, lost profits are pretty uncertain
c. Fera v. Village Plaza, Inc.
i. Defendant breached contract to provide rental space
in retail mall.
ii. Court awarded lost profits here because an
established business had records that could be
taken into evidence that shows what the expected
profits were.
iii. This is an exception to the general rule
d. Evergreen Amusement v. Milstead
i. Defendant contractor was sued for delay in opening
of drive-in theatre (scheduled June 1, opened mid-
ii. Court would not allow lost profits because the loss
from a new business is uncertain.
9. Liquidated Damages and Penalties
a. Liquidated damages are agreed to by the parties at the
time the contract is signed
b. Restatement Second § 356
i. Liquidated damages must be reasonable in the light
of the anticipated or actual loss caused by the
breach and damages must be difficult to prove.
ii. Unreasonably large liquidated damages clauses are
unenforceable as against public policy.
c. Wasserman’s Inc. v. Township of Middleton
i. Plaintiff entered into lease with the city for a piece of
property and agreements were made that if the city
breached and took back the property, they would
pay a pro-rata reimbursement of the
improvements and 25% of the lessee’s average
gross receipts for a year.
ii. Defendant breached and refused to pay the agreed
upon damages.
iii. Court found that the contract was not one in which
the damages were difficult to ascertain
iv. The damages were not reasonable estimate of loss
by the parties
v. Liquidated damages are assumed to be reasonable
unless, in hindsight, they are found to be
vi. Court found that the liquidated damages clause was
not enforceable but that the defendant must pay
actual damages to plaintiff.
d. Dave Gustafson & Co. v. State
i. Plaintiff entered into contract to resurface highway
that paralleled an older road. The state withheld
payment of part of the contract price for liquidated
37 1/7/00
damages for a delay of 67 days at $210 per day.
Plaintiff sued for the money.
ii. The court assumed the liquidated damages clause
was fair and because the damages for a delay in
highway construction were impossible to measure,
the parties had made a fair endeavor to fix the sum
for damages.
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Spring 1997
Professor Mooney
court must first determine whether or not the agreement is
integrated before it can decide whether or not to admit parol
evidence; (3) unless other evidence shows that the writing did
not constitute a final expression, it should be considered an
integrated agreement.
5. R2d § 213: Effect of Integrated Agreement on Prior
Agreements (Parol Evidence Rule): (1) binding integrated
agreement discharges prior agreements that are inconsistent;
(2) completely integrated agreement discharges agreements
that are within its scope; (3) integrated agreements that are
voidable or not binding does not discharge a prior agreement.
It may, however, be effective to render inoperative a term
which would have been part if the agreement if it had not been
6. R2d § 214: Evidence of Prior or Contemporaneous
Agreements and Negotiations: Parol evidence is admissible
to establish (a) that the writing is not integrated, (b) that the
agreement is completely or partially integrated, (c) the
meaning of the writing, (d) illegality, fraud, duress, mistake,
lack of consideration, or other invalidating cause, (e) ground
for granting or denying rescission, reformation, specific
performance, or other remedy.
7. R2d § 215: Contradiction of Integrated Terms: where
there is a binding agreement, either completely or partially
integrated, evidence of prior agreements or negotiations is not
admissible in evidence to contradict a term of the writing.
8. three-part test to admit oral evidence (Mitchell v. Lath):
a. the agreement must in form be a collateral one
b. it must not contradict express or implied provisions
of the written contract.
c. it must be one that parties would not ordinarily be
expected to embody in writing.
8. no-oral-modification clauses: fairly easy to get around,
especially if party can prove reliance on an oral modification.
B. Interpreting Contract Language
1. in order to show your client’s interpretation is the proper
one, change the statement slightly so the court will see it is
virtually synonymous.
2. ambiguous vs. vague: ambiguity will often lead to a
rescission of the contract because the courts will be unable to
determine whose interpretation is correct. Vagueness
requires courts to figure out what a certain word or phrase
3. Frigaliment Importing Co. v. BNS International Sales Corp.:
The chicken case. Does “chicken” as the parties used that
term include birds suitable only for stewing? Issue is how to
determine whose definition is correct using an objective
method of interpretation of a vague contract. Court looks at
the following: the contract itself, trade usage, Department of
Agriculture definitions, the price of the chicken, the parties’
conduct. π bore the burden of proof and failed.
4. objective and subjective theories of contract
interpretation--should an objective or subjective
interpretation be used to interpret contract language?
5. Raffles v. Wichelhaus: The Peerless case. Contract to ship
goods, but there were two ships of the same name. Held that
there was no contract because there was no meeting of the
minds. The case was ambiguous. Subjective interpretation is
very rare, and usually used in “proper noun” situations.
6. Oswald v. Allen: Swiss Coin Collection or all the Swiss
Coins? “When any of the terms used to express an agreement
is ambivalent, and the parties understand it in different ways,
there cannot be a contract unless one of them should have been
aware of the other’s understanding.” Dichotomy between
ambiguous and vague.
1. rules in aid of interpretation
a. the statutory analogy: interpreting contracts can be
like interpreting statutes--look to the transactional
b. purpose interpretation: look at the series of recitals
at the beginning of the contract (“whereas”) to see the
surrounding circumstances and objectives of the parties.
c. maxims: contra proferentem--levels the playing field.
When one party has very significant control, by
interpreting the language against that person, they have
slightly less advantage in interpretation.
expressio unius est exclusio alterius: to express one is
to exclude the rest.
d. public interest: examine public policy interests
e. plain meaning: catching on, much to Mooney’s distress.
Invoked by the party who drafted the language.
f. one should never render a piece of contract language
meaningless. This usually only works for large contracts.
Find a way in which your adversary’s interpretation
would render the contract altogether meaningless.
2. Hurst v. WJ Lake & Co.: horse meat scraps could not be less
than 50% protein, but some tested 49.53-49.96. Court allows
evidence of custom and assign to the words their common
meaning only, even though the contract is non-ambiguous on its
C. Filling Gaps--when and why will a court imply a term? What
meaning will a court give to an implied term? (“good faith” or “best
efforts”) What do these terms mean in particular? (History--in ‘70’s
implied obligation of good faith and fair dealing was becoming a
celebrity in the world of contract litigation and courts were accepting it
to level the playing field. In the ‘80’s courts became frightened, and the
legislature also stepped in.)
1. Eastern Air Lines, Inc. v. Gulf Oil Corporation: ∆s accuse πs
of fuel freighting and therefore breaching their requirements
contract for lack of good faith. Court looks at the established
course of performance and dealing among the parties prior to
litigation, as well as trade custom, to determine that there is
no breach. UCC 2-306; R2d § 204.
2. Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon: ∆ claimed that π did not
have to promise to use reasonable efforts to perform his
duties, but court holds that good faith can be implied so the
contract does not fail.
3. percentage leases: minimum rental plus percentage of
4. Dickey v. Philadelphia Minit-Man Corp.: ∆ entered into
percentage lease with π and then decided to minimize its
operations. Court is trying to decide if there is an implied
obligation to continue to conduct their business if failing to do
so results in a diminution in profits and therefore rent
payment. Court holds that the minimum rental fee was
substantial, and the ∆ used legitimate business judgment in
deciding to limit its business.
5. Market Street Associates v. Frey: π suing for specific
performance because ∆ did not give reasonable consideration
to its offer. The duty of good faith does not include a duty of
full candor, but here π was dishonest in its dealings by not
raising an issue once it realized ∆ did not remember.
6. Bloor v. Falstaff Brewing Corp.: express contract term that
∆ would use “best efforts” to promote and maintain high sales
of π’s beer. Court defines that “best efforts” are really
“reasonable efforts.” Court holds that π merely has to show
that ∆ did not care about sales volume and was content to
allow sales to plummet, burden then shifts to ∆ to show that
there was nothing significant it could have done to promote
π’s sales that would not have been financially disastrous. In
the discussion of damages, the court was sensible in not
requiring mathematical certainty. But see: R.C. Cola: best
efforts clause is not per se breached by a mere undertaking of
a competitive product line. It depends on the circumstances
and Frito-Lay: a covenant cannot be implied if the parties have
either expressly dealt with the matter in the contract or have
left the agreement intentionally silent on the point.
7. Zilg v. Prentice-Hall, Inc.: ∆ publishing company challenged
as not having used best efforts to promote π’s book. Held that
there was no breach of good faith, and best efforts need not be
applied, therefore ∆’s actions was not a breach.
8. Sheets v. Teddy’s Frosted Foods: at-will employee suing on
the grounds of wrongful termination based on implied contract
of employment. Court finds for π on the basis that he was
fired for conduct looked upon favorably by public policy.
(History--courts in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s were pro-employee, but
in the ‘80’s court moved to public policy exceptions to at-will
employment contracts, giving employers a way out.)
II. Performance and Breach
A. Conditions:(1) Have the parties made a particular event or
nonevent a condition of one party’s duty or both parties’ duties? (2) Has
the condition been satisfied? (3) If not, what is the legal effect of the
nonoccurrence of a condition?
1. effects of conditions
a. R2d § 224: Condition Defined: a condition is an
event, not certain to occur, which must occur, unless its
non-occurrence is excused, before performance under a
contract becomes due.
b. Luttinger v. Rosen: court reads the condition in the
contract very literally. A condition precedent is a fact
or event which the parties intend must exist or take
place before there is a right to performance. If the
condition precedent is not fulfilled, the contract is not
c. Internatio-Rotterdam, Inc. v. River Brand Rice Mills,
Inc.: December notice was a condition precedent
specifically to the seller’s obligation to proceed under
the contract. There is some concern that we have to give
dates their literal meaning so neither party is able to
take advantage of market fluctuations.
2. problems of interpretation
a. Peacock Construction Co. v. Modern Air Conditioning,
Inc.: whether or not the language in the contract
(payment by the owner) is a condition to the general’s
obligation to pay the sub’s. Courts interpret this issue
as a timing provision in cases like this one. Trade
custom that general will pay sub’s within 30 days of
when owner paid or should have paid. But see: Gulf
Construction (under no circumstances shall a general be
required to make payment to a sub until funds have been
paid by owner) and DEC Electric (same court 13 years
later held that all payment provisions between Generals
and subs that concern time of the payment shall be
construed as a matter of law. If ambiguous--reasonable
b. Mattei v. Hopper: Did the buyer have a way out when
the condition of the contract was his satisfaction?
Buyer has a good faith obligation to seek and evaluate
leases. Two kinds of satisfaction conditions, each
imposing an obligation on the party whose satisfaction is
required. But see: Neumiller Farms (cheaper chips shows
that the law requires a claim of dissatisfaction to be
made in good faith, rather than in an effort to escape a
bad bargain) and Devoine (cheaper cherries shows that
upon satisfaction clauses goods cannot be rejected
because the buyer found a cheaper source).
(1) if satisfaction is based on fancy, taste, or
judgment, buyer must use good faith.
(2) if satisfaction is based on commercial value,
fitness, or quality, buyer must meet reasonable
person standard.
c. Gibson v. Cranage: buyer had good faith obligation to
purchase the portrait, conditional upon his satisfaction.
This could have come out either way, but court was
probably sympathetic due to the suspicious
3. mitigating doctrines: conditions can sometimes cause
injustice, especially if they are one-sided.
a. prevention: ex. of prevention--home owner prevents a
real estate agent from completing a sale; real estate
agent is entitled to commission just as if the condition
had been satisfied. See: Kooleraire Serv.: general rule is
that a party to a contract cannot rely on the failure of
another to perform a condition precedent where he has
frustrated or prevented the occurrence of the condition.
But see: Sheer v. NRA: the prevention doctrine does not
apply if the contract authorizes prevention.
b. waiver and estoppel:
(1) waiver: intentional relinquishment of a known
right. Party must at least give notice that it will
insist on timely payments in order to avoid waiver.
See: Mercedes Benz (implied waiver exists when
there has been a course of dealing accepting the
waiver) and R2d § 84. Waiver is difficult to prove
intent, may be retracted if gratuitous, parties may
include anti-waiver clauses.
(2) McKenna v. Vernon: owner waived the condition
of architect’s certificates through the course of
performance and therefore is not allowed to require
it later.
(3) estoppel: show that party reasonably relied on
some statement or nonstatement by the other side
to its detriment.
c. interpretation and forfeiture
B. Constructive Conditions of Exchange (constructive conditions
begin their lives as promises!)
1. Kingston v. Preston: three terms were involved here--(1)
seller was to sell, (2) buyer was to pay over time, (3) buyer
was to put up some security. Buyer failed to put up security
and brought suit when seller refused to convey the business.
Court held that the terms were dependent conditions. The
buyer’s obligation to provide good and sufficient surety is a
constructive condition of the seller’s obligation to convey the
property. Absent some express statement about the order of
performance, courts will use the doctrine of constructive
condition to determine it. But remember old landlord tenant
laws which refused to recognize the covenants were
2. Stewart v. Newbury: where a contract is made to perform
work and no agreement is made as to payment, the work must
be substantially performed before payment can be demanded.
C. Mitigating Doctrines
1. substantial performance
a. Jacob & Youngs v. Kent: owner argued that the
builder’s adherence to all the terms of the specifications
in the contract is a constructive condition of his
obligation to pay. CARDOZO answered owner’s condition
with the doctrine of substantial performance--where the
builder has substantially performed the constructive
conditions, then the owner has to pay.
b. substantial performance in context: doctrine in
commercial reasonableness which recognizes that the
rendering of a performance which does not exactly meet
the terms of the agreement will be looked upon as
fulfillment of the obligation.
c. “Wrinkles” in the doctrine of substantial performance
(1) avoidance of the doctrine through careful
(2) primarily applies to building contracts
(3) applies to constructive conditions, not express
(4) willfully breaching parties cannot invoke
substantial performance.
(5) can argue that covenants are independent
d. R2d § 241: Determining a Material Failure:
following circumstances are significant: (a) extent to
which the injured party will be deprived of the benefit he
reasonably expected; (b) the extent to which the injured
party can be adequately compensated; (c) extent to which
the party failing to perform will suffer forfeiture, (d)
likelihood that the party failing to perform will cure his
failure, taking account of all the circumstances including
any reasonable assurances, (e) extent to which the
behavior of the party failing to perform comports with
standards of good faith and fair dealing.
2. divisibility
a. Gill v. Johnstown Lumber Co.: ∆ argued that contract
was a complete agreement and since π did not deliver all
of the logs, ∆ did not have to pay. Court held that
contract was severable/ divisible. “If the part to be
performed by one party consists of several and distinct
items, and the price is to be paid by the other is (1)
apportioned to each item to be performed, or (2) is left
to be implied by law, such a contract will generally be
held to be severable.” Same idea here as losing
contracts, but not in quantum meruit or restitution
b. Pennsylvania Exchange Bank v. United States: court
held that the contract was indivisible because it was a
four stage contract which admittedly had sums attached
to each stage, but it was clear that the three preliminary
stages were working up to the fourth, the result of which
was the only stage that mattered. See also: May v. Oakley
(“the case of the house divided”--where a contract is
without description, it is not severable).
c. defense against divisibility: if the part to be
performed by one party consists of several distinct
items and the price to be paid by the other is (1)
apportioned to each item to be performed, or (2) is left
to be implied by law, such a contract will generally be
held to be severable.
3. restitution--this is the most useful way around the
doctrine of constructive conditions.
a. Britton v. Turner: π suing in quantum meruit to get the
reasonable value of the services rendered, but ∆ argued
that the year’s work was a constructive condition. This
case was a real turning point, because the court held that
π should get paid for the value of services rendered--
even a “mere farmworker” should. Recovery cannot
exceed the contract price, therefore π could not take
advantage of a higher market value of his worth. But see:
Algernon Blair (difference is who breaches--buyer or
b. Kirkland v. Archbold: a breaching π is entitled to
recover for services and materials unless (1) the work
that he has done has been of no benefit to the owner, (2)
the work he has done is entirely different from the work
he was contracted to do, or (3) he has abandoned the
work and left it unfinished.
D. Breach in the Course of Performance--it is often difficult to
determine who breaches first in a contract.
1. Walker & Co. v. Harrison: tomato on the dry cleaner’s sign.
Contract included an acceleration clause in it. Lessor’s
obligation to maintain the sigh was a constructive condition of
the lessee’s obligation to pay for it. Court held that ∆’s
accusation was legally correct, but we must apply the
constructive condition doctrine with common sense, so the
failure to clean the sign right away was a non-material breach.
2. condition v. promise: courts use a slightly softer standard
for constructive conditions than express conditions. Doctrine
of substantial performance does not typically apply.
3. K & G Construction Co. v. Harris: Constructive condition was
the sub’s obligation to perform the work in a “workmanlike
way” in order to receive the progress payments from the
general. There was also an obligation to finish the work.
Court held that ∆ breached first when he hit the wall, and
therefore all the dominoes fall against him. This introduces an
important client counselling dilemma--try to always convince
the client to stay on the job unless it has totally deteriorated
because they will not get more in court than they would have if
they finished, and if the lose, they lose BIG.
4. NW Lumber Sales v. Continental Forest Products: Oregon
case holding that a breach by one party of one contract does
not justify the other party withholding performance on a
second contract between the two parties.
5. hindrance and prevention
E. Prospective Nonperformance
1. anticipatory repudiation
a. Hochster v. De La Tour: does π have an action for
breach if the contract was broken by ∆ before
employment began? Especially since π mitigated the
damages by getting another job. Court holds that a party
can sue early because we want to allow parties the
maximum amount of flexibility when the other party has
b. Phelps v. Herro: seller π transferred real estate and
stock to buyer ∆, ∆ was to pay in installments but only
made one payment and then repudiated. Doctrine of
anticipatory breach has no application to money
2. periodic insurance payments--courts are reluctant to
invoke anticipatory repudiation in a situation based on “how
long will this person live” etc. Courts are reluctant to find a
complete anticipatory repudiation of the contract and will
make the person come back in every five years to reestablish
whatever is at issue.
III. Basic Assumptions: Mistake, Impracticability and
A. Mutual Mistake
1. Stees v. Leonard: Mooney hates this case. It’s one of the
incredible old classic cases that stands for the proposition
that a party must keep its contracts even in the face of
quicksand and a twice collapsed building!
2. basis of relief for mistake--the big issue here is where is
the seller safe? There are two ends of the spectrum (1)
complete ignorance or (2) bare nondisclosure. Is there a safe
harbor somewhere in between?
a. Sherwood v. Walker: ROSE THE 2D!!! Contract could be
rescinded because the “substance” of the thing sold was
different than what the parties thought.
b. Wood v. Boynton: π found a pretty rock and sold it to a
jeweler for $1. When it was discovered that the rock
was an uncut diamond, the ∆ got to keep it.
c. The Dover Pool & Racquet Club, Inc. v. Brooking:
application of mutual mistake broadly. If there is a set
of facts that fundamentally change the bargain, one of
the parties will be allowed to rescind. See also:
Kannavos v. Annino (one party knew of zoning changes and
did not disclose, so contract was voided).
d. R2d § 152: When Mistake of Both Parties Makes a
Contract Voidable: (1) When a mistake of both parties
was made at the time of the contract, and the basic
assumption has a material effect of the exchange of
performances, the contract is voidable by the adversely
affected party unless he bears the risk of the mistake
under § 154. (2) To determine whether the mistake has a
material effect, the court will look at reformation,
restitution, or other relief.
e. R2d § 154: When a Party Bears the Risk of
Mistake: (a) the risk is allocated to him by agreement,
or (b) he is aware that he has only limited knowledge but
acts as if his knowledge is sufficient, or (c) the risk is
allocated to him by the court on the ground that it is
reasonable to do so under the circumstances.
B. Impracticability of Performance: began as impossibility, but the
standard has softened. Better for πs, but harder for courts to draw the
line. The doctrine typically cuts when (1) there is a destruction or
unavailability of the subject matter, (2) there is a death of a party
who has contracted to perform or receive personal services, or (3) there
is a supervening prohibition by law. Impracticability comes AFTER the
contract has been made, where mistake comes before.
1. Taylor v. Caldwell: π suing for reliance, and the issue is
whether the party who was contracted to furnish a music hall
is excused from performing that contract without the fault of
either party. In a contract in which the performance depends
on the continued existence of a given person or thing, a
condition is implied that the impossibility of performance
arising from the perishing of the person of thing shall excuse
the performance.
2. loss in relation to sales
3. Transatlantic Financing Corporation v. US: Impracticability
is usually used defensively, but here it is used offensively. (1)
a contingency must have occurred, (2) the risk must not have
been allocated, and (3) the occurrence of the contingency must
have rendered the performance impracticable. π did not meet
the third criteria--it was not impracticable just because it
would have cost some more money.
4. foreseeability
5. Canadian Industrial Alcohol Co. v. Dunbar Molasses Co.:
similar to the Rockefeller case where the parties intended
that the wood would be taken only from one particular piece of
land specified in the contract. Court held that the continued
existence on the estate was a condition and impossibility was
applied. Here, the fact that one source of molasses dried up
did not excuse performance because the molasses could have
been procured from another source since a particular source
was not named.
6. Eastern Air Lines, Inc. v. Gulf Oil Corp.: ∆ invoked a
commercial impracticability defense. A price increase to
excuse performance must be more than merely
onerous, it must be “positively unjust.” Party
invoking the doctrine bears the burden of showing
the extent to which he has suffered or will suffer.
7. Mineral Park Land Co. v. Howard: When contract was entered
into, the parties contemplated and assumed that the land
contained the requisite quantity for gravel, but a good portion
was underwater. The difference in cost was so great that it
made performance impracticable and “the situation is not
different from that of a total absence of earth and gravel.”
8. Eastern Air Lines, Inc. v. McDonnell Douglas Corp.: excusable
delay clause was narrowly construed by the lower court to
include only formal requests by the government, and ∆ had only
received informal requests. Parties may contract to narrow or
broaden excuses available to a promisor. A foreseeable
superseding event may even be allowed to prove
impracticability if the circumstances causing the breach have
made performance so different from what was anticipated that
the contract cannot reasonably govern.
C. Frustration of Purpose
1. Krell v. Henry: Rental of room to watch coronation, but
coronation was rescheduled. If the essential purpose for
contracting is frustrated, each party’s duty of performance is
discharged even if the performance is not impossible. But see:
Swift Canadian Bacon (shows that a response to frustration is
that one party assumed the risk either expressly or implicitly).
2. Chase Precast Corp. v. John J. Paonessa Co.: highway
contract canceled, but π suing for anticipated profit. Doctrine
of frustration of purpose may be used as a defense when an
event unforeseeable by either party, the risk of which was not
allocated by contract, destroys the object or purpose of the
contract. When this occurs, the parties are excused from any
further performance under the contract.
3. R2d § 265: Discharge by Supervening Frustration:
Where, after a contract is made, a party’s principal purpose is
substantially frustrated without his fault by the occurrence of
an event the non-occurrence of which was a basic assumption
on which the contract was made, his remaining duties to
render performance are discharged, unless the language or the
circumstances indicate the contrary.
B. General Principles and a Few Definitions
1. Relevant Code Provisions: 1-201, 1-205, 2-104, 2-105, 2-
208, 2-403
2. Nelson v. Union Equity Co-Operative Exchange: π farmer
meets the requirements of “merchant” definition and “between
merchants” under 2-104 because he is knowledgeable about
the business of crops, and meets the statutory elements.
Because π was a merchant, the oral agreement confirmed in
writing satisfies the Statute of Frauds requirements under 2 -
201 and therefore must pay damages for breach.
C. The Scope of Article Two
1. three fundamental principles underlie Article 2
a. good faith: 1-201(19) defines it as “honesty in fact”-
-a subjective standard. But when involving merchants
add commercial reasonableness and it becomes objective.
1-203 imposes the obligation of good faith on every
party to a code transaction. Difficult, if not impossible,
to contract around.
b. commercial reasonableness: pervasive, a part of every
merchant’s duty of good faith.
c. the facilitation of actual commercial practices by
incorporating as central features of the law those
practices themselves. As shown through the course of
performance between parties, dealings between parties,
and trade usage.
2. Relevant Code Provisions: 2-102
3. Anthony Pools v. Sheehan: court must decide if a contract to
install a pool is for goods or for services. Bonebrake test:
whether the predominant factor, the thrust, the purpose,
reasonably stated, is a transaction of sale with labor
incidentally involved or vice versa. (The predominant purpose
test). Gravamen test: whether the reason for the breach is
directly related to the fault of the service or the fault of the
good. Also policy considerations. Once determined within the
scope, the next issue is one of warranty.
V. Contract Formation Under the Code
A. Agreement in General, and the Battle of the Forms
1. Relevant Code Provisions: 2-204, 2-207
2. Diamond Fruit Growers, Inc. v. Krack Corp.: ∆ included a
disclaimer of liability in order acknowledgement form. Cannot
interpret 2-207 to give one party an advantage simply because
it sent the first or last form, so issue becomes what
constitutes assent. If the offeror does not give specific and
unequivocal assent but the parties act as if they have a
contract, the provisions of 2-207(3) apply to fill in the terms
of the contract.
3. Mooney’s Routes
a. Route A: 2-207(1) “before the comma”--B -(offer)->S
contract forms when seller accepts . If they send in
different terms (2) [which applies to Routes A & D] the
different terms become proposals for addition to the
contract. Occasionally those proposals can become a part
of the contract (when between merchants and the contract is
not materially altered).
b. Route B: 2-207(1) “after the comma”--contract
formed unless it is expressly conditional on offeror’s
assent to different terms--if not it is considered a
counter-offer. Contract forms on offeror’s assent to
counter-offer. Could engage in some conduct which shows
c. Route C: 2-207(3)--cannot find either route A or B on
the papers, however both parties have acted as though there
is a contract (seller has shipped, buyer has accepted, etc) so
the code will say there is a contract formed by the conduct.
Terms on which the parties agree and all the terms
provided by Article 2 gap-fillers. (implied warranties)
d. B/C Hybrid: one of the early issues in this analysis as
to whether the counteroffer is expressly conditional or
not. Offeror does something to suggest that they have
assented to offeree’s counteroffer. (Diamond Fruit)
e. Route D: Mooney’s creation, a hybrid--pre-existing
contract (often oral) and one party sends confirmation.
Analyzed in many ways like route A. Confirmations are
treated as proposals like route A. Any different term is
run through the gamut of (2).
B. The Statute of Frauds: UCC 2-201
1. compare/contrast with common law: almost not included in
the UCC, only three definite requirements of the writing, four
types of situations do not require writing, definition of
2. Distribu-Dor, Inc. v. Karadanis: ∆ refused to sign contract,
stating “my word is my bond” but then decided to go with
another company after π had already ordered special mirrors.
Because mirrors were not readily resalable, the contract fits
within 2-201(3)(a). “Strict adherence to the statute of frauds
has been abandoned in favor of certain limited exceptions to
promote equity and fair dealing between parties.”
C. The Parol Evidence Rule: UCC 2-202
1. Snyder v. Herbert Greenbaum & Associates, Inc.: Multiple
issues. First, whether contract for carpet and installation is
within the scope of Article 2 (yes). Second, ∆ induced π into
contract through misrepresentation: false representations
about material facts which the rescinding party relied on and
had a right to rely on them. Misrepresentation renders a
contract voidable (no). Since the contract was not voidable
under misrepresentation, ∆s offered 5 documents that were
prior contracts. Court holds that documents were properly
excluded because the contract was intended to be a complete
and exclusive statement of contract terms. “Inconsistency”
defined as absence of reasonable harmony in terms of the
language and respective obligations of the parties. Unqualified
unilateral cancellation by ∆s not reasonably harmonious to
contract terms.
VI. General Obligations and the Concept of Title
A. “Gap Filler” Provisions
1. Relevant Code Provisions: 2-305, 2-306, 2-308, 2-309, 2-
2. Feld v. Henry S. Levy & Son, Inc.: output contract for all
bread crumbs produced by ∆ was breached when ∆ quit
producing. Good faith requires that party continues supplying
unless put in genuine peril (i.e.--bankruptcy); the mere fact
that the sale was not as profitable as was anticipated is not
good faith.
B. Code Warranties
1. Relevant Code Provisions:2-313, 2-314, 2-315, 2-316, 2-
719, 2-318, 2-607, 2-725
2. express warranties UCC 2-313
a. five important issues
(1) whether seller has actually made a warranty;
“puffing” is a defense.
(2) at common law, π had to prove reliance. Under
UCC, warranty only has to be “part of the basis of
the bargain.”
(3) privity (2-318)
(4) express warranties cannot be disclaimed. Under
2- 316(1) courts must reconcile in favor of the
(5) watch for a merger clause--seller may make an
oral express warranty but exclude it through
written merger clause in contract.
b. sample or model
(1) sample: comes out of the production run
(2) model: made prior to production
c. Barton v. Tra-Mo, Inc.: π purchased tanks from ∆ after
seeing models. UCC 2-313(1)(c) states than an express
warranty is created when a sample or model is made as
part of the basis of the bargain, leading the purchaser to
believe that the entire order will conform. ∆ tried to
argue that the items were not really models, but the
court does not believe its argument. π wins for breach
of express warranty by model.
3. implied warranties UCC 2-314, 2-315
a. Blockhead, Inc. v. The Plastic Forming Co., Inc.: π buyer
was experienced in plastics and the wig case industry. π
rejected improvements, and approved models and designs.
No 2-315 warranty in this case, an implied warranty for
fitness for a particular purpose did not occur because the
warranty depends upon the relative skill, knowledge, and
experience of the two parties. Only happens when buyer goes
to seller asking them to select everything. No breach of
the warranty of merchantability because it was effectively
disclaimed. 2-316(3)(b) if a buyer examines goods or has
an opportunity to and fails, there is no implied warranty in
the case of any defects coming up after inspection. A
subsidiary issue is whether or not the ∆ qualifies a s a
SUPERmerchant--∆ argued that he was not because he had
never made wiglet cases before, but court holds that he
is an expert in plastics.
b. Valley Iron & Steel Co. v. Thorin: Hoedad case. Buyer
requested that the hoedad be durable. They were not, and
buyer declined to pay for them. Trial court found that
buyer was at fault. Buyer’s defense was breach of
warranty. Issue 1: Is there a merchantability warranty?
Depends on whether or not the seller was a merchant in
goods of this kind. The “goods” that the statute was talking
about must be understood more broadly than just “hoedad
collars” but rather do you make things of a similar nature
out of metal? That makes seller a SUPERmerchant, and an
implied warranty exists. What about the fitness warranty?
Dicta here, but they say there is a warranty for a
particular purpose--knew what the hoedad was for and
buyer left it to seller’s expertise to choose the proper
material. Seller really was asked to select the material.
Particular purpose--where you have specially
manufactured goods, the ordinary purpose counts as a
particular purpose under 2-315.
4. limitations on warranties UCC 2-316
a. K & M Joint Venture v. Smith International, Inc.:
Machine was warranted, but accessories were not. 2-
316(3)(a) disclaimer of implied warranty through the use of
the term “as is.” Then changed terms that everything was
“as is.” a route “d” case--oral contract, and then one party
sends a confirmation with a different term. Proposal for
addition to the contract that would not become part of it
because it too materially altered it. 2-316(3)(d)--on these
facts that to a reasonable buyer the “as is” applies only to
accessories and not the machine. This is not an effective
disclaimer of warranty with respect to the machine. BUT
up jumps 2-607 to knock π out of the box (3): buyer must
notify within reasonable time of a breach. Comment #4:
seems to provide a minimal notice o b l i g a t i o n .
Notification need only be such as informs the seller- -
notification here was inadequate because at no time did the
buyer mention BREACH. Some courts have said that
where a party claims unreasonable delay in notification
that party has to establish that the delay somehow
prejudiced it. Did the parties think there was a warranty
at all? A lot of what the buyer did suggests that the
buyer thought the repairs were on its own account.
b. Murray v. Holiday Rambler, Inc.: motor home was
warranted to be free from defects in parts and workmanship;
seller disclaimed any other warranty. 2-316(2) implied
warranties are knocked out. Remedy limitation: repair or
replace in the case of breach. 2-608: buyer’s revocation of
acceptance of the goods. ∆ said revocation was not
available because of the remedy limitation clause. The court
does not sustain the remedy limitation because under 2-719(2)
the essential purpose here failed (repair or replace). What is
the essential purpose? “Where the seller is given
reasonable opportunity to correct the defect or defects, and
the vehicle nevertheless fails to operate as should a new
vehicle free of defects, the limited remedy fails of i t s
essential purpose.” There remained only the question of
whether or not the standard of 2-608 has been met:
legally the right thing to do is GIVE NOTICE EARLY of intent to
revoke acceptance, but at the same time allow them the
opportunity to fix the goods. 2-715 consequential damages,
reduced from $2500 to $500.
5. warranty and Restatement of Torts 2d
a. Flory v. Silvercrest Industries, Inc.: in non-personal
injury cases, courts have struggled with the relationship
between tort law and contracts. In the state of Arizona
were not going to allow a breach of warranty action
against a remote seller because of lack of privity. It
would in personal injury cases, however. The court comes
up with a theory that M wouldn’t put a lot of stock in:
although there can be no UCC warranty action, there is
perhaps a breach of warranty theory outside the code which
does not require privity. M doesn’t get it. If this is a
sale of goods, the code applies to this action. A sizable piece
of the warranty award was affirmed against Alamo (the
dealer) and the case is remanded for trial on the non-UCC
breach theory that apparently makes no sense at all. This
case is here to show that π’s lawyers have problems
interfacing contract and tort law. You can plead all causes
of action OR look at the authorities in your jurisdiction
and see where your state is, particularly regarding
privity requirements. (Oregon has a privity requirement in
non-personal injury actions)
6. non-UCC regulation of warranties
a. Atlas Auto Rental Corp. v. Weisberg: Everybody is lying
here. If π had taken a bad check from Schwartzman, he
would have had voidable title. 2-403(1)(b). ∆ said he
paid $900, but only a deposit of $300 to show that he had
purchased for value. There is a question about whether or
not S had voidable title, but ∆ is unable to use the voidable
title defense because he didn’t purchase for value. ∆
cannot use the entrusting defense, because π did not
entrust his goods to a merchant who deals in goods with this
kind. Definition of “value” is very broad and i n c l u d e s
anything sufficient to be consideration. The value probl em
here is a good faith problem. ∆ here was a merchant a n d
therefore must prove reasonable commercial standard.
VII. Risk of Loss
A. Introduction--at common law, title orientation governed risk of
loss. The UCC provides a much easier method.
1. an insurable interest under the code (2-501)
2. types of delivery terms (2-509, 2-510)
3. Ninth Street East, Ltd. v. Harrison: who had the risk of loss
at the time the goods disappeared? Because the FOB term was
added after contract, assume it was not a part of the deal, but
still seller wins. BUT 2-503 Comment 5--> presumption under
the code for a shipment contract. Risk passed when the goods
were delivered to the carrier. Same result if it had been a
destination contract. Buyer’s last gasp argument: π filing with
carrier, rejected by court. Seller should have written a letter
to buyer stating that the goods are gone and we will file a claim
and apply it to your account, but we are not waiving our rights,
B. UCC 2-509: Risk of Loss Absent Breach
1. Ellis v. Bell Aerospace Corp.: seller had not sufficiently
relinquished dominion and control. 2-509(3) case--risk remains
with merchant. Facts are close, but it does seem sensible that the
buyer did not receive the goods. What about the negligence
claims? The court pushed it aside. However, in these cases,
negligence becomes important. If risk had passed to buyer, then
the buyer may have a good claim to recover the value of the
helicopter in a negligence claim against the pilot. Possibly
negligence may trump risk of loss. It is at least possible that the
seller can recover if he can prove the buyer’s negligence caused the
2. Consolidated Bottling Co. v. Jaco Equipment Corp.: contract
included the language “f.o.b. purchaser’s truck.” Long delay in
delivery and then vandals broke in and damaged the goods. π
argued that it was holding the goods within the meaning of 2 -
503(1) and therefore the risk had passed. This argument is not a
winner in any event because if (4) does not apply, so (3) would
and because the seller is a merchant, risk remains with him. Court
decides that the resolution of this case depends on 2-509(4); the
language “f.o.b. purchaser’s truck” (2-319(1)(c)) was a “contrary
C. UCC 2-510: The Effect of Breach on Risk of Loss
1. William F. Wilke, Inc. v. Cummins Diesel Engines, Inc.: court
applies 2-510(1) because the goods were not conforming, and
therefore risk remained with seller and buyer had right of
rejection. 2-509(3) could have also worked here because seller was
a merchant and had not officially delivered the goods yet.
(“This is my baby.”) There is also a possible negligence overlay
for both parties. Also, there is no actual breach because under
2-607 the buyer has not given adequate notice of breach.
2. Mulitplastics, Inc. v. Arch Industries Inc.: 2-510(3) case--
buyer did not take delivery within a reasonable time and therefore
breached. Risk of loss placed on the breaching party to the extent
of the other party’s deficiencies of insurance. Seller entitled
to recover the contract price. On the question of whether or not it
was a breach-- court held that 2-610 (anticipatory repudiation)
does not apply. (Subrogation was also and issue
VIII. Performance and Breach Upon Delivery
A. 2-507, 2-511 provide concurrent conditions; at common law
these likely would have been constructive conditions
B. Buyer’s Rights Prior to Acceptance: Inspection and Rejection
1. buyer’s right to inspect (2-513)
2. buyer’s right to reject (2-602)
a. Max Bauer Meat Packer, Inc. v. Wunderlich: 2-602(1),
2- 606, 2-709. ∆ tried to argue that the first half of the
day’s delivery was too frozen and so they could not have
reworked the whole order. Court quite sensibly looked at
prejudice and the fact that the second half could have been
fixed but for the delay.
b. Zabriskie Chevrolet, Inc. v. Smith: court held for ∆ and
declared that the buyer was not bound to the transaction.
Under 2-316--warranty disclaimer was insufficiently
conspicuous. 2-606 court declared that buyer had not
accepted the car. Court says that the attempted cure was
ineffective-- this seller will not be allowed to force the
deal onto the buyer by forcing the new transmission.
Buyer’s confidence is shattered and a reasonable buyer would
not want to proceed with the transaction.
C. Anticipatory Repudiation (2-609, 2-610)
3. Ellis Manufacturing Co., Inc. v. Brant: court held that under
2-609 the contractor had no reasonable ground for insecurity.
and its withholding the goods constituted a breach and buyer
could go out and buy new goods and sue for the difference.
IX. Seller and Buyer Remedies Under the Code
A. Seller’s Remedies
1. action for the price, UCC 2-709
2. seller’s resale remedy, UCC 2-706
3. seller’s market-contract damages, UCC 2-708(1)
4. lost volume seller, UCC 2-708(2)
a. Snyder v. Herbert Greenbaum & Assoc., Inc.: explains
why the phrase “due credit for . . . proceeds of resale”
language in 2-708(2) does not apply to a normal lost-
volume seller case. Statutory history shows that it
applies to parts assemblers/sellers. Credit need not be
made against the lost profits by the proceeds of resale,
if the π/seller has sustained his burden of proving he is
a lost volume seller.
b. Nederlandse Draadindustrie NDI BV v. Grand Pre-
Stressed Corp.: π ordered cement from ∆, contractual
relationship broke down over a period of time. ∆ did not
show that items were defective under 2-607, and since
it did not do that and also requesting that deliveries
were adjusted so ∆ leaves here. π seeks damages under
2-708(2) and since π showed that it had sufficient
capacity to supply the contract items and more for
another order, it wins on this issue. See also: Davis v.
Diasonics and Vitex v. Caribtex.
B. Buyer’s Remedies
1. buyer’s right to specific performance or replevin, UCC 2-
a. Copylease Corp. of America v. Memorex Corp.: π seeks
specific performance as a remedy because ∆’s toner is a
better product than any other. Court recognizes a need to
balance state law against ordering specific performance
with 2-716. On remand, π must show the uniqueness or
degree of difficulty in covering against the difficulties
of enforcement which have caused courts to refrain from
granting specific performance.
2. buyer’s right to cover price-contract price damages, UCC 2-
a. Farmer’s Elevator Co. of Elk Point v. Lyle: ∆ tried to
argue that π had waited too long to cover, but court
holds that the purchases were made within a
commercially reasonable time. Comment: “It is
immaterial that hindsight may later prove that the
method of cover used was not the cheapest or most
effective.” There was a second purchase that may have
offended the commercially reasonable time, but since it
was cheaper than the first purchase, the court finds that
∆ was not prejudiced.
3. buyer’s market price-contract price damages, UCC 2-713
a. Cargill, Inc. v. Stafford: phone conversations that
turned into contracts--contract one was barred by the
statute of frauds (2-201), but contract two was not. The
issue then becomes when the buyer
learned of the breach--was it at the
time of the repudiation or at the time
of performance? Court finds that it
should be at the time of breach, but
then remands to determine whether or
not π should have covered. (Why would
they do this when there is no obligation
to cover?)
4. recovery for breach relating to accepted goods, UCC 2-714
a. City of New York v. Pullman Inc.: 2-714 value of goods
as warranted-value of goods delivered. What is the cost to
repair the goods? Special circumstances discussion is
over the top. Look at footnote 7--what is the more
appropriate repair procedure.
CONTRACTS OUTLINE, Mooney Spring 2002
1. The Issue: When an agreement has been put in writing, one party claims there was also
and earlier oral or written agreement, or a contemporaneous oral agreement, that was not
included in the writing but was intended to be part of the K. In such cases, the
admissibility of the alleged additional agreement turns on the applicability of the parol
evidence rule.
2. Rules:
a. Mooney: Restatement 209 + 215: Where parties have intended a writing as the
final expression of all or part of their agreement, evidence of any other prior or
contemporaneous term is not admissible to contradict the writing.
b. Justice Traynor: When the parties to a written K have agreed to it as an
“integration” – a complete and final embodiment of the terms of an agreement –
parol evidence cannot be used to add to or vary its terms…when only part of the
agreement is integrated, the same rule applies to that part, but parol evidence may
be used to prove elements of the agreement not reduced by writing.
i. “Credibility test” – parol evidence should only be excluded if it would
mislead the trier of fact.
3. Reasons for Rule:
a. Juries may tend to favor the underdog. (Mooney doesn’t agree).
b. People might make up agreements that never happened.
c. Certainty in K interpretation.
d. Ability for people to rely on what is written to know what their legal obligations
4. Integration:
a. A complete integration is where the parties intended the written K as a final and
complete statement of the agreement in writing.
b. A partial integration is where the parties intended the writing to be a final
expression of part of the agreement.
i. Formal intent: Traditional view was that a writing would be treated as
an integration if taken as a whole and on its face the writing appears to
be an instrument that complete ly expresses the parties’ agreement
(writing not only the best, but only evidence of intent). Gianni v. Russel
& Co.
ii. Actual intent: Modern view is that a writing is deemed to be an
integration only if the parties actually intended it to be an integration.
Court will consider any relevant evidence to determine intent.
Masterson v. Sine, R 209.
c. UCC comment 3 2-202: Only if the parol term would certainly have been
included in the writing, if agreed upon, then it must be kept from the trier of fact
(this likes the parol evidence rule less than the restatement).
5. Merger Clauses: Provisions in a written K that the written K is the entire K between the
parties, or is the final, complete and exclusive statement of all the terms the parties have
agreed upon.
a. Traditional approach: These clauses are determinative on the question of
whether the writing is an integration. Still the majority rule.
b. Modern courts (minority) will sometimes say it is just one factor in determining
whether it is an integration.
c. Defense can claim unconsionability.
6. Defenses: Can have a D for the K itself:, even if it is completely integrated. Fraud,
duress, mistake, illegality.
7. Exceptions:
a. Separate consideration: Even if a writing is an integration, parol evidence is
admissible if the written integration and the alleged parol agreement are each
supported by separate consideration.
b. Collateral agreement: Parol evidence is often admissible if the alleged parol
agreement is “collateral” (i.e. related to the sub. matter but not part of the
c. “Naturally Omitted Terms”: Widely accepted modern rule, R216, is that parol
evidence is admissible if it concerns a term that would naturally be omitted from
the written agreement. A term will be treated as naturally omitted if:
i. The term does not conflict with the written integration; and
ii. The term concerns a subject that similarly situated parties would not
ordinarily be expected to include in the written agreement.
1. Two approaches: (1) Whether an abstract reasonable person
would have omitted the term in question from the writing, (2)
Whether the actual parties might have naturally omitted the
parol agreement from the writing. Masterson v. Sine. This is
the majority view.
8. Gianni v. Russell, 1924: P claims and oral agreement (in addition to a lease) where P
agreed not to sell tobacco in exchange for exclusive rights to sell soda in the building. D
denies the oral agreement took place. D rented another space to a drug company that sold
a. Issues:
i. Whether the parties would have naturally included the additional term in
their K? Held: Yes, because it embraces the field of the alleged oral K.
ii. P’s argument: Whether the exclusive rights to sell soda was a separate
and ind. agreement and therefore not barred by parol evidence? Held:
No. This term would have been a part of the main agreement and there
was no consideration for the separate agreement.
9. Masterson v. Sine, 1968: P conveyed their ranch to D by a written deed. The deed
provided an option to repurchase at a designated price. There was a separate oral
agreement that the option was personal to P. P’s trustee wanted to establish their option.
a. Held: Evidence of the oral agreement is not barred by parol evidence.
b. Rule: Parties’ intent needs to be considered. Case rejects classical Gianni rule
that a writing that looks complete is presumed to be complete. Traynor says that
an agreement can’t prove completeness in and of itself.
i. Traynor also uses collateral agreement to say that the parol is parol
evidence in a partial integration case (said this is a completely separate
10. Bollinger v. Central Pennsylvania Quarry 1967: Parties entered into oral agreement
where they agreed D would deposit his waste on P’s property, but would cover the waste
when one. Written agreement did not include clause, P did not read before signing.
a. Rule: A court can reform a K for a mutual mistake in integration. Escribinor’s
interpretation (interpretation of a reasonable person standing the addressee’s shoes). In
99% of cases, the court will look for an objective K interpretation.
a. Vague v. Ambiguous
i. Vague: When its applicability in marginal situations is uncertain.
ii. Ambiguous: Two entirely different connotations, so that it may be
appropriate or inappropriate.
2. Exceptions:
a. When an expression is susceptible of two equally reasonable meanings
i. i.e. John is married to two women. He leaves his house to his wife.
Which does he mean?
ii. i.e. Raffles v. Wichelhaus: Two ships called the Peerless. Both
reasonable interpretations. In this case, no K is formed.
b. Both parties have the same subjective interpretation (this will govern even if their
interpretation is not the reasonable meaning of the term). Theoretical, if this
happened, a dispute would most likely not arise.
c. One party knows of the other’s different interpretations: If A knows B’s
interpretation, then B’s interpretation is determinative.
3. Frigaliment Importing Co. v. BNS International Sales Corp., 1960: Young v. Old
Chickens case.
a. Issue: Whether the word “chicken” includes stewing chickens as well as broiler
b. Use of the word “chicken” was too vague. Court found that P did not sustain
their burden of persuasion that the K used “chicken” in a narrower sense (i.e.
young chicken as opposed to all kinds of chickens, inc. old).
4. Raffles v. Wichelhaus 1864: Peerless case.
a. Parol evidence may be given for the purpose of showing that D meant one
Peerless and P another. It would be an imposition to hold P to a K he did not
enter into.
5. Oswald v. Allen 1969: Swiss coins case. P thought he was buying both D’s collections
for $50,000, P thought only one.
a. Rule: When any of the terms used to express an agreement is ambivalent, and
the parties understand it in different ways, there is no K unless one of them
should have been aware of the other’s understanding.
b. Interesting, borderline case according to Mooney.
c. Mooney would ask the client to look at the contract and see the description of the
coins – was it capitalized (indicating it was a specialized collection), or not
capitalized (indicating it was just all of the Swiss coins).
d. COASE THEOREM: Tells us the result of the litigation will not effect who
comes out with the coins. It doesn’t affect allocation, but it does effect
distribution of wealth.
i. This will effect rather dramatically how much the buyer has to pay for
the coins. If he wins the case, he gets them for $50,000. If she wins the
case, and they renegotiate, they will cost him a lot more.
6. Hurst v. W.J. Lake Co. 1932: Meat scraps case. Trade usage indicated that 50% protein
meant 49.5% or more. Meat contained 49.53-49.96%.
a. Rule: Trade usage is applicable, even when an instrument is non-ambiguous on
its face (trade usage trumps mathematical usage).
7. Rules in Aiding Interpretation
a. Plain meaning rule: Many courts apply this rule with much investigation into
what parties reasonably understood term to mean.
b. Public interest: Not widely recognized. Environmental disputes often make this
argument (Peevyhouse – court upheld K to further public interest, not really to
help the Peevyhouses).
c. Expressio unius: To express one is to exclude others.
d. Nascitu a sociss: It is known from its associates.
e. Contra Proferentum: Against its author or proffer. This works for K underdog.
8. Evidence to present:
a. Evidence internal to the K
b. Dictionary evidence
c. Foreign Language Evidence
d. Evidence from Government statutes or regulations
e. Trade usage evidence, Course of dealing, Custom
f. Evidence of the likely, and almost inevitable, subjective intention of both parties.
Ex. Chicken/Broiler - Subjectively both should have known because they
would have been operating at a loss.
American courts in general interpret contracts objectively, so even if the
Frigaliment case showed that the plaintiff subjectively thought they were
buying fryers, the case would have come out the same.
This prevents dissembling (fibbing) and having to find subjective intent.
i. 1st: Consideration (lack of mutuality)
ii. 2nd: Remedies: Whether Eastern could appropriately obtain specific
iii. Good Faith. Governed by UCC b/c it is the sale of goods.
b. UCC 1-201(19): Defines good faith (subjective definition) – honesty in fact
c. UCC 2-103: Sale of Goods: Merchants have a higher good faith standard, they
have to be not only subjectively operating on good faith, they have to objectively
be operating on good faith as well.
d. Throughout the entire commercial code, there is a narrow definition of good faith
e. UCC 2-208: Course of performance – how did these parties perform the K up
until the time the dispute arose.
i. In this course of performance, this fuel freighting when on for years and
years. Trade Usage.
7. Commercial leases: Often have a certain base rent per month plus a certain percentages
of gross receipts. Problem arises when tenant wants to stop the business altogether and
just pay minimum monthly rent, or it wants to cut back and the receipts go down. The
leaser argues that there is a good faith obligation on the part of the defendant. Implied
term: Best Efforts. This is similar to what is found in Wood v. Lucy Lady-Duff
8. Zilg v. Prentice Hall: Nature of an implied obligation on the publisher is to act in good
faith, it is not to exert best efforts on behalf of the book.
a. Trial court held that there was a bad faith decision to “privish” the book
(meaning they fulfilled technical requirements to publish, but did not do more
than that. Mooney agrees with this opinion, although the decision was reversed.
b. Court of appeals: The obligation to act with good faith in promoting the initial
promotional activities was fulfilled, and the K language dictates that a business
decision by the publisher to limit the size of a printing or advertising budget is
not subject to second guessing by the trier of fact whether it is sound or valid.
c. There are two ways Zilg could have shown breach of K:
i. Demonstrate that the initial printing and promotional efforts were so
inadequate as not to give the book a reasonable chance to catch onto the
reading public.
ii. Show that even greater printing and promotional efforts were not
undertaken for reasons other than a good faith business judgment.
9. WOOD’S RULE: If an employee was terminable at-will, then an employer could fire
her anytime for any reason.
a. Heydey of progressive contract law: Late 60’s, early 70’s - protection of
employees increased. Three grounds employee might assert:
i. Something in a conversation or in an employment manual that at least by
implication if not explicitly, gave her the right to be fired only for cause.
ii. Public Policy exception: You cannot fire someone for exercising a right
that involves some important public policy. You cannot fire a Whistle-
blower, for example.
iii. There is, in every employment K, an implied obligation of good faith and
fair dealing (employers tend to vehemently oppose this one). There has
to be some reasonable reason for firing a person.
b. 80’s and early 90’s saw all three of the above grounds wither considerably.
i. Some states passed statutes that say there is no obligation of good faith
and fair dealing in any employment.
ii. Employment lawyers began to put disclaimers in employee manuals.
iii. Even the public policy ground has been narrowed considerably.
c. Sheets v. Teddy’s Frosted Foods 1980: Violation of public policy exception to
firing at-will.
i. Employee should not be put in a position whether to risk criminal
sanction or to jeopardize his continued employment.
10. Balla v. Gambro 1991: Lawyer case.
a. General rule: In-house counsel does not have a claim under tort of retaliatory
b. Appellee was required to abide by the rules of professional conduct, so public
policy was adequately safeguarded without extending the tort of RD.
c. Extending the tort of retaliatory discharge to in-house counsel would have an
undesirable effect on the attorney-client relationship (would destroy trust).
d. Inappropriate for the employer/client to bear the economic burden their counsel’s
adhering to their ethical obligations.
i. Two influential courts – CA and Massachusetts went the other way:
Because an attorney is obliged to inform someone when clients are
engaging in illegal conduct, they should have protection.
1. In General: A K may expressly provide that a party does not have a duty to perform
unless some condition is fulfilled. In such a case, the party’s failure to perform will
normally be justified if the condition was not fulfilled.
2. Definitions: Condition means either:
a. An event or state of the world must occur or fail to occur before a party has a
duty to perform under a K, or
b. An event or state of the world - the occurrence or non-occurrence of which
releases a party from its duty to perform under a K.
3. R2d 244: A condition is an event, not certain to occur, which must occur, unless its
nonoccurrence is excused, before performance under a K becomes due.
4. R2d 217: Conditions – a reasonable well-accepted exception to the parol evidence rule.
One is permitted to use parol evidence to show the party’s agree to a condition precedent
to the effectiveness of a K.
a. The alleged parol condition cannot contradict a writing in order for the exception
to apply
5. Three kinds of questions around conditions:
a. Have the parties made a particular event or non-event a condition of one party’s
performance or both parties’ performance?
b. Has the condition, if it is one, been satisfied?
c. If it hasn’t been satisfied, what’s the legal effect of the non-occurrence of a
6. EXAMPLE: Sarah promises to carry Carl’s goods in her ship from London to Gibraltar.
Carl promises to pay her for that service $5000. In addition, the parties agree that in
some fashion Sarah will get the good there in 25 days. Two ways to word the 25 day
a. Sarah could promise to get the goods there in 25 days. If she’s late, then she has
breached her promise and will be liable for damages.
b. Parties will word the term as a condition. “It shall be a condition of Carl’s
obligation to pay that Sarah get the good there within 25 days.” If she’s late, she
hasn’t breached, she just doesn’t get paid. This excuses Carl’s performance.
c. It is almost always more equitable to construe language as a promise than as a
7. Luttinger v. Rosen, 1972: P contracted with D to purchase property and paid deposit of
$8500. K was conditioned upon P obtaining 1st mortgage in amount of $45,000 for not
less than 20 years at 8.5% financing. P contacted one institution and was unable to get
8.5%. Offered to pay the extra, but D refused and kept the money. Court ordered that D
give back the money because P had tried to meet the condition and had been unable.
a. Hornbook rule in K law: One has to satisfy a condition absolutely. No
doctrine of substantial performance. Mooney thinks this might be collapsing.
8. Peacock Construction Co. v. Modern Air Conditioning 1977: D is a contractor who had
two subs. K contained a provision that said D would pay the subs within 30 days after
full payment by owner.
a. Court held this language was not a condition – simply a timing provision.
Meaning of language is not that subs will be paid if/when contractors are paid.
Sets a normal time for payment. If payment is not forthcoming at that time, there
is still a legal obligation to pay.
b. Arguments (for sub):
i. General Contractor is in a much better position to say know the credit
standing of the owner.
ii. Sub-contracts are almost always drafted by the gen. Language is
supposed to be construed against the party drafting.
iii. Trade usage – this is how courts intend to interpret these, and this is how
the parties in the construction business tends to construe these contracts.
9. Gibson v. Cranage 1878: P solicited D’s business, offered to paint portrait of dead
daughter. Said he wouldn’t have to pay for it if not satisfied. D was not satisfied with
the product. P re-did the picture, and D wouldn’t look at it. Court held for D.
a. Repeat of Mattei and Hopper: Condition to act in good faith.
b. Two categories of satisfaction condition:
i. Subjective (if taste or fancy is involved), so long as party exercises their
judgment in good faith, that is the only obligation.
ii. Objective: If the requirement of the party’s satisfaction has something
to do with mere economic utility, mechanical fitness, or marketability, a
condition of satisfaction is interpreted to be fulfilled by a performance
that would satisfy a reasonable person.
iii. As a lawyer, advise your client to look at the portrait and reassert lack of
10. Mitigating Doctrines
a. Prevention:
i. General Rule: A party to a K cannot rely on the failure of another to
perform a condition precedent where he has frustrated or prevented the
occurrence of the condition.
b. Waiver, Estoppel, and Election
i. Waiver - R2d 84
1. Traditional definition: The intentional relinquishment of a
known right.
2. Usually waiver is not explicit. Typical scenario: If your rent
payments are due to me on the 3rd, but I accept late payments
consistently, I can expect payments on the 3rd. You can retract
the waiver, however.
ii. Estoppel, R2d 84(2), UCC 2-209(5)
1. A party that, without consideration, has waived a condition that
is within the other party’s control before the time for occurrence
of that condition can retract the waiver and reinstate the req. that
the condition occur unless the other party has relied to such an
extend that the retraction would be unjust.
iii. Election: A party that chooses to disregard the nonoccurrence of a
condition is bound by an election to treat this duty as unconditional.
1. Common for insurers.
c. Impossibility: Impossibility or impracticability excuses the fulfillment of a
condition if fulfillment of the condition is not a material part of the agreed
exchange and forfeiture would otherwise result.
d. Fulfillment of the condition would cause a disproportionate forfeiture: Then
fulfillment of the condition may be excused unless the fulfillment of the
condition was a material part of the exchange.
Fundamental inquiry: What sort of conduct by one party gives rise to a cause of action for
breach by another party, or gives to another party the right to withhold its own performance?
1. The doctrine of constructive conditions provides that if the plaintiff breached the
duty, provides that if the performance is a constructive condition of the other’s
duty, then the plaintiff is itself in the wrong.
a. In other words, if the P breached a duty of the performance that should
have proceeded the other performance or promise.
2. In a sizable number of instances, when a breaching P despite its own breach may
nonetheless sue on the contract. Three ways around the doctrine of constructive
a. Doctrine of substantial performance or substantial completion (Redding Pipe
Case – even though the contractor breached its portion of the K, the owner may
not withhold its performance because the owner substantially performed) –
Jacobs & Young v. Kent.
b. Doctrine of divisibility (severability): Gill v. Johnstown Lumber (agreement
to deliver logs. Lost some in a flood, sued for those delivered): If the parties in
the K provide that part performance will result in partial payment (i.e. I’m
supposed to build you two houses each for $100,000, I build one and walk away),
the P can sue on the contract to get paid for the performance they did complete.
c. Doctrine of restitution: Where a K is unenforceable for some reason (usually
mistake, impracticability of performance or frustration of purpose), but during
the course of performance a substantial benefit was conferred upon one of the
parties. Algernon Blair: The aggrieved party may (in a losing K situation) may
want something other than expectation, may want restitution.
i. Restitution for a defaulting P: This has met the most resistance from
courts. It seems wrong to allow someone who has committed a
significant breach of K to come before the court and claim anything.
Britton v. Turner (worked for 10 months of a 1 year K, then walked off
the job. Ct. held employee may recover benefit to employer less damages
employer suffers by reason of early termination).
ii. In restitution you are not suing for the K rate, but the value of the benefit
iii. Quantum meriut – synonymous with restitution.
b. P’s breach was minor. D should have written P a letter that said they were
holding payments in escrow until P cleaned up the sign.
6. K & G Construction Co. v. Harris, 1960: D breached its covenant to perform in a
workmanlike manner, and P thereafter declined to make good its return covenant to pay.
