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Instruction Manual For Residential Gas Water Heaters

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Instruction Manual for

Gas Water Heaters

GAMA certification applies to all

residential gas water heaters with
capacities of 20 to 100 gallons
with input rating of 75,000
BTU/Hr. or less.




WARNING: If the information in these Improper installation, adjustment, alteration,
instructions are not followed exactly, a fire service or maintenance can cause DEATH,
or explosion may result, causing property SERIOUS BODILY INJURY, OR PROPERTY
damage, personal injury or death. DAMAGE. Refer to this manual for assistance
or consult the local gas utility for further
–Do not store or use gasoline or other information.
flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity
of this or any other appliance.
• Do not try to light any appliance. Flammable vapors may be drawn by air cur-
• Do not touch any electrical switch; do not rents from other areas of the structure to this
use any phone in your building. appliance.
• Immediately call your gas supplier from a
neighbor’s phone. Follow the gas suppli-
er’s instructions.
• If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call WARNING
–Installation and service must be performed BEGINNING ON INSIDE COVER AND THEN
by a qualified installer, service agency or THIS ENTIRE MANUAL BEFORE INSTALLING

Save this Manual for Future Reference. 184115-000

General Safety
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or mainte- WATER HEATERS EQUIPPED FOR ONE TYPE GAS ONLY: This
nance can cause DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY INJURY, OR PROP- water heater is equipped for one type gas only. Check the rating
ERTY DAMAGE. Refer to this manual or consult your local gas plate near the gas control valve for the correct gas. DO NOT USE
SHOWN ON THE MODEL RATING PLATE. Failure to use the cor-
WARNING rect gas can cause problems which can result in DEATH, SERIOUS
At the time of manufacture this water heater was provided with BODILY INJURY, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. If you have any ques-
a combination temperature-pressure relief valve certified by a tions or doubts consult your gas supplier or local utility.
nationally-recognized testing laboratory that maintains periodic WARNING
inspection of production of listed equipment or materials, as A fire can start if combustible materials such as clothing, cleaning
meeting the requirements for Relief Valves and Automatic Gas materials, or flammable liquids are placed against or next to the
Shutoff Devices for Hot Water Supply Systems, and the current water heater.
edition of ANSI Z21.22 and the code requirements of ASME. If
replaced, the valve must meet the requirements of local codes, WARNING
but not less than a combination temperature and pressure relief INSTALLATIONS IN AREAS WHERE FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS
valve certified as meeting the requirements for Relief Valves (VAPORS) ARE LIKELY TO BE PRESENT OR STORED (GARAGES,
and Automatic Gas Shutoff Devices for Hot Water Supply STORAGE, AND UTILITY AREAS, ETC): Flammable liquids (such
Systems, ANSI Z21.22 by a nationally recognized testing labo- as gasoline, solvents, propane (LP) or butane, etc.), all of which
ratory that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed emit flammable vapors, may be improperly stored or used in such
equipment or materials. areas. The gas water heater pilot light or main burner can ignite
The valve must be marked with a maximum set pressure not to such vapors. The resulting flashback and fire can cause death or
exceed the marked hydrostatic working pressure of the water serious burns to anyone in the area, as well as property damage.
heater (150 lbs. p.s.i.) and a discharge capacity not less than If installation in such areas is your only option, then the installa-
the water heater input rate as shown on the model rating tion must be accomplished in a way that the pilot flame and main
plate. (Electric heaters - watts divided by 1000 x 3412 equal burner flame are elevated from the floor at least 18 inches. While
BTU/Hr. rate.) this may reduce the chances of flammable vapors from a floor
Your local jurisdictional authority, while mandating the use of a spill being ignited, gasoline and other flammable substances
temperature-pressure relief valve complying with ANSI Z21.22 should never be stored or used in the same room or area contain-
and ASME, may require a valve model different from the one ing a gas water heater or other open flame or spark producing
furnished with the water heater. appliance.
Compliance with such local requirements must be satisfied by NOTE: Flammable vapors may be drawn by air currents from
the installer or end user of the water heater with a locally pre- other areas of the structure to the appliance.
scribed temperature-pressure relief valve installed in the desig-
nated opening in the water heater in place of the factory fur- WARNING
nished valve. HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD: Water heaters are intended to
For safe operation of the water heater, the relief valve must not produce hot water. Water heated to a temperature which will
be removed from it’s designated opening or plugged. satisfy space heating, clothes washing, dish washing, and other
The temperature-pressure relief valve must be installed directly sanitizing needs can scald and permanently injure you upon
into the fitting of the water heater designated for the relief contact. Some people are more likely to be permanently injured
valve. Position the valve downward and provide tubing so that by hot water than others. These include the elderly, children,
any discharge will exit only within 6 inches above, or at any the infirm, or physically/mentally handicapped. If anyone using
distance below the structural floor. Be certain that no contact is hot water in your home fits into one of these groups or if there
made with any live electrical part. The discharge opening must is a local code or state law requiring a certain temperature
not be blocked or reduced in size under any circumstances. water at the hot water tap, then you must take special precau-
Excessive length, over 30 feet, or use of more than four elbows tions. In addition to using the lowest possible temperature set-
can cause restriction and reduce the discharge capacity of the ting that satisfies your hot water needs, a means such as a mix-
valve. ing valve, shall be used at the hot water taps used by these peo-
No valve or other obstruction is to be placed between the ple or at the water heater. Mixing valves are available at plumb-
relief valve and the tank. Do not connect tubing directly to dis- ing supply or hardware stores. Follow manufacturers instruc-
charge drain unless a 6″ air gap is provided. To prevent bodily tions for installation of the valves. Before changing the factory
injury, hazard to life, or property damage, the relief valve must setting on the thermostat, read the “Temperature Regulation”
be allowed to discharge water in quantities should circum- section in this manual.
stances demand. If the discharge pipe is not connected to a WARNING
drain or other suitable means, the water flow may cause prop- BEFORE LIGHTING PROPANE (L.P.) GAS WATER HEATERS:
erty damage. Propane (L.P.) gas is heavier than air. Should there be a leak in
The Discharge Pipe: the system, the gas will settle near the ground. Basements,
—Must not be smaller in size than the outlet pipe size of the crawl spaces, skirted areas under manufactured (mobile)
valve, or have any reducing couplings or other restrictions. homes (even when ventilated), closets and areas below ground
—Must not be plugged or blocked. level will serve as pockets for the accumulation of this gas.
—Must be of material listed for hot water distribution. Before attempting to light or relight the water heater’s pilot or
—Must be installed so as to allow complete drainage of both turning on a nearby electrical light switch, be absolutely sure
the temperature-pressure relief valve, and the discharge pipe. there is no accumulated gas in the area. Search for odor of gas
—Must terminate at an adequate drain. by sniffing at ground level in the vicinity of the appliance. If
—Must not have any valve between the relief valve and tank. odor is detected, follow steps indicated at “For Your Safety” on
the cover page of this manual then leave the premises.
General Safety
This water heater must not be installed directly on carpeting. Obstructed or deteriorated vent systems may present a serious
Carpeting must be protected by a metal or wood panel beneath health risk or asphyxiation.
the appliance extending beyond the full width and depth of the
appliance by at least 3 inches (76.2mm) in any direction, or if the WARNING
appliance is installed in an alcove or closet, the entire floor must Chemical vapor corrosion of the flue and vent system may occur if
be covered by the panel. Failure to heed this warning may result air for combustion contains certain chemical vapors. Spray can
in a fire hazard. propellants, cleaning solvents, refrigerator and air conditioner
refrigerants, swimming pool chemicals, calcium and sodium chlo-
WARNING ride, waxes, bleach, and process chemicals are typical compounds
A gas water heater cannot operate properly without the correct which are potentially corrosive.
amount of air for combustion. Do not install in a confined area
such a closet, unless you provide air as shown in the “Locating WARNING
The New Water Heater” section. Never obstruct the flow of ven- Minimum clearances between the water heater and combustible
tilation air. If you have any doubts or questions at all, call your construction are 1″ at the sides and rear, 4″ at the front, and 6″
gas company. Failure to provide the proper amount of combus- from the vent pipe. Clearance from the top of the jacket is 18″ on
tion air can result in a fire or explosion and can cause DEATH, most models. Note that a lesser dimension may be allowed on
SERIOUS BODILY INJURY, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. some models, refer to the label attached adjacent to the gas con-
trol valve on the water heater.
If this water heater will be used in beauty shops, barber shops, WARNING
cleaning establishments, or self-service laundries with dry clean- HYDROGEN GAS: Hydrogen gas can be produced in a hot water
ing equipment, it is imperative that the water heater or water system that has not been used for a long period of time (generally
heaters be installed so that combustion and ventilation air be two weeks or more). Hydrogen gas is extremely flammable and
taken from outside these areas. Refer to the “Locating The New explosive. To prevent the possibility of injury under these conditions,
Water Heater” section of this manual and also the current edi- we recommend the hot water faucet be opened for several minutes
tion of the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1, also referred at the kitchen sink before any electrical appliances which are con-
to as NFPA 54 for specifics provided concerning air required. nected to the hot water system are used (such as a dishwasher or
washing machine). If hydrogen gas is present, there will probably be
WARNING an unusual sound similar to air escaping through the pipe as the hot
VENT DAMPERS - Any vent damper, whether it is operated ther- water faucet is opened. There must be no smoking or open flame
mally or otherwise must be removed if its use inhibits proper near the faucet at the time it is open.
drafting of the water heater.
Thermally Operated Vent Dampers: Gas-fired water heaters hav- WARNING
ing thermal efficiency in excess of 80% may produce a relatively INSULATING JACKETS: When installing an external water heater
low flue gas temperature. Such temperatures may not be high insulation jacket on a gas water heater:
enough to properly open thermally operated vent dampers. This a. DO NOT cover the temperature-pressure relief valve.
would cause spillage of flue gases and may cause carbon monox- b. DO NOT put insulation over any part of the top of the gas water
ide poisoning. heater.
Vent dampers must bear evidence of certification as complying c. DO NOT put insulation over the gas control valve or gas control
with the current edition of American National Standard ANSI valve/burner cover, or any access areas to the burner.
Z21.68 (ANSI Z21.66 & 67, respectively, cover electrically and d. DO NOT let insulation around the gas water heater to get within
mechanically actuated vent dampers). Before installation of any 8 inches of the floor (air must get to the burner).
vent damper, consult the gas utility for further information. e. DO NOT cover or remove operating instructions, and safety relat-
ed warning labels and materials affixed to the water heater.
WARNING Failure to heed this will result in the possibility of a fire or explosion.
1. The appliance and its individual shutoff valve must be discon-
nected from the gas supply piping system during any pressure WARNING
testing of the gas system at test pressures in excess of 1⁄2 pound Flood damage to a water heater may not be readily visible or imme-
per square inch (3.5kPa). diately detectible. However, over a period of time a flooded water
2. The appliance must be isolated from the gas supply piping sys- heater will create dangerous conditions which can cause DEATH,
tem by closing its individual manual shutoff valve during any SERIOUS BODILY INJURY, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. Call a quali-
pressure testing of the gas supply piping system at test pres- fied service technician or contractor to replace a flooded water
sures equal or less than 1⁄2 pound per square inch (3.5kPa). heater. Do not attempt to repair the unit! It must be replaced!
Soot build-up indicates a problem that requires correction before WATER HEATERS EVENTUALLY LEAK: Installation of the water
further use. Turn “OFF” gas to water heater and leave “OFF” heater must be accomplished in such a manner that if the tank or
until repairs are made, because failure to correct the cause of the any connections should leak, the flow of water will not cause dam-
sooting can result in a fire or explosion causing DEATH, SERI- age to the structure. For this reason, it is not advisable to install the
OUS BODILY INJURY, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. water heater in an attic or upper floor. When such locations cannot
WARNING be avoided, a suitable drain pan should be installed under the water
The water heater with draft hood installed must be properly vent- heater. Drain pans are available at your local hardware store. Such a
ed to a chimney which terminates outdoors. Never operate the drain pan must be not greater than 11⁄2 inches deep, have a minimum
water heater unless it is vented to the outdoors and has adequate length and width of at least 2 inches greater than the water heater
air supply to avoid risks of improper operation, explosion or dimensions and must be piped to an adequate drain. The pan must
asphyxiation. not restrict combustion air flow.

