Easter Sunday Spire

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Hennepin is a Reconciling Congregation, welcoming the full

participation of all persons including the GLBT Community.

April 24, 2011 at Hennepin

Easter Dignity Center
Greetings concert
from this Saturday!
Bruce 7:30 PM
Robbins April 30
A warm welcome to all who come to
Hennepin Church today to celebrate
the Easter resurrection. We remember
and relive the testimony of Jesus’
disciples who could not believe their
eyes! Even when they saw, it was so
hard to see Jesus and to know him.
Why? It seemed to good to be true —
that the Roman crucifixion was not
the last Word! Mary’s tears soon dried If you don’t happen to be out of the
up as she came to know a new begin- country attending the royal wedding,
you are invited to another memorable Risen One,
ning in life. May your eyes of faith come; meet me
event: the Dignity Center benefit 7:30
open wide to all the new beginnings in the garden of my life.
PM Saturday, April 30 at HAUMC.
possible for you, too. The words Lure me into elation.
Don’t miss a remarkable night of
spoken this morning are not idle tales. Revive my silent hope.
Latino rhythms and soul-stirring music
What could happen if you and I started
presented by the Twin Cities Gay Coax my dormant dreams.
to live the love of Christ in all that we Men’s Chorus and Hennepin Chime. Raise up my neglected gratitude.
do? It can be an incredibly beautiful The concert is free; the suggested Entice my tired enthusiasm.
sunrise into a new day and new donation is $25 per person. Details at Give life to my
life. Thank you for coming. It is an HennepinChurch.org or 612-871-5303. faltering relationships.
honor for all of us to worship together
Unwrap the deadness
and sing Hallelujah! A Hopeful in my spiritual life.
Celebrating Earth Impart heartiness in my work.
May 1, 8, 15 Risen One,
the Journey at 11:00 AM send me forth as a disciple
of Discovery Join in for a study of of your unwavering love,
May 1 - 11:00 AM Bishop Sally Dyck and a messenger
Hennepin’s Compass 180 presents a niece Sarah Erhman’s of your unlimited joy.
recognition of the first ten recipients book. Bob Janssen leads the study of Risen One,
of the Compass 180 Scholarships. this provocative and fun book. If you may I become
Special music, stories of hope and are interested in being a part of this ever more convinced
guest speakers will highlight this that your presence lives on,
class, please register at the reception
unique and moving time in the history and on,
desk. Books are $7.00. Checks may
of Hennepin Church. Compass 180 is
be made payable to HAUMC. and on, and on.
a Hennepin program that partners
Awaken me! Awaken me!
former offenders with scholarships to

find new career paths. ― Joyce Rupp


511 Groveland Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55403 9:30 & 11:00 AM
612-871-5303 HENNEPINCHURCH.ORG Festival Worship
Welcome to Hennepin Where +
+ is indicated, standing or sitting, we praise God.
Church! We are glad that You are invited to read aloud the bold text.
you chose to worship here
today. We hope your time
here is meaningful and
helps nurture you in the
way of Christ. At each
entrance there are purple
Welcome bags for guests
to receive if you want PRELUDE Come With Celebration Cynthia Dobrinski
more information about
the church. Blessings
to you on your
journey of faith! Six weeks ago, we set aside our use of the ecstatic word “Alleluia.”
Today, in our joy over Jesus’ resurrection, we sing and say it with enthusiasm.
Nursery for infants — age
3 is available today until PROCLAMATION Leah Rosso
12:30 PM. An usher will
be happy to help you find Christ is risen!
the nursery in Room 105 Christ is risen indeed!
of the Education Wing.
Christ is risen from the dead and lives among us.
Coffee is available Sunday
mornings in Carlson Hall.
Our special thanks to Jim + PROCESSIONAL HYMN Jesus Christ is Risen Today EASTER HYMN
Cone of Coffee & Tea, Ltd. arr. Douglas Benson
for supplying Sunday coffee!
+ MORNING PRAYER Kristyn Ebert
Gracious Redeemer, we come to you in the morning of the resurrection.
We expect to find you among the tombs and grave-cloths of our
world, but you are alive! Sin cannot hold you; death cannot bind
you. Just as we have been weeping and mourning that you were
taken from us, you meet us in the garden of new life and send us
running to share the good news of the gospel to the ends of the
earth. Be present with us as miracle and mystery. Amen.