D refused to perform further, causing damage to P
a. This case involves periodic payments, which involves a series of alternative
constructive conditions. Thus, P’s refusal to pay D was justified and not a
breach, since the payment was conditioned on D’s performance which was not
7. Responses to the Defense “I’m not liable to you for my non-performance because you did
not complete some performance that is a constructive condition of my performance.”
a. Yes, but I substantially performed.
b. Yes, but this K is divisible and you have to pay me at the K rate for the portion I
DID complete
c. Yes, but I’m entitled to restitution of the K for the amount of the benefit I’ve
conferred on you in order to avoid unjust enrichment
d. Yes, but my breach of the constructive condition was not material, and therefore
it does not excuse your failure to act.
8. Separate K doctrine:
a. NW Lumber Sales, Inc. v. Continental Forest Products, Inc.: You cannot
breach one K because of the other party’s breach in a different K. Neither the
UCC or general K law gives a party the right to breach a K performance because
the other party has breached another K between them.
b. Seller should invoke 2-609, and said you neglected to pay for the lumber we
already sent to you, we demand an adequate performance for K #3 to make sure
you’re not going to stiff us again.
1. Anticipatory Repudiation (AR): If either party to a K, in advance of the time set for
performance, repudiates the K, the repudiation excuses the other party from performing.
In addition, the innocent party may generally treat the AR as a present material breach,
and bring an immediate action for the entire value of the promised performance.
2. Acts are sufficient (Stewart v. Newbury – walking off the job was repudiation).
3. Insistence on terms not contained in the K constitutes an AR.
4. Requirement of Unequivocal Repudiation: Only an express or implied unconditional
refusal to perform will constitute AR. A party’s language must be sufficiently positive to
be reasonably interpreted to mean that the party will not or can not perform.
5. Hochster v. De La Tour, 1853: P contracted with D to act as a courier during his
European vacation. D changed his mind prior to leaving, and refused to compensate P. P
sued prior to time for performance.
a. Held: The man who wrongfully renounces a K into which he has deliberately
entered cannot justly complain if he is immediately sued for a compensation in
damages by the man whom he is injured. The renunciation may be treated as
a breach of K.
b. Important point: Every jurisdiction in the US says this is still good law. You
may go out and get a new job, and sue early.
c. Damages would be his wages from June 1 (day he was to start working) -July 4
(July 4th is when he begins the job he got to mitigate the damages).
d. This rule is in UCC 2-610.
e. Principle justification: Make sure victim has freedom to reorganize their affairs
and take another job prior to the time performance was due.
f. Exception to rule: Installment contracts.
i. i.e. Seller has finishing delivering tulip bulb, and all that’s remaining is a
series of installment payments by the buyer over a period of time. Most
courts hold that the seller may not sue early for all remaining
installments, but must wait until each installment becomes due.
ii. Remember when drafting an agreement such as this one to add and
“acceleration clause”: These causes state a default on any one payment
on this K shall cause all remaining payments under this K due.
iii. 2nd way to get around this situation is a declaratory judgment:
Declaration by the court that buyer breached and payments will become
due at the times stated in the K (allows you to go back to court simply on
motion without having to file new complaint every time).
i. ex. Elsinore – K made an innocent clerical error, owner should be put in
status quo, would be unconscionable to hold contractor to mistaken bid.
4. Estate of Nelson v. Rice 2000: Rice bought two paintings for $60 at an estate sale.
Turned out they were worth $1 million.
a. Held: By selling the paintings, the seller assumed the risk they were much more
valuable. (R2nd 154)
5. Stees v. Leonard 1874: P and D enter into K to build a building. Every time
construction rose to the 3rd floor, the whole thing would collapse. D claimed this was b/c
the building was on quicksand.
a. Held: D contacted to “erect and complete the building,” meaning he was bound
to do so no matter what the circumstances.
i. Performance Specification: Requires a contractor to product a specific
result with specifying the means for achieving the result.
ii. Design specification: Specifies the design, materials, and methods, and
impliedly warrants their adequacy.
b. This case embodies older, harsher view, that parties must always perform
agreements they enter into.
c. Defenses:
i. Fundamental defense: Both parties made a mutual mistake as to a matter
that is fundamental to the performance of the contract. Court holds that
anything the person agrees to do, promises to do, the person must do it
no matter what.
ii. 2nd defense: D followed the specifications and they were faulty. Party
agreed fundamentally to just follow the expectations, so it’s not their
fault. While this didn’t work in this case, this can be a successful
defense. Especially true in government contracts
iii. 3rd argument: D said there was a prior agreement that the owner would
excavate the land. Court refused to admit this evidence because of the
parol evidence rule (just like Gianni and Russell). This is a very bad
d. Legal doctrines on behalf of the owner to assist your argument that
rescission is inappropriate:
i. Assumption of risk is a typical response to a claim of mutual mistake.
ii. The argument would be this is the kind of risk that builders assume.
Sometimes construction turns out to be less expensive than anticipated,
and sometimes more. But, agreeing to build a building for $100,000 the
builder assumed that risk.
iii. A common instance of this type of case occurs where the parties knew
that the relevant assumption was doubtful.
6. Brenner (Renner?) v. Kehl 1986: P contracted with D to buy land. P made it clear they
wanted to grow jojoba, D thought their was plenty of water. There wasn’t. Seller’s
appeal award of consequential damages on grounds of mutual mistake:
a. Rule: Absent fraud or misrepresentation, a party who rescinds a K based on
mutual mistake may not recover consequential damages. However, when a party
rescinds on a K on the ground of mutual mistake he is entitled to restitution for
any benefit he has conferred by way of part performance or reliance.
i. Reliance is a slightly more progressive remedy. Sub. 2, Rnd 158.
7. Older test: Mutual mistake was a D if the mistake concerned the “substance” or
“identity” of the K’s subject matter (K was then voidable). If it was only an accident or a
collateral attribute, K was no voidable.
a. Example: K to sell cow both parties believed to be barren. Prior to delivery,
seller realized cow was pregnant, and thus more valuable. Under the older test,
the K would be rescinded b/c the parties made a mutual mistake as to the
substance of the K’s subject matter (cow was a breeding cow rather than a barren
8. Modern Rule: If the K is entered into under a mutual mistake concerning a basic
assumption of the fact, the K is voidable by the adversely affected party if the mistake
has a material effect on the agreed exchange and the adversely affected party did not bear
the risk that the assumption was mistaken.
a. Example: On May 5, seller contracts to sell her famous race horse. The horse
died on May 4, unbeknownst to either party. The K is voidable by the buyer b/c
both parties were mistaken as to a basic assumption that the horse was alive. The
mistake is material.
a fraction of the K price – no nearly enough to declare something is
commercially impractical.
5. Note on Forseeability: Though anticipating a possible turn of events, “the parties may
not have thought it sufficiently important a risk to have made it a subject of their
bargaining.” Should be factor in whether or not the party now claiming the D should
have assumed the risk.
6. Force Majeure Clauses: When, during the negotiation of a K, a party anticipates on a
more evens that it cannot readily prevent and that might impede its performance, it may
introduce this generic term intended to excuse it from performing if the impediment
arises. These clauses must be drafted very carefully.
7. UCC 2-615: Doctrine of Commercial Impracticability.
a. Eastern v. Gulf (our old friends!): Gulf used impracticability D.
b. Held: Ct. thought the events of the oil crisis were reasonably foreseeable, and
the fact it occurred was not an unexpected contingency. Even beyond that, if it
WERE unforeseeable, increased cost alone is not enough. The court can’t even
tell from the evidence if Gulf has experienced any real economic problems.
c. Rules:
i. The unforeseen cost increase that would excuse performance “must be
more than merely onerous or expensive. It must be positively unjust to
hold the parties bound.”
d. Unprofitable does not mean impossible. A mere showing of unprofitability,
without more, will not excuse performance of a K.
8. Typical impracticability subject matter:
a. Supervening prohibition by law (what you contracted to do is now illegal).
b. Death of one party in a personal services K (excuses performance of both
c. Destruction of the subject matter of availability of something in the K (Taylor v.
9. Example: Farmer makes a K with grain elevator to sell his wheat crop. Grain elevator
makes 2nd K with Wheaties to resell the wheat. Draught occurs, no wheat. Is farmer
liable for breach b/c grain elevator had to purchase at a higher price?
a. Farmer’s D: Impossibility of performance or commercial impracticability.
b. Issue for court: Was K for a particular quantity of wheat, or specifically for the
farmer’s wheat.
c. If its for the farmer’s wheat, then performance is impossible and D works. If it is
for a specific quantity, performance is not impossible and then farmer is liable for
1. General Rule: Performance may be excused under the doctrine of frustration where the
purpose or value of the contract has been destroyed (or substantially frustrated) by a
supervening event that was not reasonably foreseeable at the time the K was entered into.
R2d 265
2. Slippery slope – courts reluctant to invoke this D.
3. BUYER’S DEFENSE: This is b/c it is always possible for the buyer to fulfill his
promise to pay, even if he will essentially gain nothing for his money.
4. Krell v. Henry 1903: D paid deposit to P for the use of his apartment so he may watch a
coronation. The King became ill, delaying the coronation. D refused to pay balance, P
sued. D counterclaimed for his money. D wins on frustration of purpose grounds.
a. Rule: Where the object of one of the parties is the basis upon which both parties
contract, the duties of performance are constructively conditioned upon the
attainment of that object.
5. Remedies: In general, any benefit one party has conferred on another will be returned (D
will get his deposit back).
1. UCC 1-102: The Code is to be liberally construed and applied to promote its underlying
purposes and policies:
a. To simplify, clarify, and modernize the law,
b. To permit the continued expansion of commercial practices by validating trade
custom and usage as well as parties’ express agreements,
c. To make the law uniform among the various jurisdictions.
2. Three fundamental principles underline much of Art. II:
a. Good Faith
b. Commercial Reasonableness (pervasive, a part of every merchant’s good faith
c. Facilitation of actual commercial practices through the incorporation of course of
performance, course of dealing, and usage of trade.
i. Course of performance (2-208) – how you and I actually perform under
this K.
ii. Course of dealing (1-205)– how you and I performed under prior K’s.
iii. Usage of trade (1-205)– how others in the industry understand K
3. Good Faith
a. 1-201 (19) Honesty in fact:
i. Subjective Test
ii. No matter how absurd a person’s contention is, if they really believe
their contention is true, they made the assertion in good faith.
b. 1-203: Imposes the obligation of good faith on every party to a transaction
governed by any portion of the UCC.
c. 2-103: Supplements the general UCC Good Faith definition, by stating under
Art. II, Good faith for merchants includes not only honesty in fact, but also the
observance of reasonable commercial standards of fair dealing in the trade.
i. Merchant defined in 2-104.
ii. Can parties get rid of a good faith obligation?
iii. While generally code provisions are variable by agreement, you cannot
disclaim good faith or commercial reasonableness. You can set
standards by which you just good faith, provided that the standards set
forth in the K are not manifestly unreasonable.
4. Nelson v. Union Equity 1977: Court held defendant farmer meets the requirements of
“merchant” definition under 2-104 because he is knowledgeable about the business of
crops, and meets the statutory elements. Because D was a merchant, the oral agreement
confirmed in writing satisfies the Statute of Fraud requirements under 2-201 and
therefore must pay damages for breach.
a. 2-104 A person is a merchant if:
i. They deal in goods of the kind, OR
ii. By his occupation he holds himself out as having knowledge or skill
peculiar to the practices involved in the transaction
1. SUPERMERCHANT: You have to be a merchant by the goods
prong of merchant (i.e. Blockhead (wiglet case): D was a
merchant, not because he had ever made wiglet cases, but
because the “goods” he dealt with were blow-molded items).
Look for the broadest definition of the goods you are talking
about (i.e.
iii. Cmt.2: For purposes of dealing with the statute of frauds (2-201), firm
offers, confirmations, and modifications, a merchant is deemed to be
almost every person in business (even a university). Mooney thinks the
merchant standard should be held to someone who answers his mail.
iv. For purposes of 2-314 (implied warranty of merchantability) or cases of
merchant good-faith (2-103), they are talking about supermerchants.
b. Merchants (lower level): When the code says merchants or between merchants,
this is what they mean.
c. Merchant who deals in goods of this kind is a supermerchant (higher level).
d. Courts are widely split on whether farmers are merchants under the UCC.
1. UCC 2-102 states the general rule that Article Two applies to “transactions of goods.”
a. This applies to all transactions and goods, not just those by merchants.
b. Only Super-merchants make merchantability warranties, only they can transfer
an entrusters title in an ordinary course of business, but a code GENERALLY
applies to everyone (Joe Schmo sells Jack Black his golf club)
2. 2-105(1): Defines “goods” as all things…movable at the time of identification to the K
other than money, investment securities, and things in actions.
3. Anthony Pools v. Sheehan 1983: P built a pool for D, which D claims had a defective
diving board. The K between the parties had been a hybrid transaction, meaning part
goods and part services.
a. Predominant purpose test: Whether the predominant factor is a transaction of a
sale of goods with labor incidentally involved or vice versa.
b. Gravamen test: Whether the reason for the breach is directly related to the fault
of the service or the fault of the good.
c. Policy considerations: If the test results in classifying the transaction as a K for
services there would be no UCC based, implied warranties on the diving board
and this would be contrary to the legislative policy. §2-316 (1) declares a seller
of consumer goods may not contractually disclaim implied warranties.
i. Holding: K in goods, implied warranty applies. 2-316: Two
functions: 1) This is a K in goods, and the implied warranty applies, 2)
knocks down disclaimers on implied warranties.
o A “unilateral” K may be accepted by a mere promise to perform the requested
o Under certain circumstances an option K is enforceable without separate
consideration. UCC 2-205.
o 2-204 still requires an agreement of a meeting of the minds between the
negotiating parties.
4. Mirror Image Rule: Unjust results:
o Sometimes permits a party to renege entirely on an agreement, on the ground that
the K documents did not match exactly
o “Last shot doctrine” gave the party sending the last communication sole control
over the K terms (receiving it would infer acceptance). This permitted sellers to
disclaim all warranties with accompanying invoices.
5. UCC 2-207: Eliminates the mirror-image rule. (KNOW 2-207 – TESTED HEAVILY)
6. Three routes to K formation under UCC 2-207:
a. A definite and seasonable expression of acceptance.
b. Written confirmation sent within a reasonable time.
c. Conduct by both parties which recognizes the existence of a K is sufficient to
establish a K for sale although the writings of the parties do not otherwise
establish a K.
7. Conditional Nature of the assent must be “directly and distinctly stated or expressed
rather than implied or left to inference.”
a. Does UCC 2-207 apply to “different” as well as “additional terms? Courts and
commentators disagree.
8. Diamond Fruit Growers, Inc. v. Krack Corporation 1986: KC manufactured cooling
units that contained steel tubing. Bought its tubing from DFG for 10 years. KC would
send a purchase order, and DFG would send back an acknowledgement that included a
disclaimer for all liability. P sued KC for a leaking cooling unit. KC brought 3rd party
suit against DFG.
a. Held: Because KC’s conduct did not indicate unequivocally that KC intended to
assent to DFG’s terms, their conduct did not amount to the assent contemplated
by 2-207.
b. Reasoning: Public policy of the Oregon’s adoption dictates that the last-shot
rule is to be abolished. The section is to be interpreted so as to give neither party
to a K an advantage simply because it happened to send the first, or in this case,
the last form. UCC 2-207 was designed to abolish that rule, and to allow D2’s
argument to prevail, though it is compelling, would go against public policy.
1. UCC 2-201: A K for the sale of goods for the price of $500 or more is not enforceable
by way of action or defense unless there is some writing sufficient to indicate that a K for
sale has been made between the parties and signed by the party against whom
enforcement is sought or by his authorized agent or broker.
2. UCC drafters concluded the benefits requiring a writing would outweigh the detriments.
a. Contributes to the business habit of requiring a writing.
b. Prevents fraud by deliberate overreaching.
c. Prevents innocent mistakes.
3. All the UCC requires for enforcement is that a writing provide “a basis for believing
that the offered oral evidence rests on a real transaction.”
4. UCC 2-201 dispenses entirely with the writing requirement in four types of situations:
a. Between merchants, if a confirmation is received within a reasonable time and is
sufficient against the sender, it is also sufficient against the party receiving it,
unless that party objects within 10 days.
b. When a seller has mad a substantially beginning in the manufacture of “specially
manufactured” goods, or has committed itself to buy goods from a 3rd party, it
may enforce an oral K for them if it cannot resell them in an ordinary course of
c. If a party judicially admits the existence of the alleged K (pleading, pre-trial
discovery, or in live testimony), she may be held to it. UCC 2-201(3)(b).
d. To the extent that the seller has received and accepted payment, or the buyer has
received and accepted the goods, the Statute is no bar. UCC 2-201(3)(c).
i. Generally, however, partial payment of acceptance does not remove the
entire K from the Statute, only the portion paid for or accepted.
a. Must evidence an existing K.
b. Must be signed (1-201(39)) – any name, mark, or symbol adopted with the
intention to authentic a document.
c. Writing must specify a quantity (though not necessarily a price) – this is because
a court can always find a price out of the market price.
6. Comment 1 – indicates which was the court is to tilt.
7. Sub. (2)- Farmer case….a writing good against the person who sends it is good against
the person receiving it if they don’t object.
8. Distribu-Dor, Inc. v. Karadanis, 1970: Sale of certain mirrors and tub and shower
enclosures for Tahoe Inn. Tub enclosures not specially manufactured, but mirrors and
shower enclosures are spec. manufactured..
a. Held: An express K existed for the sale of the mirrors, recovery for breach of
which, under UCC 2-201 3(a), is not barred by the statute of frauds.
b. Reasoning: This was a K for specially manufactured goods, not suitable for
resale in the ordinary courts of the seller’s business, and the seller had already
started in the manufacture of the attempt to procure the goods.
c. Tub enclosures: Court found these enclosures did not fall under the specially
manufactured exception – but once a part of a K is taken out of the statute by
3(a), then the whole K will be taken out.
i. 3(c) contemplates that only the goods which have been accepted, or for
which payment has been made.
ii. But, 2-201 3(a) has different language – if the goods have BEGUN to be
manufactured, the statute of frauds defense is lost. Therefore, 3(a) is an
all or nothing deal.
9. In all of these cases, there are two distinct defenses:
a. I never entered into a K – never considered myself bound, etc.
b. Even if we did enter into the K, there was no objective meeting of the
minds…the K is unenforceable because there is no signed writing.
1. UCC 2-202: A writing intended by the parties as a final expression of all or part of their
agreement may not be contradicted by evidence of any prior agreement or of a
contemporaneous oral agreement; however, such a writing may be “explained or
a. by the course of dealing, usage of trade, or performance,
b. where it is only a partial integration (i.e. not intended as a “complete and
exclusive” statement of the parties agreement), by evidence of consistent
additional terms.
2. By and large, the UCC analysis is virtually identical to the common law analysis:
a. Is the writing integrated?
b. Is it integrated in whole or in part?
c. If its not, the rule doesn’t apply.
d. If it integrated completely (enforceable understandable merger clause, for
example), then Subsection A says it can still be explained or supplemented (by
course of dealing or usage of trade or course of performance). In addition, under
2-203 (supplementary principles of law and equity), the 2-214 evidence can come
in (evidence of fraud, duress, mistake, etc).
e. If it is a partial integration – parties intended this is as a final, if not complete
statement – then consistent additional terms can be introduced, Subsection B.
3. Snyder v. Herbert Greenbaum & Associates: Contract for carpet and installation. 3
a. Whether D was entitled to rescind the K b/c P has misrepresented a material fact,
which D relied on in forming the K. (held – no – estimate was not a fact, but an
b. Whether court should have allowed into evidence certain documents as proof of a
prior oral agreement that all K’s between the parties could be cancelled
unilaterally prior to performance. (held – no – this clause would have been
written into the K, K was a complete integration). Mooney thinks this is a shaky
c. Whether damages should be 2-708(2) – lost profits – or 2-708(1) – K/market
differential formula. (2-708(2)) is appropriate b/c P may be a lost volume seller,
and part of the K is for services, so he may not otherwise recover for those
services). Mooney likes this assessment.
4. Additional class notes:
a. 2-107: Helps draw the line between goods and real estate.
i. The code only applies to goods. Well, what about minerals in a mind, or
standing timber? Are those goods?
ii. Certain kinds of things are goods if they seller severs something and
turns it over. If they buyer has to sever something, it is reality (i.e. if the
seller chops down the tress, it’s a good, if the seller does it, it’s realty).
b. 2-205: In some contexts, it reverses the rule of Dickensen v. Dodds: An offer by
a merchant in a signed writing that says it will remain open for a period of time,
does remain open even without separate consideration. (Firm offers)
c. 2-207: Additional terms in offer and acceptance.
d. 2-209(1): A modification does not need consideration to be binding. These
modifications need to be made in good faith to be enforceable. 1-103: Duress
argument against it.
i. Oral modifications are ok, unless it falls under the statute of frauds, or is
not made in good faith.
ii. A modification, if it fails for either of these two things, a modification
can operate as a waiver (i.e. agreeing to a modification can be considered
a waiver of a written no oral modification clause).
e. 2-210: (1) is most important part – a party may DELEGATE its duty unless the
other party has a substantial interest in performance by that party itself.
(Virtually identically to the Restatement section on delegation). (2) A party may
assign a right unless doing so would materially change the duty of the other
party, or increase materially the burden or risk imposed on him by his contract, or
impair materially his chance of maintaining a return performance.
1. “Gap Filler” Provisions: Express agreements often include common omissions such as
K duration, payment, delivery date, and price.
a. UCC 2-204(3): “Even though one or more items are left open a K for sale does
not fail for indefiniteness if the parties have intended to make a K and there is a
reasonably certain basis for giving an appropriate remedy.
b. 2-305: When parties fail to agree of price, 2-305 provides one.
i. How do we know there is a K when the price term is missing?
ii. Intent of the parties. (1) Parties if they so intent can conclude a K for sale
even though the price is not settled.
iii. (3): When a price left to be fixed otherwise than by agreement of the
parties fails to be fixed through fault of one party the other may at his
option treat the K as cancelled or himself fix a reasonable price.
c. UCC 2-306(1): No quantity unreasonably disproportionate to any stated estimate
or in the absence of a stated estimate to any normal or otherwise comparable
prior output or requirements may be tendered or demanded.
i. An outputs seller may not tender an unreasonably disproportionate
quantity (outputs contracts), and a requirements buyer may not
demand an unreasonably disproportionate quantity (requirements
ii. Reasoning: No great hardship on the seller to give her whole output to
the buyer. This protects the buyer in an output K from having huge
amounts dumped on him.
d. UCC 2-306(2): Best efforts requirements for exclusivity requirements.
e. 2-311 states that, unless otherwise agreed, the buyer has the right to specify the
assortment of goods.
f. 3-308 (a): Unless otherwise agreed the place for delivery of the goods is the
seller’s place of business or if he has none, his residence.
g. 2-309: Termination of a K by one party requires that reasonable notification be
received by the other party. Hamilton v. Delta
h. 2-307-2-310: Requires parties to comply with ordinary, reasonable commercial
i. 310(a): Buyer pays where buyer receives shipment.
1. Need to understand difference between delivery and receipt. A
party receives goods when the party actually touches them (they
arrive). A delivery depends on the term of the K, usually when
the seller gives the goods to a carrier.
i. When a party asserts a “gap filler” claim, other party may raise defense of trade
usage, course of dealing, or course of performance.
j. 2-311: K does not fail for definiteness when a party can specify certain
particulars for performance (argument used in Fairmount Glass).
2. Hamilton Tailoring Co. v. Delta Airlines, Inc. 1974: P contracted with D to make all of
their uniforms (requirements K – i.e. Eastern v. Gulf). D changed their uniforms, and
gave P a year notice that they would not longer buy from them.
a. Court held that the notification was not reasonable under 2-309(3). There was
little, if any chance, that P could obtain a substitute agreement in that time, plus
D kept ordering shorter uniforms and canceling orders.
b. Trade usage can be introduced under 2-309, cmt. 1 to show agreement for time.
P used trade usage here to show that in the uniform industry, it is customary for
the customer to make a settlement wit the manufacturer on a reasonable basis for
the leftover inventory at hand.
3. Feld v. Henry 1975: P contracted with D to sell bread crumbs. Provision of right to
cancel with 6 month notice. It became unprofitable for D, so he said he’d continue if P
would give 1 cent more a pound. P refused, D dismantled machine.
a. Issue: Whether the outputs K carried an implication that the seller has to
continue its business throughout the term of the K, or may it cease production.
b. Holding: Under 2-306, an outputs seller has a good faith obligation to continue
to have output, but that’s all.
c. Who is going to win on remand? Probably the P buyer, because (1) the K did
contain a 6 month termination provision, therefore the seller is not locked in
forever, (2) the seller’s failed effort to extract a price increase.
4. Output or requirements contract: Feld v. Henry S. Levy & Sons
a. Seller has good faith obligation
b. Buyer did not give up right to buy elsewhere.
c. 2-306(1)
d. The party the statutory language is seeking to protect is the buyer. The seller has
the good faith obligation to continue (producing bread crumbs) in this case.
Buyer already has obligation under K to buy those bread crumbs.
5. Exclusive dealing K: Wood v. Lucy Lady Duff Gordon
a. Seller gives up right to sell elsewhere.
b. Buyer must use best efforts (in this case, to market Lucy’s fashions.
c. 2-306(2).
d. Comparable to requirements K - statute attempts to protect seller. Places on
buyer an obligation to operate in good faith.
6. Requirements K: Eastern v. Gulf, Hamilton v. Delta
a. Seller did not give up right to sell elsewhere
b. Buyer must purchase in good faith
b. Implied:
i. Merchantability (UCC 2-314)
1. (1) applied into every sale of goods by a “merchant with respect
to goods of that kind.”
ii. Fitness for a particular purpose (UCC 2-315)
1. Arises when a seller had reason to know of a buyer’s particular
purpose for the goods AND hat the buyer is relying on the
seller’s skill or judgment to select the goods.
2. One important rationale for imposing implied warranties on
certain sellers is the likelihood that parties themselves, had they
considered such terms, would have included them in their
5. Keith v. Buchanan 1985: P purchased boat from D, after seeing brochures claming it
was seaworthy. P had own friends look at it, who pronounced it seaworthy as well.
Turned out it wasn’t seaworthy. Held:
a. The representations regarding seaworthiness in the brochure were affirmations of
fact relating to the quality or condition of the vessel. This created an express
b. The representations regarding seaworthiness were part of the basis of this bargain
(old rule was that buyer had to rely on seller’s warranties).
c. There was no implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose because P did
not rely on the skill and judgment of D in selecting a suitable boat, but relied on
his friends.
6. Rules:
a. Fact/Opinion: Statements made by a seller during the course of negotiation over
a K are presumptively affirmations of fact unless it can be demonstrated that the
buyer could only have reasonably considered the statement as a statement of the
seller’s opinion.
i. Factors that indicate opinion are: (1) lack of specificity in the statement
made, (2) statement made in unequivocal manner, (3) statement which
reveals the goods are experimental in nature.
b. Reliance: The buyer’s demonstration of reliance on an express warranty is not a
prerequisite for breach of warranty, as long as the express warranty involved
became part of the bargain.
i. Reliance is not altogether dead – some states interpret the UCC to follow
the Uniform Sales Act which required the buyer to rely upon the seller’s
7. Express warranties 2-313, five issues:
a. Whether seller has actually made a warranty, “puffing” is a defense.
b. Reliance (see above)
c. Privity (2-318)
d. 2-316(1): Express warranties cannot be disclaimed.
i. Cmt. 1: The disclaimer drops out when the disclaimer is inconsistent
with the express warranty.
ii. Autzen v. John Taylor Lumber Sales (note case): Buyer is not
completely barred from recovering if express warranty happens after the
K, it is just extremely difficult.
e. Watch for merger clause – seller may make an oral express warranty, but exclude
it through written merger clause in K.
8. Warranty v. “Puffing”
a. Whether the representations compared goods to other goods
b. The specificity of the representations
c. Whether they related to the goods’ quality
d. Whether they were “hedged”
e. Whether the goods were experimental
f. The buyer’s actual or imputed knowledge of the goods’ condition
g. The nature of the claimed defect
h. Whether the statement was written or oral.
9. Barton v. Tra-Mo, Inc., 1984: P purchased tanks from D after seeing models. 2-
313(1)(c) states that an express warranty is created when a sample or model is made as
part of the basis of the bargain, leading the purchaser to believe that the entire order will
conform. D tried to argue that the items were not really models, but the court thought
they were retarded. P wins for breach of express warranty by model.
10. Sample v. Model
a. Sample: Actually drawn from the bulk of the goods which is the subject matter
for the sale.
b. Model: Offered for inspection when the subject matter is not at hand and which
has not been drawn from the bulk of goods.
11. Blockhead, Inc. v. Plastic Forming Company, Inc. 1975: P buyer was experienced in
plastics and the wig case industry. P rejected improvements and approved models and
a. Warranty of Fitness: No 2-315 warranty in this case. An implied warranty of
fitness for a particular purpose did not occur because the warranty depends upon
the relative skill, knowledge, and experience of the two parties. Only happens
when buyer goes to seller asking them to select everything.
b. Warranty of Merchantability: No breach of warranty of merchantability
because it was effectively disclaimed. 2-316(3)(b) if a buyer examines the goods
or has an opportunity to and fails, there is no implied warranty in case of any
defects coming up after inspection.
c. Subsidiary issue: Whether or not the D qualifies as a supermerchant for
purposes of 2-314?. D argues that he was not because he had never made wiglet
cases before, but the court holds that he is an expert in plastics.
12. Valley Iron & Steel Co v. Thorin: D asked P to make iron collars. P said they could,
and indicated they would have to be made out of a strong material in case they hit rock.
D bought a whole bunch, and 80% of them broke. D declined to pay. P sued for
restitution (value of benefit of goods provided), D’s defenses were breach of implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness.
a. Warranty of Merchantability: P breached, because he was a merchant
(merchant of products of similar metals, even if they have never made the
collars) – for determining who is a supermerchant, need a broad definition of the
b. Warranty of Fitness: P breached. When you have specially manufactured
goods, the ordinary purpose of such goods may be equivalent to their particular
purpose for purposes of warranty. Crucial judgment turned on seller saying,
“well, these might hit rock, so they need to be made of strong material.” Buyer
made intended purpose known, material was left to the discretion of the seller.
c. Interesting 3rd issue: Trial court found the buyer was at fault somehow.
Appellate court gently points out that fault is irrelevant in most warranty
13. Delano Grower’s Cooperative Winery v. Supreme Court Wine Co., Inc. Rotten sweet
wine case.
a. Was a breach of merchantability warranty here (8000 cases of sweet wine were
b. 2-208 – interesting statutory argument: Even if there had been a trade usage that
buyers of this wine should add sulfur, these parties course of dealing would
trump this trade usage.
c. 2-607(3) – Introduction into notion that a typically seller’s D is that buyer did not
give notice of alleged breach of warranty in required reasonable time.
d. 2-308 – Buyer’s supreme effectively revoked its acceptance of the 8000 cases, so
it was no longer responsible for the K price.
a. Is the seller a supermerchant? Does he deal in goods of this kind? 2-104.
b. Are the goods merchantable under 2-134(2)? This is never an easy
determination (“fair average quality, pass without objection into trade”).
c. Did seller breach warranty of merchantability?
d. Is the item being used for its ordinary purposes, or for a particular purpose? Is
item specially manufactured (there, its ordinary purpose is its particular
purpose)? Warranty of fitness 2-315.
e. Did seller breach warranty of fitness?
f. What defenses are available?
i. Warranty disclaimer 2-316? Was it conspicuous? Remember, can’t
disclaim an express warranty under sub. 1.
ii. Remedy limitation 2-719? Will warranty fail of its essential purpose if
this is enforced.
iii. Trade usage (2-208)? Can buyer come back with course of dealing
response (such as in Delano)?
iv. 2-607(3): Did buyer give effective notice of the alleged breach in
required reasonable time?
g. Damages: Formula A: Loss in value (K price) – Cost Avoided
referring to terms and conditions on reverse side. Also has a clause the limited remedies
to incidental and consequential damages.
a. Held: Disclaimer of implied warranties was inconspicuous, as well as
misleading. 1-201(10) – defines conspicuous.
i. Rule: A term is conspicuous when it is “so written that a reasonable
person against whom it is to operate ought to have noticed
it…language in the body of a form is conspicuous if it is in large or
other contrasting type or color.”
b. Held: Remedy limitation is not enforceable b/c it is unconscionable (2-719(3),
i. A clause in a K is considered unconscionable and unenforceable if there
is “an absence of meaning choice on the part of one of the parties
together with K terms which are unreasonably favorable to the other
party. (Skelley Wright – from William’s and Walker Thomas…..most oft
repeated description of unconscionability).
6. These cases are a-typical. Generally, warranty disclaimers challenged as inconspicuous
will be upheld, and less that 10% conclude on facts before them that K provisions are not
7. Review 2-316(3)(a)-(c): Prob,6, pg. 164 – review for test.
8. Cox v. Lewiston Grain Growers, Inc., 1997: The seeds that failed to germinate.
a. Held: Warranty disclaimer is unenforceable.
i. The rule states that disclaimers are disfavored in the law and ineffectual
unless specifically negotiated between the buyer and seller. (The “Berg)
rule. The Berg rule should apply due to the specific requirements of the
sale. No negotiations occurred regarding the disclaimer or exclusionary
clause contained in the delivery ticket.
b. Held: The exclusionary clause was unconscionable.
i. In determining conscionability the court must consider:
1. The manner in which the K was entered (formation)
2. Whether the parties had a reasonable opportunity to
understand the terms of the K, and
3. Whether important terms were hidden in fine print.
c. Held: Insurance payments could not reduce the damages award against D.
i. Rule for Collateral Source: Payments received by the injured party
from a source independent of the tortfeasor will not reduce recoverable
damages by the tortfeasor.
9. 9. A progressive minority of courts not that UCC 2-316(2) applies to either exclusion or
modification of the merchantability warranty, and so require both warranty disclaimers
and remedy limitations to be in writing and conspicuous.
a. A majority of court will enforce an inconspicuous remedy limitation.
10. What attack can a buyer make on a remedy limitation under 719(3)
a. Unconscionability
b. This court concluded that the remedy limitation on these facts, even though it is a
commercial case, is unconscionable. (Cox)
11. Issue of limited remedies must often arises in cases of repair or replace.
a. If you’ve taken your car back time and time again to have the steering wheel
fixed and it doesn’t work, you have a pretty good argument that the remedy has
failed of its essential purpose. Therefore, the remedy should be to replace the
car or give you compensation for having to drive a car with a broken steering
b. In this case, the court decided that the remedy limitation in the delivery ticket
fails of its essential purpose because it deprives buyer of a substantial value of its
1. UCC 2-607(3) requires that a buyer notify the seller of any alleged warranty “within
a reasonable time.”
a. Comment 4 allows a retail consumer somewhat more time to notify, but for a
merchant a reasonable time may by very short indeed (some courts say 10 days
for perishable products).
b. Notice given immediately upon discovery of breach ordinarily satisfies the
c. Manner and content can be important – oral notice is ordinarily sufficient, may
have to specify “breach.”
d. Occasionally, direct notice from buyer to seller is not required at all: When seller
has actual knowledge of the defect of the particular product, or is deemed to have
been reasonably notified by the filing of the buyer’s complaint.
2. Warranty and Restatement of Torts: A careful attorney in product liability cases will
join a warranty claim with claims for negligence and SL, perhaps to avoid either a statute
of limitations defense or the “economic loss” doctrine (many courts bar tort recovery for
mere economic loss, as opposed to PJ or property damage).
3. Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act of 1975 requires that every consumer goods seller
making a written warranty disclose that warranty fully and conspicuously in simply and
readily understood language. It does not, however, compel a seller to make a written
warranty. If a seller DOES make one, whether full or limited, it may not disclaim any
implied warranty (if it only makes a limited warranty, it may restrict the duration of the
implied warranties).
4. 2 kinds of cases when filing the lawsuit satisfies notice:
a. When seller has actual knowledge of the problem.
b. If it is a consumer sale that has resulted in PI.
5. When considering if buyer gave adequate notice for breach, think about:
a. Prejudice test: Would the seller been able to fix the problem if they had found out
earlier, has the car been driven too much to recognize the problem, etc.
b. Effective policy argument: Even if we had given notice two weeks earlier, it
wouldn’t have mattered.
c. If consumer is actually a merchant (i.e. using a car for business purposes, getting
tax breaks), that person should be held to a higher standard.
1. At CL, and under the Uniform Sales Act, risk of loss or destruction typically rested o the
party holding “title” to the goods when casualty occurred.
2. Under the UCC, risk of loss rules are both more flexible and more functional.
a. In general, the UCC places risk of loss on the party most likely to take
precautions against loss (usually the one with possession or control of the goods
or the one most likely to insure.
b. 2-509 (Risk of loss absent a breach), 2-510 (Effect of breach on risk of loss)
3. Insurable Interest Under the Code
a. Under UCC 2-501, buyer obtains insurable interest in goods upon their
“indentification” to the contract. At that point, they buyer may insure the goods
(even if its long before delivery)
4. Types of Delivery Terms (2-309, 2-320)
a. Shipment contract – free on board (FOB), place of shipment
i. Under a shipment K, the buyer pays the shipment cost and the risk
passess to the buyer when the goods are duly delivered to the carrier
b. Destination contract – FOB place of destination
i. The seller pays the shipment cost, and the risk does not pass to the buyer
until the goods are “duly so tendered at the destination as to enable the
buyer to take delivery.”
c. C.I.F. and C. & F Terms:
i. CIF: price includes in a lump sum the cost of goods and the insurance
and freight to the named destination. C&F: Price inc. cost and freight to
the named desination.
d. Examples.
i. FOB seller’s plant: Risk passes when goods go into carrier’s hands.
(Shipment K).
ii. FOB buyer’s plant: Risk passes when goods are duly so tendered at the
destination as to enable buyer to make a delivery. (Destination K).
iii. FAS USS Iowa, Portland, OR: Shipment K. [319(2)] – goods delivered
alongside the vessel.
iv. FAS RR car at seller’s plant: Inside the RR car.???
v. CIF Buyer’s plant: Shipment K, don’t be misled by the term “buyer.”
[2-320, cmt 1)
vi. Ship to buyer’s plant: Shipment K [2-503, cmt. 5 – ambiguous terms].
vii. No delivery term: Not explicitly a destination K, code preference for
shipment K when there are ambiguous terms.
5. Windows Inc., v. Jordan Panel Systems Corp. 1999: Contract for specially made
window, to be “shipped to NYC.”
a. Appellate court held the buyer had assumed the risk of the loss because of the
ambiguous terms in the K.
i. The K must expressly specify a particular form of shipment. There is a
strong preference for shipment K’s, so if you want it to be another type
of contract, you have to have specific terms (such as FOB seller’s place),
or some other terms that say the seller will assume the risk until the
goods are in the seller’s hands.
ii. Just specifying the address of where to be shipped does not do this.
6. Cook Specialty Company v. Schrlock 1991: Press brake fell out of truck during
shipping. Insurance purchased by seller was not adequate to cover cost.
a. Goods are being transmitted to the buyer by common carrier, so it is a 2-
i. This is FOB place of shipment, so this is a shipment K.
ii. Where does it seems as though the risk of loss is going to be?
o Buyer (once item is in carrier’s hands).
b. Buyer’s 2nd argument about why it shouldn’t bear the risk:
i. 2-504: In a shipment K where the risk of transit will be on the buyer, the
seller has certain obligations towards the goods…particularly obligations
having to do with the K it makes with the carrier.
ii. Because the seller breached its 504 obligation, risk remains on the seller
c. Issue boils down to whether or not the seller made a proper K under 2-504?
i. Court found that the seller made an adequate K.
ii. Risk, therefore, was on the buyer when the item was damaged.
d. 2-504, cmt. 3 states that it is improper for the seller in a shipment K to agree to
an inadequate insurance. Why did the court find the insurance to be proper?
i. It is NOT improper for the seller to fail to investigate the extent of the
ii. Here, the seller did not agree to a $5000 policy, it simply failed to
investigate the insurance.
7. Bill of lading – receipt (“document of title” -warehouse receipt is also a document of
title) indicating what the goods are, the consignor of the goods, where they are supposed
to be delivered, etc.
8. Jason’s Foods, Inc. v. Peter Eckrich & Sons, Inc 1985: Fire in warehouse that burned
all of D’s ribs. P transferred the ribs on 1/13, bailee clerk mailed receipt to D on 1/17 or
1/18. D received receipt on 1/24. Ribs burned on 1/17. Court held risk of loss had not
passed b/c acknowledge of the bailee of the buyer’s right of possession occurs when the
acknowledgement has been given to the buyer (509(2)(b)).
a. Court reasons by saying this was the intent of the drafters of the UCC, because
otherwise the code does not explicitly say that the acknowledge has to be to the
9. Schock v. Ronderos: Mobile homes case. Risk had passed to buyer b/c they had
prepped the home for removal.
a. 2-509(3) case: Appellate court affirmed that the risk was on the buyer, because
the seller was not a merchant. Risk passed to buyer on TENDER of delivery.
b. Tender of delivery occurred on payment for and acceptance of the mobile home.
Sellers had disconnected the electricity and prepared the mobile home to be
moved. Their failure to remove the sofa and piano did not result in an
uncompleted tender of delivery.
c. Side note: Seller cannot be a bailee.
10. 2-510: Effect of breach on risk of loss
a. 2-510 shifts risk of loss to breaching party, who but-for the breach would not
have had the risk of loss.
b. 2-510 (1): If tender or delivery of goods so fails to conform to the K as to give a
right of rejection, the risk of their loss remains on the seller until cure or
c. SIDE NOTE: Wild card of negligence here and in a lot of cases. Even if a party
bears the risk of loss through 2-309 or 2-510, if that party can show that the other
party’s negligence caused the damage, then negligence will trump the risk of
11. Wilke v. Cummins Diesel Engines, 1969: Government generator case. Delivered it
way before due, did not run specified field tests. Did not constitute and effective
delivery, risk of loss remained on seller.
a. The delivery of the generator to the job sit, while identifying the goods to the K,
did not amount to a delivery of the goods or the performance of obligations
conforming to the K.
b. UCC 2-206(2) provides that “goods or conduct including any part of a
performance are “conforming” or conform to a K when they are in accordance
with the obligation under the K.” Non-conformity cannot be viewed as a
question of the quantity and quality of goods along, but of the performance of the
totality of the seller’s contractual undertaking.
c. Mooney thinks this should be a 2-509 (3) case: Seller was a merchant and
hadn’t officially delivered the goods yet (“this is my baby”) T here is also
possible negligence overlay for both parties (trumps UCC Risk of loss). Also,
there is not actual breach b/c under 2-607 the buyer has not given adequate notice
of breach.
12. Muliplastics, Inc. v. Arch Industries, Inc 1974: P and D contracted for P to make
pellets for D. D refused to release purchase orders. P continued to house the goods from
8/20-9/22. There was a fire, and the goods were destroyed.
a. Under 2-510(3): Risk passes to the breaching buyer for a reasonable time.
b. There was a breach, and 8/20-9/22 was a reasonable time.
c. 2-709(1): Seller is entitled to recover K price.
d. Subrogation also an issue here.
i. HYPO: B owes S the price of the destroyed goods under 2-709
(Multiplastics). 2-709 says one instance in which the buyer has to pay
the price is when the goods have been lost or destroyed after risk of loss
has passed (reasonable time).
1. What if seller is insured, and the insurance company pays the
buyer’s obligation to the seller. Can the insurance company use
subrogation to step into seller’s shoes and have a COA against
2. No, in cannot. 2-510, cmt. 3 says that the rules of (2), (3), that
shift risk of loss only to the extent of insurance deficiency (of the
other party), are not intended to be disturbed by subrogation
2-507(1): Delivery is a condition to the buyer’s duty to accept the goods and, unless otherwise
agreed, to his duty to pay for them.
2-511(1): Tender of payment is, unless otherwise agreed, a condition to the seller’s duty to
tender and complete any delivery.
• Comment 2 says explicitly these are concurrent conditions
• Practical effect: Neither party may sue for breach without properly tendering his own
• Check bounces = no payment 2-511(3)
d. In some cases, acceptance can be revoked – but the standard is stricter than for
initial rejection. 2-608.
e. Payment required BEFORE inspection does not constitute an acceptance of
goods or impair the buyer’s right to inspect or any of his remedies. 2-512(2).
i. Even if buyer relinquishes pre-payment inspection right, the buyer
can still reject the goods after payment (2-601) (question is just who
will be plaintiff in the lawsuit).
2. Buyer’s Right to Reject
a. 2-601: If the goods or the tender of delivery fail in any respect to conform to the
K, the buyer may reject.
i. This differs from CL, there is no substantial performance doctrine
(Jacob & Kent v. Young). This is a nearly perfect performance.
ii. 2-103: There is a good faith obligation to perform
iii. 2-508: Seller’s right to cure.
iv. 2-612: A buyer may not reject a shipment under an installment K unless
the non-conformity “substantially impairs” its value.
v. 2-504: Obligation of seller in the shipment K to make an adequate K to
the carrier. Buyer may reject the goods ONLY if material loss or delay
ensues – the fact that the seller did not insure does not allow seller to
reject the goods without material loss.
b. Limitations:
i. Good-faith obligation: UCC 1-201(19), 1-203 (cmt. 19), 2-103.
ii. Subject to the provisions of 2-612, which provides that a buyer may not
reject a shipment under an installment K unless the non-conformity
“substantially impairs” its value.
iii. A buyer may not reject goods if (1) it already accepted them, or (2) the
seller has a right to cure non-conformity. 2-607, 2-508.
3. International Commodities Export Corp. v. North Pacific Lumber Co. 1991: Moldy
beans case. Buyer attempted to reject goods 9 months after receipt.
a. Buyer could not reject the goods because they had accepted them. They accepted
them in three ways:
i. After an opportunity to accept signified acceptance of the goods. Said
they would retain them despite non-conformity and would try to sell
ii. Failed to make an effective rejection of the goods (2-606(2)).
iii. Buyer exercised dominion over them. It tried and ultimately did resell
these beans
b. What is the most important legal effect of the buyer’s accepting the goods?
i. Once the buyer accepts the goods, under 2-607, it bears the burden of
establishing that the tender was defective at the time risk passed.
ii. If the seller DID breach, the aggrieved buyer has to keep the goods, but
can sue for breach – Value of good beans minus the value of moldy
4. Bowen v. Foust 1996: Heating and cooling unit case. P pled that after paying D the
agreed sum, they discovered that the equipment D installed was not the equipment
specified in the bid and did not work.
a. Buyer revoked its acceptance under 2-608.
b. Court accepted that P acted quickly upon discovery of non-conformity.
c. Buyer has right to throw goods back on seller by revocation of acceptance and
recover money (2-711).
d. Seller claims they wanted to cure under 2-508, but ct. held that seller never
offered to cure.
e. Side note: Argument in response from the seller saying “it’s too late” to revoke:
Doesn’t matter…it would not have changed anything if we had started this suit
from day 1: No prejudice on the seller (goods would not have decomposed or
been overused).
5. Zabriskie Chervrolet, Inc. v. Smith 1968: Lemon car case.
a. Right to cure is not limitless. 2-508 Court held that attempted cure in this case
was ineffective. Seller will not be allowed to force the deal onto the buyer by
forcing the new transmission. Buyer’s confidence is shattered and a reasonable
buyer would not want to proceed with the transaction.
6. Right to cure 2-508 analysis: Two issues:
a. Does seller have a right to cure?
b. If so, what constitutes an effective cure?
1. Buyer’s Acceptance of the Goods, UCC 2-606(1) provides that acceptance occurs
a. After a reasonable time to inspect, the buyer signifies acceptance to the seller,
b. The buyer fails to make an effective rejection, or
c. The buyer does any act inconsistent with the seller’s ownership.
i. Buyer can still sue for damages under 2-714, even if they are stuck with
the goods.
ii. Auction – moving from auction yard to own house constitutes
acceptance. Miron v. Yonkers Raceway.
2. Buyer’s Revocation of Acceptance
a. Upon acceptance, a buyer loses its right to reject. UCC 2-607
b. However, it may still revoke its acceptance, and following an effective
revocation it has approximately the same rights and duties as if it had rejected. 2-
c. 2-608 Requires that:
i. The non-conformity “substantially impairs” the value of the goods and
ii. The buyer accepted the goods either (a) without discovering the defect
because discovery was difficult or (b) assuming reasonably, but
incorrectly, that the seller would cure the defect.
d. Revocation must occur within a reasonable time, as described in sub. 2.
3. 2-605: Under some circumstances, a rejecting buyer has an obligation to specify what it
thinks is wrong with the goods
4. Kesner v. Lancaster: K to sell a tractor. Seller assured buyer that the equipment was in
good shape. Seller gave cursory inspection, seemed fine. Turned out the tractor was
defective. The tractor needed a lot of repairs. P had successful revoked because the
defect substantially impaired the value of the goods under 608.
a. No perfect tender rule with revocation, you have to find substantial impairment.
b. Buyer has to show substantial impairment, has to accept goods without discovery
of the defect, and revocation has to be within a reasonable time (608 allows more
time than 601).
5. 2-610: Anticipatory repudiation.
a. If your client has reasonable insecurity about the performance, it can demand a
reasonable assurance of adequate performance by the other side. If the other side
does not do it, then without much risk you can declare anticipatory repudiation.
b. Hornell Brewing Co. v. Spry: Canadian beverage distribution case:
1. A K did exist (even without a distributorship agreement). 2-206: K can be
made in any manner to show agreement, 2-207: K can be shown with
2. Three issues under 2-609:
a. Did Hornell have reasonable ground for insecurity?
b. Did Hornell make a 2-609 demand for adequate assurance or did it
just call up and say what are you going to do (this is often the most
litigated point).
c. Were the assurances given, adequate under the circumstances?
3. HELD: Adequate assurances were not forthcoming, so D had created an
anticipatory repudiation under 610, so P was free to leave the K.
iii. When the seller has tried and failed to resell the goods, or “circumstances
reasonably indicate that such efforts will be unavailing.” (i.e. potato case
where the market was bad and the seller couldn’t be expected to resale).
c. Question whether buyer has accepted the goods for purposes of 2-709:
i. Buyer who makes a “procedurally effective” rejection does not accept.
ii. Buyer making a procedurally ineffective rejection, regardless of
substantive merit, does accept the goods under 2-606.
iii. Buyer revoking acceptance (2-608) likely must be correct both
procedurally AND substantively.
d. Advise your client (seller) to resale (706) because it is easier to prove difference
between K price and resale price + incidental fees then it is to show you
reasonably attempted to resale.
2. 2-706 Resale – difference between K price and resale price
a. Most sellers will invoke 2-706
b. If non-breaching seller resales the goods in good faith and in a commercially
reasonable manner, and in accordance with fairly minimal statutory obligations,
then than aggrieved seller may recover the difference between the K price and
the lower resale price + incidental damages, minus damages saved.
i. Incidental expenses (allowable under 2-710)
ii. Don’t forget shipping costs
c. (2) If seller makes profit on the resale, he does not have to share with the
breaching party.
d. Advise client to act as if its their own money (this will make it a commercially
reasonable care).
e. Goods resold has to be the exact same goods you were going to sale to breaching
f. If seller is going to resale privately, the only notice it has to give is the intent to
resale privately. You don’t have to give notice of particular sale or date. If seller
is going to resale publicly (i.e. auction), notice of time and place has to be givern
g. If seller resales unreasonably (for way below market price), can’t get remedies
under 2-706, but can get them under 2-708.
3. 2-708 K market penalty (seller is entitled to recover difference between K price and
market price at time and place of tender).
a. (2): Lost volume seller
i. 2-708(2): If the damages measure of 2-708(1) is inadequate to put the
seller in as good a position as performance would have done, the seller
may proceed under sub. 2 and recover “profit (including reasonable
overhead),” that it would have made from seller’s full performance, plus
incidental damages, and minus payments or proceeds of resale.
ii. Lost P seller: On whose sales volume declined because of the breach.
b. (1): Third major remedy (although Mooney thinks this should be used rarely –
seller should resale under 2-706, or if it cannot, recover the K price under 2-709).
c. Place of tender: Shipment K: Buyer’s city, Destination K: Seller’s City.
d. The statutory formula will not always yield an amount equal to the seller’s actual
4. Conflict: 2-706(6) says that seller doesn’t have to share windfall from these statutory
formulas. This conflicts with 1-106, where it says if the seller is not damaged at all,
damages should be minimized.
1. 2-706(6) arises more in case of resale. It says seller doesn’t have
to give money to the buyer, but doesn’t say anything about
taking money from the buyer.
5. 2-704: Permits a reasonable completion of ½ finished goods. Risk: Can lose even more
money if you are unable to resale goods after you have finished. You want to notify the
buyer of your plans to resale.
6. Nederlandse v. Grande 1979: Concrete manufacturing case with steel strand. D
wouldn’t pay for the strand they ordered. Issue: Was P a lost volume seller? YES.
Could recover under 2-708(2).
Buyer’s Right to Specific Performance or Replevin 2-716 (2-709 parallel this remedy for the
1. 2-716: Specific performance shall be granted where the goods are unique or in other
proper circumstances.
2. Cmt. 1: Without intending to impair the court’s sound discretion in the matter, this article
seeks to further a more liberal attitude than some courts have shown in connection with
specific performance of K’s of sale.
3. Cmt. 2: Output and requirements K’s involving special markets or sources are now the
“typical commercial specific performance situations.”
a. One strong indication of other proper circumstances for awarding specific
performance is the buyer’s inability to recover.
b. Eastern v. Gulf (Eastern couldn’t cover because fuel prices had shot up).
c. Copylease v. Memorex (claimed it could not reasonably cover by obtaining an
alternative source of toner because other brands of toner are distinctly inferior to
the Memorex product – goods were unique or “noncoverable”).
4. Sub. (3): Authorizes a buyer to replevy the K goods in two situations:
a. When they have been identified to the K and the cover is unavailable and
b. When they have been shipped under reservation and the buyer has tendered full
Buyer’s Right to Cover Price – K Price Damages UCC 2-712 (2-706 parallels this remedy
for the seller)
1. 2-712: Authorizes a buyer whose seller has breached to “cover” by “making in good
faith and without unreasonable delay any reasonable purchase of goods in substitution for
those due from the seller.”
2. Sub (2): If buyer does so, he may recover from the seller the “difference between the
cost of cover and the K price together with any incidental or consequential damages…but
less expenses saved in consequence of the seller’s breach.”
a. Good Faith:
b. 1-201(19): Honesty in fact
c. 2-103 (merchants): Req. they observe reasonable commercial standards of fair
dealing in the trade.
3. Cmt. 2: The test of proper cover is whether at the time and place the buyer acted in good
faith and in a reasonable manner, and it is immaterial that hindsight may later prove that
the method of cover used was not the cheapest or most effective.
a. Buyer must also make a reasonable purchase. Considerations inc. time
constraints, market fluctuations, and available supply (was buyer purchasing as if
it was with their own money?)
b. Farmers Elevator Company of Elk Point v. Lyle (Doctrine of equitable estoppel
to prevent a party to an oral agreement from invoking the statute of frauds).
c. Most courts agree that uncertainty under 2-712 should be resolved against
breaching sellers.
d. Hardest case is when the buyer covers by purchasing somewhat better, somewhat
more expensive goods. If no other substitute goods were available, the buyer
should still be permitted to use the cover price-K price formula.
e. A non-covering buyer can get damages from other remedies (i.e. a market price-
K price damage computation), but they may not recover consequential damages
that cover would have prevented.
Buyer’s Market Price-Contract Price Damages 2-713 (2-708(11) – parallels this remedy for
the seller).
1. 2-713: Permits buyers who do not cover or seek specific performance to recover “the
difference between the market price at the time when the buyer learned of the breach and
the K price together with any incidental and consequential damages provided by this
a. Computing damages: (1) Determine the property date and place for fixing
b. Date issue: If the seller’s performance is due by a specific date, use that date. If
the buyer does not learn until later, use the second date. Most difficult case is if
the seller repudiates earlier. The sounder position is to use the date of the breach
(the later date).
i. Cargill, Inc. v. Stafford 1977: Wheat case, seller repudiates. Holding:
A buyer may urge continued performance for a reasonable time. At the
end of a reasonable period he should cover if substitute goods are readily
available. If sub. goods are readily available and buyer does not cover
within a reasonable time, damages should be based on the price at the
end of the reasonable time rather than on the price when performance is
due. If a valid reason exists for failure or refusal to cover, damages may
be calculated from the time when performance is due.
1. Statute of Frauds exception to confirmation
2. 2-201 Merchant exception (Trial court said this doesn’t apply for
2 reasons: 1) Wasn’t received within a reasonable time, 2) seller
objected to its terms within 10 days – weak argument)
3. Trial court decided there was no enforceable K under 1st K.
4. Court decided 2nd K would be enforced.
c. Location issue: Sub 2: Market price is to be determined as of the place for
tender or, in the case of rejection after arrival or revocation of acceptance, as of
the place of arrival.
i. Cmt 1: Market price should be determined at the market in which the
buyer would have obtained cover had it sought relief.
d. Time for measuring relevant market price is when the buyer learns of the breach.
708 is time and place of tender.
e. Of buyer rejects the goods following delivery, then the time and place is the
place of delivery.
between the value of the goods accepted and the value they would have had if they had
been as warranted.”
a. “Value of goods as accepted”:
i. Actual value to the particular buyer (which is usually $0, so the judgment
rescinds the K), or
ii. Their market value sold “as is.”
