Pcoming Vents: Relevant Inclusive Beautiful

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Relevant Inclusive Beautiful

January 2011 HennepinChurch.org

As this newsletter goes to press, 446 church households have responded
with pledge cards for the operating budget totaling $1,417,466.13 Our pledge Koinonia Retreat (p.6)
goal this year is $1,690,000, and so the gap is $272,533.87. The operating JANUARY 2
budget for 2011 does not have increases in any program ministry areas, One Worship Service (p.5)
operations, or the Conference Apportionments. The Staff Parish Relations JANUARY 7
Committee has a 3% increase to cover benefit costs and to offer staff raises New Life Adventures (p.5)
(compensation for staff has been flat for 3 years).
As you can see, it is crucial that we hear from every church participant. The
Finance Committee will review pledge levels at their January 18 meeting, and Sunday @ 5
if necessary, recommend to the ministry areas, the Staff Parish Relations NEW Worship Service Begins (p.1)
Committee (staff) and the Ad Council that cuts be made. If you have not JANUARY 12
returned your pledge card, please do so today. You can download and fill out Little Kids, Big Fun (p.4)
a pledge card from the website, Hennepinchurch.org, pick up a form at JANUARY 16
the church, or contact Chris Jackson (Chris@haumc.org, 612-435-1308), Tara Young Adult Skiing (p.4)
Emerson in the Finance office (Tara@haumc.org, 612-435-1331). We want to
hear from you, and we want to hear your prayers for your church and for
your own needs! Thank you! 40 Below @ Chatterbox (p.4)
Each year in January, the church looks backward and forward in an event
Church Conference/Potluck
called the “Church Conference.” On Sunday, January 23, 2011 at 5:00 PM,
you are invited to a potluck meal (bring a dish to share, the entree will be
provided). At that time we will review the ministries of the past year, note JANUARY 27
milestones, and look forward to the new year with the election of church NEW Bible Study
officers and ratifying the church operating budget. All church members have (p.4)
vote. Please join us!