ANTHEM The Lord is Risen Indeed William Billings William Billings

The Lord is risen indeed! Hallelujah! is generally thought to
Now is Christ risen from the dead,
be the first American
and become the first fruits of them that slept.
composer and music
And did he rise? Hear it, ye nations! Hear it, O ye dead!
educator. This “Easter
He rose, he burst the bars of death and triumphed o'er the grave.
Then I rose! Anthem” is one of his
Then first Humanity triumphant passed the crystal ports of light best-known works.
and seized Eternal Youth.
Ye, all immortal, hail! Heaven all lavish of great gifts to you.
Thine's all the glory, ours the bound-less bliss.

WELCOME Bruce Robbins


The Peace of God be with you.
And also with you.

SCRIPTURE LESSON Ginger Sisco, Lector Each week we gather for

worship and hear the
Risen Lord, let your Word take flesh once again among us. Lift up You are invited to take
the scripture of worship
our hearts with the glad news of the resurrection, with this story, into your daily life,
which is so wonderful that we sometimes find it hard to take it in all through your work,
at once. As we read this Good News Easter after Easter, show us prayer, family, friends.
ever more the depth of your grace and make us always more aware Take the scripture as
of your risen presence among us. Amen. you live through the rest
of the week to explore
how it fits for you.
+ JOHN 20:1-18 Look ahead at the
scripture for the
Early in the morning of the first day of saw the linen cloths lying there, but upcoming week:
the week, while it was still dark, Mary he didn’t go in. Following him, Simon Luke 4:14-21
Magdalene came to the tomb and saw Peter entered the tomb and saw the
that the stone had been taken away linen cloths lying there. He also saw the
from the tomb. She ran to Simon Peter face cloth that had been on Jesus’ head.
and the other disciple, the one whom It wasn’t with the other clothes but was
Jesus loved, and said, “They have taken folded up in its own place. Then the
the Lord from the tomb, and we don’t other disciple, the one who arrived at
know where they’ve put him.” Peter the tomb first, also went inside. He saw
and the other disciple left to go to the and believed. They didn’t yet understand
tomb. They were running together, but the scripture that Jesus must rise from
the other disciple ran faster than Peter the dead. Then the disciples returned to
and was the first to arrive at the the place where they were staying.
tomb. Bending down to take a look, he Mary stood outside near the tomb,
crying. As she cried, she bent down to replied, “Sir, if you have carried him
look into the tomb. She saw two angels away, tell me where you have put him
dressed in white, seated where the body and I will get him.”
of Jesus had been, one at the head and Jesus said to her, “Mary.”
one at the foot. The angels asked her,
“Woman, why are you crying?” She turned and said to him in Aramaic,
She replied, “They have taken away “Rabbouni” (which means Teacher ).
my Lord, and I don’t know where Jesus said to her, “Don’t hold on to me,
they’ve put him.” As soon as she had for I haven’t yet gone up to my God. Go
said this, she turned around and saw to my brothers and sisters and tell them,
Jesus standing there, but she didn’t ‘I’m going up to my God and your
know it was Jesus. God.’ ”
Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are Mary Magdalene left and announced
you crying? Who are you looking for?” to the disciples, “I’ve seen the Lord.”
Thinking he was the gardener, she Then she told them what he said to her.

May we hear what the Spirit is saying to us today.

Thanks be to God!

