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Zigbee Technology From Freescale: Start With A Leader. Finish Strong

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ZigBee Technology
from Freescale

Start with a Leader. Finish Strong.

Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. draws on Ventilation and Air Condition (HVAC). Other purchasing options. ZigBee technology
extensive radio frequency (RF) and wireless proposals in progress include automated also offers simplicity and a cost-effective
experience accumulated from more than 50 reading, medical and sensor applications. approach to building construction and
years of developing semiconductor products. remodeling with wireless technology.
With our depth of experience in this area, Wireless Furthermore, these battery-powered
we are qualified to offer a comprehensive Made Simple networks are sustained by the low power
IEEE 802.15.4 standard-compliant,
consumption features of ZigBee technology.
The IEEE 802.15.4 standard is a simple
ZigBeeTM-compliant platform solution.
packet data protocol for lightweight wireless In addition to retrofitting, technology based on
Freescale makes wireless simple by
networks and specifies the MAC and PHY the ZigBee protocol may help to reduce costs
providing a one-stop shop for customers,
networking layers. ZigBee technology takes for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)
complete with RF transceivers, MCUs,
full advantage of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard because typical target applications already
sensors, MAC software, Z-StackTM ZigBee
and adds the logical network, security and use an MCU; there is only a minimal
software and a flexible development tool
application software. ZigBee technology incremental cost needed for additional
suite. Virtually any low-data-rate, monitoring,
provides static and dynamic star, cluster memory added to the MCU to house the
control or automation application that requires
tree and mesh networking structures MAC and ZigBee software. Freescale’s
long battery life and networking capability
that allow large area network coverage, 2.4 GHz band ZigBee-ready RF transceivers
can benefit from the wireless connectivity
scalable networks and single point-of-failure can be used worldwide, eliminating the need
solutions provided by the IEEE 802.15.4
avoidance. Now, customers do not have to redesign and certify a product for various
standard and ZigBee technology.
to be tied to complex, costly proprietary markets or regions.
The ZigBee Alliance announced its public solutions that increase their design time.
release of the 1.0 ZigBee specification in They can use a standards-based solution,
2005. The alliance is comprised of more than such as ZigBee technology.
180 companies working together to drive
Because ZigBee technology is based
stack and application profiles for home and
on an industry standard, it provides
commercial use. Application profiles in
interoperability, allowing communication
progress include: Home Automation (HA),
amongst devices from different
Commercial Building Automation (CBA),
manufacturers, and offers system
Industrial Plant Monitoring (IPM) and Heating,
integrators and consumers flexible


Making Connections

The benefits of simple, cost-effective,

Field Service
or Mobile Worker low-power wireless connectivity that
ZigBee technology provides address a
variety of markets, including industrial and
home monitoring, control and automation,
as well as health care diagnostics.
Temperature Security
Sensor Sensor Server
Telephone In the industrial sector, ZigBee technology
Cable Line
can help improve utility and energy
HVAC Office Retailer
Materials Service management, logistics and inventory
Handling Provider
tracking, as well as security and access
control. Other systems can be tracked for
preventative maintenance and performance
monitoring. Seismic detectors,
inclinometers, robotics and security systems
are just a few examples. Many other
applications can apply.
Freescale’s an integrated Tx/Rx switch and reduction of
external components that reduce the bill of
Flash and 2 KB of RAM memory, with the
Freescale fully compliant IEEE 802.15.4 MAC
Advantage materials (BOM) and overall development to customize the network to fit your
From its position in cell phone technology and cost. These radios support Freescale’s widely requirements. For a fully compliant ZigBee
extensive knowledge of RF semiconductor used software stack options, the Simple MAC platform, use the MC13213, which contains
processes, Freescale is positioned to offer a (SMAC), the 802.15.4 MAC and the full 60 KB of Flash and 4 KB of RAM memory,
wide platform of ZigBee-ready transceivers. ZigBee stack. and the ZigBee protocol stack to help you
The MC1319x legacy family has proven develop certifiable ZigBee products. The
The most impressive and newest family
success in the market with its feature-rich, MC13214 has the same features as the
introduction is the MC1321x System in
dual-data modem that can be used in ZigBee MC13213, and also includes the Figure 8
Package (SiP) series. These devices integrate
technology applications. It has an optimized Wireless ZigBee Stack (Z-Stack™) software.
the MC9S08GT MCU with the MC1320x
digital core with functionality to help reduce The devices in this family are pin-compatible,
transceiver in a single 9 mm x 9 mm LGA
MCU processing power and execution cycle allowing the user to select the device that
package. Three memory configurations are
time. Four timer comparators can reduce cost perfectly fits the application.
provided in this family ranging from 16 KB to
by using a low-performance and affordable 60 KB of Flash memory. No matter what your > Designed to the IEEE 802.15.4 standard
MCU. Extensive interrupt servicing options application needs—simple point-to-point and for ZigBee technology
provide software development flexibility. A connectivity or a complete ZigBee mesh > Full-spectrum encoding and decoding
simple serial peripheral interface (SPI) network—the MC1321x Family can scale to > Cost-effective CMOS design requires
between the RF IC and MCU allows the use meet them. The MC13211 provides 16 KB of few external components
of virtually any MCU in Freescale’s vast Flash and 1 KB of RAM memory and is an
> Programmable clock out for use by
portfolio. Link quality and energy detection ideal solution for cost-effective proprietary baseband MCU
provide necessary data for network formation applications that need wireless point-to-point
and maintenance. > Standard four-wire SPI that can operate at
or star network connectivity. The MC13211
4 MHz or greater (SPI not available in the
Freescale’s latest ZigBee solution builds on combined with the Freescale SMAC provides MC1321x Family)
the MC1319x Family. The MC1320x is the the foundation for proprietary applications by
> Extended range capability using an
next-generation family of IEEE® 802.15.4- supplying the necessary source code and
external low-noise amplifier (LNA)
compliant radios. It maintains exceptional RF application examples to get you started on and/or power amplifier (PA)
performance and flexible architecture for implementing wireless connectivity. If you
> Programmable output power, 0 dB typical
application design. Enhanced features include need larger scale networking options,
combine the MC13212, containing 32 KB of > Ultralow power modes