Sunday @ 5 is an inclusive, informal, holistic gathering welcoming all
seekers wherever they are on their journey. We support spiritual formation
using the principles of the twelve-step recovery tradition, sharing our stories
of hope and healing. Leslie Ball provides musical leadership and members of
the Hennepin clergy rotate as fellow celebrants.
Doors open at 4:30 PM; we will be serving coffee and tea. Gathering time
begins at 5:00 PM. All are welcome!
Happy New Year! Here is the January AT THE DIGNITY CENTER ROUNDTABLE
2011 Edition of the !nSpire. There is Looking for a meaningful volunteer BY KRISTIAN CLAUSER
much to read and learn about in these opportunity? The Dignity Center has
If you’re interested in how science
pages. Thanks to all who have shared lots of options: volunteer to be an
articles or information for this newsletter, and religion can be partners in the
advocate or hospitality person one
YOUR newsletter! morning per week in the daily program; quest for truth, this book club may be
The February 2011 edition deadline is volunteer as a lawyer through the for you. Our gatherings, usually on the
10:00 AM, Thursday, January 20th. Volunteer Lawyer Network legal clinic 4th Thursday of the month at 7:00
Send your info to Spire@haumc.org, one Mon., Wed., or Fri. morning per PM, are marked with great questions,
submit online at HennepinChurch.org month. Volunteer opportunities can be lively discussions, occasional debates,
(Share Your Story) or drop off at church, tailored to your interests and time frequent laughter, and yummy treats!
attn: Daniel, 612-435-1320. availability. Questions? Contact Mary Meetings are free and newcomers are
Martin Mary@haumc.org 612-435-1337. always welcome! Questions? Contact
Kristian Clauser: ckclauser@gmail.com.
Community Meals The Kjerringsleppets Women’s Book we’ll discuss Don
Ministry will celebrate Group meets on the first Wednesday Browning’s book:
Souper Sunday on of the month. January 5: Still Alice Reviving Christian
February 6, 2010. by Lisa Genova. February 2: I Know Humanism: The
Many churches Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya New Conversation
celebrate Super Angelou (meet with Senior High Girls’ on S pi ri t ua l i t y ,
Bowl Sunday as book club). Contact Sally for info: Theology, and
Souper Sunday, Sally@haumc.org. Psychology.
and this year
FAITH IN ACTION TEAM Faith In Action team there are both in-
HENNEPIN’S LOCAL OUTREACH COMMITTEE ternal Hennepin ministry programs and
Meals is hoping you will bring soup external community partners. Our inter-
that day. But why just bring one can of Hennepin’s local outreach committee nal Hennepin ministry programs in-
soup for the hungry? If you buy a can of is the Faith In Action Team. In 2009 the clude:
soup for the hungry each time your members of the former local outreach • Community Meals
team wins, think of the ministry that committee — Ministries to the City — • The Dignity Center
evaluated the purpose and relevance of • Compass 180 (prison mentoring
could be done this winter. If your
their committee. Through this process and scholarship program)
professional, college, high school or
it was realized that the purpose the • The Steeple People Store
neighborhood team wins won’t you Ministries to the City committee once
buy a can of soup, and bring them all • Building Walls, Tearing Down
served in this congregation and in our
on February 6? How many cans would Barriers (Habitat for Humanity)
community was no longer relevant to
The following external community
that be? Join in the fun, and celebrate the current issues and changing times in
partners are the outcome of various
Souper Sunday from now until February this world around us. So, we celebrated
relationships that Hennepin members
6. There will be many thanks. the work that had been done over many
engaged in over the years to create
years by various people and reformed
these different community organizations
the local outreach committee into
JANUARY AND FEBRUARY the Faith In Action team. In November
that are going strong in our community
CHURCH CLOSINGS of 2009, the Administrative Council
• Meals On Wheels
officially adopted the Faith In Action
The Church Building and Offices will • Project for Pride In Living
team as Hennepin Church’s local out-
be closed on Saturday, January 1 and • Groveland Food Shelf
reach committee.
Monday, January 3, in observance of • NIP (Neighborhood Involvement
The Faith In Action team is here to
the New Year’s Day holiday, and again Program)
connect people to their faith calling as
on Monday, January 17 for the Martin In months to come we will be sharing
