Cls M Specifications 1

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Guide Specification for Controlled Low

Strength Materials (CLSM)

Guide Specification for Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM)

1.1 This specification covers Controlled R1.1 This specification is intended to serve as a
Low Strength Materials, CLSM, guide to engineers, architects and specifiers that have
manufactured and delivered to a purchaser interest in specifying controlled low strength materials
in a freshly mixed and unhardened state. (CLSM), commonly called flowable fill. It covers the
Based on the application, the Engineer shall selection of the raw materials and their proportions to
specify one or more of the performance produce the required performance properties, quality
properties and material parameters from control and acceptance procedures, and procedures
tests listed in Table 1.1 for measuring, batching, mixing and delivery, and

Table 1.1: Performance & Material Test Properties It is the responsibility of the specifying authority to
identify performance characteristics required for the
Performance Test project. The material supplier should be permitted to
Property Property design the CLSM mixture using readily available
Corrosive materials to meet the job performance requirements.
pH, Resistivity, Permeability
Flowability Flow The guide is presented in a format similar to that used
Unconfined Compressive by the American Association of State Highway and
Strength Transportation Officials, AASHTO, for specifying
Permeability Water Permeability Air Content materials of construction. The specifier may cite the
Plastic Unit Weight
guide in the contract documents or re-write the guide
Density into contract documents using all or parts of the
Unconfined Compressive provisions. The specifier may supplement the guide
Strength provisions as needed. The specifiers' provisions will
Strength California Bearing Ratio supercede the requirements of this guide
Penetration Resistance specification.
Ball Penetration
Plastic Unit Weight The guide specification is not intended to address all
Moisture Conductivity
Conductivity applications of CLSM. Principal applications covered
Thermal Transmittance (U)
by this document include but are not limited to:
Plastic unit Weight
Moisture Content
Thermal Resistance Value − General construction backfill and void filling
(R-Value) − Utility trench backfill and conduit bedding
Acidity/ materials
Alkalinity − Road and highway subbase and base
− Structural fill

The desired engineering and performance properties

of CLSM vary with the application. For example, it
may be desirable for utility trench backfill material to
be excavatable and permeable to ground water and
utility gases. Designing for future excavation is
assured by limiting the compressive strength as
outlined in Section 6.3 of the guide. Applications
such as a sub-base, base or structural fill generally
require higher compressive strengths and thereby

Guide Specification for Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM)

higher bearing capacity. Excavatability and

permeability are generally not of great concern in
structural fill applications.

Material properties such as shrinkage, subsidence

and settlement are not considered as specification
performance properties. These properties are
considered as inherent to CLSM and as such, do not
require the establishment of specification
requirements. Where the application requires special
consideration of properties not listed in Table 1.1,
the specifier is advised to seek the recommendations
of ACI Committee 229 or the National Ready Mixed
Concrete Association.

1.2 Basis of Purchase - The basis of R1.2 Basis of Purchase - The volume of
Purchase shall be the cubic yard or cubic hardened in-place CLSM may be, or appear to be,
meter of freshly mixed and unhardened less than its volume as discharged from a delivery
material as discharged from the delivery unit due to waste or spillage, over-excavation,
mixer. The volume of freshly mixed and underestimation, loss of entrained air, settlement, or
unhardened material in a given batch shall subsidence. CLSM is often used in applications of
be determined from the total weight of the uncertain or unknown volumes. The batched weights
batch divided by the unit weight of the are available through batch recordation supplied by
material. the ready mixed CLSM supplier. For CLSM mixtures
without entrained air, verification of volume can be
determined by comparing weights from the batch
recordation to the theoretical mix design submitted
and approved by the engineer. Unit weight of
unhardened CLSM is not needed for verification of
non air- entrained CLSM mixtures.


