Pcoming Vents: Relevant Inclusive Beautiful

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Relevant Inclusive Beautiful

April 2011 HennepinChurch.org

Holy Week at Hennepin UPCOMING EVENTS
April 17
Palm Sunday Reaching Out to Japan (p.3)
Regular Worship Times APRIL 6
Passion Concert at 7:30 PM Lenten Supper/Activity (p.5)
April 21 Congregational Potluck/Mtg. (p.2)
Maundy Thursday APRIL 13
Worship at 7:00 PM
Lenten Supper/Activity (p.5)
Good Friday Regular Sunday Worship Times
Worship at 12:00 Noon and 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Passion Concert (p.1)
April 24
7:00 PM Worship Service
Easter Day
Sunrise Worship at 7:00 AM
Festival Services at 9:30 and 11:00 AM 12:00 Noon Worship
7:00 PM Worship
PASSION CONCERT APRIL 17 ~ 7:30 PM 7:00 AM Sunrise Service
9:30 AM Festival Service
Dvorák: Stabat Mater
11:00 AM Festival Service
The Hennepin Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra, conducted
by William H. Mathis, presents a Passion Concert, Antonín
Dvorák’s Stabat Mater at 7:30 PM, Sunday, April 17 in 7:30 PM Dignity
the Hennepin Sanctuary. Soloists: Shari Speer, Soprano; Center Benefit
Kathleen Humphrey, Mezzo-Soprano, Jim Ahrens, Tenor; Concert with
Michael Schmidt, Baritone. Free…invite your friends! Hennepin
distributed a list of available communi-
Here is the April 2011 !nSpire. There is PUTTING MINISTRY PLAN INTO cation vehicles and directions on how
much to read and learn about in these ACTION to submit information to each one.
pages. Thanks to all who have shared Rev. Sally Johnson discussed current
an article and/or information for this BOBBIE KELLER activities encouraging congregants to
newsletter, YOUR newsletter! Progress has begun on the community connect worship experiences with their
The May 2011 edition deadline is actions developed during the Adminis- daily lives, Community Action 5. These
10:00 AM, Thursday, April 21st. Send trative Council Leadership Retreat in include prayer cards that allow worship-
your info to Spire@haumc.org, submit January. pers to pray and reflect on a common
online at HennepinChurch.org (Share The 10 community actions, each with prayer throughout the week, questions
Your Story) or drop off at church, attn: a supporting set of goals, make up and action suggestions in the 9:30 AM
Daniel, 612-435-1320.
Hennepin Church’s 2011 Ministry Plan, Sunday bulletin and on Sunday brunch
the congregation’s priorities for the table tent cards, and covenant disciple-
EMMA NORTON coming year. The plan focuses on build- ship groups.
AFTERNOON TEA ing connectional communities sharing In other business, Administrative
God consciousness, after the example of Council members heard that:
Join Us for Afternoon Jesus. The Ministry Plan is Hennepin’s
Tea with Harriet Jane • the Koinonia Task Force is working
response to Bishop Sally Dyck’s request
Olson and Roxanne Condon. Emma with a consultant to find likely
that all churches in the conference
Norton Services will host an English partnership candidates.
formulate ministry plans based on the
Tea at Hennepin on Thursday, May 5 at • Hennepin Church ended 2010
gospel imperatives “cultivating spiritual
1:00 PM in the Hennepin Social Hall. with a surplus but is still short of
vitality” and “reaching new people.”
Harriet Jane Olson, deputy general anticipated pledge revenue for
The first community action is to
secretary of the Women’s Division of 2011. As a result, church staff
connect every person to a specific part
the General Board of Global Ministries members may not receive a raise
of our community. In the effort to help
of the United Methodist Church and for the fourth year in a row.
more of these small communities talk
Roxanne Condon, Executive Director of • the Dignity Center needs two more
with each other and perhaps work
Emma Norton Services will be featured steering committee members and
together, the second is to develop a
speakers. All are welcome to attend. A more volunteers to help with its
clear purpose for each group and
traditional English Tea will be served fundraising event at 7:30 PM
communicate that to the larger church
at tables decorated with antique and Saturday, April 30.
community. At the March 3 Ad Council
contemporary tea sets. Gifts of support • the Youth Council is seeking
meeting, Kristyn Ebert, volunteer and
to Emma Norton Services will be contacts in Hibbing and Virginia
outreach director, distributed a profile
graciously accepted. Reservations are who can suggest projects for the
questionnaire for groups to complete.
required. youth mission trip this summer.
Groups will later receive a document
• the next congregational potluck and
Afternoon Tea including all the purpose statements.
meeting will be at 5:30 PM Sunday,
with Harriet Jane Olson Community Action 3 is to create a
April 10th. Childcare will be
and Roxanne Condon system for groups to communicate with
Thursday, May 5, 2011, 1pm the whole church community. Daniel
Hennepin Avenue UMC, Social Hall
Reservation deadline, April 29, 2011 You are invited to our next congregational potluck
Please call Vivian LaRock on April 10 at 5:30 PM. The church provides
(651) 235-2241 the main course so bring your favorite salad,
or email: vivtea@gmail.com vegetable, bread or dessert. Starting at 6:15,
If you would like to host one of the we’ll share what we’re doing to bring the gospel
tables or volunteer at the event please imperatives alive: how we’re cultivating spiritual
contact Susanne Mattison at (612) 987- vitality and reaching new people. We’ll wrap up
3336 or susanne_mattison@yahoo.com no later than 7:00 PM. Come to eat good food and
by Sunday, April 17. socialize. Child care will be provided.

