Trancultural Nursing: Essay
Trancultural Nursing: Essay
Trancultural Nursing: Essay
By :
Dr. Madeline Leininger, a nurse anthropologist, has a big hand in promoting research
in Transcultural care. He is transcultural nursing pioneer and a leader in developing the
theory of transcultural nursing and nursing care that focuses on humans. Leininger also is
a nurse who won the first professional doctorate education in social and cultural
1950s to the 1960s, Leininger identify some common areas of knowledge and research
between treatment and anthropology: the formulation of the concept of transcultural
nursing, practice and principles of the theory. His book entitled Nursing and anthropology:
Two Words to Blend; which is the first book in transcultural nursing, became the basis for
the development of transcultural nursing, and the underlying culture of health care. The
next book, "Transcultural Nursing: Concepts, theories, research, and practice (1978)",
identifies the major concepts, theoretical ideas, practice in transcultural nursing, evidence
of this is the first definitive publication in transcultural care practice. In his writings, he
demonstrated that transcultural nursing and anthropology are complementary to one
another, though different. Theory and framework of his concept of Cultural care diversity
and universality are described in the book.
As the first professional nurses who continue their education to pursue a doctorate in
anthropology and to initiate several master and doctoral education programs, Leininger
has many areas of expertise and attention. It has been my study of 14 major culture in
greater depth and have had experiences with different cultures. Besides treatment
transcultural with nursing care as the main focus, another area of concern is the
administration and comparative education, theories of nursing, political, ethical dilemma
of nursing and health care, methods of qualitative research, the future of nursing and
nursing health, and leadership in nursing. Theory of Culture Care is now widely used and
growing relevant and important to obtain basic cultural data from different cultures.
Transcultural Nursing is an area / region of science culture in the process of learning
and practice of nursing that focus sees the difference and similarities between cultures with
respect upbringing, healthy and sick based on the value of human cultures, beliefs and
actions, and this knowledge is used to provide nursing care in particular cultural or the
integrity of the human culture (Leininger, 2002).
The fundamental assumption of the theory is the behavior of Caring. Caring is the
essence of nursing, differentiate, dominate and unify nursing actions. Caring action be
regarded as acts committed in providing support to individuals in their entirety. Caring
behavior should be given to humans from birth, in the development and growth, a period
when his defense until the man died.
Human caring is generally regarded as everything related to the support and guidance
on a whole human being. Human caring is a universal phenomenon in which the
expression, structure and patterns vary among cultures one place to another place.
Culture care theory is widely accessible as it is the major and most significant
contributor to transcultural nursing. Cultural care theory played and will continue to play
a significant role in nursing practice, research and education. Nurses are the key in moving
forward with eliminating disparities different populations based upon numerous factors.
Today's environment is multicultural and the emphasis on providing culturally competent
care has increased. The Culture Care theory is well established and "it has been the most
significant breakthrough in nursing and the health fields in the 20th century and will be in
greater demand in the 21st century." (Leininger, 2002) Nurses are the leaders in providing
culturally competent care and the Culture Care theory is the foundation. By the year 2050
it is estimated that minorities will comprise 46 percent of the population. Leininger has
established a strong foundation and because of her work, nurses will be at the forefront of
culturally based care. Nurses are armed and ready, with Leiningers tools and guidance,
ready to meet the future demands for culturally competent nursing care.
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