Can you complete the occupations of these people? a Carol's father: businessman. Carol's mother: Secretary. A Jake Rosso killed a young girl when he was riding a motorbike. C Many visitors came to the island. D the people on the island were members of Mr Ross's family.
Can you complete the occupations of these people? a Carol's father: businessman. Carol's mother: Secretary. A Jake Rosso killed a young girl when he was riding a motorbike. C Many visitors came to the island. D the people on the island were members of Mr Ross's family.
Can you complete the occupations of these people? a Carol's father: businessman. Carol's mother: Secretary. A Jake Rosso killed a young girl when he was riding a motorbike. C Many visitors came to the island. D the people on the island were members of Mr Ross's family.
Can you complete the occupations of these people? a Carol's father: businessman. Carol's mother: Secretary. A Jake Rosso killed a young girl when he was riding a motorbike. C Many visitors came to the island. D the people on the island were members of Mr Ross's family.
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Comprehension Test
Dead Mans Island
John Escott 1 Can you complete the occupations of these people? Carols father: Businessman Carols mother: Secretary a Jake Rosso: ............... b Mr Ross: ............... c Mrs Duncan: ............... d Mr Duncan: ............... e Dan and Stella Parks: ............... 10 marks 2 Are these sentences true (T) or false ()? T!"# a Carols mother found the job in a newspaper. b Carol and her mother talked to Mr Ross in London. c Many visitors came to the island. d The people on the island were members of Mr Rosss family. e Jake Rosso killed a young girl when he was riding a motorbike. 10 marks ! Descri"e the differences# $o% has Ja&e 'osso chan(ed? $%&Ja&e '()*+, .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... 20 marks ) Complete the follo%in( sentences %ith information from the story# -./01 a Carol lives in England now but ... b Carols mother took her daughter to England because ... ............................................................................... c Mr Ross is a rich man because ............................................................................... d Carol wanted to see inside the locked room because ... ............................................................................... Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 2 1 e Mr Ross didnt want Carol to take a photograph of him so ... ............................................................................... 20 marks * Carol says that Mr 'oss is a dead man# +hy does she say this? Do you thin& Mr 'oss can "e happy? 2345678,'oss 9:6;<=, .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... 40 marks Total marks Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 2 2 Multiple-choice Test >?@ Dead Mans Island John Escott Setting ABCD Choose the "est ans%er# >?EFGH 1 Carol Sanders lived in _____ for seven years. a [ ] Australia b [ ] India c [ ] Hong Kong d [ ] Singapore 2 Her fater died _____. a [ ] in a plane cras b [ ] on oliday c [ ] in a car accident d [ ] in Scotland ! Carol"s favourite _____ #as $a%e &osso. a [ ] actor b [ ] #riter c [ ] teacer d [ ] singer ' At te ti(e of te plane cras) Carol #as _____. a [ ] a secretary b [ ] #or%ing on a far( c [ ] a student d [ ] still at scool * Se ad to leave college because _____. a [ ] se too% drugs b [ ] se didn"t pass er e+a(s c [ ] er (oter #anted to leave Hong Kong d [ ] se didn"t li%e er course , Carol and er (oter decided to _____. a [ ] go to Australia b [ ] go bac% to -ngland c [ ] travel