Table of Contents
General Safety................................................................................................................................2,3
Table of Contents .........................................................................................................................4
Introduction .........................................................................................................................................5
Preparing for the New Installation ..................................................................5
Typical Installation .....................................................................................................................6
Locating the New Water Heater.......................................................................7,8
Facts to Consider About Location ..........................................................................................................................7
Combustion Air and Ventilation for Appliances Located in Unconfined Spaces .....................................................8
Combustion Air and Ventilation for Appliances Located in Confined Spaces .........................................................8

Installing the New Water Heater ..................................................................9-13

Water Piping .........................................................................................................................................................9
Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve .......................................................................................................................10
Filling the Water Heater.......................................................................................................................................11
Gas Piping......................................................................................................................................................12,13
Installation Checklist ...........................................................................................................................................13

Lighting .................................................................................................................................................14,15
Temperature Regulation ..................................................................................................16
For Your Information ......................................................................................................17,18
Start Up Conditions .............................................................................................................................................17
Draft Hood Operation .......................................................................................................................................17
Condensation ....................................................................................................................................................17
Smoke/Odor ......................................................................................................................................................17
Thermal Expansion ............................................................................................................................................17
Strange Sounds ..................................................................................................................................................17
Operational Conditions ..................................................................................................................................17,18
Smelly Water.....................................................................................................................................................17
“Air” In Hot Water Faucets ................................................................................................................................18
High Temperature Shut Off System ....................................................................................................................18
Not Enough or No Hot Water ............................................................................................................................18
Water Is Too Hot ...............................................................................................................................................18

Periodic Maintenance ....................................................................................................18-20

Venting System Inspection ..............................................................................................................................18,19
Burner Inspection ................................................................................................................................................19
Burner Cleaning ..................................................................................................................................................19
L.P. Gas Control Valve & Burner Assembly Replacement Information .........................................................................19
Housekeeping .....................................................................................................................................................19
Anode Rod Inspection .........................................................................................................................................20
Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve Operation ......................................................................................................20
Draining ..............................................................................................................................................................20
Drain Valve Washer Replacement .......................................................................................................................20
Service ................................................................................................................................................................20

Leakage Checkpoints............................................................................................................21
Repair Parts .........................................................................................................................................22

Thank You for purchasing this water heater. WARNING
Properly installed and maintained, it should give you
years of trouble free service. This gas-fired water heater is design certified by CSA
INTERNATIONAL under American National
Standard/CSA Standard for Gas Water Heaters ANSI
Z21.10.1 • CSA 4.1 (current edition). The installation
Abbreviations Found In This Instruction Manual must conform with this manual, Local Codes and with
CSA - Canadian Standards Association the current edition of the National Fuel Gas Code,
ANSI - American National Standards Institute ANSI Z223.1.
NFPA - National Fire Protection Association This publication is available from your local govern-
ment or public library, gas company, or by writing
NFPA, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

Preparing for the New Installation

1. Read the “General Safety” section, pages 2 and 3 of 4. Carefully plan the place where you are going to put
this manual first and then the entire manual carefully. the water heater. Correct combustion, vent action, and
If you don’t follow the safety rules, the water heater vent pipe installation are very important in preventing
will not operate properly. It could cause DEATH, SERI- death from possible carbon monoxide poisoning and
This manual contains instructions for the installation, Examine the location to ensure the water heater com-
operation, and maintenance of the gas-fired water plies with the “Locating the New Water Heater” sec-
heater. It also contains warnings throughout the manu- tion in this manual.
al that you must read and be aware of. All warnings
and all instructions are essential to the proper opera- 5. For California installation this water heater must be
tion of the water heater and your safety. Since we can- braced, anchored, or strapped to avoid falling or moving
not put everything on the first few pages, READ THE during an earthquake. See instructions for correct instal-
ENTIRE MANUAL BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO INSTALL lation procedures. Instructions may be obtained from
OR OPERATE THE WATER HEATER. your local dealer, wholesaler, public utilities or
California Office of the State Architect, 400 P Street,
2. The installation must conform with the instructions in Sacramento, CA 95814.
this manual; gas company rules; and Local Codes, or
in the absence of Local Codes, with the current edition 6. Massachusetts Code requires this water heater to be
of the National Fuel Gas code, ANSI Z223.1, also installed in accordance with Massachusetts 248-CMR
referred to as NFPA 54. This publication is available 2.00: State Plumbing Code and 248-CMR 5.00.
from your local government or public library or gas
company or by writing NFPA, Batterymarch Park, 7. Complies with SCAQMD rule #1121 and districts having
Quincy, MA 02269. equivalent NOx requirements.

