Beam Design
Beam Design
Beam Design
O 2-10
230 O 16 -4
+ O ( 2 straight 16 -4
750 ) bent 2
mm O @ 130 mm c/c 6
Consider width of the beam equal to 230 mm. The depth may be assumed
as 1 / 10 to 1 / 8 of the span.
To find steel area
( 1 ) For a given ultimate moment ( also known as factored moment )
and assumed width of section , find out d from equation
d = √ Mu / Qlim b
This is a balanced section and steel area may be found out from table P t,lim , SP : 16
If Mu > Mu,lim : design the section either increasing the dimensions of sect
reinforced section ( doubly-reinforced beam ).The additional moment of resis
obtained by providing compression( top ) reinforcement an
30 x 5652 x 10-6
mm2. O.K.
from the face of the support .
Table 6-2
( Table 7-6 ) Limiting Moment of Resistance and Reinforcement
Index for Singly Reinforced Rectangular Sections
fy , N / mm2 250 415 500 550
Mu,lim / fck b d2 0.148 0.138 0.133 0.129
Pt,lim fy / fck 21.93 19.86 19.03 18.2
Table 6-3
Limiting Moment of resistance factor Q lim, N / mm2
For singly reinforced rectangular sections
fck N / fy, N / mm2 415
mm2 250 415 500 550 250
15 2.22 2.07 2 1.94 20 2.96
20 2.96 2.76 2.66 2.58
25 3.7 3.45 3.33 3.23
30 4.44 4.14 3.99 3.87
Table 6-4
ear at distance d Limiting Percentage of Reinforcement Pt,lim
For singly reinforced rectangular sections
KN f N/ fy, N / mm2 415
mm 2
250 415 500 550 250
15 1.32 0.72 0.57 0.5 20 1.75
20 1.75 0.96 0.76 0.66
19 table 7-1 ) 25 2.19 1.2 0.95 0.83
30 2.63 1.44 1.14 0.99
Minimum steel %
For mild steel
100 As / b d = 100 x 0.85 / 250 = 0.34
For HYSD steel , Fe415 grade
100 As / b d = 100 x 0.85 / 415 = 0.205
For HYSD steel , Fe500 grade
100 As / b d = 100 x 0.85 / 500 = 0.17
For checking development length , l 0 may be assumed as 8 O for HYSD bars ( usua
not provided ) and 12 O for mild steel ( U hook is provided usually whose anchorag
of bent bars is not available
O 16 -4 Table 7-6
Development length for single mild steel bars
fy N / Tension bars Compression bars M20
fy N /
mm2 M15 M20 M15 M20 M15
250 55 26 44 37 415 56
415 56 47 45 38
500 69 58 54 46
IS 456-2000 , Table 20
Table 7-2
Maximum shear stress , ﺡC N / mm2
Concrete grade M15 M20 M25 M30 M35 M40
( ﺡc )max N/mm2 2.5 2.8 3.1 3.5 3.7 4
Beam reinforcement
( 1 ) Over a length of 2d at either end of the beam, the spacing of hoops shall not ex
( b ) 8 times the diameter of the smallest longitudinal bar. However, the spacing sh
( 2 ) The first hoop shall be at a distance not exceeding 50 mm from the joint face.
( 3 ) At other places the beam shall have vertical hoops at a spacing not exceeding
may be assumed Grade of concrete Steel dia of bar
M15 Fe250 6
M20 Fe415 8
ed moment ) M25 Fe500 10
M30 Fe550 12
M35 14
out from table P t,lim , SP : 16 ,2.3 M40 16
d in ( 1 ).
sion reinforcement
nsion reinforcement shall not exceed 0.04 b D.
is greater
M20 M15 M20
47 45 38
l be provided
e in shear ,
pto 10 m :
ied by 10 / span in
calculations should
n tension
pacing of hoops shall not exceed ( a ) d/4, and 140 140 > 130
r. However, the spacing shall not be less than 100 mm. 100 100 < 130
50 mm from the joint face.
