2010 10 10 - Sunday
2010 10 10 - Sunday
2010 10 10 - Sunday
A Story To Stand On
Sundays thru Dec.19 11:00 AM
Our fall theme is “A Story To Stand On.” In worship
T-shirts with the Hennepin
logo will be available in
Carlson Hall, this Sunday,
Quilt Sale
Today, in Carlson Hall, the
Knotty Quilters will have a
fall sale of their quilts and
Community Interfaith
we will hear parables of Jesus, from 9-11 AM and at the handmade items. Meals Explorations
those stories which have shaped Congregational Dinner at 5 Hunger 336 guests celebrated a Enter an interfaith dialogue
our lives. Through Dec. we will PM. Sizes S, M, & L will be beautiful Sunday night in guided by Gail Anderson,
Pentecost Season October 10, 2010 available at $6.00 each.
hear favorite scripture stories of our basement where a Director of Unity and Rela-
Last week Pastor Leah
Hennepin members which have delicious chicken dinner tionships at the MN Council
Potluck/Meeting Today! Worship Leaders talked about our connec-
informed their faith journeys. greeted everyone…although of Churches. Consider the
Sunday, October 10 at 5:00 pm is our last potluck/ at 9:30 & 11:00 tional system. Our Hunger
Oct. 10: Leah Rosso, Oct. 17: Kita McVay. we did run out. Our U of M next outing: A Morning at
This Week!
congregational meeting. A Offering this month will be
veterinary friends vaccinated Adath Jeshuran Conservative
hot entrée is provided, and Sabbath To End Homelessness sent to UMCOR for flood
27 pets. No matter if you Jewish Synagogue, Sat., Oct.
you are asked to bring the Sundays Oct. 10-Nov. 7, 11:00 AM relief not only in Pakistan
volunteer, donate or just 16, 9:45 AM-12 Noon.
fixin’s: A-B Appetizers, bread; Join in this multi-week presentation surrounding but also for India which is
worry about us, it’s all Please reserve your space
C-R Side dish, vegetable, the issue of homelessness. October 10: A History October 10 also having severe floods
marvelous! Thank you for by calling the church at
salad; S-Z Dessert. Dinner at 5 of Homelessness presented by Mikkel Beckmen, Chris Jackson, preaching which are causing problems
making Hennepin the place 612-871-5303.
pm, music and agenda at 5:45. Childcare provided. Executive Director, St. Stephen’s Human Services. October 17 in our Gandhi school. UM-
COR has already issued a where everyone’s at home.
Come learn about the History of Homelessness Bishop Sally Dyck, preaching
from a man who has worked in this community for
20 years to make the human right of housing a
reality for all. To reach this goal we need to first
October 24
Leah Rosso, preaching
$70,000 grant to Church
World Service (CWS) and
smaller grants to Global
understand how it all began. October 17: Journey All Saints’ Day Medic, Muslim Aid and the Connect 4 Reconciling
out of Homelessness with Al Phenow, Richard We will celebrate All Saints’ Church of Pakistan. CWS Oct. 24, 10:30 am - 12:00 Ministries
Jones, and Teri Fagre. Can you imagine what it Day on Oct. 31st this year! working with other relief noon. Connect 4 is an effort Oct. 10, 10:45 am
Come for meaningful worship designed to connect new (& Longfellow Room
would be like to be homeless? How would you groups has provided food to
survive? How would you get back on your feet to celebrate the Saints of our 55,500, health care to new-ish) members through LGBT, friends and parents
and regain stability? Three Dignity Center clients past, the Saints that have died 26,500 and shelter kits to conversation. Hosted by new are invited to pick up a cup
share their powerful stories of transformation from this year, and the Saints that 17,500 families. Talk about members Rachel Austin and of coffee in Carlson Hall
hopelessness to hope as they rebuilt their lives are still present with us. In connection. Isn’t it amazing Amy Batiste, the October and join us for a time of
from homelessness to housed. United Methodist tradition, what our Hunger Offering session will be discussing conversation. This
we believe that we are all will do. Please be generous. the fall theme “A Story To group normally
Loving Kindness Meditation part of the communion of Stand On” sharing our own meets on the
Your gifts to the church operating budget support 10:00 AM Saturday Oct. 30 saints. Come and celebrate Concert Event stories and the stories that
2nd Sunday
the infrastructure of our many outreach ministries Loving Kindness is a 2500-year old meditation the saints in your life! November 12 have inspired us. RSVP: Call
of the month.
such as Community Meals and the Dignity Center, practice that helps us overcome self-dislike and Church Office – 612-871-
Donor and Everyone is
which make such a difference in people’s daily builds self-love and self-acceptance. As 5303 or email Rachel Austin
lives. Thank you for your financial pledge to we grow in self-appreciation, we find Customer at rachel.posey@gmail.com
Hennepin Church in 2011. Your church is worth it!