3. If after reading this manual you have any questions or

do not understand any portion of the instructions, call
the local gas utility or the manufacturer whose name
appears on the rating plate.

Typical Installation



BLIES (PART #9001262) CAN BE
(Do not cap or plug) UFACTURER.



This appliance has been design certified as complying with American National Standard/CSA Standard for water heaters and is
considered suitable for:
Water (Potable) Heating: All models are “considered suitable for water (potable) heating.”

Water (Potable) Heating and Space Heating: Certain models are “considered suitable for water (potable) heating and space
heating.” Refer to the model and rating plate of the water heater.

HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD: Water heaters are intended to This water heater shall not be connected to any heating
produce hot water. Water heated to a temperature which will systems or component(s) previously used with a non-
satisfy space heating, clothes washing, dish washing, and potable water heating appliance.
other sanitizing needs can scald and permanently injure you If this water heater is also used for space heating applica-
upon contact. Some people are more likely to be permanently tions, all piping and components connected to the water
injured by hot water than others. These include the elderly, heater shall be suitable for use with potable water.
children, the infirm, or physically/mentally handicapped. If
anyone using hot water in your home fits into one of these
groups or if there is a local code or state law requiring a cer-
tain temperature water at the hot water tap, then you must WARNING
take special precautions. In addition to using the lowest possi- Toxic chemicals such as used for treatment of boilers or
ble temperature setting that satisfies your hot water needs, a non-potable water heating appliances shall never be
means such as a mixing valve, shall be used at the hot water introduced into a potable water space heating system.
taps used by these people or at the water heater. Valves for
reducing point of use temperature by mixing cold and hot
water are available: Consult a licensed plumber or the local NOTE: To protect against untimely corrosion of hot and
plumbing authority. Follow mixing valve manufacturers cold water fittings, it is strongly recommended that di-elec-
instructions for installation of the valves. Before changing the tric unions or couplings be installed on this water heater
factory setting on the thermostat, read the “Temperature when connected to copper pipe.
Regulation” section in this manual.
Locating the New Water Heater
Facts to Consider About the WARNING
Location Propellants of aerosol sprays and volatile compounds,
(cleaners, chlorine based chemicals, refrigerants, etc.) in
You should carefully choose an indoor location for the addition to being highly flammable in many cases, will
new water heater, because the placement is a very impor- also change to corrosive hydrochloric acid when exposed
tant consideration for the safety of the occupants in the to the combustion products of the water heater. The
building and for the most economical use of the appli- results can be hazardous, and also cause product failure.
ance. This water heater is not for use in manufactured
(mobile) homes or outdoor installation. 2. The location selection must provide adequate clearances
Whether replacing an old water heater or putting the for servicing and proper operation of the water heater.
water heater in a new location, the following critical
points must be observed. WARNING
1. The location selected should be indoors as close as This water heater must not be installed directly on carpet-
practical to the gas vent or chimney to which the water ing. Carpeting must be protected by a metal or wood panel
heater vent is going to be connected, and as central- beneath the appliance extending beyond the full width and
ized with the water piping system as possible. The depth of the appliance by at least 3 inches (76.2mm) in any
water heater, as all water heaters, will eventually leak. direction, or if the appliance is installed in an alcove or
Do not install without adequate drainage provisions closet, the entire floor must be covered by the panel. Failure
where water flow will cause damage. to heed this warning may result in a fire hazard.

WATER HEATERS EVENTUALLY LEAK: Installation of the Minimum clearances between the water heater and com-
water heater must be accomplished in such a manner bustible construction are 1″ at the sides and rear, 4″ at the
that if the tank or any connections should leak, the flow front, and 6″ from the vent pipe. Clearance from the top of
of water will not cause damage to the structure. For this the jacket is 18″ on most models. Note that a lesser dimension
reason, it is not advisable to install the water heater in an may be allowed on some models, refer to the label attached
attic or upper floor. When such locations cannot be adjacent to the gas control valve on the water heater.
avoided, a suitable drain pan should be installed under
the water heater. Drain pans are available at your local 12" MAX. 1" 1" MIN.
hardware store. Such a drain pan must be not greater 100 Sq. in.
than 11⁄2 inches deep, have a minimum length and width HEATER HEATER

of at least 2 inches greater than the water heater dimen- VENTILATION

sions and must be piped to an adequate drain. The pan AIR 4" MIN.
must not restrict combustion air flow. TOP VIEW
100 Sq. in.


ETC): Flammable liquids (such as gasoline, solvents,
propane (LP) or butane, etc.) or other substances (such WARNING
as adhesives, etc.), all of which emit flammable vapors, A gas water heater cannot operate properly without the correct
may be improperly stored or used in such areas. The gas amount of air for combustion. Do not install in a confined area
water heater pilot light or main burner can ignite such such a closet, unless you provide air as shown in the “Locating
vapors. The resulting flashback and fire can cause death The New Water Heater” section. Never obstruct the flow of
or serious burns to anyone in the area, as well as prop- ventilation air. If you have any doubts or questions at all, call
erty damage. your gas company. Failure to provide the proper amount of
If installation in such areas is your only option, then the combustion air can result in a fire or explosion and can cause
installation must be accomplished in a way that the pilot DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY INJURY, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE.
flame and main burner flame are elevated from the floor
at least 18 inches. While this may reduce the chances of
flammable vapors from a floor spill being ignited, gaso- WARNING
line and other flammable substances should never be
stored or used in the same room or area containing a If this water heater will be used in beauty shops, barber shops,
gas water heater or other open flame or spark produc- cleaning establishments, or self-service laundries with dry clean-
ing appliance. ing equipment, it is imperative that the water heater or water
Also, the water heater must be located and/or protected so heaters be installed so that combustion and ventilation air be
it is not subject to physical damage by a moving vehicle. taken from outside these areas. Refer to the “Locating The New
NOTE: Flammable vapors may be drawn by air currents Water Heater” section of this manual and also the current edi-
from other areas of the structure to the appliance. tion of the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1, also referred
to as NFPA 54 for specifics provided concerning air required.
Locating the New Water Heater (cont’d)
Combustion Air and Ventilation
for Appliances Located in
Unconfined Spaces
Unconfined Space is a space whose volume is not less than 50 1. When directly communicating with the outdoors, each
cubic feet per 1,000 Btu per hour of the aggregate input rating opening shall have a minimum free area of 1 square inch
of all appliances installed in that space. Rooms communicating per 4,000 Btu per hour of total input rating of all equip-
directly with the space in which the appliances are installed, ment in the enclosure. (See Figure 3.)
through openings not furnished with doors, are considered a
part of the unconfined space 2. When communicating with the outdoors through vertical
In unconfined spaces in buildings, infiltration may be adequate ducts, each opening shall have a minimum free area of 1
to provide air for combustion, ventilation and dilution of flue square inch per 4,000 Btu per hour of total input rating of
gases. However, in buildings of tight construction (for example, all equipment in the enclosure. (See Figure 4.)
weather stripping, heavily insulated, caulked, vapor barrier,
etc.), additional air may need to be provided using the methods
described in Combustion Air and Ventilation for Appliances
Located in Confined Spaces.
Combustion Air and Ventilation
for Appliances Located in
Confined Spaces
Confined Space is a space whose volume is less than 50 cubic
feet per 1,000 Btu per hour of the aggregate input rating of all Figure 4
appliances installed in that space.
(See Page 7 Figure 1, and Figure 2 below) 3. When communicating with the outdoors through horizon-
The confined space shall be provided with two permanent tal ducts, each opening shall have a minimum free area of
openings communicating directly with an additional room(s) 1 square inch per 2,000 Btu per hour of total input rating
of sufficient volume so that the combined volume of all of all equipment in the enclosure. (See Figure 5.)
spaces meets the criteria for an unconfined space. The total
input of all gas utilization equipment installed in the com-
bined space shall be considered in making this determina-
tion. Each opening shall have a minimum free area of one
square inch per 1,000 Btu per hour of the total input rating
of all gas utilization equipment in the confined space, but
not less than 100 square inches. One opening shall com-
mence within 12 inches of the top and one commencing
within 12 inches of the bottom of the enclosure.