Contracts Outline
I. Contract is an agreement between 2 parties to do something the law will
A. Applicable law
1. Common Law
a. Restatement – persuasive rather than mandatory
2. UCC
a. Movable Goods
3. When a K has mixed goals, UCC or Common Law?
a. Predominant purpose:
i. Goods UCC
ii. Services Common Law
B. Types of Ks
1. Bilateral
a. Exchange of mutual promises
2. Unilateral
a. The offer requests performance rather than a promise
b. Promise to pay upon completion of the requested act
c. Once act is complete, K is formed
3. Option K
3. Volitional Acceptance required (Carbolic Smokeball)
4. Some degree of motivation by the offer
5. Agreement or mutual assent is required
a. To avoid obligation, at least 1 party must express intention
of not being bound until a writing is executed
6. Obviously ludicrous offer is not an actual offer (Pepsi Harrier Jet)
7. Mirror Image Rule
a. Acceptance must be on offeror’s exact terms
i. NOT Last Shot Rule
b. ANY variation would be a counter-offer
c. Problems:
i. May be incentive to work the market
ii. Once performance begins, may be a dispute over
8. Last Shot Rule
a. Last version of K prevails
9. Mailbox Rule
a. Acceptance begins as soon as letter is sent
i. UNLESS offer stipulates that acceptance is not
effective until received
b. Revocation effective upon offeree receiving info
B. Power of Acceptance
1. Conferred by the offer
2. Master of offer can dictate what the offer says
a. How or when master wants acceptance
3. Termination of power of acceptance
a. Lapse of the offer
i. If expressly limited in original offer
ii. Reasonable time depends on the transaction
Nature of price fluctuation, industry standards,
relationship between parties, type of thing being
iii. Ordinarily an offer made in face to face conversation
only stands until the conversation has ended
b. Revocation of offer
i. Any time before acceptance
c. Offeror’s death / Incapacity
d. Offeree’s rejection
i. Effective when received by the offeror
ii. Rejecting counter-offer
4. Must make an effort to reach offeror to let him know of
acceptance (in manner set forth in K OR:)
a. Communication
b. By acting / beginning performance
c. EXCEPTION I: Do not have to give explicit acceptance if it
is obvious or reasonable to think that offeror does not
expect explicit acceptance
d. EXCEPTION II: If it is a situation where completion of a
duty is enough to satisfy acceptance, no explicit acceptance
is necessary
i. UNLESS – the offeror is very far away and won’t hear
of completion of duty for a while, acceptance must be
explicitly communicated
5. Silence as Acceptance
a. Conduct / performance can be construed as acceptance
b. Usually only allow if only offeror has benefited from full
c. OR if offeror tells offeree that silence will be acceptance
and offeree relies on that statement
d. Long-standing relationship understood acceptance
D. Gentleman’s Agreements
1. Parties to an agreement, by express provision prevent courts
from enforcing their promises
E. Terms
1. Open terms – not yet agreed upon
2. Closed terms – agreed upon
3. When a K has mixed goals, UCC or Common Law?
a. Predominant purpose:
i. Goods UCC
ii. Services Common Law
1. Designed for quick, easy transactions
a. Shipping equals acceptance
2. Does not have to have ALL details to be sufficient offer
3. UCC 2-206(b)
a. Shipment of non-conforming goods does NOT constitute
ACCEPTANCE if seller sends as accommodation to buyer
b. As long as seasonable
c. Counter-offer
4. Revocability
a. UCC 2-205
i. ‘Firm offer’ makes offer irrevocable
ii. Only merchants can make irrevocable offers
G. Preliminary agreement
1. Agree to agree
2. When there are negotiations back and forth and one party
changed their mind
3. Formal K Contemplated – intent to be legally bound
a. Expressed reservation about not being bound in the
absence of writing
b. Is there partial performance of K?
c. Whether all terms of alleged K have been agreed upon
d. Whether agreement at issue is usually committed to writing
H. Pre K Liability
a. Detrimental Reliance
i. Acting in justifiable reliance on an offer may be
enough to make it binding
ii. Absence of Condisderation is not fatal
Reasonable reliance = consideration
iii. Misrepresentation
b. No offer / acceptance, but still remedy
i. If 1 party confers a benefit on another, restitution
Example: Down payment
I. Offer
1. Restatement § 24
2. Manifest intent to be legally bound
a. Offeror dictates terms of the offer
3. Master of offer can dictate what the offer says
a. How or when master wants acceptance
4. Promissory
a. CAN revoke any time before acceptance under common law
i. Time restriction on offer does not make it irrevocable
within that limit unless there is consideration for
keeping offer open
b. Cannot change offer after acceptance
c. Quoting prices is NOT an offer
i. Catalogs, advertisements MUST have an affirmative
promise to be considered an offer – fur stole case
ii. Invitation / solicitation for offers by buyers
5. Definite and Certain
a. Leaves nothing to negotiate
b. Not an offer if just replying to offer for negotiations
6. Completeness of Terms
a. If general language – not offer
7. # of offerees
a. If parties are specifically named offer (in general)
b. If parties are indefinite NOT an offer (in general)
8. Revocation
a. Direct revocation
i. Effective when received
Contrast with mailbox rule
b. Indirect revocation – Restatement § 42
i. Definiteness of information
ii. Reliability of source
J. Irrevocable offers:
1. Consideration
a. Required to keep offer open (deposit)
2. Option Ks
a. Separate consideration req’d to keep option open
3. Reliance
a. Detrimental Reliance
b. When offeror could reasonably expect that the offeree
would rely to her detriment on the offer, it will be held
irrevocable as an option K for a reasonable length of time
4. Firm Offers – without consideration by merchants
a. UCC 2-205
b. May not exceed 3 months
5. Unilateral Ks
a. Seller not looking for promise looking for performance
b. Partial performance irrevocable
i. Example: Reward
ii.If performance has begun – detrimental reliance
Preparation to perform is not applicable
c. Acceptance = complete performance by offeree
i. As opposed to Bilateral K where there are 2 promises
and 2 performances
4. Look to modified terms under 2-209
a. (1) – Modifications
i. No additional consideration necessary
ii. Must be in good faith
5. Mirror Image Rule does not necessarily apply – Restatement §
a. Can accept different terms than offered
6. Last Shot Rule does not necessarily apply
a. K formation and K terms do not necessarily happen at the
same time
b. Favors a “first shot rule”
7. K could form from conduct
a. Writing not necessary
b. Terms & gapfillers
c. If party has conditional terms, can refuse to perform until
terms are met
i. If he performs, may not get conditional terms
8. Different vs. Additional Terms (Litronic):
a. Majority Rule – Knockout Rule
i. Replace different terms with UCC gap fillers
This is rule in IL – holding on this case
b. Minority Rule –
i. Use the original terms of the offer and ignore the
different terms
c. Preferred Rule (Judge Posner)
i. Treat different terms like they were additional terms
and perform 2-207(2) analysis
This is rule in CA
B. Mirror Image Rule
1. Acceptance must be on exact terms of the offer
C. Last Shot Rule
1. Once performance begins, the last K offered stands
V. Validation
A. Works as a Seal
1. Evidentiary – proof that there is a K
2. Cautionary – show that the promisor gave it some thought
3. Channeling – instant enforceability
B. Consideration
1. Bargained-for exchange – agreement is motivated by the
exchange AND
2. Legal benefit to the promisor
3. OR Legal detriment to the promisee
a. Did the person really want this, or was it a sham?
b. LOOK FOR unequal bargaining power unfairness
4. Definite and Substantial reliance
a. Must be definite
i. Time – Not just ‘until I no longer want to’
ii. Price – ‘Prevailing Rate’ is definite enough
b. Illusory promise is no consideration
i. Promise conditioned on satisfaction is not illusory since
one cannot reject them unless dissatisfied
Good faith is necessary – UCC § 1-304
c. Partial consideration is no consideration
d. Past consideration is no consideration
i. Material benefit is exception to past consideration
e. Gift is NOT considered “legal” detriment
i. Not all conditional gifts are consideration
ii. Act or forbearance by the promisee must be of benefit
to the promisor
f. Conditional promises can be consideration
i. Homeowner’s insurance – only get $ if house is
g. Courts don’t want to judge the value of promise
i. Peppercorn
ii. Offer something for $ YES
iii. Offer $ for something NO
iv. Offer $ for $ NO
h. Output K
i. However many you make, I’ll buy them
ii. No quantity requirement
iii. There is Consideration because the buyer has to buy
ALL of output and the seller has to sell ALL output to
5. Consideration is whether the bargain was adequate at the time
the promises are made, not whether there has been adequate
performance after the fact (Tuckwiler)
i. Does not need consideration
e. If there is an unanticipated problem in the K, which the
parties in good faith decide to modify, then it’s fine as long
as the modification is fair and reasonable
f. Rescission & Modification
i. If both parties rescind and modify for a new K, then
preexisting duty is gone
E. Moral Obligation
1. Not usually enforced
2. Material Benefit Rule
a. If promisor gets a huge material benefit, even if there is no
bargained-for exchange, can still be enforceable
i. Not all states agree
VI. Formation Defects
A. Indefiniteness
1. Usual terms
a. Parties
b. Subject Matter
c. Quantity
d. Time for performance
e. Price
2. Agreements to agree – too indefinite
3. “A fair share”
- 10 -
- Signature is any authorization that
identifies the party to be charged
Writing sufficient to indicate that a K was formed
ii. (2) Between merchants – if wrong party signs
If receiver of goods knows contents & satisfies
Has 10 days to object or it will stick
iii. (3) If no (1), but in other respects would be
enforceable, would be enforceable (orally) if:
(a) Specially manufactured good which can’t be
resold to someone else and it’s already begun to
be made (reliance)
(b) OR ∆ has testimony that K was made
judicial admissions
(c) OR if K otherwise valid but there’s no writing,
enforceable with respect to goods, if [partial]
payment has been made and accepted, or
delivery has been made and accepted full or
partial performance [expectation]
g. Others (vary by statute)
3. Other issues
a. Modification
i. Must satisfy SOF
- 11 -
Example: in UCC price is not required, so if
modified, price would not fall within SOF
ii. NOMO – No oral modification clause can say that any
changes, modifications, etc. have to be in writing and
signed by both parties
UCC § 2-209(2)
iii. Waiver & Retraction – did parties intend to waive their
rights under NOMO or others
UCC § 2-209(4) & (5)
If waiver is relied upon, it is irrevocable
iv. Authorization
b. Remedies
i. Usually the reasonable value of the services or part
performance rendered or restitution of any other
benefit that has been conferred
Reliance or restitution
C. Capacity to K
1. Infant in the eyes of the law
a. Infant can K for necessities
b. Even if emancipated, still may not be able to K for non-
c. Remedy: Usually Restitution
i. Equity is the issue
2. Person with mental disabilities
3. Intoxicated individuals
4. Women (back in the day)
- 12 -
a. Over-bargaining or over-pressuring in the bargaining
i. Not necessarily unlawful
b. Usually in a confidential relationship
i. Power relationship
c. Elements:
i. Discussion of transaction at an unusual or
inappropriate time
ii. Consummation of the transaction in an unusual place
iii. Insistent demand that the business be finished at once
iv. Extreme emphasis on untoward consequences of delay
v. Use of multiple persuaders on the dominant side
against a single servient party
vi. Statements that there is no time to consult financial
advisors or attorneys
d. Not very common
F. Duty to Read
- 13 -
1. When it does not actually appear to be a K, not obligated to read
a. Circle of assent does not cover if doesn’t look like a K
2. Misrepresentation
G. Unconcionability
1. Procedural
a. How the K was negotiated
b. Was there fraud
2. Substantive
a. Where the terms of the K are grossly unfair
3. CA requires both Procedural and Substantive sliding scale
4. Usually extreme cases
5. In commercial cases it doesn’t usually work
a. BUT franchisees are more sympathetic because of the
unequal bargaining power
i. Power to de-brand them
ii. Gas station franchisees are more protected
6. Remedy
a. Could void entire K
b. Sever unconscionable part
- 14 -
b. Ancillary to sale
c. Blue pencil rule
d. Rule of reason
i. If it’s REALLY unreasonable, won’t be enforced
ii. But there’s an incentive to make it especially
restrictive since the courts will just fix it
e. All-or-nothing
i. If any term is unreasonable, the whole thing is
VII. K Terms
A. Ks of Adhesion
1. Standard form K on a take it or leave it basis
2. Not usually negotiable
3. Policy
a. If duty to read allows party to absolve themselves from
negligence, may be unenforceable (close to
4. Doctrine of Reasonable Expectations
a. If K is vague, unintelligible or ambiguous, will be
interpreted favorably to what the weaker party expected it
to mean
5. Must look like a K
6. Circle of Assent / Blanket Assent
a. Assent to every term that might not be outlandish
- 15 -
1. Try to put injured party in the position as if there were no breach
(looking forward)
2. Meant to fill expectations that arise
3. Usually $, but could be specific performance IF product is unique
or rare (land)
4. Usually the most substantial
5. “Cover” – If had to go elsewhere to buy another widget – would
be the difference between negotiated price and price paid
D. Reliance
1. Looking back, to put the person in the position from BEFORE the
2. Incurred expenses in preparation for the K, missed opportunities
– out of pocket loss
3. Now worse off than if the promise had not been made
4. Usually only remedy for breach of agreement to negotiate in
good faith
E. Equitable Relief – Specific performance / Injunction
1. Success on the merit
a. Or likelihood of success on the merits for injunction
2. Irreparable injury
3. Satisfy balance of the equities
a. Hardship on the ∏ is greater than the hardship on the ∆
4. Public Interest Balancing Test
- 16 -
Contracts Outline
I. Applicable Law
A. Common Law
1. Restatement – persuasive rather than binding
1. For Movable goods
C. If the K has mixed goals, UCC or CL?
1. Predominant Purpose
a. Goods UCC
b. Services CL
III. K Terms
A. Doctrine of Reasonable Expectations – Rest. § 211(3)
B. Parol Evidence
1. Rest § 213 – 216
a. A binding integrated agreement discharges prior agreements to the extent
that it is inconsistent with them
b. A binding completely integrated agreement discharges prior agreements to
the extent that they are within its scope
c. An integrated agreement that is not binding or that is voidable and avoided
does not discharge a prior agreement
2. Rule
a. Is there a final expression of one or more terms of the agreement [writing]
i. If yes go on
ii. If no no PER
b. PE is not admissible to contradict one of those terms
c. Is this a complete integration? Writing is complete and exclusive of the
terms of the agreement
i. If yes PER disallows adding, varying, or contradicting
3. Compare with SoF
a. Must have a final writing
i. If no writing, no issue
4. Evidence of prior or contemporaneous agreements & negotiations
a. Agreements & negotiations prior to or contemporaneous with the adoption of
a writing are admissible in evidence to establish
i. That the writing is or is not an integrated agreement
ii. That the integrated agreement is completely or partially integrated
iii. The meaning of the writing, whether or not integrated
iv. Illegality, fraud, duress, mistake, lack of consideration, or other
invalidating cause
5. Rationales
a. If the extra promise were so important, it would be in the final writing
b. Guards against fraud
6. Tests for integration
a. Appearance
i. Does the writing look like it’s complete?
- This one has been largely rejected
b. Separate consideration – Rest.
i. If there is separate consideration to support the extrinsic
c. Natural omission – Rest.
i. Would it be natural to leave the term out?
ii. Family Ks – tend to be more squishy, so might be more likely to leave
terms out of a K within family
d. Certain inclusion – UCC
e. Writing - Wigmore
7. PER – UCC
a. Express Language
i. Language of the K
b. Course of performance
i. UCC § 1-303
ii. Same parties, same K
- How have the parties interpreted course of performance
c. Course of dealings
i. UCC § 1-205
ii. Same parties in an earlier K
- Last time they K’ed, that is a relevant, good indication of what
they meant this time around
d. Usage of Trade
i. Different parties, different K, but same trade industry
e. Consistent or Inconsistent?
i. Some courts consider terms consistent unless the extrinsic evidence
flatly negates or contradicts an express term in the K
ii. Other courts take a more holistic approach, considering proffered
terms consistent if they are “reasonably harmonious” with the
language and the respective obligations of the K parties
8. Ways around PER
a. Interpretation
b. Formation Defect
c. Reformation
d. Subsequent modification
e. Where PER doesn’t apply
C. Interpretation
1. In General
a. Plain meaning from the document
b. Objectively discernable meaning
i. Objective manifestations tend to be favored
2. What were the parties intending?
a. Rest § 201 – when both parties mean A, if they make a valid K, the K will be
for A, even if there is ambiguity
b. When there are 2 different parties subjectively thinking two different things,
then there is no K
3. Two-step Process:
a. Is the K clear enough? Is there a plain meaning?
i. Are there any terms of art? Interpretive maxims?
b. If the language is ambiguous, look at extrinsic evidence for explanation and
questions of interpretation will go to the jury
4. General Rules of Interpretation
a. Purpose of the parties
i. Read the K language looking for the purpose of the parties
b. Consistency
i. Words used more than once should be interpreted the same each time
c. Terms of Art
i. Respect terms with established legal meanings, or established
meanings in trade usage settings
d. Reasonable / Lawful interpretations are preferred over unreasonable and
absurd ones
i. Drafters intent & public policy
e. Public Interest
f. Handwritten is preferred over typewritten, if there is a conflict
g. K should be read consistently throughout
h. If there is general language & specific language
i. Usually specific controls
ii. BUT – atty general and wiretapping – he says that it should be
5. Other rules
a. Pacific Gas (CA Rule) – every word is naturally ambiguous and if we don’t
look at extrinsic evidence, we are relying on a judge’s personal experience
and definitions
i. To bring in extrinsic evidence, you have to show relevance to prove a
meaning to which the language is reasonably susceptible
ii. Problem: this holding essentially makes all Ks liable to attack through
extrinsic evidence – but it is still a minority rule
b. Sometimes a party might want to make something intentionally vague so
that it can be interpreted however you want later – but it is bad drafting to
use something that can have two different meanings
c. ∏ usually bears the burden of proof
6. Maxims of K Interpretation
a. Read things against the drafter
i. Contra preferentem
ii. Ks of adhesion – uneven bargaining power
b. Read different parts of a K as a whole, giving effect to each
i. In pari material
c. Matters of the same kind should be treated similarly
i. ejusdem generic
d. The expression of one thing is the exclusion of another
i. expression unius est exclusio alterius
ii. If K says, you may have cats & dogs – may not have hamster
e. It is known from its associates
i. noscitur a socils
IV. Special K Terms & Gap Filling
A. Arbitration
1. K determines
a. How to define dispute
b. Who decides the dispute
c. On what basis
d. With what procedure
2. Enforcement
a. Federal Arbitration Act – courts will enforce arbitral awards
b. Courts give great deference to the arbitration provision in Ks
i. To the extent that there is any ambiguity K law applies
3. Ways around Arbitration
a. Public Policy Argument
i. Still pretty hard to overturn arbitrator’s decision
4. Usually considered an independent agreement, so if a party repudiates, usually
cannot repudiate as to the arbitration agreement
B. Good faith & fair dealing
1. Elements
a. Inherently subjective
i. Credibility
ii. Guesswork about what the outcome should have been
b. Not bad faith
c. Must cooperate with K partner – must not do something to prevent them
from enjoying the K
i. Deprivation of something that they are entitled to under the K
d. Good faith does NOT trump terms that are explicit in the K – it is a gap filler,
not a K creator
2. Rules
a. Brother’s Keeper Rule – must act as though you’re the other party’s keeper
and act accordingly
b. Law of the jungle – anything goes
c. In the middle (Posner) – can’t exploit someone’s ignorance, but can take
advantage sometimes Market Street v. Frey
3. Remedy
a. Breach of K
b. Some jxs will not hear the case if this is the only breach
4. Good faith and the UCC § 1-201(19)
a. Definition
i. “Honesty in fact in the conduct or transaction concerned” 1-201(9)
b. Express terms
i. Implied covenant of good faith and fair dealings is present in all Ks as
if it was written there by the parties 1-203(3)
ii. Good faith, diligence, reasonableness and care may not be disclaimed
by agreement, but parties may by agreement determine the
standards by which performance such obligations are to be measured
as long as the standard is reasonable
c. Course of Performance
d. Course of Dealings
e. Usage of Trade
f. As long as implied terms do not flatly negate the K terms
i. UCC allows considering UOT, COD, COP, wty, GFFD in implied terms
as long as they don’t negate express K terms
ii. Alternate standard – reasonably harmonious
C. Best efforts
1. Default rule that K implies good faith provision
a. Use such efforts as would be made by a reasonable person under the same
b. Best efforts are really just adequate efforts
i. COD, COP, UOT – apply as to what is ‘best efforts’
- As long as they are consistent with K terms
c. So, basically just adequate efforts and good faith are all that’s req’d
i. Some courts say that it should be the same efforts as if it were your
line of work
ii. Others say same efforts to another customer that you don’t hate
2. Express terms always trump implied terms
D. Terminable-at-will
1. Woods Rule – unless parties to employment Ks specify a specific amount of time or
if they specify that termination must be for cause, then relationship is terminable at
any time for any reason or no reason at all
2. Distributorships and franchises are usually explicit as to duration and termination, if
not, then courts will decide
3. Exceptions
a. Public Policy
i. Perjury
ii. Jury Service
iii. Union
iv. Worker’s Comp
v. Whistle Blower
- Sarbanes Oxley
- Title VII
b. Good Faith & Fair Dealing
i. Not gotten a lot of play in at-will employment cases
ii. Usually watered-down
iii. UNLESS – opportunistic firings or uneven application of rules
c. Implied K (modification)
i. Off-hand or casual remarks
ii. Employee handbook
E. UCC Warranties
1. Madison Moss Warranty Act – If you say warranty, it means a full warranty unless it
says specifically ‘limited warranty’
a. Applies to consumer goods
2. Title
a. § 2-312
i. Warranty for title is in the K that the title is good and transfer rightful
and that it is free from liens or encumbrances
ii. The buyer can’t have reason to believe that the seller does not claim
b. § 2-403(1) – good faith purchaser for value gets good title if transferor has
voidable title
i. Voidable title is title that is not good because of a bad check or
something like that
ii. Void is different – it is bad like stolen
iii. Nemo dat qui non habet – can’t give what you don’t have
c. § 1-205(2) – Usage of Trade
i. A usage of trade is any practice or method of dealing having such
regularity of observance in a place, vocation or trade as to justify an
expectation that it will be observed with respect to the transaction in
- So, no wty for watches bought in the bathroom at the bus
3. Quality
a. Express – § 2-313 – representation about the quality of a product
i. Affirmation of fact/promise
- Not puff, opinion or commendation
ii. Relate to the goods
iii. Basis of the bargain (reliance on express wty)
- If statement has any substance that might have played some
part in the buyer’s decision to buy, the burden is on the seller
to prove that the buyer did not rely
- If oral jury decides
- If written judge decides
b. Implied – automatically in the K unless the seller does something to get rid
of them (disclaimer)
i. Not express – oral or written
ii. Merchantability § 2-314
- At a minimum goods will work: must be fit for the ordinary
purpose for which it is used
- Seller must be a merchant with respect to those goods
- Food –
· Some say that if it is a natural substance as opposed to
a foreign object – no liability
· Others permit recovery if the biter’s reasonable
expectation is that it would have been removed
iii. Fitness for a Particular Purpose § 2-315
- Buyer relies on the seller’s j’ment or skill in deciding
4. Disclaiming §§ 2-316(2) and 2-316(3)
a. Express warranties are nearly impossible to disclaim § 2-216(1)
i. The proper way to avoid liability for an express warranty is no to
make it in the first place
ii. Ways around it:
- Incomplete integration, parol evidence
- If there is complete integration, prior oral disclaimers should
be excluded
- BUT – this usually doesn’t work
b. Must be conspicuous and easily explained
c. Must mention the word merchantability
d. Warranties of title can’t really be disclaimed
5. Damages
a. § 2-719 – may limit damages
i. (2) – excluding consequential damages is okay unless exclusive term
falls in its essential purpose
ii. (3) fine unless it is unconscionable & personal injuries are by
definition unconscionable
b. Most jxs require any remedy limitation to be conspicuous in order to be
V. Conditions
A. Definitions
1. An event not certain to occur, which must occur, unless its nonoccurrence is
excused, but before performance under a K becomes due, to activate an existing K
a. K is formed and then one party’s performance is dependent upon the
condition happening or not
b. Can be anything except TIME
c. Conditions should be very clear to be enforceable
2. Examples
a. Sale of a house
i. Passing inspection
ii. Getting the mortgage
b. Life Insurance
i. Loss within the policy
B. Kinds of Conditions
1. Subject matter
a. A condition cannot be something like Time or something that is certain to
2. Promise vs. condition vs. promissory
a. Promissory condition – not a condition at all, it is a promise
b. Because law does not like forfeitures, if there is a question whether there is a
promise or a condition, the court will err on the side of promise
i. For promises, can get $ damages
ii. For conditions, you are relieved of your duty to perform
3. Express Condition
a. “If” “provided that” “on the condition that”
b. When there is ambiguity, courts prefer to find things as mere promises
rather than conditions less hardship
i. Ex/ subcontractor getting paid upon the completion of pool is mere
promise – even if not finished, should probably be paid at least part of
what is owed
ii. Someone asking to open a mine, and getting paid upon opening might
be conditional because there is more of a risk that it might not
- Look to intentions of the parties
4. Implied Condition
a. May not be in the K, but it can be reasonably surmised that one party’s
action would be dependent on the condition occurring
5. Constructive Condition
a. Opposite of express conditions
b. Can be implied
c. Constructive – implied in law, created by courts to make a K work
i. Analysis
- Performance – independent or dependent (conclusory)
- Breach – material or immaterial
- Has there been substantial performance?
· If yes, then that constructive condition has been
· But, there may be a claim for damages if the
substantial performance is not complete
6. Condition Precedent
a. Event that has to occur before performance becomes due
b. If one end of the bargain takes substantially more time to do (like painting a
house vs. payment for the painting) you should make this a condition
c. Can bargain around this
7. Condition Subsequent
a. Extinguishes a duty that has already arisen
b. Event that terminates a duty
c. Most common – insurance company relieved of duty to pay if you quit
paying your premium
8. Conditions Concurrent
a. Events that must occur simultaneously
b. Very common
C. Issues
1. Interpretation
2. Conditions of satisfaction
a. Depends on how subjective the beholder has to be
i. Painting/literature (more subjective) – beholder can decide on his/her
own whether satisfaction condition is met
ii. Painting a barn (more objective) – there is an objective acceptability
b. 3rd Party Satisfaction
i. Typically in the construction context
ii. Contractor gets paid as long as the architect says that the work was
done or completed to specs
iii. As long as architect is unbiased, good faith is the standard, but it is
still subjective – more discretion
iv. NY – it is objective – could bring in other architects to judge whether
it was a good job
3. Excusing conditions (Prevention)
a. Good faith and fair dealing is part of every K
i. Cooperating and not preventing a party from getting what they are
entitled to under the K
ii. If on prevents a condition from happening, the court may excuse it
- Ex/ seller backed out, prevented the condition (sale) from
happening; brokers can say that seller prevented the
condition, so they don’t owe him money, but he still has to pay
- Ex/ life insurance – some guy applied in the a.m. for life
insurance, obligation to insure him was conditioned on getting
the okay from the actuarial algorithm; in the p.m. he dies.
Insurance co says that he would not have met the condition,
but they didn’t even run it, so since they prevented him from
meeting the condition, they lost the benefit of the condition
4. Satisfying conditions
5. Waiving conditions
a. If condition exists only for one party’s benefit, that party can waive that
condition on performance and go ahead without it
i. Party does not have to insist on a condition that would only benefit
them, they may waive that condition
ii. Must be voluntary
iii. Can unwaive or retract waiver so long as the other party has not
relied on the waiver
D. Mitigating Doctrines
1. Prevention
a. If one prevents the occurrence of a duty, one will be precluded from
asserting the non-occurrence of the condition
2. Waiver
a. Excuse of non-performance – if one wants to waive a condition, that’s fine
i. As long as waiver happens before the condition fails
ii. Election happens after
E. UCC Conditions
1. Perfect Tender Rule § 2-601
a. Whether delivery is perfect or not
b. If not perfect, then the buyer can send it back on delivery
c. If goods or tender of delivery are imperfect in any way, the buyer doesn’t
have to perform
i. NOT substantial performance
ii. Buyer can
- Reject
- Accept & sue for damages
- Accept some and reject others
iii. If time of performance hasn’t yet arrived, the seller has until the time
of the K to cure/fix any mistakes
2. If buyer has already accepted the goods, and only later buyer discovers defect, then
§ 2-608
a. If there is non-conformity, then goods have to substantially impair their
value to the buyer
3. Larger, multi-delivery K installment K § 2-612
a. As policy we want to encourage long-term relationships
b. If there is a nonconformity with regard to one shipment, buyer can only send
it back if the goods substantially impair the value of that installment
c. Buyer can only claim breach of the whole K when there is a breach that
substantially impairs the value of the whole K
VII. Breach
A. At common law
1. Maybe the time of performance hasn’t come, but there might be something that
suggests that the party will not perform
2. Materiality
a. Not entitled to damages unless the breach is material
i. Similar to substantial performance – did you get substantially what
you bargained for? Did the breach destroy the value for you?
b. Rest 2d § 241 – Circumstances significant to determine whether a breach is
i. Has there been substantial performance or not?
ii. The injured party would be denied benefit of what he expected
- Departure from K trivial or significant
iii. Can injured party be compensated?
iv. Failure to perform = forfeiture?
v. Likelihood of cure
vi. Good faith
3. Substantial Performance
4. Restitution for breach
a. Divisibility and Restitution
i. If one did not breach on ALL terms, and it can be divided, person
should be compensated on the ones where there was performance
ii. Sort of Prorate the K price according to where there was performance
B. Under UCC
1. Perfect Tender Rule (old rule)
a. Whether delivery is perfect or not
b. If not perfect, then the buyer can send it back on delivery
c. If goods or tender of delivery are imperfect in any way, the buyer doesn’t
have to perform
2. Perfect Tender Rule (old rule) – if there is any deviation, material or immaterial,
buyer could reject
3. New Rule § 2-601 – allows buyer to
a. accept fully
b. reject fully or
c. accept some and reject others
4. § 2-501 allows seller a chance to cure the defect
a. If time of performance hasn’t yet arrived, the seller has until the time of the
K to cure/fix any mistakes
5. Revocation of acceptance – If buyer has already accepted the goods, and only later
buyer discovers defect, then § 2-608
a. If there is non-conformity, then goods have to substantially impair their
value to the buyer
6. Installment Ks
a. If breach is made after performance and only payments are required in
installments, repudiation does not accelerate those payments
b. In general, breach of one K in a series of Ks does not mean breach of all
c. But, could cause acceleration of installment payments
C. Anticipatory Repudiation
1. Elements
a. Before the time that performance is due, someone repudiates by doing
something in their language, being sufficiently positive to be reasonably
interpreted that they cannot or will not perform
i. Language is construed broadly
- Written
- Oral
- Actions
b. May not have to wait until they actually breach to sue
i. If 1 party repudiates and their end of the bargain is dependent on the
other performing, can be treated as a present total breach
- Depends on whether other party would have been able to
perform (material)
ii. Might be better to mitigate or seek relief immediately because if you
don’t, repudiator may not be liable for excess damages
c. Anticipatory repudiation, must be by clear, unequivocal, and voluntary
expression of intent to discontinue K § 2-611
2. After Repudiation
a. Repudiating party can retract or renounce repudiation up to a point
i. Can no longer retract once the recipient relies on repudiation OR
accepts repudiation
ii. Receiver of repudiation has right to create a window within which the
repudiator has to retract
- Locus Poenitentiae – window of time where one has to retract
3. NOT repudiation
a. Failure to take required preparations is not anticipatory repudiation – even if
it makes performance impossible
b. Expressing doubt about performance is not enough for repudiation
c. Repudiation does not relieve someone of an arbitration clause
4. One-sided K – repudiation doesn’t apply
5. Recurring payment
a. Missing a payment doesn’t necessarily create a breach of the whole K
b. May kick in an accelerated payment – term in K that creates an obligation to
pay the whole rest of the K upon missing a payment
6. UCC § 2-713
a. If seller breaches, buyer can learn of breach when
i. There is a repudiation
ii. Repudiation plus a commercially reasonable time
iii. When performance is due under the K
iv. Buyer is responsible for mitigating damages
b. If buyer intends to repudiate § 2-610
i. Must notify seller of intent to repudiate
ii. Resale – seller gets difference between K price and resale price plus
incidentals & consequentials less mitigation
iii. Hypo Resale
c. 2-713, 2-723, 2-611
Mistake Imposs/Imprac/Frustration
Belief not in accordance with the facts Contingency – something unexpected
Basic assumption of the K Non-occurrence was a basic assumption of K
Material effect of the risk Render performance ‘commercially impossible /
impracticable’ (or frustrating party’s purpose)
No assumption of risk No assumption of risk
8. Frustration of purpose
a. Excuse for non-performance
b. When something out of the party’s control happens that sort of defeats the
purpose of them performing
no longer of value to the promisee
9. Rarely successful
a. Narrow K excuse for non-performance
b. Cannot have been caused by the party seeking the imposs/imprac defense
10. Total excuse or equitable reform
a. Commercial imposs/imprac – not that it is totally impossible to perform, just
that performance has little or no value remaining
X. Remedies
A. Damages
1. Direct
a. Cover
b. Resale
c. Cost
2. Indirect
a. Incidental Damages – costs incurred in ascertaining that there was a breach
i. Ex/ cost of finding another job
b. Consequential damages – costs incurred indirectly as a result of breach
i. Damages are not recoverable for loss that the party in breach did not
have reason to foresee as a probable result of the breach when the K
was made
ii. Ex/ lost profits
iii. Under CL, incidental is also a consequential damage
c. UCC - § 2-715 – Incidental/Consequential Damages
i. Incidental damages resulting from the seller’s breach include
expenses reasonably incurred in inspection, receipt, transportation
and care and custody of goods rightfully rejected, any commercially
reasonable charges, expenses or commissions in connection with
effecting cover and any other reasonable expense incident to the
delay or other breach
ii. Consequential damages resulting form the seller’s breach include
- Any loss resulting from general or particular requirements and
needs of which the seller at the time of K had reason to know
and which could not reasonably be prevented by cover or
otherwise; and
- Injury to person or property proximately resulting from any
breach of warranty
3. Substantial performance
a. If SP – and the person is not going to undo and redo sub-par work, then the
difference in value is usually what’s awarded
b. If NOT SP – diminished value is used
B. 3 Interests
1. Expectation
a. Elements
i. Try to put the injured party in the position they would have occupied
if there had been no breach looking forward
ii. Meant to fill expectations that arise
iii. Usually the most substantial
b. Formulas
i. ED = Loss in Value + Other Loss – Cost Avoided – Loss Avoided
- LIV = cost of the K
- OL = other costs of K
ii. ED = Cost of Reliance + Profit – Loss Avoided + Other Loss
- These should not include overhead and other costs that injured
party would have incurred with or without a K
c. Cover – If had to go elsewhere to buy another widget the difference
between negotiated price and price paid elsewhere
2. Reliance
a. Definition
i. Looking back, to put the person in the position from BEFORE the
promise was made
ii. Now worse off than if the promise had not been made
b. Calculation
i. Incurred expenses in preparation for the K, missed opportunities – out
of pocket loss
ii. Usually the only remedy for breach of agreement to negotiate in good
3. Restitution
a. Definition
i. Does justice require enrichment to be disgorged?
ii. Not only did the person rely on a promise, but a benefit was conferred
on the promisor
b. Calculation
i. Least common
ii. Usually when there is no K, but benefit was conferred in pre-K stage
when parties believe K is imminent
C. Equitable Relief
1. Specific Performance
a. Usually only required when ONLY that performance will suffice
b. Not required when $ can cover the harm
2. Injunctions
a. Success on the merits
b. Public necessity
c. $ damages would be inadequate
D. Limitations
1. Foreseeable
a. Damages are limited to those that arise naturally and are contemplated by
the parties at the time of contracting Hadley Rule
b. Elements
i. Arise Naturally
- Probability vs. Possibility
ii. Communicated to the ∆
iii. Time of Contracting
iv. Contemplation of the parties
c. UCC governed by Hadley
i. § 351(3)
- Stop-gap measure
- Assume that Hadley applies
- Court can limit damages for foreseeable loss by allowing
recovery on reliance if justice so requires to prevent
disproportionate compensation
d. Tacit agreement test – did the parties tacitly agree that these kinds of
damages would be recoverable?
i. What did the parties actually view as their responsibilities?
ii. This test has not gained favor
iii. Involves speculation
2. Unavoidable
a. Mitigation
i. Affirmative – proactive steps to avoid damages
- May have to do something in the alternative to avoid damages
- BUT, do not have to do something that is not substantially
similar to performance under the original K
· Ex/ Shirley MacLaine case – did not have to take the
other role to mitigate damages because it was not
substantially the same
ii. Negative – stopping performance when you find out that the K has
been breached
- Cannot recover for more than what could have avoided by
simply stopping work
- Can’t just rack up more and more expenses and then sue for
more money
3. Certain
a. Does not have to be 100% certainty – just has to be out of the realm of
i. Ex/ brand new business can not collect for loss profits – no way of
knowing what lost profits would be
4. Compensatory
a. Emotional Distress
i. Usually not awarded in Ks; Could probably apply a separate tort claim
and bring emotional distress claim, but not for BoK
ii. No punitive damages in Ks
5. Caused by the Breach
E. Other Issues
1. Lost volume sellers
a. Resale is not enough
b. Without breach, would have sold more
i. Ex/ MRI machine – were able to sell the one, but if buyer had not
breached, would have sold 2 machines
2. Losing Ks
a. Should not be allowed to get more in reliance than in expectation
i. So, if they would have expected to make less money than they spent
on reliance, they are entitled to no damages even in the event of a
ii. Injured party should not be better off just because there was a breach
- BUT – this is not the case with restitution restitution is like
suing outside of the K for unjust enrichment where the injured
party has conferred a benefit on the breaching party and
should be compensated accordingly
3. Liquidated damages
a. Purpose:
i. To coerce the promisor into performing the promise
- BUT – should be about compensation, not about coercion
ii. To provide a convenient method to determine the amount to be paid
in the event of a breach
iii. To put a limit on the amount of the loss to be borne by the breaching
- Could be better for the breaching party
- If there was no actual loss, then there is no compensation
usually would be unenforceable
b. Rules
i. Must be reasonable estimate of actual damages
- Reasonable in relation to estimated/forecasted amount OR the
amount of actual damages (UCC & Rest 2d)
· So, even if the stipulated damages were totally
excessive at the time of K-ing, but they end up being
actual damages, that’s okay
· BUT this is not how most jxs do it
ii. Damages are uncertain at the time of K-ing
iii. [Parties agree to stipulate damages in advance] – in some states
c. UCC § 2-718
i. Only 1 factor: whether liquidated amount is reasonable in light of the
anticipated or actual harm caused by the breach
d. Good so that parties can decide up front how much it will cost if there is a
i. May not even need to sue each other
ii. May NOT be meant as a penalty for breach
- BUT calling something a penalty does not mean that it’s
automatically a penalty
· Just like calling something a K doesn’t make it a K and
calling something a worksheet doesn’t make it a
Warranty of Title § 2-312
(1) There is in a K for sale a warranty by the seller that
(a) the title conveyed shall be good, and its transfer rightful; and
(b) the goods shall be delivered free from any security interest or other lien or
encumbrance of which the buyer at the time of K has no knowledge
(2) A wty under (1) will be excluded or modified only by specific language or by
circumstances which give the buyer reason to know that the person selling
does not claim title in himself or that he is purporting to sell only such right or
title as he or a third person may have
(1) Unless excluded or modified, a warranty that the good shall be merchantable is
implied in a K for their sale if the seller is a merchant with respect to goods of that
kind. Under this section the serving for value of food or drink to be consumed either
on the premises or elsewhere is a sale
(2) Goods to be merchantable must be at least such as
(a) pass without objection in the trade under the K description; and
(b) in the case of fungible goods, are of fair average quality within the description;
(c) are fit for the ordinary purposes for which such goods are used; and
(d) run, within the variations permitted by the agreement, or even kind, quality, and
quantity within each unit and among all units involved; and
(e) are adequately contained, packaged, and labeled as the agreement may
require; and
(f) conform to the promise or affirmations of fact made on the container or label if
(3) Unless excluded or modified, other implied warranties may arise from COD of
(1) Words or conduct relevant to the creation of an express warranty and words or
conduct tending to negate or limit warranty shall be construed wherever reasonable
as consistent with each other; but subject to the provisions of this Article on parol or
extrinsic evidence, negation or limitation is inoperative to the extent that
such construction is unreasonable.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), to exclude of modify the implied warranty of
merchantability or any part of it the language must mention merchantability and
in case of a writing must be conspicuous, and to exclude or modify any implied
warranty of fitness the exclusion must be by a writing and conspicuous.
Language to exclude all implied warranties of fitness is sufficient if it states, for
example, that “There are no warranties which extend beyond the description on the
face hereof.”
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2)
(a) Unless the circumstances indicate otherwise, all implied warranties are excluded
by expressions like “as is”, “with all faults” or other language which in common
understanding calls the buyer’s attention to the exclusion of warranties
and makes plain that there is no implied warranty; and
(b) When the buyer before entering into the K has examined the goods or the
sample or model as fully as he desired or has refused to examine the goods
there is no implied warranty with regard to defects which an
examination ought in the circumstances to have revealed to him; and
(c) An implied warranty can also be excluded or modified by COD or UOT
(1) Subject to the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) of this section and of the
preceding section on liquidation and limitation of damages,
(a) the agreement may provide for remedies in addition to or in substitution for
those provided in this Article and may limit or alter the measure of damages
recoverable under this Article, as by limiting the buyer’s remedies to return
of the goods and repayment of the price or to repair and replacement of
non-conforming goods or parts; and
(b) resort to a remedy as provided is optional unless the remedy is expressly agreed
to be exclusive, in which case it is the sole remedy
(2) Where circumstances cause an exclusive or limited remedy to fail of its
essential purpose, remedy may be had as provided in this Act
(3) Consequential damages may be limited or excluded unless the limitation or
exclusion is unconscionable. Limitation of consequential damages for injury to
the person in the case of consumer goods is prima facie unconscionable but
limitation of damages where the loss is commercial is not.
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What is a contract? A promise or set of promises for an exchange of goods, services, and behavior. Law
recognizes a duty to perform, and provides a remedy for a breach [specific performance OR damages].
Contracts focus more on business deals, then on personal matters/promises.
Importance of contracts:
1. Need to decide when promises are going to be enforceable
a. Ensure stability, certainty, predictability
2. Economic theory: world becomes a better place when a contract is made
3. Efficiency: there are limited resources so let’s move them where they’re needed
Moral Obligation:
1. CL: Courts refuse to allow morality to play a role in legally enforceable contracts
a. Morality varies individually
b. Moral obligation to follow through on every promise, so every promise would be binding
Autonomy v Paternalism:
1. Autonomy: freedom to contract. People agree on their own terms
2. Paternalism: Courts intruding on this freedom to protect a party in a contract from its own specified terms
Theories of Obligation:
1. Contract – if has consideration
2. Quasi-Contract – if unjust enrichment can be avoided (no promise actually made)
3. Promissory Estoppel – if a person relies on a promise made w/o bargain or consideration = a promise
which causes reasonable, foreseeable detrimental reliance
Some definitions:
1. Consideration: Something of value received by a P’r from a P’e
2. Benefit: privilege/profit/gain
3. Bargain: an agreement between parties for the exchange of promises or performances. A bargain is not
necessarily a contract because the consideration may be insufficient or the Tx may be illegal
4. Promise: the manifestation of an intention to act or from acting in a specified manner, conveyed in such a
way that another is justified in understanding that a commitment has been made; a person’s assurance
that the person will or will not do something
5. Gratuitous Promise: a promise made in exchange for nothing; a promise not supported by consideration
6. Reciprocal Conventional Inducement: directed by each other toward the others; generally accepted rule
or custom; the benefit or advantage that causes a P’r to enter a contract – a consideration will induce a
promise (which is considered of value to the P’e), and a promise will induce for supplying the
consideration (which is of value to the P’r)
7. Detriment: the relinquishment of some legal right that a promise would have been otherwise been entitled
to exercise
8. P’r: maker of promise
9. P’e: recipient of promise
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Types of Contracts:
1. Unilateral: ONE side is making a promise [other side is performing an act]
a. Ex. Hamer v Sidway : kid never “promised” to forbear, he just did
b. P’e is one who gets assurance of future, but P’r doesn’t [only gets what he wants]
2. Bilateral: both sides make a promise
a. Basic premise is that a promise can be consideration for another promise (Get RCI by each
other’s promise)
b. Both sides are P’r and P’e since each get assurance about future
3. Comparison: P’e better off in a unilateral. P’r from a unilateral better off since now have future
Conditional Promise: Conditional if its performance will become due only if a particular conditional event
1. Doesn’t mean promise is unenforceable until the event occurs, but only that the event must occur before
P’r must perform
2. Where party makes bilateral promise, it can be protected by making its own promise conditional on
performance by other party
3. Where promises not performed at same time, like service contract, usual rule is that work is made a
condition of payment
Elements of a Contract:
1. Consideration
2. Offer
3. Acceptance
1. Traditional Theory
a. Detriment to P’e [P’e must do something he doesn’t have to do, or forebear from doing something
he can legally do. Inconsequential if P’e also benefits from harm Hamer v. Sidway] OR
i. Bjerre feels that giving up something illegal/legal are both fine for consideration since
giving up a freedom of action
b. Benefit to P’r
2. Modern Theory: RSC §71: For consideration, a performance or a return promise must be bargained for.
Bargained for if its sought by P’r in exchange for his promise and is given by P’e in exchange for that
promise. – Both parties must seek something from the other. Query: Has there been an exchange [A quid
pro quo “this for that”]?
a. Based on Holmes RCI theory: Each = motive for other; law only recognizes the state motive not
necessarily the “real” motive unless same
b. Ex. Hamer v Sidway under modern. Still works since both induced other. DOES NOT MATTER
EXCHANGE [Focus = relationship between promise and consideration]
i. This weeds out some errors of the bargain approach which doesn’t focus on relationship
between promise and consideration
Consideration considerations:
1. Need a bargained for exchange [§71]
2. Don’t care about actual motives, only care about whether intent is to induce
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Things that are not consideration: [Think of Form v. Substance theme]
1. Past performance : not bargained for, already get it [Feinberg: no consideration since pension for past
consideration instead of future employ]
2. Moral obligation
3. Mere pretense (peppercorn) – under strict RCI would qualify, but law beyond that, still a hard test since
need all the facts [Ex. P. $1 for a Porsche; Even P. $2k if continue to work could be a mere pretense if
not serious about work continuation]
4. Illusory promises: sounds like a promise has been made, but really hasn’t [Form of promise, but not
substance of one]
a. Levels
i. Unrestricted termination clause makes K illusory : no consideration b/c party w/ right to
terminate is not bound; “at any time” or “for no reason at all” sure signs of no
1. [Strong v Sheffield: no consideration since did not specify a forbearance length
“completely unfettered”. Even though did get a forebearance, never got any
assurance of one. Consideration is to be tested by agreement, not what was
done under it] [Could have been a valid unilateral K ??]
ii. Restricted termination clause – doesn’t necessarily render K illusory [either includes a
notice before termination or doesn’t include terms such as “at any time” or “for any
iii. Satisfaction Clause – doesn’t necessarily render a K illusory (Satisfaction could be
equated to “good faith” (subjective) or reasonable person strd) (objective), therefore has
substance and isn’t illusory]
1. Mattai: promised to buy land if could satisfactorily find buyers – court used
subjective test here and upheld K
iv. Requirements/Output Clause – doesn’t necessarily render a K illusory [They are valid if
requirements can be objectively determined to be reasonable]
1. Eastern court determined the term require to mean “require in good faith”,
therefore, not illusory since, although not specifically specified, “require in good
faith” could be determined as reasonable
b. RSC §77 : a promise or apparent promise is not consideration by its terms, the promisor or
purported promisor reserves a choice of alternative performance
5. Gratuitous promise – promise made w/o consideration [Many of above entail a gratuitous promise]
6. Conditional gratuitous promise not consideration [but fine line exists] (if you go around the corner, I’ll
buy you an overcoat – no inducement because P’rs motive is not to get tramp to go around the corner. If
could snap fingers and get him a coat, just as well)
a. “If…then” not good way to distinguish between contracts & gifts
1. By RSC §71(2) : if one does not know of reward, not induced by it = no consideration. If knew of reward,
then induced by it so consideration.
a. As long as know of reward but have another motive, court will presume partially taking
advantage of it, so consideration
Can the court interpret a contract’s language? YES [Substance v. Form; Aids in autonomy, right to contract]
1. Court can Imply in fact a contract and enforce what was implied and not written into contract. Language
must always be interpreted. “A promise may be lacking, and yet the whole writing may be instinct with
obligation” [Cardozo in Lucy]
a. Ex. Lucy contract is upheld since Lucy bound by Ps “good faith, reasonable efforts” to sell,
although not said in so many words, is implied
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At-Will E’e Contracts: Amount to an unrestricted termination/illusory promise since can terminate/quit “at
any time”
1. Consideration for a RC as part of work can be valid if:
a. For promotion
b. Before hired as part of deal
c. For a guaranteed amount of employment time
d. Bjerre disagrees with this but CAB said After started work AND Actual continuation of
employment [Not valid since still made w/ less bargaining power, not a free exchange] – even
though had “substantial” employment, turning a bi-lat into a uni-lat K, still iffy, contradicts
Strong v Sheffield. HOWEVER, could have succeeded under PE
2. E’e bound to handbook terms even if unbargained for, giving after hire, may not have read/received it
[Policy: continued performance of duties = acceptance and necessary consideration w/ bank getting more
stable/productive work-force] [Some courts say this]
3. E’r can’t unilaterally change/modify terms to reduce E’e rights w/o providing consideration [Some courts
say this]
PE & Quasi K
1. Only applies if K/promise lacks consideration making it invalid
2. Central element of K = consideration
a. PE like detriment to P’e w/o bargain
b. Quasi-K like benefit to P’r w/o bargain
Other names:
1. Restitution : means you got something and so you need to give something back of value in order to avoid
These 3 all mean same:
2. Constructive Contract
3. Contract implied-in-law
4. Quantum meruit
Definition: “IMPLIED BY LAW” K is not based on the intent of parties, imposes an implied promise based
on what most people would want. Its a “legal fiction”
1. Use to avoid unjust enrichment
2. Based on what reasonable person would want done
3. Different then taking K and to “IMPLY IN FACT” what the parties intended
a. “K or promise implied by law…very different [then] contract in fact, whether express or implicit.
A K implied by law rests on NO EVIDENCE. It has no actual existence”
1. D was enriched; AND
2. Unjust to keep that benefit w/o paying for it.
3. [No requirement a promise has been made]
4. [Need to determine what does it mean to have injustice? When is there injustice?]
3. Court reluctant to enforce since reasonable person would not expect parties to be bound:
a. Optimistic statements by MDs to patients
b. Statements between intimates for social purpose
i. Not binding since lacks contractual intent to be bound [rely on each other’s good will]
ii. Ex.
1. No recovery for broken wedding reception plans
2. No recovery for injuries resulting from crash heading to a hunting trip since P =
4. Should weigh:
a. Freedom to contract: make K’ing available to those who’ll take pains to clarify idesas as to what
they want K about
b. Freedom from contract: no make K’ing so easy as to hook unwary signer or causual promisor
Gentlemen’s Agreements:
Comes up in “letter of intent” situations
• Best idea: MAKE intent clear! “Parties don’t intend to be bound by K”
• Keeps K law out of agreement/negotiations
• Gives parties some certainty
Formal K Contemplated
What if parties agree on essential details but leave details to be worked out for a K they are both expecting to
sign. What if one party then refuses to sign?
1. CL has 2 widely accepted principles:
a. Absent an expressed intent that no K shall exist, mutual assent [even oral/informal] to exchange
acts/promises is sufficient to create a binding K
b. To avoid obligation of a binding K, at least one party must express intention not to be bound until
a writing is excuted
2. Is written/oral terms binding?
a. Depends on what the parties intended [what would reasonable person think]
b. Factors to consider:
i. Did one party reserve right not to be bound?
ii. Any partial performance of K?
iii. All terms of alleged K were agreed upon?
iv. Is agreement at issue the type of K usually committed to in writing?
v. Detail level of agreement
1. Confers power on another to make a K
2. Offer is a voluntary proposal of an exchange; Offeror = master of offer. Offeree has power to accept.
Acceptance creates a K
3. O’r has power to:
a. Specify offer
b. Usually specify what constitutes acceptance – can be as narrow as they want
c. Can choose if it’s a Unilateral or Bilateral K
4. RSC §24 : Offer defined: “An offer is the manifestation of willinginess to enter into a bargain, so made
as to justify another person in understanding that his assent to that bargain is invalid and will conclude it”
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5. Things looking at:
a. will basically be looking at utterances to decide if they are offers
b. will try to decide if an offeror is proposing an exchange; is this a proposal for an intent to be
bound in a legally binding exchange? [reasonable person standard]
c. What offeree reasonably understands is important
General: Taking advantage of the offer. Using power given by O’r to make a K. Once an acceptance is made,
then both parties are bound.
1. Once O’e accepts offer, it firms up exchange
2. If close calls; courts usually default to no offer – don’t want to push people into Ks
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Notice & Acceptance: Acceptances need to be communicated to O’r EXCEPT when it is inferred that O’r
does not need communication [express or implied]
1. Notice needed unless O’r dispenses w/ it [express or impliedly]
a. If notice dispensed w/ by O’r then performance is sufficient for acceptance
b. Ex. Carbolic : accept offer of getting sick was meant to be implied or would have gotten 1000’s
of useless postcards
2. Bilateral K,
a. Acceptance: return promise given, then return promise is binding
b. Notice required [Policy: acceptance = communicative act and need to specify their obligations]
3. Unilateral
c. Acceptance: performance
d. Notice: no notice required unless performance not evident
1. Lapse of the offer, OR
a. Expiration of offer’s acceptance period
i. Offer lasts as long as O’r wants
ii. If no time, lapses after reasonable time under circumstances
2. Revocation, OR
a. CL: offer freely revocable before accepted when offer made w/o consideration [if had
consideration, would be an option K]
b. Revocation must be communicated to O’e or reasonable steps taken to do so
i. O’r can revoke a general offer in same way made general offer known, don’t need to tell
every person about it
c. If revocation happens between offer/acceptance, power of acceptance is revoked [does not matter
if O’e received info directly or indirectly]
i. RSC 43: O’es power to accept terminated if O’e indirectly learns that O’r has taken
definite action inconsistent w/ an intention to enter into proposed K
d. Iffy language will be interpreted as revocation [benefit of doubt to O’r since don’t want to force
people into Ks]
e. Revocation generally held to be effective when received [§42]
f. EXCEPTION: “Firm Offer” or Option K [Irrevocable Ks for a time]
3. O’r death or incapacity, OR
a. Rule generally holds regardless of whether o’e learns of it
b. Same rule is true for O’e
c. EXCEPTION: doesn’t terminate o’es power of acceptance under an option K [Policy: O’e gave
some sort of consideration to get time]
4. O’e rejection
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a. Act by O’e which puts an end to an ordinary offer [O’e can’t then go back and accept]
i. Words/conduct of o’r must be sufficient for reasonable person to interpret as a revocation
b. Counter-offer (changing offer not acceptance – it’s a counter-offer BECAUSE OF MIRROR
5. Destruction of subject matter or illegality could lead court to terminate offer
1. Acceptance/Rejection:
a. Assumes that dispatch of acceptance is crucial point at which K is made – after which O’r power
to revoke is terminated, O’es power to reject has ended, and risk of transmission are on the O’r
b. Once dispatched, too late to change mind
c. Policy: puts burden on O’r to rely on revocation in mail and if received before O’e mailed so will
keep O’r from selling goods to others in interim
2. Revocation
a. Ineffective if received after an acceptance has been properly dispatched
b. Generally held to be effective on receipt only, not on dispatch [See §42]
c. Policy:
i. Risk of transmission on O’r; Makes O’rs duty of performance conditional upon receipt of
the acceptance
ii. Disadvantages to receipt rule: while letter is in transit, O’e is free to watch the market &
speculate while O’r is unable to revoke
3. Option Ks : EXCEPTION : Acceptance under an Option K is not operative until received by O’r
4. Electronic Medium: RSC §64
a. Telephone or any instantaneous 2-way medium = like done in presence of person
b. Email: effective when “received” even if no-one aware of it – so when system receives it
5. RSC §40: Time when rejection or counter-offer terminates the power of acceptance. Rejection or
counter-offer by mail or telegram doesn’t terminate the power of acceptance until received by the offer,
but limits the power so that a letter or telegram of acceptance started after the sending of an otherwise
effective rejection or counter-offer is only a counter-offer unless the acceptance is received by the O’r
before he receives the rejection or counter-offer.
a. Note: If O’e 1st decides to reject/counter-offer and mails, but then decides to accept the original
offer and sends notice of acceptance – what happens depends on what gets there 1st. If acceptance
does, then original offer accepted, if rejection/counter offer does, then acceptance becomes
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OPTION Ks : promise made by O’r that effectively limits the O’r power to revoke
1. Options can be created by:
a. Consideration [mere peppercorn can be consideration]
b. Firm offers
c. Reliance by O’e
2. Rejection: doubtful that holder of a power to accept under an option K puts an end to it by rejecting the
“offer” if still within time limits since they have consideration
3. One promise can be consideration for multiple other promises
PRECONTRACTUAL LIABILITY : no party safe by relying on prospect of a contract, but could incur
liability before K formed in some circumstances
A court has some discretion in determining circumstances of whether there has been an acceptance in
borderline cases to protect the reliant party. A party whose reliance has conferred a benefit on the other may
have a claim to restitution to prevent unjust enrichment even though no contract has resulted.
§45 of Restatement:
(1) Where an offer invites an offeree to accept by rendering a performance and does not invite a promissory
acceptance, an option contract is created when the offeree tenders or begins the invited performance or
tenders a beginning of it
(2) The offeror’s duty of performance under any option contract so created is conditional on completion or
tender of the invited performance in accordance with the terms of the offer.
(partial performance becomes consideration for an option contract—completion of terms of offer =
Unilateral Ks allow partial performance; bilateral Ks don’t
Offer for exchange NOT meant to become a promise [Can’t use PE w/ offers]
[??? Review this] Drennan combines elements of 45 [partial performance] & 90 [PE] to create what later
becomes 87(2) [offer causing reliance becomes an option K]
1. Think about 87(2) v 45? Overlap?
2. What’s the relationship between consideration & reliance?
Requirement of Definiteness
Courts will first interpret a K before concluding its too indefinite. Will look at:
1. Prelim. negotiations / prior communications
2. External sources like trade regs
3. Trade usages
4. Reference to prior history between parties
5. Implied terms supplied by law – “reasonable efforts” = sufficiently definite if content can be determined
by some external standard
6. It is enough if K provides means of making its terms sufficiently definite by time performance is called
for such as:
a. Output & requirement Ks (Eastern Airlines; Lady Duff)
b. Prevailing rate (in Toys)
Why be imprecise?
1. Too lazy to take time: prefer to rely on terms that court will supply if dispute arises
2. Reluctant to raise difficult issues for fear of losing deal
3. Don’t foresee problem
4. Prefer not to disclose info. they feel will give other party advantage
Note: Court will rarely find indefiniteness as sole reason to not enforce K. Even if finds indefiniteness
unreasonable and K unenforceable P may still be entitled to recover under PE or Quasi-K theory for
RESTITUTION [party who has performed under an agreement that is unenforceable for definiteness is
entitled to restitution [Ex. Pyeatte: wife pays for law school – K indefinite but still allowed Restitution under
Quasi-K theory]
Relational K/Complete Contingent – common in employment Ks between business who deal w/ one another
regularly – when all relevant risks can’t be assigned optimally due to unknown future contingencies (Eg
output K) – allows for more indefiniteness
Restatement § 33 Certainty:
(1) Even though a manifestation of intent is intended to be understood as an offer, it cannot be accepted
so as to form a contract unless the terms of the contract are reasonably certain.
(2) The terms of a contract are reasonably certain if they provide a basis for determining the existence of
a breach and for giving an appropriate remedy.
(3) The fact that one or more terms of a proposed bargain are left open or uncertain may show that a
manifestation of intention is not intended to be understood as an offer or as an acceptance.
Statute of Frauds
Definition: Makes certain Ks unenforceable because they are ORAL, but general rule is that oral Ks are
enforceable [Controversial: many legislatures have enacted but many courts have blocked their enforcement].
Idea is to protect Ds against fraudulent promises never made. However, doesn’t protect against a fraudulent
ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES: St. of Frauds could really hammer this so legislature made statute saying
that e-signatures will suffice
1. E-Sig in Global and National Commerce Act (15 USC 7001):
a. 101(a)(1) : E sig treated like any other sig
b. 101(a)(2): Fact a signature is E shouldn’t be used to deny its legal effect [goes right at statue of
2. Definitions:
a. E Record: K or other record created, generated, sent, communicated, received or stored by E
b. E Sig: An E sound, symbol or process, attached to or logically associated w/ a K or other record
and executed or adopted by a person w/ intent to sign the record
i. Ex. Clicking “I agree” = going through a process so = a sig.
FORM V SUBSTANCE check-up : Generally, courts moving towards substance over form [sometimes will
ignore form if there is enough substance]
1. Consideration: Promise you care for $1
a. Form = exchange under old law; Modern courts look to substance and says this is a gift
2. Statute of Frauds = Erosion is part of shift
3. Form not completely worthless [Note consideration serves these same 3 Fcns]
a. Evidentiary Fcn: writing a form of evidence of existence of a K
b. Cautionary Fcn: brings a seriousness to K
c. Channeling Fcn: channels K into enforceability or non-enforceability [Makes enforceability more
straight-forward. Let’s parties know a contract has been made and can rely on this]
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Definition: Deals w/ bargaining abuses. Although a K may meet formal requirements for enforceability, such
as assent, consideration and compliance w/ statutes of fraud, there are cases where the law may nonetheless
refuse to enforce the bargain
Main types:
1. Status of parties – disqualifies certain classes of people from committing themselves to a K
a. Historically: Minors, married women, mentally infirm
2. Behavior of parties – how they bargained in fact
3. Substance of bargain – courts can enforce highly unequal deals, but courts have found ways to disfavor
particularly lopsided deals
Court’s tools:
1. Conventional controls
2. Rescission for fraud
3. Unconscionability
4. Strict construction of harsh terms
CAPACITY: Deals w/ those how have less than full power to contract. Lack of capacity is both a benefit and
burden to this class of people.
