EE Industrial Training Monthly Report Guid
EE Industrial Training Monthly Report Guid
EE Industrial Training Monthly Report Guid
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Attachment A
I, Mr. / Mrs. / Miss ________________________________________________, from
(company name) hereby declare that the following Industrial Training Monthly Report
has been proof read and thoroughly checked. I find that the report is satisfactory /
unsatisfactory and is ready / not ready for submission by the trainee.
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Attachment B
Week No. ____
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Attachment C
Week 1 (4th Oct 20XX 8th Oct 20XX:)
On my first day working at Intel, I was required to report to my manager, Mr.
_____________ at the PG 12 guard post. After meeting up with him, I was given a
brief tour around PG 12, the place that I am going work in. Also, I had my first one on
one meeting with my manager. During the meeting, he explained the team structure
and their job scope to me. The team that I am assigned to is the System Validation
team and its main job is to perform post silicon validation on the next generation
processor that Intel is going to market. My supervisor told me that he is still looking
for a suitable task for me so for rest of the week my job would be to get familiar with
the working environment and read up on notes that are related to Intel processors
First Month (4th Oct 20XX 29th Oct 20XX):
On my first day reporting to work, I was guided by my supervisor,
Mr._________. He briefed me on the general regulations of the company and showed
me around the building that I am going to work in, PG12. Then, he brought me to the
administrative department to fill up all the necessary documents. After going through
all the paper work, he brought me back to my personal cubicle and told me to wait for
the technical staff to set up the desktop for me. When the technical staff finished
setting up the desktop, I used the desktop to navigate through the intranet of the
company to get myself familiar with the features it offers. I attended and completed
some of the basic trainings offered by the e-learning system of the company. Before
the end of the day, my supervisor asked me to attend one of his teams tech sharing
session and introduced me to the team. The team is known as the System Validation
team and its primary role is to validate Intels next generation CPU design. He
explained to me that generally the teams job is to perform various tests on the CPU
and ensure that the design of the CPU is bug-free.
Thus, basically my first week at the company is to get familiar with the
working environment and attend basic trainings that are related to my job. On the
second day, my supervisor passed me some learning material that will help me in my
job and asked me to read and understand them. After some consideration, he decided
on my assignment and explained
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Attachment D
Week 1 (16 May 20XX 20 May 20XX):
Reported at Human Resource Department at 8.00 a.m., and Mr. _______ gave a
speech about the rules of company.