Christians, to bring awareness to people
Luther King Birthday observance. For many opportunities that you can be a
about the different ways people can put
your planning, the building is also closed their faith into action, and to plan local part of to put YOUR faith into action.
on Monday, February 21 for Presidents service opportunities that engage people If you prefer to learn about those oppor-
Day holiday. in working with and serving others tunities contact Kristyn Ebert at
through projects in the surrounding Kristyn@haumc.org to learn more about
community. Under the umbrella of the how you can get involved.
— Page Two —
JANUARY 9, 16, 23 — 11:00 AM
The mainline churches in the Western World are declining,
concludes author Lloyd Geering, because they are “all out of step”
with the modern secular world. This is not so much a result of the
the Fire:
renegade behavior of the secular world as the failure of the church
to take the next steps in its path of faith. Bob Janssen, leader.
JANUARY 30 — 11:00 AM
Bruce Robbins will report on the places, people and insights he experienced on his
four month sabbatical.
the Stories
JANUARY 23, 30, FEBRUARY 6, 13, 20, 27 — 11:00 AM
Led by Dennis Behl & Bill Mate
That Have
Since the days when the Puritan “city on a hill” beckoned on
the horizon of the New World, religious faith and belief have Shaped Us
forged America’s ideals, molded its identity and shaped its sense of
mission at home and abroad. This six weeks PBS series contains
the following episodes: No doubt you had a particular
A NEW ADAM: a look at how the New World challenged and changed the scripture story you claimed as a
faiths the first European settlers brought with them. childhood favorite. David and Go-
A NEW EDEN: considers the origins of America’s experiment in religious liath? Noah and the Ark? Jonah and
liberty, examining how the unlikely alliance between evangelical Baptists
and enlightenment figures forged a new concept of religious freedom. the Whale? These stories hold great
A NATION REBORN: explores how religion suffused the Civil War. power and visual drama, but what
A NEW LIGHT: how the forces of modernity challenged traditional faith and do they mean to our faith today?
drove a wedge between liberal and conservative believers. How can we look at these ancient
SOUL OF A NATION: explores the post-World War II era, when rising stories in new ways? How do we
evangelist Billy Graham tried to inspire a religious revival that fused faith
rekindle the fire that holds a message
with patriotism in a Cold War Battle with “godless communism.”
OF GOD AND CAESAR: bring the series into the present day, exploring the that transcends time? Or are these
religious and political aspirations of conservative evangelicals’ moral crusade stories simply flights of the imagina-
over divisive social issues. tion best left to the past?
THE ORIGIN OF SATAN (a DVD series with Elaine Pagels) During the long season of
FEBRUARY 6 & 13 — 11:00 AM
Led by Rexi Warner Epiphany this year that spans the
Who is Satan? How did he become the embodiment of evil in the months of January, February and the
New Testament? Bestselling author and scholar Elaine Pagels first week of March, we will explore
shows how a struggle between followers of Jesus and the Jewish this theme and many of the
majority turned into a demonization of the “intimate enemies” and
how pagans and dissenting Christians also came to be branded scriptures and doctrines that have
agents of Satan. defined Christian life. We will ask
BREATH OF LIFE (3-Part Series) ourselves difficult questions about
FEBRUARY 6, 20 & 27 — 11:00 AM them and allow them to challenge us
Led by Julie Delene in new ways. As author Madeline
Julie Delene, founder of Move-As-One, helps guide individuals L’Engle once said: “Not all scriptures
and teams through the process of remaking themselves from the
inside out. Breathe to Quiet Your Mind – Focusing on the always
are factual but they all hold truth.”
present and rhythmic actions of the breath, you will relax your In these cold, winter months
mind, and connect with your life force, found in the breath behind the breath.
Breathe to Heal: Release Physical and Emotional Blocks – Learn to apply the heal- leading us toward Lent, come and
ing triangle technique and unify your body, mind and breath. Breathe to Create: gather as a Hennepin community as
Expand Strength, Clarity and Vibration – Direct and conscious connection with we do the work of Rekindling the
your breath increases your ability to engage your higher mind, gain clarity from
within, and expand your magnetic energy.