Figure 5

4. When ducts are used, they shall be of the same cross-sec-

tional area as the free area of the openings to which they
connect. The minimum short side dimension of rectangu-
Figure 2 lar air ducts shall not be less than 3 inches. (See Figure 5.)
5. Louvers and Grilles: In calculating free area, consideration
b. ALL AIR FROM OUTDOORS: (see Figures 3-5) shall be given to the blocking effect of louvers, grilles or
The confined space shall be provided with two permanent screens protecting openings. Screens used shall not be
openings, one commencing within 12 inches of the top smaller than 1⁄4 inch mesh. If the free area through a design
and one commencing within 12 inches from the bottom of louver or grille is known, it should be used in calculat-
of the enclosure. The openings shall communicate direct- ing the size opening required to provide the free area
ly, or by ducts, with the outdoors or spaces (crawl or attic) specified. If the design and free area is not known, it may
that freely communicate with the outdoors. be assumed that wood louvers will be 20-25 percent free
area and metal louvers and grilles will have 60-75 percent
free area. Louvers and grilles shall be fixed in the open
position or interlocked with the equipment so that they are
opened automatically during equipment operation.
6. Special Conditions Created by Mechanical Exhausting or
Fireplaces: Operation of exhaust fans, ventilation systems,
clothes dryers or fireplaces may create conditions requir-
ing special attention to avoid unsatisfactory operation of
Figure 3 installed gas utilization equipment.
Installing the New Water Heater
Water Piping
HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD: Water heaters are intended to
produce hot water. Water heated to a temperature which will
satisfy clothes washing, dish washing, and other sanitizing
needs can scald and permanently injure you upon contact.
Some people are more likely to be permanently injured by
hot water than others. These include the elderly, children, the
infirm, or physically/mentally handicapped. If anyone using
hot water in your home fits into one of these groups or if
there is a local code or state law requiring a certain tempera-
ture water at the hot water tap, then you must take special
precautions. In addition to using the lowest possible tempera-
ture setting that satisfies your hot water needs, a means such
as a mixing valve, should be used at the hot water taps used
by these people or at the water heater. Mixing valves are
available at plumbing supply or hardware stores. Follow man-
ufacturers instructions for installation of the valves. Before
changing the factory setting on the thermostat, read the
“Temperature Regulation” section in this manual.

This water heater shall not be connected to any heating

systems or component(s) used with a non-potable water
heating appliance.

If a water heater is installed in a closed water supply sys-

tem, such as one having a back-flow preventer, check
valve, water meter with check valve, etc. in the cold
water supply, means shall be provided to control thermal
expansion. Contact the water supplier or plumbing
inspector on how to control this situation.

NOTE: To protect against untimely corrosion of hot and

cold water fittings, it is strongly recommended that di-
electric unions or couplings be installed on this water
heater when connected to copper pipe.

The illustration shows the attachment of the water piping

to the water heater. The water heater is equipped with 3⁄4″
water connections.

NOTE: If using copper tubing, solder tubing to an

adapter before attaching the adapter to the cold water
inlet connection. Do not solder the cold water supply
line directly to the cold water inlet. It will harm the dip
tube and damage the tank.

Installing the New Water Heater (cont’d)
Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve WARNING
The temperature-pressure relief valve must be manually
operated at least once a year. Caution should be taken to
WARNING ensure that (1) no one is in front of or around the outlet of
At the time of manufacture this water heater was provided the temperature-pressure relief valve discharge line, and (2)
with a combination temperature-pressure relief valve certi- the water manually discharged will not cause any bodily
fied by a nationally-recognized testing laboratory that injury or property damage because the water may be
maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equip- extremely hot.
ment or materials, as meeting the requirements for Relief If after manually operating the valve, it fails to completely
Valves and Automatic Gas Shutoff Devices for Hot Water reset and continues to release water, immediately close the
Supply Systems, and the current edition of ANSI Z21.22 cold water inlet to the water heater, follow the draining
and the code requirements of ASME. If replaced, the valve instructions, and replace the temperature-pressure relief
must meet the requirements of local codes, but not less valve with a new one.
than a combination temperature and pressure relief valve
certified as meeting the requirements for Relief Valves and
Automatic Gas Shutoff Devices for Hot Water Supply
Systems, ANSI Z21.22 by a nationally recognized testing HOT COLD
laboratory that maintains periodic inspection of production
of listed equipment or materials.
The valve must be marked with a maximum set pressure not SHUTOFF
to exceed the marked hydrostatic working pressure of the
water heater (150 lbs. p.s.i.) and a discharge capacity not
less than the water heater input rate as shown on the model HOT COLD
rating plate. (Electric heaters - watts divided by 1000 x
3412 equal BTU/Hr. rate.)
Your local jurisdictional authority, while mandating the use
of a temperature-pressure relief valve complying with ANSI DRAFT HOOD
Z21.22 and ASME, may require a valve model different TEMPERATURE-
from the one furnished with the water heater. PRESSURE
Compliance with such local requirements must be satisfied RELIEF VALVE
by the installer or end user of the water heater with a local-
ly prescribed temperature-pressure relief valve installed in
the designated opening in the water heater in place of the
factory furnished valve.
For safe operation of the water heater, the relief valve must DISCHARGE PIPE
not be removed from it’s designated opening or plugged. (Do not cap
The temperature-pressure relief valve must be installed or plug)
directly into the fitting of the water heater designated for
the relief valve. Position the valve downward and provide
tubing so that any discharge will exit only within 6 inches
above, or at any distance below the structural floor. Be cer-
tain that no contact is made with any live electrical part.
The discharge opening must not be blocked or reduced in
size under any circumstances. Excessive length, over 30
feet, or use of more than four elbows can cause restriction
and reduce the discharge capacity of the valve. FLOOR DRAIN
No valve or other obstruction is to be placed between the
relief valve and the tank. Do not connect tubing directly to
discharge drain unless a 6″ air gap is provided. To prevent
bodily injury, hazard to life, or property damage, the relief
valve must be allowed to discharge water in quantities RELIEF VALVE OPENING
should circumstances demand. If the discharge pipe is not “THIS WATER HEATER IS PROVIDED WITH A COMBINATION TEMPER-
connected to a drain or other suitable means, the water ATURE-PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE. FOR SAFE OPERATION OF THE
—Must not be smaller in size than the outlet pipe size of the USE OF A TEMPERATURE-PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE COMPLYING
valve, or have any reducing couplings or other restriction. WITH ANSI Z21.22 AND ASME, MAY REQUIRE A VALVE MODEL DIF-
—Must be of material listed for hot water distribution. COMPLIANCE WITH SUCH LOCAL REQUIREMENTS MUST BE SATIS-
—Must be installed so as to allow complete drainage of both WITH A LOCALLY PRESCRIBED TEMPERATURE-PRESSURE RELIEF
the temperature-pressure relief valve, and the discharge VALVE INSTALLED IN THE DESIGNATED OPENING IN THE WATER
pipe. HEATER.
—Must terminate at an adequate drain. SEE MANUAL HEADING—“TEMPERATURE-PRESSURE RELIEF
—Must not have any valve between the relief valve and tank. DISCHARGE LINE AND OTHER SAFETY PRECAUTIONS.