+ HYMN NO. 610 We Know That Christ is Raised ENGELBERG

SERMON In the Beginning...a Sunrise Bruce Robbins

This Affirmation of Faith

comes from The
+ AFFIRMATION OF FAITH Bill Tipping (9:30)
Elizabeth and Erica Buckingham (11:00)
Confession of 1967.
We are not alone; we live in God’s world.
We believe in God:
who has created and is creating,
who came in Jesus, the Word made flesh, to reconcile and make new,
who works in us and others by the Spirit.
We trust in God.
We are called to be the Church:
to celebrate God’s presence,
to love and serve others,
to seek justice and resist evil,
to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope.
In life, in death, in life beyond death, God is with us.
We are not alone.
Thanks be to God!


Pietro Mascagni was a 19th MUSICAL OFFERING The Lord Now Victorious Pietro Mascagni
Century opera composer. O Lord of Hosts, behold, earth’s sorrow flieth,
This anthem, The Lord Thy holy Son now lives, nor dieth! Alleluia!
Now Victorious is actually From the dead Christ now has risen, truly risen.
from a church scene in his We will sing of the Lord now victorious!
one-act opera Cavalleria All the terrors of death were in vain!
Rusticana. Let us sing of the Christ ever glorious;
He is risen in glory to reign!
Oh, how radiantly shineth the Easter dawn,
Bright with joy at the glorious triumph won.
Blessed its perfect peace that shall never cease,
For we shall e’er love the name of the Son. Alleluia!
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Avenue
Praise God, all creatures here below: United
Alleluia! Alleluia! Methodist
Praise God, the source of all our gifts; Church
Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!
511 Groveland Ave
Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit,
Minneapolis, MN
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
O God, accept and bless these gifts which we offer in response to HENNEPIN
the gracious gift of your life-giving Spirit. May these gifts and our CHURCH
lives be used to flesh out your love and justice, mercy and peace as .ORG
they are revealed in and through Jesus, your Son and our Savior.
Our Mission
PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Leah Rosso (9:30) To invite all peoples
Sally Johnson (11:00) on a spiritual journey
LORD’S PRAYER guided by scripture,
tradition, experience
Our God, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
and reason that leads
Thy kindom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
to a Christian faith
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses exemplified by loving
as we forgive those who trespass against us. relationships with God,
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, all others, and ourselves.
for thine is the kindom, the power, and the glory forever.
Amen. Ministers
Every Member of Hennepin Church
+ HYMN NO. 306 The Strife is O’er, the Battle Done VICTORY Clergy
Stanzas 1, 2, 3 Bruce W. Robbins—Pastor; Leah
Rosso—Young Adults & Hospitality;
Sally Johnson—Worship & Spiritual
+ BENEDICTION Hallelujah G. F. Handel Formation; Christopher Jackson—
Church Administration; Paula
Colton—Youth Ministries; Bob
POSTLUDE Toccata from Symphony No. V Charles Marie Widor Brinkley—Pastoral Visitation;
Wayne K. Clymer—Bishop in
Residence; Richard D. Waggoner—
Music Emeritus
Today’s acolytes are: Program Staff
Nancy and Jerry Gale — 9:30 AM Cynthia Ashley—Parish Nurse; Ann
Mariah Flowers and Kristyn Ebert Johnson — 11:00 AM J. Carlson—Dignity Center; Kevin
Dahlen—Koinonia Manager; Andrew
Hackett—Organist; Kristyn Ebert—
Shared Ministry/Outreach; Jack

Alleluia! Christ is risen indeed!