Emma Norton Services provides housing FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS The scholarship awards are typically
and support services to women coming Applications are now being accepted $500-$3000 for one year at a time. The
out of domestic abuse or experiencing for the Hennepin Foundation’s 2011-12 highest priority is given to Hennepin
the challenges of mental or chemical Scholarship Awards. The forms are Church members attending seminary
disabilities and at risk of becoming available at the reception desk, on the and those pursuing social service
homeless. website, or by contacting Tara Emerson careers, but others will be considered
at Tara@haumc.org or 612-435-1331. as funds allow. Deadline: May 6.

— Page Two —
The Dignity Center annual fund raiser
Saturday, April 30 has two volunteer
7:30 PM opportunities.
Volunteers are needed to provide any

April 30 of the following: 2-3 lbs. cleaned, cut-up

vegetables or fruit, 1-2 pints dip or salsa,
1-2 bags assorted chips, 1-2 lbs. cut-up
cheeses, 3-4 dozen bars or bite-size
desserts for an appetizer reception prior
to the Dignity Center Benefit.
The food donations can be delivered
Thursday, April 28 through Saturday
morning, April 30 to the kitchen off of
Carlson Fellowship Hall. Please label
“Dignity Center Benefit.”
Five to six volunteers are needed to
help with a reception following the
concert. Volunteers serve cake, coffee,
and punch, and clean-up. Work time
would be one hour before the concert
and 1-2 hours after the concert.
To volunteer for these opportunities,
HENNEPIN CHIME TEAMS UP WITH please call Susanne Mattison at (612)
TWIN CITIES GAY MEN’S CHORUS 987-3336 or (952) 922-3253 or email:
The Dignity Center’s annual benefit concert has been one of the many impressive
musical events at Hennepin Church, bringing top local talent to the sanctuary in a
celebration of music, diversity, and community. REACHING OUT TO JAPAN DAY
This year’s concert, “Raising Voices for Social Justice” is no exception. The APRIL 3 (SPECIAL OFFERING)
audience will be treated to performances by two premier musical groups: the
Hennepin Chime, Hennepin’s adult bell choir, and the Twin Cities Gay Men’s
Chorus at 7:30 PM, Saturday, April 30 in the Hennepin Sanctuary.
Led by Bill Mathis, Minister of Music and Fine Arts, Hennepin Chime is donating
its talents to help raise funds for The Dignity Center at the event. It’s all part of its
mission to glorify God through music and serve the community.
Hennepin Chime started 35 years ago as a mom’s morning out group, evolving
into a talented ensemble of 13 members who range from two recent college A huge, 8.9-magnitude earthquake and
graduates to people in their 60s, including one founding member. a powerful tsunami wracked Japan on
Over the years, the bell choir has beautified worship Friday afternoon, March 11th, killing
and inspired listeners at Sunday services and a spring thousands of people. The world is in
concert, community events such as Empty Bowls, and shock as each day brings more news of
worldwide venues from Poland to China. nuclear threats, diminishing food sup-
At the benefit, Hennepin Chime will join the Chorus plies, a rising death count, business inter-
to perform “Song of Peace” (Dona Nobis Pacem) for ruptions and miraculous rescues. Even as
the finale, a fitting ending to a program of uplifting this article is being written additional
music and a worthy cause. strong quakes are felt in Japan. Who
Like Hennepin Chime, The Dignity Center plays an knows what tomorrow will bring? What