2.1 ASTM Standards
C 403 Time of Setting of Concrete The intent of the guide is to use the most current
Mixtures by Penetration version of each standard listed. Where the most
Resistance current version is not listed the specifier should take
C 869 Foaming Agents Used in caution before using the newer version. The
Making Performed Foam For equivalent ASTM or AASHTO standards may be
Cellular Concrete interchanged. The specifier is encouraged to
D 1883 California Bearing Ratio determine the possibility of differences between the
D 4832 Preparation and Testing of equivalent standards and its impact on the
Controlled Low Strength acceptance criteria. Changes may conflict with cited
Material Test Cylinders references and the intent of its use.
D 508 Measurement of Hydraulic
Conductivity of Saturated
Porous Materials Using a
Flexible Wall Permeameter
D 5971 Sampling Freshly Mixed

Guide Specification for Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM)

Controlled Low Strength

D 6103 Flow Consistency of
Controlled Low Strength
D 6023 Unit Weight, Yield, Cement
Content and Air Content
(Gravimetric) of Controlled
Low Strength Material (CLSM)
D 6024 Ball Drop on Controlled Low
Strength Material to Determine
Suitability for Load Application

2.2 AASHTO Standards

M6 Fine Aggregate for Portland
Cement Concrete
M 80 Coarse Aggregate for Portland
Cement Concrete
M 85 Portland Cement
M 195 Lightweight Aggregate for
Structural Concrete
M 154 Air Entraining Admixture
M 157 Ready-Mixed Concrete
M 194 Chemical Admixtures for
M 240 Blended Hydraulic Concrete
M 295 Fly Ash and Raw or
Calcimined Natural Pozzolan
for Use as Mineral Admixtures
in Portland Cement Concrete.
M 302 Ground Granulated Blast
Furnace Slag for Use in
Concrete and Mortars

Guide Specification for Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM)


Controlled low strength materials have inherited many

names that are commonly used in the industry. Some of
the most common names include:

flowable fill, CDF or controlled density fill, flowcrete,

liquid dirt, and other various trademark names. CLSM
should not be considered, and in-turn tested, as a type of
low strength concrete. Instead, CLSM should be
considered as a self compacting and self leveling backfill
material that is used in lieu of compacted fill. Additional
explanation of the properties and characteristics listed in
this guide specification may be found in the ACI
Committee 229 report 'Controlled Low Strength

3.1 Controlled Low Strength Material, R3.1 Controlled Low Strength Material, (CLSM)
(CLSM) - A self-leveling and self- While the upper limit on compressive strength is
compacting, cementitious material with indicated as 1200psi, most CLSM applications require
an unconfined compressive strength of strengths less than 300psi.
1,200 psi or less.

3.2 Flowability - Material property which

relates to the rheology of the material.

3.3 Excavatability - Material properly which R3.3 Excavatability-The excavatability Of hardened

relates to the ease at which the material CLSM can generally be divided into two categories:
may be removed.
1) Unconfined compressive strength < 150 psi is
considered to be EXCAVATABLE by hand tools
and conventional machinery such as backhoes.
2) Unconfined compressive strength > 150 psi is
considered to be NON-EXCAVATABLE.
Relating the ability to excavate CLSM to a measured
compressive strength is an arbitrary guide to the
engineer. Factors that influence excavatability will
include: 1) the composition of the mixture - CLSM with
coarse aggregate may be difficult to excavate even at
low strengths, 2) the type and quantity of cementitious
materials and their strength gaining characteristics, 3)
the nature of the soil in contact with the CLSM mixture
and its ability to drain water, 4) the method of excavation
appropriate to the application, for example it may not be
possible to use a backhoe near an embedded pipe. From
this, it is recommended that long term strength

Guide Specification for Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM)

characteristics of a CLSM mixture be correlated to

excavatability. Strengths exceeding 150 psi have been
known to be excavatable with mechanical equipment.
However, prior tests indicationg the ease of
excavatability should be made prior to final placement.

3.4 Permeability - Material property which

relates to the ease with which gases and
liquids pass through the material.

3.5 Density - Material property which relates

to the unit weight or mass of the

3.6 Strength - Material property that relates

to the ability of hardened material to
support gravity loads or stresses at a
given age.

3.7 Thermal Conductivity - Material

property which relates to the ease at
which the material transmits heat.

3.8 Thermal Insulating Value - Material

property which relates to the resistance
of the material to transmit heat.