— Page Three —
WILL POWER CROSS COUNTRY SKIING Nineteen Hennepin members and
JACK FISTLER, LEGACY GIVING Gather at church at 1:30 pm on Jan.16. friends will leave the week of January 2 to
That’s true for keeping our We’ll carpool to Theodore Wirth Park serve in the Disaster Relief Depot at the
New Year’s resolutions. And it applies United Methodist Committee on Relief
for cross country skiing. (Renting skis/
also to making our financial plans, for (UMCOR) Sager Brown (USB) and in
poles/boots is $11 and a ski pass is $8.)
our current and long-term interests. the surrounding Baldwin, LA community.
Afterwards we’ll go out for coffee/
One basic step in your planning should Two more will join them a week
cocoa/cider. Please sign up so we know later. This represents Hennepin’s 14th
include writing a will or estate plan – to you are coming! Register at the front
provide for loved ones as well as your annual mission trip to USB. Although
desk of the church or email many individuals return year after
charitable interests. More than 80% of
Leah@haumc.org. Invite your friends year, several new people join the
Americans contribute to non-profit
and neighbors! group each year — to date 75 different
groups during their lifetimes – yet fewer
than 10% continue this support in their individuals. We will recognize this
wills. Legacy gifts of any level are NEW BIBLE STUDY group in worship on Sunday, January 2
invaluable and cherished. To turn the as we wish them God Speed and safe
phrase – that’s the power of a will!
COMING SOON! travels.
If you don’t have a will or estate plan, Starting January 27, an
make a resolution to write one soon. eight-week Bible study will 40 BELOW
If you have a will, or have made a be offered on Thursdays GAMES AND DINNER NIGHT
bequest for Hennepin Church, please from 6 — 7:30 PM. Snacks provided, AT THE CHATTERBOX
let us know by contacting me at 612- bring your dinner if you want. (We can
435-1321 or Jack@haumc.org. Join us for a fun evening of food and
have Jimmy John's deliver sandwiches
games on Thursday, January 20 from
if enough people want them). We’ll be
6:00—8:30 PM. The Chatterbox Pub
LITTLE KIDS, BIG FUN exploring the book of Acts together and
has a variety of board games and a
talking about what it means for our great menu that has something for
A night for families to come connect
lives today. This will be led by Leah everyone. Laid back atmosphere, kids
with others without any preparation
needed! A meal is provided from 5:30 Rosso. Email her (Leah@haumc.org) or are welcome! Feel free to invite others
— 6:15 pm, and then there are kid and call the front desk (612-871-5303) if
Chatterbox Pub
adult activities until 7:15. January 12 you want to sign up. All are welcome!
4501 France Ave South (Linden Hills)
Sarah Longacre, owner of Blooma Yoga Minneapolis, MN
Studios is coming to do yoga with the THURSDAY BIBLE STUDY
kids (and any adults who want to tag
along) while the adults enjoy a time of
Thursday Bible Study is taking a break FREE, HEATED PARKING!
meditation with Sally Johnson. Please December 30, and will resume January
It’s Cold! It’s Snowy! So why not
sign up (contact the front desk 612- 6 at 11:00 AM in the Longfellow Room.
park in the Walker Art Center Ramp
871-5303) by Friday, January 7. Cost Chris Jackson will lead a Bible study
Sundays until 12:30 PM? Free parking
is $20/family or $7/person. All are of eight of the Hebrew prophets. New
(with a coupon available at the front
welcome! members are always welcome. Join us!
desk or from the ushers, thanks to the
CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES the lesson and help ensure a safe and Trustees) and your car will be warm
loving environment for all students. and dry after services. What's more,
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Please consider sharing your gifts with there is no looking for a parking
DANA NEUHAUSER, the children of Hennepin through this space — 700 open spaces for you!
CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES no-prep commitment. For information, When you choose to park at the
Classroom helpers are needed for the contact Dana Neuhauser at 612-435- Walker, you make Hennepin a more
following grade levels: 1306 or at Dana@haumc.org. inviting place by providing easy
parking for a newcomer or a person
• Preschool (age 3)
• Pre-Kindergarten
with mobility limitations. Thanks!
• 1st Grade
• 2nd Grade
• 3rd Grade
• 4th Grade
• 5th Grade
Classroom helpers volunteer about 6
times per year (Sept-May). Helpers are
asked to assist the lead teacher with
— Page Four —
About every season throughout the year, I do a personal health
inventory of my whole being. I call it a Wellness Check-In. I review
holistically, the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and environ- HOLIDAY CLOSINGS
mental areas of my life. I measure or weigh the stronger and weaker
areas of this WELLNESS WHEEL: paying attention to the weaker areas
The church building and
that may need change and healing attention.
offices will be closed
This little exercise provides an avenue to plan, adjust, and move towards a
healthier lifestyle or path. You may want to perform a similar Wellness Check-In
on your own life. How is your mental, spiritual, physical, emotional and environ-
Saturday December 25
mental status doing? Saturday, January 1
As we evolve and grow into this New Year, may your Holistic Health be strong Monday, January 3
and vibrant, because we are interested as a Community of faith in your well being! Monday, January 17
How are you doing? WORSHIP TIMES CHANGE