Installing the New Water Heater (cont’d)
Filling the Water Heater
CAUTION Check the venting system for signs of obstruction or deterio-
ration and replace if needed.
Never use this water heater unless it is completely full of
water. To prevent damage to the tank, the tank must be The combustion and ventilation air flow must not be
filled with water. Water must flow from the hot water obstructed.
faucet before turning “ON” gas to the water heater.

To fill the water heater with water:

1. Close the water heater drain valve by turning the han- The water heater with draft hood installed must be con-
dle to the right (clockwise). The drain valve is on the nected to a chimney which terminates to the outdoors.
lower front of the water heater. Never operate the water heater unless it is vented to
2. Open the cold water supply valve to the water heater. the outdoors and has adequate air supply to avoid risks
NOTE: The cold water supply valve must be left open of improper operation, explosion or asphyxiation.
when the water heater is in use.
3. To insure complete filling of the tank, allow air to exit
by opening the nearest hot water faucet. Allow water WARNING
to run until a constant flow is obtained. This will let air
out of the water heater and the piping. Obstructed or deteriorated vent systems may present
4. Check all new water piping for leaks. Repair as needed. serious health risk or asphyxiation.

The vent pipe from the water heater must be no less
WARNING than the diameter of the draft hood outlet on the water
VENT DAMPERS - Any vent damper, whether it is operated heater, and must slope upward to the chimney at least
thermally or otherwise must be removed if its use inhibits
⁄4 inch per linear foot.
proper drafting of the water heater.
Thermally Operated Vent Dampers: Gas-fired water heaters All vent gases must be completely vented to the outdoors
having thermal efficiency in excess of 80% may produce a of the structure (dwelling). Install only the draft hood pro-
relatively low flue gas temperature. Such temperatures may vided with the new water heater and no other draft hood.
not be high enough to properly open thermally operated
vent dampers. This would cause spillage of flue gases and Vent pipes must be secured at each joint with sheet metal
may cause carbon monoxide poisoning. screws.
Vent dampers must bear evidence of certification as com-
plying with the current edition of the American National
Standard ANSI Z21.68 (ANSI Z21.66 & 67, respectively, TO
cover electrically and mechanically actuated vent dampers).
Before installation of any vent damper, consult the local
gas utility for further information. MIN. 1⁄4 INCH RISE

To insure proper venting of this gas-fired water heater, the VENT PIPE INSTALLATION
correct vent pipe diameter must be utilized. Any additions
or deletions of other gas appliances on a common vent
with this water heater may adversely affect the operation There must be a minimum of 6 inches clearance between
of the water heater. Consult the local gas utility if any single wall vent pipe and any combustible material. Fill
such changes are planned. and seal any clearance between single wall vent pipe and
combustible material with mortar mix, cement, or other
noncombustible substance. For other than single wall, fol-
For proper venting in certain installations, a larger diameter low vent pipe manufacturer’s clearance specifications. To
vent pipe may be necessary. Due to great variances in insure a tight fit of the vent pipe in a brick chimney, seal
installations, unforeseeable by the manufacturer of the around the vent pipe with mortar mix cement.
water heater, you must consult your gas company to aid
you in determining the proper venting for your water heater
from the vent tables in the current edition of the National WARNING
Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1, also referred to as NFPA 54. Failure to have required clearances between vent piping
and combustible material will result in a fire hazard.

Installing the New Water Heater (cont’d)
Venting (cont’d)
Be sure vent pipe is properly connected to prevent escape of Failure to replace the standard orifice with a high altitude ori-
dangerous flue gases which could cause deadly asphyxiation. fice when installed at elevations above 2,000 feet, could result
in improper and inefficient operation of the appliance, produc-
ing carbon monoxide gas in excess of safe limits, which could
WARNING result in serious injury or death. Contact your gas supplier for
Chemical vapor corrosion of the flue and vent system may any specific changes which may be required in your area.
occur if air for combustion contains certain chemical vapors.
Spray can propellants, cleaning solvents, refrigerator and air
conditioner refrigerants, swimming pool chemicals, calcium WARNING
and sodium chloride, waxes, bleach and process chemicals The appliance and its gas connection must be leak test-
are typical compounds which are potentially corrosive. ed before placing the appliance in operation.

Gas Piping The appliance and its individual shutoff valve must be discon-
nected from the gas supply piping system during any pressure
WARNING testing of that system at test pressures in excess of 1⁄2 pound per
Make sure the gas supplied is the same type listed on the model square inch (3.5kPa).
rating plate. The inlet gas pressure must not exceed 10.5 in. The appliance must be isolated from the gas supply piping sys-
water column (2.6kPa) for natural gas or 13 in. water column tem by closing its individual manual shutoff valve during any
(3.2kPa) for propane (L.P.) gas. The minimum inlet gas pressure pressure testing of the gas supply piping system at test pres-
listed on the rating plate is for the purpose of input adjustment. sures equal to or less than 1⁄2 pound per square inch (3.5kPa).

If the gas control valve is subjected to pressures exceeding ⁄2 1 Use pipe joint compound or teflon tape marked as being
pound per square inch (3.5kPa), the damage to the gas con- resistant to the action of petroleum [Propane (L.P.)] gases.
trol valve could result in a fire or explosion from leaking gas.
Connecting the gas piping to the gas control valve of the
water heater can be accomplished by either of the two
WARNING methods shown.
If the main gas line shutoff serving all gas appliances is used,
also turn “OFF” the gas at each appliance. Leave all gas appli- GAS PIPING WITH FLEXIBLE CONNECTOR
ances shut off until the water heater installation is complete.

A gas line of sufficient size must be run to the water heater. LOOP
Consult the current edition of National Fuel Gas Code ANSI GROUND JOINT
Z223.1, also referred to as NFPA 54 and the gas company con-
cerning pipe size. CONTROL
There must be: DRIP LEG
3″ min.
– A readily accessible manual shut off valve in the gas supply (Sediment trap)
line serving the water heater, and CAP
– A drip leg (sediment trap) ahead of the gas control valve to
help prevent dirt and foreign materials from entering the gas
control valve.
– A flexible gas connector or a ground joint union between the GAS PIPING WITH ALL BLACK IRON
shutoff valve and control valve to permit servicing of the unit. PIPE TO GAS CONTROL
Be sure to check all the gas piping for leaks before lighting the
water heater. Use a soapy water solution, not a match or open
flame. Rinse off soapy solution and wipe dry. UNION(Optional)

When installed at elevations above 2,000 feet, input rating should

be reduced at the rate of 4 percent for each 1,000 feet above sea GAS
level which requires replacement of the burner orifice in accor- VALVE
dance with the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1 / NFPA 54.
Contact your local gas utility for further information. DRIP LEG
3″ min. (Sediment trap)


Installing the New Water Heater (cont’d)

WARNING 2. Is the new temperature-pressure relief valve properly

installed and piped to an adequate drain? See
Contaminants in the gas lines may cause improper opera- “Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve” section.
tion of the gas control valve that may result in fire or explo-
sion. Before attaching the gas line be sure that all gas pipe is 3. Are the cold and hot water lines connected to the
clean on the inside. To trap any dirt or foreign material in water heater correctly? See “Water Piping” instructions
the gas supply line, a drip leg (sometimes called a sediment in the “Installing the New Water Heater” section.
trap) must be incorporated in the piping. The drip leg must 4. Is the water heater completely filled with water? See
be readily accessible. Install in accordance with the “Gas “Filling the Water Heater” instructions in the
Piping” section. Refer to the current edition of the National “Installing the New Water Heater” section.
Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1, also referred to as NFPA 54.
5. Will a water leak damage anything? See the “Locating
the New Water Heater” section.
Installation Checklist 6 . Is there proper clearance between the water heater
and anything that might catch fire? See the “Locating
BEFORE LIGHTING THE PILOT: the New Water Heater” section.
1. Check the gas lines for leaks. 7. Do you have adequate ventilation so that the water
a. Use a soapy water solution. DO NOT test for gas heater will operate properly? See “Combustion Air
leaks using a match or open flame. and Ventilation” in the “Locating the New Water
b. Brush the soapy water solution on all gas pipes, Heater” section.
joints and fittings.
c. Check for bubbling soap. This means you have a 8 . Is the draft hood vent piping properly secured? See
leak. Turn “OFF” gas and make the necessary “Venting” instructions in the “Installing the New
repairs. Water Heater” section.
d. Recheck for leaks. 9. Is there proper clearance between the vent pipe and
e. Rinse off soapy solution and wipe dry. anything that might catch on fire? See “Venting”
instructions in the “Installing the New Water Heater”
OUTDOORS SHUTOFF VALVE 10. Is the vent pipe properly sloped and does the vent ter-
OR CHIMNEY minate outdoors? See “Venting” instructions in the
“Installing the New Water Heater” section.
HOT COLD 11. Do you need to call your gas company to check the
gas pipe and its hookup?