1. Minor/infancy: [Called: Contract is Voidable by Infant] General rule is K of minor [usually 18 or 21],
other than for necessaries, can disaffirm/AVOID at his option. So K is voidable/not void by minor, not
by adult whom contracted with.
a. Applies to emancipated/unemancipated
b. Minor can disaffirm within reasonable time after reaching majority age [ability could be lost
through parental consent]
c. Restitution after disaffirmance, minor can:
i. Goods: get restitution of payments already made on goods but must return goods
ii. Services: Split: Some Jx say service provider screwed; others feel minor should not be
allowed to be put in a superior position
i. Statutory or Ks that deal w/ duties of imposed law (like marriage)
ii. Necessaries: like buying food
e. Rational:
i. Doctrine, no matter how unreasonable, protects minors against bad judgment and being
taken advantage of [Even if child lies of age, court would argue he doesn’t know the
ramification of his lies – others do allow deceit]
ii. Court doesn like K but feels there needs to be bright line rule
f. Burden: Puts burden on those considered “infants” but that are not children since may not be able
to contract
g. What else could legislature do?
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i. Allow parties to submit proposed K to court removing infant’s disaffirmance
ii. Establish a rebuttable presumption of incapacity replacing strict rul
iii. Statutory procedure allowing minors to petition a court for removal of disabilities
2. Elderly: some statutes popping up to protect elderly (generally over 60) against deceit
3. Mental Infirmity – If don’t have mental ability [cognition] to understand a Tx, then K is avoidable [even
if have the volition]
a. Differs from “actually” understanding K (not avoidable) from “ability” to (avoidable)
4. Intoxication Person: Only offsets K if so drunk as to have drowned reason, memory,
judgment…rendering party incompetent (Martin v Harsh)
5. Married Women: used to be considered tied to man, but not anymore
1. Generally: To recover monies paid in duress, must act promptly in making claim EXCEPT if to do right
away creates fear stoppage/delay
2. Duress: impermissible pressure/wrongful threat precluding free will exerted by one party over another
either during the initial bargaining or during attempted renegotiation
3. Physical Duress: “I’ll kill you unless you sign”
4. “Economic Duress” or “Business Compulsion” – Improper threat coupled w/ a lack of reasonable
a. What constitutes economic duress
i. Y
1. Immediate possession of goods is threatened ; OR
2. If one party to K threatened breach of agreement by withholding goods unless
other party agrees to some further demand
3. No reasonable alternative
ii. N
1. mere threat
a. However, threat to immediately stop delivery construed as depriving D of
free will [Austin Instrument]
2. Threatened party can obtain goods from another supplier; AND ordinary breach
remedies not adequate
b. Improper threat need not be illegal is standard not rule, could be a breach of a pre-existing
i. KEY: Whether or not threat is improper because it was not made for a Legitimate
Commercial Reason
ii. Remember HALE. Separate threats from improper threats – coercion can’t be used to
distinguish 2
c. K is not void per se, but voidable by coerced party
d. Narrowly construed or it would threaten many Ks
Overall, no duty imposed on 1 party to tell other party any info. However, if he does speak w/ reference to a
specific point, voluntarily or at other’s request, he is bound to be honest and divulge all material facts
Other features:
1. Rules are same as other contracts w/ crucial difference that they are not consented to
2. Contingent terms: term doesn’t matter except in rare circumstance. Most people, therefore, don’t worry
about [Ie. Choice of forum clause]
3. Unilateral modification: one side has right to modify K, as long as done in good faith
4. Court less likely to enforce if given after receipt of stub [except car rental agreements, etc. say otherwise]
5. K needs to give people adequate notice, or there is no intent by P to be bound
6. Medium used to convey a contract of adhesion makes no difference
7. Although there is a duty to read K [irrelevant if have K or not], RSC §211(3) provides somewhat of an
exception for Ks of Adhesion – if there are provisions in K which a reasonable person wouldn’t expect to
be there, then particular provision won’t be enforced
a. Rest of K is enforceable
b. Is a common-sense safe-guard
1. Allows cheaper Ks
2. Once you get form together, all subsequent use of K is free
3. Ultimately, benefits end-users since price savings is passed
4. Adv. of lessons/experience and enables a judicial interpretation of one K to serve as interpretation of all
5. reduces uncertainty
6. saves time and trouble
7. simplifies planning and administration
8. makes risks calculable
9. increases security when taking foreseeable risks
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10. Robust economy
11. Greatest good for greatest # of people
1. Libertarian: can infringe on our liberty
2. People don’t read them
3. May be a means for one party to impose their will on other
4. One party is a “repeat player” & that gives that party an unfair advantage
5. Unequal bargaining power between parties
6. Person has no choice over terms
7. Timing problem: Ex. May want to rent car, then get handed K terms AFTER have already paid and
gotten keys
1. Parcel stub not K since main function is for getting bag back [film stub would probably be same thing]
2. Signs on wall: clothes left at dry cleaners 30 days will be thrown at? Reasonable person test
3. For insurance: usually goes in favor of insured
a. Doctrine of reasonable excpectations: when insurance sold in circumstances that discourage
detailed inquiries, reasonable expectations of the buyer should be honored even though policy
terms don’t support them
Concerned w/ the protection of the public at large against the imposition by BOTH parties of K. Times when
K law and all other law come into conflict. [Affects Quasi-K; PE and Ks enforceability]
When will courts refuse to enforce an agreement, fairly/freely entered by both parties because will
contravene “public policy”?
1. Illegal Ks: Ks that violate specific law: court won’t force an agreement to do what law explicitly
prohibits [Like a K to do a hit]
2. Activities closely related to illegal acts: (Ex. Can’t K to split spoils of a robbery. Usually not enforceable
unless legislature has specifically sanctioned enforceability)
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3. Gambling: CL says gambling illegal, so only statutes making certain aspects of it are enforceable. If no
carve-out, not enforceable
4. Covenants not to compete: must be [MAJ] reasonable under circumstances (industry/time/geography). If
K is deliberately unreasonable, oppressive, or overreaching, covenant would be invalid.
5. Restraints on alienation (alienation: to sell, give away, or transfer items to another)
6. Surrogacy Ks – Baby M case. Best interest of child primarily
7. Usury (charging more interests on loans then law permits). Generally statutes in each state set a
maximum interest rate and anything over that is usurious (good K writing – if have a high interest rate,
add a clause to state that if the state rate is usurious, will fall back on max the state will allow)
8. Prenuptial agreements [if have offer/acceptance/consideration courts will uphold]
a. Prenups/alimony as matter of PP weren’t enforceable
b. Current, under regular K law and ok if
i. Made reasonable provision/good deal for spouse OR
ii. Entered after full/fair disclosure of general financial positions
c. Paternalism: law protecting people from their own actions. Whole concept is contrary to
AUTONOMY [foundation of contract law] – parties know best what they need/want
d. Simeone court against bi. Since based on paternalism, not K law so says only ii, like normal, is
test for a valid K
e. Threat of “sign this or I won’t marry you” is not the kind of threat we protect under Duress
Principle one of prevention of oppression & unfair surprise and not of disturbance of the allocation of risks
because of superior bargaining power
Procedural Unconscionability – fault or unfairness in the bargaining process – absence of meaningful choice.
[Policy: ok for con since means not free and unvoluntary] EGs.
1. Fork K of adhesion (not inherently uncon, but factor to consider)
2. Unequal bargaining power
3. Education level of parties
4. Setting of Tx
a. Level of need for the item
b. Sharply limited choice
5. High pressure sales
6. Emotional manipulation
7. Knowing advantage-taking
8. Difficult/Complex AND/OR hidden in fine print language
9. Timing
1. Paternalistic – interferes w/ freedom to K
2. Institutional Competence: Q of law for judge – but should legislature be the ones to address this?
Sometimes statutes in place to protect consumer
3. Counterproductive? Some argue that effect is to give people w/ bad credit or low financial resources less
opportunity to K (lenders will be less likely to lend to high risk people if their Ks invalidated by doctrine)
Types of remedies:
1. Equitable Remedies: will usually ONLY get if Damages are inadequate
a. Specific Performance: Ordered to perform K.
i. If performance would require very intense and sophisticated supervision, usually won’t be
ii. Court won’t order performance of K personal in nature
iii. Won’t be ordered when party claiming breach has adequate remedy at law
iv. Laclede Gas Co. : A requirements K. Hard to calculate damages because they fluctuate –
specific performance = ok
b. Injunction: Court orders not do something
2. Modern age [This is most important]
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a. Damages : Goal is to make P was well off it there would have been no breach. Pay P enough
money so that they will be “indifferent” between getting money or specific performance
3. Tort v K Damages: Tort damages put you back to where you would have been. K damages put you
forward into position you would have been [since K would have been to your advantage]
1. Expectancy Damages : overall goal – put the parties in as good a position had there been no
breach. Based on circumstances – not on “reasonable” person
1. P has burden to prove
2. P entitled to benefit of the bargain – enough to put the party in the position she would have been had the
K been completed; pulls the P forward
3. Non-breaching party should be indifferent Re: whether K performed or the money damages
4. Profit
5. Purpose not to implement a benefit but to remedy a harm
a. Almost NEVER give punitive damages
6. Allows for efficient breach
a. Nobody worse off, but somebody better off due to a breach of K
b. Pareto Superior: world is in a better state – efficient breach example since everyone better off
c. Lets things get to people who value them the most
d. Doesn’t make sense to impose penalties for breach
e. Works when taking advantage of imperfect information
1. “Perfect Market” efficient breach wouldn’t work since B1 knows how much B2 would
pay so his subjective value would immediately go up. Therefore, S would not profit
from this Tx.
7. Foreseeability and expectancy damages = default rules
2. Restitution
• The dollar of damage = the value of the unjust enrichment.
• The court makes its own determination of its value—must be reasonable
• Used in situations of quasi –K-(Cotnam v. Wisdom—damages for the medical care Harrison
received from Dr. Wisdom).
• However, a valid K doesn’t preclude the use of restitution. If a party makes a bad K and
would not be in a better position if the K was completed, and the K was breached before
completion, the losing party/ non-breacher can recover restitution damages
• Usually K price is not ceiling to what may be recovered (“the sore thumb to the sore thumb
US v. Algernon Blair
Subcontractor made horrible deal, general contractor breached on the contract. Subcontractor was allowed to
recover the reasonable value of the work they had performed (equipment rental costs) up until the day of the
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breach. The promissee, upon the breach, has the option to forego any suit on the K and claim only the
reasonable value of his performance. OK b/c court wants to punish the breacher, and the breacher shouldn’t
be able to benefit from the breach.
3. Restoration
• Restore a party to the position she was in before the harm. Put the P in the position she would
have been in if the promise had never been made (and detrimentally relied upon).
• This is used in Promissory Estoppel situations
• Eg: Ricketts v. Scothorn—damages of the wages she lost from quitting her job in reliance on
her Grandfather’s promise
(a) Groves—regrading cost of performance = 60K, diminution of land value only 12K for not being
regraded—court awarded cost of performance because breach was willful.
i. Awarding cost of performance should reflect owner’s subjective value of property.
Court here says no evidence of subjective value. Bjerre disagrees.
ii. Awarding cost of performance almost punitive here which goes against K theory
iii. Awarding diminution of value fits better w/ expectancy theory of making P ‘whole’
(b) Peevyhouse—regarding strip mine company failed to restore a farm as required by K. Restoration
cost = 29K, value of doing so only $ 300. Court awards diminution of value b/c breach merely
incidental to K’s purpose.
i. Groves court would have awarded cost of performance because breach was wilfull
ii. Subjective value of restoration not considered here---Bjerre thinks bad outcome
1. Mitigation/Avoidability
a. After P receives a breach notice, its his duty to do nothing to increase the damages, can’t continue
to perform, then recover based on full performance
i. Rationale: P interested only in profit, so if gets this anyway on breach, could use time
more wisely otherwise
b. P has a duty to mitigate, if don’t, D not liable to other side if continue to perform for that
continued work
c. Non-breacher must actively look to mitigate by looking for a replacement K
i. “Reasonable substitute” : non-breacher not obligated to take an inferior or different Tx –
must be “substantially similar”
ii. P must make reasonable efforts to find alternative Tx [reasonable determined under
circumstances]. NO duty to take it, but it doesn’t mean shouldn’t take it since court will
assume that since it is there you should have taken it
1. B<P x L [B= cost of step; P = Probability ; L = breached money trying to avoid]
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iii. D is responsible for reasonable costs incurred in reasonable efforts (idea that D should be
responsible because effort taken for Ds benefit to reduce Ds damages)
iv. Even if deal is for less profit, then can still sue for difference
v. Example: Hypo: Buyer breaches K for sale of care for $5k. Seller sells to another for $4k.
Seller can recover $1k from breaching buyer + costs of reasonable efforts to find
d. RSC 350: Avoidability as a Limitation on Damages
i. Damages not recoverable for loss that the injured party could have avoided w/o undue risk,
burden or humiliation
ii. Injured part is not precluded from recovery by the rule stated in (i) to the extent that he
has made reasonable but unsuccessful efforts to avoid loss
e. EXCEPTION: Lost Volume Seller: seller is not just as well off from mitigating their damages
because they would have made 2 profits instead of only one.
i. Elements of LVS
1. Had capacity [Necessary condition = could hire more workers/rent more
2. Would have filled it in absence of breach [Possible to do and advantageous]
[Sufficient condition]
3. Profitable [Suffcient]
a. Bjerre doesn’t think profit element as important.
i. If not profitable, D then has no reason to point to this as something
that would have mitigated damages by P in 1st place – would still
owe. Also could get other benefits other than profits from a Tx [NO
ii. Thus, 1 & 2 most important to worry bout
b. Personal services (like movie start) classic non-LVS since can’t perform
both at same time; Construction company = classic LVS since can hire
more workers to do more jobs]
ii. Diminishing Returns
1. An example of when P wouldn’t have a LVS argument
2. A time when you’ll have to pay more to produce more (like overtime charges kick-
in) – so even though you could have produced more, you wouldn’t have
3. Can’t recover as a LVS if you would have lost money on second sale [NO
2. Foreseeability : unforeseeable damages not recoverable. Would a reasonable person have foreseen the
a. Rule from Hadley [mill crank delivery case]
i. What a reasonable person would foresee (objective) OR
ii. If K made under special circumstances and communicated to D (subjective)
b. RSC 351(3): allows court to limit disproportionate rulings
c. Drafters of contract can eliminate any confusion by writing: “In the event of a breach, we will not
be responsible for consequential damages”
Consequential damages:
Damages not “arising naturally’ but only as a result of “special circumstances under which the K was
actually made”
1. Beyond mere loss in value of promised performance (direct damages) and resulting from impact of the
breach on other Tx or endeavors dependent on the K
2. Lost profits one kind of consequential damage
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3. Example of other kind:
a. D limited to damages for fee that would cost competent person to install a transformer, not for the
consequential damages that resulted to repair it
Increasing Damages
• Basic rule: Penalty clauses not enforceable; contracts can be drafted to limit damages, but not
to expand damage
• Per Posner and academics: this is a dubious rule: can be the genuine self-interest of parties to enter
into Ks the breach of which will penalize them
• When ALL costs are up front, take-or-pay clause might well be a reasonable liquidation of damages
[K revenues would then be an excellent measure of damages from breach”
• Policy. Should this be the rule?
o Pro: when parties are powerful, competent, penalties should be enforced.
o Con: could have the effect of deterring some efficient breaches.
• Tricky lawyering: instead of a penalty, can you deny a party a bonus for breach?
1. “At the time of contracting, the parties may wish to avoid disputes and uncertainty over damages if a
breach occurs. Such a provision has the effect of liquidating anticipated damages in the event of a
possible breach, and is known as a ‘liquidated damages’ clause.
“reasonable estimate at the time of contracting of the likely damages from breach, and the need for
estimation at that time must be shown by reference to the likely difficulty of measuring the actual damages
from a breach of contract after the breach occurs. If damages would be easy to determine then, or if the
estimate greatly exceeds a reasonable upper estimate of what the damages are likely to be, it is a penalty”
Ks that specify a single sum in damages for ANY breach and this fixed sum greatly exceeds actual damages,
then it’s a penalty
NOTICE: All the stuff we studied re: damages = a default rule. It can all be avoided by adding a liquidated
damages clause to your K.
Damages Equation
Restatement § 347:
Damages =
Plaintiff’s loss in value caused by the D’s non-performance (This is determined by deducting the
contractual value of what the plaintiff received from what she was promised)
Any other loss (includes consequential and incidental damages)
Any cost or loss the P avoided by not having to perform
Contracts Outline
OFFERS ..........................................................................................................................................6
When is an offer made? .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Not Quite Offers: ................................................................................................................................... 6
Price Quotes & Invitations to make an offer........................................................................................................................... 6
Advertising.................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Letters of Intent ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Oral Contracts ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
ACCEPTANCES ................................................................................................................................7
Silence is not an acceptance ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
When do offers Lapse? ......................................................................................................................... 7
Lapse in General.......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Revocation..................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Option contracts .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Communication Breakdowns: ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Partial Performance:................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Agreements to Agree & Definiteness........................................................................................................................................ 8
Counter Offers ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Last Shot Doctrine ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Unilateral contracts
Cases where one party makes a promise
and the other party . . . either performs, or just relies.
Hammer v. Sidway:
What is valuable consideration? A detriment to either promisor, or promisee.
Forbearance counts as consideration
Gratuitous Promises / Nudum pactum
Gr. Promises are not enforceable.
Exception: promisee reasonably relied upon the promise.
Feinberg v. Pfeiffer: Worked 37 years, offered pension. Gratuitous? Yes ∴ not enforceable.
But promise enforced per reliance theory
Kirksey v. Kirksey: Brother-in-law offered place to live.
Broadnax v. Ledbetter: Gratuitous Performance
Captured criminal, but didn’t know about reward.
Capture was not “induced by the reward” ∴ gratuitous.
Reliance / Promissory Estoppel
Restatement § 90:
A promise which the promisor should reasonably expect to induce action or forbearance of a
definite and substantial character on the part of the promisee and which does induce such
action or forbearance is binding if injustice can be avoided only by enforcement of the promise.
Bilateral contracts
When promises are the exchange for other promises.
This is the most common kind of contract – don’t usually go out and do it right away.
Conditional Promises:
the promise will only become good if . . .
Illusory Promises
Principle: Promises that aren’t actually worth anything don’t qualify as consideration.
Strong v. Sheffield: Promissory note in exchange for an illusory promise
“I won’t collect on my debt until I want to.”
Not enforceable.
Termination Clauses:
E.G.: if the building burns down – landlord no longer obligated to provide housing.
Unrestricted termination clauses – can cancel at any time – make the promise illusory.
At Will Employment: Initially this seems like just an illusory promise – they usually have unrestricted
termination clauses.
It considered like a lot of one day exchanges.
When they change the handbook, and then you go to work – you’re accepting the new information.
Central Adjustment Bureau v. Ingram: does a promise not to compete have force when only exchanged
for a technically illusory (at-will employment) promise?
Yes: as the employment (i.e.: expected performance) continues, the promise becomes increasingly
Employee Handbooks: Adhesion contracts?
Implied Promises (in a specific contract to a specific person)
Principle: If the parties fail to include a promise in the contract the court can interpret it.
Wood v. Lady Duff: His performance was implied.
New Holding: The court can interpret contracts and enforce what they thought the parties meant,
rather than just what was there.
Schott v. Westinghouse: Suggestion Box idea for a better circuit breaker
Expected to be paid – also no pay would be unjust enrichment.
Pyette v. Pyette: Wife put Husband thru law school, Husband divorced and refused to reciprocate.
Not definite enough for the court to decide,
but it was unjust enrichment (quasi – contract) and ∴ he owes – back to jury for how much.
Quasi Contract: (contract implied in law)
Principle: when you do something for someone they ought to pay what they owe.
τελος: avoidance of unjust enrichment.
Distinction from Implied promises or promises implied in fact:
Lady Duff implication was in fact.
- Contract implied in law
- restitution
- constructive contract
Constructive Employment – not contract, but keep getting paid
Constructive eviction – wasn’t kicked out, but the lights are out, and snow is coming thru the roof.
- quantum meruit (gets as much as he deserves.)
1) Was it gratuitous?
I.e.: not professional
2) Was it meddling in the situation?
Callano v. Oakwood
1) Was the Δ enriched?
2) Would retention of the benefit without payment be unjust?
Cotnam v. Wisdom: thrown from streetcar, Drs. Operate.
There is a right to collect – how much is up to the jury
& it should be decided based on how much the service was worth, not what the Δ could pay.
Pyette v. Pyette: Wife put Husband thru law school, Husband divorced and refused to reciprocate.
Not definite enough for the court to decide,
but it was unjust enrichment (quasi – contract) and ∴ he owes – back to jury for how much.
Usually promises between spouses are not enforceable, but in this case the effort by one spouse was so
extrodinary that the court said their was a quasi contract.
Contractor’s Claims:
Sub-contractor (S) built a bathroom on HomeOwner’s (H) house per instructions from Contractor (C).
then C goes bankrupt & doesn’t pay.
S can only get re-paid by H when every avenue against C is exhausted.
When is an offer made?
When an offeree reasonably thinks an offer has been made. Offer: A statement or other act
Lucy v. Zehmer: Just kidding about the farm offer in which one person gives
another the power to make a
- Ct: offer is good because Lucy reasonably thought the offer
had been made.
Must be an expression of will or
The offeror is the “master of the contract” intention.
offeror has the power to make the terms
offeree has the power to make them binding.
Counter Offers
A rejection of the previous offer, and a whole new offer.
Once a counter offer is made the other offer is considered to be revoked.
Precatory offers: acceptance of the offer as is with a recommendation to change.
Last Shot Doctrine
When companies know they’re going to agree they send forms back and forth. The last form mailed
before performance begins is the controlling contract.
Default Rules Option rules
Promises are not binding without real Mere pretense of consideration is sufficient to hold
consideration an option open
Death of offeror terminates the power to Death of offeror during the option period
Accept has no effect on the ability of the offeree
to form a Contract by exercising the option.
Acceptances: Acceptances:
Mailbox Rule: Acceptances under options are not effective until
Acceptances are effective when mailed rec’d. § 63 they must be rec’d before the end of the
if they are mailed before any option.
rejections or revocations.
Exception: § 40:
If a Rejection is mailed first & rec’d first
an Ac, even if mailed prior to the rj rec’d,
is just a counter offer.
Overtaking rejections are not valid
unless they are relied upon – apply the
estoppel rules to see if reliance is valid.
Rejections: Rejections:
Rejections are binding when rec’d Rejections aren’t binding until the option expires.
unless an Ac has already been rec’d
Offeree can reject during the offer time and then
accept later as long as it’s within the Option time.
Revocations: Revocations:
Are effective when rec’d. Can’t revoke
(without incurring breach of contract penalties.)
But … What if the offeror goes off and makes another contract in reliance on that statement.
Equitable estoppel … when you’ve made a statement of fact, and someone relies on it
you can’t go back on your word.
Overtaking Acceptance:
Rejections are effective when received
1 – Offer
2 – Rejection is mailed by USPS
3 – Acceptance is mailed – this is the point at which contract is made.
4 - acceptance arrives by FedEx.
5 – Rejection arrives by U.S. Post.
Non-Overtaking Acceptance
1 – Offer
2 - Rejection Mailed
3 - Acceptance Mailed
4 – Rejection Arrives – this limits the power of the traveling acceptance:
It turns the acceptance into a mere counter-offer.
5 – Acceptance Arrives
Estoppel is not an issue here because § 40 does not deal with reliance.
But it does allow for it.
If the offeror relies on the first received rejection
They are still perfectly free to reject the counter offer.
Defenses to Contracts
Reasons Why a Contract may be voidable
Void or Voidable?
Void: no court will enforce it.
Voidable: one side can withdraw, but the other can’t.
e.g.: minority, mental infirmity, unconscionability, duress,
When is an agreement definite enough to be enforced?
Did both parties intend to be bound?
Relational contracts are looser
Transactional contracts must be more clear.
Evidence (e.g.: pre-contractual documents are used) can be used to interpret the intent.
Pyette v. Pyette found it was too indefinite.
Channel Home Centers – just shy of too indefinite.
Draftsman told “you’ll get a fair share of my profits”
Usually enforceable based on trade customs preliminary negotiations, etc.
Statute of Frauds: Written & Oral Contracts
Some contracts need to be written down to be valid.
Suretyship: promises to pay another’s debt
Real Estate
Promises that won’t be performed within a year.
Courts don’t like statute of Frauds.
If one signature is on a contract the contract can only be enforced against the signing party.
Not every last detail needs to be written out.
Writing can be evidence of te contract. It doesn’t need to be entirely written out itself.
Letter of Memorandum sent a few days later re-capping the conversation is sufficient to satisfy statute of
Monarco v. Lo Greco: although it was a real estate deal it was enforceable
based on promissory estoppel & restitution – he was owed a part of the farm.
Evidentiary – proves that the contract existed
Cautionary – makes people think twice before entering into a contract
Channeling function: convenient way of separating enforceable contracts from non-enforceable
Bjerre note: Consideration achieves all of these as well.
Promissory Estoppel as the alternative to the statute of Frauds.
Promissory Estoppel is a last resort – you should write clear contracts in the first place.
§ 139 (p. 185 Supp.)
Test for whether injustice can only be avoided by enforcement:
1) availability of other remedies
2) definite and substantial character of the action in relationship to the remedy sought
3) the extent to which the action corroborates evidence of the making of the contract.
4) the reasonableness of the action or forbearance
5) the extent to which the action or forbearance was foreseeable by the promisor.
Electronic Signatures
§ 101 – intent to be bound must be manifested.
E-signature: an electronic sound, symbol or process.
Doesn’t necessarily have to be unforgeable.
Adhesion contracts
Take it or leave it
Contracts are valid to the extent that they don’t go against anything that was actually bargained for.
Are not enforceable when both parties don’t’ know and intend for the contract
e.g.: stuff piggybacking on a receipt if a reasonable person would not expect it.
§ 211 – know esp (3)
1) Claim checks & stubs are not binding if a reasonable person would not view them as a contract.
2) it doesn’t matter if you read it or not (law doesn’t want to encourage willful blindness)
3) Generally they are enforceable, but random unexpected clauses are not
Carnival Cruise Lines: Forum Selection Clause enforceable
R: All passengers benefit when the Co. knows what law they will have to defend under.
“Shocks the conscience”
Procedural & Substantive unconscionability.
1) terms unreasonably favorable to one side
2) lack of meaningful choice for the other.
Restatement § 208
Like a public policy choice
- it tries to prevent people from taking “strong advantage” of others.
Walker Thomas Furniture Co.: Contract included a dragnet clause – get everything
included an apportionment clause – never pay anything off.
Coase Theorem:
If you change the balance of power (e.g.: make apportionment clauses illegal) it will economically
efficiently rebalance some other way. (e.g.: more aggressive collections.)
Gateway 2000: Form in box with new computer, Arbitration in Chicago ICC rules ($10,000 to initiate)
Substantive element alone makes the contract unconscionable.
No procedural unconscionability
Public Policy
Contracts are void if they go against public policy
Contracts for illegal actions, gambling, usury (illegally high rates of interest)
Not preferred by courts – hard to supervise
Don’t like to force actions (too reminiscent of slavery)
Exception: land is usually considered unique, and not as easily translatable into $$.
Sp Perf is an equitable remedy
Court will not order an equitable remedy when there is a remedy at law available.
Lumley v. Wagner: Opera Singer – Injunction: can’t sing anywhere else in town
Didn’t require singing at π’s venue – too hard to supervise
The extent to which courts go to create supervisable orders.
Laclede Gas Co. v. Amoco Oil: Court ordered Sp. Perf. for public policy: keep propane is residences.
The performance req’d was definite enough that it could be supervised.
Calculating Damages
Two ways to calculate damages:
- Diminution of Value
- Putting it back the way it was – Completion of the K.
Groves v. John Wonder Co.: Should the gravel pit be regarded at a cost higher than the cost of the land?
Court orders the cost of regarding.
R: put the π in the position he would have been had the contract been completed.
Accounts for subjective value of land.
(but was there even evidence of such here? He turned around and sold it as soon as it was regarded!)
How damages are calculated:
Contracts: Expectancy Damages
Promissory Estoppel: Reliance Damages.
Quasi Contract – Quantum Meruit
Expectancy Damages
Principles: Put the π in the position they would have been in had the contract been performed.
“the making of the contract is the securing of the benefit.”
Two ways to calculate damages:
- Diminution of Value ($$ - remedy at law)
Peevyhouse v. Garland Coal Mining: Only given change in value of family farm.
- Putting it back the way it was – Completion of the K. (equitable remedy – sp. perf.)
e.g.: Groves v. John Wonder Co.: Gravel Pit Case
Simple Case Hypo:
Painter promises to paint the house.
Homeowner promises to pay $5,000
Next best price available: $7,000
If the painter decides not to paint what damages are owed for breach?
$2,000 (or whatever the difference is between $5,000 and the next best price available.)
“the making of the contract is the securing of the benefit.”
Rhetoric: The expectancy is $2,000.
Vitex v. Caribtex: Only directly applicable variable costs included in expectancy calculation.
R: They would have spent the same fixed costs with or without the contract.
Incidental Reliance:
as opposed to essential reliance
Damages above & beyond the loss of profit from the contract -
actions taken in reasonable expectation that the contract wouldn’t be breached.
E.G.: rent a fruit stand & order fruit – if rental contract is breached, fruit rots – who pays for fruit?
The breachor – assuming it was reasonable for him to assume that the renter would rely on the furuit
stand and purchase the fruit.
Losing Contracts
What if the expected profit was negative?
You pay for the value received (assuming the stoppage was in good faith)
Quantum Meruit
Algernon Blair: “The standard of measuring the reasonable value of the services rendered is the amount for
which such services could have been purchased from one in the π’s position at the time and place the
services were rendered.”
The contract price acts as a ceiling.
Limitations on Damages
Duty to Mitigate
Two Methods:
- Stop the Loss Luten Bridge
- Find another transaction – Parker v. 20th Century Fox (Shirley McClain Case)
20th Century Fox: You must put forth a reasonable effort to get a substantially similar position
It must be of similar quality.
Lost volume sellers – no duty to mitigate
M & R v. Michaels: Contractors are assumed to be lost volume sellers, but π can rebut that.
They had plenty to fill their time, but still were compensated for expectancy.
Limitations on Consequential Damages
They must be foreseeable & relatively certain
Hadley v. Baxendale: Mill shaft case
Can only collect what was reasonably foreseeable by the Δ at the time the Contract is made
it must arise naturally from the breach.
Modern Response: Disclaimers of liability for consequential damages.
Certainty of Damages
Speculative Expectancy Damages:
E.g.: if my house was painted it would be in Home & Garden, and I would get a movie role . . .
Sp. Damages are an evidence issue: Court is conservative in assignment.
Incidental Reliance:
as opposed to essential reliance
Damages above & beyond the loss of profit from the contract -
actions taken in reasonable expectation that the contract wouldn’t be breached.
E.G.: rent a fruit stand & order fruit – if rental contract is breached, fruit rots – who pays for fruit?
The breachor – assuming it was reasonable for him to assume that the renter would rely on the furuit
stand and purchase the fruit.
Penalty Clauses & Liquidated Damages
Ne penalties allowed.
You only get expectancy
R: Punitive damages don’t allow efficient breach -
it makes the π better off with the poor contract with the breach
Good estimate of things that are hard to prove
Lost profits & emotional damages.
Lake River v. Carborundum: If they had just designed the penalty to pay for the cost of the bagging machine
& expected profit they would have been fine.
Take or Pay Clauses: Generally not enforceable – damages are limited to actual damages.
Even new businesses can now show certainty of profits.
Emotional damages are based on a reasonable person.
Objective -
Analyzing a Contract s Que stion
Was it breached?
Must be a material breach actually causing damages
What were the consequences?
Available Remedies
Contracts: Expectancy Damages
Promissory Estoppel: Reliance Damages.
Quasi Contract – Quantum Meruit
No punitive damages
The Holmsian Heresy
Duty to mitigate damages
Key Definitions:
An offer vests in the offeree the power to create a contract by making an acceptance.
I. Types of Enforceable Promises
1) Elements of Consideration
1) Cotnam v. Wisdom- Court ruled that doctor could recover fair fees for
services rendered to a life-threatened stranger. The court relied upon the
legal concept of a contract implied in fact in its decision. This argument is
buttressed by the consideration that the patient would have agreed to pay
for the services had he been conscious, and also by the public utility
inherent in allowing doctors/hospitals to recover for services rendered to
unconscious people. Since the occasion arises so often that patients come
to a hospital, for instance, unconscious and seriously injured, it would
create a serious and intolerable financial hardship for medical
professionals not to allow recovery in such circumstances. This might
cause a serious disruption in the economics of medicine and result in a
worsening of the level of care or dramatic increase in the price for those
who ARE conscious when they decide to receive medical treatment.
II. The Bargaining Process- Every contract is formed through a process whereby two
parties agree to make an exchange. The process is starts with an offer, which must be
sufficiently definite and of a certain form, depending on the situation. Once this offer is
made, a power is bestowed on the offeree to make a contract by accepting the terms of
the offer. After acceptance, the contract is binding and both sides are bound by the
contract unless they agree together to amend or destroy the contract.
1) Lucy v. Zehmer- Case of contract for sale of land, written on the back
of a restaurant check. Zehmer claimed the contract was in jest, but the
evidence suggested that Zehmer did nothing to suggest to Lucy that the
sale was in jest, and so the court ruled that Lucy was entitled to sue on the
C) Acceptance- With some exceptions, The offer determines what the offeree
must do to accept the offer. The situation determines whether an acceptance
creates a binding contract. There are very few rules with no exceptions.
1) Suretyship Contracts
2) Sale or Lease of Land to last more than 1 year.
3) Agreements not to be Executed for More than One Year
4) Contracts between Married Couples
5) Loans over a certain Amount, ex: 50000 dollars
A) Status of Parties
3) Others
2) Elements of Misrepresentation
a) False Statement
b) Reasonable Reliance
V. Remedies
B) Expectancy Damages-
C) Limitations on Damages
1) Avoidability- Breach is not necessarily “bad”, in a moral sense.
Rather, the only “bad” thing would be to keep parties to contracts from
experiencing the benefits of those contracts, because it might discourage
parties from entering into those contracts. Thus, parties who breach are
not treated as criminals. This explains the court’s attitude toward
avoidability. Avoidability says that when the other party breaches, there is
a duty owed by the other party to leave up with performance of the
contract. There is no right to continue the contract and actually attain the
end result, just as there is no right to specific performance. And parties
must take care not to incur additional unnecessary expenses post-breach,
for these expenses are unnecessary for purposes of upholding the values
that contract law upholds.
3) “Losing Contracts”- Losing contracts are those which, had they been
performed, would have resulted in a loss for the injured party. Under rules
based on expectancy costs, these parties would be left with a loss.
Sometimes, however, this loss may be recovered through restitution. The
argument is that work done on a contract is benefit conferred, and that a
reasonable price should be paid for that benefit. A “reasonable price”,
obviously, should (at least) include the costs to the conferrer of conferring
the benefit. A court might feel squeamish in certain circumstances where
the conferrer’s business was especially wasteful, but in most cases
restitution makes sense.
D) Liquidated Damages
Agreement- A contract is an agreement between two people. For two parties to truly
“come to an agreement”, both parties must have the same idea of what they are agreeing
to and must be clear that they are agreeing. The rules pursuant to these elements are
geared towards enforcing agreements that have these elements, but are focused
necessarily on the outward signs of the inward qualities of an “agreement”.
Contracts Outline
B. Masterson v. Stine
1. Facts: Δs owned a ranch as tenants in common and conveyed it to π by grant
deed, reserving an option to purchase it back w/i 10 years for the same
consideration plus depreciated value of improvements. π went bankrupt and
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D. Modifications Clauses
1. Tool: Can explicitly indicate the intent that no oral modifications made prior
to or subsequent to the K will be enforceable.
a) Effects provisions varied during conversations after a K has been
2. Generally enforceable. An oral modification is enforceable under TX law
even if the K forbids oral modifications.
3. Subsequent agreements supported by consideration are OK.
4. UCC – A signed agreement which excludes modification or rescission except
by a signed writing cannot be otherwise modified or rescinded.
a) §2-209 - No oral modification clauses cannot be modified or rescinded
(but under subsection 4, what may fail to be effective as modification or
rescission may nevertheless be effective as a waiver under 5.
5. Requires real assent from both parties
IV. Exceptions
A. Mutual Mistake
1. Bollinger v. Central Pennslyvania Quarry Stripping and Construction
a) Facts: Parties enter into K whereby Δ is to remove topsoil, deposit
refuse and then replace topsoil. The K did not include the condition that
topsoil be replaced. Δ initially replaces topsoil and then refuses to replace
it. π remonstrates (formally protests) and files action for reformation.
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B. Collateral Agreements
1. Test: would this be “naturally and normally” included in the agreement or be
a separate agreement. If not naturally and normally included, then it is a collateral
2. Collateral agreements are related to the idea of supplementing a non-
integrated clause; sometimes it is difficult to determine whether an agreement is
collateral or should have been included in original K.
3. Gianni – Exclusive right not a collateral agreement b/c would have been
included in original agreement.
C. Fraud
1. Fraud in the inducement
a) Fraud in why you are signing
b) Is NOT about the contents of the K
c) Makes the K voidable
2. Fraud in the execution
a) One side intends to deceive the other about the words written or not
written – or
b) “knowing misstatement w/ intent that other person will rely on it.”
(1) Remedy: Reform K.
Interpretation deals with how the parties may show the meaning of the terms contained in a
I. Ambiguity v. Vagueness
A. Ambiguity – Language could have one of two separate meanings.
1. Usually interpreted in favor of the P with less power in the K
2. Raffles v. Wichelhaus
a) Facts: Parties made a deal to buy cotton from the ship Peerless. There
were 2 ships named Peerless. The seller and buyer had different views on
which ship was agreed to.
b) Held: No K. There was no mutual assent, thus no meeting of the
c) Rule: Where neither P knows or has reason to know of the ambiguity
or where both know or have reason to know, the ambiguity is given the
meaning that each intended it to have.
B. Vagueness – Various shades of one meaning
1. eg – green, chicken
2. Frigaliment Importing Co. v. B.N.S. International Sales Corp.
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B. Modern: Allows parties to introduce evidence of what they subjectively thought the
terms in the writing meant.
D. Pacific Gas & Electric v. G.W. Thomas Drayage & Rigging – Modern Approach
1. Facts: Δ entered into agreement w/ π to remove and replace the upper metal
cover of π’s steam turbine. Δ had agreed to accept responsibility for work and
“indemnify π “against all loss, damage, expense and liability resulting from …
injury to property.” Black’s definition of Indemnify - To reimburse another for a
loss suffered because of a third party’s act or default. During the work, the cover
fell and damaged the turbine.
2. Held: Offered evidence as to meaning of indemnify was allowed to void the
plain meaning.
3. Rule: The test of admissibility of extrinsic evidence to explain the meaning of
a written instrument is not whether it appears to the court to be plain and
unambiguous on its face but whether the offered evidence is relevant to prove a
meaning to which the language of the instrument is reasonably susceptible.
E. Stanley Fish
1. Language can never be fully understood outside of the context in which it was
written. The modern approach takes into consideration the intent of the parties
in making the agreement.
F. Delta Dynamics
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1. Facts: parties entered into a K for π to provide and Δ to sell a min # of locks
over a 4-year period. Δ did not meet the minimum.
2. Held: When the K does not address an issue, it does not mean that issue is
precluded. Here extrinsic evidence should be considered and included.
III. Maxims
A. Maxims are not decisive and are not rules. They are merely factors weighing in the
interpretation of a document.
1. Contra Preferentum – Terms are interpreted against the author or profferor.
Ambiguous terms are generally held against the drafter. Is generally given lesser
weight when both parties are represented by counsel.
a) Motivates the drafter to eliminate ambiguities
2. Ejusdem Generis – adj. Latin for "of the same kind," used to interpret loosely
written statutes. Where a law lists specific classes of persons or things and then
refers to them in general, the general statements only apply to the same kind of
persons or things specifically listed. Example: if a law refers to automobiles,
trucks, tractors, motorcycles and other motor-powered vehicles, "vehicles" would
not include airplanes, since the list was of land-based transportation.
3. Expressio unios est exclusion alterius – Latin for “the expression of the one
thing is the exclusion of another.
4. Noscitur a sociis – Latin for it is known from its associations.
V. Aids in interpretation
A. Statutory analogy
B. Purpose interpretation
1. examination of the law before enactment of the statute
2. ascertain the “mischief or defect for which the law did not provide relief”
3. analyze the remedy provided by the legislature to “cure the disease.”
4. determine the true reason for the remedy
5. apply the statute as to suppress the mischief and advance the remedy.
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C. Public interest – where K’s that involve performance that would be in violation of
some strongly rooted public interest, often expressed in a statute, may be held to be
Filling Gaps
Where the K may not be completely definite as to all essential terms, the courts may supply the
missing terms where it is apparent that the parties wanted to bind themselves.
I. Terms
A. Implication – the process of when the court inserts a term into a K where none exist.
B. Interpretation – Process by which a court determines the meaning that the parties
themselves attached to their language
1. §227 (1) - The preferred interpretation avoids the harsh results that might
otherwise result from the non-occurrence of a condition and still gives adequate
protection to the obligor under the rules… relating to promises for an exchange of
C. Construction – process by which a court determines the legal effect of the language
D. Default rules – implied terms are subject to agreement by the parties.
II. Process
A. Determine whether there is a gap
B. Fill the gap
A. Reasonable price (§2-305); a place for delivery (§2-308); time for shipment or
delivery (§2-309(1)); time for payment (§2-310(a))
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A condition is a triggering event. An event which must occur before a particular performance is
called a “condition.” In general, some or all performances of a bi-lateral K will be conditional
on the happening of some event.
I. Classification of Conditions
A. Precedent/Subsequent distinction
1. Condition precedent – Any event, other than a lapse of time, which must
occur before performance under a K is due.
a) Non-occurrence discharges a contractual duty
2. Condition subsequent – event which operates by agreement of the parties to
discharge a duty of performance after it has become absolute.
a) E.g. – insurance suit which requires that a claim be brought within a
certain time, otherwise it is discharged.
b) Non-occurrence discharges a contractual duty
3. Concurrent condition – exists only when the parties to a K are to exchange
performance at the same time.
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C. Luttinger v. Rosen
1. Court held that condition of buyers obtaining a mortgage at 8.5% not met
when the best rate available was 8.75% even though sellers offered to make up
the difference. Thus, buyers need not perform.
2. This is an example of strict construction/interpretation of express condition.
D. Kingston v. Preston
1. Owner of silk store did not have to sell business to apprentice who failed to
come up with security required under the K.
2. Covenant was dependent, so Δ did not have to perform until he rec’d deposit
3. Rule: Breach of a covenant by one P to a K relieves the other P’s obligation
to perform another covenant which is dependent thereon, the performance of the
first covenant being an implied condition precedent to the duty to perform the
second covenant.
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G. Divisibility
1. See below.
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(1) Only applies where the benefits rec’d by the promisor and the
performance that the promisor owes, are part of the same
b) Election – When a condition fails to occur, the beneficiary has the
option to (1) waive the condition in which he retains the right to sue later
for damages; or (2) terminate performance and sue for breach. This is an
election. Once the election is made, he will not subsequently be able to
change his mind and cancel the K.
III. Divisibility
A. Test:
1. Is there value in the things/performance independently, or only as a whole –
look to the intent of the parties
2. Measure of damages: The rate of recovery comes from the K rate, not the full
K price, but the rate for each of the mini-Ks, minus the damages for the mini-Ks
not met.
3. Divisibility is a way around the potential harshness of constructive conditions.
B. Gill v. Johnstown Lumber Co.
1. Δ contracted with π to move logs. Court held that consideration for delivery,
as set forth in the K, was apportioned among several items at different rates per
item. As such, the K was divisible.
2. Rule: If the part to be performed by one P consists of several and distinct
items, and the price to be paid by the other is (1) apportioned to each item to be
performed, or (2) is left to be implied by law, such a K will generally be held to
be severable.
IV. Restitution
A. Defined as the value to the Δ of the π’s performance. May be awarded to the π both
in a suit on the K and in a suit brought in quasi-K.
B. Calculation of value – Market value of benefit rendered to the Δ, regardless of how
much the π was injured by the Δ’s breach.
C. Britton v. Turner
1. π was under K to labor for Δ for one year and to be paid $120 for the work. π,
w/o cause, left Δ’s employ after 9.5 mo. Court held for π in the amount of $95
based upon the π having completed 65% of the work (as opposed to having
worked 65% of the K time).
2. Rule: A defaulting P, although unable to recover on a K, may recover under a
quasi-contractual theory the reasonable value of his services less any damages to
the other P arising out of the default.
I. Breach in the course of performance
A. Factors in determining whether material breach (§275)
1. the extent to which the injured P will obtain the substantial benefit which he
could have reasonably anticipated;
2. the extent to which the injured P may be adequately compensated in damages
for lack of complete performance;
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3. the extent to which the P failing to perform has already partly performed or
made preparations for performance;
4. the greater or less hardship on the P failing to perform in terminating the K
(means the hardship to Walker if Harrison terminates);
5. the willful, negligent or innocent behavior of the P failing to perform
6. the greater or less uncertainty that the P failing to perform will perform the
remainder of the K.
B. This is a standard. It is unpredictable and not hard and fast. Must balance the factors
in determining the outcome.
C. Walker & Co. v. Harrison - Δ drycleaner entered into an agreement w/ π whereas π
would construct and install a neon sign to be leased for 36 months to Δ. Maintenance of
the sign was to be performed by the π. π failed to maintain the sign and Δ refused to
make monthly payments. Held: Failure to service sign not a material breach. If the
breach is not material, then the breach does not void the K. Especially when it is noted
that π had serviced the sign after receiving the letter from Δ.
1. Concept similar to substantial performance: Substantial performance = a
breach that is not material.
II. Total v. Partial Breach
A. Total breach: Must be a material and severe breach.
1. allows wronged party to sue immediately for damages based on the entire k.
Damages usually calculated to put the wronged party in the position he would
have been in had the k been completed.
B. Partial Breach: non-material breach
1. Does not relieve the wronged party from continuing to perform under the K.
2. Aggrieved party has an immediate right to sue for damages stemming from
a) Beware of WAIVER – treating a breach as partial can be rescinded
unless estoppel or election.
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1. Court allowed suit before the repudiator’s time for performance arrived.
a) Δ made it impossible for π to perform
b) Relationship btw parties implies promise that neither will do anything
inconsistent w/ the relationship.
c) By allowing π to recognize breach, he can mitigate damages by
finding another job or stopping his own performance.
E. Limitations on AR
1. Does not apply to installment K’s where one party has fully performed and all
that remains is for the other party to pay.
a) must sue for each payment not made – after it is due
b) This is default rule – can be contracted around by acceleration clause.
2. Will not apply whenever one party has fully performed
F. Retraction: General rule is that repudiation can be retracted. Exceptions:
1. When that repudiation has been relied upon.
2. When the other person accepts the repudiation, as the end of the contract
Third-party Beneficiaries
I. Doctrine of Third-party beneficiaries
A. Relevance: situations where one party makes a K the main purpose of which is to
benefit not himself, but a third party.
C. Factors to determine intended beneficiary – whether the promise intended that the 3rd
party have the benefit of the K.
1. Reliance: If beneficiary is reasonably relying on the K as having been
intended to confer a right on him.
2. To whom performance runs: If performance is to run directly from the
promisor to the third party.
3. Beneficiary’s assent or knowledge unnecessary for right to sue.
D. Doctrine abandons the requirement for privity and consideration.
E. Lawrence v. Fox - Fox (Δ) promised Holly for consideration that he would pay
Holly’s debt to π. Held: A third party for whose benefit a K is made may bring an action
for its breach. Thus, no privity of K required.
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GAP FILLERS: Article 2 involves K’s for the sale of goods. It provides a series of gap-fillers.
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D. Hamilton Tailoring v. Delta Air Lines – At issue are questions about duration and
advance notice of termination. See §2-309(3): reasonable here means π gets to sell the
rest of the uniforms to Δ. If π were making generic uniforms, reasonable time could be
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I. Types
A. Express §2-313
B. Implied
II. Elements needed to recover on a breach of warranty action:
A. existence of a warranty
B. Δ breached the warranty
C. breach was the proximate cause of the loss sustained.
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V. Post-sale warranty
A. Device of modification
B. K becomes modified by the statement by comment made after the sale
C. It can still be a warranty and can still be part of the basis of the bargain, but
modification depends on the assent/intent of both parties.
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C. 2-314(1): A warranty that the goods shall be merchantable is implied if the seller is a
merchant with respect to goods of that kind.
1. Merchant – See §2-104 (1) and (3) p 18.
D. 2-314(2): To be merchantable, goods must be at least such as
1. (a): pass w/o objection in the trade under the K description; and
2. (b): if fungible good, are of fair average quality w/i the description:
a) C7: (a) and (b) to be read together.
3. (c): to be fit for the ordinary purposes for which such goods are used; and
4. (d) run, w/i the variations permitted by the agreement
5. (e) are adequately contained, packaged and labeled per the agreement
6. (f) conform to the promises or affirmation of fact made on the container or
II. §2-315 Implied Warranty of Fitness for Particular (vs. general) Purpose
A. An implied warranty that goods are fit for a particular purpose is created when:
1. seller has reason to know the particular purpose; and
2. seller knows that buyer is relying (and buyer is relying) on the seller to choose
goods for a particular purpose.
a) Rarely happens
b) Standard situation: buyer asks question regarding what to buy: seller
tells buyer what to buy and B buys it per S’s recommendation.
c) If seller found liable, also liable for consequential damages.
3. C1: B need not bring to S actual knowledge of the particular purpose for
which the goods are intended or of his reliance on S’s skill and judgment, if
circumstances are that S should know.
4. C4: normally only applicable if S is a merchant with the appropriate “skill or
judgment,” but it can arise as to nonmerchants where this is justified by the
particular circumstances.
5. C5: Brand name: If B himself insists on a particular brand he is not relying on
S’s skill and judgment so no warranty results.
B. Reliance can be negated by reliance upon π’s own experts. Keith v. Buchanan.
C. Compared to §2-314: 314 only applicable to merchant sellers.
D. C6: Exclusion or modification of IWFPP must be excluded or modified by a
conspicuous writing (see §2-316)
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IV. §2-312 Warranty of Title and Against Infringement; Buyer’s Obligation Against
Infringement (p 46)
A. Warranty of title (gap-filler). The law assumes that the seller has rightful title to the
goods being sold, and that this title will xfer to the buyer upon sale.
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E. §2-719 hypo: Sweater manufacturer limits the merchantability for 10 days. After 3
weeks the sweaters fade and show obvious defects. Under §2-719(2), the limitation of
remedy “fails of its essential purpose: and is thus unenforceable.
Risk of Loss
I. General
A. The risk of loss is based on the terms of the K.
B. If mandated by the statute to buy insurance and you don’t, then you are liable.
C. UCC rules are gap fillers; use when parties don’t specify risk of loss, or unclearly
specify risk of loss in K.
D. Beyond risk of loss, UCC covers:
1. who pays insurance
2. how much insurance
3. who pays for shipping
4. who bears the loss
5. whether insurance is required
E. These §’s are applicable once K is complete; prior to that the goods and R.O.L. are
still the seller’s responsibility.
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3. (c): when crops are planted or otherwise growing or the young conceived if K
is for the sale of unborn young to born w/i 12 mo after contracting for sale…
B. 2-512(2): S retains an insurable interest in goods so long as title to or any security
interest in the goods remains in him… default… insolvency… notification of substitute
C. 2-512(3): Nothing in this section impairs any insurable interest recognized under any
other statute or rule of law.
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H. Chopper hypo: π purchased a chopper from merchant Δ, but delayed taking delivery
two months. With B’s consent, S arranged storage at a nearby airport. Court held that
risk of loss remained with S b/c it had remained “under the practical control of S and had
not been rec’d by B w/i the meaning of 2-509(3). A merchant seller cannot xfer risk of
loss to B until B has actually rec’d goods.
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Now, that K has been created we turn to whether the goods of the K have been accepted.
Rejection of Goods
I. §2-601 Buyer’s Rights of Improper Delivery (“perfect tender”)
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Acceptance of Goods
I. §2-606 What Constitutes Acceptance of Goods
A. 2-606(1): Acceptance occurs when B:
1. (a): after a reasonable opp to inspect the goods signifies (orally or written) to S
that goods are conforming or that he will retain in spite of non-conformity.
a) Signify: payment or initialing by B may be support of acceptance, but
is not dispositive
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2. (b): fails to make effective rejection (§2-602 above) w/i reasonable time after
having opp to inspect.
a) Reasonable opportunity to expect depends upon the goods.
3. (c): does any act inconsistent with S’s ownership
B. 2-606(2): Acceptance of a part of any commercial unit is acceptance of that entire
III. Societe Nouvelle Vaskene v. Lehman Saunders, Ltd. – Time for Rejection
A. ΔB ordered and received apparel from πS. It was received in August and October
1970. It was priced and put on the sales floor in 11/70. A letter was sent to S 12/7
complaining that the goods did not meet appropriate sizes.
C. Under §2-602(1), notice of rejection must be given within a reasonable time,
otherwise it has been accepted (§2-606(1)(b)). These were seasonal goods and a note on
the receipt stated that B had 5 days w/i receipt to reject and it was noted that trade custom
requires 5-10 days. Finally, such goods were generally inspected upon receipt.
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X. Rozmus v. Thompson’s Lincoln Mercury: Held that a non-conformity fixes w/i minutes
by tightening two loose engine mounting bolts was proper cure.
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2. S can demand payment of the price for goods delivered, if price can be apportioned, even
if all goods have not yet been delivered; and
3. B’s right to reject the goods is governed by the special rule of §2-612 rather than §2-601.
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a) Statements that merely create the appearance that there is the potential
that the K will be completed are NOT sufficient to trigger anticipatory
B. 2-609(2): Between merchants the reasonableness of grounds for insecurity and the
adequacy of any assurance shall be determined according to commercial standards.
1. C3: a B of precision parts has reasonable grounds for insecurity “if he
discovers that his seller is making defective deliveries of such parts to other
buyers with similar needs.”
C. 2-609(3): Acceptance of any improper delivery or payment does not prejudice the
aggrieved party’s right to demand adequate assurance of future performance.
D. 2-609(4): After receipt of a justified demand such assurance of due performance as is
adequate under the circumstances of the particular case is a repudiation of the K. Failure
to provide assurance w/i a reasonable time (not to exceed 30 days) after receipt of a reas
demand constitutes repudiation (repudiation = breach)
1. C5: Party has a 30 day limit to provide assurance.
2. A false assurance could provide the court with information that you were not
enabling the other party to mitigate damages.
E. Can get in trouble is used too strongly
1. By demanding assurances when you don’t have reasonable grounds for
insecurity. May constitute a breach b/c no good faith.
2. By demanding assurances when the assurances are more than you need (party
is entitled to some, but not everything.
Contract Formation
HUGE differences between CL and UCC in approach to K formation
Yet, keep in mind that under §1-103, the CL fills in the UCC.
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2. The more terms left open, the less likely it is that the parties intended to make
a K.
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Statute of Frauds
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i. Business card with terms on back: some courts have interpreted this to be
adequate as a signature.
ii. Letterhead: can be interpreted as a signature.
• C1: Detail required is minimal. Eg – Identification of which party is buyer and
which seller not required. Only required term that must appear is the quantity
term. No default rule about reasonable quantity in the UCC.
• Even though is satisfies the SOF, it does not prove the terms. Must look to other
sections for gap fillers. Oral aspects of K can be enforced if it can be proven by
party attempting to hold other responsible.
2. 2-201(2): Between merchants (both parties req’d to be merchant), if a confirmation is
received w/i a reasonable time and is sufficient against the sender, it is also sufficient
against the party receiving it, unless that party objects w/i 10 days.
• See Nelson v. Union Equity (p 10)
• Relates to §2-207(2) formulation where only applies when both parties are
• §1-201(26): A person receives notice when: it comes to his attention; or duly
delivered at the place of business through which such communications would
ordinarily be delivered.
i. So, if a kid steals it from the recipients mailbox, it has been delivered.
3. 2-201(3)(a): Specifically manufactured goods – When a seller has made a substantial
beginning in the manufacture or committed itself to buy goods from a third party, it may
enforce an oral contract for them if it cannot resell them in the ordinary course of
• Echoes promissory estoppel
i. Reasonably foreseeable
ii. Reliance to the detriment of a party.
• Reason: prevent a buyer from backing out.
4. 2-201(3)(b): May be held when a party judicially admits the existence of the alleged K.
5. 2-201 (3)(c): When seller has received and accepted payment, or buyer has rec’d and
accepted the goods.
• See §2-606; Acceptance of goods.
• Comment 2 – Partial performance can substitute for writing requirement ONLY
for goods which have been accepted or payment made.
Could §2-201(2) this be used as a trap? A fake business could send out hundreds of confirmation
• Sending the letter makes it enforceable against the sender. §2-201 is meant to address the
problem of the receiving party not holding the letter to enforce it while not being held to
have entered into an agreement. Keeps the π from getting kicked out of court based on
SOF grounds. There are still a lot of other defenses available. This just denies the SOF
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Held: There was an agreement b/c the mirrors were specially manufactured and were not
suitable for sale to others without substantial modification. As such, they fall w/i §2-201(3).
Bjerre side-note: What if §2-103(3) did not apply – look at §1-103: unless Act applies, apply
principles of, inter alia, estoppel.
Also, b/c there was an agreement, the tubs were a component of that agreement.
Nelson v. Union Equity Co-operative Exchange – Merchant analyzed and 2-201 SOF
Facts: Union entered into an oral agreement with Nelson on a futures K for the purchase of
wheat at a specified price. Written confirmation of the agreement was sent the same day by
Union to Nelson.
Held: Under §2-201(2), this was an exception to written agreement IF Nelson is a merchant.
Issue: Is Nelson, a farmer, a merchant?
Held: Under §2-104(1) – Yes, he is a merchant. See official comment 2: For purpose of this
section, almost every person in business would, therefore, be deemed to be a “merchant” under
the language “who.. by his occupation holds himself out as having knowledge or skill peculiar to
the practices involved in the transaction.
Merchants with respect to goods of that kind or hold yourself as having knowledge of those
particular goods. Look to the profession. If his occupation holds out that he is or should be
knowledgeable about a topic, he will generally be held as a merchant. Eg is an auto mechanic; he
will be held to be a merchant if he buys or sells a car. Mechanic would not be a merchant if he
purchases it for his personal use.
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1. party that is subject to the condition cannot prevent the occurrence of it and
then claim they do not have to perform. GF duty exists to not prevent it.
1. party whose performance is subject to the condition can decide to forego their
right to subject their duty on that condition and continue under the terms of
the K as if it occurred.
a. Waiver can also be implied from conduct (such as payment, etc).
b. Non-waiver clause: says no [in]action may amount to a waiver, but
these are not always honored.
c. RE: Retraction of Waivers → General Rule = waivers can be
retracted prior to the [non]occurrence of the event UNLESS:
i. Estoppel: seller [reasonably] relies on waiver; or
ii. Election: (applies to duties) party’s whose duty is conditional
may treat duty as discharged (after non-occurrence of event)
and treat performance as completed → BOUND by this choice.
b. Constructive Conditions [p. 699]
i. Usually refer to the order of performance in a contract → GOAL = alleviate the risks
associated with performing first under a bilateral K.
ii. Avoids the injustice of forcing the non-breaching party in a bilateral K to perform and
then seek damages for the breach. Rather this allows the court to infer a
constructive condition that excuses non-breaching party from performing.
iii. Usually the DOER has to perform before the PAYER.
