Unit 12 Blog Ingles

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Unit 12

Future with will, may and might

* Review the use of going to and the present continuous for future events.

USE (which one to choose?)

1) Will / Wont

- Used to give simple facts about the future.

Ex) I will be 22 in July.

- Used to make predictions based on opinions.

Ex) It wont be easy to get a new job.
2) May, might and will (with I think, I guess, maybe)

- Used to talk about future activities, facts and predictions when
the speaker is not 100% sure about them.

Ex) I may go on for a masters degree.
It might rain.
Well probably move to Jeddah.

3) Going to

- Used to talk about plans or decisions already made.

Ex) Im going to quit smoking next month.

- Used to talk about events that already started or about to start.

Ex) Were going to have a baby.

- Used to talk about predictions based on current proof or

Ex) Its going to rain tonight.
4) Present continuous

- Used to talk about planned events and activities, as well fixed
arrangements with times and places.

Ex) What are you doing this weekend?
(= What arrangements have you made?)

Im graduating in June. (= fixed date)


- Modal verb (may, might, will) followed by base verb.

Ex) I may / might / will travel to Qatar this summer.

- For the negative, place not after the modal verb.

Ex) I wont / might not / may not be able to go.

may, might, may have and might have
Questions and negatives:
We make questions by putting the subject after may/might:
May I ? Could I Might I ? Etc.
The negative forms are may not and might not..
We use may:
when we are not sure about something:
Jack may be coming to see us tomorrow.
Oh dear! Its half past ten. We may be late for the meeting.
There may not be very many people there.
to make polite requests:
May I borrow the car tomorrow?
May we come a bit later?
When we use may not for a refusal it is emphatic:
You may not!
You may not borrow the car until you can be more careful with it.
We use might:
when we are not sure about something:
I might see you tomorrow.
It looks nice, but it might be very expensive.
Its quite bright. It might not rain today.
As the past tense of may for requests:
He asked if he might borrow the car.
They wanted to know if they might come later.
For very polite requests:
Might I ask you a question?
Might we just interrupt for a moment?
We use may have and might have to show that something has possibly happened now or happened at some
time in the past:
Its ten oclock. They might have arrived now.[= Perhaps they have arrived]
They may have arrived hours ago. [= Perhaps they arrived hours ago.]

accountant (akuntant) - contador
actor (ktor) - actor
actress (ctres) - actriz
announcer (anunser) - locutor
archaeologist (arkilodchist) - arquelogo
architect (rkitekt) - arquitecto
artist (rtist) - artista
astrologer (astrlodcher) - astrlogo
astronaut (stronot) - astronauta
astronomer (astrnomer) - astrnomo
athlete (azlt) - atleta
attorney (atrni) - abogado
auctioneer (okshoner) - subastador
auditor (ditor) - auditor
author (zor) - autor
baby-sitter (bibi-ster) - niera

baker (biker) - panadero
bank teller (bnk tler) - cajero de banco
banker (bnker) - banquero
barman (brman) - barman, mozo
beautician (biutshan) - esteticista
bell boy (blbi) - botones de hotel
biologist (bailodchist) - bilogo
blacksmith (blk smiz) - herrero
bookkeeper (bk-kper) - perito mercantil
bricklayer (brk lier) - albail
broker (bruker) - agente de bolsa
builder (blder) - constructor
bullfighter (blfaiter) - torero
bus driver (bsdriver) - conductor de bus
businessman (bsnesman) - empresario
butcher (bcher) - carnicero

butler (btler) - mayordomo
cameraman (cmera-mn) - camargrafo
carpenter (crpenter) - carpintero
cartoonist (cartunist) - dibujante, caricaturista
cashier (casher) - cajero
chef (shef) - chef
chemist (kmist) - qumico, farmacutico
clerk (clrk) - oficinista
coach (cuch) - entrenador
college professor (clidch profsor) - profesor universitario
company director (cmpani dirktor) - director de empresa
composer (compuser) - compositor
computer programmer (kompiter prougrmer) - programador
conductor (condktor) - director de orquesta
consultant (consltant) - consultor
cook (ck) - cocinero

counselor (cunselor) - asesor, consultor
cowboy (cu bi) - vaquero
craftsman (krfstman) - artesano
cyclist (siklist) - ciclista
dancer (dnser) - bailarn
decorator (dkoreitor) - decorador
dentist (dntist) - dentista
designer (disiner) - diseador
detective (ditktiv) - detective
doctor (dctor) - doctor
dog walker (dog wker) - paseador de perros
dressmaker (drs miker) - modista
driver (driver) - chofer
economist (eknomist) - economista
electrician (ilktrshan) - electricista
employee (emploi) - empleado

engineer (endchiner) - ingeniero
farmer (frmer) - agricultor
fireman (fier man) - bombero
fisherman (fsherman) - pescador
fishmonger (fishmnguer) - vendedor de pescado
flight attendant (flit atndant) - azafata
florist (flrist) - florista
fortune teller (frchun tler) - adivino
garbage collector (grdbidch colktor) - basurero
gardener (grdener) - jardinero
greengrocer (grin grucer) - verdulero
grocer (gruser) - almacenero
hairdresser (har-drser) - peluquero
historian (histrian) - historiador
house painter (hus pinter) - pintor de casas
housekeeper (hus kiper) - ama de llaves