(Do not cap or plug)



HEATERS]: Propane (L.P.) gas is heavier than air.
Should there be a leak in the system, the gas will settle
near the ground. Basements, crawl spaces, skirted
areas under manufactured (mobile) homes (even when
ventilated), closets and areas below ground level will
serve as pockets for the accumulation of this gas.
Before attempting to light or relight the water heater’s
pilot or turning on a nearby electrical light switch, be
absolutely sure there is no accumulated gas in the area.
Search for odor of gas by sniffing at ground level in the Figure 6
vicinity of the appliance. If odor is detected, follow the
steps indicated at “For Your Safety” on the cover page
of this manual, then leave the premises.

Lighting and operating instructions are located on front of

the water heater, above or to one side of the gas control

1. Do not try to light any appliance.
2. Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any
phone in your building.
3. Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor’s
phone. Follow the gas supplier’s instructions.
4. If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire

DO NOT force the gas control knob. Use only your
hand to push it down to light the pilot, or to turn it to
“ON”, “OFF” or “PILOT”. Never use a tool such as a Figure 8
lever, wrench or pliers. Do not hit or damage the knob.
A damaged knob may result in an explosion and seri-
ous injury. If you have problem turning the knob, call
the gas supplier immediately.


Be sure to check all your gas pipes for leaks before light-
ing your water heater. Use a soapy water solution, not a
match or open flame. Check the factory gas fittings after INNER
pilot is lit and gas control knob is still in “PILOT” position. DOOR
Then, check the fittings when the main burner is turned
“ON”. Use a soapy water solution for this, too.


Figure 9
Lighting (cont’d)
If you do not follow these instructions exactly, a fire or explosion
may result causing property damage, personal injury or loss of life.
A. This appliance has a pilot which must be lighted by • If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire
hand. When lighting the pilot, follow these instructions department.
exactly. C. Use only your hand to push in or turn the gas control
B. BEFORE LIGHTING smell all around the appliance area knob. Never use tools. If the knob will not push in or
for gas. Be sure to smell next to the floor because turn by hand, don’t try to repair it, call a qualified ser-
some gas is heavier than air and will settle on the floor. vice technician. Force or attempted repair may result
WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS in a fire or explosion.
• Do not try to light any appliance. D. Do not use this appliance if any part has been under
• Do not touch any electric switch; do not use any water. Immediately call a qualified service technician
phone in your building. to inspect the appliance and to replace any part of the
• Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor’s control system and any gas control which has been
phone. Follow the gas supplier’s instructions. under water.

1. STOP! Read the safety information above on this Immediately light the pilot with a match. Continue to
label. hold control knob in for about one (1) minute after
2. Remove outer door. the pilot is lit. Release knob and it will pop back up.
3. Set the thermostat dial to the “PILOT LIGHTING” Pilot should remain lit. If it goes out, repeat steps 4
position. through 9.
• If knob does not pop up when released, stop and
immediately call your service technician or gas
• If the pilot will not stay lit after several tries,
4. Turn gas control knob clockwise to “OFF” posi- depress and turn the gas control knob clockwise
tion. Knob cannot be turned from “PILOT” to “OFF” to “OFF” and call your service technician
unless knob is depressed slightly. DO NOT FORCE. or gas supplier. (Figure 6)
(Figure 6) 10. Replace (or close) inner door. Replace outer door if
5. Wait five (5) minutes to clear out any gas. If you then door does not cover gas control on/off knob or tem-
smell gas, STOP! Follow “B” in the safety information perature adjustment knob. (Figure 9)
above on this label. If you don’t smell gas, go to the 11. At arms length away, turn gas control knob counter-
next step.
6. Remove (or open) inner door located below the gas clockwise to the full “ON” position. WARN-
control unit. (Figure 9) ING: Do not use gas control knob to regulate
7. Find pilot-follow metal THERMOCOUPLE PILOT BURNER
gas flow. (Figure 8)
tube from gas control. 12. At arms length away, set the thermostat to desired
The pilot is located in setting. The mark ( ▲ ) indicative of approximate
front of the burner. 120°F is preferred starting point. Some local laws
8. If you don’t smell gas, turn knob on gas control may require a lower starting point. If hotter water is
counter-clockwise to “PILOT” position. desired, see instruction manual and “warning” below.
(Figure 7) 13. Replace the outer door if not replaced in step 10.
9. Push in control knob all the way and hold down.

Hotter water increases the risk of scald injury. Before changing temperature setting see instruction manual.


1. Set the thermostat dial to the “PILOT LIGHTING” 2. Turn gas control knob clockwise to “OFF”
position. position. Knob cannot be turned from “PILOT” to
“OFF” unless knob is depressed slightly. DO
NOT FORCE. (Figure 6)
3. Replace outer door (if removed).

Temperature Regulation

Due to the nature of the typical gas water heater, the The thermostat of this water heater has been factory set at
water temperature in certain situations may vary up to its lowest position, to reduce the risk of scald injury. It is
30°F higher or lower at the point of use such as, bathtubs, adjustable and must be reset to the desired temperature
showers, sink, etc. setting. The mark ( ▲ ) indicative of approximately 120°F
is preferred starting point. Some states have a requirement
This means that when the temperature adjustment dial is for a lower setting. If you need hotter water, follow direc-
set at the mark approximating 120°F, the actual water tions for temperature adjustment, but beware of the warn-
temperature at any hot water tap could be as high as ings in this section.
150°F or as low as 90°F.
Turn the water temperature dial clockwise ( ) to
Any water heater’s intended purpose is to heat water. Hot decrease the temperature, or counterclockwise ( )
water is needed for cleansing, cleaning, and sanitizing to increase the temperature.
(bodies, dishes, clothing). Hot water will present a scald
hazard. Depending on the time element, and the people
involved (normal adults, children, toddlers, elderly,
infirm, etc.) scalding may occur at different temperatures.

HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD: Water heaters are intended
to produce hot water. Water heated to a temperature
which will satisfy space heating, clothes washing, dish
washing, and other sanitizing needs can scald and perma-
nently injure you upon contact. Some people are more
likely to be permanently injured by hot water than others.
These include the elderly, children, the infirm, or physical-
ly/mentally handicapped. If anyone using hot water in
your home fits into one of these groups or if there is a
local code or state law requiring a certain temperature
water at the hot water tap, then you must take special
precautions. In addition to using the lowest possible tem-
perature setting that satisfies your hot water needs, a
means such as a mixing valve, shall be used at the hot PILOT LIGHTING – Set here before attempting to light
water taps used by these people or at the water heater. pilot.
Mixing valves are available at plumbing supply or hard-
ware stores. Follow manufacturers instructions for instal-
lation of the valves. Before changing the factory setting on Time to Produce 2nd &
the thermostat, read the “Temperature Regulation” sec- 3rd Degree Burns on
tion in this manual. Temperature Setting Adult Skin
VERY HOT= approx. 160°F About 1/2 second
C= approx. 150°F About 1-1/2 seconds
WARNING B= approx. 140°F Less than 5 seconds
Never allow small children to use a hot water tap, or to A= approx. 130°F About 30 seconds
draw their own bath water. Never leave a child or hand- ▲= approx. 120°F More than 5 minutes
icapped person unattended in a bathtub or shower. ___________
LOW= approx. 80°F

NOTE: Water temperature range of 120°–140°F recom-

mended by most dishwasher manufacturers.