important role in our ministry at Hennepin Church. can you do? You can keep posted on the
Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy a spirited concert news from Japan. You can pray for those
while supporting The Dignity Center’s crucial mission of helping homeless people who have lost loved ones. You can pray
regain stability. for those who have lost everything. And
Concert admission is free; suggested donation is $25 per person at the event. you can be prepared to make a heartfelt
Donate $100 or more by April 4 and enjoy a pre-concert reception, reserved parking, contribution on April 3rd or you can send
and premier seating. All donations are tax- your check, made out to HAUMC, to the
deductible and benefit The Dignity Center. For church, with “Japan” in the memo line,
details, visit HennepinChurch.org or call 612- and attn: REACHING OUT TO JAPAN.
— Page Three —
RECONCILING MINISTRIES that provides on-site meals, food shelf NEW MEMBER CLASSES
ROB GAMBLE, CHAIR and other supportive services for
individuals living with HIV/AIDS and The next New Member classes will
“We are committed to bringing about their families. More info at Aliveness.org. be held on April 3 & 10.
reconciliation between persons of This year’s goal is $170,000. The New Member class is a two-part
diverse views and backgrounds.” Sat. April 30 7:30 PM Dignity Center class with the first focused on what
Sun. April 10 10:45 AM, Dorcas Alcove fundraiser “Raising Voices for Social United Methodism is, a brief history of
$5.00 Brunch social for LGBTQIA* Justice” featuring the Twin Cities Gay Hennepin Ave UMC, and a tour of the
persons, parents and friends. Men’s Chorus and Hennepin Chime. church. The second part of the class is
Sun. April 10 12:00 Noon, Dorcas This is a free-will offering concert. focused on group discussion around the
Alcove, Reconciling Committee and Invite your friends for a night of music book "Three Simple Rules" and using
interested individuals. followed by a dessert reception for all our spiritual gifts. The first week we
Thurs. April 14 – Join the witness for attendees. meet in the Dossal Alcove right next to
“Standing up for Liberty and Justice for Scholarship applications for the “Sing the Social Hall and enjoy brunch. The
All – OutFront Minnesota Lobby Day a New Song” gathering sponsored by second week we have lunch together at
for LGBT Equality” at the Minnesota the Reconciling Ministries Network, the parsonage, right next door. Both
State Capital: Noon – Rally in front of Methodist Federation for Social Action classes are from 11am-1pm. If you want
the State Capital. Look for the Hennepin and Affirmation Aug. 25-28 at Sawmill to sign up or have questions, please
banner. Before and after the Rally Creek Resort, Huron, Ohio are on contact Pastor Leah (Leah@haumc.org)
lobby your state representative and the table with other great Reconciling or Kristyn Ebert (Kristyn@haumc.org) by
senator to represent the equality for ALL information in Carlson Hall. email or phone (612-871-5303).
their residents. *LGBTQIA = Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Thurs. April 28 – Dining Out for Life. Transgender, Questioning, Intersex and CELEBRATING THE
This year 164 participating restaurants Allies. The shortened LGBT is now the
preferred order rather than GLBT. Once
have agreed to donate a portion of their
proceeds (10 – 100%) to The Aliveness Lesbians included in the word gay, now COMPASS 180
Project, a local nonprofit organization gay refers to men. MAY 1, 11:00 AM

