Public Speaking Skills Training
Public Speaking Skills Training
Public Speaking Skills Training
Public Speaking
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Public Speaking Skills Training: The Art of Public Speaking With Notes
Every speaker speaks with notes - even the ones that insist that notes shouldn't be used in the art of public speaking at all! When speaking 'without notes', our brains are still referring back to what we have written in preparation for the speech, or referencing touchpoints in the room that represent tentpoles in the presentation. Even if you are speaking "off the cuff," you are pulling information out of your head as fast as possible, essentially looking for notes in the broad files of your brain. That's the art of public speaking. Without getting mired too far into the neuroscience of note usage in the art of public speaking, let's look at ways you can use notes effectively in your presentations. 1. 4x6 Cards. I prefer these to 3x5 as they allow for a larger font to be used, and are easier to sort through. To effectively use cards, print one point per card - one sentence only that will trigger the segment you've practiced 100 times. Triggers get you to the story, and prevent you from reading from the card. At most, have a short Transition sentence and the Trigger on each card, to help you go from one point to the next. In addition to Triggers and Transitions, quotes that must be read correctly belong on notecards, as well as statistics, research attributions, poems - anything in the art of public speaking that must be repeated word for word.
I find that printing my notes in 36 point type or more on the computer, then cutting and pasting it to each card keeps my notes legible, allows me to hold the cards further away, so as not to obscure my face or mouth as I refer to them. Handwritten notes, even written in large type, can be tough to read 'in the moment', which is detrimental to the art of public speaking, so don't let yourself be tempted to outline your speech at the last minute. Remember to number your note cards, in case you drop them before you hit the stage, or, in the worst case scenario, ON stage! 2. 8 1/2 x 11 Sheets. Loose leaf, heavier stock, 36 point type or larger. Keep these on a lectern or table that can serve as your 'home base' between segments. Avoid notebooks, particularly spiral bound. Folding the sheets into halfsheets will make them less obtrusive, if you must carry them around with you. Content-wise, the rules for sheets mirror the rules for cards - Triggers, Transitions, and information that must be exact. Number the points on the pages as well - scanning the notes will simplified if you're looking for numbers in front of your segments. 3. Symbols An old memorization technique, that isn't memorization at all, but simply symbolic notes in the art of public speaking, is to assign your speech parts to objects, or places in the room or on the stage. Taking note of your surroundings, and assigning each plant or corner or picture in the room a part of your speech allows the room you are in to become a giant cheat sheet. Even sticking colored felt shapes around parts of the stage can serve as quick mental triggers as you move through your content. 4. PowerPoint Sad as it is, PowerPoint is a tried and true crutch to get you from point A to point Z in your speech. You must be cautious that points A-Z don't result in simply snore-filled Z's instead! Suffice to say, the art of public speaking is not the art of hiding behind slides - don't let your PowerPoint notes speak instead of YOU! 5. Using the Audience If you have handouts with your points on them, you can actually create audience involvement by having them remind you of your next point. Perhaps award someone in the room the right to be your prompter. It gets the audience involved in the art of public speaking, and can provide an opportunity for both interaction and humor throughout the speech. 6. Proper Eye Contact. It's easy to anticipate your need to use a notecard as you complete a point, resulting in you ending your final sentence as you look at the card for your next statement. This weakens your voice and posture, leading to a weak point at the end of your last segment. When using notes in the art of public speaking, always finish the last statement with your eyes out on the audience, pause to emphasize the point, then move to the next card. 7. Practice, Edit, Practice Again. The tighter the flow of your speech, the less need you will have for notes. The more you practice, the less the crutches of notecards, loose sheets, Power Point, etc. remain necessary for you to shine in the art of public speaking. Speaking with notes is not the end of the world. Being tied to notes, distracted by notes, and hidden by notes is pretty close, however. Don't be afraid or embarrassed to use notes, but practice with them, and use best practices for the art of public speaking as you take them on stage. Notes or not, you are expected by your audience to go out and speak!