1. easier to force a party to pay then it is to force a party to perform
iv. R2d §232 = existence of dependency between exchanged promises is presumed to
exist when parties enter into a bilateral agreement unless contrary intent is express.
1. This is a default rule and can be changed by express agreement of the parties
2. Comment E = generally a party is not required to pay until work is completed,
but many Ks today have satisfaction clauses, as well.
v. Kingston v. Preston [p. 693] → J. Mansfield created constructive conditions
1. three types of covenants:
a. (1) Mutual and Independent → either party may recover for breach if
the other party fails to perform; no excuse for D that P did not perform
i. I don’t think these really exist anymore.
b. (2) Conditions and Dependent → performance of one depends on prior
performance of the other; thus, until prior performance is complete,
the other party is not liable.
i. This is the DEFAULT rule at Common Law.
c. (3) Concurrent Mutual Conditions → if one party is ready to perform
when required and the other is not or refuses, this is a breach.
i. UCC makes this the DEFAULT.
vi. UCC 2-507(1) and 2-511(1) = tender of delivery and payment are concurrent
conditions – law does not require that one occur before the other, but rather they
should occur simultaneously.
i. Substantial Performance = permits recover for performance that is not complete
but is considered substantial (considering all the circumstances). Arises most often in
construction contracts, because it is virtually impossible to make a building perfect.
1. parties are free to agree that any contract must be performed exactly as
specified in the agreement.
2. Most Ks, however, do not do so → they allow for some deviations; D is
required to pay for the deviations, though, rather than be forced to fix them.
3. Cardozo TEST (from Jacobs v. Youngs & Kent)
a. Purpose of Covenant (emotional attachment or subjective value?)
b. Desire to be gratified (was it explicit that conditions were necessary?)
c. Excuse for deviation (willful breach? R2d §241 says no Sub Perf if so)
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1. partial breach: aggrieved party has to continue performance, but they have
the right to collect damages.
2. material breach: R2d §243(1) = non-breaching party may either →
a. (1) continue performance and treat it as a “partial breach”
b. (2) stop performance and treat breach as “total breach” which
discharges their remaining duties under the K and gives rise to a claim
for damages – BUT if circumstances allow for a “cure” then non-
breaching party is expected to allow for it before treating it as “total”
3. FACTORS judge will consider → taken from Walker Co. v. Harrison [p. 722]
a. Extent to which injured party obtains substantial benefit
b. Extent to which damages will adequately compensate injured party
c. Extent of partial performance or preparation
d. Relative hardship (failing to perform vs. breach)
e. Nature of the breach (intent: willful or innocent)
f. Amount of uncertainty as to whether the party will perform the rest of
their duties under the K
4. This “modern” approach is essentially the same as the R2d §241
a. Uses “good faith” and “fair dealing” rather than “nature of breach”
b. Does not include “extent of partial performance”
5. Also, consider R2d §242 (Bjerre likes this “standard” better)
a. Extent to the delay will make finding other arrangements hard
b. Failure to perform on a certain day is not necessarily a material breach
unless the parties intended for that deadline to be significant.
iii. Connection between material breach and substantial performance → the two
concepts are similar: if there is a material breach, there is no substantial
performance, but if the court finds substantial performance, then the breach is not
material → a similar analysis is done under each doctrine.
iv. Prevailing View: you can use evidence that you were not aware of at the time of the
breach as a justification for the breach (most often applied in employment context).
a. Fundamental Q: was the agreement intended to benefit a 3d party?
i. 3d party beneficiary has no part in making K but was intended to have right to an
action if the K is not maintained.
ii. Does not require privity of K.
b. Donee Beneficiary: 3d party who received a gift as a result of someone else’s K – they can
sue to enforce their right to receive the gift.
c. Creditor Beneficiary: 3d party who had some right to a debt owed by a contracting party
and was supposed to be repaid as a result; can sue to enforce right to receive payment.
d. Incidental Beneficiaries: 3d party who may enjoy benefits as result of K but has no
enforceable interest in the performance of the K.
e. Lawrence v. Fox → to create a 3d party beneficiary, contracting parties must intend to
confer a benefit upon that person.
i. Need not be privity of K between contracting parties and 3d party beneficiary.
f. No Inurement Clause = expressly stated: no 3d pty beneficiaries.
g. ASSIGNMENT & DELEGATION → “delegate duties” and “assign rights”
i. Assignment: refers to the transfer of a right to a 3d party after the K is created.
1. All that is required is a clear intent to transfer the right → NOT revocable.
ii. Parties involved:
1. Assignee = 3d party to whom the right is transferred
2. Assignor = party who transfers her rights under a K to a 3d party
3. Obligor = party who, following assignment, must render performance to the
assignee rather than the assignor.
iii. Generally ALL rights can be assigned EXCEPT those which:
1. materially alter the obligor’s duty (i.e. personal services).
2. materially vary the risk (e.g. insurance policies).
3. materially impair the obligor’s chance to obtain return performance.
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General Definitions 1-201 p. 9
Course of Dealing 1-205 p. 14
General Defs for Sales 2-103 p. 17
Good, Commercial Unit 2-105 p. 20
Several very important 2-106 p. 21
Supp. General Principles 1-103 p. 8
Statute of Frauds 2-201 p. 22
Parol Evidence Rule 2-202 p. 25
Formation 2-204 p. 26
Firm Offers 2-205 p. 27
Offers & Acceptance 2-206 p. 29
Additional Terms 2-207 p. 29
Cours of Perf. for K 2-208 p. 32
Modification 2-209 p. 33
Open Price Term 2-305 p. 39
Delivery 2-307 p. 43
Notice of Termination 2-309 p. 43
Express 2-313 p. 46
Implied: Merchantability 2-314 p. 49
Implied: Fitness 2-315 p. 53
Exclusions 2-316 p. 54
Sellers Tender of Delivery 2-503 p. 64
Effect of Sellers Tender 2-507 p. 66
Cure by Seller 2-508 p. 66
Buyer’s Remedies 2-711 p. 91
Buyer’s Substitute/Cover 2-712 p. 91
Buyer’s Damages: Accpt 2-714 p. 93
Deduction of Damages 2-717 p. 95
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a. § 2-209 → MODIFICATION OF SALES K: A modification of a K for the sale of goods is
binding without consideration.
i. No-oral-modification clauses: A no oral modifications clause in a sales K will normally
be enforced.
b. Exceptions: 2-201
i. (2) → Between merchants, a confirmation from seller to buyer is sufficient to
enforce the agreement against either (unless buyer objects within 10 days).
ii. (3)(a) → “specially mfr’d goods” that cannot be resold – either substantial
production has begun or seller has committed to buy goods from a 3d party.
1. estoppel principle, essentially – but narrower than CL rule
iii. (3)(b) → estoppel: if party “judicially admits” to K, she may be held to it.
1. also applies if party admits to a set of facts that could constitute a K
iv. (3)(c) → SoF does not bar any payment for goods or goods that have been received
and accepted goods (see 2-606 for acceptance rules).
1. partial payment/acceptance only removes part of K from SoF
c. 2-209 → Modification/Rescission
i. (1) does not require consideration
ii. (2) a signed K which excludes oral modifications is binding
iii. (3) if original K is under SoF, modification/rescission must be as well
iv. (5) even if there is a “no oral modification” clause, if p1 orally modifies and p2 relies
on this, then p1’s actions will likely be seen as a “waiver” of the right to the “no oral
modification” clause.
d. Confirmation letters can convert an oral agreement to a “written agreement” between
merchants → but it only counts against the sender at first, but if receiver does not object
within 10 days then it can be enforced against them as well.
a. Sales of goods when no order agreed upon: If each party’s promised performance can occur
at the same time as the other’s, the court will normally require that the two occur
simultaneously = "concurrent conditions."
b. 2-507(1), 2-511(1) → Tender of performance: Courts say that where the two
performances are concurrent, each party must "tender" (conditionally offer) performance to
the other.
ii. Code places risk on the party most likely to take precautions against the loss (usually
the one with possession or control of the goods or the one most likely to insure)
iii. General solution is to go by what the K says to determine who carries the risk at
what point.
iv. Whoever bears the RoL may have a claim against the carrier, but its often difficult
b. 2-319 → Types of Delivery Terms [58]
i. (1)(a) → Shipment Contract (F.O.B. = “free on board” → place of shipment)
1. Seller need only place the goods in carrier’s hands (at own risk/expense)
2. Buyer pays shipment costs
3. Risk passes to Buyer when goods are duly delivered to carrier
ii. (1)(b) → Destination Contract (F.O.B. place of destination)
1. S must at own expense and risk transport goods to that place and there duly
tender the goods to buyer.
a. S bears risk until goods tendered at B’s destination
iii. (1)(c) → FOB vessel (buyer must name vessel)
1. Seller must deliver goods to carrier and place them on board
iv. (2) FAS vessel (free along side) at a named port (rarely used)
1. S must deliver at his own expense and risk alongside the vessel
2. S must obtain and tender receipt for goods in exchange for Bill of Laiding
v. (3) buyer must provide instructions for delivery if under (1)(a), (1)(c), or (2)
c. 2-320 → CIF means the price includes in a lump sum the cost of the goods and the
insurance and freight to the named destination.
i. C&F means that the price includes cost and freight to the named destination.
ii. Problems arise when there is inadequate insurance
iii. Seller pays for insurance, but in case where insurance is inadequate, buyer has the
RoL. This provision only requires seller to pay for “usual amount” of insurance.
d. 2-509 Risk of Loss in Absence of Breach [67]
i. (1)(a) → re: shipment K
1. K requires or authorizes Seller to ship goods by carrier when a particular
delivery destination NOT required
2. RoL passes to Buyer when goods are duly delivered to carrier
ii. (1)(b) → re: destination contracts
1. contract requires seller to ship to a “particular destination” (this will be
specified in K usually as “Buyer’s place of business” rather than a specific
address → look for indication of who the parties wanted to bear RoL).
2. Seller must deliver goods to carrier → RoL passes to buyer when goods are
tendered as to enable buyer to take delivery.
iii. (2) Where goods are held by bailee for delivery without being moved, RoL passes:
a. On receipt of negotiable document of title covering goods, or
b. On acknowledgement by bailee of B’s right to possession, or
c. After receipt of non-negotiable document of title or other written
instruction to deliver.
iv. (3) → “catchall” provision
1. RoL passes to buyer on receipt of goods if S is merchant; otherwise risk
passes to B on tender of delivery
a. No use of carrier (S delivers using company van, B picks it up himself)
e. 2-510 Effect of Breach on Risk of Loss
i. (1) if goods fail to conform to K, RoL remains on S until cure or acceptance
ii. (2) Where B rightfully revokes, treat RoL as having rested on S the entire time.
iii. (3) Where B repudiates or breaches before RoL is passed to him, S may treat risk as
resting on B for a commercially reasonable time.
f. 2-511 and 2-507 → discusses concurrent conditions (different from common law)
i. buyer must tender payment, and at same time, seller must tender goods.
g. 2-501 Insurable Interest
i. B obtains insurable interest in goods upon their “identification” to the K. At that
point, long before delivery, B may protect itself against risk by insuring goods.
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h. Concurrent Conditions – the goods in a way belong to both parties, but the ct must decide
who will take liability
Passes when seller
SHIPMENT K Deliver goods to carrier Pays shipping costs
delivers goods to carrier
Passes when the goods
Accept goods when they
DESTINATION K Pays shipping costs are tendered to the
are tendered
buyer by the carrier
*Explicit language in the K always overrides these default terms.
a. 2-714 [93] → However, if the buyer incurs any harm as a result of her
acceptance of any non-conforming goods, she may have a cause of
action against the seller to recover damages.
b. 2-717 [95] → upon proper notification, buyer may deduct any amount
of damage that she has incurred as a result of seller’s breach from
cost of goods.
i. 2-608 → once a buyer has accepted, she may desire to revoke this acceptance if she
discovers a defect that was not discoverable at the time of inspection [not applicable
if buyer accepts non-conforming goods per 2-607(2) UNLESS buyer reasonably
assumed non-conformity would be cured].
ii. she must prove that the non-conformity of the goods “substantially impairs the
overall value of the agreement.” [burden is on buyer]
1. this is a higher standard than must be met for the original rejection, but the
buyer has more time for revocation.
2. must notify S of revocation in reasonable time after B discovers or should
have discovered the defects.
3. defect must not result from B’s actions
iii. Effect of revocation: same as rejection (buyer does not have to pay for goods).
iv. “substantially impairs value” = fact-finder determination.
1. see Zabriski Chevy
g. SELLER’S RIGHT TO CURE → novel UCC concept (does not exist at CL)
i. 2-508(2) → even if goods are non-conforming, the seller has a right to “cure”
1. seller must notify buyer of her intent to cure AND replace non-conforming
goods with conforming goods BEFORE the term of the K expires; OR
2. if Seller reasonably thought that goods, even though non-conforming, would
be accepted, she may be allowed a reasonable time after the term of the K
expires to remedy the breach (still must “seasonably” notify buyer).
3. Cure is precluded if there is an express “NO replacement” provision in K.
4. “shaken faith doctrine” → if S continually ties to cure but fails, B does not
have to allow them to continue.
i. 2-612 [82] → covers the “right to reject” an installments K, NOT 2-601.
1. (1) K which requires or authorizes seller to deliver goods in separate lots,
each which requires a separate acceptance [even if K says that “each delivery
is a separate contract” it is still an installments K].
2. (2) Buyer may reject any installment that is non-conforming IF the non-
conformity “substantially impairs the value of that installment” OR if seller
does not cure (and it does not fall under sub3).
3. (3) Buyer may cancel of the whole IF it “substantially impairs the value of the
entire K” – but buyer reinstates the K if she accepts the non-conforming
goods due to lack of notice of cancellation, OR brings an action with respect
to any of the past installments, OR demands performance of future ones.
i. RIGHT TO ADEQUATE ASSURANCE OF PERFORMANCE: If a party’s words/conduct do not
constitute an outright repudiation of their duties under the K, but suggest that the party
might not perform, the other party may demand assurances that they will perform.
i. 2-609 [79] →
1. (1) if P1 is reasonably insecure about P2’s performance, P1 can in writing
demand some sort of adequate assurance that performance is forthcoming.
a. If commercially reasonable, P1 may suspend any performance for
which she has not received due return.
2. (4) upon receiving this demand, if the p2 fails to provide adequate assurance
within a reasonable time not exceeding 30 days, this is a repudiation of the K.
ii. there are two ways to get in trouble when invoking this provision [either of which
would result in the demanding-party being liable if they refuse to continue under the
K when assurance is denied]:
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1. you can demand assurance when you do not have reasonable grounds
2. even if you have reasonable grounds, you can demand specific assurance that
is more than adequate under the circumstances.
iii. Issues/Questions to ask → [questions of fact]
1. do I have reasonable grounds?
2. is my demand more than adequate?
3. is the time I required reasonable?
iv. 2-610(a) → expresses mitigation requirement in occurrence of repudiation
j. Retraction of Repudiation → 2-611(1) usually no longer available if/when other party:
i. sues for breach
ii. reasonably relies on the repudiation
iii. states that she regards the repudiation as final
k. 2-703, 2-708 → Seller’s remedies if buyer breaches.
a. Overview:
i. 2-317 [57] → (1) express and implied warranties will be construed as consistent
with each other whenever possible, but if this is unreasonable, then the intent of the
parties shall determine which dominates.
1. (c) express warranties displace inconsistent implied warranties EXCEPT the
implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose.
ii. To bring a successful claim for breach of warranty, buyer must:
1. Establish that seller warranted goods under UCC 2-313, 2-314, or 2-315.
2. Prove that the goods delivered failed to conform to the warranty
3. Prove the buyer suffered damages as a result of this non-conformity
iii. Seller’s defenses: UCC 2-316, 2-719, 2-318, 2-607(3), and 2-725.
iv. Warranties can be created in a variety of ways, including orally.
v. Code warranty litigation arises in one of two contexts:
1. Commercial, where the loss is often purely economic
2. Consumer, where the loss commonly includes personal injury
b. EXPRESS WARRANTIES: 2-313(1) [46] →
i. (1) express warranties created when
1. (a) affirmation or promise by seller becomes basis of bargain
2. (b) any description of goods becomes basis of bargain
3. (c) any sample/model is used that becomes basis for bargain
a. Sample: a good/unit taken from the bulk of goods buyer will receive.
i. Comment 6 says there is a strong presumption that a warranty
is created when a sample is used.
b. Model: a good/unit that is the same as the goods buyer will receive,
but not from the bulk of the goods.
i. May require expert testimony to prove that model was intended
to provide a literal description of the items.
i. In deciding if an Express Warranty exists, court must determine:
1. Whether S’s statement constitutes an affirmation of fact or promise or
description or whether it was mere puffery
a. What would a reasonable person think of S’s statements? Are they
guaranteeing that the product will conform to statements?
2. Whether the statement was part of the basis of the bargain
3. Whether the warranty was breached.
ii. Reliance vs. “basis of the bargain”
1. No particular reliance need be shown in order to weave the affirmation into
the fabric of the agreement → “reliance” presumption (see comment 3).
a. Seller therefore has burden to prove that reliance did NOT exist
i. Difficult presumption to overcome, because it has to become
“a” basis for the bargain, not “the” basis for the bargain
b. B’s atty should still offer evidence to support reliance
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2. Even if S makes statement that no reasonable person would rely on, this does
not overcome the presumption that he created a warranty.
3. Keith v. Buchanan → if B knows that the product does not conform to the
affirmation of fact before the contract is made, if S can prove this, then S can
show that the affirmation was therefore NOT a basis of the bargain.
iii. 2-313(2) → Non-Warranties: No warranty formed from personal opinions,
affirmation of value, commendation, or other mere puffery.
1. Indications of opinion statement:
a. Lack of specificity
b. Statement made in equivocal manner
c. Statement reveals that goods are experimental in nature
iv. Post-sale warranty – The fact that the statement is made after the sale doesn’t affect
the warranty because it could be taken as a modification of K (especially if made
right after sale)
v. If there is a written disclaimer of an express warranty that is contradictory to the
express warranty, then the warranty will be enforced.
i. Ordinary vs. Particular purposes (see Thorne, Blockhead, comment 2 [p. 53])
1. this is a question of fact, and really depends on how you characterize it.
2. TEST: B does not need to meet a unique, one of a kind requirement to get
IWFPP. Question is of degrees – even if others put the good to the same use,
the key is whether B’s use is sufficiently different from the goods customary
use to not be ordinary.
ii. 2-314 [49] → Implied Warranty of Merchantability
1. (1) Always implied if merchant deals in goods of the kind unless excluded
2. (2) Goods, to be merchantable, must at least: (these are all “AND’s”)
a. Pass w/out objection in the trade under the K description; and
b. If fungible goods, are of fair average quality w/in description; and
c. Are fit for the ordinary purpose for which such goods are used; and
d. Run of even kind, quality, and quantity; and
e. Adequately contained, packaged, or labeled; and
f. Conform to promises/affirmations of fact made on the container/label
3. “merchantable” is a common sense standard – just compare it to all other
similar goods. E.g. cigs are merchantable, even though they are dangerous.
4. “merchantability” ≠ expectation.
iii. 2-315 [53] → Implied Warranty of Fitness for a Particular Purpose
1. Rationale: Parties themselves, had they considered such terms, would have
included them in the agreement
2. Requirements =
a. seller must know the particular purpose the buyer seeks
i. Particular purpose is a specific use by B which is peculiar to the
nature of his business, whereas ordinary purposes go to uses
generally used (see comment 3).
b. seller must know that buyer is actually relying on seller’s special
knowledge and skill
i. B’s reliance can be affected by own knowledge/skill
ii. Constructive knowledge of B’s reliance is enough.
c. Note: does NOT require that seller is a merchant of goods of the kind
iv. 2-312 [46] → Warranty of Title
1. Promises that title is good and transfer is rightful
2. S is basically saying that what he is selling is his and the transfer is lawful
3. Implied by a matter of law. Intent of parties irrelevant.
4. If S sells you car, but D has actual title to it, then D owns the car, but you
have a cause of action against S.
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c. 2-715(2)(a) UCC: for sales Ks, it is really only the buyer who has a practical duty to
i. B: If the S either fails to deliver, or delivers defective goods which the B rejects, B
must cover for the goods if he can reasonably do so – he may not recover for those
damages (e.g., lost profits) which could have been prevented had he covered. (If B
does not cover when he could have done so, he will still be entitled to the difference
b/n the market price at the time of the breach and the K price, but he’ll lose the
ability to collect consequential damages that he might otherwise have gotten.)
ii. S: S has much less of a duty to mitigate, when it is the B who breaches by
wrongfully rejecting the goods or repudiating before delivery. S can choose b/n
reselling the goods (and collecting the difference b/n resale price and K price), or not
reselling them (and recovering the difference b/n market price and unpaid K price);
S may also be able to recover lost profits.
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B. Interpretation of Contracts
(1) Where the parties have attached the same meaning to a promise or
agreement or a term thereof, it is interpreted in accordance with that
(2) Where the parties have attached different meanings to a promise or
agreement or a term thereof, it is interpreted in accordance with the meaning
attached by one of them if at the time the agreement was made
(a) that party did not know of any different meaning attached by the
other, and
the other knew the meaning attached by the first party; or
(b) that party had no reason to know of any different meaning attached
by the other, and the other had reason to know the meaning attached by the
first party.
(3) Except as stated in this Section, neither party is bound by the meaning
attached by the other, even though the result may be a failure of mutual
(1) Words and other conduct are interpreted in the light of all the
circumstances, and if the principal purpose of the parties is ascertainable it is
given great weight.
(2) A writing is interpreted as a whole, and all writings that are part of
the same transaction are interpreted together.
(3) Unless a different intention is manifested,
(a) where language has a generally prevailing meaning, it is interpreted in
accordance with that meaning;
(b) technical terms and words of art are given their technical meaning
when used in a transaction within their technical field.
(4) Where an agreement involves repeated occasions for performance by
either party with knowledge of the nature of the performance and
opportunity for objection to it by the other, any course of performance
accepted or acquiesced in without objection is given great weight in the
interpretation of the agreement.
(5) Wherever reasonable, the manifestations of intention of the parties to
a promise or agreement are interpreted as consistent with each other and
with any relevant course of performance, course of dealing, or usage of trade.
5. Function of Judge and Jury- Courts are often split on whether a given
interpretation is a question of fact or law. All agree, however, that interpretation
must be a question of law when the interpretation deals with complex subjects
which the jury might not understand. In general, the situation must dictate the
decision. The more questionable the facts are, the more likely the jury will be
given the job.
6. Pacific Gas and Electric Co. v. G.W. Thomas Drayage & Rigging Co. (SC of
CA 1968)
In this case, The Court overturned a lower court’s decision to rely on the
“plain meaning rule” in a case involving indemnity for an accident. While
the holding of the case is somewhat unclear, the Court obviously
disapproves of the idea that one meaning may be taken from a text,
without any consideration of the circumstances under which it was
employed. The Court casts doubt, essentially, on any claim to know the
“real” meaning, and mentions in a footnote that “even if the plain meaning
rule were in force..002E” seeming to indicate that the plain meaning rule
should be abolished entirely. The decision in this case means that the
Court must at the very least consider evidence about the circumstances
surrounding the case, and decide whether those circumstances would
possibly allow for a different meaning. Only after doing so may a court
exclude evidence from the fact-finder of a particular meaning intended by
one of the parties.
9. Steuart v. McChesney
Case involving a right of first refusal, which stipulated that upon a bona
fide offer for a certain house, this person would have the right to buy first.
Strangely, the document also stipulated what price he would be able to
pay. The price was the county assessor’s price for tax purposes. Even
more strangely, the contract differed from an ordinary right of first
refusal, in that normally an absolute right is not conferred upon the buyer
by any bona fide offer, but rather the owner is simply precluded from
selling to anyone else. The strangeness of these circumstances made this
case, in the opinion of Bjerre, one in which the “plain language rule”
should not apply, and evidence should have been allowed to show how the
contract ought to be interpreted.
1. Good Faith-
2. Express Conditions- It is not the case that obligations under a contract are
absolute, and that each party must go through with them no matter what. This is
because of the doctrine of conditions. Generally, an obligation under a contract is
conditional if: a) the parties agree that it will be conditional, or b) the parties do
not explicitly agree, but the situation is one in which the obligation is expected to
be conditional, e.g. paying for a service...if the service is not rendered, you do not
have to pay.
c) The “Sail with the next wind” Problem- There are three ways in which
Duties and Conditions may be allocated in a contract for each party. Take
for example the duty or condition of a party “sailing with the next wind.”
A contract involving this obligation can make it either a duty, a condition,
or both. If it is a duty and not a condition, then the sailor can fail to sail
with the next wind, and the opposing party would receive resultant
damages, but the other party would be obligated to perform her part of the
contract. If it is a condition, then the other party does not have to perform
his end of the bargain, but can not obtain damages. If it is both, the sailor
is liable for damages and the opposing party does not have to perform the
conditional obligation. Courts tend to construe language in a contract,
in the absence of clear language or usage, as assigning a duty and not
a condition or both. Another way to put it, is that “Forfeiture” is
discouraged in interpretation.
5. Restitution- The standard rule, still, is that most contracts are not
apportionable in the way that the next case was held to be. However, the
trend is toward the more equitable position.
7. Anticipatory Repudiation
1. Lawrence v. Fox
Lawrence v. Fox illustrates the near-universal rule that third-party
beneficiaries may sue to enforce a contract of which they are not a party.
The test in these situations is one of intent. If the intent of the two parties
is to enter into a contract in which the performance of one party will
advantage the position of another party, usually by obtaining means to pay
a debt, then that third party may sue to enforce the contract.
F. Assignment & Delegation- NOTE: 1) This is only a default rule; 2) When a duty is
assigned, the assignor remains responsible for the duty.
A. Default Rules for Requirements Contracts, Notice of Termination, Trade Usage, and
Open Price Terms
(1) A term which measures the quantity by the output of the seller or the
requirements of the buyer means such actual output or requirements as may occur
in good faith, except that no quantity unreasonably disproportionate to any stated
estimate or in the absence of a stated estimate to any normal or otherwise
comparable prior output or requirements may be tendered or demanded.
(2) A lawful agreement by either the seller or the buyer for exclusive dealing in
the kind of goods concerned imposes unless otherwise agreed an obligation by the
seller to use best efforts to supply the goods and by the buyer to use best efforts to
promote their sale.
(1) The time for shipment or delivery or any other action under a contract if not
provided in this Article or agreed upon shall be a reasonable time.
(2) Where the contract provides for successive performances but is indefinite in
duration it is valid for a reasonable time but unless otherwise agreed may be
terminated at any time by either party.
(2) A usage of trade is any practice or method of dealing having such regularity of
observance in a place, vocation or trade as to justify an expectation that it will be
observed with respect to the transaction in question. The existence and scope of
such a usage are to be proved as facts. If it is established that such a usage is
embodied in a written trade code or similar writing the interpretation of the
writing is for the court.
(3) A course of dealing between parties and any usage of trade in the vocation or
trade in which they are engaged or of which they are or should be aware give
particular meaning to and supplement or qualify terms of an agreement.
(5) An applicable usage of trade in the place where any part of performance is to
occur shall be used in interpreting the agreement as to that part of the
(6) Evidence of a relevant usage of trade offered by one party is not admissible
unless and until he has given the other party such notice as the court finds
sufficient to prevent unfair surprise to the latter.
4. UCC § 2-305. Open Price Term.
(1) The parties if they so intend can conclude a contract for sale even though the
price is not settled. In such a case the price is a reasonable price at the time for
delivery if
(a) nothing is said as to price; or
(b) the price is left to be agreed by the parties and they fail to agree; or
(c) the price is to be fixed in terms of some agreed market or other standard as set
or recorded by a third person or agency and it is not so set or recorded.
(2) A price to be fixed by the seller or by the buyer means a price for him to fix in
good faith.
(3) When a price left to be fixed otherwise than by agreement of the parties fails
to be fixed through fault of one party the other may at his option treat the contract
as cancelled or himself fix a reasonable price.
(4) Where, however, the parties intend not to be bound unless the price be fixed or
agreed and it is not fixed or agreed there is no contract. In such a case the buyer
must return any goods already received or if unable so to do must pay their
reasonable value at the time of delivery and the seller must return any portion of
the price paid on account.
5. Hamilton Tailoring Co. v. Delta Air Lines, Inc. (OH Fed. 1974) pg. 84
This was an oral requirements contract, in which Hamilton supplied
uniforms for Delta’s stewardesses on a requirements basis. At the end of
the relationship, Delta gave Hamilton 1 year notice that it was
discontinuing the contract. No agreement then or before was made
regarding reasonable time for notice OR for what, if any, arrangements
would be made for sale of leftover uniforms. Hamilton brought suit
against Delta, claiming that Delta failed to give reasonable notice, under
2-309(3), and/or failed to conform to the contours of the agreement
established by trade usage, under 1-205(3). The Court held that neither of
these claims was incorrect as a matter of law, and thus denied summary
judgment to Delta. Hamilton supplied evidence of trade usage over 30
years of experience in the industry, and Delta was unable to prove
unequivocally that the time it had given was reasonable, since it was
apparent that Hamilton had devoted extensive efforts to preventing
overstock, and yet was left with such a huge stock of uniforms at the end
of the deal.
(2) The decree for specific performance may include such terms and conditions as
to payment of the price, damages, or other relief as the court may deem just.
8. UCC 2-306 Problem...Mr K’s Barbecue Sauce- This problem created more
problems than it solved. Essentially, the only solid things that came out of the
discussion were that: 1) Exclusive Dealing in (2) and Requirements and
Output Contracts (1) are two different things, and shouldn’t be conflated;
and 2) Exclusive Dealings contracts may cover only a limited area, such as
the Pac NW.
NOTE: Some jurisdictions have outlawed requirements contracts that are not
B. Default Rules (and some absolute rules) on Warranties and Damages under Article II
(2) It is not necessary to the creation of an express warranty that the seller use
formal words such as "warrant" or "guarantee" or that he have a specific intention
to make a warranty, but an affirmation merely of the value of the goods or a
statement purporting to be merely the seller's opinion or commendation of the
goods does not create a warranty.
(1) Unless excluded or modified (Section 2-316), a warranty that the goods shall
be merchantable is implied in a contract for their sale if the seller is a merchant
with respect to goods of that kind. Under this section the serving for value of food
or drink to be consumed either on the premises or elsewhere is a sale.
(3) Unless excluded or modified (Section 2-316) other implied warranties may
arise from course of dealing or usage of trade.
Where the seller at the time of contracting has reason to know any particular
purpose for which the goods are required and that the buyer is relying on the
seller's skill or judgment to select or furnish suitable goods, there is unless
excluded or modified under the next section an implied warranty that the goods
shall be fit for such purpose.
(1) Words or conduct relevant to the creation of an express warranty and words or
conduct tending to negate or limit warranty shall be construed wherever
reasonable as consistent with each other; but subject to the provisions of this
Article on parol or extrinsic evidence (Section 2-202) negation or limitation is
inoperative to the extent that such construction is unreasonable.
(4) Remedies for breach of warranty can be limited in accordance with the
provisions of this Article on liquidation or limitation of damages and on
contractual modification of remedy (Sections 2-718 and 2-719).
11. Blockhead, Inc. v. The Plastic Forming Company, Inc. (Conn. Fed. 1975)
This was a breach of warranty case, alleging breach of both implied and
express warranties under the UCC. The Implied Warranty of F for a P.P.
was barred because Blockhead’s agent was knowledgeable about wiglet
casings and the manufacturing processes by which they are made. 2-315
depends on a reliance on the skill of the seller for recovery. The implied
warranty of Merchantability was barred because, under 2-316, a warranty
claim is excluded if, under inspection, the buyer was or should have been
aware of the defect in question. The Court held that, under the
circumstances, Blockhead’s agent, a knowledgeable person in this area,
should have been aware of the defects, if there were any. In addition, the
Court dealt with the express warranty claim by pointing out that the
plaintiff failed to present any evidence that the cases shown to him were
samples or models under the code. A major problem with the Court’s
reasoning in this case, is that the Court assumes that the cases shown to
Blockhead were samples or models under 2-316, yet demands that
plaintiff prove they were such for the purposes of the express warranty
claim, under 2-313. These stances are inconsistent.
13. Lessons From Valley Iron and Blockhead- The most important lesson is
that Courts differ on whether to treat 2-314 and 2-315 as mutually exclusive
or inclusive. In other words, case law from the specific jurisdiction must be
consulted to determine whether either or both may be used as a basis.
(1) Subject to the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) of this section and of the
preceding section on liquidation and limitation of damages,
(a) the agreement may provide for remedies in addition to or in substitution for
those provided in this Article and may limit or alter the measure of damages
recoverable under this Article, as by limiting the buyer's remedies to return of the
goods and repayment of the price or to repair and replacement of non-conforming
goods or parts; and
(b) resort to a remedy as provided is optional unless the remedy is expressly
agreed to be exclusive, in which case it is the sole remedy.
(1) The buyer must pay at the contract rate for any goods accepted.
(2) Acceptance of goods by the buyer precludes rejection of the goods accepted
and if made with knowledge of a non-conformity cannot be revoked because of it
unless the acceptance was on the reasonable assumption that the non-conformity
would be seasonably cured but acceptance does not of itself impair any other
remedy provided by this Article for non-conformity.
(5) Where the buyer is sued for breach of a warranty or other obligation for which
his seller is answerable over
(a) he may give his seller written notice of the litigation. If the notice states that
the seller may come in and defend and that if the seller does not
do so he will be bound in any action against him by his buyer by any
determination of fact common to the two litigations, then unless the seller after
seasonable receipt of the notice does come in and defend he is so bound.
(b) if the claim is one for infringement or the like (subsection (3) of Section 2-
312) the original seller may demand in writing that his buyer turn over to him
control of the litigation including settlement or else be barred from any remedy
over and if he also agrees to bear all expense and to satisfy any adverse judgment,
then unless the buyer after seasonable receipt of the demand does turn over
control the buyer is so barred.
(6) The provisions of subsections (3), (4) and (5) apply to any obligation of a
buyer to hold the seller harmless against infringement or the like (subsection (3)
of Section 2-312).
(1) Where the buyer has accepted goods and given notification (subsection
(3) of Section 2-607) he may recover as damages for any non-conformity
of tender the loss resulting in the ordinary course of events from the
seller's breach as determined in any manner which is reasonable.
(2) The measure of damages for breach of warranty is the difference at the
time and place of acceptance between the value of the goods accepted and
the value they would have had if they had been as warranted, unless
special circumstances show proximate damages of a different amount.
(3) In a proper case any incidental and consequential damages under the
next section may also be recovered.
(1) Incidental damages resulting from the seller's breach include expenses
reasonably incurred in inspection, receipt, transportation and care and
custody of goods rightfully rejected, any commercially reasonable
charges, expenses or commissions in connection with effecting cover and
any other reasonable expense incident to the delay or other breach.
(2) Consequential damages resulting from the seller's breach include
(a) any loss resulting from general or particular requirements and needs of
which the seller at the time of contracting had reason to know and which
could not reasonably be prevented by cover or otherwise; and
(b) injury to person or property proximately resulting from any breach of
23. Chatlos Systems, Inc. v. National Cash Register Corp (2nd Cir. 1980)
This case involved a first-instance interpretation of UCC 2-719(2)
and (3). The contract was between a Computer manufacturer and
consumer, and contained an exclusive warranty provision and a
limitation of damages under that warranty. The warranty was
limited in scope to “correcting errors in any program or routine”
and limited in time to sixty days. The Court upheld the trial court
judgment that this limitation of the warranty caused the warranty to
fail of its essential purpose. The trial court also ruled that the
warranty’s failing in its essential purpose caused the agreement’s
clause limiting damages to fail as well. It treated the warranty and
the limitation of damages under the warranty as one unit. The
Court did not agree with this view. Instead, the Court reasoned
that the two things were separate and could exist completely apart
from each other, and that, as a result, a damages limitation clause
should not automatically be struck down with the warranty on
which it would have operated. Other Courts, however, choose
the opposite course. About whether “failing of the essential
purpose” causes the limitation to fail absolutely, or whether 2-
719(3), which allows consequential damages, is the proper
section to refer to even if it fails of its essential purpose (sub-
section 2).
C. Notice under 2-607(3)- This statute leaves a lot of grey area for court’s to define.
Courts have further refined the statute by interpreting it as treating merchants and non-
merchants differently. The statute says only that notice must be given within a
reasonable time after buyer discovers or should have discovered the defect. Courts often
hold that merchants “should have discovered” a defect in a relatively short period after
the deal, whereas consumers are given a longer time by default. Courts differ
significantly as to what manner of information constitutes notice of breach. One line
of cases holds that specific words must be used, while another line holds that the notice
may be substantially more vague. Finally, actual knowledge of the particular defect in
the particular product in question may make notice unnecessary in some courts.
D. Sources of Contract terms, other than Express Agreements and Code Default Rules
(2) A usage of trade is any practice or method of dealing having such regularity of
observance in a place, vocation or trade as to justify an expectation that it will be
observed with respect to the transaction in question. The existence and scope of
such a usage are to be proved as facts. If it is established that such a usage is
embodied in a written trade code or similar writing the interpretation of the
writing is for the court.
(3) A course of dealing between parties and any usage of trade in the vocation or
trade in which they are engaged or of which they are or should be aware give
particular meaning to and supplement or qualify terms of an agreement.
(5) An applicable usage of trade in the place where any part of performance is to
occur shall be used in interpreting the agreement as to that part of the
(6) Evidence of a relevant usage of trade offered by one party is not admissible
unless and until he has given the other party such notice as the court finds
sufficient to prevent unfair surprise to the latter.
(1) Where the contract for sale involves repeated occasions for performance by
either party with knowledge of the nature of the performance and opportunity for
objection to it by the other, any course of performance accepted or acquiesced in
without objection shall be relevant to determine the meaning of the agreement.
(2) The express terms of the agreement and any such course of performance, as
well as any course of dealing and usage of trade, shall be construed whenever
reasonable as consistent with each other; but when such construction is
unreasonable, express terms shall control course of performance and course of
performance shall control both course of dealing and usage of trade (Section 1-
(3) Subject to the provisions of the next section on modification and waiver, such
course of performance shall be relevant to show a waiver or modification of any
term inconsistent with such course of performance.
(3) "Agreement" means the bargain of the parties in fact as found in their
language or by implication from other circumstances including course of dealing
or usage of trade or course of performance as provided in this Act (Sections 1-
205, 2-208, and 2A-207). Whether an agreement has legal consequences is
determined by the provisions of this Act, if applicable; otherwise by the law of
contracts (Section 1-103). (Compare "Contract".)
(11) "Contract" means the total legal obligation which results from the parties'
agreement as affected by this Act and any other applicable rules of law. (Compare
4. Nanakuli Paving and Rock Co. v. Shell Oil Co. (U.S. 9th Circ. 1981)
This case involved the interpretation of the appropriate active terms of a
Contract between a Paving Contractor and a seller of “asphalt.” The
express terms of the contract called for the price of the asphalt to be at
Shell’s posted price at time of delivery, F.O.B. Nevertheless, the Court
found that a proper interpretation of the UCC mandates that, unless a term
is “completely negated” by the terms imposed by trade usage, course of
dealing, and course of performance, that such terms resulting from any
of these may be entered into evidence.
On Appeal, Shell argued that Nanakuli had not entered enough evidence
on the trade usage issue. The Court disagreed, finding that they had
entered enough evidence for a jury to find that it is universal practice in
the Asphalt trade in Hawaii to price protect.
Shell also argued that its former willingness to price protect on the only
two prior occasions in non-escalable contracts should be held to be a
waiver as a matter of law. The Court disagreed with this too, and with
Shell’s interpretation of UCC 2-208, which says that ONE performance
shall not count, but goes no further.
Again, the Court also disagreed with Shell on their argument that the price
term constructed through trade usage and course of performance is
inconsistent with the express price term. Of Course, the express term
would apply in this case. But the Court also disagreed with this, finding
that the price term could in fact be construed as consistent with the rule
that, only in non-escalable contracts, that the price shall be protected.
E. Risk of Loss
Where the contract requires for its performance goods identified when the
contract is made, and the goods suffer casualty without fault of either party before
the risk of loss passes to the buyer, or in a proper case under a "no arrival, no
sale" term (Section 2-324) then
(a) if the loss is total the contract is avoided; and
(b) if the loss is partial or the goods have so deteriorated as no longer to conform
to the contract the buyer may nevertheless demand inspection and at his option
either treat the contract as avoided or accept the goods with due allowance from
the contract price for the deterioration or the deficiency in quantity but without
further right against the seller
(2) Where the case is within the next section respecting shipment tender requires
that the seller comply with its provisions.
(4) Where goods are in the possession of a bailee and are to be delivered without
being moved
(a) tender requires that the seller either tender a negotiable document of title
covering such goods or procure acknowledgment by the bailee of the buyer's right
to possession of the goods; but
(b) tender to the buyer of a non-negotiable document of title or of a written
direction to the bailee to deliver is sufficient tender unless the buyer seasonably
objects, and receipt by the bailee of notification of the buyer's rights fixes those
rights as against the bailee and all third persons; but risk of loss of the goods and
of any failure by the bailee to honor the non- negotiable document of title or to
obey the direction remains on the seller
until the buyer has had a reasonable time to present the document or direction,
and a refusal by the bailee to honor the document or to obey the direction defeats
the tender.
Where the seller is required or authorized to send the goods to the buyer and the
contract does not require him to deliver them at a particular destination, then
unless otherwise agreed he must
(a) put the goods in the possession of such a carrier and make such a contract for
their transportation as may be reasonable having regard to the nature of the goods
and other circumstances of the case; and
(b) obtain and promptly deliver or tender in due form any document necessary to
enable the buyer to obtain possession of the goods or otherwise required by the
agreement or by usage of trade; and
(c) promptly notify the buyer of the shipment.
Failure to notify the buyer under paragraph (c) or to make a proper contract under
paragraph (a) is a ground for rejection only if material delay or loss ensues.
(1) Where the contract requires or authorizes the seller to ship the goods by carrier
(a) if it does not require him to deliver them at a particular destination, the risk of
loss passes to the buyer when the goods are duly delivered to the carrier even
though the shipment is under reservation (Section 2-505); but
(b) if it does require him to deliver them at a particular destination and the goods
are there duly tendered while in the possession of the carrier, the risk of loss
passes to the buyer when the goods are there duly so tendered as to enable the
buyer to take delivery.
(2) Where the goods are held by a bailee to be delivered without being moved, the
risk of loss passes to the buyer
(a) on his receipt of a negotiable document of title covering the goods; or
(b) on acknowledgment by the bailee of the buyer's right to possession of the
goods; or
(c) after his receipt of a non-negotiable document of title or other written direction
to deliver, as provided in subsection (4)(b) of Section 2-503.
(3) In any case not within subsection (1) or (2), the risk of loss passes to the buyer
on his receipt of the goods if the seller is a merchant; otherwise the risk passes to
the buyer on tender of delivery.
(4) The provisions of this section are subject to contrary agreement of the parties
and to the provisions of this Article on sale on approval (Section 2-327) and on
effect of breach on risk of loss (Section 2-510).
5. Default Rule For Shipment Terms- Although it provides no support for this,
the Court in the Windows case claims that there is a strong preference for
Shipment Contracts under the UCC...Shipment Contracts are those in which the
seller is responsible only to put the good in the hands of the shipper, and the buyer
bears the risk of loss thereafter. UCC 2-504 actually provides some support for
this position.
6. Windows, Inc. v. Jordan Panel Systems Corp. (U.S. App 2nd Circ. 1999)
In this case, seller ordered windows from buyer, and in a confirmation
letter stated that: “all windows to be shipped properly
crated/packaged/boxed suitable for cross country motor freight transit and
delivered to New York City.” The goods were damaged in transit. The
Court held that the UCC provisions dictated a finding of a shipment
contract here (2-504), and that since it was a shipment contract, that the
seller should not bear the risk of loss (2-509), because the contract did
not call for delivery at a specific destination, but rather gave only the
city. The Court declined to consider the earlier grounds on which the case
was decided (2-613), choosing instead to use the provisions more
specifically applicable to the situation.
F. Title
Each provision of this Article with regard to the rights, obligations and remedies
of the seller, the buyer, purchasers or other third parties applies irrespective of
title to the goods except where the provision refers to such title. Insofar as
situations are not covered by the other provisions of this Article and matters
concerning title become material the following rules apply:
(1) Title to goods cannot pass under a contract for sale prior to their identification
to the contract (Section 2-501), and unless otherwise explicitly agreed the buyer
acquires by their identification a special property as limited by this Act. Any
retention or reservation by the seller of the title (property) in goods shipped or
delivered to the buyer is limited in effect to a reservation of a security interest.
Subject to these provisions and to the provisions of the Article on Secured
Transactions (Article 9), title to goods passes from the seller to the buyer in any
manner and on any conditions explicity agreed on by the parties.
(2) Unless otherwise explicitly agreed title passes to the buyer at the time and
place at which the seller completes his performance with reference to the physical
delivery of the goods, despite any reservation of a security interest and even
though a document of title is to be delivered at a different time or place; and in
particular and despite any reservation of a security interest by the bill of lading
(a) if the contract requires or authorizes the seller to send the goods to the buyer
but does not require him to deliver them at destination, title passes to the buyer at
the time and place of shipment; but
(b) if the contract requires delivery at destination, title passes on tender there.
(4) A rejection or other refusal by the buyer to receive or retain the goods,
whether or not justified, or a justified revocation of acceptance revests title to the
goods in the seller. Such revesting occurs by operation of law and is not a "sale".
(1) The buyer obtains a special property and an insurable interest in goods by
identification of existing goods as goods to which the contract refers even though
the goods so identified are non-conforming and he has an option to return or reject
them. Such identification can be made at any time and in any manner explicitly
agreed to by the parties. In the absence of explicit agreement identification occurs
(a) when the contract is made if it is for the sale of goods already existing and
(b) if the contract is for the sale of future goods other than those described in
paragraph (c), when goods are shipped, marked or otherwise designated by the
seller as goods to which the contract refers;
(c) when the crops are planted or otherwise become growing crops or the young
are conceived if the contract is for the sale of unborn young to be born within
twelve months after contracting or for the sale of crops to be harvested within
twelve months or the next normal harvest season after contracting whichever is
(2) The seller retains an insurable interest in goods so long as title to or any
security interest in the goods remains in him and where the identification is by the
seller alone he may until default or insolvency or notification to the buyer that the
identification is final substitute other goods for those identified.
(3) Nothing in this section impairs any insurable interest recognized under any
other statute or rule of law.
(1) Tender of delivery is a condition to the buyer's duty to accept the goods and,
unless otherwise agreed, to his duty to pay for them. Tender entitles the seller to
acceptance of the goods and to payment according to the contract.
(2) Where payment is due and demanded on the delivery to the buyer of goods or
documents of title, his right as against the seller to retain or dispose of them is
conditional upon his making the payment due.
<Text of current version of section. For text of earlier version of section, see
(2) Tender of payment is sufficient when made by any means or in any manner
current in the ordinary course of business unless the seller demands payment in
legal tender and gives any extension of time reasonably necessary to procure it.
(1) Unless otherwise agreed and subject to subsection (3), where goods are
tendered or delivered or identified to the contract for sale, the buyer has a right
before payment or acceptance to inspect them at any reasonable place and time
and in any reasonable manner. When the seller is required or authorized to send
the goods to the buyer, the inspection may be after their arrival.
(2) Expenses of inspection must be borne by the buyer but may be recovered from
the seller if the goods do not conform and are rejected.
(3) Unless otherwise agreed and subject to the provisions of this Article on C.I.F.
contracts (subsection (3) of Section 2-321), the buyer is not entitled to inspect the
goods before payment of the price when the contract provides
(a) for delivery "C.O.D." or on other like terms; or
(b) for payment against documents of title, except where such payment is due
only after the goods are to become available for inspection.
(1) The buyer may revoke his acceptance of a lot or commercial unit whose non-
conformity substantially impairs its value to him if he has accepted it
(a) on the reasonable assumption that its non-conformity would be cured and it
has not been seasonably cured; or
(b) without discovery of such non-conformity if his acceptance was reasonably
induced either by the difficulty of discovery before acceptance or by the seller's
(2) Revocation of acceptance must occur within a reasonable time after the buyer
discovers or should have discovered the ground for it and before any substantial
change in condition of the goods which is not caused by their own defects. It is
not effective until the buyer notifies the seller of it.
(3) A buyer who so revokes has the same rights and duties with regard to the
goods involved as if he had rejected them.
(1) The buyer must pay at the contract rate for any goods accepted.
(2) Acceptance of goods by the buyer precludes rejection of the goods accepted
and if made with knowledge of a non-conformity cannot be revoked because of it
unless the acceptance was on the reasonable assumption that the non-conformity
would be seasonably cured but acceptance does not of itself impair any other
remedy provided by this Article for non-conformity.
(4) The burden is on the buyer to establish any breach with respect to the goods
(5) Where the buyer is sued for breach of a warranty or other obligation for which
his seller is answerable over
(a) he may give his seller written notice of the litigation. If the notice states that
the seller may come in and defend and that if the seller does not
do so he will be bound in any action against him by his buyer by any
determination of fact common to the two litigations, then unless the seller after
seasonable receipt of the notice does come in and defend he is so bound.
(b) if the claim is one for infringement or the like (subsection (3) of Section 2-
312) the original seller may demand in writing that his buyer turn over to him
control of the litigation including settlement or else be barred from any remedy
over and if he also agrees to bear all expense and to satisfy any adverse judgment,
then unless the buyer after seasonable receipt of the demand does turn over
control the buyer is so barred.
(6) The provisions of subsections (3), (4) and (5) apply to any obligation of a
buyer to hold the seller harmless against infringement or the like (subsection (3)
of Section 2-312).
(2) Acceptance of a part of any commercial unit is acceptance of that entire unit.
10. International Commodities Export Corp. v. North Pacific Lumber Co. (US
DC of OR 1991)
In this case defendant made arrangements to purchase beans from China.
The beans were inspected by the plaintiff upon receipt by the shipper, and
were found to conform to specifications. Upon receipt of the beans,
defendant discovered that some were dirty and not white enough.
Defendant complained but did not explicitly reject the goods. Instead
plaintiff attempted to have them approved by the FDA. The FDA refused
to approve them, and they sat in a warehouse. Finally, almost a year after
the agreement had been made, the defendant attempted to revoke his
acceptance of the goods. The Court found that his revocation was not
timely (2-606(1)(a). Also, the Court found that the burden was on the
defendant to prove that the beans did not meet specifications when
delivered to carrier. Defendant also failed to give proper notice.
(1) Where any tender or delivery by the seller is rejected because non-
conforming and the time for performance has not yet expired, the seller may
seasonably notify the buyer of his intention to cure and may then within the
contract time make a conforming delivery.
(2) Where the buyer rejects a non-conforming tender which the seller had
reasonable grounds to believe would be acceptable with or without money
allowance the seller may if he seasonably notifies the buyer have a further
reasonable time to substitute a conforming tender.
(1) A contract for sale imposes an obligation on each party that the other's
expectation of receiving due performance will not be impaired. When reasonable
grounds for insecurity arise with respect to the performance of either party the
other may in writing demand adequate assurance of due performance and until he
receives such assurance may if commercially reasonable suspend any
performance for which he has not already received the agreed return.
(2) Between merchants the reasonableness of grounds for insecurity and the
adequacy of any assurance offered shall be determined according to commercial
(3) Acceptance of any improper delivery or payment does not prejudice the
aggrieved party's right to demand adequate assurance of future performance.
(4) After receipt of a justified demand failure to provide within a reasonable time
not exceeding thirty days such assurance of due performance as is adequate under
the circumstances of the particular case is a repudiation of the contract.
(2) The additional terms are to be construed as proposals for addition to the
contract. Between merchants such terms become part of the contract unless:
(a) the offer expressly limits acceptance to the terms of the offer;
(b) they materially alter it; or
(c) notification of objection to them has already been given or is given within a
reasonable time after notice of them is received.
I. Statute of Frauds- overall, the S of F in the UCC is similar to the common law, but
there are some differences.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section a contract for the sale of goods
for the price of $500 or more is not enforceable by way of action or defense
unless there is some writing sufficient to indicate that a contract for sale has been
made between the parties and signed by the party against whom enforcement is
sought or by his authorized agent or broker. A writing is not insufficient because
it omits or incorrectly states a term agreed upon but the contract is not enforceable
under this paragraph beyond the quantity of goods shown in such writing.
(3) A contract which does not satisfy the requirements of subsection (1) but which
is valid in other respects is enforceable
(a) if the goods are to be specially manufactured for the buyer and are not suitable
for sale to others in the ordinary course of the seller's business and the seller,
before notice of repudiation is received and under circumstances which
reasonably indicate that the goods are for the buyer, has made either a substantial
beginning of their manufacture or commitments for their procurement; or
(b) if the party against whom enforcement is sought admits in his pleading,
testimony or otherwise in court that a contract for sale was made, but the contract
is not enforceable under this provision beyond the quantity of goods admitted; or
(c) with respect to goods for which payment has been made and accepted or
which have been received and accepted (Sec. 2-606).
1. § 2-205. Firm Offers- Something about this will almost certainly be on the
test! This is very different from the common law. If an offer is “firm”, the offeror
can be held to it in absence of any consideration whatsoever. The only proviso is
that it cannot last more than three months
An offer by a merchant to buy or sell goods in a signed writing which by its terms
give assurance that it will be held open is not revocable, for lack of consideration,
during the time stated or if no time is stated for a reasonable time, but in no event
may such period of irrevocability exceed three months; but any such term of
assurance on a form supplied by the offeree must be separately signed by the
(5) A party who has made a waiver affecting an executory portion of the contract
may retract the waiver by reasonable notification received by the other party that
strict performance will be required of any term waived, unless the retraction
would be unjust in view of a material change of position in reliance on the waiver.
Fall 1996
Lance LeFever
- Does a K. exist?
- Is there Cn., restitution, or reliance for enforcement?
- Was the Cn. bargained for?
- Is there an objectively manifested offer?
- Is there objectively manifested acceptance?
- Was the offer terminated before acceptance through
lapse, revocation, rejection, or death?
- Was there acceptance by partial performance prior to
- Was the offer and acceptance reasonably certain enough
to show an intent to K. and sufficiently definite to
ascertain breach and fashion remedy?
- Does Statute of Frauds apply?
- Is this a K. for transfer of real estate, surety sub-K
for debt of another, K. for sale of goods > $500, K. not
to be performed w/i 1 year, K. upon cn. of marriage?
- Assuming it applies, what pieces of paper will satisfy
- Assuming it applies and no writing satisfies, what
circumstances might prevent party from asserting S/F?
- Is the K. voidable?
- Did a party lack capacity to K. (drunk, age)?
- Unequal exchange (generally not a defense)?
- Does pre-existing duty rule apply, fraud, mistake,
duress, misrepresentation?
- Is the K. unconscionable
- What rights and obligations does the K. create?
- Is K. for benefit of a 3rd party, and do circumstances
indicate parties intended 3rd party to have enforcement
- Were K. rights assigned?
- What likely consequences follow from the breach by one or
more of the parties?
- Formula A or B for expectation?
- Losing K. problem?
- Avoidability, foreseeability, Certainty problems?
- Liquidated damages problem?
Restitution: an alternative for consideration... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...10
Rest §271: how to measure remedy... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...10
Cotnam v. Wisdom (MD’s & roadside emergency) ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...11
Pyeatte v. Pyeatte (wife pays for husband to go to law school) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...11
Dementas v. Estate of Tallas (old truck for errands/no expect of pay) ... ... ... ..... ...11
Chapter Two: Bargaining Process... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .11
Offer... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...12
Rest §24: definition of offer... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ...12
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5 elements of an offer 12
How to distinguish offer from preliminary proposal (5 elements) 12
Rest §26: preliminary negotiations 12
Mistake... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .12
Elsinore School v. Kastorff (contractor clerical error in bid) ... ... ... ... ...... ... ...12
Rest §154: Who has liability for mistake? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...12
Rest §153: When does mistake allow to avoid? ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...13
Donovan v. RRL (jaguar: specific ads) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...13
Unilateral K’s and Notice... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ...13
Carlill v. Smoke Ball Co ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...13
Bishop v. Eaton (notice to Greenland) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...13
Rest §54 (timely notice) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...13
UCC 2-206(2): lapse if no reasonable notice
Lefkowitz v. Great Minn Store (man buys ladies things) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...13
Rest §46 (revoke ad by same medium) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...14
Owen v. Tunison (note to sell for $16k, no specific offer) ... ... ... ... ...14
Harvey v. Facey (notes to buy Bumper Hall Pen – no offer) ... ... ... ...14
Fairmont Glass v. Crunden (ten car loads – specific) ... ... ... ... ... ... ...14
Allied Steel v. Ford (indemnity holds Allied liable) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...15
Silence... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...15
Rest §69: when silence/inaction can be acceptance... . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..15
Hobbs v. Massasoit Whip Co (eelskins for whips)
Termination of Power of Acceptance... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...15
Lapse... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...16
Akers v. JB Sedberry: face to face offer lapses at end conversation
Loring v. City of Boston: offer lapses after reasonable time
Rest §41: time by objective std of reasonable man in offeree’s position
Revocation... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...16
OPTION K’s – Irrevocable offers 16
Dickinson v. Dodds (reliable 3rd party) ... ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . ... ... ... ...16
Rest §43:revoked when find out no longer offering, even if by 3rd party 16
Rest §90: PRIAFER 10
Ragosta v. Wilder.(specific performance req’d).. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...17
Rejection./counter-offer. ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...17
Mirror Image Rule
Ardente v. Horan: offer rejected b/c conditions added
Death/Incapacity: Rest §48... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...17
Precontractual Liability 18
Quantum Meruit (recovery = as much as deserved)
Unjust enrichment (restitution)
Rest §45: option K created when performance begins in unilateral 16
Revocability of subcontractor’s bids
Drennan v. Star Paving Co: sub bound via implied subsidiary promise to general 19
Rest §87: when option K created by preparations in bilateral 19
Hoffman v. Red Owl (relies on promise to detriment) 19
Cyberchron v. Calldata (heavy equip K, no K b/c no deliver, but reliance) 19
Tribune Type I and Type II
Varney v. Ditmars: fair share of profits too indefinite
Westinghouse: not too indefinate
Baker v. Citizens: 7 days not enough time to forbear calling in loan
Farmers v. Maixner: 2 mos may be reasonable forbear of suit
Toys v. Burlington (mall option lease)
Chapter Three: Statute of Frauds...Use Monarco ANYTIME a SofF problem. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...20
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MY LEGS (writing required) 21
Rest §131: essential terms, subject matter & enough to show a K made
UCC 2-201: only qty of goods & info to show a K made
SWAP (exceptions) 21
Suretyship Exceptions (5) 21
Amelioration of the Statute
Rest §139: PRIAFER for statute of frauds cases
Monarco v. Lo Greco: farm for 20 yrs work 23
Part Performance
Johnson Farms v. McEnroe: like kind exchange property; bad faith 22
Chapter Four: Policing the Bargain... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...23
Capacity 24
Keifer v. Fred Motors : minor could return b/c vehicle a necessity 24
Unfairness 24
Rest §79 (no requment of equivalency in values exchanged) 24
McKinnon v. Benedict (RV park v. view) 25
Rest §367: when specific performance may be refused 25
Duress: 26
Alaska Packers v. Domenico 26
Rest §73 - Pre-Existing Duty Rule 26
Rest §89 – how to make modification binding 26
Rescission and Modification... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .26
Schwartzreich v. Bauman.(clothing designer – modification not ok)..27
Watkins & Son v. Carrig (bedrock – ok to modify) 27
Scope of Pre-Existing Duty
Accord & satisfaction claim: part of debt paid for forgiveness of rest 27
Foakes v. Beer...(landlady v. doctor for loan interest)
De Cicco v. Schweizer..($ for Count to marry dghter)
Duress in Business 28
Austin v. Loral (subk refuses to ship w/o higher price) 28
Test for economic duress 28
Victim’s Options 28
Undue Influence: Relative status of the parties 28
Odorizzi v. Bloomfield School (wrongful homosex chgs)
Test 28
Fraud 28
Swinton v. Bank (termite house – no duty) 28
Kannavos v. Annino (apt not zoned properly - duty) 29
Rest §161 29
Unconscionability 29
UCC 2-302: unconscionable K’s will not be upheld 33
Std form (adhesion) contracts
O’Callaghan v. Waller: exculpatory clause bars tenants recovery for injury
Gallagin v. : exculpatory as matter of law v. public policy
Factors to consider when determining if clause void 30
Klar v. H&M Parcel room: clause on bag check does not bar recovery
Rest §211 30
Graham v. Scissor-Tail: arbitration clause w/i reasonable expectations of producer
Henningsen v. Bloomfield Motors: disclaimed warranty unconscionable
Duty to read and duty to disclose
Rest §80 31
Carnival Cruise v. Shute: should enforce forum selection clause
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The Bremen: clause ok 31
Rest §208 (Unconscionability) 32
Defense of doctrine 32
Objection 32
Williams v. Walker-Thomas Furniture (uncon K not upheld) 33
Scott v. US (unconscionable bargain given only equitable damages) 33
Jones v. Star Credit (uses 2-302 to show uncon) 33
UCC 2-302: Unconscionability 33
Armendariz v. Foundation Health-arbitration clause 34
Public Policy 34
R2d §178: when term unenforceable due to public policy 35
Bovard v. American Horse: ct refuses to enforce illegal K (drug para) 35
In pari delicto: D can use illegality of K as defense 35
P’s response to illegality defense: 35
Moran v. Harrisa: factors used in Bovard
Clean hands doctrine 35
XLO Concrete v. Rivergate: “Club”; D can’t use illegality as defense 35
Factors to review
Rejoinders to defense of violation of public policy 36
Bribing Officials
Commercial Bribery
Judicially created public policy
R2d §179 (restraint of trade and impairment of family relations) 36
Hopper v. All Pet : court modifies non-compete 36
CAB v. Ingram, II : ok for judge to modify non-compete 37
R2d §184 (enforce to extent reasonable)
Simeone v. Simeone 37
Chapter Five: Remedies... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...37
Specific Performance 38
Klein v. Pepsico 38
Laclede Gas Co. v. Amoco Oil Co 38
UCC 2-716 39
Northern v. Bliss 39
R 2d §347: measuring expectation damages
Formula A (loss in value – cost avoided = damages) 39
Formula B (Cost of reliance + profit = damage)
Vitex: UCC 2-708 39
UCC 2-706
Laredo v. H&H Meat 40
UCC 2-712 “cover” damages 40
Losing contracts 41
US v. Algernon
Acme Process
Limitations on Remedies
R2d §350: Avoidance as limitation on damages 41
Rockingham Cty v. Luten Bridge
Parker v. 20th Century Fox 42
Avoidability and cost to remedy defect 42
Jacob & Youngs v. Kent 42
Groves v. Wunder 42
Peevyhouse v. Garland Coal 42
R2d §348: Alternatives to loss in value of performance 43
Hadley v. Baxendale 43
R2d §351: court may limit foreseeable loss if disproportionate
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Kenford v. Cty of Erie 43
Redgrave v. Boston Symphony: P has burden of proving foreseeability
Emotional Distress 44
R2d§353: emotional
R2d§354: punitive if recoverable in tort as well
Certainty 44
R2d§352: reasonable certainty the std
Fera v. Village Plaza 44
Liquidated Damages and Penalties
Wasserman’s v. Middletown 44
R2d§356.test b/t liquidated damages or penalty 44
Gustafson v. State
Essential Elements:
1. An oral or written agreement (offered, accepted lawfully)
2. 2 or more legally competent persons
3. an exchange relationship (consideration, terms bargained for)
4. at least one promise
5. enforceability
1. Does a K exist? LACC: Legality of object; Agreement (offer & acceptance); Consideration; Capable parties
Kinds of k’s:
• Unilateral: promisee at no time legally bound to perform. One makes a promise on condition that other performs;
other can accept by promise to perform or by actual performance.