3.9 CLSM Air Generating Admixture - A R3.9 CLSM Air Generating Admixture –
chemical admixture specially Dispensed and mixed into the CLSM, the admixture
formulated to entrain air into CLSM. produces a stable air content between 15 and 30%.
Some of the benefits of entraining air in CLSM is it
controls strength development and reduces the water
content, bleeding, shrinkage, and settlement.

3.10 Hardening Time - Period of time for R3.10 Hardening Time – The hardened state is
CLSM mixtures to reach a state in when the in-place CLSM has attained sufficient
which it will support a specified load. strength to support the weight of a person.

3.11 Subsidence & Settlement - The R3.11 Subsidence & Settlement- CLSM - Will not
reduction in initial in-place volume experience settlement after hardening occurs.
caused by the displacement of water Subsidence and settlement are typically experienced
and release of entrapped air as a result during the initial 2-4 hours after placement. Hardened
of consolidation. CLSM may exhibit shrinkage cracks, however, they do
not effect the structural integrity of the material for
most applications.

3.12 Corrosive Resistance - Material

Guide Specification for Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM)

property that relates to the ability to

inhibit the corrosion of embedded

3.13 pH - CLSM property which is a

measure of its acidity or alkalinity.


4.1 Sources and proportions of CLSM The listed requirements are intended to supplement
ingredients: Prior to the start of CLSM submittal procedures listed elsewhere in the project
placement, the CONTRACTOR shall documents.
submit a description of the proposed
CLSM mixture design . Based on the
application, the ENGINEER may
require the CONTRACTOR to submit
appropriate laboratory or field test data
documenting compliance to specified
material and or performance properties.


CLSM shall be manufactured with materials Most of the materials listed are suitable for the
conforming to the standards listed below. The production of structural hydraulic cement concrete. The
ENGINEER shall approve the use of all non- use of materials not conforming to these standards may
conforming materials. Approval shall be based be more than suitable or adequate for CLSM mixtures.
on documentation that controlled low strength The specifier, however, is cautioned to review the
material mixtures manufactured with the non- performance characteristics of a CLSM mixture made
conforming materials meet the specified with non-standard materials. Materials used successfully
plastic and hardened properties and are suited in CLSM include bottom ash, fly ash with high carbon
for the intended application. content, spent foundry sand, crushed glass, kiln dust, in-
situ excavated soil, fines from aggregate producing
plants, non-conforming fly ash etc... The specifier is
5.1 Hydraulic Cement urged to obtain documentation from the ready mixed
• AASHTO M 85 or M 240 CLSM supplier that non-conforming materials are
suitable for the intended use and that mixtures
5.2 Fly Ash containing these materials meet specified performance
• AASHTO M 295 properties.

5.3 Granulated Blast Furnace Slag

• AASHTO M 302

5.4 Fine Aggregate


5.5 Coarse Aggregate


Guide Specification for Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM)

5.6 Lightweight Aggregate

• AASHTO M 195

5.7 Water
• AASHTO M 157

5.8 Chemical Admixtures

• AASHTO M 194

5.9 Air Entrainment Admixtures

• Approved by the ENGINEER.

5.10 Foaming Admixture

• ASTM C 869


This section provides specification criteria for desired
performance properties. The specifier shall select performance
properties and associated criteria that pertain to the intended
application. The specifier is cautioned not to specify
contradictory performance properties. For example, specifying a
maximum compressive strength for excavatability and a high
bearing strength may not be compatible.

6.1 Flowability - Normal flowable R6.1 Flowability - CLSM is a self-leveling and self-
material shall have a flow of 6 to 8 compacting material and therefore does not require conventional
inches tested in accordance with placing and compacting equipment. The high flowability and self-
ASTM D6103. Low flowable material leveling characteristics of CLSM mixtures allow the material to fill
shall have a maximum flow of 6 voids and spaces that prove to be difficult or impossible with
inches. High flowable material shall granular compacted fill. If the application requires a stiffer
have a minimum flow of 8 inches. consistency, the specifier may elect to specify a low flowable
material. Material tested in accordance with ASTM D6103
resulting with a value less than 6 inches is considered to have a
low flowability.

