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A Term Paper


“Acquisition and Development of Nuclear Weapons”

In fulfillment on the course

Theology 10

Submitted by

Onnyx Halley M. Asenita


Submitted to

Sir Rael
I. Introduction

Nuclear Weapons are weapons of mass destruction with the help of science. It was

developed by the theory of relativity by Albert Einstein. The first time a nuclear weapon was

used was at the closing of the World War II when the Allies, particularly the US, dropped

two atomic bombs at two of the provinces of Japan. After the world has seen the

effectiveness of atomic bombs, the 1st world countries started further development of these

weapons of mass destruction. The world feared these weapons during the Cold War when

the U.S.S.R. and the U.S. threatened each other of use of Nuclear Missile. Allies of the two

nations were dragged on the conflict and they were forced to develop their own nuclear

weapons. The Philippines, being an ally of the U.S., also tried to develop nuclear missiles

during the reign of Marcos. The Philippine Air Force also intercepted communist bombers

that were said to be carrying nuclear bombs when they entered the country’s airspace. After

the fall of the Marcos Regime, the nation’s nuke development was halted at the order of the

Administration of Cory Aquino. Also during the Cuban Crisis in the Cold War, an all-out

nuclear war was almost started if it was not for a Russian official that didn’t press the

“button”. This “button”, probably a launch button, would be the start of a war where no two

countries could have survived. Today the world is still threatened by these weapons. The

U.S. and Russia are still not on terms, North Korea has set off its 3rd Nuclear Testing, and

China is threatening the U.S. and its allies that it is not afraid to use its nuclear weapons if the

tensions escalate to an all-out conflict. This is significant to the citizens of the Philippines as

we are in between conflicts of the two, maybe three if you would still add Russia, Military

Giants of the world. Each of them possess such destructive arsenals that could wipe out every

living thing on the face of the world. We are also in tension with China with our own

disputes. What would happen to us if the Cold War became a nuclear conflict? What would
happen to us if the Philippines did not stop the development of Nuclear arms? Do we even

need nuclear weaponry as an asset to one country’s defenses? What would happen if we

would be engaged with another World War? What would happen if that Russian official

pressed the “button”? What would happen if nukes were not developed? How many Filipinos

would agree in continuing the development of nukes? How many influent people are against

nukes and its development? These are the questions that we need to answer as we discuss it


II. The use of nuclear weaponry and development

a. The History of Nukes and its background during the Cold War

Let us start with the weapon itself. What is a nuclear weapon? A nuclear weapon or nukes

in short are weapons of mass destruction. They are mostly very powerful explosives that

derives its force from nuclear reactions. A nuke is so powerful that it could actually generate

earthquakes. As I said, nukes were developed with the help of Albert Einstein. Although he

did not contribute personally, his theory of relativity or popularly known as the E=MC2 was

the base of the creation of nukes. The US and the USSR were the known pioneers nuclear

weapons and they have been developing prototypes of this kind of weapon. Nuclear weapons

were first used against Japan during the World War II where the U.S. dropped atomic bombs

Nagasaki and Hiroshima with Atomic Bombs. Since the US and USSR have different

ideologies, conflict started as they contested against each other for influence all over the

globe. Soon after the World War II, the Cold War happened. The world was dragged in

nearly into an all-out nuclear war during this period. Several conventional wars happened

during this period too. Some of the most famous campaigns were the Vietnam War and the

Korean War where the Allies fought with the Communists all over the region. Military
Organizations were also formed because of the imminent threat of the oppositions. Some

organizations were NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) by the Allies. These

organizations agreed on each other that when one member country gets attacked, the other

member countries would declare war on the attacking nation and support its attacked

member. This organization was supposed to defend each member from an external nuclear

attack using its own nuclear reserves. The climax of the Cold War was during the Cuban

Crisis in 1962 where the Russians was supposed to supply nukes to Cuba by sea but was

intercepted by an American Naval Blockade. The conflict was supposed to end with 2 navies

clashing and cause a spark to start an all-out nuclear attack. If the nuke war happened,

millions of lives would be lost and countries like the Philippines would be erased from the

maps. If it was not for the Russian Official, probably Nikita Khrushchev, the world would be

a nuclear wasteland. He was the one that ordered retreat of all nuclear arms from Cuba

during the crisis. The Philippines, although not part of the NATO, was also terrorized

by the Communists during the Cold War. Philippine Air Force aircrafts have to intercept

Russian Bombers suspected of carrying nuclear bombs entering the country’s airspace every

now and then. As a close ally to the US, the country supported the Allies during the Cold

War. We opened our airspace to the Allies during the Korean and Vietnam War. We also

sent troops to Korea and Vietnam to ensure the sovereignty of these countries. Since we are

supporting the allies, threats from the oppositions are still haunting the country. During the

regime of Marcos, the country developed its own prototype nuclear arsenals to defend us

from external threats. The prototypes were successful but when Pres. Marcos stepped down

and was changed by Pres. Cory Aquino, the development of the said weapons were halted

and forgotten. The country was also reported to store some US nukes during the Cold War

although some officials disagree to the statement.

b. Fight against nuclear arms

Even though every country craves this kind of firepower in their armed forces, many people

does not accept the acquisition and development of these weapons. People tried to oppose

nuclear arms whether he/she is influential or not. They know the effects of these weapons

and its consequences. Some people even wrote what they want to say to the public about the

nukes. Pope John XXIII wrote to his book “Pacem In Terris” this statement: : “Hence justice,

right reason, and the recognition of man's dignity cry out insistently for a cessation to the

arms race. The stock-piles of armaments which have been built up in various countries must

be reduced all round and simultaneously by the parties concerned. Nuclear weapons must be

banned. A general agreement must be reached on a suitable disarmament program, with an

effective system of mutual control. In the words of Pope Pius XII: "The calamity of a world

war, with the economic and social ruin and the moral excesses and dissolution that

accompany it, must not on any account be permitted to engulf the human race for a third

time." Pope John XXIII knew the effects of nukes to the society based on his statement.