Should overheating occur or the gas supply fail to shut
off, turn “OFF” the manual gas control valve to the

For Your Information
Start Up Conditions
DRAFT HOOD OPERATION problems. When these devices are not equipped with an internal
by-pass, and no other measures are taken, the devices cause the
Check draft hood operation by performing a worst case depressur- water system to be closed. As water is heated, it expands (thermal
ization of the building. With all doors and windows closed, and expansion) and closed systems do not allow for the expansion of
with all air handling equipment and exhaust fans operating, such heated water.
furnaces, clothes dryers, range hoods and bathroom fans, a match
flame should still be drawn into the draft hood of the water heater The water within the water heater tank expands as it is heated and
with its burner firing. If the flame is not drawn toward the draft increases the pressure of the water system. If the relieving point of
hood, shut off the water heater and make necessary air supply the water heater’s temperature-pressure relief valve is reached, the
changes to correct. valve will relieve the excess pressure. The temperature-pressure
relief valve is not intended for the constant relief of thermal
CONDENSATION expansion. This is an unacceptable condition and must be
Whenever the water heater is filled with cold water, a certain corrected.
amount of condensation will form while the burner is on. A water It is recommended that any devices installed which could create a
heater may appear to be leaking when in fact the water is conden- closed system have a by-pass and/or the system have an expan-
sation. This usually happens when: sion tank to relieve the pressure built by thermal expansion in the
a. When a new water heater is filled with cold water for the water system. Expansion tanks are available for ordering through a
first time. local plumbing contractor. Contact the local water supplier and/or
b. When gas burns and water vapor is produced in water plumbing inspector for assistance in controlling these situations.
heaters, particularly high efficiency models where flue tem-
peratures are lower.
c. When you use large amounts of hot water in a short time STRANGE SOUNDS
and the refill water is very cold. Possible noises due to expansion and contraction of some metal
parts during periods of heat-up and cool-down do not represent
Moisture from the products of combustion condense on the cooler harmful or dangerous conditions.
tank surfaces and form drops of water which may fall onto the
burner or other hot surfaces to produce a “sizzling” or “frying” Condensation causes sizzling and popping with the burner area
noise. during heating and cooling periods and should be considered
normal. See “Condensation” in this section.
Excessive condensation can cause pilot outage due to water run-
ning down the flue tube onto the main burner and putting out the
Operational Conditions
Because of the suddenness and amount of water, condensation
water may be diagnosed as a “tank leak”. After the water in the SMELLY WATER
tank warms up (about 1-2 hours), the condition should disappear.
In each water heater there is installed at least one anode rod (see
Do not assume the water heater is leaking until there has been parts section) for corrosion protection of the tank. Certain water
enough time for the water in the tank to warm up. conditions will cause a reaction between this rod and the water.
An undersized water heater will cause more condensation. The The most common complaint associated with the anode rod is
water heater must be sized properly to meet the family’s demands one of a “rotten egg smell.” This odor is derived from hydrogen
for hot water including dishwashers, washing machines and show- sulfide gas dissolved in the water. The smell is the result of four
er heads. factors which must all be present for the odor to develop:
a. a concentration of sulfate in the supply water.
Excessive condensation may be noticed during the winter and b. little or no dissolved oxygen in the water.
early spring months when incoming water temperatures are at c. a sulfate reducing bacteria within the water heater. (This
their lowest. harmless bacteria is non-toxic to humans.)
Good venting is essential for a gas fired water heater to operate d. an excess of active hydrogen in the tank. This is caused by
properly as well as to carry away products of combustion and the corrosion protective action of the anode.
water vapor. Smelly water may be eliminated or reduced in some water heater
models by replacing the anode(s) with one of less active material,
SMOKE/ODOR and then chlorinating the water heater tank and all hot water
lines. Contact the local water heater supplier for further informa-
It is not uncommon to experience a small amount of smoke and tion concerning an Anode Replacement Kit #9000029 and this
odor during the initial start-up. This is due to burning off of oil Chlorination Treatment.
from metal parts, and will disappear in a short while.
If the smelly water persists after the anode replacement and chlo-
rination treatment, we can only suggest that continuous chlorina-
THERMAL EXPANSION tion and filtering conditioning equipment be considered to elimi-
Water supply systems may, because of such events as high line nate the water problem.
pressure, frequent cut-offs, the effects of water hammer among
others, have installed devices such as pressure reducing valves, Do not remove the anode leaving the tank unprotected. By doing
check valves, back flow preventers, etc. to control these types of so, all warranty on the water heater tank is voided.

For Your Information (cont’d)
1. Check the manual gas shut off valve to be sure it is open.
WARNING 2. Check the pilot flame. It may have gone out. All models
HYDROGEN GAS: Hydrogen gas can be produced in a have an opening behind the outer door for viewing the
hot water system that has not been used for a long peri- pilot.
od of time (generally two weeks or more). Hydrogen gas 3. If the pilot is not lit, follow the “Lighting” instructions in
is extremely flammable and explosive. To prevent the this manual or located above the gas control valve on the
possibility of injury under these conditions, we recom- water heater to relight the pilot. If the water was extreme-
mend the hot water faucet be opened for several min- ly hot and is now cold, the high limit safety temperature
utes at the kitchen sink before any electrical appliances shut off may have put out the burner and pilot. The gas
which are connected to the hot water system are used control valve now must be changed.
(such as a dishwasher or washing machine). If hydrogen
gas is present, there will probably be an unusual sound 4. The gas control knob must be turned to the “ON” position.
similar to air escaping through the pipe as the hot water 5. The temperature adjustment dial may be set too low. See
faucet is opened. There must be no smoking or open the “Temperature Regulation” section.
flame near the faucet at the time it is open.
6. The gas company can check the gas input to see if it is
correct. An underfired water heater will not heat water as
This water heater is equipped with an automatic gas shut 7. Look for leaking or open hot water faucets. Make sure all
off system. This system works when high water tempera- are closed.
tures are present. Turn “OFF” the entire gas supply to the 8. The cold water inlet temperature may be colder during
water heater. The high temperature shut off is built into the winter months. It will take longer to heat the water
the gas control valve. It is non-resettable. If the high tem- and seem like less hot water.
perature shut off activates, the gas control valve must be
replaced. Contact the local gas utility. 9. If you cannot find what is wrong, call the local gas utility
and/or plumbing contractor.

Should overheating occur or the gas supply fail to shut
off, turn “OFF” the manual gas control valve to the 1. The temperature adjustment dial may be set too high. See
appliance. the “Temperature Regulation” section.
NOTE: A period of time is necessary after an adjustment
has been made for the water temperature to reach the
new temperature setting.
2. If lower temperature settings will not lower the water tem-
perature, call the local gas utility.

Periodic Maintenance
Venting System Inspection
At least once a year a visual inspection should be made of
the venting system. You should look for: Obstructions and deteriorated vent systems may pre-
1. Obstructions which could cause improper venting. The sent serious health risk or asphyxiation.
combustion and ventilation air flow must not be
2. Damage or deterioration which could cause improper
venting or leakage of combustion products. WARNING
3. Rusted flakes around top of water heater. Chemical vapor corrosion of the flue and vent system
may occur if air for combustion contains certain chemi-
WARNING cal vapors. Spray can propellants, cleaning solvents,
refrigerator and air conditioner refrigerants, swimming
Be sure the vent piping is properly connected to pre- pool chemicals, calcium and sodium chloride, waxes,
vent escape of dangerous flue gasses which could bleach and process chemicals are typical compounds
cause deadly asphyxiation. which are potentially corrosive.

Periodic Maintenance (cont’d)
WARNING L.P. Gas Control Valve & Burner
If after inspection of the vent system you found sooting
or deterioration, something is wrong. Call the local gas
Assembly Replacement Information
utility to correct the problem and clean or replace the
flue and venting before resuming operation of the WARNING
water heater.
Burner Inspection For Propane (L.P.) Gas Models Only:
Your water heater is equipped with a Propane (L.P.) gas
control valve and a main burner assembly with left hand
WARNING threads for the following fittings and their connections.
Flood damage to a water heater may not be readily visible or (1) The connection between the manifold and the gas
immediately detectible. However, over a period of time a control valve (A to B) are left hand threads.
flooded water heater will create dangerous conditions which
can cause DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY INJURY, OR PROPERTY (2) The connection between the main burner orifice
DAMAGE. Contact a qualified service technician or contrac- and the manifold (C to D) are left hand threads.
tor to replace a flooded water heater. Do not attempt to
repair the unit! It must be replaced! For ordering these replacement parts, please refer to the
“Repair Parts” section of this manual.
At least once a year a visual inspection should be made of
the main burner and pilot burner. The drawing is for your

You should check for sooting which is not normal and

will impair proper combustion.


