Pcoming Vents: Relevant Inclusive Beautiful
Pcoming Vents: Relevant Inclusive Beautiful
Pcoming Vents: Relevant Inclusive Beautiful
Emma Norton Services provides housing FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS The scholarship awards are typically
and support services to women coming Applications are now being accepted $500-$3000 for one year at a time. The
out of domestic abuse or experiencing for the Hennepin Foundation’s 2011-12 highest priority is given to Hennepin
the challenges of mental or chemical Scholarship Awards. The forms are Church members attending seminary
disabilities and at risk of becoming available at the reception desk, on the and those pursuing social service
homeless. website, or by contacting Tara Emerson careers, but others will be considered
at Tara@haumc.org or 612-435-1331. as funds allow. Deadline: May 6.
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The Dignity Center annual fund raiser
Saturday, April 30 has two volunteer
7:30 PM opportunities.
Volunteers are needed to provide any
— Page Six —
Archives Committee 1:00 PM
Alanon 10:00 AM Steeple People Board 5:30 PM
Life Adventures Luncheon 12:00 Noon Reward yourself for surviving the
Soup and Bread Supper 5:30 PM winter of 2011 by signing up for
SATURDAY, APRIL 2 Lenten Worship 6:15 PM
Joint Outreach Meeting 9:00 AM “Nurture - Nature - Self,” the Hennepin
Lenten Activity 6:30 PM
SUNDAY, APRIL 3 THURSDAY, APRIL 14 Spring Retreat at Koinonia in early May.
All Church Worship at Joy Circle 9:00 AM Three church groups are trying some-
8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM Thursday Bible Study 11:00 AM thing new, joining together to plan
God’s Children Sing 9:45 AM Labyrinth 3:00 PM concurrent retreats. This will permit
Breakfast 10:30 AM Staff Parish Relations 6:00 PM people from one group to sit in on a
Library Board 10:45 AM Lydia Circle 7:00 PM program of special interest put on by
Bible Study: Book of Acts 11:00 AM FRIDAY, APRIL 15 another group. It also makes possible
New Member Class 11:00 AM Alanon 10:00 AM
Blue Zones Class 11:00 AM
a two-night stay for those who want
SUNDAY, APRIL 17—PALM SUNDAY more time to enjoy Koinonia’s gifts.
Covenant Discipleship Group 11:00 AM Regular Sunday worship at
UMW Leadership 12:00 PM The programs of each group are being
8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM
Community Meals 4:45 PM Sunday School 9:45 AM
planned by the group, but program
TUESDAY, APRIL 5 Breakfast 10:30 AM sessions will be open to others who
India Partnership 11:00 AM Covenant Discipleship Group 11:00 AM want to attend. The New Life Adventures
Stretch and Smile 1:30 PM Peace Through Justice Forum 11:00 AM retreat will run from dinner Thursday
Communications Ministry Team 6:00 PM MONDAY, APRIL 18 night, May 5, through dinner on Friday,
Reconciling Committee 6:30 PM Job Support Group 7:00 PM May 6. The Ecology and the United
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 TUESDAY, APRIL 19 Methodist Women groups will meet
Koinonia Partnership Search 11:45 AM Stretch and Smile 1:30 PM from dinner on Friday night, May 6,
Kjerringsleppets 5:30 PM Global Outreach 6:30 PM
Soup and Bread Supper 5:30 PM through dinner on Saturday night, May
Multi Generational Committee 6:30 PM
Lenten Worship 6:15 PM 7. Koinonia will also be available for
Finance Committee 7:00 PM
Lenten Activity 6:30 PM individuals who want to come out for a
Susanna Wesley Circle 7:00 PM Senior High Girls’ Book Club 7:00 PM personal retreat.
Senior High Girls’ Book Club 7:00 PM THURSDAY, APRIL 21—MAUNDY THURSDAY The fee schedule will be: $115 per
THURSDAY, APRIL 7 May !nSpire Deadline 10:00 AM person for the full weekend, (2 nights + 7
Thursday Bible Study 11:00 AM Thursday Bible Study 11:00 AM meals); $65 per person for an individual
Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:30 PM Labyrinth 3:00 PM group’s retreat (overnight + 4 meals); A
Labyrinth 3:00 PM Shared Ministries 6:00 PM la carte charges are $8 breakfast, $9
Science and Theology Forum 7:00 PM Maundy Thursday Worship 7:00 PM lunch, $10 dinner, and $30 overnight.
Lydia Circle 7:00 PM Peace Through Justice Forum 7:00 PM
FRIDAY, APRIL 8 A flyer with more program details
FRIDAY, APRIL 22—GOOD FRIDAY and a sign-up form is being mailed to
Alanon 10:00 AM Alanon 10:00 AM
SUNDAY, APRIL 10 members, and will also be available in
Good Friday Worship 12:00 Noon
Regular Sunday worship at Good Friday Worship 7:00 PM Carlson Hall during April.
8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM SUNDAY, APRIL 24—EASTER DAY Those planning to attend the New
Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunrise Service 7:00 AM Life Adventures retreat may find it
Breakfast 10:30 AM Festival Service 9:30 AM helpful to sample the 9:00 AM Sacred
Blood Pressure Screening 10:30 AM Festival Service 11:00 AM Journey, 9:30 Sanctuary, and 11:00 AM
Reconciling Ministries Brunch 10:45 AM MONDAY, APRIL 25 Many Voices services before the retreat.
Youth Council 10:45 AM Hospitality Committee 7:00 PM
Bible Study: Book of Acts 11:00 AM Fine Arts Committee 7:00 PM
Blue Zones Class 11:00 AM Stretch and Smile 1:30 PM
Covenant Discipleship Group 11:00 AM Our sympathies to the families and
Adult Nurture 6:00 PM
Compass 180 Board 11:00 AM WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27
loved ones Hennepin members who
Connect Four 11:00 AM Senior Member Council 10:00 AM have passed away.
Salon se Leve 2:00 PM Haiti Partnership 6:00 PM RECENT DEATHS
Congregational Potluck/Meeting 5:30 PM Trustees 7:00 PM M.D. McVay, Gerald Goodlund
MONDAY, APRIL 11 THURSDAY, APRIL 28 Bernice Bishop, Arnold Lucke
Faith in Action Team 6:30 PM Thursday Bible Study 11:00 AM
Local Outreach 6:30 PM
Guyla Smith
Labyrinth 3:00 PM
Job Support Group 7:00 PM Science and Faith Roundtable 6:30 PM
Stretch and Smile 1:30 PM Alanon 10:00 AM
Children’s Council 6:30 PM Emmaus Potluck 5:30 PM Please send all calendar corrections
Russia Partnership 6:30 PM SATURDAY, APRIL 30 and room requests to Jodi Gustafson at
Food Service 6:45 PM Dignity Center Fundraiser 7:00 PM Jodi@haumc.org or 612-435-1325.
Koinonia Board 7:00 PM
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