Simulating The Impact of Wastewater Leaching On Groundwater Quality in Madduana Drain, Faisalabad
Simulating The Impact of Wastewater Leaching On Groundwater Quality in Madduana Drain, Faisalabad
Simulating The Impact of Wastewater Leaching On Groundwater Quality in Madduana Drain, Faisalabad
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discharged in un-lined surface drains without initial
I. INTRODUCTION treatment. This happened due poor tacklinglack of
ndustrializationleads to socio economic uplift, initial planning and implementations of the
Campylobacter disease occurred due to usage of un- agricultural yield. This direction become more crucial
chlorinated water, Vibrio choleras disease occurred due in those urban and industrial areas where groundwater
to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. An urgent contamination caused various diseases and cureless
requirement is to treat industrial wastewater before damages to environment [11].
pour it into nearest drains for the protection of To check the impacts of wastewater on quality of
environment [5]. groundwater of Madduana drain which have the
Provision of safe and clean drinking water to the wastewater of surrounding industries in Faisalabad.
masses should be the foremost priority of every Collect the wastewater samples from the drain as well
government as it is the basic human right. In order to as groundwater samples from the surrounding area of
identify the potential areas for future environmental drain, then take that samples to WASA laboratory to
health problems, regular mapping of groundwater analysis the parameters as chemical oxygen zest
quality is pre-requisite for every city of the country. As (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD), electrical
water quality index undertakes the analysis of multiple conductivity (EC), pH, total dissolved solids (TDS),
parameters, it is considered as efficient tool for carbonates, bicarbonates, color, turbidity, odor,
understanding the overall water quality scenario of the hardness, Heavy metals which includes total nitrogen,
area. Faisalabad is the 3rd largest city of the Pakistan. total phosphorus, mercuric Sulphate, ammonia, copper,
Groundwater is the primary source of drinking water iron, manganese, nickel, at minimum level chromium
for its population. To maintain to quality of water, the and cobalt.
water samples from different tube wells are regularly By analyzing above parameters in wastewater as well
tested for several water quality parameters. It has deep as in groundwater now it will check how much
been detected in the last few years that the water stress, wastewater deteriorate the groundwater quality. After
due to increase use of water and expeditious that, also made comparison of parameters with
industrialization, has become impend to the aquifer in standard acceptable limits of that constituents.
Faisalabad [6].
In distinct places of Faisalabad, the groundwater level II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
declined day by day which is due to the elevated
groundwater pressure [7]. The groundwater level has A. STUDY AREA
discarded more than 10m in distinct places of The area selected for the study are the
Faisalabad [8]. Therefore, groundwater and surface Madduana drain in the industrial zone of Faisalabad
water quality are also deteriorating by the continuous city with the criteria that this drain pass through the
and extra use of groundwater. The study of the heavy
area which is expected to be the major source of
metals getting main focus to check the present
contamination. That area will be in between the
condition of water quality which determined the
Khurrianwala to Satayana road Faisalabad.
expertise for its supplementary usage [9].
Faisalabad the city of textile, is becoming the third
largest populous city of country. A survey tells that
1100 million cubic meter per year wastewater effluents As the part of research, Composite wastewater
were produced from different sources in Faisalabad samples will be collected from drain and
city and disposal off through surface lined and unlined groundwater samples will be collected from the
drains i.e. Paharang and Madduana drain [10]. surrounding areas of drain. Samples will be
Madduana drain collects the wastewater of surrounding randomly taken from whole area to persuade the
Dying and textile industries. Most of the industries different quality parameters in groundwater as well
may have their treatment plants. First, they treated their as in wastewater. The samples will be collected in
wastewater and then pour it into drain. But, some of 1500 ml bottles. The grab samples should be taken,
them pore their wastewater to drain without treated it. for this purpose a bucket and rope will be used and
The wastewater is permanently leach down which after shaking the sample should take. After taking
deteriorate the quality of groundwater, therefore people sample, bottled should be labeled with some
of that areas can’t be pumped the groundwater for their common information ofthe sampling place i.e.
usage. In that areas, it is also seen most of people are latitude, longitude of the place. The optimized water
suffering with different diseases i.e. hepatitis disease. samples will be collected in the total, from
Ecosystem of that area is also polluted. In that areas, groundwater and wastewater. After collecting the
untreated wastewater is also used for irrigation samples from study area, the samples will be
purposes which polluted the cropping system. The conserved and analyzed in the WASA Faisalabad
dumping and disposal system of domestic and laboratory.
industrial wastewater have severed and alarmed threats
for natural water resources, public health and
C. 2.3 LOCATION OF SAMPLES POINTS average value of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand is
The position of samples points will be observed with 328.05. As we know that in drinking water there is no
the assist of coordinates of points. The coordinates of value of Biochemical Oxygen Demand as well as in
Chemical Oxygen Demand. The most effected samples
Sr. Parameter Units Method/Equipment
of Biochemical Oxygen Demand are Khurrianwala
No. Used
sight samples and the least effected samples of
1 Temperature °C HANNA digital meter Biochemical Oxygen Demand are Maccuana bypass
Faisalabad sight samples. According to NEQS, the
2 pH HANNA digital meter permissible limit of BOD is 80 mg/l so, most of the
samples exceeded the permissible limits for BOD.
3 EC µc/cm HANNA digital meter Biological Oxygen Demand measures the
biodegradable materials in water and helps in the
development of bacteria and other organic by products
4 TDS mg/l HANNA digital meter
(Manahan 1994).
7 Chloride mg/l Titration/USEPA