Program sponsored by the Hospitality Committee (remember our congregational sponsored by register by Wednesday, Oct.
on NPR’s All Things Considered will join us as any one item in the store),
and supported by a Hennepin Foundation grant. goals of reaching new people the Hennepin
part of our fall theme, “A Story to Stand On.” A and a drawing for SPSS gift 13, cost is $8.00. Oct. 23:
and cultivating our spiritual Foundation. All
wonderful opportunity to invite your friends to certificates. vitality?) Mark your calendars are welcome! Another opportunity to visit
Hennepin…start planning now! now! the Hindu Temple.
Weekly Classes/Activities
Thursday Bible Study 11 AM to 12:00
Donate! Volunteer!
The October Hunger Offering will
Christmas is coming and the Steeple
People Surplus Store is seeking
Calendar of Events MONDAY, OCTOBER 11
9:00 AM Dignity Center—Open
noon in the Longfellow Room. The support the UMCOR response to the volunteers to help price Christmas Sunday, October 10, 2010 7:00 PM Faith and Life Discussion Group
donations in time for the Holiday 8:30 - 9:00 Holy Communion Border Chapel
New Testament book, Acts of the floods and landslides in Pakistan. TUESDAY, OCTOBER12
Sale in November. Contact Anne 8:30 - 12:30 Coffee Fellowship Carlson Hall
Apostles, will be our fall topic. New Over 1,000 have died and 25,000 8:30 AM Library Committee
Hepper at hepperburgh@aol.com. 8:45 - 12:30 Nursery / Child Care Rooms 101 & 103
participants always welcome! Chris are stranded without food or water. 9:00 - 10:00 Sacred Journey Art Gallery 6:00 PM Altar Choir
Jackson, Juanita Reed Boniface and Over 8 million Pakistanis are in dire Bike Mechanics are needed to help 9:30 - 10:30 Festival Worship Sanctuary 6:30 PM Children’s Council
Mary Mensheha share leadership. need of emergency assistance food. work on donated bikes for the 9:30 - 10:30 Sixth Grade Art Project Room 2 6:30 PM Russia Partnership
Men’s Bible Fellowship. At 7:15 on The Hennepin Peace Through Justice D.C.E.H. Bike Ministry. Contact Seventh Grade Confirmation Parsonage Basement WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13
Friday Mornings a group of men Committee urges your support. Mary Martin for details at 612-435- Sunday School for Grades 8-12 Church of Youth 9:00 AM Dignity Center—Open
gather for bible study, conversation Finance Office Volunteer Needed: 1337 or email: mary@haumc.org. 9:45 - 10:45 Sunday School Education Wing 9:30 AM Knotty Quilters
and fellowship. All men are invited One hour, Tuesday or Wednesday, Cashiers are desperately needed at Preschool Age 3 Room 105 1:00 PM Recyclers
to attend this lively discussion. between 10 am and 4 pm. You may the Steeple People Surplus Store. A Pre-K Room 1/3 1:00 PM Archives Committee
Job Support Group: Mon., Oct. 18, serve once a week or once/twice a fun way to meet interesting customers Kindergarten Room 5/7 5:30 PM Steeple People Board
7:00 - 8:30 pm. Hennepin offers a month. Access to a car required. and other volunteers. Training pro- First Grade Room 4/6 6:00 PM Abundant Life Group
Roundtable Job Support Group for Contact Chris Jackson at 612-435- vided for user-friendly cash register. Second Grade Room 8
6:00 PM Lay Leadership Meeting
people who are worried about their 1308 or chris@haumc.org. Stop by the store to observe our Third Grade Room 201
6:30 PM Local Outreach
current job or transitioning to a new operation to see if it is a good fit. To Fourth Grade Room 203
Backpacks Needed: It's back to school Fifth Grade Room 205 7:30 PM Sanctuary Choir
career. We welcome Leslie Philon volunteer, contact Avis Hoffman at
as the new facilitator for the group.
time for many Dignity Center clients. 10:30 - 12:30 Breakfast at Hennepin Social Hall THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14
They need backpacks to carry their Avis@HoffmanBFC.com. 9:00 AM Joy Circle
She has 16 years experience as Career 10:30 - 11:15 Blood Pressure Screening Room 204
belongings. Good condition used Walk to Emmaus has the men’s walk 10:30 - 12:30 Quilt Sale Carlson Hall 11:00 AM Thursday Bible Study
Coach and Consultant. (and new) backpacks are appreciated. this weekend at Camp Koronis in 10:45 - 11:45 Youth Council Dossal Alcove 3:00 PM Labyrinth
Kjerringsleppets Women’s Book Group Paynesville. Please pray for those
Donate blood: Memorial Blood Center 10:45 - 12:00 Reconciling Ministries Longfellow Room 6:00 PM Foundation Board
will discuss Dance of the Dissident who are participating.