AROUND THE CHURCH Compass 180 is a

Church which partners
The life a Church Administrator is filled with variety: I work with ten with ex-offenders to find
church committees and supervise ten staff members, in addition to a new path and to make a living with
teaching, worship, and pastoral care as needed. So, here are three new things this purpose. A key to making meaningful
spring “on my desk.” change is having the ability to support
SUSTAINING GIVER ENVELOPES themselves and their families financially
Many church members make their financial contributions by auto withdrawal and reconnecting to dreams and visions
from checking, monthly credit card withdrawal, or by stock gifts. These are of where they really want to be.
wonderful ways to give that assure the church of steady cash across the year. “But I Compass 180 is about discovery. It is
am embarrassed when the offering plate is passed by, and I never put anything in about finding new paths. It is about
it. People must think I don’t give!” Now, a new envelope will be given to these learning new skills and fostering entre-
donors and will be in the pew pockets, so these sustaining givers can put an empty preneurial creation. At its core Compass
envelope in the plate, or simply add a hunger or special gift. 180 involves mentoring relationships
CEMETERY PLOTS and life skill workshops. Compass 180
The church recently learned that we are the owners of 16 cemetery plots at scholarships are grants that help fund
Hillside Cemetery, 2600 19th Ave. NE, in Minneapolis (actually, we have owned these voyages of discovery.
them since 1987). The price for each plot is $2275, with proceeds to the Trustees. On Sunday, May 1st, please join our
If you are interested, you may pick up an envelope of information at the reception celebration. At 11:00 in the sanctuary
desk, or call Nina Pounds at Hillside 612-781-3391, ext. 266 and say you are you will hear special music and truly
interested in the Hennepin plots.
inspiring messages of hope and healing.
WORSHIP ON THE WEB We will be recognizing our 1st ever
The church technology staff is moving toward the taping of our 9:30 Worship Compass 180 scholarship recipients.
service, so that members can view our service at any time through our website, or Take a break from the 10 o’clock news
live streaming of the service in real time. This capacity was made possible by the and listen to a different news. The
Trustees with the new cameras and AV installed last spring. We are seeking
Good News. Today’s mass media cul-
camera operators (paid or volunteer). Please contact me if you are interested
ture gives us “heroes” and “reality” we
Chris@haumc.org or 612-435-1308). More to come!
should consider. Come on May 1st and
The joy of Easter blessings to you all! see true courage.
— Page Four —
You’re invited to attend the 2011 Spire Brunch, May 14 from 40 BELOW (YOUNG ADULTS)
10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, with featured guest speaker, Olga Viso, Let’s celebrate the Spring season by
Director of the Walker Art Center. Hosted annually by the Hennepin having brunch together after the 9:30
Foundation and Board of Trustees, the Spire Brunch honors donors service on Sunday, April 10! We can
who give beyond the annual pledge. get caught up and have a great meal
Olga Viso began her tenure as director of the Walker Art Center in 2008, after together. Location: Grand Cafe in
12 years at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Minneapolis, at 3804 Grand Ave South.
the final two years as director. At the Walker — HAUMC’s neighbor and one of For all the info,
the world’s leading art centers — Viso oversees innovative artistic programming
including a menu,
across the disciplines, including visual arts, performing arts, film, and design. A
check us out on
new strategic plan developed under Viso’s leadership affirms the Walker’s mission
Facebook: HAUMC
to be a “catalyst for the creative expression of artists and the active engagement of
40 Below.
audiences,” along with a long-standing commitment to innovation and experimen-
tation, to fostering the development of new art.
Viso has served on the Federal Advisory Committee on International Exhibitions SCIENCE AND THEOLOGY
— the committee that selected projects to represent the United States in SPECIAL LECTURE
international biennials. She currently serves on the advisory board of the Fabric
Workshop and Museum in Philadelphia and the Cintas Foundation in New York Dr. Edward “Ted” Davis, Messiah
City. Most recently, she was elected to the boards of the Andy Warhol Foundation College, will present “The Bible and
Biology: Understanding the Creation—
for the Visual Arts, New York (2008), and the American Association of Museum
Evolution Debate. His discussion will
Directors (2009).
outline “scientific creationism” and
The Spire gathering starts with a social coffee gathering, followed and the
“intelligent design,” and conclude with
recognition program and our featured speaker in the Art Gallery, and then
examples of Christian thinkers who
guests are invited to a special brunch in the Social Hall. All church members are accept biological evolution. 7:00 PM,
welcome to attend. Thursday, April 7, at Hennepin.