Fistler—Legacy Giving; William H.
Mathis—Music & Fine Arts; Mary
Martin—Dignity Center Volunteers;
Dana Neuhauser—Children’s
Ministries; Daniel Pederson—
WELCOME GUESTS! We are glad you are here! Our hope is that
you have a meaningful worship experience this morning that helps Twin Cities
you live your life in the way of Christ. In order to get to know you Elizabeth Lopez
better, we invite you to sign the Fellowship Pad at the end of your
pew. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. We welcome new insights, Area Bishop
new questions, and new people! Sally Dyck
Weekday Events Get Involved … Volunteer … Donate
Thursday Bible Study: 11:00 AM to April Hunger Offering: Today is the Community Meals: Today we celebrate
12:00 noon in the Longfellow last Sunday for you to support the Christ’s resurrection. Our guests
Room, began a new study March 31 Liberia Integrated Crop and Pest remain hopeful for new beginnings
on Jesus’ Apostles. New members Management Project (LICPMAP). and a better life all year round:
are always welcome. Chris Jackson a living-wage job, stable housing,
is the group leader. relief from illness, reliable transpor-
Job Support Group: May 9 and 23 tation, and family reconciliation.
from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. This group is We wish for renewal for all of
for people who are worried about a God’s people! Thanks to all of our
current job or transitioning to a generous donors to this crucial
new career. Leslie Philmon, group hunger ministry!
facilitator, has 16 years experience Consider being an Acoltye! We’ll
as a career coach. Note: The Job provide training and answer your
Support Group will stop meeting at LICPMAP requires support to increase questions. If interested or curious,
the end of May. For one-on-one job their beehives and for equipment call Becky Monson, 612-239-0551,
coaching after May, contact the for harvesting and processing the or Linda Wilkins, 612-597-6200,
Baslica’s Employment Ministry at honey. LICPMAP needs to increase co-Captains of the Acolyte Team.
the size of their group farm and
612-333-1381. The VLN Brief Legal Services Clinic
needs to purchase more livestock in
The Science & Faith Roundtable: If at the Dignity Center is in need of a
order to meet increasing demand in
you’re interested in how science Friday morning legal clinic assistant,
the community. Your donation is
and religion can be partners in the 9-noon. For this non-lawyer position
needed today and will be used
quest for truth, this group may be wisely. Thank you. a legal background is helpful, but
for you! Apr. 28: Christology and not necessary. The clinic assistant
Food Shelf Help: Hennepin supports
Science by F. LeRon Shults. orients the volunteer lawyer of the
the Groveland Food shelf and we
Men’s Bible Fellowship. At 7:00 on day to the clinic, and assists with
need 4 volunteers to work for ½
Friday mornings a group of men file maintenance, client interviews
day in the Hope for The City ware-
gather for Bible study, conversation house doing light lifting on May 18. and follow-up services requested
and fellowship. All men are invited Volunteering preserves our great by the attorney. Contact Muria
to attend this lively discussion. donations discount rate. Grab a Kruger muriak@yahoo.com or 651-
New Bible study starts next week! friend and help! Carol Jackson is 226-0471.
May 2nd is the first night of a new coordinating: 612-927-4234 or Project Homeless Connect: Put your
Bible study on the book of Luke. carol.jackson@genmills.com. faith into action supporting people
Come on Mondays from 6-7:30pm. Volunteer for the English Tea to experiencing homelessness. P.H.C.
No previous Bible knowledge needed! benefit Emma Norton Services, brings housing, employment, health
We’ll meet in the parsonage—the 1:00 PM, Thursday, May 5. Help is care, and education resources to
large house next to the church. needed for food prep, guides and the Convention Center on May 23.
Come to any door. All are welcome! servers. Contact Susanne_mattison@ Volunteers needed to walk along-
Questions? Contact Pastor Leah yahoo.com. Reserve a table with side guests to help navigate service.
at Leah@haumc.org or call the Vivian LaRock at 651-235-2241 or More information is online at:
church office: 612-871-5303. vivtea@gmail.com. homelessconnectminneapolis.org

Sunday Spire HennepinChurch.org

Printed on 100% post-
consumer waste (PCW) Foundation
recycled office paper. Scholarship
Please Recycle this bulletin!
Please e m ail all information

