GM PFMEA Rankings

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GM Powertrain Standard P-FMEA Risk Rankings

Rating Criteria Example
Failure affects safe operation of vehicle or may Safety Hazard to customer or operator.
endanger operator
Failure involves non-compliance with Government Emmissions (OBD II) item. Regulatory item.

Failure causes customer high degree of Customer Walk-home. Field return. Durability issue
Failure causes customer dissatisfation. May Dealer repair (noise, vibration, leaks, etc). Vehicle Assembly Plant

result in disruption to Assembly Plant operation. return / pull or major spill.
Major disruption to production line. Defect caught at GMPT Final Test. Assembly Line heavy rework.

Minor disruption to production line. Defect caught at GMPT Final Test. Assembly Line. Light rework or

GMPT Plant
Failure may cause inconvenience to subsuquent Defect passes to next process.
operation, minor repair.
Failure may cause slight inconvenience to Defect caught at subsequent operation (In-line).
subsequent operation, minor repair. Occurrence
Failure may cause slight inconvenience to Defect caught and corrected at operation (In-station).
operation, minor repair. Rating Failure Probabilt PPM *Example CpK
Customer will probably not even notice. No effects.
1 10 Very High >500000 <0.33

*Example is for total of 5,000 pieces per day, in a two-shift operation. Recalculate example column for specific volumes. 9 Very High 333,333 >0.33

8 High 125,000 >0.51

7 High 50,000 >0.67
6 Moderate 12,500 1/Hour >0.83
Detection 5 Moderate 2,500 1/Shift >1.00

Rating Criteria Suggested Range of Detection Methods 4 Moderate 500 1/Day >1.17
10 Absolute certainty of non-detection Cannot detect or is not checked. 3 Low 67 1/Week >1.33
9 Very-low - controls will probably not detected Indirect check only.
Manual Inspection

2 Very Low 7 1/Month >1.50

8 Low - controls have poor chance of detection Visual inspection.
1 Remote <1 1/Year >1.67
7 Low - controls have poor chance of detection Double visual inspection.

6 Moderate - controls may detect 100% Visual inspection by touching the parts. Manual gaging/testing.

5 Moderate - controls may detect 100% Go/No Go Gaging. Periodic Gaging with Control Chart.

4 Moderate High - Controls have good chance to Error proofing--Cannot accept at next operation. Gaging on Setup/First-
detect Piece check.

3 High - controls have good chance to detect Error proofing--Cannot pass part. Automatic Gaging with stop.

2 Very High - Controls almost certain to detect Multiple layers of Error. Proofing: Supply, select, install or verify.

1 Very High - Controls certain to detect Error Proofing--Cannot make part.

October 2002 GM 1927-28

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