• Bilateral: both have promised something for the other’s promise
Voidable K’s (§7): one or more parties can avoid the legal relations created by the K
• 5 Grounds: minority; K induced by fraud, mistake or duress; breach justifies other party to end K
• Usually only one party has power to avoid
• If both enter into a k by mutual mistake or both are minors, either can void
• Minors have power to void a K, so all their K’s are voidable
• Void K’s: not really a K at all (null) b/c law provides no remedy or duty of performance for the promise or
Merchant of Venice
Portia: equity; fairness; actually reads more literally than Shylock to come up with can take the flesh but spill no blood or
would be murder; in fact by making an agreement that would lead to death of citizen, Shylock has committed a violation.
Shylock: classical – certainty or injustice? Impersonal, testimony doesn’t matter, only written K – pound of flesh next to
Antonio’s heart. Refuses settlement of $ from B, then asks for that after Portia’s argument, but too late. Gets nothing, plus
has to give wealth to Antonio and the city.
Antonio: signs loan for B. so B has $ to woo his future wife. Antonio unable to pay due to reported mishaps with his ships;
Shylock says doesn’t want the $ anyway, wants the flesh b/c Antonio his enemy & he has plotted this all along.
Happy ending for all.
Rest §17: formation of a K requires a bargain in which manifestation of mutual assent to the exchange and a consideration.
Rest §20: can be no mutual assent if misunderstand material elements of the bargain or if know the other misunderstands
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1. Subjective: Assent policy: contractual obligation should not be imposed on a person who did not in fact agree to be
a. If too heavily stressed, policy of protecting reliance undermined.
b. Must be tempered by goal of protecting expectations of one who reasonably relied on the appearance of
c. 19th c : looked at each party’s actual understanding as a prerequisite to a K.
2. Objective (Learned Hand): Classical: 19th -20th: refuses to see any relevance in the subjective state of mind of the
parties and employs strict objective or external test for assent. If agreement apparent by reasonably interpreted
manifestations, a contract formed on terms reflected in manifestations.
a. Could lead to injustice where subjective evidence could cast light on meaning of manifestation.
3. Modern law: Assent is legally sufficient if each party, by the deliberate use of words or conduct, manifested
agreement to be contractually bound.
a. Rest §50: acceptance is a manifestation of assent to the terms in a manner invited or required by the offer,
can be performance or promise.
1. Legal standard
a. Manifestation of assent is interpreted from the stdpt of reasonable person in the position of the party to
whom manifestation made.
b. We ask how the words or actions should have been understood if interpreted reasonably.
i. Balances assent with reasonable reliance.
2. Evidentiary:
a. Objective – signatures, spoken words, behavior
b. Subjective – testimony by a party as to what he thought, intended or believed when acting or speaking.
Questionable value and was completely excluded by classicists. Usually only given weight today if
matches objective info.
Duty to read: accountability principle to read document before signifying agreement with its contents.
Lucy v. Zehmer
Zehmer signed a hand written statement selling a farm to Lucy. Zehmer claimed a joke, Lucy got funding the next day and
hired an atty to see if title good, then told Zehmer ready to close. Zehmer refused, Lucy sued for specific performance.
o Party relying on the K cannot be expected to read the mind of a party whose acts lead to the conclusion that they did
intend to be bound by the K.
1. Offer written and signed by both D’s, after lengthy discussion and several prior discussions.
2. Completeness of K, including the examination of title.
3. Taking possession of offer w/no apparent request by D’s to give it back.
4. Appears a good faith offer and a good faith acceptance, followed by execution and apparent delivery of a K.
5. Mental assent of the parties is not necessary for formation of a K if the words or acts of one party have but
one reasonable meaning.
6. Law imputes to a person an intention corresponding to the reasonable meaning of the words and acts.
Mix of objective (based on the written statement and actions) and subjective (allowed testimony).
1. What if price for farm $50 instead of $50k? This would have been evidence of a joke and court may have
refused to acknowledge it as consideration.
2. How is use of bad check different from the use of a peppercorn? Bad check isn’t even nominal
consideration. Looks more like fraud or misrepresentation (or a mistake).
Intent to be bound:
• Promisor may not be bound if the promise by content or circumstances make it clear not serious enough to make
them bound
• Optimistic statements by MD’s aren’t binding
• Statements b/t intimates or for social purposes are probably not binding
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• If goods (UCC) is there an intent to be bound?
ii. Debt: (NARROW SCOPE) enforced some types of unsealed promises to pay a fixed sum of money, incl.
promise to repay loans and promise to pay for goods or work that had been done.
• Quid pro quo: something for something; mutual consideration which passes b/t parties to a contract, and
which renders it valid and binding.
• Promisor’s obligation in debt was considered to rest upon receipt of a benefit from the promise.
iii. Assumpsit: a promise by which one assumes or undertakes to do some act or pay something to another.
• Grew from cases where promise sought to recover damages for physical injury to person or property on the
basis of a consensual undertaking.
• Example: ferryman overloaded boat & horse drowned as trying to cross river.
• Underlying theme of misfeasance: the improper performance of some act which causes detriment to the
• In latter half of 15th c courts extended to nonfeasance – where promisor had done nothing in pursuance of
the undertaking/act. Still promisee had to have incurred a detriment in reliance on the promise.
• By end 16th c a 2nd major extension – PROMISSORY LIABILITY MORE PREVALENT AND
FLEXIBLE: held that a party that had given only a promise in exchange for the other’s promise had
incurred a detriment by having its freedom of action fettered, since it was bound in turn by its own promise.
• In this way, began to enforce exchanges of promises
• By early 17th C, assumpsit had become a general basis for the enforcement of promises (doing away with
• Consideration had come to be the term to express the sum of the conditions necessary for such an
o Idea of a benefit to promisor comes from debt; or
o Idea of detriment to promisee comes from assumpsit
Historical developments: Use to get a sense of general thought of the time of case.
1. Until 1800’s: Equitable and Fairn: equity and good conscience seller should recover based on this alone. Portia
a. Sound price doctrine: sound price warrants sound commodity
b. Makes sense b/c very few markets or fluctuations in prices.
c. Few contracts for future delivery
d. Ethical stds help insure inds would use property for community values and sense of stability.
e. Can be seen as flexibility and fairness, or chaos.
2. 1800-1900: Will theory: no longer fairness and equity, but fact that parties willed a bargain should be upheld.
a. Commercial class began to develop, promissory notes started, more individuality.
b. Doctrine of nominal consideration “peppercorn theory”: promisee must incur some detriment or give some
consideration, even if very small .
c. Created risk takers b/c courts no longer inquired into adequacy of consideration.
d. “let the buyer beware”
e. breakdown of traditional social stds – individualism replaced community focus
f. hardened, impersonal ideas about contract law
g. should ask if this serves to enhance the wealthy and powerful?
h. Can be seen as certainty, or injustice.
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3. 1930’s: Began a shift back to something similar to equitable, though will theory still predominates.
Many K’s fall into one of 5 categories: sale of goods, real estate, construction, employment, or family.
Family K’s frequently informal and lacking in detail. Traditionally, courts reluctant to enforce, but enforcement is increasing
Consideration: legal detriment to promisee or benefit to promisor AND 2. bargained for exchange
Hamer v. Sidway (NY 1891): Uncle promises nephew $ if abstains vices for 6 yrs; nephew does and executor refuses to pay
the assignee. P wins b/c 1) consideration can be either a benefit to promisor OR detriment to promisee and 2)legal detriment
can include forbearance of a legal activity (abstinence).
• The bargain theory of consideration: to be effective, the benefit or detriment must also be
bargained-for- must, by the terms of the agreement, be given and accepted as inducement for the
promise. §71
• This was a unilateral K: Consideration (cn) was nephew’s 6 yrs of abstinence, not his promise to
abstain – performance as consideration.
• Generally, law will not enforce gratuitous promises. Consideration needed for cautionary and
evidentiary policies. Many courts reluctant to inquire in to adequacy of cn. Eg, Seattle stadium
case. Unless cn is mere pretense (peppercorn) §71.
Fiege v. Boehm, (MD 1956): Boehm promises child support if Fiege does not assert [invalid] paternity claim. Finds out not
the father & renigs;
• Court applies 2 part test: P wins b/c 1) she believed honestly & in good faith had a valid claim
(subjective) and 2) the claim was reasonable. (objective)
• Rest 2d: §74: only need to show good faith
• Stairway to heaven problem: result similar to Fiege in case of legal uncertainty.
Bargaining: bargaining for something of value is required for consideration…can’t bargain for past acts
o Restmt 2nd §71: a performance or return promise must be bargained for.
Feinberg v. Pfeiffer, partI: unable to prove consideration by saying that she continued to work after the promise of a pension
was made. HELD: her working was not bargained for and is therefore not consideration. Lacked mutuality of obligation.
• Mutuality of obligation:
o Both parties must be bound, or neither is bound
o The undertakings on both sides must be real and meaningful when consideration = promises on
both sides (both must really intend to carry out their promise)
o Point: the one with the clause can’t just say for no reason they aren’t satisfied & want out of the K; has
to be more objective and reasonable than that to show they had good faith in committing to the contract
in the first place.
Mills v. Wyman: stranger cares for son who dies, father promises to pay and doesn’t.
• no K b/c action in past no consideration/bargain for the promise to pay.
• Classical doctrine that past consideration isn’t considered bargained for.
Webb v. McGowin: employee falls & disabled to prevent boss from being hurt.
• due to 1)substantial material benefit received and 2)subsequent promise to pay, a valid K b/c a detriment and legal
fiction that bargained for to allow justice.
Kirksey v. Kirksey: brother in law asks Kirksey to come and he will give her land; held detriment to Kirksey was just a
condition of accepting the gift rather than bargained for consideration, so no K.
o Gratuitous promise not enforceable b/c promisor is not trying to get anything from promisee.
Promise as consideration:
• Promise can be express or implied from conduct or circumstances of the transaction
Strong v. Sheffield: Strong promised not to go to banks w/note & would go to Sheffield for payment ‘whenever he needed
$’: No agreement to forbear collection and no promise by Strong to do anything (no detriment) = no K.
• Illusory promise:
o If the promise of one has qualifications or limitations so strong that they negate it
o No obligation of one to do anything b/c of all the ‘loopholes’
Mattei v. Hopper: agree on price land, Mattei (P) adds clause re: getting leases, Hopper tries to say no K b/c of this. Mattei
Satisfaction clauses – 2 types:
1. Based on value, quality…Std of a reasonable person used to determine (ie., appraisal of a house,
market value of goods); or
2. question of one’s judgment – if promisor says not satisfied and this is in good faith (ie., really did try to
obtain leases and couldn’t; really tried to have land/house pass inspection, but it doesn’t, etc)
1. Price fluctuations: under fixed price requirements K, seller runs risk that if mkt price rises, the buyer’s requirements
will escalate.
a. How to draft that seller might use to reduce this risk? Based on the output of the seller rather than the
requirement of the buyer.
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Wood v. Lucy(1917) : Lady Lucy employs Wood to sell her name and merchandise exclusively, then she sells on her own.
Held: Valid K b/c Wood in good faith that he would uphold his end of bargain and produce income (otherwise the agreement
b/t them doesn’t make sense).
o Implied promise of Wood to carry out his agreement and promise has value and was bargained for.
o UCC 2-306(2): a lawful agreement by either for exclusive dealing imposes an obligation by seller to use
best efforts to supply goods and best effort by buyer to promote their sale.
• Promise which foreseeably and reasonably induces reliance on the promise is consideration
• Promissory Estoppel: if person made a promise, prevents them from later stating that promise shouldn’t count as
consideration. A substitute for consideration that renders gratuitous promises enforceable.
• The act of reliance on the promise (to promisee detriment) provides substitute for consideration and differentiates
from bargained-for consideration.
Ricketts v. Scothorn: Ricketts given note for $ from gfather. He paid 1 yr, later died. Scothorn, executor, refuses to pay.
Held: Valid consideration due to Ricketts reliance on the promise.
o actions that induce a change of position for promisee establish promissory estoppel. Policy: equity and fairness in
upholding wishes of decedent.
o §90 (PRIAFER) – Promise, Reasonable, Induces, Action, Forbearance, Enforcement, Remedy
o Estoppel. The conventional estoppel case concerns a representation of fact made by one and relied on by the other;
the estopped party is prohibited from alleging or proving facts that would contradict the truth of his own earlier
representation if the other party has taken action in reliance on that representation. Cases like Ricketts concern not
a factual representation, but a promise and the estoppel idea is used to preclude asserting the defense of lack of
consideration. Therefore no right to a trial by jury b/c doctrine of promissory estoppel is essentially equitable in
Feinberg v. Pfeiffer , partII: Feinberg left work b/c relied on the promise of a pension. Detriment was her giving up a good
D&G Stout v. Bacardi: Stout gave up sale of business offer relying on Bacardi’s promise to keep working with them.
Bacardi backs out day after. Stout wins, b/c promise seems to be for reasonable amt of time and Stout reliance. Reliance
damages (amt of detriment)
• EXAM: In any instance where it’s too indefinite to form a K, but one has given benefit during preliminary
negotiations, need ask if restitution can be an alternative method of remedy
• 1)no actual agreement or agreement doesn’t qualify as a K, 2) benefit conferred results in unjust enrichment, 3) K is
implied in law for the purpose of having a remedy (quasi-contract)
• Remedies: 1) market value of goods/services or 2) net ultimate economic gain (either subjective = value of gain to
def based on needs; or objective = actual market value of gain)
o Rest §271 1. reasonable value or 2. extent of increased value or advanced interests
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• Unjust enrichment: 1)claimant must have intended to charge (based on objective reasonable person test – likely to be
determined by circumstances) and 2) must not have imposed it on the recipient (except for emergency, request or
acceptance) [officious intermeddler]
Cotnam v. Wisdom (1907): famous case: MD’s attempt to save Cotnam’s client & he dies. Cotnam refuses to pay.
o implied contract & purpose to prevent unjust enrichment.
o Remedy should be reasonable or market value of services b/c would have offered services regardless of victim’s
ability to pay.
o Emergency: 1) immediate action required, 2) advance assent impractical and 3) claimant has no reason to
believe recipient didn’t want the action to be taken.
• Contract implied in fact: from facts and circumstances parties intended a contract but wording of promises
inaccurate and court merely interprets what parties intended.
• Contract implied in law: a fiction of the law: quasi-contract, restitution, quantum: one who is unjustly enriched
should make restitution to the other.
Pyeatte v. Pyeatte: famous case b/c one of first allowing restitution b/t spouses. He promised to pay her grad school after she
paid his law school. He divorces after law school & says no K b/c too indefinite. Court agrees, but awards to her based on
restitution b/c of expectation of compensation and her extraordinary or unilateral effort for his benefit.
o Traditionally, restitution cases b/t spouses fail b/c services of each presumed to be gratuitous.
Not limited to the contract price: The main use of the restitution measure is that, in most courts, it is not limited by the
contract price. If the work done by P prior to D’s breach has already enriched D in an amount greater than the contract price,
this entire enrichment may be recovered by P. This makes restitution sometimes very attractive, compared with both reliance
and expectation measures.
Example: Contractor agrees to build a house for Owner for $100,000. After Contractor has done 90% of the work, Owner
repudiates. At trial, Contractor shows that Owner can now resell the mostly-built house for $120,000, not counting land.
Contractor will be permitted to recover the whole $120,000 on a restitution theory, even though this sum is greater than the
contract price (and thus greater than the expectation damages would be), and greater than the reliance measure (actual
expenditures by Contractor).
o IF a benefit and/or detriment, but not BARGAINED FOR, then no exchange and no K.
o Actions in past cannot be consideration unless promisor receives 1. substantial material benefit and 2. subsequently
agreed to pay for the act. (court finding an exception in service of justice; ie. Webb v. McGowin)
o Bargain theory of exchange – must have detriment to promisee or benefit to promisor and detriment/benefit in
exchange for the promise. Bargain requirement would disallow past performance b/c promisor is then not looking to
obtain anything from promisee.
[Idea that courts protect individual freedoms; however, by enforcing whatever contract people agree to –indemnity K’s, US is
allowing big business to determine via coercion of smaller companies/individuals what freedoms actually are in a practical
day to day setting.]
Nature of Assent
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III. Offer
• An act where one person gives the other the power to create contractual relations b/t them
• Rest 2nd §24: offer is the manifestation of willingness to enter into a bargain, made so that the other person will
understand that his assent to that bargain is invited and will conclude it.
o Offer must contain 5 elements either express or implied:
Must be communicated to be manifested
Must indicate a desire to enter into a contract (specify performances to be exchanged and terms.
Offeror has control of what terms will be. Offeror may also prescribe the manner and time for
effective acceptance.
Must be directed at some person or group of persons.
Must invite acceptance.
Must create the reasonable understanding that upon acceptance, a contract will arise w/o any
further approval being required from the offeror.
How to distinguish an offer from a preliminary proposal? (suggestions, not firm list)
1. Words used in the communication are the primary indicators of intent.
2. Comprehensiveness and specificity.
3. A communication not specifically directed to a particular person will generally not be seen as an offer.
4. Relationship of the parties.
5. Common practices or trade usages if members of same community or trade.
Rest §26: Preliminary negotiations: a manifestation of willingness to enter a bargain is not an offer if the receiver knows or
should know that the offeror doesn’t intend to conclude a bargain until he has made a further showing of assent.
Kastorff submitted bid to make additions to school. Next day realized made mistake, notified architect and Board in writing.
After receiving the letter, the board voted not to release. They sent written notification that award to him. Kastorff returned
the contract with letter explaining error and again asking for release. Board rec’d more bids & sought action to hold Kastorff
resp for difference in $. They claim that a bargain was made.
Lower court found for school. Kastorff appealed, quoting case law that where a contractor makes a clerical error in a bid on a
public work he is entitled to rescind.
In Kemper, bid submitted as honest mistake of computation and not negligence, had acted promptly to notify of mistake and
to rescind, city board accepted bid w/knowledge of the error. City had suffered no damage.
Notes p 149
1. Revocability: ordinarily a general contractor’s bid on a construction contract is an offer that is revocable before
acceptance. Governments often do not allow this.
2. Courts that have granted relief for mistakes have relied on clerical rather than judgment errors.
a. Rest 2nd §154: A party bears the risk of a mistake when
i. The risk is allocated to him by agreement of the parties, or
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ii. He is aware, at the time the K is made, that he has only limited knowledge with respect to the facts
to which the mistake relates but treats his limited knowledge as sufficient, or
iii. The risk is allocated to him by the court on the ground that it is reasonable in the circumstances to
do so.
3. If offeree knows or has reason to know of the offeror’s mistake at the time of acceptance, the offeror is not bound.
However, if the offeree is not familiar enough with the work to know if there is a mistake, is not considered
knowledge. (ie., contractors bid very low & accepted; court upheld b/c offeree didn’t know details/costs of kitchen
work so couldn’t know the bid too low).
4. Rest 2nd §153: Where a mistake about a basic assumption about the K of one at the time a K made has a material
effect on the agreed exchange that is adverse to him, the K is voidable if he does not bear the risk of the mistake
under rules in §154, and
a. The effect of the mistake is such that enforcement of the K would be unconscionable, or
b. The other party had reason to know of the mistake or his fault caused the mistake.
Necessity of giving notice is less clear if offeror invites acceptance by performance and not a promise
• If the person making the offer, expressly or impliedly indicates that it is sufficient to act w/o communicating
acceptance, performance is sufficient acceptance w/o notification.
Notes p. 161:
1. Acceptance in Carlill v. Smoke Ball Co was contracting flu after using ball per directions.
i. Which act bargained for? Using ball
ii. Condition of catching flu was the specific even to instigate reward by the ball co.
iii. Yes promise was conditional upon person catching flu
2. Bishop v. Eaton (1894) from US to Greenland? is leading case on necessity of notice of acceptance of a unilateral
i. Normally no requirement to notify b/c doing act sufficient and knows bound when sees results of
act; however, if act is such that knowledge will not quickly come to the promisor, promisee is
bound to give notice w/i a reasonable time after doing that which shows acceptance. Rest 2nd §54.
3. None by section i, but if too long of time lapsed, offeree would need to notify b/c nothing specific in the ad stating
no notice necessary. Seems to imply no notice necessary – is this enough?
If bishop signs note and before sent notice, Frank calls and revokes. Is revocation effective? No, one day to notify
someone in a diff country doesn’t seem reasonable; could only revoke if Bishop waited too long to try to notify
Frank of the acceptance AND if the brother hadn’t told Frank that it was done. All hinges on how long between
signing and revoking – reasonable time necessary.
UCC 2-206(2): where the beginning of a req’d performance is a reasonable mode of acceptance an offeror who is not
notified of acceptance w/i a reasonable time may treat the offer as having lapsed before acceptance.
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o If the advertisement addressed to the general public is clear, definite and explicit and leaves nothing open for
o Performance was promised (sale of stole) in return for something requested (first person w/ $1).
o While an advertiser has the right at any time before acceptance to modify his offer, he doesn’t have the right, after
acceptance, to impose new or arbitrary conditions not contained in the published offer.
o *general offer, addressed via ad, can be revoked in similar notice as original ad (if there is no better way to do it),
even if all the potential offerees don’t see the revocation. Rest 2nd §46
Owen v. Tunison
Owen sent offer and Tunison sent note saying couldn’t sell for less than 16K cash. Owen sent msg accepting. Later D said
didn’t want to sell.
o Need to be sure that written agreements are very clear as to their purpose.
o Does the listing of an acceptable price consist of an offer to sell? No offer to sell. Only tells what price would be
acceptable, doesn’t show intent to sell.
1. P (Harvey) asked 2 specific questions of Facey.
2. Facey only answers #2, therefore at most this is an offer by the D’s and Facey would have to accept to be a
3. No implied contract.
1. For Harvey: Yes, I want to sell Bumper Hall Pen. I offer it to you for 900 pounds.
a. For Facey: No, I do not want to sell Bumper Hall Pen to you.
2. Generally, an offer can be accepted only by the person the offerer has invited to furnish consideration.
o Is an offer binding when offeror says “for immediate acceptance” Yes. This language taken in context implies and
1. Normally quoting a price is not held to be an offer.
2. The language of ‘for immediate acceptance’ moves this beyond a price quote to what appears intended as
an offer.
3. Ten car loads was normal expression in the trade at that time, so not indefinite.
4. The D declined to furnish the goods before it rec’d the letter w/ slightly different language, so cannot base
its argument on the difference in language.
1. If the Fairmont letter had been quoting for immediate delivery w/o the first Crunden letter, it would
still seem to be an offer b/c so specific.
2. This was not offer b/c no definite amt in offer “ in full car load lots” doesn’t say ‘in ten car loads’.
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IV. Acceptance: voluntary act of the offeree creating the contract. Once accepted, offeror is no longer able to withdraw w/o
Only the person to whom offer made can accept it – not assignable.
However, an assignee can accept an option offer b/c it is a K and assignee’s can perform K’s.
• must be a volitional act, performed freely, deliberately and with intent to enter a contract on the terms of the offer.
Determined objectively based on if a reasonable person in the offeror’s position would have understood the
manifestation as acceptance.
• only the offeree may accept the offer.
• acceptance must correspond exactly with the offer (classical view)
• nonconforming acceptance is actually a counteroffer, which voids original offer.
Indemnity agreement: one party undertakes contingent liability for a loss threatening another
-regularly enforced, even when loss is one attributable to fault of promisee (indemnitee)
o Allied accepted conditions by starting work with Ford’s knowledge =>K. The form did not indicate an exclusive
means of acceptance and performance is acceptance.
Would result have been different if offer had stated exclusive means of acceptance? Probably not b/c refers to
case law that if Allied began performance and Ford acquiesced, Ford estopped to object to K. So Allied
couldn’t expect to do the same thing themselves. Also, other case law cited that acceptance may be implied
from acts, Allied started and Ford allowed and some employees apparently even helped with Allied’s work
(ie., injured P).
3. Safeguards:
a. Pretrial discovery to reveal prior inconsistent statements or other evidence
b. Confidence in a jury’s ability to discern when a witness is untruthful
c. Fact that the man whose intent is at issue may well be a corporation or other org leading to the possibility
of conflicting sources re: intent, such as testimony from disaffected former employees.
Unsolicited merchandise – are not liable for it if do not use it. However, UCC indicate that things received in the mail w/o
request are gifts. Katz idea that ‘right to be let alone’. Freedom from contract may be more important than freedom of
• expiration of acceptance period
• if period not stated – lapses after a reasonable period of time
• reasonable time depends on circumstances
Akers v. JB Sedberry, 1955: Akers offers resignation in conference w/employer. Conf continued & few days later employer
accepts; sued breach K & won. Offer made by one to another in a face to face conversation is deemed good only to close of
Loring v. City of Boston, 1844: City run in papers ad for reward for apprehension & conviction any one setting fire to city
bldg in 1837. In 1841, P caught & had convicted a person. No reward, b/c no longer notorious/ not reasonable time.
Rest 2nd §41: in general the question is what time would be thought satisfactory to the offeror by a reasonable man in the
position of the offeree.
• basic rule in common-law: offeror can terminate offer any time before accepted
• effective upon receipt
• exceptions:
o is if a firm offer (only merchants) or
o option contract (or offeree’s part performance or detrimental reliance = temp irrevocable)
(irrevocability is the defining element of an option contract)
o rest §45: if begin performance of a unilateral K, irrevocable for a reasonable period of time
o reliance §90 (PRIAFER)
o rest §87: in bilateral, preparations create temp irrevocable if PRIAF
Dodds gave Dickinson a note on Wed saying would sell property and that offer open until 9am Friday. No consideration for
the offer = no option. Dickinson hears from reliable source that Dodds selling to someone else. Tries to accept.
• No consideration for the promise, so Dodds free to end the offer at any time up to acceptance.
• Rest 2nd §43: Ability to accept offer ends if offeror manifests lack of intent to continue the offer – even if
finds out via reliable 3rd party
Problem, p179
A offers to sell B Greenacre for $1k, to remain open 5 days. On day 4, B rec’d info from cty that had rec’d deed for
Greenacre from A to C. Info reliable, B believed it, but thinking potential for error, notified A of acceptance on 5th day. Info
from cty was wrong, but A refused to perform. Contract?
No b/c no consideration so no option k = revocable up to time of acceptance. A has given a specific offer for specific
property, amt and to remain open specific time. B accepts within time frame. No indication that A took definite action
inconsistent w/ intent to enter proposed K b/c info from city was wrong. Different from Dickson, b/c there the offeror did
take action.
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No, IF A had turned a deed into the city and B found out about it, but the deal fell through, then would no longer be a K b/c A
took inconsistent action and B learned of it via reliable means.
UCC 2-205: Firm Offers: offer by merchant to buy or sell goods in signed writing which gives assurance that offer held open
is no revocable for lack of consideration during that time, or if no time indicated then for a reasonable time. Can never
exceed 3 months. Must be signed by offeror if offeree provides such a writing.
4 elements of equitable estoppel: 1. party to be estopped must know the facts; 2. party being estopped must intend that this
conduct be acted upon or acts must be such that the party asserting estoppel has a right to believe it so intended; 3. latter must
be ignorant of the true facts; 4. party asserting must rely on conduct of party to be estopped to his detriment.
Death or incapacity: depends on if offeree learns of the death/incapacity; practically rarely a consideration as most often
offeror is a corporation
Rest §48: offeree’s power of acceptance is terminated by offeror’s death or incapacity.
Problem: p185
Earle comes in to see if has claim v. executor of his Aunt. He has written note from her that if he goes to her funeral, he
should receive $5k. He tells you on at least 2 occasions she said if he came she would pay expenses plus $5k. He went.
Answer: Yes. K. Bargain he would come to funeral (detriment in time, expenses) and she would pay $5k plus expenses. He
performed according to the agreement. Conditional promise – he has to perform before he receives the $. Like Hamer v.
Counter-offer kills offer. “I’ll sell to you for $10” “no, but I’ll give you $8”. “no way”. “ok I’ll buy for 10”. No K b/c
rejected the original offer.
Mere inquiry: “would you take $8?” “no way”. “ok I’ll buy for $10”. K b/c never rejected the offer.
Operation of Law – offer was for something illegal, or the thing becomes illegal
Mirror image rule: acceptance must be on terms proposed by the offer w/o the slightest variation (common law). Anything
else a rejection and counter-offer.
1. Implied term: if court finds that the condition was actually implied in the original offer.
2. IF additional term is only a wish, but not command.
3. If both parties assume bound and carry out agreement w/ no lawsuit.
Typical disputes:
1. one party claims no K while other says a K exists
2. some performance and dispute as to performance so parties differ as to which terms control.
Last shot rule: last to complete offer or counter-offer prior to performance is controlling.
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Rejection of an irrevocable offer
Rest 2nd §37: power of acceptance under an option K is not terminated by rejection or counter-offer, by revocation or by
death or incapacity of the offeror, unless requirements are met for the discharge of a contractual duty.
Humble ex: Humble gave consideration for an option K. Prior to expire date of option, wrote to owner for better terms.
Then wrote again saying would take orig terms. K?
Yes, b/c the counter-offer rule is not applicable in option K.
• Once acceptance put in mail/posted, offeror cannot rescind and offeree cannot reject the offer; except OPTION
which is effective when received by offeror. Rest 2nd §63
• Revocation only effective on receipt, not on dispatch
Precontractual Liability
Typically, neither party to contract is bound until an offer has been accepted and K formed.
Until then, neither party safe in acting in reliance on the prospect of a K.
US firm in giving parties freedom to negotiate w/o risk of precontractual liability imposed by law. Judicial reluctance to read
an offer as a contract. Assumption that party entering negotiations in the hope of gain from a K bears the risk of loss
resulting if other party breaks off negotiations.
UNIDROIT: Principles of international commercial transactions. Similar to Restatements, but international in scope and
incorporate principles from common law, civil law. Generally applicable only if the parties agree to them.
• Option K under Rest 2nd §45 – if offeror invites acceptance by performance, option K created when offeree begins
the invited performance.
• Problem avoided if the offer seeks a promise as acceptance and either a promise is given or one can be inferred from
offeree’s conduct.
Quantum Meruit (like unjust enrichment): recovery = “as much as deserved”; implied contract
1)valuable services rendered or materials furnished
2) planned to charge
3) services/materials accepted, used and enjoyed
4) D knew P sought to be paid
Unjust enrichment:
1) benefit to D by P;
2) D knows of the benefit;
3) acceptance or keeping benefit by D makes inequitable to keep w/o payment of its value
Duty to make restitution of benefits rec’d during negotiations the most fundamental ground for Precontractual liability.
• If during negotiations one party has given a benefit to the other, the recipient may be required to make restitution
• Restitution leaves uncompensated for reliance.
• Misrepresentation another avenue for reliance remedy, but rare and only if one engages in fraud.
Cyberchron v. Calldata
“heavy computer” case
No K – relied on promise that terms would be worked out – no K, no restitution b/c no product delivered. But reliance
remedy like in Hoffman, costs really incurred on reliance = the remedy.
Tribune Type II contract: binding preliminary commitment: parties agree on certain major terms, and commits them to
obligation to negotiate the open issues in good faith.
To have a K, must have both 1. parties agreed to be bound and 2. agreement definite enough to be enforced.
Cardozo: “Indefiniteness must reach the point where construction becomes impossible”
Definiteness functions:
1. For court to determine if a K has been broken, must know what specific terms of K were
2. Promisee’s expectation interest – to calculate damages to put promissee in position in which it would have been had the
promise been performed, must be able to determine the scope of the promise with precision.
Example: Varney v. Ditmars, NY 1916, refused recovery on ground that matter was pure conjecture “employer’s promise to
pay a fair share of the profits”.
Court must interpret the agreement before finding too indefinite to enforce.
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Look to : preliminary negotiations, prior communications, references to external sources of terms (ie., gov
regulations), trade usages; course of dealing b/t parties prior to transaction or course of performance after their agreement
may also provide terms. Implied terms, ie., Wood v. Lucy.
“reasonable efforts” or “good faith” sufficient if can be determined via an external std.
It is enough if the agreement provides the means for making its terms definite by the time that performance is called for; ie.,
cotton cases wouldn’t know how much until cotton harvested; output and requirements K’s the same. Also K’s that have
particulars of performance to be specified by one of the parties (satisfaction clauses?)
Relational contracts: encompass most generic agency relationships. A K is relational to the extent that the parties are
incapable of reducing important terms of the arrangement to well-defined obligations. 67 Va.L.Rev. 1089 (1981) Goetz &
Offers of Job security: An oral promise which has as its effect the alteration of an ‘at will’ employment relationship must
contain terms that are ascertainable and definitive in nature to be enforceable. Sayres v. Bauman, 425 SE2d 226 (W.Va.
Restitution: party who has performed under an agreement that is unenforceable for indefiniteness is entitled to restitution.
Problem: Forbearing on a claim: would Sheffield have been bound if she had written to Strong: “I will be resp for my
husband’s debt if you will not bother him about it for a reasonable time” and if Strong had done nothing about the note for 2
Baker v. Citizens, MN 1984: 7 days was not a reasonable time; a promise to forbear from
calling in a debtor's outstanding loans, whether verbal or implied, can be sufficient consideration to support a mortgage and a
loan guarantee by a third-party guarantor
Farmers v. Maixner, ND 1985: left to trial court to decide if 2 mos reasonable; agreement to forbear bringing suit in return
for personal guarantee constituted good consideration.
Toys entered into lease in a mall owned by Burlington. Lease for 5 years, with option to renew for another five years w/price
to be negotiated, they notified of intent to use, couldn’t agree on price, Burlington ad & Toys had to find alternate site.
Defendant moved for summary judgment, arguing that: (1) the option provision in the lease is actually an unenforceable
agreement to agree – court says no it was binding option
(2) even if a valid option existed, it was never effectively exercised by plaintiff – court says a matter of fact issue b/c Toys
waffled so long – leave to jury
(3) if plaintiff had a right of renewal, it waived it through its conduct -- Jury has to decide.
1. What consideration supported the option? Reliance by Toys on the renewal of the lease.
What did exercise of option require? Notice 1 yr in advance. Could have drafted rent terms more clearly? Could have given
specific amts, or could have based on rate of inflation index or some other business indicator.
Basic rule: a k w/i scope of statute may not be enforced unless a memorandum of it is written and signed by the party to be
charged (against whom enforcement is sought)
Dble edged: prevents scoundrel from enforcing a bogus K, but may prevent enforcement of a genuine oral K.
2. Is K reflected in writing that satisfies the statute? Courts finding less & less
• A written memorandum: no formal requirement beyond this, can even be lost by the time of the litigation – prior
existence and contents can be proven by oral testimony; technological analogs of writing can be held to satisfy the
statute provided they serve its evidentiary purpose.
• Rest 2d §131: essential terms stated w/ reasonable certainty & enough to show a contract made & what the subject
matter is. UCC §2.201: only the quantity of goods sold must be noted, beyond that “sufficient to indicate a k for sale
has been made b/t the parties”.
• Must be signed by party against whom K is to be enforced: the party disputing the K; a signature is any mark or
symbol w/intention of authentication “x” or initials enough. UCC §1.201 and Rest §134. Can be stamped signature;
some cases even allowed letterhead.
• Exception to signature: UCC§2.201(2): (don’t have to know this, just extra info)
1. Both parties are merchants
2. w/i reasonable time one sends written copy to other w/signature of sender
3. recipient knows contents
4. recipient doesn’t give written objection w/i 10 days.
3. Exceptions SWAP
Specially manufactured goods (UCC) not suitable to anyone else, beginning made
Written merchants confirmation (UCC): 2 merchants, 1 sends another letter saying this confirms our deal – binds
recipient (plaintiff’s signature binds defendant); unless w/i 10 days send back letter denying. Merchants have
to respond back.
Admissions – to extent that admit the agreement in court or pleadings
.make oral (unenforceable) promise for 100 casebooks at $10. Send and decide don’t want and send back,
statute of frauds as defense. Call as witness: Did you make a deal to buy 100 casebooks: If say yes,
admission – lawyer can object that irrelevant and immaterial – all cases judges will say answer it. Objection
2 – privilege of self-incrimination (terrible b/c limited to criminal). Objection 3 – privilege of statute of
frauds, if make answer what is use of statue? This works only in KY. Every other juris says no privilege of
statue of frauds, judge says answer. ONLY way to get out is to LIE. Works b/c no ADMISSION to the deal.
Handle by pre-trial motion to dismiss due to statute of frauds, so never get to trial and the admission.
Performance – to extent have performed, enforceable. But not to entire contract, just to extent performed.
[circumstances following K formation provide evidence that a k was made, so that it is too technical to insist on compliance
w/ the statute
protection of the interests of a party who suffered a detriment in justifiable reliance on the oral K
Suretyship: FIVE EXCEPTION fact patterns (IF A is the borrower, B is potential surety, and C is bank)
1. A is not bound to C =>B promise to C is original and not a surety
2. A & B both receive and derive benefit from goods from C – partners, no surety
3. Main purpose doctrine: B’s primary purpose is for own benefit = no surety
a. Power v. NFLP: Power agreed to take over the debt only to try to get the license to sell NFLP
cards. Win based on promissory estoppel
4. Novation: creates new K – makes promise to original B and no surety
5. Promise is to A rather than C
a. Langman v. Alumni: they promised the donor not the bank, so no surety
IF K is unenforceable for noncompliance, must raise an affirmative defense to deny existence of K. One unenforceable,
restitution available.
Whether or not orig K subject to statute, if a modification makes it fall w/i, the modification must be in writing.
§139: basically promissory estoppel/reliance for statute of frauds cases: 1)promise 2) D should reasonably expect to induce
action or forbearance and 3) such occurs. 5) Enforceable if that is the only way to avoid injustice; 6) remedy limited as
justice requires. To determine if injustice can be avoided only by enforcement: other remedies (esp cancellation and
restitution)?; definite and substantial nature of action or forbearance in relation to remedy sought; does action/forbearance
show there was a promise or is there other clear evidence of the promise?; reasonableness of the action/forbearance; was
action/forbearance foreseeable?
PRIAFER: P(promise) R(reasonably) I (induces) A(action) F(forbearance) E (enforceable to avoid injustice) R (remedy
limited as justice requires)
Johnson has oral agree to buy McEnroe farm, McEnroe wants like-kind exchange. Exchanged 1 prop for ½ of the farm.
Converted to an option K (until April) for rest. M renigs when thinks can sell rest for more $. Johnson wants specific
performance based on part performance or return of $ pd above price agreed to for ½ (restitution c/a if part performance
loses). Gets to go to trial b/c part performance enough evidence to take to jury to decide.
Rest 2d §139: called reliance rather than part-performance; evidentiary element also part of the rationale.
REMEDY: generally only restitution; reliance is rare unless a definite benefit given to D (in this case the court suggesting
giving the $6k as reliance damages is very rare b/c that gave no benefit to D, just a prep move by P.
Restitution problematic: some cases say part-performance is part of law of restitution.
Real property transactions: Requirements for part-performance vary from state to state.
• Some indication that part performance can lead to specific performance, but not to damages
• Restricted to cases of equitable relief
SIDEBAR: What is the consideration for the option? Original option doesn’t need consideration b/c part of the original deal
What is consideration for the extension of the option? None. The waiver by D of not ending the option is good
enough for the extension.
Promissory Estoppel
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Rest 2d §139: compliments §90; adaptation of promissory estoppel for statute of frauds. The forbearance or actions
corroborate the existence of an agreement.
Opposing view states that take risk if agree to oral k and do not get it in writing; to ameliorate would make statute of
frauds meaningless. (Ozier v. Haines)
Held: Yes. Both unjust enrich and detrimental reliance in this case – Step-father (and Monarco) unjustly enriched by
Christies 20 yrs of work; Christie relied on the promise of the land to give up other opportunities = unconscionable injury.
Remedy: Court may enforce the agreement if this is the only way to avoid injustice (§359 specific performance available if
other damages inadequate to protect expectation interest).
***This case important b/c: prior to this in estoppel cases there had to be a representation that the Statute was being abided
by (we don’t need writing in this case, I’ll give you the writing later, etc); in this case the judge says that is irrelevant, people
are really relying on the underlying promise that is in the K, not the assurances of meeting Statute of frauds requirements.
CHAPTER FOUR: POLICING THE BARGAIN: what kind of promises will law enforce
• Some situations where K may meet formal requirements such as assent, consideration and compliance w/ statute of
frauds, but still refuse to enforce
• Fraud, threats, Bargaining abuses
• To some extent based on moral conviction
• Legislature, courts and administrative agencies must work together to protect consumers
1. Status of parties – disqualifies certain classes of persons from entering K’s (minors, married women and mentally
infirm by hx)
a. Is it innate (age) or
b. Based on circumstances (consumer protection)
Person who shows assent has full legal capacity unless:
• Under guardianship
• Infant (minor)
• Mentally ill or defective
• Intoxicated
Variation in law from state to state; protecting minors from themselves v. protecting creditors
General rule: infants K is voidable during infancy and after a reasonable time w/i reaching majority ORS 109.510 – majority
= 18.
Thought to be a privilege = minors K is voidable but not void – option for minor to enforce, but other cannot enforce v. minor
Exceptions by statute in some states. Insurance, banking, educ loans are examples
Broader judicial creation for necessaries: food, clothing, shelter – some minors really need to buy these so law
should make K’s enforceable so merchants will sell them; not too large an expenditure, so protection need lessened
2 common issues: 1. ratification: if minor reaffirms obligation after reaching majority, then bound (disputes arise in implied
ratification – usually involves passing of time – how long is too long to disaffirm before bound?) Usually more time allowed
if other side has finished performance; however, if continue to receive/buy goods, then should be held to shorter time b/c
more harm to merchant if don’t disaffirm early
2. restoration requirement: even if court allows to disaffirm, what do have to return to merchant? Usually based on
restitution (give back benefit rec’d) or tort of deceit (if K had a representation that at least 18 & lie about that):: general law –
all states say minor must return anything still has (car); whether minor must give more varies from state to state and case to
case; sometimes depends if minor is P or D – P sues D for purchase price b/c P wrecked car – generally no restoration; if she
pays cash, wrecks, sues to get $ - generally will have to pay for depreciation in value (if any $ left over will get back)—not as
sympathetic if minor has cash
Mental illness: party who does not understand nature and consequences of actions lacks contractual capacity: §15 (not on
exam) Generally court will look to substantive fairness of deal if question of one taking advantage of one mentally ill.
McKinnon (D) [lots of business exp] loans $5k & promises to help drum up business to Benedicts (P) [jeweler w/no $] to
purchase a resort. In return they promise not to develop the area next to his property for 25 yrs. 4 yrs later (shows good faith
attempt, no misrepresentation of their intentions), when resort failing, they start to build a RV park. McKinnon sues for
specific performance b/c $ damages inadequate.
2.. Found consideration (interest on $5k loan instead of loan itself) to be so inadequate as to be unconscionable. 1. Benedict
unable to deal at financial arm’s length & due to necessity, agreed to oppressive terms.
•Two public policy arguments: 1. Equitable principal that K’s that are oppressive will not be enforced in equity and
2. restrictions on use of land is disfavored[#2 today going out of favor]. Restrictions on use of land should be
resolved in favor of free use of the property.
• Court looks at both the time of the K formation (1 & 2 above) and the time of the litigation (hardships too great)
• For specific performance rquest, must claim $ damages inadequate
• K fails to meet test of reasonableness that is needed for enforcement of rights in an action in equity; too one-sided
• Injunction should not be granted if that would shock the conscience of the court – if inconveniences & hardships
outweigh benefits. (PORTIA type gain – hardship to Antonio far greater to gain of Shylock)
• Rest2d§367: specific enforcement of a K may be refused if the consideration is grossly inadequate or terms
otherwise unfair, or enforcement will cause unreasonable/disproportionate hardship or loss to D or it was induced
by sharp practice, misrepresentation or mistake
• Alternate view: Corbin on K’s: although a K is harsh, oppressive and unconscionable it may be enforceable at
law; but court has discretion not to enforce equitable remedies against one who suffers.
• Specific performance is not a matter of right as damages are, but may be withheld at court’s discretion: unusual to be
• Coase Theorem: [Coase godfather of law & economics]: legal entitlements do not impact resource allocation; when
few transaction costs, whether trees cut or not doesn’t depend on outcome of case: ie., if worth $10 to Mk if $5k to
B, negotiate a deal to keep the trees. [[not on test]] Coase Theorem only works when no transaction costs (costs in
this case)and when parties happy to get together to negotiate (by this time they were probably angry); while legal
entitlements in cost free transaction world do not impact allocation of resources, do impact distribution =>makes big
difference to the 2 parties – if MK wins, keeps trees and $;
Tuckwiller v. Tuckwiller, 1967, p317 “old lady dies on family farm and nepharious executor” case
Old lady had Parkinson’s, asked neice to care for her to her death, signed agreement stating such and that would leave farm to
her. Neice leaves job & starts to care for her. Old lady ill, has ambulance drivers witness the paper, dies few days later w/o
chging will.
• Test for determining if K unfair or if consideration is sufficient is prospective, based on circumst at time.
• Although prior service cannot serve as consideration, it can be considered in determining if K is fair and cn is
• Once essential fairness of K and adequacy of consideration found, fact that real estate answers that legal remedy (at
discretion of court) can be specific performance as easily as damages.
Black (D) arranged to supply parts made by Bush (P) to Hoover & Standby, which in turn would use them to fulfill govern K.
Black’s compensation would be difference in price chgd by Bush and price paid by Hoover & Standby. Black pd to get parts
to make product. Bush did not perform the order. Bush’s defense is K is void for public policy b/c Black’s profits were so
great and passed on to gov and public in form of increased prices. Bush asks for summary judgment: Court says no.
• In order to declare a K, entered into freely and w/o fraud, void as against public policy, the K must be invalid on the
basis of recognized legal principles. 1. K by D to pay P for inducing public official to act a certain way; 2. K to do
an illegal act, 3. K which contemplates collusive bidding on a public K.
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• Rule: relative values of the consideration in a K b/t business men dealing at arm’s length w/o fraud will not affect
the validity of the K. Rest 81
Typically, D will raise pre-existing duty rule or duress to try to avoid enforcement of modification of K.
Prof says duress today a better argument than pre-existing duty rule.
Persuasive agreements all focus on duress, not just the pre-existing duty.
Per prof: a classic mistake case: K was to excavate easy ground; turns out both mistaken, on those facts can rescind on
ground of mutual mistake; this court turned down the mistake
Rest §89 says should use the unanticipated chg of circ (better offer) reasoning, as rescission followed by immediate re-K for
new promises is fiction and could lead to unfair modifications.
**use both arguments as appropriate b/c get to same conclusion per Prof.
1.Controversy in which part of debt paid as agreement for forgiving the rest
Commonly known as accord & satisfaction:
Accord (agreement to take lesser amt) Satisfaction (payment of the lesser amt)
Three ways to defend against accord & satisfaction claim:
1.§73-no consideration for the modification: no compromise
2.agreement response: Kibbler case, print too small on check that said “pd in full”-not likely to win [full
payment ck – is for less than promised amt –often if cash it, will be upheld under accord & satisfaction] –
Prof refers to his new conceptualism article, that this is one more example of those w/$ protecting
3.duress: most likely to win
Foakes v. Beer: (1884-England): Beer, creditor, had judgment v. Foakes (debtor). Agreed to forgo interest; he pd
principal. Later she recovered the interest. “payer of a lesser sum cannot be satisfaction of the whole” =>in agreeing to
pay the interest judgment, he did no more than he was supposed to do in the first place.
Controversial case: businessmen recog future value of $ better than no or less $
2. Less common problem, does rule apply when pre-existing duty is owed not to promisor but 3rd party
De Cicco v. Schweizer: (1917 NY): Prior to wedding, parents agree to give bride $ every year for life. Stopped
paying, couple assigned to 3rd party (de cicco). Cardozo found orig agree was to try to induce the groom to marry
her. Said neither able to withdraw alone, but together they could terminate by mutual consent. The consideration
then, was that they did not do so, but married in reliance on the promise. (Rest 73 ex)
o This case later cited by Cardozo as a start of promissory estoppel.
o Brillant Cardozo end run around consideration doctrine
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McDevitt v. Stoakes: gambler offers jockey $ to win the race; not upheld b/c jockey already had duty to the owner to
try to win.
o Most gambling K’s aren’t enforced, this distinguishes it from De Cicco, an honorable family bargain
o Unlike de cicco, doesn’t induce jockey not to break his promise to owner
Duress in Business
-economic duress or business compulsion
Victim’s Options: must victim resist the duress and find a reasonably satisfactory remedy for any resulting injury.
Pawnbroker case – D says P could have gone to law to regain property instead of overpaying debt. But court said P might
have had such an immediate want of his goods that an action would not be satisfactory. Since then, allowance made for the
delay to go to court.
Fraud: obligation to disclose info to the other when bargaining: concealment and misrepresentation
Now, some statutory protections and some courts require that dangerous conditions be disclosed.
• Bare nondisclusre rule has fallen largely into disfavor and no longer exemplifies dominant American values. Unlikely
seller would get away with this today.
Misrepresentation: §159
• Even innocent misrep can allow rescission – Yorke v. Taylor (told wrong value of property)
• Concealment and nondisclosure are varieties and grounds for rescission
• Must be about a material element
• Some degree of diligence req’d by one who relies on another’s statement
• Must be a misrepresentation of fact, not opinion
Std form (adhesion) contracts: elements of status, behavior and substance remain a focus of concern
• Avoid juridical risk: danger that court or jury swayed by irrational factors to decide against a powerful D.
• Dangers: offer means for stronger to impose its will upon weaker, may be no opportunity to bargain (take it
or leave it K), used by party w/ advantage of time and expert advice v. party w/no real opp to really
understand clauses
• Must determine if party can reasonably be held to have seen understood and assented to the unfavorable
terms and thus be bound by them
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O’Callaghan v. Waller: (1958, ILL)
Tenant fell on property of landowner. D says an exculpatory clause bars tenant from recovery. Trial finds for P, appellate
overturns and supreme says clause is good.
• K’s where one seeks to relieve self of consequences of his own negligence are generally upheld, unless:
1. would be v. settled public policy to do so, or
2. something in the social relationship that prevents upholding it
Ex: common carriers, shippers of freight
• Dissent: should really look at how many people it will effect (public/private are just labels)
o The distinction can result in injustice: disparity in bargaining power too great
o “judges need not be more naïve than other persons” : no freedom of K
Judges instead
• What about this particular client
• Anthony Lewis (NY Times columnist): a judge may be more equipped to decide a difficult divisive
question, can look very deeply into one particular case & therefore may understand the overall situation
better than a legislature that takes broader but more superficial view.
Klar v. H&M Parcel room: clause on bag check does not bar recovery
Patron leaves pkg, receives but doesn’t read claim ck. 3rd party comes to retrieve, has been delivered elsewhere. Sues.
Court finds the ck was for the purposing of claiming parcel, not to form a K.
• must give adequate notice and receive assent
• Rest §211: if one gives assent, but the other knows he wouldn’t have if he had known the K contained a
particular term, that term is then NOT part of the agreement.
***today claim-stubs probably enforceable: looks like notice b/c they put up signs and mark in bright bold letters the
disclaimer – courts then willing to say taking the ticket is acceptance
***hospitals cases are really hard: about to check-in for an emergency & hospital makes one sign negligence release clause –
tend to favor the plaintiffs b/c they really have no choices against a hospital
**sports cases: high risk - almost uniformly being upheld b/c of inherent risk of the sport (scuba, skydiving) – sometimes if
can prove gross negligence will throw out exculpatory clause – either b/c doesn’t specify gross negligence or it’s against
public policy
• CL: in absence of fraud, one who signs a written agreement is bound by its terms whether he read and understood it
or not, or whether he can read or not (Cohen v. Santoianni,1953)
• Exceptions include std K’s that are unintelligible=will not be enforced as a matter of law
• Various legislative interventions to make clearer – bold print, colors, etc.
o Fight is to what extent is it ok for legislation to control terms of K and who has power to influence them?
Usually those w/ most bargaining power
Dissent (stephens/marshall): Court didn’t look to the facts. They paid, then rec’d the tickets w/the clause. Another clause
said they couldn’t get their $ back, so their choices were 1. cancel their vacation and lose their vacation $ or 2. take the
chance that no injury would occur.
• Common law subjects terms in K’s of adhesion to a reasonableness std.
• Traditional K theory wouldn’t allow w/o showing P knew and voluntarily consented to terms
• Traditional rule that seek to limit place or court of c/a are invalid as against public policy
• Forum selection clause would have clearly been unenforceable prior to The Bremen.
• The general prohibition v. stipulations that lessen, weaken or avoid right to trial should be construed to apply to
manifestly unreasonable stipulation in these passenger’s tickets.
Class review by Prof: how to balance freedom of K w/ fairness and decency in exchange transactions.
No clear rules in area of adhesion K’s:
Extract arguments parties make, criteria courts adopt, factors that have led past courts to their decisions on the facts in each
instance – those go into outlines & be able to apply.
Primarily in consumer contexts; more reluctant in commercial K’s.
Equitable origins, decided by judge. Both UCC and Rest characterize as a matter of law.
UCC 2-302 comment: principle is one of the prevention of oppression and unfair surprise; need to abuse greater
power; otherwise, just the fact that one party more powerful does not make uncon. (only to sale of goods-one of most
controversial sections in UCC 2; comment 1 to pacify those who opposed: prevention of oppression & unfair bargaining
power, not the disturbance of advantages of superior bargaining power)primarily procedural (duress, fraud), NOT
substantive (imposing terms on other) courts have paid little attn to the last comment b/c can’t turn blind eye to substance
of terms
R 2d §208: If K or term is unconscionable may make K or that term unenforceable, or may limit the use of the term
in order to prevent an unconscionable result. (applies to all K’s)
States that theoretically possible to have a K oppressive as a whole, even if no weakness in bargaining
process and no one term which is unconscionable.
Most common substantive reason is unfair terms, however, if terms fair, but undue pressure in the process, could still
be voidable.
Campbell Soup v. Wentz, VERY unusual case. Uncon b/c market dramatically chgd & unfair to hold the carrot farmer to
$30/ton when market chgd to $90/to. Threw out the whole K b/c several terms uncon of lg buyer Campbell v. small farmer
Williams says they are unconscionable K’s; D’s imply ok b/c buyer agreed to the terms; Trial and DC appellate upheld K’s,
saying Congress should enact legislation to protect buyers b/c no statutes or case law to prevent sharp and irresponsible
dealings. Remanded by US Ct of Appeals b/c possible to have unconscionability, but lower court needs to decide if this
particular clause was uncon.
• Ct Appeals says court does have power to refuse to enforce unconsc K’s. Other juris have done so.
Supreme of US in Scott v. US: If a K is unreasonable and unconscionable, but not void for fraud, court can
give equitable damages to party who sues for breach damages, but not FULL damages b/c would be uncon
to do so.
• Most famous definition of uncon 1) absence of meaningful choice (procedural) + 2)terms which are
unreasonably favorable to other party (substantive).
• Meaningful choice can be negated by gross inequality of bargaining power (procedural)
• If little bargaining power and thus little real choice, signs unreasonable K w/little or no knowledge of its
terms, cannot have given consent (an exception to the duty to read & understand before signing of §70).
• To determine reasonableness or fairness, primary concern must be terms of the K considered in circ
existing when K made.
Critics say that by disallowing is paternalistic & therefore no business will sell to this class of people b/c of the risk.
Possible Defense by company: show freedom of choice, that K was well known to her, not hidden in fine print (procedural);
price ok b/c willing to offer to people w/poor credit & deserve compensation for providing that service therefore not
fundamentally unfair (substantive).
In both cases, company came out well. Will not act as deterrent. Critics want to punish = very controversial.
Commercial cases:
• Courts less willing to find uncon when bargaining position more likely to be equal and where experienced
traders less likely to be unfairly surprised by terms. (ie., Continental Air v. Goodyear)
• However, Gianni Sprot v. Gantos, held uncon b/c large business in garment industry able to impose clauses
on small indep manufacturers.