will accept blood donations at the 11:00 - 12:00 Many Voices Border Chapel 7:00 PM Hennepin Chime
Daughter by Sue Monk Kidd on Woman’s Club (410 Oak Grove) from 11:00 - 12:00 A Story to Stand On: Leah Rosso Room 202
Wednesday, November 3: The Faith New Member Classes FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15
8:00 AM to 11:30 AM, Saturday, Oct.
in November 11:00 - 12:00 Seeds of Celebration Harrison Room 7:00 AM Men’s Bible Fellowship
Club: A Muslim, A Christian, A Jew. 9. Walk-ins welcome. Call 651-332- 11:00 - 12:00 History of Homelessness Art Gallery
Contact Sally@haumc.org for info. The next set of our New Member 9:00 AM Dignity Center — Open
7165 for an appointment. Free parking 11:00 - 12:30 Chamber Singers Choir Room 10:00 AM Alanon
The Science & Faith Roundtable: If in the lot next to the Woman’s Club. Classes will be November 14 & 21. 3:30 - 5:00 Compass 180 Meeting Harrison Room
you’re interested in how science Come meet new people and get to 12:00 PM Life Adventures Luncheon
UMCOR Sager Brown. Thinking about 5:00 - 6:30 Confirmation Parsonage Basement
and religion can be partners in the know Hennepin Church as we eat a 5:00 - 8:00 Congregational Meeting/Potluck Social Hall SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16
volunteering for the Sager Brown
quest for truth, this group may be meal together, take a tour, look at the 7:00 - 8:00 Journey Rehearsal Choir Room 10:00 AM Mindfulness Meditation
mission trip Jan. 9 - 21, 2011? Learn
for you! Next meeting is 7:00 PM, roots of United Methodism, and have
more at www.sagerbrown.org.
Oct. 28 - Questions of Truth: Fifty-
one Responses to Questions About
God, Science, and Belief by John
Polkinghorne and Nicholas Beale.
Learn about the mission trip by talk-
ing to a Sager Brown volunteer in
Carlson Hall today or contacting
discussion around spiritual gifts.
Classes are from 11:00 AM — 1:00
PM, and a meal is provided at both.
First Aid, CPR
Classes Offered
Breakfast at Hennepin
10:30 AM—12:30 PM
Join your friends in the lower level
Social Hall this fall for our Sunday
Now Accepting PayPal Free Parking! get discouraged before they ever enter
participant will receive a certification
card from the American Red Cross.
The training you receive could safe
your life or the life of someone you
and Continued Support
At the end of September, the Operating
Budget Income Received in each of
the past three years has amounted to:
are posted each week in the Pastoral
Care section on the kiosk in Carlson
Hall. Greeting cards for members in
need of cheer are available to sign at
If you wish to make a gift or donation Looking for some exercise? A way to the door! Sept 12, 19, & 26: There will love. To register call the church office 2010—71% of Budget Thank You the reception desk near the East Entry.
to Hennepin Church, please note we meet others? A way to help Hennepin be people in the ramp to help you at 612-871-5303 2009—66% of Budget For your PACEM SINGERS are available to sing
Church? Park in the ramp! By parking before and after worship. Please try it 2008—68% of Budget Support!
have another way to facilitate that. Oct. 17 — Standard First Aid to Hennepin members and friends
in the Walker Art Center Ramp Sunday out! You may find you like having a
You may make your gift online, safely Noon – 4:00 PM, $22 per person bringing comfort of favorite hymns
mornings, you will help those who are warm car in the winter and a cool car Sunday Spire Deadline
through PayPal. Just go to our new and songs to your surroundings.
not very mobile be able to park in the in the summer! (Pick up Nov. 14 — Infant and Child CPR
church website: HennepinChurch.org your free parking passes Please email all information to DOWNTOWN GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP:
and then choose “Giving” parking lot. You’ll also make sure that Noon – 4:00 PM, $30 per person Spire@haumc.org by 10:00 AM www.mplsgriefsupport.com. Saturday
people who are visiting the church not from an usher or at the
from the top menu. front desk.) For questions call Paula Colton, in- on Monday for the following mornings Sept. 4 - Dec. 18, at Central
Lutheran Church (333 South 12th St.,
Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church structor. at 612-435-1304. Classes Sunday Spire, or drop off at the
limited to 10 students...sign up soon! Mpls.) 9:30 - 11:30 AM. Oct. 16 topic:
511 Groveland Avenue | Minneapolis, MN 55403 | 612.871.5303 | HennepinChurch.org church, attn: Daniel Pederson. “Grief and Self-Awareness.”
Koinonia Retreat Center | 7768 Pilger Ave. NE | South Haven, MN 55382 | 888-801-7746