round te #orld d [ ] stay in Hong Kong . /ey loo%ed in te ne#spapers _____. a [ ] to find a 0ob for Carol"s (oter b [ ] for interesting ne#s articles c [ ] for a flat in 1ondon d [ ] to find a big ouse in Scotland 2 3reta &oss #anted to %no# _____. a [ ] if tey li%ed Hong Kong b [ ] #ere tey lived in India c [ ] all about Carol"s fater d [ ] #ere tey lived before Hong Kong 4 Carol said se #ould li%e to _____. a [ ] beco(e 3reta"s secretary b [ ] #or% in te local sop c [ ] #or% on te far( d [ ] stay in 1ondon 15 Carol beca(e #orried _____. a [ ] after earing about te big ouse b [ ] about #or%ing in a garden c [ ] after earing 3reta"s pone call d [ ] about flying to Scotland 20 marks Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 2 3 Characters Choose the "est ans%er# >?EFGH 11 Carol li%ed _____ (usic at scool. a [ ] pop b [ ] ip6op c [ ] classical d [ ] reggae 12 Se _____ #en er fater died. a [ ] played er records a lot b [ ] stopped going out #it er friends c [ ] stopped eating d [ ] sa# a lot of er old friends 1! 3reta &oss #as about _____. a [ ] tirty b [ ] t#enty6five c [ ] tirty6five d [ ] t#enty 1' Her usband invested (oney in co(panies _____. a [ ] around te #orld b [ ] in te 7SA c [ ] in 8ritain d [ ] in Scotland 1* He ad _____ and #ore glasses. a [ ] sort dar% air) a beard b [ ] long dar% air c [ ] sort dar% air) a (oustace d [ ] long dar% air 1, -veryting on te island belonged to _____. a [ ] 9r :ar%s b [ ] 9rs &oss c [ ] 9r &oss d [ ] 9rs ;uncan 1. Carol"s (oter _____. a [ ] didn"t li%e te #or% b [ ] #or%ed all day and in te evenings c [ ] didn"t ave to #or% ard d [ ] only #or%ed during te day 12 3reta &oss li%ed _____. a [ ] investing in co(panies b [ ] gardening c [ ] #al%ing around te island d [ ] painting pictures 14 /ony ;uncan #as _____. a [ ] 9r &oss"s older broter b [ ] 9rs &oss"s younger broter c [ ] 9r &oss"s younger broter d [ ] 9rs &oss"s older broter 25 9r and 9rs :ar%s #ere really 9r &oss"s _____. a [ ] grandparents b [ ] cousins c [ ] parents d [ ] aunt and uncle 20 marks Dialogue IJ +ho said this? K8J? 21 <It"s not true=" a [ ] 3reta b [ ] 9r &oss c [ ] Carol d [ ] Carol"s (oter Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 2 4 22 <I #ant to forget #at"s appened." a [ ] Carol"s (oter b [ ] 9r ;uncan c [ ] 9r &oss d [ ] Carol 2! <;on"t #orry) tey"ve been a#ay fro( -ngland for ten years." a [ ] Carol b [ ] 9r &oss c [ ] 3reta d [ ] 9rs :ar%s 2' <9r &oss doesn"t li%e visitors to te island." a [ ] 3reta b [ ] Carol c [ ] Carol"s (oter d [ ] /ony 2* <>ou can ride S(o%e around te island) if you li%e." a [ ] 9r :ar% b [ ] 3reta c [ ] 9r &oss d [ ] Carol"s (oter 2, <Stay a#ay fro( te roc%s) Carol." a [ ] 3reta b [ ] Carol"s (oter c [ ] 9r &oss d [ ] /ony 2. <?ever ta%e potograps of 9r &oss." a [ ] /ony b [ ] 9r ;uncan c [ ] 3reta d [ ] 9r :ar%s 22 </at roo( is private." a [ ] 9r &oss b [ ] 9rs ;uncan c [ ] 3reta d [ ] Carol"s (oter 24 <Stop playing detective) Carol." a [ ] Carol"s (oter b [ ] 3reta c [ ] 9r &oss d [ ] 9r ;uncan !5 </e police found te burned car and tougt I #as dead." a [ ] 9r ;uncan b [ ] Carol"s fater c [ ] 3reta d [ ] 9r &oss 20 marks Vocabulary LM Choose the "est ans%er# >?EFGH !1 a big piece of paper #it a picture and #ords on it a [ ] docu(ent b [ ] poto c [ ] letter d [ ] poster !2 to put (oney into so(eting and get (ore (oney bac% a [ ] arrest b [ ] buy c [ ] invest d [ ] sell !! very big pieces of stone a [ ] roc%s b [ ] boats c [ ] records d [ ] tourists !' you get eggs fro( tese ani(als a [ ] seep b [ ] cic%ens c [ ] co#s d [ ] orses !