Easter Sunday Spire
Easter Sunday Spire
Easter Sunday Spire
participation of all persons including the GLBT Community.
find new career paths. ― Joyce Rupp
Pietro Mascagni was a 19th MUSICAL OFFERING The Lord Now Victorious Pietro Mascagni
Century opera composer. O Lord of Hosts, behold, earth’s sorrow flieth,
This anthem, The Lord Thy holy Son now lives, nor dieth! Alleluia!
Now Victorious is actually From the dead Christ now has risen, truly risen.
from a church scene in his We will sing of the Lord now victorious!
one-act opera Cavalleria All the terrors of death were in vain!
Rusticana. Let us sing of the Christ ever glorious;
He is risen in glory to reign!
Oh, how radiantly shineth the Easter dawn,
Bright with joy at the glorious triumph won.
Blessed its perfect peace that shall never cease,
For we shall e’er love the name of the Son. Alleluia!
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Avenue
Praise God, all creatures here below: United
Alleluia! Alleluia! Methodist
Praise God, the source of all our gifts; Church
Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!
511 Groveland Ave
Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit,
Minneapolis, MN
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
O God, accept and bless these gifts which we offer in response to HENNEPIN
the gracious gift of your life-giving Spirit. May these gifts and our CHURCH
lives be used to flesh out your love and justice, mercy and peace as .ORG
they are revealed in and through Jesus, your Son and our Savior.
Our Mission
PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Leah Rosso (9:30) To invite all peoples
Sally Johnson (11:00) on a spiritual journey
LORD’S PRAYER guided by scripture,
tradition, experience
Our God, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
and reason that leads
Thy kindom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
to a Christian faith
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses exemplified by loving
as we forgive those who trespass against us. relationships with God,
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, all others, and ourselves.
for thine is the kindom, the power, and the glory forever.
Amen. Ministers
Every Member of Hennepin Church
+ HYMN NO. 306 The Strife is O’er, the Battle Done VICTORY Clergy
Stanzas 1, 2, 3 Bruce W. Robbins—Pastor; Leah
Rosso—Young Adults & Hospitality;
Sally Johnson—Worship & Spiritual
+ BENEDICTION Hallelujah G. F. Handel Formation; Christopher Jackson—
Church Administration; Paula
Colton—Youth Ministries; Bob
POSTLUDE Toccata from Symphony No. V Charles Marie Widor Brinkley—Pastoral Visitation;
Wayne K. Clymer—Bishop in
Residence; Richard D. Waggoner—
Music Emeritus
Today’s acolytes are: Program Staff
Nancy and Jerry Gale — 9:30 AM Cynthia Ashley—Parish Nurse; Ann
Mariah Flowers and Kristyn Ebert Johnson — 11:00 AM J. Carlson—Dignity Center; Kevin
Dahlen—Koinonia Manager; Andrew
Hackett—Organist; Kristyn Ebert—
Shared Ministry/Outreach; Jack
Thurs. April 28 is Dining Out for Scholarship applications for “Sing a FRIDAY, APRIL 29
Life. 164 participating restaurants have New Song” gathering sponsored by 7:00 AM Men’s Bible Fellowship
agreed to donate a portion of their the Reconciling Ministries Network, 9:00 AM Dignity Center—Open
Methodist Federation for Social Action 10:00 AM Alanon
proceeds (10–100%) to The Aliveness
and Affirmation Aug. 25-28 at Sawmill
Project, a local nonprofit organization
that provides on-site meals, food shelf Creek Resort, Huron, Ohio are on the SATURDAY, APRIL 30
table with other great Reconciling 7:30 PM Dignity Center Fundraiser
and other supportive services for Raising Voices for Social Justice
individuals living with HIV/AIDS and information in Carlson Hall.
We are a Caring Community
How Parking
Can Equal
Resumes Next Week
Hospitality Join your friends in the lower level PASTORAL CARE: Please notify the
Social Hall next week for our Sunday church office if you, a family member
At Hennepin, we like to reserve the or any other church member are
east parking lot for first-time visitors, breakfast. Cost is $5 per person, or experiencing illness, hospitalization,
families with young children, and $12 per family/household. A great or another need for pastoral care.
people who have limited mobility or way to meet friends, old and new. CONGREGATIONAL JOYS AND CONCERNS
need assistance. Instead of driving are posted each week in the Pastoral
Gratitude for your Giving
around the block looking for parking Care section on the kiosk in Carlson
and Continued Support
every week, we encourage all people Hall. Greeting cards for members in
to take advantage of the 600 spaces At the end of March, the Operating need of cheer are available to sign at
in the Walker Parking Ramp across Budget Income Received in each of the reception desk near the East Entry.
