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CMOS Design and Single Supply Level Shifter Using 90nm Technology

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Conference on Advances in Communication and Control Systems 2013 (CAC2S 2013)

CMOS Design And Single Supply Level Shifter Using 90nm Technology

Shilpa Thakur
ME Student
NITTTR, Chandigarh India

Rajesh Mehra
Associate Professor
NITTTR, Chandigarh , India

The design and application of level shifter circuit which is based on single power supply is presented in this paper different
from conventional level shifter circuitry. A level shifter may be used to shift any voltage level to a desired level without
any leakage current. To reduce the supply routing and layout congestion within the chip whenever level shifting is
needed for different voltage it decreases pin count also. In multi voltage system a level shifting is required for two or
more chips which are operating at different supply voltage. The circuit of level shifter is generic in nature and voltage level
shifting done is restricted by technology. 90 comes nm technology is used to design the circuitry which is simulated in
SPICE (simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis). Simulation result of this level shifter circuit is capable to
shift input voltage from 1.5V to 3.00V at frequency of 1GHZ.
Keywords: Conventional level shifter, Low power, Single supply level shifter circuit Description

voltage to another voltage. Apart from this

level shifters are used at the pad ring and core
of chip interface where low voltage signal from
chip core are shifted to high voltage [4-6].
Proposed level shifter and conventional level
shifters use two voltage supplies, i n p u t
voltage supply (Vdd) and output voltage
conventional level shifter is shown in figure
1. I/P supply voltage (Vdd) and output supply
voltage (Vod) are used.

1 .Introduction
VLSI technology is a technology by which we
can design complex system on chip where all
elements of system like analog and digital
circuit, passive element are integrated on single
chip. These different elements of chip run at
different different voltages to get required
speed and power. Chip having different supply
voltage for the communication among the
different elements of chip[1-4], so level shifters
are used to convert logical signal from one

2013. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press


3. Circuit Description and layout

The proposed single supply level shifter suffers
from higher leakage current and operation is
restricted with high range of input and output
supplies. So schematic diagram of proposed single
supply level shifter is shown in figure.4 [7-8] Single
supply level shifter can be easily designed by
decreasing supply voltage of inverter P2N2 by using
a diode with NMOS between V and higher supply
Vddh. Therefore the voltage at point V is Vddh Vtp
so that voltage at transistor N1 is Vtp where Vtp is
threshold voltage. So will get turn OFF by
decreasing gate to source voltage.

Fig. 1 conventional Level shifter

2. Single Supply Level Shifter

The main purpose of designing of schematic
diagram of single supply level shifter is to extract
lower level from input signal will be high Vddh now
MN2 is turned ON and OUT B is pulled to
Vss.MN1 will be get higher than Vddh and MN3
will be OFF. Therefore when input is Vddl then out
will become Vddh .[7-10] When input will be at
logic low Vss first of all Vc will be at Vddl which
make the MN3 turned ON.MP3 is weak as
compared to MN3. To maintain Vc. So that it
become discharge prior to OUT. Choosing the size
of MN3 and MP3 is important during designing and
it is dependent on frequency of operator when gate is
at Vdd MN1 get turned OFF and MN2 get turned
ON. Here output of level shifter OUT B and OUT
will be at Vss. And Vdd at the same time MP2 will
be OFF because MN1 get down OUT B to Vss due
to which OUT become Vdd and Vss.

Fig.3 Single supply level shifters

Fig.4 Timing circuit for single supply

level shifter
when high input is applied. Transistor P4 get
turned ON by charging point V to Vddh so
supply voltage of P2N2 will be between

Fig.2 Proposed single supply level shifter [7]


Vddp and Vddh will be according to the

input[8-10]. When input voltage supply is
low and Vddh is at higher level than input
supply level greater than Vth then leakage
current flow through circuit. Operating speed
of circuit is restricted due to use of diode
with transistor N1. It is not appropriate for
low power consumption is resulted where so
many level shifters are used

Fig.6 Simulation Result of single supply level

5. Conclusion

Fig.5 Layout Diagram of single supply Level

Figure 5 shows simulation result of the proposed
level shifter circuit which was design in 90nm
CMOS process and simulated with SPICE with
following parameter value.
Vdd (volt) Power dissipation (mW) Max.Current

Low power application can be easily carried out

using single supply level shifter using single
supply level shifter using zero steady state current
layout complexity can be decreased by using the
proposed circuit ,because only one supply is
required at which shift of input logic signal is to
be done. At the interface of module pin count is
reduced of module which is using different level
supply for level shifting. This improves overall
performance of system by reducing complexity
and cost of system. Shifting of lower supply
signal level to higher supply signal level without
consumption of steady state current is shown in
simulation results


Rise time
delay= 0.007ns
Fall time

I am greatly thankful to honorable DIRECTOR,

NITTTR Chandigarh, Prof.& Head ECE
Department Dr. S.B.L Sachan for their worthy
guidance and help in writing this paper


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