Spring is in the air and the church’s FEEDING HUNGRY HEARTS
outside grounds planning has started.
Two large oak trees were trimmed this APRIL 6 — FEEDING HUNGRY HEARTS:
past winter. The oak in the children’s
playground area is a magnificent tree.
The parking lot will cleaned and all 5:30 Share in a Plenty of Potluck Soups.
pot holes repaired before Easter Sunday. Bread and Beverages will be provided.
Spring grounds pick up is scheduled 6:15 Worship for Everyone
and the lawns will be aerated this year.
The wind break protection that was 6:30 Organic Farmers Red and Nina talk about
just inside the Sanctuary main door has their connection to the earth and why they
been removed. This allows spring inside chose to go into farming.
the Narthex. Kids will plant seeds and have activities
The church’s lawn service fertilization around their connection to the earth and to
contact (2011) has been donated this God.
year by Lunseth Lawn Care Company.
The lawn care sprinklers system will APRIL 13 — FEEDING HUNGRY HEARTS:
be activated next month. WALKING THROUGH HOLY WEEK
The campus will soon be totally free
of all of winter’s hidden trash/treasures. 5:30 Share in a Plenty of Potluck Soups. Bread and Beverages will be provided.
Finally, a contest to help maintenance 6:15 Worship for Everyone
get ready for spring 2011:
6:30 Holy Week has been “Holy” and “Unholy” through the centuries. Many
QUESTION: Hennepin’s last bit of Jews across the world have reason to be frightened when this week
snow from the HUGE winter snow pile arrives. Bruce will take us through some of the tradition, good and bad.
(SW Corner) will be totally gone by__? And he will try to help us prepare in creative ways for the week to come.
E-mail your guess to Tom@haumc.org. Kids will make prayer journals and will participate in other Holy Week
A nice springtime prize will be awarded activities.
to the winner.
— Page Five —
LEGACY GIVING instruction, discussed with the Church, PARISH NURSING
would provide helpful legal documenta-
tion and guidance, and ensure that your AT HENNEPIN
As you consider a legacy gift wishes are understood. CYNTHIA ASHLEY,
gift for Hennepin Church, What happens when your gift desig- PARISH NURSE
we ask you to express your dreams for nation or allocation is unclear or quite
Who is the Parish Nurse (PN) and
a future at Hennepin that your gift can general (“I leave this gift to Hennepin
help realize. What are your wishes? what do Parish nurses do?
Church”)? In that case, the decision is
Equally important to consider, what are referred to a six-member Gift Allocation I am a registered Public Health nurse
the directions you give to Hennepin to Review Committee, with representatives who is passionate about promoting health
help ensure your heart-felt generosity of the Foundation, Trustees, Administrative and wellness and disease prevention
is used as intended. Council, Finance Committee, Koinonia activities for all involved.
Your intentions may be quite broad and church staff. For gifts of $10,000 or The PN serves in partnership with the
(“Use my gift wherever Hennepin needs less the Minister of Administration may congregation’s ministry staff. The PN
it most”) or very specific (“Use my gift direct use of the funds as deemed assesses and coordinates health care
to fund a new or existing endowment, appropriate. On a per-case basis, gifts situations for the needs of the members,
an area of ministry, or building funds”). with unclear designations or allocations promotes health and acts a resource