Please email all information to

n n to
Spire@haumc.org by 10:00 AM The Hennepin Foundation is awarding scholarships for the 2011-12 school year
on Monday for the coming Sunday (in amounts up to $3,000 for one year at a time). All persons will be considered,
Spire, or drop off at church, attn: but applicants fitting certain criteria will receive strongest consideration. Criteria
Daniel Pederson. Keeping your and applications are available at the church front desk, or please contact Tara at
note to 50 words helps out a lot! 612-435-1331, or Tara@haumc.org. Deadline for submission is May 6, 2011.
7:00 AM Fine Arts Committee
7:00 PM Hospitality Committee
8:00 - 9:00 Pancake Breakfast Social Hall TUESDAY, APRIL 26
8:30 - 12:30 Coffee Fellowship Carlson Hall 8:30 AM Library Committee
8:45 - 12:30 Nursery / Child Care Rooms 101 & 103 1:30 AM Stretch and Smile
9:30 - 10:30 EASTER FESTIVAL WORSHIP SANCTUARY 5:00 PM Trustees Investment
11:00 - 12:00 EASTER FESTIVAL WORSHIP SANCTUARY 6:00 PM Adult Nurture
5:00 - 6:00 SUNDAY AT FIVE (A Service of Recovery) BORDER CHAPEL
9:00 AM Dignity Center—Open


9:30 AM Knotty Quilters
10:00 AM Senior Members’ Council
1:00 PM Recyclers
9:00 - 10:00 SACRED JOURNEY ART GALLERY 6:00 PM Haiti Partnership
9:30 - 10:30 FESTIVAL WORSHIP SANCTUARY 6:00 PM Development Committee
11:00 - 12:00 MANY VOICES BORDER CHAPEL 7:00 PM Trustees Meeting
5:00 - 6:00 SUNDAY AT FIVE (A Service of Recovery) BORDER CHAPEL
11:00 AM Thursday Bible Study
3:00 PM Labyrinth
Reconciling their families. More information is at
7:00 PM Science & Faith Roundtable
Committee Notes Aliveness.org.

Thurs. April 28 is Dining Out for Scholarship applications for “Sing a FRIDAY, APRIL 29
Life. 164 participating restaurants have New Song” gathering sponsored by 7:00 AM Men’s Bible Fellowship
agreed to donate a portion of their the Reconciling Ministries Network, 9:00 AM Dignity Center—Open
Methodist Federation for Social Action 10:00 AM Alanon
proceeds (10–100%) to The Aliveness
and Affirmation Aug. 25-28 at Sawmill
Project, a local nonprofit organization
that provides on-site meals, food shelf Creek Resort, Huron, Ohio are on the SATURDAY, APRIL 30
table with other great Reconciling 7:30 PM Dignity Center Fundraiser
and other supportive services for Raising Voices for Social Justice
individuals living with HIV/AIDS and information in Carlson Hall.