* a sudden brigt ligt during bad #eater a [ ] cloud b [ ] stor( c [ ] ligtning d [ ] sun !, to da(age or urt so(eting so tat it is no good a [ ] stop b [ ] it c [ ] turn d [ ] spoil !. a nu(ber of people #o #or% togeter in business Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 2 5 a [ ] island b [ ] college c [ ] far( d [ ] co(pany !2 to (a%e or do so(eting tat loo%s real but is not real a [ ] ide b [ ] ba%e c [ ] fa%e d [ ] paint !4 a <bo+" to put tings in li%e flo#ers a [ ] pan b [ ] pot c [ ] bag d [ ] plant '5 to be i(portant a [ ] (atter b [ ] #orry c [ ] care d [ ] cry 20 marks Plot NO Choose the "est ans%er# >?EFGH '1 9r &oss #as a business(an _____. a [ ] so e travelled a lot b [ ] and e ad a lot of visitors c [ ] and e ad is o#n plane d [ ] but e never left te island '2 He beca(e very angry #en _____. a [ ] Carol sold er potograps b [ ] e #asn"t in Carol"s potograp c [ ] Carol too% is potograp d [ ] Carol too% a poto of te ouse '! Carol #as very interested in _____. a [ ] te loc%ed roo( b [ ] te roo( ne+t to er bedroo( c [ ] te office d [ ] te far(ouse '' 9r &oss id te %ey _____. a [ ] under te plant pot b [ ] in is office c [ ] in a boat d [ ] in a plant pot '* /e roo( #as full of _____. a [ ] posters of 9r &oss"s favourite group b [ ] potos of 3reta c [ ] potos of Carol d [ ] posters and potos of $a%e &osso ', 9r &oss finally told Carol _____. a [ ] $a%e &osso #as is cousin b [ ] e #asn"t $a%e &osso c [ ] e #as $a%e &osso d [ ] se sould leave te island '. /e oter people on te island #ere _____. a [ ] is friends b [ ] is fa(ily c [ ] police officers d [ ] prison officers '2 9r &oss decided tat $a%e &osso ad to die because _____. a [ ] e %illed a young girl b [ ] is fans no longer li%ed i( c [ ] e ad proble(s singing d [ ] e stopped #riting good songs '4 $a(es &oss _____. a [ ] #anted to go to te police b [ ] #as still ta%ing drugs Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 2 6 c [ ] never #anted to sing again d [ ] #anted to sing again *5 Carol _____. a [ ] didn"t tell anybody te secret b [ ] sold te story to te ne#spapers c [ ] told er (oter te trut d [ ] #ent to te police 20 marks Total marks Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 2 7 Dead Mans Island , a :op singer b 8usiness(an c House%eeper d 3ardener e @ar(ers 2 a / b @ c @ d / e @ ! -ossi"le content for students ans%ers. He loo%s older and (ore serious. His air is very sort no# and e"s got a (oustace. He is #earing business(an"s clotes and e"s got glasses.
) -ossi"le content for students ans%ers. a ...before se lived in Hong Kong. b #anted to ta%e er a#ay fro( bad friends and drugs. c ...before e #as $a%e &osso) a fa(ous pop singer and e sold (any records. d sa# 9r &oss enter te roo( at nigt. e ...e told 9r ;uncan to ta%e te fil( out of er ca(era. * -ossi"le content for students ans%ers. Carol calls Mr Ross a dead (an because when he went to the island he %illed Jake Rosso and took a new identity. Socially he is dead because he never leaves the island so he never meets anyone, not even other businessmen. e is rich and lives with his !amily but at the same time he cannot !orget his "ast, and the death o! the girl. #t must be di!!icult to be ha""y when you have killed somebody. Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 2 8 Dead Mans Island Setting 1 c 2 a ! d ' c * a , b . a 2 d 4 c 15 c Characters 11 a 12 b 1! a 1' a 1* c 1, b 1. b 12 d 14 c 25 d Dialogue 21 c 22 d 2! c 2' d 2* c 2, a 2. b 22 c 24 a !5 d Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 2 9 Vocabulary !1 d !2 c !! a !' b !* c !, d !. d !2 c !4 b '5 a Plot '1 d '2 b '! a '' d '* d ', c '. b '2 a '4 c *5 a Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 2 10
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