Pcoming Vents: Relevant Inclusive Beautiful
Pcoming Vents: Relevant Inclusive Beautiful
Pcoming Vents: Relevant Inclusive Beautiful
— Page Three —
WILL POWER CROSS COUNTRY SKIING Nineteen Hennepin members and
JACK FISTLER, LEGACY GIVING Gather at church at 1:30 pm on Jan.16. friends will leave the week of January 2 to
That’s true for keeping our We’ll carpool to Theodore Wirth Park serve in the Disaster Relief Depot at the
New Year’s resolutions. And it applies United Methodist Committee on Relief
for cross country skiing. (Renting skis/
also to making our financial plans, for (UMCOR) Sager Brown (USB) and in
poles/boots is $11 and a ski pass is $8.)
our current and long-term interests. the surrounding Baldwin, LA community.
Afterwards we’ll go out for coffee/
One basic step in your planning should Two more will join them a week
cocoa/cider. Please sign up so we know later. This represents Hennepin’s 14th
include writing a will or estate plan – to you are coming! Register at the front
provide for loved ones as well as your annual mission trip to USB. Although
desk of the church or email many individuals return year after
charitable interests. More than 80% of
Leah@haumc.org. Invite your friends year, several new people join the
Americans contribute to non-profit
and neighbors! group each year — to date 75 different
groups during their lifetimes – yet fewer
than 10% continue this support in their individuals. We will recognize this
wills. Legacy gifts of any level are NEW BIBLE STUDY group in worship on Sunday, January 2
invaluable and cherished. To turn the as we wish them God Speed and safe
phrase – that’s the power of a will!
COMING SOON! travels.
If you don’t have a will or estate plan, Starting January 27, an
make a resolution to write one soon. eight-week Bible study will 40 BELOW
If you have a will, or have made a be offered on Thursdays GAMES AND DINNER NIGHT
bequest for Hennepin Church, please from 6 — 7:30 PM. Snacks provided, AT THE CHATTERBOX
let us know by contacting me at 612- bring your dinner if you want. (We can
435-1321 or Jack@haumc.org. Join us for a fun evening of food and
have Jimmy John's deliver sandwiches
games on Thursday, January 20 from
if enough people want them). We’ll be
6:00—8:30 PM. The Chatterbox Pub
LITTLE KIDS, BIG FUN exploring the book of Acts together and
has a variety of board games and a
talking about what it means for our great menu that has something for
A night for families to come connect
lives today. This will be led by Leah everyone. Laid back atmosphere, kids
with others without any preparation
needed! A meal is provided from 5:30 Rosso. Email her (Leah@haumc.org) or are welcome! Feel free to invite others
— 6:15 pm, and then there are kid and call the front desk (612-871-5303) if
Chatterbox Pub
adult activities until 7:15. January 12 you want to sign up. All are welcome!
4501 France Ave South (Linden Hills)
Sarah Longacre, owner of Blooma Yoga Minneapolis, MN
Studios is coming to do yoga with the THURSDAY BIBLE STUDY
kids (and any adults who want to tag
along) while the adults enjoy a time of
Thursday Bible Study is taking a break FREE, HEATED PARKING!
meditation with Sally Johnson. Please December 30, and will resume January
It’s Cold! It’s Snowy! So why not
sign up (contact the front desk 612- 6 at 11:00 AM in the Longfellow Room.
park in the Walker Art Center Ramp
871-5303) by Friday, January 7. Cost Chris Jackson will lead a Bible study
Sundays until 12:30 PM? Free parking
is $20/family or $7/person. All are of eight of the Hebrew prophets. New
(with a coupon available at the front
welcome! members are always welcome. Join us!
desk or from the ushers, thanks to the
CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES the lesson and help ensure a safe and Trustees) and your car will be warm
loving environment for all students. and dry after services. What's more,
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Please consider sharing your gifts with there is no looking for a parking
DANA NEUHAUSER, the children of Hennepin through this space — 700 open spaces for you!
CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES no-prep commitment. For information, When you choose to park at the
Classroom helpers are needed for the contact Dana Neuhauser at 612-435- Walker, you make Hennepin a more
following grade levels: 1306 or at Dana@haumc.org. inviting place by providing easy
parking for a newcomer or a person
• Preschool (age 3)
• Pre-Kindergarten
with mobility limitations. Thanks!
• 1st Grade
• 2nd Grade
• 3rd Grade
• 4th Grade
• 5th Grade
Classroom helpers volunteer about 6
times per year (Sept-May). Helpers are
asked to assist the lead teacher with
— Page Four —
About every season throughout the year, I do a personal health
inventory of my whole being. I call it a Wellness Check-In. I review
holistically, the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and environ- HOLIDAY CLOSINGS
mental areas of my life. I measure or weigh the stronger and weaker
areas of this WELLNESS WHEEL: paying attention to the weaker areas
The church building and
that may need change and healing attention.
offices will be closed
This little exercise provides an avenue to plan, adjust, and move towards a
healthier lifestyle or path. You may want to perform a similar Wellness Check-In
on your own life. How is your mental, spiritual, physical, emotional and environ-
Saturday December 25
mental status doing? Saturday, January 1
As we evolve and grow into this New Year, may your Holistic Health be strong Monday, January 3
and vibrant, because we are interested as a Community of faith in your well being! Monday, January 17
How are you doing? WORSHIP TIMES CHANGE
P h ys
balance 10:00 AM in the Sanctuary.
Coffee will be served and the
with this
Breakfast at Hennepin resumes
Wellness Wheel! Me al that day, 11:00 AM.
ir itu
l S p
January 16
8:30 AM Communion Service
9:00 AM Sacred Journey
9:30 AM Sanctuary, Bruce Robbins, Preacher
11:00 AM Many Voices
5:00 PM Sundays@ 5
January 23
8:30 AM Communion Service
9:00 AM Sacred Journey
9:30 AM Sanctuary, Bruce Robbins, Preacher
11:00 AM Many Voices
5:00 PM Sundays @ 5