6.2 Unconfined Compressive R6.2 and R6.3 Unconfined Compressive Strength for
Strength for Non-Excavatable Non-Excavatable CLSM –
CLSM - Shall be specified by the Maximum unconfined compressive strength criteria are provided
Engineer. to assure excavatability for applications where future removal of
the CLSM i`s desirable. Due to long term strength development
when fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slags are
6.3 Unconfined Compressive utilized, the maximum compressive strength with these materials
Strength For Excavatable CLSM - is less than that when just Portland cement is utilized. If
Excavatability shall be evaluated on acceptance of the CLSM mixture is to be based on

Guide Specification for Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM)

the basis of past performance and documentation in lieu of one year test data, the ENGINEER is
experience. When past performance suggested to require a testing schedule with sufficient frequency
records are not available, to indicate strength gain has ceased at any age beyond 180
excavatabilit.y shall be evaluated on days. The maximum compressive strength limit for excavatable
the basis of unconfined compressive CLSM may be waived by the engineer if evidence of strengths
strength tested in accordance with higher than 150psi being capable of being excavated is
ASTM D4832. Excavatable CLSM submitted. Graph R6.3 illustrates an example of compressive
shall have a minimum strength of 30 strength development for CLSM mixtures with and without
psi. The one-year strength shall not pozzolans meeting ASTM and AASHTO standards. Different
exceed 150 psi. In place of one year pozzolans may exhibit different strength development behavior.
test data, the ENGINEER, may
approve the CLSM mixture based on
sufficient documentation, provided
by the ready mix producer, that
indicates the strength gain has

Graph R6.3: An example of compressive strength

development for CLSM mixtures.


100 100

80 80
28 day 90 day 1 year

Without Pozzolans With Pozzolans

The ability of a CLSM backfill to support foundations and

pavements, and resist lateral forces without failures or
undergoing excessive deformation or settlement is related to
its mechanical strength. Unlike many granular compacted
backfill materials, CLSM develops mechanical strength with
time. The extent of the strength is controlled by proper
selection and proportioning of the constituent materials.

6.4 Permeability - When required, the R6.4 Permeability - An important hydraulic property of a
coefficient of permeability of backfill material is permeability. The permeability affects the
CLSM shall be specified by the rate of seepage of water through a backfill material. The
ENGINEER. permeability of a soil is typically measured by Darcy's law

Guide Specification for Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM)

(laminar flow) where the flow of water through a soil is:

Q = Water flow
k = Coefficient of Conductivity (permeability
i = Hydraulic gradient, head or water pressure
divided by length of flow path
A = Cross sectional area Perpendicular to flow path

A uniformly well graded coarse sand has a relatively high

permeability with a coefficient of water conductivity of
approximately 4.0 x 10-1 cm/sec. On the other hand, clay has
relatively low permeability with a coefficient of water
conductivity of 1.0 x 10-7 cm/sec. Typically coefficients of water
conductivity for various backfill materials are provided in the
following table, Table R6.4.

Table R6.4: Typical Water Conductivity Values

Soil Type
Uniform Coarse Sand 4.0 x 10
Clean, Sand & Gravel 1.0 x 10'
Uniform Fine Sand 4.0 x 10
Silty Sand & Gravel 4.0 x 10
Silty Sand 1.0 10
Sandy Clay 5.0 x 10
Silty Clay 1.0 10
I Clay 1.0 x 10

CLSM may be designed to be as permeable as a uniform

coarse sand or as dense as clay. CLSM proportioned with a
high than normal fines content can achieve water conductivity
as low as 10-1 cm/sec. Higher cement contents may cause a
decrease in permeability. Increasing the aggregate content or
adding special materials such as bentonite clay or
diatomaceous earth or other fine materials may reduce

It is often desirable to have the permeability of a backfill

material equal to or greater than the surrounding soil. This will
reduce the potential for the backfill material to alter the
hydrology of the area around the construction. Designing
CLSM mixtures to have a minimum water conductivity
coefficient equal to that of uniform fine sand (4.0 x 10-3 cm/sec)
is recommended. Incorporating an air void system in the CLSM

Guide Specification for Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM)

similar to that of uniform fine sand.