at a spacing not exceeding d/2. 280 > 260 ………O.K.
dia of bar
Design of Simply supported Doubly reinforced Beam
Span = 5 m. ( simply supported rectangular beam )
super-imposed load = 46 KN / m
Beam section = 230 mm. x 600 mm. ( Given )
Material M20 grade concrete
Fe415 HYSD reinforcement of grade
Solution : -
DL of beam 0.23 x 0.60 x 25 = 3.45 KN / m
super-imposed load = 46 KN / m
Total 49.45 KN / m
Factored load = 1.5 x 43.45 = 74.18 KN / m
Mu = w x ℓ2 / 8
= 65.18 x 52 / 8 604.276 mm
= 231.797 KNm 664.276 mm
Vu = w x ℓ / 2
= 65.18 x 5 / 2
= 185.438 KN
( a ) Moment steel : Cover 30 mm
Assuming 20 mm diameter bars in two layer
d = 600 - 25 ( Cover ) - 20 - 10 Mu,lim = Q x b x d2.
= 540 mm OR Mu,lim = 2.07 x 230 x 5452 x 10-6
Mu / b d = 203.67 x 106 / ( 230 x 5452)
= 185.108 KNm
= 3.46 > 2.76 ( Table 6-3 ) Mu >
The section is doubly reinforced (over reinforced )
Mu,lim = 2.07 x 230 x 5452 x 10-6 = 185.1077 KNm
Mu2 = Mu - Mu,lim = 203.67 - 141.41 = 46.69 KNm
Let the compression reinforcement be provided at an effective cover of 40
d' / d = 40 / 545 = 0.07
consider d' / d = 0.00
Stress in compression steel , fsc = 354.04 N / mm2 ( refer to table 6-6 )
Asc = Mu2 / ( fsc x ( d - d' ) )
= 62.26 x 106 / 353 ( 545 - 40 ) minimum Pt 0.205 %
= 264 mm2 maximum As 5520 mm2
Corresponding tension steel
Ast2 = Asc fsc / 0.87 fy
= 349 x 353 / ( 0.87 x 415 )
= 258.6 mm2 Xu,max = 0.48 xd= 259.2
Ast,lim = Mu,lim / ( 0.87 fy ( d - 0.42 Xu,max ) ) 256.373 (safe)
= 141.41 x 106 / ( 0.87 x 415 ( 545 - 0.42 x 0.48 x 545 ) )
= 141.46 x 106 / 361.05 ( 435.13 )
= 1189 mm2
Ast = Ast,lim + Ast2 .
= 900 + 341.5 mm2
= 1447.8 mm2 20 2 314
Provide 20 mm O. Bottom. Area of one bar = 314 mm2.
No. of bar provide = 1241.6 / 314 = 5.0 no.
Provide 20 mm O. - 3 no. = 1570
Provide 16 mm O. Top. Area of one bar = 201 mm2.
No. of bar provide = 349 / 201 = 1 no.
Provide 16 mm O. - 2 no. = 402
( b ) Check for development length : 16 0 200.96 mm2.
As all the bars are taken into support , M u1 may be taken as Mu .
Assume L0 = 12 O. Ld = 47 O ( From Table 7-6 )
1.3 x M1 / V + L0 ≥ Ld
1.3 x 203.67 x 106 / 162.94 x 103 +12 O ≥ 56 O
1625 ≥ 35 O
O ≤ 46.43 mm
O provided = 20 mm. ( safe )
( c ) Check for shear
Vu = 185.438 KN
Actual shear strength ﺡv = Vu / bd
= 162.94 x 103 / ( 230 x 545 )
= 1.5 N / mm2 2.8 (safe)
100 x As / b d = ( 100 x 1256 ) / ( 230 x 545 ) ( From IS 456-2000 , table 19 table 7-1 )
= 1.26 β = 1.83706 say1.83706
design ( permissible ) shear strength ﺡc = 0.7 N / mm2 < ( ﺡv ) shear design is necessa
As the ends are confined with compressive reaction , shear at distance d will be used for
checking shear at support . At 540 mm , shear is equal to
Vu = 162.94 - 0.545 x 43.45 = 145.38 KN
Vus = Vu - ﺡc b d
= 139.26 - 0.6 x 230 x 545 x 10 -3 = 61.43 KN
Assuming 8 mm O two - legged stirrups Asv = 100 mm2.