He wished the disarmament of nuclear armaments and to ban nukes. He tried to be an

intermediary between the 2 warring nations. Another personality who didn’t agree with

nuclear arms was Pope Pius XII. He disagreed with the use of the atomic bombs even before

2 and a half years before the test. He stated in his letter to the Pontifical Academy of Science

in Feb. 1943: “It has been established that during the decay of a uranium atom bombarded by

a neutron, two or three…are liberated, each of which proceeds on its own and can collide

with and break apart another uranium atom. In this matter, effects multiply…that the

integrated energy might reach values so enormous as to be unfathomable…But above all, it is

essential that such a process not be allowed to proceed in the form of explosions…If not, a

dangerous catastrophe could ensue not only locally but for the entire planet.” Pope Pius XII
knew the catastrophe that would happen if such power is to be used by the wrong people;

after a few years, he was right. He asked the whole science community to avoid making a

nuke explosive as he knew the effects of these weaponries. These two statements of the two

ex-heads of the Church was enough to inspire other people all over the world to fight against

nuclear weapon development and use by peaceful means.

c. Nuclear Weaponry in our Country? Nah!

Right now, the Philippines is sandwiched in between conflicts with two (maybe

three if you would add Russia) Military Giants armed with these weapons of mass

destruction. As we know, China has been in our territory illegally ever since 2011 and

is not accepting to back down its claims on the West Philippine Sea. China has been warning

the US not to interfere and if conflict rises to a shooting war, it will not hesitate using its

nukes on America and even the Philippines. The big question is “Should the Philippines

acquire nukes as a part of its arsenal? Some says yes but some also says no so instead of

analyzing who has more votes, let’s see what some people has to say to this issue. I asked

some pure Filipino (or Filipino at Heart) students, alumni, and staffs of St. Andrew’s School

to give us an insight in some of their ideas. Let us first see what the pros have to say abut

nukes in the Philippines. Mr. Luis Prats from Gr. 10 St. Thomas More agrees saying that

these nukes would be used to defend our country and promote safety from external nuclear

attacks. Mr. Menjo Delarmiente from Gr. 9 St. Dominic Savio also agrees saying that it is

necessary for the philippines to develop and arm ourselves with nuclear weapon for it can be

an essential defense mechanism agaisnt any attacks from a powerful country like china. Also

a nuclear arms would be very necessary for it is and should be a part of our military

enhancement especially in this generation where countries have nuclear arms of their own.
If there were pros, of course there were cons. Some people disagree with nukes in the country.

I asked Mr. Tomi Diano from Gr. 10 St. Maximilian Kolbe to share us his idea. He disagree

to nuclear weaponry in the Philippines as he said weapons are those are destructive and

extremely dangerous especially into the wrong hands. Ms. Sheen Rasonabe from Gr. 10 St.

Jerome also said she disagrees to the idea of nuclear warheads in the country. She said “A

lot of people would be affected if this/these were to be used especially to the wrong hands.

Ms. Nicole Cepria from Gr. 10 St. Benedict also stated that she disagrees because if things go

wrong, catastrophe would surely happen next. Mr. Klyde Jimeno also said no as he promotes

peace and saying “no because i believe in peace. if there is peace there no war if there is no

war there will be love and order in each and every country. we shouldn't be wasting the tax

money of our people on things made for killing, we should be using it for the things that

matters, the things we need and things that will help us.” Ms. Fatima Reyes, an Aluma of SAS,

stated that she disagrees too. She said “No because it is harmful to mother earth and especialy

to us. It can also affect millions and millions of people anywhere the nuclear arm hits. It can

also start a world war.” Ms. Ency Galicia, A science teacher of SAS, also shared to us why she

disagrees. She said “I guess it’s simply because of the possibility "greater" amount of damage

it can cause to people and to the environment.”

III. Conclusion

I conclude that nuclear arms are extremely dangerous especially that it is destructive and

it has long lasting effects to the environment and to the living organisms that were affected by a

nuclear attack. Having nukes can be a good or bad thing depending on its use. It is a bad thing if

you just use it to inspire fear to others such as what the other powerful countries are doing. If you

are using it for the protection of your people only, then that is already considered as a good thing.
Another concern is that if a man holding such firepower is to go out of control and use it for the

destruction of others, the whole world would be in imminent danger. In terms of our country to

have nukes in its inventory, as of now we do not have the budget to procure even just one

warhead but if we were to procure one in the near future, I guess the scenario would be that

rallies against the procurement of nukes would happen and citizens would be deemed to half: the

pros and the cons. As to close my term paper, I conclude that nuclear weaponry can only be

deemed good or evil depending on its use but it would be better to halt all projects relating to

nuclear weapons so that people living in fear from these weapons of mass destruction can now

stop worrying and live in peace and there would be no more imminent threat to our existence


IV. Bibliography

Nuclear Weapons: Pius XIII (N/A) Retrieved from http://manfullyalive.com/2013/07/ nuclear-


Pacem In Terris (N/A) Retrieved from http://w2.vatican.va/content/john


Cold War (2016, January 9) Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_War

Where the bombs are (2006, November 9) Retrieved from


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