Your gift may be directed to Hennepin may be allocated in part or wholly for person for those in health transition. A
Foundation and/or Hennepin Trustees. annual operating support, Foundation PN does not provide direct, hands-on
There are no right nor wrong intentions. general endowment or program funds,
care such as wound care, medication
Each gift is meaningful. But your or Trustee building improvements.
administration and/or treatments.
directions do matter. What are your wishes and what are
Instructions on your gift amount and your instructions? To plan a legacy gift, This 10hr/wk PN position currently
allocation(s) may be included in your or to clarify an existing gift intention, focuses on two areas within the Health
will or other planned gift document. contact Jack Fistler, Director of Legacy ministry role. One being a Health
In addition, a signed gift agreement Giving at 612-435-1321 or by email at Educator/Promoter and the other a guide
with Hennepin Church, or a letter of Jack@haumc.org. and/or support person for existing
Congregational Care Ministry groups.
HennepinChurch.Org The PN interacts and networks with
the medical care, community health and
social advocacy care teams surrounding
COMING FROM CURSILLO revealed himself to them and then
the congregational community. The health
disappeared. They immediately returned
TO WALK TO EMMAUS to Jerusalem to tell the disciples the and wellness of the whole person
BY NANCY SJOQUIST good news that Jesus was alive!” (from continues to be priority.
Cursillo is the Catholic model of the the Life Application Study Bible). A Health Ministry team meets every
many 72 hour spiritual weekends with To attend anyone who has not already two months to assist and support the PN
Christ and Walk to Emmaus is the been on one of the 72-hour journeys in ministry leadership and development
Methodist model. may register. Those that have been part of caring ministry activities. Anyone
Who may go when is a big difference. of Emmaus, Cursillo, Via de Cristo or
interested in serving on this team is
For Emmaus all Christians are welcome Unidos en Cristo may be a sponsor.
wholeheartedly welcomed.
when each person is ready, not so for There will be a registration and informa-
Cursillo. Comfort on the weekend is tion table in Carlson Hall on The Health Ministry mission statement
important for Emmaus and offers church Sundays for the Spring Walk to Emmaus is three fold:
camps with beds and showers, not so at Koinonia in May: Men — May 12-15 Promote Health and Wellness; Pro-
for Cursillo. and Women — May 19-22. For more vide a Healing Environment and Health
And the walking message sometimes informatiom please call Nancy and Connections
is confusing, but comes from the Bible Keith Sjoquist 612-741-1872 An underlying theme emerges here
after Christ’s Resurrection, Luke 24:13 is WHY be a pilgrim on the road to and that is to CARE for the CAREGIVER.
the scene, ”On the road to Emmaus Emmaus? This is a life changing journey We all are caregivers of some sort and
after Jesus’ death, two of his followers to experience the Grace of Jesus Christ
therefore deserve and need CARE and
were walking from Jerusalem back and then be ready and able to share that
ATTENTION for our own well-being. I
toward Emmaus when a stranger joined grace with family and friends, church
and community and even the world. encourage each one of us to embrace
them. During dinner in Emmaus, Jesus
and experience the Healing and Healthy
life journey together as a connectional,
hopeful community.
I can be reached by calling 612-435-
1310 or by email Cynthia@haumc.org