• Franchise agreements: one area where imbalance found w/some regularity
Arbitration Agreements: Supremes held generally enforceable under Fed Arbtration Act, Circuit City v. Adams, 2001; more
and more common and upheld.
US Supremes have held arb clause ok if meet min requirements: 1) neutral arbitrator, 2) adequate discovery, 3) written
decision that permits limited judicial review, 4) limits on costs of arbitration
Uses Scissor-Tail test: If k is adhesive, then fist look at statutes and then look to judicial test: 1)must be w/i reasonable
expectations of weaker party; 2) cannot be unduly oppressive.
CA uses procedural (oppression or surprise due to unequal bargaining power) and substantive (overly harsh or one-sided)
Public Policy
• Should not enforce b/c contrary to public policy – both P and D harm society if upheld
• Prof thinks waning somewhat: immoral reasons no longer strong, used to be a major leg
• Two primary types:
1. Violate specific laws – illegal.
a. Even if the law is not specific to formation of a K, if there is a criminal code
prohibiting the behavior, understood as clear expression that K’s are unenforceable
for policy reasons.
i. Exceptions: usury and gambling statutes make K’s in violation of them
2. Statutes silent, but courts derive policy from legislation related to the subject of the
agreement. Courts intuit that v. public policy.
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• Illegality precludes enforcement and restitution. §197 [LOOK UP}
• R2d§178: Promise or other term is unenforceable on grounds of public policy if 1) statute provides or 2) the interest
in its enforcement is clearly outweighed in the circ by a public policy v. enforcement of such terms. Factors for
court to consider:
i. In weighing interest in enforcement:
1. parties justified expectations
2. any forfeiture that would result if enforcement denied and
3. any special public interest in the enforcement of the particular term.
ii. In weighing public policy v. enforcement:
1. strength of the policy via legislation or judicial decisions
2. likelihood that refusal to enforce will further the policy
3. seriousness of any misconduct involved & how deliberate it was
4. directness of the connection b/t misconduct & the term.
*****Professor LIKES §178!!!!
Courts sometimes use a clean hands doctrine: “he who comes into equity must come with clean hands”.
Other courts use it to say the court has to keep clean hands by protecting its integrity.
-like McKinnon v. Benedict – court wouldn’t uphold when one extracted very unfair deal
Bribing Officials:
State v. Strickland: Briber could not recover damages for breach of K to commit a crime
“parties of that ilk are left where they are found, to stew in their own juice”
Proper line:
o K to pay for services to obtain or defeat legislation by other means than use of argument is illegal K. (ie., using
personal or political influence apart from appeal to reason)
Commercial bribery:
o To make unenforceable, must be direct connection b/t the illegal transaction and the obligation sued upon.
o Problem w/denying recovery, is one is unjustly enriched.
Licensing Laws
General Rule:
1. IF licensing statute is merely a revenue measure or merely an economic reg (to ensure adequate but not too adequate
supply of a service or product) K entered by an unlicensed person likely to be enforced. Penalty of operating w/o
license will be sufficient punishment w/o adding on penalty of refusing to enforce the K’s. B/c no strong public
2. On other hand, if licensing statute is for protection of public’s health, safety or morals, then ordinarily will not
enforce K by unlicensed person. Strong public policies. Ex, attorneys.
a. Restitution an option if clear value conferred
Karpinski v. Ingrasci: scope of prohibited activity oral surgery/dentistry. {{NEVER USE AND/OR}}
Too broad b/c parties were both oral surgeons, so prohibiting general dentistry went beyond scope of protecting employer.
Provided that if covenant broken, $40k liquidated damages court says cannot have both injunction and unrelated sum.
Could still prove actual damages.
R2d§184: as long as term is fairly bargained for, it will be enforced to extent reasonable
1. Expectation interest: (what expected to have) being put in as good a position as if the K had been performed; this is the
default generally-§347;
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2. Reliance interest: (what spent) being reimbursed for loss caused by reliance on the K by being put in as good a
position as if the K had not been made
3. Restitution interest: (what gave to other party) restoring any benefit conferred on the other party.
Measured by either (per §371)
1. reasonable value to the other party or
2. extent of increase in value
4. Equitable remedy: Specific performance(R2d§359): only if damages would be inadequate to protect expectation interest.
I. Specific Performance
District ordered specific performance. Prof says this is accurate b/c going to be very difficult to determine market price of
this plane. Some utility in offering party precisely what bargained for unless a reason not to do it (ie., personal services).
Issue on appeal:
2. If a K, is specific performance appropriate?
o No. Only allowed if goods unique and they are not based on testimony
o Just b/c he couldn’t find one at the same price is no reason to justify specific performance.
remand for trial on damages: 1. Not unique, 2. Damages not inadequate
Efficient breach: If A can breach K w/B and thus gain enough extra $ for itself to pay off B (putting in situation would have
been in) and still retain $ for itself, then efficient breach b/c A has gained value. Some scholars think this is good and
efficient. P466.
Free Market Value Idea: prof likes this:
Review: 4 fact patterns re: should court grant specific relief instead of damages: Yes – Laclede & Walgreen; No – Klein &
construction case
Measuring Expectation:
Expectation interest: (what expected to have) being put in as good an economic position as if the K had been performed; this
is the default generally
§ 347 Measure of Damages in General
Subject to the limitations stated in §§ 350-53, the injured party has a right to damages based on his expectation interest as
measured by
(a) the loss in the value to him of the other party's performance caused by its failure or deficiency, plus
(b) any other loss, including incidental or consequential loss, caused by the breach, less
(c) any cost or other loss that he has avoided by not having to perform.
Formulas most valuable in construction or service K’s and owner breaches[should always come out the same under
either formula]
Formula: (A): damages = loss in value (+ other loss) – cost avoided – loss avoided
Example 1: K = $1k; cost $900: repudiates prior to performance-even if 5 mins after make K
Loss in value $1k – cost avoided $900 = $100 damages.
Example 2: same, breach after part performance. $500 spent.
Loss in value $1K – cost avoided $400 = $600 damages.
Example 3: finished
Loss in value $1k – cost avoided $0 = $1k damages.
Loss in value is not always K price, ie., construction K’s where payments for progress:
Pd 300, loss in value 1k-300= 700 – 400 cost avoided = 300 damages (+300pd = the 600 as above)
Formula (B): damages = cost of reliance + profit – loss avoided + other loss
Cost of reliance + profit = damage (per prof)
Example 1: Cost reliance $0 + avoided profit $100 = $100 damages.
Example 2: Cost reliance $500 +100 avoided profit = $600 damages.
Example 3: Cost reliance $900 + 100 avoided profit = $1k damages.
1. If supplier injured & breach of recipient’s promise to pay: must determine supplier’s cost avoided, since loss in value is the
$ the recipient failed to pay.
2. If recipient injured & breach is supply: must determine recipient’s loss in value, since cost avoided is the $ it has not yet
Example: formula A: if had already spent $5k as start-up costs, 31K-5K(cost avoided b/c 5K already spent)=26K damages
**do not include overhead costs in cost avoided b/c costs go on and aren’t avoided. (basically, they would have
included this built into the loss in value price, don’t subtract it out, so it’s still in damages awarded)
HOWEVER, 2-708 would allow recovery of overhead by seller. Basically, court is saying if they changed it at all,
they would make Caribtex pay overhead rather than subtract from Vitex’ damages.
Notes: In practice, outcome may turn on who has burden of proof on issue of lost volume. Courts generally put burden on
Two arguments: (from Islamic Rep of Iran v. Boeing, 1985).
1. Market is one in which supply exceeds demand.
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2. Most juris: under 2-708, seller need only show that it could have supplied both to the breacher and the resale
Losing Contracts
Classical courts tended to force expectation on losing contractors.
Learned Hand, Albert & Sons, put burden of proof of cost avoided on breaching party. Intended in messy cases to give
benefit of doubt to non-breaching contractor.
Acme Process – one case that granted reliance damages, lot of start-up, but hadn’t delivered any guns to Israeli gov; Israeli
breached. Expectation wouldn’t be adequate; restitution not possible b/c no deliver; sued for reliance – cost of reliance.
Review: Vitex teaching application Formula A and don’t include overhead in cost avoided. Make sure pro rata share of
overhead is in the final damages so that doesn’t make all the other contracts of the year less profitable. LV-CA=D
Davis: when to use formulas: CR +AP=D: loss volume seller these formulas apply: difference b/t seller who has
only one car to sell, buyer breaches, sells next day for less – don’t need formulas – just diff in orig K price and sales price.
BUT lost volume seller – use formula to give lost profit b/c lost 1 sale when person breaches, even though made the second
Formulas contractor or supplier of services, doesn’t fit well for buyer of goods.
Laredo: 2-712: cover price less contract price = damages; in sale of goods case; burden on seller to prove cover
Algernon: use restitution
No majority rule. Consider various possibilities:
How to calculate losing contracts: Formula A & B
What alternatives: restitution, reliance
How to convince court
Learned Hand places burden on breaching party
Limits on Damages
Avoidability, foreseeability, certainty (contract damages to be recoverable must be reasonably certain)
Avoidability: Sometimes said injured has a duty to mitigate damages, really incurs no liability for failure to mitigate,
however, injured party is precluded from recovering for loss that it could reasonably have avoided. [but if talk in terms of
duty to mitigate, everyone will understand]
American law rejects constructive service common in England (if stand ready & willing to work all year, but co. doesn’t need
the work – get paid for whole year)
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In America:If fired, have 2 obligations before can collect whole years pay: 1. must try to find another job; 2. if someone
offers alternative employment, I have to take it if comparable to job originally held. The second job $ will be deducted from
the original contract.
Harder: if head coach fired, would have to take similar but lesser jobs? No firm answer, lawyer should advise reasonable
possibility if doesn’t take the job, firing co. can deduct from the original co. anyway.
Generally, items like moving expenses don’t figure into circumstances court considers.
Jacob & Youngs v. Kent, 1921 – still a leading authority on both issues
P built country house for D and wants last of payment. D refuses, b/c P didn’t use the kind of pipes required by the K. D
discovered and required the work be re-done, P refused b/c meant demolishing and re-doing. P wins and is affirmed.
• 1st issue: can builder recover on K even though he breached? Normally, no. However, is promise to pay K
dependent on blder’s promise to build on specifications or is indep, meaning owner has to pay even if bldr breached.
Where breach trivial and innocent, then the two promises are indep and blder can recover, even hasn’t fully
completed as per K substantial performance
• 2nd issue: what are owner’s damages b/c of breach? Cost to complete or diff value? Measure should be difference in
value, which is nominal or nothing b/c similar pipes were used and defect was insignificant in relation to the project;
breach not willful, but carelessness
• Generally cost of replacement is damage, to allow owner to complete the work, UNLESS it is grossly & unfairly out
of proportion to the good to be gained, then difference in value is more appropriate
• Both issues – equity and fairness more important
• Dissent: D had a right to contract for what he wanted and to receive it.
D’s should be liable for reasonable cost of doing what they promised to do, were paid to do, and willfully didn’t do.
Posner: Groves court wrong – inefficient use of resources to grant 60 for 12.; efficient breach idea. Would consider specific
performance. Prof says $12k is right number here.
Says Groves the only case allowing cost of performance when that cost greatly exceeded loss in value.
Says restorative incidental to the main K. Gives diminution in value of the $300.
Prof says this case diff from Groves b/c Groves investment property & here the family farm. Ought to try to find actual
damage to the aggrieved party in all cases – Groves $12k b/c just an investment & that’s the value; here try to find
“indifference point” – at what number will they be indifferent to either getting the land restored or the money.
4th remedy: subjective diminution in value – don’t care about market price, care about value to person of having their farm
damaged. Jury found $5k, and this probably realistic.
- what about value to future generations, to environment: maybe higher $ to force strip miners to refurbish as they
promise – so far courts don’t explicitly mention this. A good argument for the P.
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Dissent: says not incidental, but central to the bargain.
Note: OK Supreme in 1994 give a solution: parties can specify measure of damages in the K.
Issue of economic waste in all three cases: should breach be excused b/c of economic waste? Prof. seems to say yes.
Don’t increase; mitigate if possible; cost to complete or diminishment in value; Posner specific perf; Prof subjective
diminution in value
R2d §351: court may limit damages even for foreseeable loss if in circ justice requires to avoid disproportionate
Tacit agreement test: only recover in breach K action those damages the breaching party would have agreed to pay if had
asked it at time entered into K. narrows range of K damages. Fell into disfavor. (Prof doesn’t like this test). UCC rejects.
Foreseeability not as big a problem today: damages need only be reasonably foreseeable.
P. 533 problem: More modern trend in foreseeability: bldg bridge, steel supplier very late in delivery, contractor faced w/
hiring extra crews to accelerate to finish on time or winter the job and start next spring. Chose the first. Incurred large
telescoping (acceleration) costs & sued for those as consequential damages for late delivery; defense not foreseeable; court
says anyone involved in construction in upstate NY would foresee – contractor wins. Like Delchi Carrier – perfectly
foreseeable under Hadley v. Baxendale stds.
• R2d§352: precludes recovery for loss beyond amt evidence establishes w/ reasonable certainty
• Often certainty and foreseeability go together.
• Courts tend to be sympathetic w/clients who tried hard to estab certainty
• P.536 Hendricks case: future losses of K’s not entered into, foreseeable, but not certain enough to recover.
Evergreen: K to construct drive-in. Contractor delayed several months, so theatre couldn’t open until 1 year later. Court
denied any lost profits from that year. Prof. says very strict, b/c reasonable that could have used 2cd & 3rd year profits to
estimate what that year’s profits would have been.
3 possible standards:
1. Reasonableness of forecast of either anticipated or actual losses the test to determine b/t the two. R2d§356.
Deemed presumptively reasonable & party challenging must prove unreasonableness.
2. Must be reasonable in light of both anticipated and actual damages. Prof favors.
3. Reasonable in light of anticipated. Better for those wanting to uphold, b/c hindsight doesn’t count.
Big Issue: Did contracting parties intend this contract they made to benefit a 3rd party in a significant way?
Argument re: is appropriate as matter of public party to all non-contracting parties to sue?
Two interesting:
1. Lawyer promises testator in such a way that portion of estate to favored nephew. Fails to do it properly, nephew sued
lawyer as 3rd party beneficiary – court said appropriate case for 3rd person to be able to sue, however, all lawyer promised
was not to be negligent & nephew loses. Now rule different, intended beneficiaries can sue if lawyer messes up will.
Incidental beneficiary: car salesperson commission is too incidental to be considered 3rd party intended beneficiary.
2. Municipal cases: Cardozo, 1930’s, NY: A city contracted w/water co to provide water to fire hyd & homes in the city;
large fire, several bldgs burned b/c couldn’t get enough pressure. Mock’s bldg burned sued water theory couldn’t estab neg;
sued as 3rd person beneficiary to promise to keep water at certain pressure. Decided he could not recover; said K had 2 parts:
1 water to ind residents, 2 certain level pressure; residents intended beneficiaries 1st and not 2cd. Gymnastics – worried
about crushing liability problem to make water co liable to all citizens.
Still difficult problem
R2d §317: Contract right assignable, unless the assignment 1) would materially increase B’s burden of performance or its
risk of not receiving return performance or 2) precluded by contract itself or precluded by statute. Valid assignment to C
requires manifestation of intent to transfer the right (usually not a serious issue).
Is a gratuitous assignment enforceable? Does A have right to revoke the contract right she assigned to C?
When may B delegate his duties to D? Or, when must A accept performance of B’s obligation from D?
R2d§318: One may delegate, unless promisee (A) has substantial interest in having B perform the duties.
B is still liable to A, unless a novation created whereby A agrees to new contract with D.
Formula a & b: expectation: Vitex; party promised to do something, has been kicked of job (the other has breached). How to
calculate damages to get back to where would have been w/o the breach.
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- when calculate, may find a losing contract, then determine alternatives for damages (reliance, restitution)
1. The Issue: When an agreement has been put in writing, one party claims there was also
and earlier oral or written agreement, or a contemporaneous oral agreement, that was not
included in the writing but was intended to be part of the K. In such cases, the
admissibility of the alleged additional agreement turns on the applicability of the parol
evidence rule.
2. Rules:
a. Mooney: Restatement 209 + 215: Where parties have intended a writing as the
final expression of all or part of their agreement, evidence of any other prior or
contemporaneous term is not admissible to contradict the writing.
b. Justice Traynor: When the parties to a written K have agreed to it as an
“integration” – a complete and final embodiment of the terms of an agreement –
parol evidence cannot be used to add to or vary its terms…when only part of the
agreement is integrated, the same rule applies to that part, but parol evidence may
be used to prove elements of the agreement not reduced by writing.
i. “Credibility test” – parol evidence should only be excluded if it would
mislead the trier of fact.
3. Reasons for Rule:
a. Juries may tend to favor the underdog. (Mooney doesn’t agree).
b. People might make up agreements that never happened.
c. Certainty in K interpretation.
d. Ability for people to rely on what is written to know what their legal obligations
4. Integration:
a. A complete integration is where the parties intended the written K as a final and
complete statement of the agreement in writing.
b. A partial integration is where the parties intended the writing to be a final
expression of part of the agreement.
i. Formal intent: Traditional view was that a writing would be treated as
an integration if taken as a whole and on its face the writing appears to
be an instrument that complete ly expresses the parties’ agreement
(writing not only the best, but only evidence of intent). Gianni v. Russel
& Co.
ii. Actual intent: Modern view is that a writing is deemed to be an
integration only if the parties actually intended it to be an integration.
Court will consider any relevant evidence to determine intent.
Masterson v. Sine, R 209.
c. UCC comment 3 2-202: Only if the parol term would certainly have been
included in the writing, if agreed upon, then it must be kept from the trier of fact
(this likes the parol evidence rule less than the restatement).
5. Merger Clauses: Provisions in a written K that the written K is the entire K between the
parties, or is the final, complete and exclusive statement of all the terms the parties have
agreed upon.
a. Traditional approach: These clauses are determinative on the question of
whether the writing is an integration. Still the majority rule.
b. Modern courts (minority) will sometimes say it is just one factor in determining
whether it is an integration.
c. Defense can claim unconsionability.
6. Defenses: Can have a D for the K itself:, even if it is completely integrated. Fraud,
duress, mistake, illegality.
7. Exceptions:
a. Separate consideration: Even if a writing is an integration, parol evidence is
admissible if the written integration and the alleged parol agreement are each
supported by separate consideration.
b. Collateral agreement: Parol evidence is often admissible if the alleged parol
agreement is “collateral” (i.e. related to the sub. matter but not part of the
c. “Naturally Omitted Terms”: Widely accepted modern rule, R216, is that parol
evidence is admissible if it concerns a term that would naturally be omitted from
the written agreement. A term will be treated as naturally omitted if:
i. The term does not conflict with the written integration; and
ii. The term concerns a subject that similarly situated parties would not
ordinarily be expected to include in the written agreement.
1. Two approaches: (1) Whether an abstract reasonable person
would have omitted the term in question from the writing, (2)
Whether the actual parties might have naturally omitted the
parol agreement from the writing. Masterson v. Sine. This is
the majority view.
8. Gianni v. Russell, 1924: P claims and oral agreement (in addition to a lease) where P
agreed not to sell tobacco in exchange for exclusive rights to sell soda in the building. D
denies the oral agreement took place. D rented another space to a drug company that sold
a. Issues:
i. Whether the parties would have naturally included the additional term in
their K? Held: Yes, because it embraces the field of the alleged oral K.
ii. P’s argument: Whether the exclusive rights to sell soda was a separate
and ind. agreement and therefore not barred by parol evidence? Held:
No. This term would have been a part of the main agreement and there
was no consideration for the separate agreement.
9. Masterson v. Sine, 1968: P conveyed their ranch to D by a written deed. The deed
provided an option to repurchase at a designated price. There was a separate oral
agreement that the option was personal to P. P’s trustee wanted to establish their option.
a. Held: Evidence of the oral agreement is not barred by parol evidence.
b. Rule: Parties’ intent needs to be considered. Case rejects classical Gianni rule
that a writing that looks complete is presumed to be complete. Traynor says that
an agreement can’t prove completeness in and of itself.
i. Traynor also uses collateral agreement to say that the parol is parol
evidence in a partial integration case (said this is a completely separate
10. Bollinger v. Central Pennsylvania Quarry 1967: Parties entered into oral agreement
where they agreed D would deposit his waste on P’s property, but would cover the waste
when one. Written agreement did not include clause, P did not read before signing.
a. Rule: A court can reform a K for a mutual mistake in integration. Escribinor’s
1. In General: A K may expressly provide that a party does not have a duty to perform
unless some condition is fulfilled. In such a case, the party’s failure to perform will
normally be justified if the condition was not fulfilled.
2. Definitions: Condition means either:
a. An event or state of the world must occur or fail to occur before a party has a
duty to perform under a K, or
b. An event or state of the world - the occurrence or non-occurrence of which
releases a party from its duty to perform under a K.
3. R2d 244: A condition is an event, not certain to occur, which must occur, unless its
nonoccurrence is excused, before performance under a K becomes due.
4. R2d 217: Conditions – a reasonable well-accepted exception to the parol evidence rule.
One is permitted to use parol evidence to show the party’s agree to a condition precedent
to the effectiveness of a K.
a. The alleged parol condition cannot contradict a writing in order for the exception
to apply
5. Three kinds of questions around conditions:
a. Have the parties made a particular event or non-event a condition of one party’s
performance or both parties’ performance?
b. Has the condition, if it is one, been satisfied?
c. If it hasn’t been satisfied, what’s the legal effect of the non-occurrence of a
6. EXAMPLE: Sarah promises to carry Carl’s goods in her ship from London to Gibraltar.
Carl promises to pay her for that service $5000. In addition, the parties agree that in
some fashion Sarah will get the good there in 25 days. Two ways to word the 25 day
a. Sarah could promise to get the goods there in 25 days. If she’s late, then she has
breached her promise and will be liable for damages.
b. Parties will word the term as a condition. “It shall be a condition of Carl’s
obligation to pay that Sarah get the good there within 25 days.” If she’s late, she
hasn’t breached, she just doesn’t get paid. This excuses Carl’s performance.
c. It is almost always more equitable to construe language as a promise than as a
7. Luttinger v. Rosen, 1972: P contracted with D to purchase property and paid deposit of
$8500. K was conditioned upon P obtaining 1st mortgage in amount of $45,000 for not
less than 20 years at 8.5% financing. P contacted one institution and was unable to get
8.5%. Offered to pay the extra, but D refused and kept the money. Court ordered that D
give back the money because P had tried to meet the condition and had been unable.
a. Hornbook rule in K law: One has to satisfy a condition absolutely. No
doctrine of substantial performance. Mooney thinks this might be collapsing.
8. Peacock Construction Co. v. Modern Air Conditioning 1977: D is a contractor who had
two subs. K contained a provision that said D would pay the subs within 30 days after
full payment by owner.
a. Court held this language was not a condition – simply a timing provision.
Meaning of language is not that subs will be paid if/when contractors are paid.
Sets a normal time for payment. If payment is not forthcoming at that time, there
is still a legal obligation to pay.
b. Arguments (for sub):
i. General Contractor is in a much better position to say know the credit
standing of the owner.
ii. Sub-contracts are almost always drafted by the gen. Language is
supposed to be construed against the party drafting.
iii. Trade usage – this is how courts intend to interpret these, and this is how
the parties in the construction business tends to construe these contracts.
9. Gibson v. Cranage 1878: P solicited D’s business, offered to paint portrait of dead
daughter. Said he wouldn’t have to pay for it if not satisfied. D was not satisfied with
the product. P re-did the picture, and D wouldn’t look at it. Court held for D.
a. Repeat of Mattei and Hopper: Condition to act in good faith.
b. Two categories of satisfaction condition:
i. Subjective (if taste or fancy is involved), so long as party exercises their
judgment in good faith, that is the only obligation.
ii. Objective: If the requirement of the party’s satisfaction has something
to do with mere economic utility, mechanical fitness, or marketability, a
condition of satisfaction is interpreted to be fulfilled by a performance
that would satisfy a reasonable person.
iii. As a lawyer, advise your client to look at the portrait and reassert lack of
10. Mitigating Doctrines
a. Prevention:
i. General Rule: A party to a K cannot rely on the failure of another to
perform a condition precedent where he has frustrated or prevented the
occurrence of the condition.
b. Waiver, Estoppel, and Election
i. Waiver - R2d 84
1. Traditional definition: The intentional relinquishment of a
known right.
2. Usually waiver is not explicit. Typical scenario: If your rent
payments are due to me on the 3rd, but I accept late payments
consistently, I can expect payments on the 3rd. You can retract
the waiver, however.
ii. Estoppel, R2d 84(2), UCC 2-209(5)
1. A party that, without consideration, has waived a condition that
is within the other party’s control before the time for occurrence
of that condition can retract the waiver and reinstate the req. that
the condition occur unless the other party has relied to such an
extend that the retraction would be unjust.
iii. Election: A party that chooses to disregard the nonoccurrence of a
condition is bound by an election to treat this duty as unconditional.
1. Common for insurers.
c. Impossibility: Impossibility or impracticability excuses the fulfillment of a
condition if fulfillment of the condition is not a material part of the agreed
exchange and forfeiture would otherwise result.
d. Fulfillment of the condition would cause a disproportionate forfeiture: Then
fulfillment of the condition may be excused unless the fulfillment of the
condition was a material part of the exchange.
Fundamental inquiry: What sort of conduct by one party gives rise to a cause of action for
breach by another party, or gives to another party the right to withhold its own performance?
1. The doctrine of constructive conditions provides that if the plaintiff breached the
duty, provides that if the performance is a constructive condition of the other’s
duty, then the plaintiff is itself in the wrong.
a. In other words, if the P breached a duty of the performance that should
have proceeded the other performance or promise.
2. In a sizable number of instances, when a breaching P despite its own breach may
nonetheless sue on the contract. Three ways around the doctrine of constructive
a. Doctrine of substantial performance or substantial completion (Redding Pipe
Case – even though the contractor breached its portion of the K, the owner may
not withhold its performance because the owner substantially performed) –
Jacobs & Young v. Kent.
b. Doctrine of divisibility (severability): Gill v. Johnstown Lumber (agreement
to deliver logs. Lost some in a flood, sued for those delivered): If the parties in
the K provide that part performance will result in partial payment (i.e. I’m
supposed to build you two houses each for $100,000, I build one and walk away),
the P can sue on the contract to get paid for the performance they did complete.
c. Doctrine of restitution: Where a K is unenforceable for some reason (usually
mistake, impracticability of performance or frustration of purpose), but during
the course of performance a substantial benefit was conferred upon one of the
parties. Algernon Blair: The aggrieved party may (in a losing K situation) may
want something other than expectation, may want restitution.
i. Restitution for a defaulting P: This has met the most resistance from
courts. It seems wrong to allow someone who has committed a
significant breach of K to come before the court and claim anything.
Britton v. Turner (worked for 10 months of a 1 year K, then walked off
the job. Ct. held employee may recover benefit to employer less damages
employer suffers by reason of early termination).
ii. In restitution you are not suing for the K rate, but the value of the benefit
iii. Quantum meriut – synonymous with restitution.
1. Anticipatory Repudiation (AR): If either party to a K, in advance of the time set for
performance, repudiates the K, the repudiation excuses the other party from performing.
In addition, the innocent party may generally treat the AR as a present material breach,
and bring an immediate action for the entire value of the promised performance.
2. Acts are sufficient (Stewart v. Newbury – walking off the job was repudiation).
3. Insistence on terms not contained in the K constitutes an AR.
4. Requirement of Unequivocal Repudiation: Only an express or implied unconditional
refusal to perform will constitute AR. A party’s language must be sufficiently positive to
be reasonably interpreted to mean that the party will not or can not perform.
5. Hochster v. De La Tour, 1853: P contracted with D to act as a courier during his
European vacation. D changed his mind prior to leaving, and refused to compensate P. P
sued prior to time for performance.
a. Held: The man who wrongfully renounces a K into which he has deliberately
entered cannot justly complain if he is immediately sued for a compensation in
damages by the man whom he is injured. The renunciation may be treated as
a breach of K.
b. Important point: Every jurisdiction in the US says this is still good law. You
may go out and get a new job, and sue early.
c. Damages would be his wages from June 1 (day he was to start working) -July 4
(July 4th is when he begins the job he got to mitigate the damages).
d. This rule is in UCC 2-610.
e. Principle justification: Make sure victim has freedom to reorganize their affairs
and take another job prior to the time performance was due.
f. Exception to rule: Installment contracts.
i. i.e. Seller has finishing delivering tulip bulb, and all that’s remaining is a
series of installment payments by the buyer over a period of time. Most
courts hold that the seller may not sue early for all remaining
installments, but must wait until each installment becomes due.
ii. Remember when drafting an agreement such as this one to add and
“acceleration clause”: These causes state a default on any one payment
on this K shall cause all remaining payments under this K due.
iii. 2nd way to get around this situation is a declaratory judgment:
Declaration by the court that buyer breached and payments will become
due at the times stated in the K (allows you to go back to court simply on
motion without having to file new complaint every time).
1. General Rule: Performance may be excused under the doctrine of frustration where the
purpose or value of the contract has been destroyed (or substantially frustrated) by a
supervening event that was not reasonably foreseeable at the time the K was entered into.
R2d 265
2. Slippery slope – courts reluctant to invoke this D.
3. BUYER’S DEFENSE: This is b/c it is always possible for the buyer to fulfill his
promise to pay, even if he will essentially gain nothing for his money.
4. Krell v. Henry 1903: D paid deposit to P for the use of his apartment so he may watch a
coronation. The King became ill, delaying the coronation. D refused to pay balance, P
sued. D counterclaimed for his money. D wins on frustration of purpose grounds.
a. Rule: Where the object of one of the parties is the basis upon which both parties
contract, the duties of performance are constructively conditioned upon the
attainment of that object.
5. Remedies: In general, any benefit one party has conferred on another will be returned (D
will get his deposit back).
1. UCC 1-102: The Code is to be liberally construed and applied to promote its underlying
purposes and policies:
a. To simplify, clarify, and modernize the law,
b. To permit the continued expansion of commercial practices by validating trade
custom and usage as well as parties’ express agreements,
c. To make the law uniform among the various jurisdictions.
2. Three fundamental principles underline much of Art. II:
a. Good Faith
b. Commercial Reasonableness (pervasive, a part of every merchant’s good faith
c. Facilitation of actual commercial practices through the incorporation of course of
performance, course of dealing, and usage of trade.
i. Course of performance (2-208) – how you and I actually perform under
this K.
ii. Course of dealing (1-205)– how you and I performed under prior K’s.
iii. Usage of trade (1-205)– how others in the industry understand K
3. Good Faith
a. 1-201 (19) Honesty in fact:
i. Subjective Test
ii. No matter how absurd a person’s contention is, if they really believe
their contention is true, they made the assertion in good faith.
b. 1-203: Imposes the obligation of good faith on every party to a transaction
governed by any portion of the UCC.
c. 2-103: Supplements the general UCC Good Faith definition, by stating under
Art. II, Good faith for merchants includes not only honesty in fact, but also the
observance of reasonable commercial standards of fair dealing in the trade.
i. Merchant defined in 2-104.
ii. Can parties get rid of a good faith obligation?
iii. While generally code provisions are variable by agreement, you cannot
disclaim good faith or commercial reasonableness. You can set
standards by which you just good faith, provided that the standards set
forth in the K are not manifestly unreasonable.
4. Nelson v. Union Equity 1977: Court held defendant farmer meets the requirements of
“merchant” definition under 2-104 because he is knowledgeable about the business of
crops, and meets the statutory elements. Because D was a merchant, the oral agreement
confirmed in writing satisfies the Statute of Fraud requirements under 2-201 and
therefore must pay damages for breach.
a. 2-104 A person is a merchant if:
i. They deal in goods of the kind, OR
ii. By his occupation he holds himself out as having knowledge or skill
peculiar to the practices involved in the transaction
1. SUPERMERCHANT: You have to be a merchant by the goods
prong of merchant (i.e. Blockhead (wiglet case): D was a
merchant, not because he had ever made wiglet cases, but
because the “goods” he dealt with were blow-molded items).
Look for the broadest definition of the goods you are talking
about (i.e.
iii. Cmt.2: For purposes of dealing with the statute of frauds (2-201), firm
offers, confirmations, and modifications, a merchant is deemed to be
almost every person in business (even a university). Mooney thinks the
merchant standard should be held to someone who answers his mail.
iv. For purposes of 2-314 (implied warranty of merchantability) or cases of
merchant good-faith (2-103), they are talking about supermerchants.
b. Merchants (lower level): When the code says merchants or between merchants,
this is what they mean.
c. Merchant who deals in goods of this kind is a supermerchant (higher level).
d. Courts are widely split on whether farmers are merchants under the UCC.
1. UCC 2-102 states the general rule that Article Two applies to “transactions of goods.”
a. This applies to all transactions and goods, not just those by merchants.
b. Only Super-merchants make merchantability warranties, only they can transfer
an entrusters title in an ordinary course of business, but a code GENERALLY
applies to everyone (Joe Schmo sells Jack Black his golf club)
2. 2-105(1): Defines “goods” as all things…movable at the time of identification to the K
other than money, investment securities, and things in actions.
3. Anthony Pools v. Sheehan 1983: P built a pool for D, which D claims had a defective
diving board. The K between the parties had been a hybrid transaction, meaning part
goods and part services.
a. Predominant purpose test: Whether the predominant factor is a transaction of a
sale of goods with labor incidentally involved or vice versa.
b. Gravamen test: Whether the reason for the breach is directly related to the fault
of the service or the fault of the good.
c. Policy considerations: If the test results in classifying the transaction as a K for
services there would be no UCC based, implied warranties on the diving board
and this would be contrary to the legislative policy. §2-316 (1) declares a seller
of consumer goods may not contractually disclaim implied warranties.
i. Holding: K in goods, implied warranty applies. 2-316: Two
functions: 1) This is a K in goods, and the implied warranty applies, 2)
knocks down disclaimers on implied warranties.
1. UCC 2-201: A K for the sale of goods for the price of $500 or more is not enforceable
by way of action or defense unless there is some writing sufficient to indicate that a K for
sale has been made between the parties and signed by the party against whom
enforcement is sought or by his authorized agent or broker.
2. UCC drafters concluded the benefits requiring a writing would outweigh the detriments.
a. Contributes to the business habit of requiring a writing.
b. Prevents fraud by deliberate overreaching.
c. Prevents innocent mistakes.
3. All the UCC requires for enforcement is that a writing provide “a basis for believing
that the offered oral evidence rests on a real transaction.”
4. UCC 2-201 dispenses entirely with the writing requirement in four types of situations:
a. Between merchants, if a confirmation is received within a reasonable time and is
sufficient against the sender, it is also sufficient against the party receiving it,
unless that party objects within 10 days.
b. When a seller has mad a substantially beginning in the manufacture of “specially
manufactured” goods, or has committed itself to buy goods from a 3rd party, it
may enforce an oral K for them if it cannot resell them in an ordinary course of
c. If a party judicially admits the existence of the alleged K (pleading, pre-trial
discovery, or in live testimony), she may be held to it. UCC 2-201(3)(b).
d. To the extent that the seller has received and accepted payment, or the buyer has
received and accepted the goods, the Statute is no bar. UCC 2-201(3)(c).
i. Generally, however, partial payment of acceptance does not remove the
entire K from the Statute, only the portion paid for or accepted.
a. Must evidence an existing K.
b. Must be signed (1-201(39)) – any name, mark, or symbol adopted with the
intention to authentic a document.
c. Writing must specify a quantity (though not necessarily a price) – this is because
a court can always find a price out of the market price.
6. Comment 1 – indicates which was the court is to tilt.
7. Sub. (2)- Farmer case….a writing good against the person who sends it is good against
the person receiving it if they don’t object.
8. Distribu-Dor, Inc. v. Karadanis, 1970: Sale of certain mirrors and tub and shower
enclosures for Tahoe Inn. Tub enclosures not specially manufactured, but mirrors and
shower enclosures are spec. manufactured..
a. Held: An express K existed for the sale of the mirrors, recovery for breach of
which, under UCC 2-201 3(a), is not barred by the statute of frauds.
b. Reasoning: This was a K for specially manufactured goods, not suitable for
resale in the ordinary courts of the seller’s business, and the seller had already
started in the manufacture of the attempt to procure the goods.
c. Tub enclosures: Court found these enclosures did not fall under the specially
manufactured exception – but once a part of a K is taken out of the statute by
3(a), then the whole K will be taken out.
i. 3(c) contemplates that only the goods which have been accepted, or for
which payment has been made.
ii. But, 2-201 3(a) has different language – if the goods have BEGUN to be
manufactured, the statute of frauds defense is lost. Therefore, 3(a) is an
all or nothing deal.
9. In all of these cases, there are two distinct defenses:
a. I never entered into a K – never considered myself bound, etc.
b. Even if we did enter into the K, there was no objective meeting of the
minds…the K is unenforceable because there is no signed writing.
1. UCC 2-202: A writing intended by the parties as a final expression of all or part of their
agreement may not be contradicted by evidence of any prior agreement or of a
contemporaneous oral agreement; however, such a writing may be “explained or
a. by the course of dealing, usage of trade, or performance,
b. where it is only a partial integration (i.e. not intended as a “complete and
exclusive” statement of the parties agreement), by evidence of consistent
additional terms.
2. By and large, the UCC analysis is virtually identical to the common law analysis:
a. Is the writing integrated?
b. Is it integrated in whole or in part?
c. If its not, the rule doesn’t apply.
d. If it integrated completely (enforceable understandable merger clause, for
example), then Subsection A says it can still be explained or supplemented (by
course of dealing or usage of trade or course of performance). In addition, under
2-203 (supplementary principles of law and equity), the 2-214 evidence can come
in (evidence of fraud, duress, mistake, etc).
e. If it is a partial integration – parties intended this is as a final, if not complete
statement – then consistent additional terms can be introduced, Subsection B.
3. Snyder v. Herbert Greenbaum & Associates: Contract for carpet and installation. 3
a. Whether D was entitled to rescind the K b/c P has misrepresented a material fact,
which D relied on in forming the K. (held – no – estimate was not a fact, but an
b. Whether court should have allowed into evidence certain documents as proof of a
prior oral agreement that all K’s between the parties could be cancelled
unilaterally prior to performance. (held – no – this clause would have been
written into the K, K was a complete integration). Mooney thinks this is a shaky
c. Whether damages should be 2-708(2) – lost profits – or 2-708(1) – K/market
differential formula. (2-708(2)) is appropriate b/c P may be a lost volume seller,
and part of the K is for services, so he may not otherwise recover for those
services). Mooney likes this assessment.
4. Additional class notes:
a. 2-107: Helps draw the line between goods and real estate.
i. The code only applies to goods. Well, what about minerals in a mind, or
standing timber? Are those goods?
ii. Certain kinds of things are goods if they seller severs something and
turns it over. If they buyer has to sever something, it is reality (i.e. if the
seller chops down the tress, it’s a good, if the seller does it, it’s realty).
b. 2-205: In some contexts, it reverses the rule of Dickensen v. Dodds: An offer by
a merchant in a signed writing that says it will remain open for a period of time,
does remain open even without separate consideration. (Firm offers)
c. 2-207: Additional terms in offer and acceptance.
d. 2-209(1): A modification does not need consideration to be binding. These
modifications need to be made in good faith to be enforceable. 1-103: Duress
argument against it.
i. Oral modifications are ok, unless it falls under the statute of frauds, or is
not made in good faith.
ii. A modification, if it fails for either of these two things, a modification
can operate as a waiver (i.e. agreeing to a modification can be considered
a waiver of a written no oral modification clause).
e. 2-210: (1) is most important part – a party may DELEGATE its duty unless the
other party has a substantial interest in performance by that party itself.
(Virtually identically to the Restatement section on delegation). (2) A party may
assign a right unless doing so would materially change the duty of the other
party, or increase materially the burden or risk imposed on him by his contract, or
impair materially his chance of maintaining a return performance.
1. “Gap Filler” Provisions: Express agreements often include common omissions such as
K duration, payment, delivery date, and price.
a. UCC 2-204(3): “Even though one or more items are left open a K for sale does
not fail for indefiniteness if the parties have intended to make a K and there is a
reasonably certain basis for giving an appropriate remedy.
b. 2-305: When parties fail to agree of price, 2-305 provides one.
i. How do we know there is a K when the price term is missing?
ii. Intent of the parties. (1) Parties if they so intent can conclude a K for sale
even though the price is not settled.
iii. (3): When a price left to be fixed otherwise than by agreement of the
parties fails to be fixed through fault of one party the other may at his
option treat the K as cancelled or himself fix a reasonable price.
c. UCC 2-306(1): No quantity unreasonably disproportionate to any stated estimate
or in the absence of a stated estimate to any normal or otherwise comparable
prior output or requirements may be tendered or demanded.
i. An outputs seller may not tender an unreasonably disproportionate
quantity (outputs contracts), and a requirements buyer may not
demand an unreasonably disproportionate quantity (requirements
ii. Reasoning: No great hardship on the seller to give her whole output to
the buyer. This protects the buyer in an output K from having huge
amounts dumped on him.
d. UCC 2-306(2): Best efforts requirements for exclusivity requirements.
e. 2-311 states that, unless otherwise agreed, the buyer has the right to specify the
assortment of goods.
f. 3-308 (a): Unless otherwise agreed the place for delivery of the goods is the
seller’s place of business or if he has none, his residence.
g. 2-309: Termination of a K by one party requires that reasonable notification be
received by the other party. Hamilton v. Delta
h. 2-307-2-310: Requires parties to comply with ordinary, reasonable commercial
i. 310(a): Buyer pays where buyer receives shipment.
1. Need to understand difference between delivery and receipt. A
party receives goods when the party actually touches them (they
arrive). A delivery depends on the term of the K, usually when
the seller gives the goods to a carrier.
i. When a party asserts a “gap filler” claim, other party may raise defense of trade
usage, course of dealing, or course of performance.
j. 2-311: K does not fail for definiteness when a party can specify certain
particulars for performance (argument used in Fairmount Glass).
2. Hamilton Tailoring Co. v. Delta Airlines, Inc. 1974: P contracted with D to make all of
their uniforms (requirements K – i.e. Eastern v. Gulf). D changed their uniforms, and
gave P a year notice that they would not longer buy from them.
a. Court held that the notification was not reasonable under 2-309(3). There was
little, if any chance, that P could obtain a substitute agreement in that time, plus
D kept ordering shorter uniforms and canceling orders.
b. Trade usage can be introduced under 2-309, cmt. 1 to show agreement for time.
P used trade usage here to show that in the uniform industry, it is customary for
the customer to make a settlement wit the manufacturer on a reasonable basis for
the leftover inventory at hand.
3. Feld v. Henry 1975: P contracted with D to sell bread crumbs. Provision of right to
cancel with 6 month notice. It became unprofitable for D, so he said he’d continue if P
would give 1 cent more a pound. P refused, D dismantled machine.
a. Issue: Whether the outputs K carried an implication that the seller has to
continue its business throughout the term of the K, or may it cease production.
b. Holding: Under 2-306, an outputs seller has a good faith obligation to continue
to have output, but that’s all.
c. Who is going to win on remand? Probably the P buyer, because (1) the K did
contain a 6 month termination provision, therefore the seller is not locked in
forever, (2) the seller’s failed effort to extract a price increase.
4. Output or requirements contract: Feld v. Henry S. Levy & Sons
a. Seller has good faith obligation
b. Buyer did not give up right to buy elsewhere.
c. 2-306(1)
d. The party the statutory language is seeking to protect is the buyer. The seller has
the good faith obligation to continue (producing bread crumbs) in this case.
Buyer already has obligation under K to buy those bread crumbs.
5. Exclusive dealing K: Wood v. Lucy Lady Duff Gordon
a. Seller gives up right to sell elsewhere.
b. Buyer must use best efforts (in this case, to market Lucy’s fashions.
c. 2-306(2).
d. Comparable to requirements K - statute attempts to protect seller. Places on
buyer an obligation to operate in good faith.
6. Requirements K: Eastern v. Gulf, Hamilton v. Delta
a. Seller did not give up right to sell elsewhere
b. Buyer must purchase in good faith
1. UCC 2-607(3) requires that a buyer notify the seller of any alleged warranty “within
a reasonable time.”
a. Comment 4 allows a retail consumer somewhat more time to notify, but for a
merchant a reasonable time may by very short indeed (some courts say 10 days
for perishable products).
b. Notice given immediately upon discovery of breach ordinarily satisfies the
c. Manner and content can be important – oral notice is ordinarily sufficient, may
have to specify “breach.”
d. Occasionally, direct notice from buyer to seller is not required at all: When seller
has actual knowledge of the defect of the particular product, or is deemed to have
been reasonably notified by the filing of the buyer’s complaint.
2. Warranty and Restatement of Torts: A careful attorney in product liability cases will
join a warranty claim with claims for negligence and SL, perhaps to avoid either a statute
of limitations defense or the “economic loss” doctrine (many courts bar tort recovery for
mere economic loss, as opposed to PJ or property damage).
3. Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act of 1975 requires that every consumer goods seller
making a written warranty disclose that warranty fully and conspicuously in simply and
readily understood language. It does not, however, compel a seller to make a written
warranty. If a seller DOES make one, whether full or limited, it may not disclaim any
implied warranty (if it only makes a limited warranty, it may restrict the duration of the
implied warranties).
4. 2 kinds of cases when filing the lawsuit satisfies notice:
a. When seller has actual knowledge of the problem.
b. If it is a consumer sale that has resulted in PI.
5. When considering if buyer gave adequate notice for breach, think about:
a. Prejudice test: Would the seller been able to fix the problem if they had found out
earlier, has the car been driven too much to recognize the problem, etc.
b. Effective policy argument: Even if we had given notice two weeks earlier, it
wouldn’t have mattered.
c. If consumer is actually a merchant (i.e. using a car for business purposes, getting
tax breaks), that person should be held to a higher standard.
1. At CL, and under the Uniform Sales Act, risk of loss or destruction typically rested o the
party holding “title” to the goods when casualty occurred.
2. Under the UCC, risk of loss rules are both more flexible and more functional.
a. In general, the UCC places risk of loss on the party most likely to take
precautions against loss (usually the one with possession or control of the goods
or the one most likely to insure.
b. 2-509 (Risk of loss absent a breach), 2-510 (Effect of breach on risk of loss)
3. Insurable Interest Under the Code
a. Under UCC 2-501, buyer obtains insurable interest in goods upon their
“indentification” to the contract. At that point, they buyer may insure the goods
(even if its long before delivery)
4. Types of Delivery Terms (2-309, 2-320)
a. Shipment contract – free on board (FOB), place of shipment
i. Under a shipment K, the buyer pays the shipment cost and the risk
passess to the buyer when the goods are duly delivered to the carrier
b. Destination contract – FOB place of destination
i. The seller pays the shipment cost, and the risk does not pass to the buyer
until the goods are “duly so tendered at the destination as to enable the
buyer to take delivery.”
c. C.I.F. and C. & F Terms:
i. CIF: price includes in a lump sum the cost of goods and the insurance
and freight to the named destination. C&F: Price inc. cost and freight to
the named desination.
d. Examples.
i. FOB seller’s plant: Risk passes when goods go into carrier’s hands.
(Shipment K).
ii. FOB buyer’s plant: Risk passes when goods are duly so tendered at the
destination as to enable buyer to make a delivery. (Destination K).
iii. FAS USS Iowa, Portland, OR: Shipment K. [319(2)] – goods delivered
alongside the vessel.
iv. FAS RR car at seller’s plant: Inside the RR car.???
v. CIF Buyer’s plant: Shipment K, don’t be misled by the term “buyer.”
[2-320, cmt 1)
vi. Ship to buyer’s plant: Shipment K [2-503, cmt. 5 – ambiguous terms].
vii. No delivery term: Not explicitly a destination K, code preference for
shipment K when there are ambiguous terms.
5. Windows Inc., v. Jordan Panel Systems Corp. 1999: Contract for specially made
window, to be “shipped to NYC.”
a. Appellate court held the buyer had assumed the risk of the loss because of the
ambiguous terms in the K.
i. The K must expressly specify a particular form of shipment. There is a
strong preference for shipment K’s, so if you want it to be another type
of contract, you have to have specific terms (such as FOB seller’s place),
or some other terms that say the seller will assume the risk until the
goods are in the seller’s hands.
ii. Just specifying the address of where to be shipped does not do this.
6. Cook Specialty Company v. Schrlock 1991: Press brake fell out of truck during
shipping. Insurance purchased by seller was not adequate to cover cost.
a. Goods are being transmitted to the buyer by common carrier, so it is a 2-
i. This is FOB place of shipment, so this is a shipment K.
ii. Where does it seems as though the risk of loss is going to be?
o Buyer (once item is in carrier’s hands).
b. Buyer’s 2nd argument about why it shouldn’t bear the risk:
i. 2-504: In a shipment K where the risk of transit will be on the buyer, the
seller has certain obligations towards the goods…particularly obligations
having to do with the K it makes with the carrier.
ii. Because the seller breached its 504 obligation, risk remains on the seller
c. Issue boils down to whether or not the seller made a proper K under 2-504?
i. Court found that the seller made an adequate K.
ii. Risk, therefore, was on the buyer when the item was damaged.
d. 2-504, cmt. 3 states that it is improper for the seller in a shipment K to agree to
an inadequate insurance. Why did the court find the insurance to be proper?
i. It is NOT improper for the seller to fail to investigate the extent of the
ii. Here, the seller did not agree to a $5000 policy, it simply failed to
investigate the insurance.
7. Bill of lading – receipt (“document of title” -warehouse receipt is also a document of
title) indicating what the goods are, the consignor of the goods, where they are supposed
to be delivered, etc.
8. Jason’s Foods, Inc. v. Peter Eckrich & Sons, Inc 1985: Fire in warehouse that burned
all of D’s ribs. P transferred the ribs on 1/13, bailee clerk mailed receipt to D on 1/17 or
1/18. D received receipt on 1/24. Ribs burned on 1/17. Court held risk of loss had not
passed b/c acknowledge of the bailee of the buyer’s right of possession occurs when the
acknowledgement has been given to the buyer (509(2)(b)).
a. Court reasons by saying this was the intent of the drafters of the UCC, because
otherwise the code does not explicitly say that the acknowledge has to be to the
9. Schock v. Ronderos: Mobile homes case. Risk had passed to buyer b/c they had
prepped the home for removal.
a. 2-509(3) case: Appellate court affirmed that the risk was on the buyer, because
the seller was not a merchant. Risk passed to buyer on TENDER of delivery.
b. Tender of delivery occurred on payment for and acceptance of the mobile home.
Sellers had disconnected the electricity and prepared the mobile home to be
moved. Their failure to remove the sofa and piano did not result in an
uncompleted tender of delivery.
c. Side note: Seller cannot be a bailee.
10. 2-510: Effect of breach on risk of loss
a. 2-510 shifts risk of loss to breaching party, who but-for the breach would not
have had the risk of loss.
b. 2-510 (1): If tender or delivery of goods so fails to conform to the K as to give a
right of rejection, the risk of their loss remains on the seller until cure or
c. SIDE NOTE: Wild card of negligence here and in a lot of cases. Even if a party
bears the risk of loss through 2-309 or 2-510, if that party can show that the other
party’s negligence caused the damage, then negligence will trump the risk of
11. Wilke v. Cummins Diesel Engines, 1969: Government generator case. Delivered it
way before due, did not run specified field tests. Did not constitute and effective
delivery, risk of loss remained on seller.
a. The delivery of the generator to the job sit, while identifying the goods to the K,
did not amount to a delivery of the goods or the performance of obligations
conforming to the K.
b. UCC 2-206(2) provides that “goods or conduct including any part of a
performance are “conforming” or conform to a K when they are in accordance
with the obligation under the K.” Non-conformity cannot be viewed as a
question of the quantity and quality of goods along, but of the performance of the
totality of the seller’s contractual undertaking.
c. Mooney thinks this should be a 2-509 (3) case: Seller was a merchant and
hadn’t officially delivered the goods yet (“this is my baby”) T here is also
possible negligence overlay for both parties (trumps UCC Risk of loss). Also,
there is not actual breach b/c under 2-607 the buyer has not given adequate notice
of breach.
12. Muliplastics, Inc. v. Arch Industries, Inc 1974: P and D contracted for P to make
pellets for D. D refused to release purchase orders. P continued to house the goods from
8/20-9/22. There was a fire, and the goods were destroyed.
a. Under 2-510(3): Risk passes to the breaching buyer for a reasonable time.
b. There was a breach, and 8/20-9/22 was a reasonable time.
c. 2-709(1): Seller is entitled to recover K price.
d. Subrogation also an issue here.
i. HYPO: B owes S the price of the destroyed goods under 2-709
(Multiplastics). 2-709 says one instance in which the buyer has to pay
the price is when the goods have been lost or destroyed after risk of loss
has passed (reasonable time).
1. What if seller is insured, and the insurance company pays the
buyer’s obligation to the seller. Can the insurance company use
subrogation to step into seller’s shoes and have a COA against
2. No, in cannot. 2-510, cmt. 3 says that the rules of (2), (3), that
shift risk of loss only to the extent of insurance deficiency (of the
other party), are not intended to be disturbed by subrogation
2-507(1): Delivery is a condition to the buyer’s duty to accept the goods and, unless otherwise
agreed, to his duty to pay for them.
2-511(1): Tender of payment is, unless otherwise agreed, a condition to the seller’s duty to
tender and complete any delivery.
• Comment 2 says explicitly these are concurrent conditions
• Practical effect: Neither party may sue for breach without properly tendering his own
• Check bounces = no payment 2-511(3)
1. Buyer’s Acceptance of the Goods, UCC 2-606(1) provides that acceptance occurs
a. After a reasonable time to inspect, the buyer signifies acceptance to the seller,
b. The buyer fails to make an effective rejection, or
c. The buyer does any act inconsistent with the seller’s ownership.
i. Buyer can still sue for damages under 2-714, even if they are stuck with
the goods.
ii. Auction – moving from auction yard to own house constitutes
acceptance. Miron v. Yonkers Raceway.
2. Buyer’s Revocation of Acceptance
a. Upon acceptance, a buyer loses its right to reject. UCC 2-607
b. However, it may still revoke its acceptance, and following an effective
revocation it has approximately the same rights and duties as if it had rejected. 2-
c. 2-608 Requires that:
i. The non-conformity “substantially impairs” the value of the goods and
ii. The buyer accepted the goods either (a) without discovering the defect
because discovery was difficult or (b) assuming reasonably, but
incorrectly, that the seller would cure the defect.
d. Revocation must occur within a reasonable time, as described in sub. 2.
3. 2-605: Under some circumstances, a rejecting buyer has an obligation to specify what it
thinks is wrong with the goods
4. Kesner v. Lancaster: K to sell a tractor. Seller assured buyer that the equipment was in
good shape. Seller gave cursory inspection, seemed fine. Turned out the tractor was
defective. The tractor needed a lot of repairs. P had successful revoked because the
defect substantially impaired the value of the goods under 608.
a. No perfect tender rule with revocation, you have to find substantial impairment.
b. Buyer has to show substantial impairment, has to accept goods without discovery
of the defect, and revocation has to be within a reasonable time (608 allows more
time than 601).
5. 2-610: Anticipatory repudiation.
a. If your client has reasonable insecurity about the performance, it can demand a
reasonable assurance of adequate performance by the other side. If the other side
does not do it, then without much risk you can declare anticipatory repudiation.
b. Hornell Brewing Co. v. Spry: Canadian beverage distribution case:
1. A K did exist (even without a distributorship agreement). 2-206: K can be
made in any manner to show agreement, 2-207: K can be shown with
2. Three issues under 2-609:
a. Did Hornell have reasonable ground for insecurity?
b. Did Hornell make a 2-609 demand for adequate assurance or did it
just call up and say what are you going to do (this is often the most
litigated point).
c. Were the assurances given, adequate under the circumstances?
3. HELD: Adequate assurances were not forthcoming, so D had created an
anticipatory repudiation under 610, so P was free to leave the K.
Buyer’s Right to Specific Performance or Replevin 2-716 (2-709 parallel this remedy for the
1. 2-716: Specific performance shall be granted where the goods are unique or in other
proper circumstances.
2. Cmt. 1: Without intending to impair the court’s sound discretion in the matter, this article
seeks to further a more liberal attitude than some courts have shown in connection with
specific performance of K’s of sale.
3. Cmt. 2: Output and requirements K’s involving special markets or sources are now the
“typical commercial specific performance situations.”
a. One strong indication of other proper circumstances for awarding specific
performance is the buyer’s inability to recover.
b. Eastern v. Gulf (Eastern couldn’t cover because fuel prices had shot up).
c. Copylease v. Memorex (claimed it could not reasonably cover by obtaining an
alternative source of toner because other brands of toner are distinctly inferior to
the Memorex product – goods were unique or “noncoverable”).
4. Sub. (3): Authorizes a buyer to replevy the K goods in two situations:
a. When they have been identified to the K and the cover is unavailable and
b. When they have been shipped under reservation and the buyer has tendered full
Buyer’s Right to Cover Price – K Price Damages UCC 2-712 (2-706 parallels this remedy
for the seller)
1. 2-712: Authorizes a buyer whose seller has breached to “cover” by “making in good
faith and without unreasonable delay any reasonable purchase of goods in substitution for
those due from the seller.”
2. Sub (2): If buyer does so, he may recover from the seller the “difference between the
cost of cover and the K price together with any incidental or consequential damages…but
less expenses saved in consequence of the seller’s breach.”
a. Good Faith:
b. 1-201(19): Honesty in fact
c. 2-103 (merchants): Req. they observe reasonable commercial standards of fair
dealing in the trade.
3. Cmt. 2: The test of proper cover is whether at the time and place the buyer acted in good
faith and in a reasonable manner, and it is immaterial that hindsight may later prove that
the method of cover used was not the cheapest or most effective.
a. Buyer must also make a reasonable purchase. Considerations inc. time
constraints, market fluctuations, and available supply (was buyer purchasing as if
it was with their own money?)
b. Farmers Elevator Company of Elk Point v. Lyle (Doctrine of equitable estoppel
to prevent a party to an oral agreement from invoking the statute of frauds).
c. Most courts agree that uncertainty under 2-712 should be resolved against
breaching sellers.
d. Hardest case is when the buyer covers by purchasing somewhat better, somewhat
more expensive goods. If no other substitute goods were available, the buyer
should still be permitted to use the cover price-K price formula.
e. A non-covering buyer can get damages from other remedies (i.e. a market price-
K price damage computation), but they may not recover consequential damages
that cover would have prevented.
Buyer’s Market Price-Contract Price Damages 2-713 (2-708(11) – parallels this remedy for
the seller).
1. 2-713: Permits buyers who do not cover or seek specific performance to recover “the
difference between the market price at the time when the buyer learned of the breach and
the K price together with any incidental and consequential damages provided by this
a. Computing damages: (1) Determine the property date and place for fixing
b. Date issue: If the seller’s performance is due by a specific date, use that date. If
the buyer does not learn until later, use the second date. Most difficult case is if
the seller repudiates earlier. The sounder position is to use the date of the breach
(the later date).
i. Cargill, Inc. v. Stafford 1977: Wheat case, seller repudiates. Holding:
A buyer may urge continued performance for a reasonable time. At the
end of a reasonable period he should cover if substitute goods are readily
available. If sub. goods are readily available and buyer does not cover
within a reasonable time, damages should be based on the price at the
end of the reasonable time rather than on the price when performance is
due. If a valid reason exists for failure or refusal to cover, damages may
be calculated from the time when performance is due.
1. Statute of Frauds exception to confirmation
2. 2-201 Merchant exception (Trial court said this doesn’t apply for
2 reasons: 1) Wasn’t received within a reasonable time, 2) seller
objected to its terms within 10 days – weak argument)
3. Trial court decided there was no enforceable K under 1st K.
4. Court decided 2nd K would be enforced.
c. Location issue: Sub 2: Market price is to be determined as of the place for
tender or, in the case of rejection after arrival or revocation of acceptance, as of
the place of arrival.
i. Cmt 1: Market price should be determined at the market in which the
buyer would have obtained cover had it sought relief.
d. Time for measuring relevant market price is when the buyer learns of the breach.