Soot build-up indicates a problem that requires correc-
tion before further use. Turn “OFF” gas to water heater D
and leave “OFF” until repairs are made, because failure
to correct the cause of the sooting can result in a fire

Burner Cleaning
In the event your burner needs cleaning, use the follow-
ing instructions:
If inspection of the burner shows that cleaning is required, Vacuum around base of water heater for dust, dirt, and
turn the gas control knob clockwise ( ) to the “OFF” lint on a regular basis.
position, depressing slightly.
NOTE: The knob cannot be turned from “PILOT” to WARNING
“OFF” unless knob is depressed slightly. DO NOT INSTALLED IN SUITABLE AREA: To insure sufficient
FORCE. ventilation and combustion air supply, proper clear-
Loose deposits on or around the burner can be removed ances from the water heater must be maintained. See
by carefully using the hose of a vacuum cleaner inserted “Locating the New Water Heater” section. Combustible
through the access door of the water heater. If the burner materials such as clothing, cleaning materials, or
needs to be removed for additional cleaning, call the local flammable liquids, etc. must not be placed against or
gas utility to remove and clean the burner and correct the adjacent to the water heater which can cause a fire.
problem that required the burner to be cleaned.
Periodic Maintenance (cont’d)
Anode Rod Inspection Draining
The anode rod is used to protect the tank from corrosion. The water heater should be drained if being shut down
Most hot water tanks are equipped with an anode rod. The during freezing temperatures. Also periodic draining and
submerged rod sacrifices itself to protect the tank. Instead cleaning of sediment from the tank may be necessary.
of corroding the tank, water ions attack and eat away the 1. Turn the gas control knob to the “OFF” position.
anode rod. This does not affect the water’s taste or color. 2. CLOSE the cold water inlet valve to the water heater.
The rod must be maintained to keep the tank in operating 3. OPEN a nearby hot water faucet and leave open to
condition. allow for draining.
4. Connect a hose to the drain valve and terminate to an
Anode deterioration depends on water conductivity, not nec- adequate drain.
essarily water condition. A corroded or pitted anode rod 5. OPEN the water heater drain valve to allow for tank
indicates high water conductivity and should be checked draining.
and/or replaced more often than an anode rod that appears NOTE: If the water heater is going to be shut down
to be intact. Replacement of a depleted anode rod can and drained for an extended period, the drain valve
extend the life of your water heater. Inspection should be should be left open with hose connected allowing
conducted by a qualified technician, and at a minimum water to terminate to an adequate drain.
should be checked annually after the warranty period. 6. Close the drain valve.
7. Follow instructions in the “Filling The Water Heater”
Temperature-Pressure Relief 8. Follow the lighting instructions in the “Lighting” sec-
tion to restart the water heater.
Valve Operation
The temperature-pressure relief valve must be manually Drain Valve Washer
operated at least once a year.
NOTE: For replacement, use a 17⁄32″ x 13⁄64″ x 1⁄8″ thick wash-
er available at your nearest hardware store. For ordering
replacement washers, refer to the “Repair Parts” section.
1. Turn “OFF” gas supply to water heater.
2. Follow “Draining” instructions.
3. Turning counter clockwise, remove the hex cap below
DISCHARGE PIPE the screw handle.
4. Remove the washer and put the new one in place.
5. Screw the handle and cap assembly back into the
WARNING drain valve and retighten using a wrench. DO NOT
When checking the temperature-pressure relief valve OVER TIGHTEN.
operation, make sure that (1) no one is in front of or 6. Follow instructions in the “Filling The Water Heater”
around the outlet of the temperature-pressure relief section.
valve discharge line, and (2) that the water manually dis- 7. Check for leaks.
charged will not cause any property damage because the 8. Follow the lighting instructions in the “Lighting” sec-
water may be extremely hot. tion to restart the water heater.
If after manually operating the valve, it fails to complete-
ly reset and continues to release water, immediately
close the cold water inlet to the water heater, follow the
draining instructions, and replace the temperature-pres-
sure relief valve with a new one. HANDLE AND CAP
Failure to install and maintain a new properly listed tempera- WASHER
ture-pressure relief valve will release the manufacturer from
any claim which might result from excessive temperature or

If the temperature-pressure relief valve on the appli- Service
ance weeps or discharges periodically, this may be due
to thermal expansion. Your water heater may have a If a condition persists or you are uncertain about the oper-
check valve installed in the water line or a water meter ation of the water heater, let a qualified person check it
with a check valve. Consult the water supplier and/or out. Call the local utility and/or plumbing contractor.
plumbing inspector for further information. Do not
plug the temperature-pressure relief valve.
Leakage Checkpoints

Use this guide to check a “Leaking” water heater. Many CAUTION

suspected “Leakers” are not leaking tanks. Often the
source of the water can be found and corrected. Read this manual first. Then before checking the water heater
make sure the gas supply has been turned “OFF”, and never
If you are not thoroughly familiar with gas codes your turn the gas “ON” before the tank is completely full of water.
water heater, and safety practices, contact the gas utility to
check the water heater.
Never use this water heater unless it is completely filled with
water. To prevent damage to the tank, the tank must be filled
with water. Water must flow from the hot water faucet before
turning “ON” gas to the water heater.

A Water at the draft hood is water vapor which has

condensed out of the combustion products. This is
caused by a problem in the vent. Contact the gas

B *Condensation may be seen on pipes in humid

weather or pipe connections may be leaking.

C *The primary anode rod fitting may be leaking.

D Small amounts of water from temperature-pressure

relief valve may be due to thermal expansion or
high water pressure in your area.

E *The temperature-pressure relief valve may be

leaking at the tank fitting.

F Water from a drain valve may be due to the valve

opened slightly.

G *The drain valve may be leaking at the tank fitting.

H Combustion products contain water vapor which

can condense on the cooler surfaces of the tank.
Droplets form and drip into the fire or run on the
floor. This is common at the time of startup after
installation and when incoming water is cold.

I Water in the water heater bottom or on the floor

may be from condensation, loose connections, or
the relief valve. DO NOT replace the water heater
until a full inspection of all possible water sources
is made and necessary corrective steps taken.

Leakage from other appliances, water lines, or

ground seepage should also be checked.

*To check where threaded portion enters tank, insert cotton swab between jacket opening and fitting. If cotton is wet, follow
“Draining” instructions in the “Periodic Maintenance” section and then remove fitting. Put pipe dope or teflon tape on the
threads and replace. Then follow “Filling the Water Heater” instructions in the “Installing the New Water Heater” section.

Repair Parts
1 Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve
2 Primary Anode Rod 15 16
3 Drain Valve*
4 Drain Valve Washer (17⁄32″ x 13⁄64″ x 1⁄8″ thick)*
5 Pilot
6 Thermocouple*
7 Pilot Tubing w/Fittings
8 Burner Orifice
9 Manifold
10 Burner
11 Outer Door
12 Inner Door 2
13 Gas Control Valve
14 Temperature Adjustment Knob*
15 Dip Tube
16 Flue Baffle 13
17 Draft Hood 14
# Manual

11 10

7 6

*These parts are available at most hardware stores.

# Not Illustrated

Now that you have purchased this water heater, should a need ever exist for repair parts or service, simply contact the com-
pany it was purchased from or direct from the manufacturer listed on the rating plate on the water heater.

Be sure to provide all pertinent facts when you call or visit.

Selling prices will be furnished on request or parts will be shipped at prevailing prices and you will be billed accordingly.
The model number of your Gas Water Heater will be found on the rating plate located above the gas control valve.




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