Sv = 0.87 fy Asv d / Vus
= 0.87 x 415 x 100 x 545 / 63.99 x 10 3
= 318.924 mm
From IS 456-2000 clause
Spacing of minimum shear reinforcement using 8 mm O stirrups.
= 0.87 Asv fy / 0.4 b
= 0.87 x 100 x 415 / 0.4 x 230
= 394.329 mm
spacing should not exceed
( i ) 300 mm
( ii ) 0.75 d = 0.75 x 545 = 405 mm.
( iii ) ≤ 394.329 mm ( minimum )
( iv ) 318.924 mm ( designed )
Minimum shear reinforcement of 8 mm O @ 300 mm c/c will be used.
At support provide 8 mm O @ 300 mm c/c.
Shear resistance of beam with minimum shear reinforcement
= ( 0.87 fy Asv d / Sv )+ ﺡc b d
= (0.87 x 415 x 100 x 545 x 10 -3 / 390 ) + 0.6 x 230 x 545 x 10-3
= 65.30 + 83.9568
= 149.26 KN
Designed shear reinforcement is required from face of the support upto the
distance equal to (162.94 - 125.97) / 43.45 = 0.732 m.
No. of stirrups = ( 851 / 300 ) + 1 = 3.44 say 3
Provide 8 mm O two-legged stirrups @ 300 mm c/c upto
and 8 mm O @ 300 mm c/c in remaining central portion .
( d ) Check for deflection :
Basic span / d ratio = 20 simply supported fs = 0.58 fy As required/As Provided =
100 Ast / b d = 100 x 1256 / 230 x 545 = 1.26 Modification factor = 1/(0.225+(0.00322*f s)+
modification factor = 1.0 <= 2 IS 456-2000 clause 23.2.1 fig-4 ,for tension
100 Asc / b d = 100 x 402 / 230 x 545 = 0.32 1.0
modification factor = 1.1 <= 1.5 1.1 IS 456-2000 clause 23.2.1 fig-5 ,for compress
O 2-16 O 2-16
545 600
DIA O8 O8 O8
.NO 4 rest 4
.SPA 300 390 300
Table 6-3
Limiting Moment of resistance factor Q lim, N / mm2
For singly reinforced rectangular sections
fck N / fy, N / mm2
mm2 250 415 500 550
15 2.22 2.07 2 1.94 20
20 2.96 2.76 2.66 2.58
25 3.7 3.45 3.33 3.23
30 4.44 4.14 3.99 3.87
Table 6-6
fy N / mm2 d'/d
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
250 217 217 217 217 217
415 355 355 353 342 329
500 424 424 412 395 370
30 x 5452 x 10-6 550 458 458 441 419 380
If Mu > Mu,lim : design the section either increasing the dimensions
deign as Over reinforced section ( doubly-reinforced beam ).The addition
resistance Mu2 needed is obtained by providing compression( top ) reinfo
additional tensile reinforcement. M u2 = Mu - Mu,lim as explained below .
mm2. Compression.