When a specific coefficient of permeability is required,

laboratory data can be determined during the mix design
submittal process to correlate the air content of the plastic
CLSM with the permeability of the hardened CLSM. The
Engineer may elect to specify a minimum and/or maximum
total air content of the plastic CLSM in lieu of specifying a
permeability test for the hardened CLSM. Verification
and/or acceptance would be via field testing in accordance
with ASTM D6023.

6.5 California Bearing Ratio - When R6.5 California Bearing Ratio - CLSM can be
required, the CBR value shall be designed to significantly increase the bearing capacity of a
specified by the ENGINEER. The subbase or base for pavements. The bearing capacity may
ENGINEER may elect to specify a be measured as subgrade modulus or California bearing
minimum 28-day compressive ratio (CBR). CBR values generally increase proportionally
strength in place of specifying a with compressive strength. The ENGINEER may elect to
CBR test. approve compressive strength tests be used as a measure
of bearing capacity with correlation to CBR values.

6.6 Penetration Resistance - The R6.6 Penetration Resistance - The penetration test may
ENGINEER may elect to specify a be used as a measure of the hardening time and bearing
minimum penetration resistance strength. The California Department of Transportation
(ASTM C403), hardening time, requires a penetration number of 650 before allowing a
proof rolling, drop ball test (ASTM pavement surface to be placed. Hardening time generally
D6024), or proof that the CLSM takes 3 to 5 hours. CLSM with high penetration resistance
mixture will support an individuals may develop 28-day compressive strengths in excess of
weight. 150 psi. This may impair excavatability. The maximum ball
drop indentation diameter for controlled low strength
material subject to vehicular traffic or pavement surfacing
materials shall be 3 inches.

6.7 Unit Weight - When required, the R6.7 Unit Weight - CLSM can be proportioned to
unit weight shall be specified by develop in-service unit weights in the range of 20 to 145
the ENGINEER. The Ibslft3 . Low density CLSM made by preformed foam may
manufacturer shall be permitted be used as a lightweight fill. This fill reduces the load on
to select and proportion the buried structures and underlying soils or fills. Low Density
ingredients of the CLSM mixture CLSM provides insulating and isolation properties. ACI
to meet specified requirements. 523.3R-93, Table 5.3.4 provides typical thermal
conductivity values.

Unit weights as low as 20 Ibs/ft3 may be achieved by using

lightweight aggregates and/or creating a stable air void or
cell system throughout the CLSM mixture. This air void or
cell system may be developed by using preformed foam.

Using normal weight aggregates and an ASTM C260 air

Guide Specification for Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM)

entrainment admixture, air contents up to 30% and unit

weights as low as 90 to 100 Ibs/ft3 may be produced.

The use of CLSM air generating admixtures with normal

weight aggregates may result in air contents up to 40% and
unit weights as low as 80 to 90 Ibs/ft 3.


7.1 Proportioning - CLSM shall be Unless otherwise specified, the manufacturer shall select the
proportioned by the ready mixed proportions of the constituent materials to meet the
concrete supplier on the basis of specification requirements for performance and placement.
field experience and/or laboratory CLSM is frequently proportioned with cementitious materials
trial mixtures to produce a cohesive such as hydraulic cement, fly ash and slag, fine aggregates,
and non-segregating mixture water and chemical admixtures.
meeting the specified properties.
CLSM may be manufactured with any of the designated types
of AASHTO M 85 portland cements or AASHTO M 240
blended hydraulic cements. The portland cement content for
excavatable CLSM is typically in the range of 30 to 50 Ibs/yd 3.
Class C fly ash or ground granulated blast furnace slag
contents typically range from 20 to 300 Ibs/yd 3 . Class F fly
ash contents are typically in the range of 100 to 2000 Ibs/yd 3.
CLSM is often proportioned with fly ash or slag to improve
workability and pumpability, and reduce segregation,
bleeding, shrinkage, or settlement.

Fly ash may be used in place of the fine aggregate. Mixtures

containing high quantities of fly ash will typically have a
higher water demand, displace more water during
consolidation, and have a greater initial subsidenc e than the
typical one eighth of an inch per vertical foot. CLSM mixtures
with a flow of 6 inches or greater shall be used for all mixes
containing fly ash.

Coarse aggregates have been used successfully; however,

excavatability may be impaired.