housewife (hus-uif) - ama de casa
hunter (hnter) - cazador
instructor (instrktor) - instructor
insurance agent (inshrans idchent) - agente de seguros
interpreter (intrpreter) - intrprete
ironmonger (ironmonguer) - ferretero
janitor (dchnitor) - conserje
jeweller (dcheler) - joyero
journalist (dchrnalist) - periodista
judge (dchdch) - juez
lawyer (lier) - abogado
lifeguard (lif-gard) - baero
locksmith (lksmiz) - cerrajero
magician (madchshan) - mago
maid (mid) - empleada domstica
mailman (milman) - cartero

manager (mnidcher) - gerente
manicurist (manikirist) - manicuro
manufacturer (maniufkcherer) - fabricante, industrial
masseur (maser) - masajista hombre
masseuse (mases) - masajista mujer
mathematician (mazematshan) - matemtico
mechanic (meknik) - mecnico
milkman (mlkman) - lechero
miner (miner) - minero
model (mdel) - modelo
musician (miusshan) - msico
newspaper boy (nuspiper bi) - repartidor de diarios
nun (nan) - monja
nurse (ners) - enfermero/a
ophthalmologist (oftalmlodchist) - oftalmlogo
optician (optshan) - ptico

orator (rator) - orador
paediatrician (pediatrshan) - pediatra
painter (pinter) - pintor
park ranger (park rindcher) - guardaparques
peasant (psant) - campesino
pharmacist (frmasist) - farmacutico
philosopher (filsofer) - filsofo
photographer (fotugrafer) - fotgrafo
physician (fisshan) - mdico
physicist (fsisist) - fsico
pianist (panist) - pianista
pilot (pilot) - piloto
plumber (plmer) - plomero, fontanero
poet (puet) - poet
police officer (pols fiser) - agente de polica
policeman (polsman) - polica

politician (politshan) - poltico
postman (pustman) - cartero
presenter (prisnter) - presentador
president (prsident) - presidente
priest (prist) - sacerdote
printer (prnter) - imprentero
programmer (prougrmer) - programador
psychiatrist (saikiatrist) - psiquiatra
psychologist (saiklodchist) - psiclogo
psychoterapist (saikotrapist) - psicoterapeuta
publisher (pblisher) - editor
receptionist (rispshonist) - recepcionista
reporter (riprter) - reportero
researcher (risrcher) - investigador
sailor (silor) - marinero
salesclerk (seilsclrk) - vendedor

salesman (silsman) - vendedor
saleswoman (silswman) - vendedora
scientist (sientist) - cientfico
sculptor (sklpter) - escultor
seamstress (smstres) - costurera
secret agent (skret idchent) - agente secreto
secretary (scretri) - secretario/a
security guard (sekiriti grd) - guardia de seguridad
servant (srvant) - criado
shepherd (shpard) - pastor
shoemaker (shmiker) - zapatero
shopkeeper (shp kiper) - comerciante, tendero
singer (snguer) - cantante
soccer player (sker plier) - futbolista
social worker (sushal urker) - trabajadora social
soldier (suldcher) - soldado

sportsman (sprts-mn) - deportista
state agent (stit idchent) - agente inmobiliario
stationer (stishoner) - librero
statistician (statistshan) - estadstico
stenographer (stengrafer) - taqugrafo
stewardess (stardes) - azafata
stockbrocker (stk-bruker) - corredor de bolsa
street sweeper (strit super) - barrendero
student (stident) - estudiante
supervisor (spervaisor) - supervisor
surgeon (srdchon) - cirujano
tailor (tilor) - sastre
tax inspector (tks inspktor) - inspector de impuestos
taxi driver (tksi driver) - taxista
taylor (tilor) - sastre
teacher (tcher) - maestro

technician (teknshan) - tcnico
telephone operator (tlefoun operitor) - telefonista
tourist guide (trist gid) - gua de turistas
translator (translitor) - traductor
travel agent (trvel dchent) - agente de viajes
truck driver (trk driver) - camionero
typist (tipist) - mecangrafa
undertaker (ander tiker) - funebrero
veterinarian (veterinrian) - veterinario
waiter (witer) - camarero
waitress (witres) - camarera
watchmaker (wchmiker) - relojero
welder (wlder) - soldador
worker (wrker) - obrero
writer (riter) - escritor

Present tenses with a future meaning.
Sometimes we use the present continuous to talk about the furure. We use it when
we want to talk about what we have already arranged to do.

In all the above sentences you can use the 'going to' structure instead. The
meaning is the same in both cases.

On the other hand, we use the present simple tense with a future meaning when we
want to talk about programmes, and timetables, for example, when we want to talk
about arrivals of trains, opening hours of banks and so on.

To remember: Use the present continuous or the going to structure for
personal arrangements. Do not use the present simple!

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