O.K. check for development length
IS 456-2000 clause 26.2.1
able 7-6 ) Development length of bars Ld = O σs / 4 x ﺡbd
Table 7-6
Development length for single mild steel bars
fy = 415 N / mm2. fy N / Tension bars Compression bars
mm2 M15 M20 M15 M20
250 55 26 44 37
415 56 47 45 38
500 69 58 54 46
check for shear
IS 456-2000 , Table 19
Table 7-1
Design shear strength of concrete , ﺡC N / mm2
Pt = 100 x As Concrete grade
bxd M15 M20 M25 M30
≤ 0.15 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.29
0.25 0.35 0.36 0.36 0.37
0.50 0.46 0.48 0.49 0.5
mm c/c will be used. 0.75 0.54 0.56 0.57 0.59
1.00 0.6 0.62 0.64 0.66
1.25 0.64 0.67 0.7 0.71
1.50 0.68 0.72 0.74 0.76
1.75 0.71 0.75 0.78 0.8
2.00 0.71 0.79 0.82 0.84
cantilever 2.25 0.71 0.81 0.85 0.88
simply supported 2.50 0.71 0.82 0.88 0.91
continuous 2.75 0.71 0.82 0.9 0.94
3.00 0.71 0.82 0.92 0.96
3 no. from face of the support. The above given table is based on the following formula
Design shear strength ﺡc = 0.85 √ 0.8 x fck ( √ (1 + 5 x β) - 1 )
fy As required/As Provided = 221.965 β = 0.8 x fck / 6.89 Pt , but not less than 1.0
= 1/(0.225+(0.00322*f s)+(0.625*log10pt)) IS 456-2000 , Table 20
e 23.2.1 fig-4 ,for tension reinforcement Table 7-2
Maximum shear stress , ﺡC N / mm2
0 clause 23.2.1 fig-5 ,for compression reinforcement Concrete grade M15 M20 M25 M30
= 1+(Pt / ( 3+ Pt )) ( ﺡc )max N/mm2 2.5 2.8 3.1 3.5
Beam reinforcement
( 1 ) Over a length of 2d at either end of the beam, the spacing
( b ) 8 times the diameter of the smallest longitudinal bar. Howe
( 2 ) The first hoop shall be at a distance not exceeding 50 mm
( 3 ) At other places the beam shall have vertical hoops at a spa
d' / d
415 0.15
250 415 500 550 0.2
2.96 2.76 2.66 2.58
1 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
217 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 217.00
329 415 354.04
370 418.22
380 449.81
gly reinforced )
bly reinforced )
' ﺡbd = β √ fck
β varies with type of steel
β= 0.28 for plain bar
0.5 for deformed bar
β = 1.25 β for compression
plain bars in tension
M35 M40
1.7 1.9
% for bars in compression
nfirming to IS : 1786-1985 ,
60 %.
r 12 O , whichever is greater
ned by a compressive
.3 M1 / V )
M15 M20 M15 M20
415 56 47 45 38
oncrete , ﺡC N / mm2
ete grade
M35 M40
0.29 0.3
0.37 0.38
0.5 0.51
0.59 0.6
0.67 0.68
0.73 0.74
0.78 0.79
0.82 0.84
0.86 0.88
0.9 0.92
0.93 0.95
0.96 0.98
0.99 1.01
e following formula
8 x fck ( √ (1 + 5 x β) - 1 )
s , ﺡC N / mm2
M35 M40
3.7 4
um shear reinforcement
orm of stirrups shall be provided
section considered
ween bars
of the beam, the spacing of hoops shall not exceed ( a ) d/4, and 135
lest longitudinal bar. However, the spacing shall not be less than 100 mm. 0
nce not exceeding 50 mm from the joint face.
ave vertical hoops at a spacing not exceeding d/2. 270 > 0
Grade of concretSteel dia of bar
M15 Fe250 6 250
M20 Fe415 8 415
M25 Fe500 10 500
M30 Fe550 12 550
M35 14
M40 16
0.49 < 1.264 ………O.K.
200.96 ………O.K.
Design of Cantilever Beam
A cantilever rectangular bracket projects from a column of size 230 mm
in the direction of 500 mm for a length of 3 m.
Factored load of 20 KN / m inclusive of self - weight
Material M20 grade concrete M15
Fe415 grade of HYSD reinforcement
Solution : -
Vu = w x ℓ = 20 x 3 = 60 KN
Mu = w x ℓ2 / 2 = 20 x 32 / 2 = 90 KNm
( a ) Moment steel : Depth Required 376.53 mm
Take size of Beam 230 mm x 550 mm overall.