— Page Six —
Archives Committee 1:00 PM
Alanon 10:00 AM Steeple People Board 5:30 PM
Life Adventures Luncheon 12:00 Noon Reward yourself for surviving the
Soup and Bread Supper 5:30 PM winter of 2011 by signing up for
SATURDAY, APRIL 2 Lenten Worship 6:15 PM
Joint Outreach Meeting 9:00 AM “Nurture - Nature - Self,” the Hennepin
Lenten Activity 6:30 PM
SUNDAY, APRIL 3 THURSDAY, APRIL 14 Spring Retreat at Koinonia in early May.
All Church Worship at Joy Circle 9:00 AM Three church groups are trying some-
8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM Thursday Bible Study 11:00 AM thing new, joining together to plan
God’s Children Sing 9:45 AM Labyrinth 3:00 PM concurrent retreats. This will permit
Breakfast 10:30 AM Staff Parish Relations 6:00 PM people from one group to sit in on a
Library Board 10:45 AM Lydia Circle 7:00 PM program of special interest put on by
Bible Study: Book of Acts 11:00 AM FRIDAY, APRIL 15 another group. It also makes possible
New Member Class 11:00 AM Alanon 10:00 AM
Blue Zones Class 11:00 AM
a two-night stay for those who want
SUNDAY, APRIL 17—PALM SUNDAY more time to enjoy Koinonia’s gifts.
Covenant Discipleship Group 11:00 AM Regular Sunday worship at
UMW Leadership 12:00 PM The programs of each group are being
8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM
Community Meals 4:45 PM Sunday School 9:45 AM
planned by the group, but program
TUESDAY, APRIL 5 Breakfast 10:30 AM sessions will be open to others who
India Partnership 11:00 AM Covenant Discipleship Group 11:00 AM want to attend. The New Life Adventures
Stretch and Smile 1:30 PM Peace Through Justice Forum 11:00 AM retreat will run from dinner Thursday
Communications Ministry Team 6:00 PM MONDAY, APRIL 18 night, May 5, through dinner on Friday,
Reconciling Committee 6:30 PM Job Support Group 7:00 PM May 6. The Ecology and the United
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 TUESDAY, APRIL 19 Methodist Women groups will meet
Koinonia Partnership Search 11:45 AM Stretch and Smile 1:30 PM from dinner on Friday night, May 6,
Kjerringsleppets 5:30 PM Global Outreach 6:30 PM
Soup and Bread Supper 5:30 PM through dinner on Saturday night, May
Multi Generational Committee 6:30 PM
Lenten Worship 6:15 PM 7. Koinonia will also be available for
Finance Committee 7:00 PM
Lenten Activity 6:30 PM individuals who want to come out for a
Susanna Wesley Circle 7:00 PM Senior High Girls’ Book Club 7:00 PM personal retreat.
Senior High Girls’ Book Club 7:00 PM THURSDAY, APRIL 21—MAUNDY THURSDAY The fee schedule will be: $115 per
THURSDAY, APRIL 7 May !nSpire Deadline 10:00 AM person for the full weekend, (2 nights + 7
Thursday Bible Study 11:00 AM Thursday Bible Study 11:00 AM meals); $65 per person for an individual
Prayer Shawl Ministry 1:30 PM Labyrinth 3:00 PM group’s retreat (overnight + 4 meals); A
Labyrinth 3:00 PM Shared Ministries 6:00 PM la carte charges are $8 breakfast, $9
Science and Theology Forum 7:00 PM Maundy Thursday Worship 7:00 PM lunch, $10 dinner, and $30 overnight.
Lydia Circle 7:00 PM Peace Through Justice Forum 7:00 PM
FRIDAY, APRIL 8 A flyer with more program details
FRIDAY, APRIL 22—GOOD FRIDAY and a sign-up form is being mailed to
Alanon 10:00 AM Alanon 10:00 AM
SUNDAY, APRIL 10 members, and will also be available in
Good Friday Worship 12:00 Noon
Regular Sunday worship at Good Friday Worship 7:00 PM Carlson Hall during April.
8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM SUNDAY, APRIL 24—EASTER DAY Those planning to attend the New
Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunrise Service 7:00 AM Life Adventures retreat may find it
Breakfast 10:30 AM Festival Service 9:30 AM helpful to sample the 9:00 AM Sacred
Blood Pressure Screening 10:30 AM Festival Service 11:00 AM Journey, 9:30 Sanctuary, and 11:00 AM
Reconciling Ministries Brunch 10:45 AM MONDAY, APRIL 25 Many Voices services before the retreat.
Youth Council 10:45 AM Hospitality Committee 7:00 PM
Bible Study: Book of Acts 11:00 AM Fine Arts Committee 7:00 PM
Blue Zones Class 11:00 AM Stretch and Smile 1:30 PM
Covenant Discipleship Group 11:00 AM Our sympathies to the families and
Adult Nurture 6:00 PM
Compass 180 Board 11:00 AM WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27
loved ones Hennepin members who
Connect Four 11:00 AM Senior Member Council 10:00 AM have passed away.
Salon se Leve 2:00 PM Haiti Partnership 6:00 PM RECENT DEATHS
Congregational Potluck/Meeting 5:30 PM Trustees 7:00 PM M.D. McVay, Gerald Goodlund
MONDAY, APRIL 11 THURSDAY, APRIL 28 Bernice Bishop, Arnold Lucke
Faith in Action Team 6:30 PM Thursday Bible Study 11:00 AM
Local Outreach 6:30 PM
Guyla Smith
Labyrinth 3:00 PM
Job Support Group 7:00 PM Science and Faith Roundtable 6:30 PM
Stretch and Smile 1:30 PM Alanon 10:00 AM
Children’s Council 6:30 PM Emmaus Potluck 5:30 PM Please send all calendar corrections
Russia Partnership 6:30 PM SATURDAY, APRIL 30 and room requests to Jodi Gustafson at
Food Service 6:45 PM Dignity Center Fundraiser 7:00 PM Jodi@haumc.org or 612-435-1325.
Koinonia Board 7:00 PM
— Page Seven —
HennepinChurch.org Nonprofit Org.
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511 Groveland Avenue PAID
Minneapolis, MN 55403 Permit No. 2906
Minneapolis, MN