the street. The ushers and front desk the past three years has amounted to:
PACEM SINGERS are available to sing
receptionists have vouchers for you to 2011—22% of Budget Thank You to Hennepin members and friends
use with your parking ticket, or you 2010—24% of Budget For your bringing comfort of favorite hymns
can choose to contribute $1. Climate- 2009—23% of Budget Support! and songs to your surroundings.
controlled, covered from weather, DOWNTOWN GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP:
and just a short walk across Hennepin/ Farmers’ Market Walk www.mplsgriefsupport.com. Saturday
Lyndale, the ramp will give you easy May 22nd (for people in their 20s and mornings Jan. 1—April 30, 2011 at St.
access to everything you need here at 30s) meet on the front steps of the Olaf Catholic Church, 215 South 8th
the church. Be hospitable and selfish church at 11 AM and we’ll walk over Street, Minneapolis. April 30: Topic is
at the same time: park in the ramp! to the Lyndale Farmers’ Market. Being Grief-Struck.
Loving and Listening
7:00 PM May 1
Soul Cafe returns for another evening
of poetry and jazz. You are invited to
a celebration of life as sending out
On Saturday May 14,
10:00 AM to 12 noon, Nature
the Hennepin Foundation and Board
and taking in, paying attention and
of Trustees will hold the annual Spire
offering up. This is also how good
jazz is played. May 1 at 7:00 PM
Brunch, honoring donors who give
beyond the annual pledge. All church
in the Art Gallery join Steve Blons,
members are welcome! Olga Viso,
guitar; Daryl Boudreaux, drums; Laura director of the Walker Art Center is
Spring Retreat
Caviani, piano; the speaker, and brunch follows the at Koinonia
Lucia Newell, program. Make your reservation by May 5 - 7
vocals; Brad May 2. Call the church receptionist What do New Life Adventures, the
Holden, sax; Jay at 612-871-5303. Transportation and UMW and the ecology group have in
Young, Bass. childcare available. More information common? They’re co-sponsoring a
is in your April !nSpire newsletter. new kind of retreat weekend at
Changes at Koinonia May 5-7. Each group will
Steeple People Grief Support have its own programs, which will be
Times are changing at the Steeple Group open to all, including those who
choose to create a free-form personal
Store. We are changing hours starting The Spring/Summer session of the
retreat. Come for a day or more! The
Monday May 2. For your convenience Downtown Coalition for Grief Support
May 1 registration deadline is fast
we will be open some additional will be at Plymouth Congregational
approaching, and overnight space is
hours. Our schedule will be: Church May 7 - August 27. The group
meets Saturdays, 9:30 - 11:30 AM.
Mon. 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Go to: mplsgriefsupport.com or call
Tues. 10.30 AM to 7:30 PM
612-317-3454 for more information. Earth Camp
Wed.—Fri. 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM July 25-28
Each week the topic for this group is
Sat. 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM
printed on the lower right side of For students who
We will offer the same good buys, page 7 in this bulletin. have completed 1st -
the same happy volunteers and staff 5th grade; limited to
to help you with your needs. Stop in Parish 25 participants. Earth
and visit us soon. Nurse Camp is a four-day, 3-night over-night
camp for elementary students. Camp-
Club 56 ers learn about our responsibility as
As spring approaches, Christians to care for the creation,
Parent our indoor Stretch & Smile Classes explore the great outdoors and to
Meeting are coming to an end. Yet, stay tuned connect with God in the natural world.
May 1 and get ready to join in on active Cost is $170.00 and includes lodging,
Parents of 4th and 5th graders: you’re summer prayer walks and bike rides meals, transportation, programs and
invited to an informational meeting beginning in June. Also: Please plan crafts. Scholarships are available and
regarding Club 56, a Sunday School to participate in our next THRIVE confidential. Questions? Contact Dana
book study adventure offered Sundays Neuhauser at 612-435-1306 or by
and fellowship program for next year’s
June 5th and 12th. There are THRIVE email at Dana@haumc.org.
5th and 6th graders, May 1 at 11:00
books available to purchase. Please
AM in Room 205. A supervised activity
contact Cynthia at 612-435-1310 or Emma Norton Tea
will be offered for your child(ren)
email her at Cynthia@haumc.org for
during this time. This meeting includes An English Tea to benefit Emma
more information.
information about Confirmation. Norton Services will be held 1:00
Please RSVP to Connie Wilcox at PM, Thursday, May 5 at Hennepin.
Connie@haumc.org or 612-435-1302. Reserve a table with Vivian LaRock at
651-235-2241 or vivtea@gmail.com.