Assuming 16 diameter bars in one layer 30 mm
d = 550 - 25 ( Cover ) -8 OR
= 512 mm Mu,lim = 2.07 x 230 x 5172 x 10-6
Mu / b d2 = 90 x 106 / ( 230 x 5172) = 166.409 KNm
= 1.49 < 2.76 ( Table 6-3 ) Mu <
The section is singly reinforced ( under-reinforced ) beam
1 - √ 1 - ( 4.6 / fck) x ( Mu / bd2 )
Pt = 50
fy / fck
Pt = 50 1 - √ 1 - ( 4.6 / 15 ) x ( 1.46 )
415 / 15
= 0.457 0.95 maximum steel
Ast = ( 0.466 / 100 ) x 230 x 517 = 538 mm2 1122.78 mm2
Provide 16 mm O Area of one bar = 201 mm2
No. of bar = 554 / 201 = 3.0 No.
= O 331.6 / ( 4 x 1.6 )
= 41.96 O
= 51.82 x 16
= 671 mm
The arrangement of anchoring the bars is shown in fig. and is equivalent to an anchorage
of 800 mm. The bearing stress inside the bend is now checked .
O= 16 mm
a= 77 mm for internal bar ( centre to centre distance between bar )
= 25 + 16 = 46 mm for external bar . ( = cover + dia of bar )
The bearing stress is critical in external bar . Check for this stress for a = 46
Design bearing stress = 1.5 x fck / [1 + ( 2O/a ) ]
= 1.5 x 15 / [ 1 + ( 2 x 16 / 41 ) ]
= 22.5 / 1.78 780.8
= 17.69 N / mm2 314 109.9 247
At the centre of bend , the anchorage available = 279 + 147 = 423.9 mm
Stress in bar at centre of the bend = 331.6 x ( 829 - 426 ) / 829
= 119 N / mm2
Fbt = 161 x 201 x 10-3 = 23.87 KN ( area of 16 O bar = 201 mm2 )
Bearing stress = Fbt / r O r= 140 mm
= 32.40 x 10 / 180 x 16
Span / d permissible = 7 x 1.2 = 9.523 IS 456-2000 clause 23.2.1 fig-4 ,for tension r
Actual span / d = 3000 / 517 = 5.9 < 9.523 ( safe )
( e ) Check for cracking (spacing of bars ) :
Clear distance between bars
= ( 230 - 50 - 3 x 16 ) / 2 = 61 mm
Minimum clear distance permitted
= hagg + 5 mm = 20 + 5 = 25 mm or 16 mm ( O of bar ) greater i.e.
Maximum clear distance permitted
= 180 mm ( cracking - table 8-1 , IS 456-2000 , table 15 ) (safe )
The design beam is shown in fig.
O 3-16
r internal radius
108 r = 180
r 550
150 O 2-10
500 mm 3000
( given )
Table 6-3
Limiting Moment of resistance factor Q lim, N / mm2
For singly reinforced rectangular sections
230 x 517 x 10
2 -6
fck N fy, N / mm2
/ mm2 250 415 500
Mu,lim 15 2.22 2.07 2.00
20 2.96 2.76 2.66
25 3.70 3.45 3.33
30 4.44 4.14 3.99
check for development length
IS 456-2000 clause 26.2.1
minimum steel Development length of bars Ld = O σs / 4 x ﺡbd
O σs / 4 x ﺡbd
200 clause
Table 7-5
(ﺡbd ) for plain bars in tension
s at bends
ooks described in IS : 2502-1963 need
end in any other bend shall be
or group of bars,
ar of equivalent area
hall not exceed 1.5 f ck / [ ( 1+ 2O/a ) ]
6-2000 , Table 19
Table 7-1
ngth of concrete , ﺡ, N / mm
Concrete grade
M30 M35 M40
0.29 0.29 0.30
0.37 0.37 0.38
0.50 0.50 0.51
0.59 0.59 0.60
0.66 0.67 0.68
0.71 0.73 0.74
0.76 0.78 0.79
0.80 0.82 0.84
0.84 0.86 0.88
0.88 0.90 0.92
0.91 0.93 0.95
0.94 0.96 0.98
0.96 0.99 1.01
sed on the following formula
0.85 √ 0.8 x fck ( √ 1 + 5 x β - 1 )
6.89 Pt , but not less than 1.0
6-2000 , Table 20
Table 7-2
ear stress , ﺡC, N / mm2
Pt = 50 1 - √ 1 - ( 4.6 / 15 ) x ( 1.71 )
250 / 15
= 0.89
Ast = ( 0.93 / 100 ) x 230 x 515 = 1048 mm2
Provide 20 mm O. Area of one bar = 314 mm2
No. of bar provided = 1103 / 314 = 4.0 say 2
Provide 2 no. 20 mm O giving Ast = 1256 mm2 O.K.