Consumer products in the home using

ZigBee technology include home
automation systems with lighting
and HVAC control devices, security
systems, blind and curtain controls, Service
SOHO Provider
as well as remote controls for set-top
boxes and other entertainment devices.
Consumer products with accessory Back-End
interfaces can add ZigBee technology
PC and Entertainment
functionality after purchase. CompactFlash Peripheral
or PCMCIA slots in PDAs or notebook PCs
are examples. The health care and fitness Cable Line

markets can also benefit from ZigBee Temperature

Heart Rate Monitor
technology. Health tracking devices, such Bio-Monitor
AC or Sensor
Field Service
as pedometers and heart rate monitors, Heat Pump Data Communication
Two Way
White Goods
are typical target applications. Equipment
used in sports medicine and physical
therapy can become more mobile by
introducing a wireless component.
Microcontrollers and Beyond For applications that require higher and is considerably smaller in size than
The RF transceiver is just one component performance, other Freescale processor BluetoothTM technology; thus, IEEE 802.15.4
in our ZigBee-compliant platform solution. A families that could be used include ColdFire® technology requires less on-chip memory
processing device, such as an MCU or DSP, processors, HCS12 16-bit MCUs, i.MX and minimal processing power from a
is required to complete the entire solution by applications processors, 56800/E hybrid microcontroller. The following highlights
housing the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC and ZigBee controllers and PowerQUICC™ integrated some features:
software. In this regard, Freescale offers a communications processors containing > Designed to support peer-to-peer, star and
comprehensive, ZigBee-compliant solution PowerPC® cores. mesh network topologies
with the necessary pieces of the system.
Sensors > Designed to support optional upper
Freescale offers a vast array of Freescale also has developed a family of Z-Stack ZigBee layers
microcontroller families and development ZigBee technology-compatible sensors. > Power-saving modes (doze and hibernate,
tools. Freescale has unveiled the HCS08 Customers using wireline control networks application configurable)
family of low-voltage, low-power can easily incorporate Freescale’s ZigBee > Security
microcontrollers, targeted for use with the technology-compatible acceleration and
> Carrier sense multiple access with collision
MC13193 in ZigBee technology applications. pressure sensors into their applications.
avoidance (CSMA-CA) channel access
These cost-effective, high-performance Based on micro-electromechanical systems
8-bit MCUs offer features to extend battery > Optional super-frame structure
(MEMS) technology, the sensors use
with beacons
life, deliver high performance and integrate standard OEM hardware interfaces.
peripheral and memory combinations. Customers can choose from a broad range > Guaranteed time slot (GTS) mechanism
They include: of Freescale sensor solutions featuring the
MMA series accelerometers, MPX series
> MC9S08GB32
pressure sensors and the MC series ion and One-Stop Shop
> MC9S08GB60
photo smoke ICs. Freescale provides all the building blocks
> MC9S08GT32
MAC Layer Software used in a complete ZigBee-compliant platform
> MC9S08GT60 solution: the RF transceiver, MAC and ZigBee
Freescale has developed the IEEE 802.15.4
> MC9S08RG32 MAC software as part of its ZigBee-compliant software, microcontrollers and sensors. One
platform solution. It is standards-compliant solution, one provider—built, tested,
> MC9S08RG60
compatible and ready for integration.

To learn more about Freescale’s

MC1321x BLOCK DIAGRAM FOR A SENSOR APPLICATION ZigBee technology portfolio, go
to www.freescale.com/ZigBee.
Debug Module
Tx/Rx Timers

Control Logic
Low Voltage

Interrupt COP

Freescale™ and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All other product
or service names are the property of their respective owners. The PowerPC name is a trademark of
IBM Corp. and used under license. The HC08, HCS12 and 56800 products incorporate SuperFlash®
technology licensed from SST.
© Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2006

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