On Sunday January 2, we will

Find your

P h ys

have one worship service at

balance 10:00 AM in the Sanctuary.
Coffee will be served and the
with this
Breakfast at Hennepin resumes
Wellness Wheel! Me al that day, 11:00 AM.
ir itu
l S p


Sometimes we see signs of the digital KOINONIA PARTNER SEARCH UNDERWAY
revolution in a bright and changing new At the Nov. 4, 2010 Administrative Council
street sign or projections on new meeting, a proposal was adopted following
screens in the sanctuary. But these are the long work of the Koinonia Task Force,
only glimpses of the digital changes chaired by Tom Sopoci and Dr. Glen Nelson. A
happening at Hennepin. Staff members
Koinonia Partnership Search Committee was
Sherman Bausch and Daniel Pederson
will update us on all that is taking place. created to spend one year in an effort to find an
outside partner to share the facilities, cost of
FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 12:00 NOON operation, maintenance and capital improvement
of our church retreat center.
Bruce Robbins will share the many
adventures and surprises from his four In December 2010, the group was formed
month sabbatical from Hennepin according to the Ad Council resolution: Lynn
Church. He will offer what he leaned Swon and Fred Blaisdell from the Trustees, Peter
from immersing himself in the pursuit of
Sausen and Rod Bacon from Finance, Bob Knudson and Tom Sopoci from
interfaith study and conversation.
Koinonia, and Juanita Reed Boniface and Liz Buckingham from the Ad Council,
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 12:00 NOON along with me as chair. We have funds for assistance from a consultant as needed.
Join us for a special lunch and our Our commitment is to work efficiently to review all possible communities for
Valentine’s Concert with the Copper a partner which is viable and compatible with the mission of Hennepin Church.
Street Brass Quintet, a group that has When that review is complete, we will pursue any possible partners. The Ad
impressed worshippers with numbers Council expects a firm report by December 2011, with action at the January 2012
played at the 9:30 AM service. Here they Church Conference. Please keep us in your prayers for this task. If you have
will explore romantic themes in a wide comments for this Committee, please contact me, Chris@haumc.org or 612-435-
variety of musical styles. Reservations
1308 or any member listed above.
due by Feb. 7. The fee is $15.
— Page Five —
The New Year’s Retreat this year at Koinonia
is Fire and Ice. Plan now to join your family of
Hennepin at Hennepin’s own Koinonia Retreat
Center in South Haven. Come and unwind
from the hustle and bustle of the Christmas
Season December 31st through January 2nd.
Last year over 70 Hennepin members,
family, and friends ushered in the New Year
at Koinonia with games, crafts, fellowship and
praise. This year we are planning an encore
event complete with sleigh rides, broom ball,
sledding and a concert courtesy of The Multi-
generational committee. You can plan to come
and spend one or two nights at Koinonia.
1) Two Day Package: begins with dinner on Friday December 31st
and concludes with brunch on Sunday, January 2, 2011. Cost:
Adults $120, children under 12, $80.00, Family maximum of
2) One Day Package: begins with dinner on New Years Day and
concludes with brunch on January 2. Cost: Adults $60.00, children
under 12, $40.00, Family maximum of 120.00.
You may register by calling the church reception desk at 612-871-5303
or Kevin Dahlen at Koinonia directly at
1-888-801-7746. Reservations preferred
by Wednesday, December 29. Come
one, come all to this magical weekend!

