Flintloque - Valon and Earth
Flintloque - Valon and Earth
Flintloque - Valon and Earth
This wizened and time hobbled Orc believed that we had our
collective minds warped and shaped by the breaking of Wylde
Magicke. He stated that Orcs were too dim witted to think before
this (yes, yes, calm yourselves sirs, we know it false, but read on),
and that they were content to raid and play with their own droppings.
Meefusla hawked that the booming demise of the Magicke screamed
across the endless void of the ether between worldes and sucked the
minds of another planet here to our beloved Valon.
Listen on, its not as mad as it sounds....
We changed so much and so quickly, all nearest the accursed Elves
being hit with the same ideas at the roughly same time. We
changed our clothes, our speech and our manners; Meefulsa himself
admits to feeling it becoming now more amusing to wear trousers
upon his lower half and not over his head for giggles.
He states that this change came from another worlde, a planet so far
away that we will never see it with our own eyes, though our minds
are firm linked to its own. He called this planet Earth the dominion
of Man.
He claims that we all, and I mean all races upon Valon, took on the
guise of nations from this Earth and acted accordingly!
While debate on this taboo text is keen within the Notables, the
summary of the facts it contains are presented here. Read them,
Sentinal knows they are in the main gibberish to me, but a few of
you might make use of them.
Cities of Valon
Cities of Earth
In the scroll the wizened Orc lists all of the Nations of this Earth and he
notes the corresponding country here on Valon. Made of it what you will!
In the scroll Meefusla lists the principle cities and towns of this Earth and
he notes the corresponding ones here on Valon.
Mudrid - Madrid
Lisabone - Lisbon
Londinium - London
Zargoz - Zaragoza
Noportoe - Oporto
Yorc - York
Scally Mankey - Salamanca Elveas - Almeida
Porcsmuff - Portsmouth
Burgeros - Burgos
Orcsford - Oxford
Hungover - Hanover
Toeleirido - Toledo
Port Brisle - Bristol
Cibadrigo - Cuidad Rodrigo Celfi - Corte
Notnumm - Nottingham
Cohol - Cologne
Bilbo - Bilbao
Mudchuster - Manchester
Burmangleham - Birmingham Kooruna - Corunna
Barlin - Berlin
Abarre - Astorga
Munchiberg - Munich
Edinborgh - Edinburgh
Badjobz - Badajos
Madabier - Magdeburg
Glasgee - Glasgow
Tarrenvera - Talavera Brandyberg Dourdee - Dundee
Severeville - Seville
The Brandenburgs
Boglin - Dublin
Valance - Valencia
Grossenbeard Kradiz - Cadiz
Karvdiff - Cardiff
Beirslau - Bremen
Venna - Vienna Bruwn - Brunno
Dramzig - Danzig
Pwague - Prague
Prest - Pilzen
Lyonesse - Paris
Crapow - Krackow Bulgrat - Belgrade
Pumploner - Pamplona
Buckyarest - Bucharest
Vitero - Vitoria
Rospo-rana - Rome
Tolouse - Toulouse
Furtfrank - Frankfurt
Pondlerno - Palermo
Perpnan - Perpignan
Dogsden - Dresden
Nappoly - Naples
Nancy - Nancy
Leapzigh - Leipzig
Florish - Florence
Neuenbier - Nuremburg Bordoh - Bordeaux
Gencroka - Genoa
Masay - Marseille
Stoutgart - Stuttgart
Melano - Milan
Leon - Lyon
Saltzbark - Saltzberg
Tolonge - Toulon
Trellheim - Stockholm Geneve - Geneva
Chebert - Calais
Trolmo - Malmo
Amsteredam - Amsterdam Brast - Brest
Troln - Copenhagen
Coltz - Warsaw
Isstanbal - Istanbul
Moskova - Moscow
Angorda - Ankara
Smolderesk - Smolensk Afuns - Athens
Bloodraino - Borodino Acrid - Acre
Jabber - Jaffa
Vilnau - Vilna
Valedda - Valetta
Moldsk - Minsk
Kairoh - Cairo
Abbuker - Aboukir Bay
Allakzandrea - Alexandria
Rippoli - Tripoli
Napoleonic Army Handbook V1. The French Army & her Allies
Napoleonic Army Handbook V2. The British Army & her Allies
(Michael Oliver & Richard Partridge) (Constable) (354pg & 479pg)
(Organisation and Uniforms of all Nations down to Battalion level with battle honours)
This is a very basic (but VERY full) reading list for Napoleonic references, you
can expand greatly on this but these titles are easy to get and are an affordable
starting point with huge reading lists to follow on to. These three books provide
enough information to track nearly all campaigns and texts to allow specialising
on a particular army easy to do.