Feeding Hungry Hearts

Sunday Worship Schedule

April 3
8:30 AM Communion Service
9:00 AM
9:30 AM
Sacred Journey
Sanctuary, Bruce Robbins, Preacher
Holy Week Schedule
11:00 AM Many Voices
5:00 PM Sunday at 5: A Spiritual Gathering of Recovery
Palm Sunday—April 17
Worship at 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM and 5:00 PM
April 10 Passion Concert at 7:30 PM
8:30 AM Communion Service
9:00 AM Sacred Journey
9:30 AM Sanctuary, Leah Rosso, Preacher
Maundy Thursday—April 21
11:00 AM Many Voices Worship at 7:00 PM
5:00 PM Sunday at 5: A Spiritual Gathering of Recovery
Good Friday—April 22
April 17—Palm Sunday
8:30 AM Communion Service Worship at 12:00 Noon and 7:00 PM
9:00 AM Sacred Journey
9:30 AM Sanctuary, Bruce Robbins, Preacher Easter Day—April 24
11:00 AM Many Voices Sunrise Worship at 7:00 AM
5:00 PM Sunday at 5: A Spiritual Gathering of Recovery *Festival Services at 9:30 and 11:00 AM
7:30 PM Passion Concert: Dvorak’s Stabat Mater *(two identical services)
April 24—Easter Day
7:00 AM Sunrise Service (East Entry) Childcare is offered for all Sunday
9:30 AM Festival Service in the Sanctuary morning services and on Maundy Thursday
11:00 AM Festival Service in the Sanctuary and Good Friday evenings.

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