We are a Caring Community
How Parking
Can Equal
Resumes Next Week
Hospitality Join your friends in the lower level PASTORAL CARE: Please notify the
Social Hall next week for our Sunday church office if you, a family member
At Hennepin, we like to reserve the or any other church member are
east parking lot for first-time visitors, breakfast. Cost is $5 per person, or experiencing illness, hospitalization,
families with young children, and $12 per family/household. A great or another need for pastoral care.
people who have limited mobility or way to meet friends, old and new. CONGREGATIONAL JOYS AND CONCERNS
need assistance. Instead of driving are posted each week in the Pastoral
Gratitude for your Giving
around the block looking for parking Care section on the kiosk in Carlson
and Continued Support
every week, we encourage all people Hall. Greeting cards for members in
to take advantage of the 600 spaces At the end of March, the Operating need of cheer are available to sign at
in the Walker Parking Ramp across Budget Income Received in each of the reception desk near the East Entry.
the street. The ushers and front desk the past three years has amounted to:
PACEM SINGERS are available to sing
receptionists have vouchers for you to 2011—22% of Budget Thank You to Hennepin members and friends
use with your parking ticket, or you 2010—24% of Budget For your bringing comfort of favorite hymns
can choose to contribute $1. Climate- 2009—23% of Budget Support! and songs to your surroundings.
controlled, covered from weather, DOWNTOWN GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP:
and just a short walk across Hennepin/ Farmers’ Market Walk www.mplsgriefsupport.com. Saturday
Lyndale, the ramp will give you easy May 22nd (for people in their 20s and mornings Jan. 1—April 30, 2011 at St.
access to everything you need here at 30s) meet on the front steps of the Olaf Catholic Church, 215 South 8th
the church. Be hospitable and selfish church at 11 AM and we’ll walk over Street, Minneapolis. April 30: Topic is
at the same time: park in the ramp! to the Lyndale Farmers’ Market. Being Grief-Struck.
Loving and Listening
7:00 PM May 1
Soul Cafe returns for another evening
of poetry and jazz. You are invited to
a celebration of life as sending out
On Saturday May 14,
10:00 AM to 12 noon, Nature
the Hennepin Foundation and Board
and taking in, paying attention and
of Trustees will hold the annual Spire
offering up. This is also how good
jazz is played. May 1 at 7:00 PM
Brunch, honoring donors who give
beyond the annual pledge. All church
in the Art Gallery join Steve Blons,
members are welcome! Olga Viso,
guitar; Daryl Boudreaux, drums; Laura director of the Walker Art Center is
Spring Retreat
Caviani, piano; the speaker, and brunch follows the at Koinonia
Lucia Newell, program. Make your reservation by May 5 - 7
vocals; Brad May 2. Call the church receptionist What do New Life Adventures, the
Holden, sax; Jay at 612-871-5303. Transportation and UMW and the ecology group have in
Young, Bass. childcare available. More information common? They’re co-sponsoring a
is in your April !nSpire newsletter. new kind of retreat weekend at
Changes at Koinonia May 5-7. Each group will
Steeple People Grief Support have its own programs, which will be
Times are changing at the Steeple Group open to all, including those who
choose to create a free-form personal
Store. We are changing hours starting The Spring/Summer session of the
retreat. Come for a day or more! The
Monday May 2. For your convenience Downtown Coalition for Grief Support
May 1 registration deadline is fast
we will be open some additional will be at Plymouth Congregational
approaching, and overnight space is
hours. Our schedule will be: Church May 7 - August 27. The group
meets Saturdays, 9:30 - 11:30 AM.
Mon. 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Go to: mplsgriefsupport.com or call
Tues. 10.30 AM to 7:30 PM
612-317-3454 for more information. Earth Camp
Wed.—Fri. 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM July 25-28
Each week the topic for this group is
Sat. 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM
printed on the lower right side of For students who
We will offer the same good buys, page 7 in this bulletin. have completed 1st -
the same happy volunteers and staff 5th grade; limited to
to help you with your needs. Stop in Parish 25 participants. Earth
and visit us soon. Nurse Camp is a four-day, 3-night over-night
camp for elementary students. Camp-
Club 56 ers learn about our responsibility as
As spring approaches, Christians to care for the creation,
Parent our indoor Stretch & Smile Classes explore the great outdoors and to
Meeting are coming to an end. Yet, stay tuned connect with God in the natural world.
May 1 and get ready to join in on active Cost is $170.00 and includes lodging,
Parents of 4th and 5th graders: you’re summer prayer walks and bike rides meals, transportation, programs and
invited to an informational meeting beginning in June. Also: Please plan crafts. Scholarships are available and
regarding Club 56, a Sunday School to participate in our next THRIVE confidential. Questions? Contact Dana
book study adventure offered Sundays Neuhauser at 612-435-1306 or by
and fellowship program for next year’s
June 5th and 12th. There are THRIVE email at Dana@haumc.org.
5th and 6th graders, May 1 at 11:00
books available to purchase. Please
AM in Room 205. A supervised activity
contact Cynthia at 612-435-1310 or Emma Norton Tea
will be offered for your child(ren)
email her at Cynthia@haumc.org for
during this time. This meeting includes An English Tea to benefit Emma
more information.
information about Confirmation. Norton Services will be held 1:00

Please RSVP to Connie Wilcox at PM, Thursday, May 5 at Hennepin.
Connie@haumc.org or 612-435-1302. Reserve a table with Vivian LaRock at
651-235-2241 or vivtea@gmail.com.

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