Top Newsletter January 2017
Top Newsletter January 2017
Top Newsletter January 2017
Whats Goin On? Talking to Your
WHATS Things to do Adopted Teen
INSIDE: and see nearby.
It's possible.
And important. PAGE 5
R E S O U R C E S , N E W S & I N F O R M AT I O N F O R A D O P T I V E FA M I L I E S I N T E H A M A C O U N T Y
It's possible. Extra Challenges for
seem like rejection and independence
like abandonmentemotions associated
Adopted Teens
And important. Identity formation and separation are
with the loss of birth parents. Adopted
teens who cannot express these troubling
adolescents' two main developmental thoughts and emotions to someone (a
by Ellen Singer
tasks. Teens explore and answer parent or therapist, for example) are at
questions like Who am I? and What risk for potentially serious emotional
Teens typically have an endless appetite
are my beliefs and values? when and behavioral problems including
for talking with friends, but when it
establishing their identity. Separation depression, substance abuse, school
comes to talking with adults or (even
involves moving toward independence failure, etc.
worse) parents, conversation often
and personal responsibilitya prospect
consists of one-syllable words, grunts, Why Communication Is Difficult
both exciting and scary that can evoke
and eye rolls. When it comes to talking
a leave me alone, but don't leave Parents who have trouble getting young
about adoption with some teens,
me response in teens. Adoption adds children to stop talking may be stunned
parents might as easily climb Mount
extra complexity to these teen rites of with the wall of silence and withdrawal
Everest. During adolescence, however,
passage. Questions of identity raise that accompanies adolescence. Teens,
adopted teens need parental guidance, though, have good reasons for keeping to
unresolved thoughts and feelings about
comfort, and support as much as ever, themselves.
birth parents from whom teens must
and parents must work to keep lines of
still psychologically separate. For some Teens may stop talking to create
communication open.
adopted teens, separation can also distance from their parents. Distance
helps teens feel separate and
independent, and even children who
It's STILL not too late to get your Starbucks used to share every thought with their
parents may desire complete privacy.
We only ask one small favor ... Parental attempts to communicate
may fail because teens often perceive
personal questions as intrusive.
and fill out the survey to let us know
what services YOUR FAMILY would Adopted teens may not be able to
find valuable. Then, fill out the contact articulate what they are feelingeven
form, and we'll send your gift card out! to themselves. Adoption-related issues
Eligibility: Must be over 18. Must be a foster or adoptive can be some of the most emotionally
parent in the Tehama County area (we're interpreting that
pretty loosely, but keep in mind, supplies are limited). loaded issues teens will ever face.
One submission (and Starbucks card) per adult. While
supplies last. Rules are subject to change at any time.
They may experience sadness or anger
without really knowing why.
(Continued on Page 3)
FASD Support Group will provide general maltreatment, neglect, trauma, attachment
... then give him a name! 2017
Together on Purpose January 2017 5 possible
An Alternatives to Violence Project made
An Alternatives to Violence Project made possible through a collaboration with the Tehama County Department of Social Services
R E S O U R C E S , N E W S & I N F O R M AT I O N F O R A D O P T I V E FA M I L I E S I N T E H A M A C O U N T Y