Koinonia Retreat Center

7768 Pilger Ave NW
South Haven, MN 55382


With the addition of the “Sunday @
5” service, starting on January 9, 2011,
(see front page of this !nSpire) we now
have five distinct worship services on
Sundays at Hennepin. This is quite a
unique circumstance because each of
the services are different in style, in
location, in time, etc. No “repeats” from
an earlier service.
8:30 AM — Border Chapel
9:00 AM — Art Gallery
9:30 AM — Sanctuary
11:00 AM — Border Chapel
5:00 PM — Border Chapel
— Page Six —
Global Outreach Team 6:30 PM
Dignity Center Steering 6:30 PM SPIRITUAL PATH
Multigenerational Committee 6:30 PM
One Worship Service 10:00 AM Finance Committee 7:00 PM SALLY HOWELL JOHNSON
Coffee Fellowship 11:00 AM WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19
Community Meals 4:45 PM Staff Parish Relations 6:00 PM A new book collecting some of Sally’s
MONDAY, JANUARY 3 Senior High Girls’ Book Club 7:00 PM daily blog writings is been published!
~ BUILDING CLOSED ~ THURSDAY, JANUARY 20 The price is $14.00. Order by phone
TUESDAY, JANUARY 4 February !nSpire Deadline 10:00 AM at 1-888-696-1828 or online at
India Partnership 11:00 AM Labyrinth 3:00 PM kirkhouse.com/Books/Barefoot-Zone.
Altar Choir 6:00 PM Peace Through Justice Forum 7:00 PM
Order forms are also available at the
Alanon 10:00 AM
reception desk. All proceeds from
Kjerringsleppets 5:30 PM
Susanna Wesley Circle 7:00 PM Life Adventures Luncheon 12:00 Noon the book will go to the Hennepin
Senior High Girls’ Book Club 7:00 PM SUNDAY, JANUARY 23 Foundation Scholarship fund.
THURSDAY, JANUARY 6 Regular Sunday worship at
Thursday Bible Study 11:00 AM 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM SEED FOR THOUGHT
Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:30 PM Sunday School 9:45 AM FROM THE MULTICULTURAL COMMITTEE
Labyrinth 3:00 PM Breakfast 10:30 AM
Shared Ministries 6:00 PM God in America 11:00 AM The latest Wilder research study
Lydia Circle 7:00 PM Coming Back to Earth 11:00 AM about homelessness notes that together
FRIDAY, JANUARY 7 New Member Class 11:00 AM African American and American Indian
Alanon 10:00 AM Church Conference/Potluck 5:00 PM people make up 4% of the MN adult
Life Adventures Luncheon 12:00 Noon MONDAY, JANUARY 24 population, but this group accounts for
SUNDAY, JANUARY 9 Fine Arts Committee 7:00 PM 41% of the homeless population. Why
Regular Sunday worship at Job Support Group 7:00 PM do you think this is so? Do we as Chris-
8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM TUESDAY, JANUARY 18 tians, have a responsibility to address
Sunday School 9:45 AM Adult Nurture 6:00 PM this disparity in homelessness between
Breakfast 10:30 AM Communications Ministry Team 6:00 PM people of color and Caucasian people?
Blood Pressure Screening 10:30 AM Dignity Center Steering 6:30 PM
Many are uncomfortable when they
Coming Back to Earth 11:00 AM WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19
see a person standing at a freeway exit
MONDAY, JANUARY 10 Senior Council 10:00 AM
Multicultural Committee 6:30 PM holding a sign stating “Homeless: Can
D.C.E.H. 2:30 PM
Job Support Group 7:00 PM Haiti Partnership 6:00 PM
you spare some change?” Why do you
TUESDAY, JANUARY 11 Trustees 7:00 PM think people panhandle for money? What
Youth Council 6:00 PM THURSDAY, JANUARY 27 do you do in this situation? What should
Children’s Council 6:30 PM Thursday Bible Study 11:00 AM the community do about this?
Russia Partnership 6:30 PM Labyrinth 3:00 PM Imagine that you know a 36-year-old
Food Service Committee 6:45 Science and Faith Roundtable 7:00 PM African American man, released from
Koinonia Board 7:00 PM FRIDAY, JANUARY 28 prison to a halfway house two blocks
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12 Alanon 10:00 AM from Church. He does not have a GED
Little Kids, Big Fun 5:30 PM Administrative Council Retreat: Koinonia and has a felony for robbery on his
Steeple People Board 5:30 PM SATURDAY, JANUARY 29 record. The prison rules state he must
Local Outreach 6:30 PM Administrative Council Retreat: Koinonia find a job and a place to live in 60 days.
THURSDAY, JANUARY 13 SUNDAY, JANUARY 30 If not, he will be put back into prison.
Joy Circle 9:00 AM Regular Sunday worship at What are the chances that this man will
Thursday Bible Study 11:00 AM 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM get a job and a place to live in this
Labyrinth 3:00 PM Sunday School 9:45 AM
Foundation Board 6:00 PM
economy? How would you pray for this
Breakfast 10:30 AM him? What could do for him?
FRIDAY, JANUARY 14 God in America 11:00 AM
Alanon 10:00 AM Recently, a homeless, mentally ill and
Sabbatical Report 11:00 AM
50s/60s Group 6:30 PM chemically dependent African American
Reconciling Committee 11:00 AM
SUNDAY, JANUARY 16 man was severely beaten with injuries
Community Meals 4:45 PM
Regular Sunday worship at MONDAY, JANUARY 31 to his ears/eyes/head. He was treated in
8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM Hospitality Committee 7:00 PM the ER at Hennepin County Medical
Sunday School 9:45 AM Center and kept there for 10 hours, then
Breakfast 10:30 AM he was released to the street, with no-
Coming Back to Earth 11:00 AM Send Calendar Corrections where to recuperate. If you were in this
New Member Class 11:00 AM situation, what would you want to
Peace through Justice Forum 11:00 AM to Jodi@haumc.org happen to you?
Music at Hennepin: Trio Callisto 4:00 PM
— Page Seven —
HennepinChurch.org Nonprofit Org.
Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church U.S. Postage
511 Groveland Avenue PAID
Minneapolis, MN 55403 Permit No. 2906
Minneapolis, MN

Rekindling the Fire

Sunday Worship Schedule

January 2 - 2nd Sunday after Christmas January 30
10:00 AM One Service in the Sanctuary 8:30 AM Communion Service
9:00 AM Sacred Journey
January 9 - Epiphany Sunday 9:30 AM Sanctuary, Bruce Robbins, Preacher
8:30 AM Communion Service 11:00 AM Many Voices
9:00 AM Sacred Journey 5:00 PM Sundays @ 5
9:30 AM Sanctuary, Bruce Robbins, Preacher
11:00 AM Many Voices
5:00 PM Sundays @ 5

January 16
8:30 AM Communion Service
9:00 AM Sacred Journey
9:30 AM Sanctuary, Bruce Robbins, Preacher
11:00 AM Many Voices
5:00 PM Sundays@ 5

January 23
8:30 AM Communion Service
9:00 AM Sacred Journey
9:30 AM Sanctuary, Bruce Robbins, Preacher
11:00 AM Many Voices
5:00 PM Sundays @ 5

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