Check for development length : 20 2 314 mm 2
O 20- 4
O 20- 4
v v v v
Fixed end O 2-12
v v
1200 3000
Table 6-3
KN /m 23.2 Limiting Moment of resistance factor Q lim, N / mm2
For singly reinforced rectangular sections
fck N fy, N / mm2
m3 / mm 2
250 415 500
mm. 15 2.22 2.07 2.00
KN 69.6 20 2.96 2.76 2.66
25 3.70 3.45 3.33
30 4.44 4.14 3.99
KNm 104.4 -
check for development length
230 x 5152 x 10-6 IS 456-2000 clause 26.2.1
Development length of bars Ld = O σs / 4 x ﺡbd
Table 7-6
Development length for single mild steel bars
mm. Provide fy N / Tension bars Compression bars
g. anchored in mm2 M15 M20 M15 M20
250 55 26 44 37
415 56 47 45 38
500 69 58 54 46
check for shear
IS 456-2000 , Table 19
Table 7-1
Design shear strength of concrete , ﺡ, N / mm2
plain bars in tension
r 12 O , whichever is greater
ned by a compressive
1.3 M 1 / V )
M15 M20 M15 M20
415 56 47 45 38
ﺡ, N / mm2
ss than 1.0
rrups shall be provided
gs effective in shear ,
e member ,
web of flanged beam , and
einforcement in N / mm 2
415 N / mm 2 .
or spans upto 10 m :
be multiplied by
hich case deflection
n bars in tension
Design of Simply supported Singly reinforced Beam
Characteristic Load KN/m Beam Width Beam Height Concrete Steel Cover
Span ( m )
inclusive of self weight ( mm ) ( mm ) Grade Grade mm
Super imposed load KN Beam Width Beam Height Concrete Steel Cover
Span ( m )
/m ( mm ) ( mm ) Grade Grade mm
Characteristic Load KN/m Beam Width Beam Height Concrete Steel Cover
Span ( m )
excluding of self weight ( mm ) ( mm ) Grade Grade mm
Factored Load KN/m Beam Width Beam Height Concrete Steel Cover
Span ( m )
inclusive of self weight ( mm ) ( mm ) Grade Grade mm
Cracking Bearing
ent Deflection
Shear Check ( Spacing of Stress
Length Check
Bar ) Check Check
671 shear design is necessary (safe ) ( safe ) ( safe )
800 100 x As / b d = 0.512 cantilever
spacing should not exceed
(i) 300 mm
( ii ) 0.75 d = 384 mm
( iii ) ≤ 133.62 mm (minimum)
( iv ) 2015.67 mm ( designed ) 104.9 mm (designed )
Provide 6 mm O two-legged stirrups @ 130
ent Development Length
Shear Check ( Spacing Deflection
Length Check @ contraflexure
@A of Bar ) Check
Check @ i.e. 1.245 m from B
(O.K.) (O.K.) shear design is necessary ( safe ) (safe.)
100 x As / b d = 0.28 continuous
Shear Check @ B
shear design is necessary
100 x As / b d = 0.62
Span Beam Height ( Concrete Steel Cover
Beam Width ( mm ) reinforce
( mm ) mm ) Grade Grade mm
Top Reinforcement
Left end Center Right end
moment -102.491 - -101.099
-Mu/bd2 3.05 - 3.01 2.76
Mu,lim = 92.63 - 92.63
doubly reinforced doubly reinforced
Top( mm2) 925 - 915.4
Bottom(mm ) 2
462.75 - 457.7
Bottom 12 3 565 12 4
12 2 O.K.