Chemical admixtures are used to improve performance

properties and lower material costs. ASTM C260 air
entrainment admixtures produce a stable air void system in
CLSM. Air contents as high as 30% may be developed.

Air contents up to approximately 40% can be developed by

the addition of CLSM air generating admixtures. High air
content lowers water demand which in-turn reduces bleeding,
segregation, subsidence and drying shrinkage. Higher air
contents will limit the ultimate strength and facilitate

Guide Specification for Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM)


Admixtures to accelerate the rate of hardening and early

age strength development may be used for fast track
construction. The ENGINEER should be cautioned that the
use of these chemicals in conjunction with a improperly
proportioned CLSM mixture may increase the ultimate
compressive strength and impair excavatability.

Foaming agents or lightweight aggregates may be used to

produce low density CLSM. Foaming agents produce a
preformed foam that expands the CLSM forming a micro-
bubbled, stable foam. The foam is formed using
specialized equipment usually furnished by the

7.2 Pumpable CLSM - Shall be R7.2 Pumpable CLSM - CLSM mixtures may be
proportioned to allow transport by transported by conventional concrete pumping equipment.
pumping methods without To reduce segregation and improve pumpability, the
segregating or excessive mixtures must be proportioned with sufficient fine
bleeding. materials, such as fly ash, to provide adequate void filling.
High pump pressure may cause a loss in air content which
increases the unity weight and reduces pumpability.


8.1 Sampling - ASTM D 5971 The scope of the quality control program will vary with the
application and the required level of quality desired. The
8.2 Compressive Strength - ASTM specifier shall select the appropriate test methods for the
D 4832 desired performance properties to assure that the material
will be adequate for the intended use. Section 8, Quality
8.3 Unit Weight - ASTM D 6023 Control, provides test methods appropriate for CLSM.

8.4 Flowability - ASTM D 6103

8.5 Air Content - ASTM D 6023

8.6 Permeability - ASTM D 5084

8.7 California Bearing Ratio - ASTM

D 1883

8.8 Penetration Resistance - ASTM

C 403

Guide Specification for Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM)


9.1 Batch Records - Batch plant Acceptance is based on verification that the CLSM material
recordation or certified batch report was batched within tolerance of the submitted and approved
should be used when a ready mix design. When the application requires special
mixed truck is used and when it is engineering properties, the Engineer may elect to specify
not (ie., a volumetric mixer) then additional acceptance tests related to the specified required
such other verification method as properties.
the supplier and customer can
agree to. Acceptance shall be
based on verification that the
constituent materials were batched
in accordance with the design.
Verification shall be by inspection,
automated batch plant recordation,
or certified batch report. The
method of verification shall be
approved by the ENGINEER.

9.2 CLSM Properties - As required by

the application, the ENGINEER
shall specify acceptance tests for
appropriate material properties.
The testing frequency shall be
specified by the ENGINEER.
The specified procedures and methods are appropriate for
the production and delivery of structural hydraulic cement
concrete. Quality CLSM may be fabricated and delivered
with nonconforming procedures and methods. Use of non-
conforming procedures requires the approval of the
ENGINEER. Approval shall be based on the documentation
that the non-conforming procedure will provide CLSM
meeting the specified performance requirements similar to
M157-87, Section 11.0.

10.1 Batching And Delivery- Material

shall be batched and delivered in
accordance with AASHTO M 157-86
(1996), Sections 8, 9, 10 and 11
except the temperature requirements
of 11.8 and 11.9 which shall be

Guide Specification for Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM)

10.2 Water and Admixture Addition - The

addition of water and admixtures on
the jobsite is permitted. The amount of
water and admixture added shall be
recorded. The CLSM mixture shall be
mixed for a minimum of 30 revolutions
after the addition of the water or


Placement considerations are discussed in ACI 229R-94,
Section 6.4.

11.1 Temperature - Material shall not be R11.1 Temperature - Requirements may Be waived by
placed on frozen ground. The ambient the ENGINEER if it is determined that freezing conditions
temperature shall be 35 deg F and rising at will not be detrimental to the CLSM mixture.
the time of placement.

11.2 Standing Water - CLSM may be placed in

confined spaces containing standing


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