708 is time and place of tender.
e. Of buyer rejects the goods following delivery, then the time and place is the
place of delivery.
Reasonable contract
Preventive Lawyering
Bargaining power
Freedom to and Freedom from contract
Conduct, content and status
Substance v. form
Verbal v. oral
Voidable, void, enforceable
Equitable v. legal remedy
Market self regulation v. government regulation
Policy concerns –incentives for future behavior, social justice
Deal in affirmative, explicit terms
Duty to mitigate damages (might as well)
Courts will not measure utility
Expectation Interest –encourages contracts
Efficient Breach
Autonomy v. Paternalism (excusing people from their contractual obligations
v. making them live with the consequences)
Benefit of the Bargain
Void: a contract is void when a party excercises its right not to perform
Voidable: a contract that one party can avoid –misrepresentation
Unenforceable: preferred term for contracts that are “void” due to duress,
Invalid: same as a contract being declared unenforceable
Interpretation: what was the intent of the parties at the time of formation
Definiteness –is it definite enough to be enforced?
B) Employment Contracts
1) Default rule: employment at will
2) Rebuttable presumption
a) Not at will if employee gives special consideration to employer
1. Requires a special kind of proof
2. Must be of economic benefit to the employer
See Mcintosh v. Murphy
• Also chips away at Statute of Frauds
Note: presumptions are based on the absence of evidence
3) Benefits and Detriments of At Will Employment
a) The threat of firing is a strong incentive to get workers
to work hard (good for employers)
b) If an employer fires folks irrationally, he will loose
bargaining power with future and other employees
Bottom line: both parties want to treat each other
well out of their own self-interest
c) Allows adjustment of businesses in order to adapt to the
new market
d) By preventing barriers to exit, it prevents barriers to
entry –it is much easier to get a job in a market system
e) Fairness and Reliance cuts both ways
Firm and employee rely on one another more over
• “Firm Specific Human Capital”
Cannot expect business to operate at a loss
a) Bargaining Power is tied in large part to a party’s
alternative options
b) Most employees are at a disadvantage, in that they are
easily replaceable
4) Covenants Not to Compete –balancing test, weigh considerations of
time and space
a) Employment contracts
b) Sale of a business
c) Balancing Freedom to Contract with Restraint to Trade
d) Reasonableness factors: scope, duration and geography
1) Does the covenant reasonably protect a legitimate
business interest?
2) Is it unduly harsh and oppressive to the employee?
3) Is it injurious to the public’s interest?
In short: balancing test. Weigh the considerations
of time and space.
e) Additional effects
1) Employee feels trapped
2) Employer abuses their position
3) Blue penciling is not always a good option
See Fullerton v. Torborg
Paternalism/Substance over Form
f) Strictly construed against the employer
1) Blue penciling only condones abusive behavior by
Not enforcing them at all would set the proper
2) The courts will not enforce contracts that are malicious,
excessive and abusive
Contracts - Sec C. Bjerre
Contracts - Sec C. Bjerre
(1) act
(2) forbearance
c) reliance is reasonably forseeable
(1) Presley - no reasonable reliance b/c mother-in-law
knew she wasn’t getting the money b/f she brought
divorce suit.
d) unjust (not that important)
3. 4 categories of PE:
a) Family promises
b) Promises to convey land
c) Promises coupled w/ gratuitous bailments (e.g. borrowing
friend’s car)
(1) Feinberg v. Pfeiffer - not enforceable under trad
theory but enforceable under PE
d) Charitable subscriptions
4. Damages
a) c/b reliance interest vs. expectancy (full amt. of promise)
b) depends on the court - but bias toward reliance
C. Quasi-Contracts - Contracts implied in law (no consideration needed)
1. Policy
a) designed to prevent unjust enrichment
b) and in cases where people are unable to enter into an
2. Requirements:
a) Conferred benefit
b) W/b unjust to keep w/o pymnt
(1) Benefactor not officious:
(a) benefactor doesn’t have resp, but accepts it
(b) in an intrusive way
(2) Benefactor not gratuitous
3. Damages - based on fair market value of services rendered
a) Cotman v. Wisdom - surgeon entitled to normal amount
he’d charge for working on the vic, even though he died -
not dependent on vic’s financial status
4. Can’t be used to get around traditional contract theory
a) Callano v. Oakwood Park Homes - gardener contracted by
buyer who died b/f paying him for shrubs. Sues the builder
for unjust enrichment. He could’ve sued the estate of the
II. The Bargaining Process
A. Offers
1. Policy:
Contracts - Sec C. Bjerre
Contracts - Sec C. Bjerre
C. Termination
1. Lapse - reasonable time
2. Rejection - by offeree
3. Revocation - by offeror ANY time before acceptance
a) receiving info abt actions taken by offeror inconsistent w/
intent to go forward is sufficient for revocation
(1) Dickenson v. Dodds - told by agent that Dodds was
courting other buyer
b) option contracts for promise to not revoke
(1) must be supported by consideration - at least a
c) offers to lg #’s of people
(1) offeror must take reasonable efforts to notify of
D. mailbox rule - fallback if not explicit in contract Rstmt §63(a)
a) acceptance effective when sent, not received
b) revocations are effective when received
c) exceptions:
(1) doesn’t apply to a substantially instantaneous 2-
way communication
(2) for option contracts, acceptance only effective when
received (Rstmt §63(b))
(a) b/c gives notice to offeror that contract was
d) policy
(1) rule is better for offeree b/c increases his certainty
(2) offerors are more able to bear the burden - more
likely to pursue absence of reply to offer
E. Simultaneous, inconsistent contracts (e.g. to two people) are enforceable
F. Precontractual Liability
1. Can offeree be liable for gaining benefits from offer w/o accepting
a) hypo: shopping around for stereos
(1) no quasi-K b/c no unjust enrichment by salesman
b) can go either way - some say K is enforceable some not
2. Can offeror revoke a unilateral K b/f offeree has a chance to
complete acceptance?
a) Brooklyn Bridge Rule
(1) acceptance isn’t given until performance is
completed ∴ offeror can still revoke
b) Restmt §45 - contradicts BB Rule
(1) implied option contract to not revoke offer is
created once performance has begun
Contracts - Sec C. Bjerre
Contracts - Sec C. Bjerre
Contracts - Sec C. Bjerre
Contracts - Sec C. Bjerre
2. substance of K
a) Unconscionability
(1) Standard Form Contracts
(a) efficient, reduces costs ∴ reduces prices
(b) BUT signer prob doesn’t understand what
they’re signing
(2) Policy - unconscionable contracts
(a) Paternalistic? Interferes w/ freedom to
contract - people don’t trust them
(b) Institutional competence - Question of law
for judge - should legislature be the ones to
address this? Some statutes in place
(i) prohibiting dragnet clauses
(ii) usury statutes - prevent outrageous
interest rates
(iii) disclosure statutes - addresses
(c) expands the core notions of other policing
doctrines and expands them (Williams v.
(i) capacity re: uneducated
(ii) duress - poor have limited shopping
(iii) misrepresentation: no, but std form
K’s are confusing
(3) π must show both:
(a) substantive unconscionability - unfair terms
(b) procedural unconscionability - absence of
meaningful choice
(i) inequality of bargaining power
(ii) manner of entering into K unfair (e.g.
high pressure sales)
b) Illegality/Public Policy - Not just illegal, if K unreasonable
also unenforceable
(1) CAB - broad noncompeting covenants go against
public policy even though K is enforceable under
other theories
(a) employability - employee shouldn’t have to
leave career he’s trained in
(b) competition - we want this
(2) If no clause, ct. has 3 choices:
(a) strike agreement totally - employer gets no
Contracts - Sec C. Bjerre
Contracts - Sec C. Bjerre
Contracts - Sec C. Bjerre
Contracts - Sec C. Bjerre
Contracts Outline
Mooney, Spring 2008
iii. If the agreement is partially integrated, everything under Sect
214 Rstmnt can come in, as well as any consistent additional
terms. Contradictory evidence is excluded.
2. Interpret the contract language once you know what’s in and what’s out
a. what is the meaning of a particular term?
i. Frigaliment (unsuitable chicken case): what the parties said, not
what they meant, is the essence of the K. To enforce a particular
meaning of a term, one must prove trade usage between
tradesmen, or prove that the other party had actual knowledge of
the common term (if not between tradesmen).
A. Between tradesmen, trade usage of terms should be used
over common usage. Hurst.
b. what if the contract is subject to two equally possible interpretations and
neither party had notice of other party’s interpretation?
i. Raffles: two different ships called “Peerless” never valid K b/c
no meeting of the minds.
ii. Oswald: never any valid K for Swiss coins because no “meeting
of the minds.”
iii. Therefore, such a contract is typically held invalid. When
there is no sensible basis for choosing between conflicting
understandings. When language is ambiguous rather than vague
(two distinct meanings).
c. what tools can aid the court in interpretation in order to avoid holding K
i. considering the purpose of parties in entering into K
ii. public interest supported by one interpretation over another?
iii. maxims:
A. the expression of one thing is the exclusion of another
B. of the same kind
c. proferentem: K should always be interpreted against its
author (except for lawyers, etc. who should have known
d. Evidence parties may introduce to aid in interpretation:
Internal to the contract (terms from one section to another)
dictionary evidence
foreign language evidence
evidence from statutes and regulations
trade usage evidence
evidence of one or both party’s likely subjective intent
D. calling employer’s attention to possible criminal
ii. Balla: in-house counsel do not have the limitations defense
because they simply are required to do the right thing. No
“Hobson’s Choice” to try to decide what to do (get fired v. do the
right thing)
A. strong public policy to allow ppl to fire their attorneys at
any time
B. does this really make sense? Shouldn’t we especially be
protecting those who are required to “do the right thing”?
b. Gibson: picture of deceased daughter case. Where the condition is
satisfaction with aesthetic value of the item in question, the defendant is
bound only to act in good faith in determining whether the contract has
been satisfied.
c. Mattei: if item in question is something of mere utility, commercial
fitness, the condition of satisfaction is considered objectively under the
reasonable person standard.
3. Issue 3: if there is a condition and it has not been satisfied, then what is the
legal effect?
a. Other party’s duty to perform does not arise (see Cargo Ship Hypo)
4. Issue 4: is there some mitigating doctrine that will soften the condition and
help court reach a more just result?
a. prevention: if one party prevents the other from performing his duty,
that party cannot invoke that condition as an excuse for non performance.
b. waiver: if one party waives a condition in a contract, then that party
cannot use that condition as an excuse for not performing.
i. Defined as intentional relinquishment of a known right.
c. estoppel: Where waiver is difficult to establish, consider estoppel. Has
party reasonably relied on some sort of representation by the other side
that it will not insist on literal enforcement of the condition? that reliance
acts as the fundamental reason for invoking estoppel, and as the
consideration for representation.
i. McKenna v. Vernon: Party waived condition by accepting
several payments w/o insisting on the certificate which had been a
d. forfeiture: the denial of compensation that results if the non-occurrence
of a condition causes the obligee to lose his right to the agreed exchange
after he has relied substantially on the expectations of that exchange.
B. Part II: is each party’s duty to perform a constructive condition (any condition not
express) to the other’s duty to perform?
1. What is a constructive condition? If you and I have a contract that I will
mow your lawn for $25, your duty to pay me does not arise until I have actually
mowed the lawn. My mowing your lawn is a constructive condition to your duty
to pay me.
2. Kingston: Servant to take over business under K term of “sufficient security.”
Under modern law, each party’s performance is deemed constructive condition on
other party’s duty to perform. So w/o plaintiff showing good security as required
by contract, the defendant is not required to transfer his business.
3. Stewart: where a construction contract makes no provision for installment
payments (or otherwise), work must be substantially complete before payment
can be demanded.
C. Part III: if so, is there a way around the constructive condition? mitigating doctrines
1. prevention (see above)
2. waiver (see above)
3. estoppel (see above)
4. substantial performance
a. where if work has substantially been completed, worker can sue on the
contract. A small breach won’t excuse owner’s right to sue if the work
has otherwise been substantially completed. Jacob and Youngs v. Kent
5. divisibility
a. Gill: log driving case. A contract is “severable” if the part to be
performed by one party consists of several and distinct items, and the price
to be paid by the other is apportioned to each item to be performed or is
left to be implied by law. If party has completed some portion of the
work, that party is entitled to be paid for completing that divisible part.
i. A contract is entire if consideration is to be paid in single and
entire dose.
b. Microwave Tees case: a multi-step contract is not automatically
divisible and if the completion of the first steps is meaningless w/o
completion of the last step, the contract is not divisible.
6. restitution: If you can’t sue on the contract because of a constructive condition
(because you haven’t completed your performance), think about the possibility of
suing for quantum meruit or restitution because you have conferred a benefit on
the other side. If a contract is unenforceable but one side has conferred a benefit,
restitution may be available.
a. Damages formula: P gets the reasonable value of the benefits conferred
on D, minus the damages to D arising from the breach. Contract price is
ceiling on recovery.
7. non material breach: if one party’s breach was not material, it still gives rise
to a cause of action for damages (small damages), but does not justify the other
side withholding its performance.
D. Was there a material breach of the K? If so, then it gives rise to cause of action for
damages, and it justifies nonperformance by the other party
1. Each case is decided on its fact of whether it is a material breach.
2. Relevant factors from Rstmt 1sec. 275:
a. The extent to which the breaching party has already performed (more
likely to be a material breach at the outset).
b. Whether the breach was willful, negligent, or the result of purely
innocent behavior.
c. The extent of uncertainty that the breaching party will perform the
remainder of the K.
d. The extent to which, despite the breach, the nonbreaching party will
obtain (or has obtained) the substantial benefit he has bargained for.
e. The extent to which the nonbreaching party can be adequately
f. Hardship on breaching party if the breach is considered material.
3. Walker & Co v. Harrison: Rental agreement between parties for Walker to
rent out a neon billboard with a clock which it was to construct and pay for on its
own, and to maintain on its own. There came to be some stuff on the sign, like a
tomato, rust, cobwebs and maybe some writings, and D asked P to clean it off per
agreement. P never answered and did not do it. D stopped paying.
a. who made the material breach? D, by not paying.
b. P’s breach in not cleaning the sign right away was minor.
4. K & G Construction Co. v. Harris: Bulldozer wreck case. D breached its
covenant to perform in a workmanlike manner, and P thereafter declined to make
good its return covenant to pay. D refused to perform further, causing damage to
a. failure to perform in a workmanlike manner and failure to accept
responsibility for knocking down the house was a material breach of the
constructive condition to perform work in a workmanlike manner, and so
it excuses genk’s obligation to make installment payments.
5. Separate contract doctrine. When there are multiple individual contracts
between parties, and one party breaches one or more of the individual contracts, it
does not excuse the other party from performing on the other separate contracts
that were not breached. Remember: court could decide it was all one contract, and
determine who committed the first material breach of the contract with several
parts. Then the doctrine of constructive conditions would apply.
i. To avoid this, a seller should put in an acceleration clause, which are
almost always upheld in court, RSTMT 2d 243(3), or use the procedure
of declaratory judgements so that court declares that paying party owes
the money then performing party doesn’t have to sue for each payment,
can just file a motion.
wasn’t. Seller’s appeal award of consequential damages on grounds of mutual
i. The general idea is that if a court agrees to rescind a contract based on
mutual mistake (which they did here), a party that has conferred a benefit
on the other side can say that other side should reimburse me for extent of
benefit by way of restitution if the benefit is significant.
ii. A party who rescinds a K based on mutual mistake may not recover
consequential damages.
F. Responses to a Mutual Mistake claim:
1. mistaken assumption is not basic enough. Thing sold should be fundamentally
different, although today’s standard is probably lower than this.
2. the effect of the mistaken assumption was not material enough. This is
primarily a value question. Imbalance in the exchange.
3. argue that other side had assumed the risk. That side took into account the
nonexistence of the basic assumption and that party expressly or impliedly
assumed the risk (see section 154). When a party has some idea that it has only
limited knowledge and decides to go ahead on the basis of that. Less inclination
on part of courts to undo transaction where seller has been harmed, where there
is a very large gain, than when there’s been a very large loss.
4. Zone of safety argument - did one party have an inkling that Thing was other
than presented? An argument that a little bit of knowledge does not fit adequately
into mistake, but on the other hand wasn’t enough knowledge to be grounds for
concealment. Not full of merit but worth trying. This is weak in Wood (jewelers)
because he’s a professional.
5. Remember: restitution is more likely to be granted than reliance, but
reliance is possible.
A. Definition: a Seller’s Defense based on changed conditions. Performance of a K
will normally be excused if the performance has been made impracticable. The
impracticability must involve the occurrence of an event whose nonoccurrence was a
basic assumption on which the K was made, and the adversely affected party must not
have assumed the risk of that K occurring. R2d261
B. Doctrine of commercial impracticability - where an unforeseen even occurs that
renders performance impracticable, courts often hold party is excused. Three kinds of
cases typically:
1. destruction or unavailability of subject matter of contract (Taylor v. Caldwell)
2. death of a party who contracted to perform or receive personal services
3. supervening provision by law. after entering into contract, a law is passed
prohibiting the acts you contracted to perform.
C. Cases:
1. Taylor v. Caldwell: Renting music hall and gardens case. Music hall burned
down before musicians arrived, so lessor couldn’t perform (impracticable).
Musicians sued.
i. Held: music hall burned down through no fault of either party, so both
parties are excused from performance. Court found implied condition
that parties shall be excused if performance becomes impossible because
the Thing perished without default of contractor
ii. Therefore, no reliance or expectancy damages (too hard to calculate
expectancy damages based on how many people would have come to
concert, etc.).
2. Transatlantic Fiancing Corp v. US: TFC had to go around the Suez Canal
because it was closed and wanted to recover the additional costs of the runaround.
TFC argues that the contract requires an implied term that the voyage was to be
performed in the usual and customary route (court agrees), which was via
Suez. When the Suez closed, however, that performance became impossible.
TFC argues that it conferred a benefit on the US by delivering otherwise, and
claims relief under quantum meruit.
i. Held: K was not made impossible or impracticable. No excessive
increase in costs to shipper and it was foreseeable.
ii. Test for impracticability:
a. a contingency, something unexpected, must have occurred MET
b. the risk of the unexpected condition must not have been
allocated either by agreement or custom MET - not allocated
although questionable in this case
c. occurrence of the contingency must have rendered performance
commercial impracticable NOT MET
iii. See UCC 2-615
3. Eastern v. Gulf (hate this case): Gulf used impracticability defense.
i. Held: events of the oil crisis were reasonably foreseeable, and the fact
it occurred was not an unexpected contingency.
ii. If it were unforeseeable, increased cost alone is not enough. It must
be positively unjust to hold the parties bound.”
iii. Unprofitable does not mean impossible. A mere showing of
unprofitability, without more, will not excuse performance of a K.
D. Forseeability: Even if they anticipated a possible turn of events, “the parties may not
have thought it sufficiently important a risk to have made it a subject of their bargaining.”
Should be factor in whether or not the party now claiming the D should have assumed the
E. Force Majeure: Clause introduced to contract when a part anticipates events that it
cannot readily prevent, and that might impede its performance.
1. Watch for ejusdem generis - or a general clause at the end of a force majeure
that says something along the lines of “and anything else like that which might
come up.” draft them carefully to include a little generic clause like this.
2. These are mostly used for sellers to protect themselves. Some kind of clause
that would excuse you from performing given certain circumstances that might
come up
F. Increased cost alone is not enough! You need a hugely multimillion dollar liability
for increased cost to really matter.
G. This defense is really hard to establish!
A. General: always a buyer’s defense. Buyer says yes I can pay, but purpose for
entering contract has disappeared, so it would be unfair to make me pay for it. Courts
reluctant to allow this.
B. Rstmt 265: draws a hard line re: frustration. Principal purpose must be substantially
frustrated. Not just a decrease in advantage. There is an assumption of risk element to be
considered. Only for when party’s performance becomes virtually worthless
C. Rstmt 272: talks about restitution for frustration or impossibility. Parties can attempt
to recover restitution in cases where justice requires it. Maybe even reliance.
D. Cases:
1. Krell v. Henry: P and D contracted for D to rent a flat for two days, which
were the days the coronation was to take place. Nothing in contract expressly
about coronation or purpose for renting flat. King got sick and no coronation
happened, so D declined to pay rent over the deposit he paid.
i. Held: rental was for purpose of watching coronation parade. This was
foundation of K and parties ought to be discharged.
ii. Rule: ascertain the substance of the contract, and then ask whether that
contract needed for its foundation the assumption of the existence of a
particular state of thing. If so, this limits the operation of general words,
and if contract becomes impossible by reason of non-existence of thing
assumed by both parties as the foundation, there will be no breach.
2. Cab case: This seems analogous to Krell. Mooney says only difference is that
there was an availability of other cabs so passenger wasn’t too put out when cab
didn’t come for him.
3. Chase Precast Corp v. John J. Paonessa Co.: Paonessa (genK) contracted
under 2 contracts w/ Chase (subK) to replace strips of grass with cement median
barriers as per its contract w/ xportation department. Citizens brought suit to stop
installation, and upon notification Chase stopped installment, having produced ½
the barriers, for which it was fully paid by Paonessa. Chase suffered no out of
pocket expense. Brought suit to cover anticipated profits from breach (CRAP
formula: Cost of reliance + anticipated profit), and Paonessa indemnified
Commonwealth if it should be found liable.
i. Held: Trial court ruled for Defendant under doctrine of impossibility of
performance. Appellate court affirmed, saying frustration of purpose was
more proper doctrine.
ii. Issues to decide in a frustration of purpose case (like impossibility):
a. foreseeability of supervening event,
b. allocation of risk of occurrence of event, and
c. degree of hardship to promisor
i. Only supermerchants make merchantability warranties, only they can
transfer an entrusters title in an ordinary course of business, but the code
generally applies to everyone selling stuff.
ii. Defendant will say it was not a transaction in goods, but rather
services contract so code doesn’t apply, so implied warranty of
merchantability doesn’t apply and you must prove negligence to recover,
or SL tort.
3. Anthony Pools v. Sheehan: AP built pool for Ps, who claim the skid resistant
material didn’t go all the way to the edge of the diving board, breaching an
implied warranty of merchantability and claimed use of defective diving board
was unreasonably dangerous - strict tort liability. D claims that this was contract
for services, and should be exempt under 2-316 for disclaimer of warranties.
i. 2-314 - supermerchant (merchant who deals in goods of this kind)
warrants that goods it sells will be of good quality
ii. 2-316 - a seller of consumer goods may not contractually disclaim
implied warranties
iii K on its face is hybrid, mixed for sale of services and goods. Test for
whether it’s goods or services is:
a. Predominant factor test: Whether the predominant factor is a
transaction of a sale of goods with labor incidentally involved or
vice versa.
1. Most states use this test still - called bone-break test.
b. Gravamen test: Whether the reason for the breach is directly
related to the fault of the service or the fault of the good (if it’s a
part that breaks, it comes under the UCC).
c. How to choose which test to use: policy considerations: If the
predominate factor test results in classifying the transaction as a K
for services, then there would be no UCC-based implied
warranties on the diving board and this would be contrary to the
legislative policy. (2-316)
to counter offer by its conduct. He who “fires the last shot” controls the
terms of the deal.
5. Four routes to K formation under 2-207:
i. Two questions: 1. is there a K?, 2: if so, what are its terms?
ii. Route A: 2-207(1) before comma. An acceptance operates as an
acceptance forming a K even if it’s not a mirror image. Buyer sends offer,
seller sends acceptance w/ new terms. Still a K. Terms are offeror’s
terms, buyer’s terms because seller has accepted the offer.
a. What about the new terms? (2) governs. New terms are
proposals for addition to K. If a K between merchants, sometimes
these new terms can become automatically part of K and be added
in, provided they pass through filter of (2).
b. This route could be called 1st shot rule because it allows party
sending offer to control the terms.
iii. Route B: SubS(1) after comma. Buyer sends offer, seller sends paper
back w/ express condition of B’s assent to all terms in S’s new form.
This is a counter offer by S. This preserves the old last-shot rule. Gets
to be a K when B expressly assents to conditions in S’s counter offer. S
controls terms. When B assents, the K exists.
iv. Route C: Conduct sufficient to establish K even though writings don’t
support. SubS (3). Both parties act like there’s a K. No one party
controls terms - “neutral terms.” All terms agreed upon are in, and terms
they didn’t agree on might be put in automatically by (3).
a. Code will supply implied warranty under 2-314 in this case.
v. Route D: Buyer and seller meet at place and conclude an oral deal.
Each goes back to her plant and one party sends a confirmation (or both
do). There is now a K (oral). Terms are terms parties agreed on orally,
and that’s all unless there’s something in confirmation other side agrees to
or that can come in automatically if it doesn’t materially alter.
i. What if one confirmation has a new term in it that wasn’t
discussed? We treat a new term in a confirmation the same way we
treat a new term in an acceptance under Route A. A proposal for
addition to K that must go through filter of (2).
6. Diamond Fruit v. Krack: Krack had an ongoing contract with Metal-Matic to
supply its tubing. Course of dealings had Krack sending a yearly PO for what
they wanted, followed by release POs (offer) to MM as they needed tubing,
followed by an acknowledgement (acceptance) from MM and shipment of tubing.
MM’s response disclaimed all liability for damages and limited MM’s liability for
defects in tubing to refunds or replacement or repair of tubing. This disclaimer
was printed on the back of MM’s acknowledgement form, with words on the front
instructing reader to review the back for terms and conditions. It said acceptance
of offer was expressly conditional on offeror’s acceptance of these additional
i. what constitutes assent to additional terms?
a. Court considers policy of neutrality. Says 2-207 does away
with CL’s last-shot rule, which states that the
counterofferor/offeree gets all its additional terms in just because it
“fired the last shot” (see above). Says 2-207 doesn’t allow either
party to unilaterally impose terms on the other. (I think this is
wrong! it DOES allow parties to unilaterally impose - see
routes to K formation above). Court says both parties could have
negotiated all terms but failed to do so, so neither party gets its
b. 2-207(3) should be applied because it’s more equitable to be
neutral than just giving one side all its terms. ROUTE C. Conduct
of parties did not indicate assent to additional terms.
7. Hills v. Gateway: The Hills ordered a computer and it came in a box with a K
from Gateway containing an arbitration clause, which said it governed if not
returned w/in 30 days. Hills complained after 30 days and filed not in accordance
w/ arb. clause.
i. a K need not be read to be valid, and that arbitration clauses must be
enforced save upon such grounds as exist at law or in equity for
revocation. People who accept take the risk of unread terms.
Therefore, by keeping the computer longer than 30 days, the Hills
accepted the arbitration clause
1. 2-201 governs. Must have writing to embody a sale for more than $500.
Section is meant to be less susceptible to abuse than SoF statute previously.
2. Requirements:
i. Writing must evidence an existing K
ii. Writing must be signed
iii. Writing must specify a quantity, though not necessarily a price because
a court can always find a price out of the market price
3. There are five softenings of SoFs to minimize scoundrels being able to hide
behind statute:
i. c1: all you need to satisfy statute is a piece of paper that constitutes a
basis for believing parties entered into K (don’t need full and complete
text of whole agreement)
a. writing must contain some reasonable evidence of oral K
b. must be signed
c. must specify quantity (don’t need price)
ii. 1-201 (39): merchant’s exception to signing
iii. sub 3a - specially manufactured goods don’t need signed writing
because of real opportunity for injustice
iv. sub 3b - judicial admission exception
v. sub 3c - if seller has accepted payment or buyer accepts goods, that
party loses SoF defense
a. partial payment of acceptance does not necessarily remove the
entire K from the SoF, only the portion paid for or accepted
4. Distrubu-dor v. Karadanis: Ps and Ds contracted for Ps to supply mirrors and
tubs for Tahoe Inn under construction by Ds. During some price negotiations,
numbers were sent back and forth on a paper, which P then signed and D refused
to sign, saying “my word is my bond.”
i. Held: this was a K for specially manufactured goods, to which SoF
201 (3)(a) doesn’t apply, so there didn’t need to be a writing for K to be
ii. Even though the tubs weren’t particularly manufactures and mirrors
were, they can be included since they were part of the whole K and there’s
no justification in holding part of the K enforceable and another not.
Once part of the K is taken out under (3)(a), the whole K is taken out.
dealings…obligation by the seller to use best efforts to supply the goods
and by the buyer to use best efforts to promote their sale.
a. Output v. Requirements K v. Excl. Dealing K: which party
are we trying to protect?
A. In an exclusive dealing K, we are protecting the person
who gave away the exclusive right to the other party. Other
party’s obligation is to use best efforts. (Wood v. Lucy)
B. In a requirements K, other party’s obligation is to use
good faith, because seller hasn’t given away its right to sell
elsewhere. Seller in RK is not in as desperate a situation as
seller in EDK. (Eastern v. Gulf)
C. Output K where seller says it can only sell to buyer all
of its output, party we’re trying to protect is buyer, who can
buy K goods elsewhere. Seller has to have output in good
faith. (Feld v. Henry)
b. Feld v. Henry S. Levy & Sons: P and D contracted for P to buy
“all” of D’s bread crumbs for a stated period of time, automatically
renewable, w/ cancellation clause. A month before the initial
agreement was to expire, D stopped making crumbs and
dismantled its equipment. It told P it would make crumbs again is
the price went up, but D had sold all its equipment.
A. 2-306 says every contract of this type imposes an
obligation of good faith performance.
B. Output K is not too indefinite and does not lack
C. Impending bankruptcy of seller would justify
termination of bread crumb making, but just a decrease in
profit would not.
iii. 307 - delivery usually in a single lot
iv. 308 - place for delivery
v. 309 - time for K performance and termination
vi. 310(a) - time for payment @ time of receipt by buyer
vii. 311 - K does not fail for indefiniteness simply because one party can
specify particulars of performance
2. Code Warranties
i. 2-312 through 2-318 govern.
ii. To win a breach of warranty case, P must show:
a. seller warranted items
b. goods did not conform to warranty
c. P suffered damage as a result
iii. Express warranties: 2-313 c.1 test is whether the language or samples
or models are fairly to be regarded as part of the contract. Created by
(Keith v. Buchanan factors):
a. any affirmation of fact or promise made by the seller to buyer
(must be more than “mere puffing.”
b. Any description of the goods which is made part of the basis of
the bargain
c. Any sample or model which is made part of the basis of the
iv. Implied warranties:
a. merchantability 2-314 - most important. Seller must be
b. fitness for particular purpose 2-315 - very rare!
A. Seller may disclaim under 2-316.
B. Reliance is important (Keith)
C. To prevail, a P must show:
1. that seller knew of particular purpose
2. that seller knew buyer was relying on seller’s
skill to provide for that purpose
3. that buyer did in fact rely on that skill
v. Keith v. Buchanan - EXPRESS WARRANTY, no implied. P Keith
bought a boat from D at a boat show, after relying on advertising
brochures and salesman’s promise it was a seaworthy vessel. He also had
some friends inspect it and tell him it would suit his needs, though he had
a lot of experience on boats and had done some previous research himself.
vi. Braton v. Tra Mo: The parties negotiated to use a substance for fuel
tankns, high-density polyethylene. The material was demonstrated to P by
dropping it from forklift, and D’s plant manager told P it was really strong
and he thought “it would do the job.” D manufactured 5 test tanks and
subjected them to tests. Issue of whether test tanks were “samples” or
“models.” Court finds they were models and therefore subject to 313
comment descriptions.
a. What is a Sample: Actually drawn from the bulk of the goods
which is the subject matter for the sale.
b. What is a Model: Offered for inspection when the subject
matter is not at hand and it has not been drawn from the bulk of
c. Were models part of basis of bargain? YES.
d. Did D breach by making non-conforming goods? YES
vii. Blockhead v. PFC: Wiglet case. Seller was merchant w/ respect to
blow-molded products, and that’s the definition of goods here, not wiglet
cases in particular, so he was a supermerchant.
a. Buyer loses on 314 because he inspected the goods to his full
satisfaction (2-316(3)(b)), and because he gave his own specs for
how they are to be made.
b. Also, there really was no “particular” purpose. The wiglet cases
were never intended for any purpose other than their ordinary
purpose, which was to carry wigs
c. Also, no proof that product did not really conform to models
presented. Some variation to be expected.
viii. Any time you see the buyer looking at the goods or samples or
models of goods before the contract, you need to think about:
a. it may create an express warranty by sample or model, and
b. it may negate the implied warranties as seen in Blockhead.
c. So you might be able to make two different arguments when
samples or models are inspected by buyer.
ix. Valley Iron Steel v. Thorin: Buyer wants some hoedads made to sell
at it’s store, so asks Valley Iron to make some based on a model it brought
in. Buyer asked seller what to make them out of, and Valley Iron said
Iron, buyer said OK, but then it wasn’t strong enough and they were
breaking all over the place. It turned out they needed to use steel instead
of iron. Buyer sold a bunch of these hoedads to others, and refused to pay
Valley Iron for defective ones. Seller brought suit for rest of contract
a. Fitness W: when goods are specially manufactured, their
particular purpose is their ordinary purpose.
1. VI breached b/c they had reason to know Thorin was
relying, Thorin did rely, and goods were not fit.
b. Merchantability W: VI was supermerchant because he dealt in
goods of iron, even though not particularly hoedads.
c. 2-608 right to revoke acceptance: allows a buyer who has
taken goods in stock to revoke its acceptance and push goods back
on seller. Court exercises this remedy, so D doesn’t have to pay
for 80% that were defective, but does have to pay for 20% that
weren’t defective.
x. Delano v. Supreme (MOONEY’s fave case): Fresno mold wine case.
a. 314 merchantability: the wine could not pass in the trade w/o
objection and was not fit for the ordinary purpose (drinking).
b. 2-607(3) sufficiency of notice of breach: Notice is sufficient if
it fulfills purposes of notice and allows seller to infer that buyer is
asserting its legal rights under 608. Even just oral notice is
sufficient in most cases. Good notice here.
c. 2-608 Supreme gave effective revocation of acceptance.
1. 1-106 - remedies to put party as in good a position as if
other party had fully performed. This may include
(consequential) loss of profits and (incidentals) reasonable
i. Consequentials are those that cannot be
reasonably prevented and arise naturally from the
breach or which are reasonably contemplated by the
2. 2-715 - lost good will. Such damages don’t require
mathematical certainty.
i. Is the seller a supermerchant? 2-104
ii. Are the goods merchantable under 2-314(2)? “fair average quality, pass
without objection into trade.”
iii. Did seller breach warranty of merchantability? 2-314.
iv. Is the item being used for its ordinary purposes, or for a particular
purpose? When item specially manufactured its ordinary purpose is its
particular purpose. Warranty of fitness 2-315.
v. Did seller breach warranty of fitness?
vi. What defenses are available?
a. Warranty disclaimer 2-316? Was it conspicuous? Can’t
disclaim an express warranty under sub. 1.
b. Remedy limitation 2-719? Will warranty fail of its essential
c. Trade usage 2-208? Can buyer come back with course of
dealing response (like Delano tried)?
d. 2-607(3): Did buyer give effective notice of the alleged breach
in required reasonable time?
vii. Damages: Formula A: Loss in value (K price) – Cost Avoided
limits on the reverse side. M had never dealt with them before and was
not on notice of these disclaimers and limits. M never got any warranty
from C. The paver never worked right for the 5 months M used it, and
product was not satisfactory to PennDot.
a. Disclaimer was not conspicuous (1-201)
b. not fit for its ordinary purpose (314)
c. Limitation of remedies was unconscionable (715, 302)
vi. Cox v. Lewiston Grain Growers: The seeds that failed to germinate.
a. Warranty disclaimer is unenforceable.
1. Berg Rule: disclaimers are disfavored in the law and
ineffectual unless specifically negotiated between the buyer
and seller. The Berg rule should apply due to the specific
requirements of the sale. No negotiations occurred
regarding the disclaimer or exclusionary clause contained
in the delivery ticket.
b. The exclusionary clause was unconscionable.
1. Determining Conscionability:
A. The manner in which the K was entered
B. Whether the parties had a reasonable opportunity
to understand the terms of the K, and
C. Whether important terms were hidden in fine
c. Insurance payments could not reduce the damages award
1.Rule for Collateral Source: Payments received by the
injured party from a source independent of the tortfeasor
will not reduce recoverable damages by the tortfeasor
d. First K has to pass Berg’s Rule, then it has to pass 719:
1. limitation will not be enforced if the remedy fails its
essential purpose
5. Notice Requirements:
i. Governed by 607(3).
a. buyer must notify seller w/in reasonable time
b. Comment 4: a retail consumer somewhat more time to notify,
but for a merchant a reasonable time may by very short (some
courts say 10 days for perishable products).
ii. Two issues of notification:
a. timing (was it reasonable?)
b. content of notification (oral OK, might have to say word
6. Concept of Title:
i. when does title pass?
a. this is much less important under the code than it was at CL or
under USA
b. the only people really interested in this are third parties like
insurance co.’s, not B and S
c. unless otherwise agreed, title passes at time of delivery by seller
2-401(2), where delivery does not necessarily equal receipt of
goods by buyer.
d. See Di Rocco, pg 198: did seller complete delivery of truck by
delivering it to painter at request of buyer? Yes, so buyer’s
insurance had to pay.
ii. when can the seller pass good title to the buyer? 2-403
a. voidable title - sub 1: seller had voidable title and can pass good
title to buyer (buyer only has to buy in good faith, not OCB)
b. entrusting title - sub 2: orig. owner of goods entrusted them to
seller and buyer in ordinary course of business can purchase them
c. You cannot pass title through a thief!
iii. Heinrich v. Titus Will: H wanted to buy a truck, so he contracted with
W for W to purchase a truck for H. W contracted w/ TW to buy from
them. TW gave W the truck on a bad check, and W gave truck to H.
When TW found check bounced, they wanted truck back, and W took
truck back from H and gave to TW.
a. In order to prevail under 403(2), (3) - entrusting case, P must
1. that TW entrusted the truck to Wilson and thus
empowered Wilson subsequently to transfer all rights to P
(Yes, TW did entrust truck)
2. Wilson was a merchant dealing in automobiles (Yes, W
held himself out to be a dealer and was treated like one by
both parties)
3. P bought the truck from W as a buyer in the ordinary
course of business (Yes, H was buyer in good faith)
b. In order to prevail for voidable title doctrine, P must show:
1. TW delivered to Wilson “under a transaction of
purchase” (dispute in this case, court holds W did
2. Wilson paid TW for the truck with a bad check (No
3. Heinrich was a good faith purchaser for value (dispute
in this case - court holds that H did purchase for value and
TW conveys title to Wilson under UCC)
iv. Three general policies support 403(2):
a. protects innocent buyer
b. the entruster is in a better position than innocent buyer to protect
against risk that intermediary won’t pay
c. facilitates flow of commerce by allowing purchasers to rely on
merchant’s apparent right to sell, don’t want buyers to be hesitant
to purchase for risk of loss of title
7. Risk of Loss:
i. FOB - Free on Board. 2-319.
a. 319(1)(a) - FOB place of shipment = shipment K
i. If a K is FOB place of shipment, 319(1)(a) and 509(1)(a)
- risk of loss absence breach - goods are shipped at buyer’s
expense and risk. There is a strong presumption in
ambiguous Ks that K is a shipment K.
b. 319(1)(b) - FOB place of desintation = destination K
c. 319(1)(c) - FOB a vehicle like RR car. Seller must actually load
goods onto the vehicle at buyer’s risk.
ii. CIF - Cost, Insurance & Freight. 2-320. C of goods, insurance and
freight are all included in K price. The seller must deliver goods to
carrier, must obtain receipt from carrier (bill of lading), seller must pay
freight, must purchase insurance payable to buyer, and must send all of the
relevant paperwork to the buyer. Once seller has done this, risk passes to
buyer from place of shipment. The implication of a CIF K is that buyer
has to pay for the goods without inspecting them, when paperwork arrives
at buyer.
iii. Windows v. Jordan Panel: Press brake fell out of truck during
shipment. Question of whether was a destination or shipment K, court
holds it a shipment K and that R of L was on buyer.
a. Buyer has recourse against shipping co. for goods damaged in
transit. 509(1)(a).
iv. 509 - principle Risk of Loss section, deals w/ 4 different types of Ks.
v. Cook Specialty Co. v. Schrlock: Terms were FOB MSI’s warehouse.
K was FOB shipment, and therefore buyer bears risk of loss. MSI
completed its part by putting goods on reasonable carrier, and at such time
risk passes to buyer.
a. Buyer argued that seller used unreasonable carrier. This is a 504
argument. If seller had used unreasonable methods of shipment,
goods would not have been duly delivered to carrier and then R of
L wouldn’t shift to buyer at that point
b. seller didn’t have to make sure the insurance was adequate,
only would be inadequate if seller agreed to inadequate valuation
of goods. Seller here did not deliberately and knowingly
underinsure goods.
vi. Jason’s Foods v. Peter Eckrich: Risk of loss passed when passage of
title was acknowledged by buyer, not by seller. Risk of loss did not pass
w/o acknowledgement by buyer.
a. 502(b) case because goods were being held for buyer in
warehouse that burned. Title had passed, but not Risk of Loss.
vii. Schock v. Ronderos: Mobile home case. Location or status of title is
not relevant to which party bears loss - risk of loss was on buyers once
tender of delivery made. 509(3). Buyers could have removed home at
any time.
a. Tender of delivery defined in 503.
viii. 2-510: risk generally remains on person in possession, even tho they
may be innocent. But if the innocent party’s insurance is deficient, then
risk will shift to the breaching party.
ix. Wilke v. Cummins: Diesel generator case. Location of title isn’t
that important. Delivery of the goods that were nonconforming - kept
Risk of Loss on seller under 510(1).
a. Mooney says this could have been a 509(3) case, and then the
issue would have been if goods had ever been “received.”
b. Remember that negligence is always a possible override onto
risk of loss rules. If risk had passed to Wilke, if W can show that
even though risk has passed that freezing occurred b/c of neg. on
part of Cummins, then W would win. Try 1-103 for this argument.
x. Multiplastics v. Arch Industries: After M made the, they asked AI for
releases, which AI refused to give citing labor difficulties and vacations.
M kept trying to get in touch, and AI eventually agreed but never did pick
up pellets. Finally one day, M’s plant was destroyed by fire, and the
pellets weren’t covered by insurance, so they sued to recover K price.
Buyer’s breach.
a. M tendered delivery when they notified AI to pick up and AI
had reasonable time to get them under 510(3).
b. D argues for defenses of waiver and estoppel. D stupidly argues
that P was basically agreeing with their refusal to accept delivery
by continuing to make attempts to get them to accept delivery
(waiver). Court doesn’t buy it. Court also doesn’t find any
1. Two elements of estoppel:
A. one party must do or say something which is
intended or calculated to induce another to believe
in the existence of certain facts and to act on that
B. the other party must change his position or do
some act to his injury as a result which he would
not otherwise have done (reliance)
iii. 601 - buyer’s right to reject. Seller can recover only if it tenders
goods that conform perfectly.
a. There are 5 exceptions to the perfect tender rule:
1. good faith (can’t reject in bad faith), 2-103
2. seller’s right to cure, 2-508
3. installment contracts, where buyer can only reject an
installament if nonconformity substantially impairs the
value of that installment, 2-612(2), 612(3) says you can
only cancel the K if any nonconformity substantially
impairs the value of the entire K
4. failure by seller to conform to its obligations under 2-504
only constitutes rejection grounds if material delay or loss
5. buyer’s right to reject is bound necessarily with buyer’s
accepting the goods. Once buyer accepts under 2-606, it
can no longer reject them (could revoke acceptance under
iv. International Commodities Export v. North Pacific Lumber:
Moldy beans - buyer rejecting 9 months after receiving them. Buyer’s
rejection was untimely, revocation untimely, buyer acted like they owned
the goods (inconsistent with notion that P still owned) and in fact resold
them, and did not give effective notice of revocation of acceptance.
a In this case, buyer accepted goods under 606(1)(a).
b. Therefore, the burden is now on buyer to show nonconformity
under 607(4).
c. Since buyer didn’t reject, he tries to say he revoked under 608.
But it came too late, and really didn’t give any notice, so it doesn’t
d. A buyer may also accept by failing to make an effective r
ejection 606(1)(b) - points to 602 saying if buyer rejected too late.
e. 606(1)(c) if buyer does any act inconsistent w/ seller’s
ownership, buyer accepts.
v. Bowen v. Foust: Air conditioner compressor case.
a. Buyer revoked its acceptance under 2-608.
b. Buyer has right to throw goods back on seller by revocation of
acceptance and recover money (2-711).
c. Seller claims they wanted to cure under 2-508, but ct. held that
seller never offered to cure. 508 only allows a fix by replacing w/
conforming goods.
vi. An aggrieved buyer has two big avenues of remedy:
a. throwing the goods back onto seller (rejection), getting money
plus damages back. If you can effectively reject under 601 or
revoke under 608.
b. if buyer waited too long or otherwise can’t revoke or reject, then
buyer is stuck with goods but not without remedy if goods don’t
conform - 714 - which says buyer can sue for whatever damages it
can show.
iii. 706 - most frequently invoked remedy, seller can resell the goods and
get difference between K price and resale value. Advise seller clients to
resell if possible because this is the easiest calculation.
a. If aggrieved seller resells the goods in good faith, in a
commercially reasonable manner, and in accordance with req’s in
706 (notice), then seller can recover difference between K price
and resale price plus any incidental damages under 710, less
expenses saved.
b. And if seller makes a profit on resale, (6) says seller may keep
that profit.
c. (3) requires reasonable notification of intent to sell for a
private sale, not including time and place. In a public resale, (4)
governs. Seller must give notice of time and place specifically.
More notice required for public resale because there are few
bidders so you have to give them extra notice.
iv. 708(1) - contract market remedy, if seller doesn’t resell or resells
inappropriately and cannot recover full K price, it’s entitled to diff
between K price and presumably lower market price
v. 708(2) - lost volume seller, where if preceding remedies don’t make
seller whole, he is entitled to full profit he would have made.
a. Don’t ADD in overhead, just don’t subtract it either. It just
comes in if you don’t subtract the overhead costs. Just don’t worry
about it. Just remember LV-CA!!! Not loss in profits, just
unpaid contract price.
d. Cargill v. Stafford: Wheat buying case, 2 separate transactions,
1 valid K.
1. Mooney says this case came out the wrong way. Should
have been a Route D case, not a B or C as court treats it.
207 allows additional terms.
2. Damages under 713: Time to calculate market price is
date when buyer learns of the breach, which is the date for
i. buyer in a rising market might have a good faith
obligation to cover before the last date for
iv. Buyer’s right to specific performance or replevin - 716
v. Copylease v. Memorex - Inability of Copylease to find adequate
replacement (to “cover”) may present an exception to the bar to recovery
and count as a uniqueness circumstance under 716.
vi. Farmers Elevator v. Lyle: Buyer of corn on an oral K resold the corn
to someone else, based on anticipation of receiving corn from seller. To
make good on that resale, buyer bought two other batches of corn from
two other people.
a. court invoked a modern view of estoppel against statute of
frauds 1-103, and the cover remedy itself under 712, which has a
good faith reasonable requirement on buyer, w/o unreasonable
b. Good faith req see Comment 2, 712. Argument to make to
court in justifying a buyer’s cover is that the buyer should spend
money and make the contract as though it were its own money. If
the cover K is one buyer would have made if seller hadn’t
breached, then go ahead.
vii. 714 - buyer’s damages for breach after accepting goods.
a. Remember an aggrieved buyer has two routes to go down (reject
or revoke and throw back on seller or keep goods and sue).
viii. 715 - ability of non-breaching buyer to recover incidental and
consequential damages
ix. 719 - limitation of remedy
x. Always an argument by seller that it couldn’t foresee kinds of
damages that buyer is now claiming.
Choice of Law
The UCC applies to Ks for the sale of goods in excess of $500. All other Ks are subject
to the common law of the state in which they were formed/performed.
Whether an offer has been made is judged on an objective standard, i.e. from the
perspective of the hypothetical reasonable person. Advertisements and price quotations
are generally not offers. If a communication is ambiguous, Courts generally look at the
language and surrounding circumstances to determine whether an offer has been made.
Reliance can substitute for performance under the doctrine of Promissory Estoppel. A
promise made without consideration may be enforced in order to prevent injustice. R2d
90 holds binding those promises which the promisee should reasonably have expected the
promisee to rely on, if the promisor did in fact rely on it to her detriment.
Formation Defects
Ways to Avoid the Statute of Frauds: Part performance will take a contract outside the
statute of frauds if the performance is consistent with the existence of the alleged
contract. Reliance: the statute is circumvented if reliance is reasonable, foreseeable, and
detrimental. Restitution: An action for restitution is never within the reach of the Stat. of
Frauds b/c it is not an action on a contract. Not covered - a court may decide that a
situation is not covered by the statue at all.
Mistake is “a belief not in accordance with the facts.” An optimistic but wrong
prediction about the future is not a mistake in k law. If mistake is proven, the k is void
and both parties are relieved of all obligation. Mistakes may be bilateral or unilateral, but
succeeding under unilateral k is much more difficult.
Elements of Mistake
K Terms
Steps to K Interpretation:
Ejusdem generis = “of the same kind” A list of items followed by an ‘etc.’ will be construed as
including only things closely similar to the items already listed.
Expressio unis est exclusio alterius = “the inclusion of one thing excludes all others”
Especially relevant to force majeure clauses.
Contra proferentem = Ambiguities in the language will be construed against the party who
drafted the k.
En pari materia = read the different parts of the k as a whole, giving effect to each.
Consistency = words used more than once should be interpreted the same way each time.
Term of Art = words with an established legal or industry meaning should be given that
Handwritten Terms Control = If there are handwritten and typewritten terms that conflict, the
handwritten term is controlling because it is assumed to be a later alteration of a typed term.
Implied Terms
• See Warranties below.
• There is an implied covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing in every contract.
• Best Efforts: Implied duty to work as hard for the contracting party as you would
work for any other party you didn’t dislike. OR Market a product as if it were
your product. Mostly applicable in percentage lease or exclusive rights cases.
• A satisfaction clause is read to be objective with respect to utilitarian things, but
subjective with regard to things that require personal taste (such as art).
• In employment law, there is an implied term that allows termination at any time
for any (or no) reason. (Wood’s Rule)
1. Public Policy
a. Perjury - employer cannot fire you for refusing to lie.
b. Jury Duty – cannot be fired for fulfilling civic duty.
c. Statutes – cannot be fired for asserting rights under a statute (OSHA,
Title VII, whistleblower, etc.)
2. Good Faith and Fair Dealing
a. Opportunism
b. Rules must be applied evenly.
3. Implied Promise – employer makes some kind of statement that implies that
continued employment is guaranteed.
Implied Warranties
Every k for sale of goods includes an implied warranty of merchantability UCC 2-314. If
a seller has reason to know of buyer’s particular purpose for an item, and the buyer relies
on the seller’s judgment that the item is fit for that purpose, then there is an implied
warranty of fitness UCC 2-315. Super Merchants (UCC 2-314) have extra implied
Warranty of Title
A k for sale of goods includes an implied warranty of title, i.e. that the seller has good
title to the item being sold and it is not stolen. UCC 2-312. If the title is voidable, a good
faith purchaser may obtain good title. R2d §403(1).
Express Warranties
An express warranty is an affirmation of fact or a promise. Mere puffing (“best burgers
in town”) does not constitute a warranty. An express warranty must have some bearing
on the quality of the goods. It will be presumed that the buyer relied on the warranty
when making the purchase; it is the seller’s burden to prove that he did not. UCC 2-313.
Disclaiming Warranties
Implied warranties may be disclaimed, but the disclaimer must be conspicuous. It is very
difficult, if not impossible, to disclaim an express warranty. R2d §316(1)
K of adhesion
Contract of Adhesion: standardized contract drafted and imposed by one party on
another. Contracts of adhesion are not per se unenforceable. They are only
unenforceable if:
• One of the stated terms falls outside of the other party’s stated expectations.
• One of the terms is substantively unduly oppressive or unconscionable.
Partial Integration = some terms have been formalized, some have not. PER applies
to the formalized terms, but more terms may be added.
A condition is an event which is not certain to occur, which must occur (unless it is
excused) in order to activate an existing contractual duty.
Kinds of conditions:
Interpreting Conditions
A party seeking a performance might ask the other party to undertake a duty to render
that performance, might make its own performance conditional on the other party
rendering that performance, or might do both. If it is unclear whether a term should be
considered a condition or a promise, the court will generally err on the side of a promise
in order to avoid forfeiture. If a duty, the breaching party still pays damages and makes
the other party whole, if a condition, cancels entire contract (potentially very harsh).
Courts have a strong preference to avoid forfeiture – even if the drafter has taken pains to
make clear that forfeiture is intended, R2d §229 states that a condition may be excused to
avoid “disproportionate forfeiture.”
Mitigating Conditions
The harsh effect of a non-occurrence of a condition can be mitigated in these ways:
1. Prevention: If you prevent a condition from occurring in order to avoid
performing your duty, you cannot escape your duty by arguing that the condition
never occurred.
2. Waiver: the parties may agree that performance will still happen even if the
condition does not occur or is delayed.
a. Estoppel: A party that has waived a condition may retract that waiver
before the time when the condition was to occur, unless the other party has
not substantially relied on the waiver. However, a waiver that occurred
after a condition was due cannot be retracted.
3. Election: when a condition has not occurred, a party may choose to perform
regardless, or may choose to cancel the k altogether. This choice is binding, even
without reliance by the other party.
Nonoccurrence of a Condition
Generally, when a party does not perform, they breach the k and are liable for damages.
However, there are several mitigating doctrines which may relieve the breaching party of
some or all liability.
Determining materiality is the most difficult step in the analysis, and a number of factors
will be considered, as stated in R2d §241.
1. To what extent will the injured party be deprived of the benefit which he
reasonably expected?
2. To what extent can the inured party be adequately compensated?
3. How severe will the forfeiture of the breaching party be?
4. What is the likelihood of the breaching party curing the breach?
5. Did the breaching party conform with standards of good faith and fair
Snierson Says: A prudent party will treat a breach as partial because if the injured
party treats the breach as material and terminates, and the court later determines that the
Mitigating nonperformance
Substantial Performance
Substantial performance deals with the case in which the breaching party has finished
performing and the injured party refuses to pay because the performance is defective or
incomplete. If a party’s performance departs from contractual requirements in only
insignificant ways, the party will be considered to have substantially performed, and will
be entitled to payment, less any loss in value caused by the departure from requirements.
This doctrine is most commonly used in construction cases, where a builder has varied in
a minor way from plans or requested materials. Note: if a party willfully and fraudulently
varies from the terms of a k, he cannot benefit from substantial performance. In order to
be considered to be considered substantial, the performance must fulfill several
If a K consists of several distinct items or performances, and the price to be paid is
apportioned to each item, the K will generally held to be severable. Therefore, non-
delivery of a single item will not breach the entire K. However, if the payment is isngle
and entire, then the K must be entire, although it may consist of several distinct and
independent items. Snierson says, “It’s almost like 10,000 mini Ks bundled together, so
with respect to 5800 of those Ks, he performed, and the rest he did not perform”
(referring to Gill v. Johnstown Lumber). Divisibility may be useful when there has been
partial performance, but the performance has been less than substantial.
Restitution is another way to mitigate the severe effect of a less than substantial
performance. Rather than holding the breaching party liable for the total value of the k,
the performing party is paid for any work done, but he is liable for any unperformed work
or loss in value. The logic is that the performing party is entitled to restitution for the
benefit he has conferred on the other party. To allow the other party to receive full
damages plus that benefit would be unjust enrichment.
Prospective Nonperformance
Anticipatory Repudiation
Repudiation is a statement of intention not to perform except on conditions which go
beyond the K. In order to constitute repudiation, a party’s language must be sufficiently
positive to be reasonably interpreted to mean that the party will not or cannot perform.
When repudiation is not accompanied by breach because it has happened before the time
for performance has arrived, it is called an “anticipatory repudiation.” When an
anticipatory repudiation occurs, the party receiving the repudiation is not required to
begin to “cover” until the time for performance comes about. The party receiving the
repudiation does not have to wait until the time for performance to sue, but he must allow
the repudiating party a little time to reconsider.
Responses to Repudiation
Retraction of Repudiation
The repudiator has the power to retract prior to any change of position by the other party,
but not afterwards. All that is required to close the door to retraction is definite action
indicating that the anticipatory breach has been accepted as final. This definite action
may be either filing of a suit or a firm declaration that unless within a fixed time the
breach is repudiated, it will be accepted. Under UCC 2-611 and R2d §256, it is enough
that the aggrieved party has indicated that he considers the repudiation final – no step in
reliance is needed. This is in the interest of creating certainty for the injured party.
On rare occasions, a party may be excused from a k obligation if an obstacle arises that
was not taken into account at the time of formation. If the obstacle existed when the k
was made, but was not known to the parties, then mistake may excuse non-performance
(see Formation Defects). If, however, an unforeseeable event occurs after the k is made
and impedes performance, impracticability may apply. Similarly, if a turn of events has
thwarted a party’s object in making the k, frustration of purpose may relieve the party’s
3 Requirements of Impracticability
1. Something unexpected must have occurred.
2. The risk of the unexpected occurrence must not have been allocated either by agreement or custom.
3. Occurrence of the contingency must have rendered performance commercially impracticable.
Frustration of Purpose
Performance remains possible but the expected value of performance to the party seeking
to be excused has been destroyed by an unforseen event. Frustration of purpose has a
high threshold, like impracticability. If you can get any other use from the k, you
probably will not succeed in escaping the k. Biggest difference between mistake and
frustration of purpose is that mistake happens at the time the k is formed, whereas with
frustration, everything is fine at the time of k formation, but later events cause the
Elements of Frustration
1. An unexpected contingency
2. Affecting a basic assumption of the K
3. Completely/mostly frustrating a party’s purpose
4. No assumption of risk by the party seeking to escape K
Remedies for breach fit into two broad categories: equitable and substitutive. Equitable
damages include injunction and specific performance, and are rarely awarded.
Substitutive relief is money damages, and is the default. There are three interests that
remedies serve: expectation, reliance, and restitution.
Loss in Value: deprivation of the expected return performance (what should have
been received less what, if anything, was actually received).
Other Loss: loss of anything other than expected return; physical damage to person
or property, expenses incurred in an attempt to salvage the transaction.
Cost Avoided: a beneficial effect where the injured party is saved additional expense
that continued performance would have incurred.
Loss Avoided: a beneficial effect where the injured party is able to avoid some loss
by salvaging and reallocating resources that would have been devoted to
The Formulas
Formula A
Formula B
Looks to correct an unfairness, such as unjust enrichment. See Mitigating
Nonperformance above.
Losing Ks
Reliance damages cannot be greater than expectation damages. If a party was going to
lose money on a K, that loss will be taken into account when damages are awarded.
Limitations on Damages
A plaintiff must be able to prove damages with “reasonable certainty”, i.e. they must be
shown by clear and satisfactory evidence. There are several methods that may be used to
prove business losses.
Donee Beneficiary: Purpose of the K was to make a gift to the third party either of
money or of performance under the K.
Incidental Beneficiary: K did not intend to benefit third party, any benefit would
be accidental. This party has no rights under the K.
Assignment is the present unilateral transfer of rights under a K to a third party. Very
specific language is needed to create an assignment. “I hereby assign” works. “I will
transfer” or “please pay x” does not create an assignment. Assignment happens after k
formation, may be written or not, and may be for consideration. Gift assignments are
generally revocable. R2d §317, UCC 2-210
The transfer of an obligation to perform a duty or condition under a k to a third party.
Most duties may be delegated, unless the other party has a strong interest in having a
particular person perform the duty. However, a delegation does not relieve the obligation
of the delegating party. If the third party fails to perform, the original party must. R2d
§318, UCC 2-210