Developm Developm
Shear ent ent
Deflection ( Spacing
Check @ Length Length
Check of Bar )
A Check @ Check @
A Centre
shear design is not necessary (safe.) ( safe ) (O.K.) (O.K.)
100 x As / b d = 0.77 continuous
Shear Check @ B
shear design is not necessary
100 x As / b d = 1.16
Ast Required Ast Permissible Bottom A Top Bar
Bar mm No. of Bar st Provided Nominal No. of Bar
( mm2 ) Minimum
( mm2 ) Dia. ( mm2 ) mm Dia.
( mm )2
mm dia two
legged @
10 mm dia - 2 No.
Compre Tension
ssion Bottom Bottom Ast Provided
sion Top No. of Top Bar Asc Provided
reinforc d' / d steel Ast Bar mm ( mm2 mm Dia. No. of Bar
steel Asc Bar ( mm2 )
ement Required
Dia. )
cover Required
( mm ) 2
( mm ) 2
16 mm dia - 2 No.
20 mm dia - 3 No.
mm c/c.
Top Bottom
steel Ast Top Bar No. of Bar Ast Provided Bar No. of
mm Dia. ( mm2 ) Nominal Bar
Required mm Dia.
mm2 )
1048 20 2 1256 12 2
20 2 O.K.
20 mm dia - 2 No.
12 mm dia - 2 No.
mm 1200 3m
mm c/c
Top Bottom
steel Ast Top Bar No. of Bar Ast Provided Bar No. of
mm Dia. ( mm2 ) Nominal Bar
Required mm Dia.
mm2 )
538 16 3 603 10 2
16 0 O.K.
16 mm dia - 3 No.
800 550
10 mm dia - 2 No.
mm (designed ) 3m
mm c/c
Maximum Maximum Maximum
Floor Moment Moment Moment Span Ast Required Bottom
Finish at Span at Span at Span AB or bf / bw Bar mm No. of Bar
Support CD bf ( mm2 )
KN / m2 AB or CD BC ( - ) BC ( + ) Dia.
B or C
( + ) KNm KNm KNm
1 110.4 111.6 11.6 51.6 1650 7.17 657.7 12 6
Beam Act as Flanged Beam
Df / d = 0.23
design as under-reinforced section ( singly reinforced beam)
10 mm dia - 2 No. + 16 mm dia - 3 No.
1500 1500 1500 1500
mm c/c ( O.K.)
mm c/c ( O.K.)
0.15 463 925 1624 7.06 444 222 463 925 40.179
0.2 Beam Act as Flanged Beam
The section is doubly reinforced (over reinforced ) O.K.
12mm - 5
12mm - 4 12 mm -
12mm - 3 12 mm -
12mm - 2 12 mm -
5520 mm 5520
452 12 2 565
O.K. 12 3 O.K.
mm c/c
130 mm c/c.
mm dia 130 mm c/c.
two legged
Span BC Support B
Ast Provided Ast Bottom Ast Provided or C Ast Top Bar A
Bar mm No. of Bar No. of Bar st Provided
( mm2 ) Required ( mm 2
) Required mm Dia. ( mm2 )
( mm2 ) ( mm2 )
mm dia
No. 6 two legged 130 mm c/c
6 mm dia
two legged 125 mm c/c
3 230
Grade of concrete Steel dia of barcantilever d' / d bf/bw
Pt = 100 x As
Fe250 6 simply supported 0.05 1
Fe415 8 continuous ≤ 0.15 0.1 2
Fe500 10 0.25 0.15 3
Fe550 12 0.50 0.2 4
14 0.75 5
16 1.00 6
18 1.25 7
20 1.50 8
25 1.75 9
2.00 10
………..Not 2.25
span = 0.2 x 674 = 130 mm2