Blank IPCRF 2018-2019 Edited
Blank IPCRF 2018-2019 Edited
Blank IPCRF 2018-2019 Edited
Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted 3 lessons Submitted 2 lessons Submitted any 1 of No acceptable
lessons using MOV 1 using MOV 1 and using MOV 1 and the given MOV evidence was
and supported by any 1 supported by any 1 of supported by any 1 shown
of the other given MOV the other given MOV of the other given
Basic Education 2. Used a range of June, 2018- Quality Facilitated using Facilitated using Facilitated using Facilitated using No acceptable
Services teaching strategies that March, 2019 different teaching different teaching different teaching different teaching evidence was
enhance learner strategies that promote strategies that strategies that strategies that shown
schievement in literacy reading writing and/or promote reading promote reading promote reading
and numeracy skills numeracy skills as writing and/or writing and/or writing and/or
shown in MOV 1 with a numeracy skills as numeracy skills as numeracy skills as
rating of 7 shown in MOV 1 with a shown in MOV 1 with shown in MOV 1 with
rating of 6 a rating of 5 a rating of 4
7.5% Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted 3 learner- Submitted 2 learner- Submitted 1 learner- No acceptable
learner-centered lessons centered lessons as centered lessons as centered lessons as evidence was
as evidently shown in evidently shown in evidently shown in evidently shown in shown
MOV 1 and supported MOV 1 and supported MOV 1 and any of the other given
by any 1 of the other by any 1 of the other supported by any 1 MOV
MOV given MOV given of the other MOV
MOV 1 and supported MOV 1 and supported MOV 1 and any of the other given
by any 1 of the other by any 1 of the other supported by any 1 MOV
MOV given MOV given of the other MOV
Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Weight Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Actual Results
(5) Satisfactory (4) (3) (2) (1) Q E
Basic Education 3. Applied a range of June, 2018- Quality Used different teaching Used different Used different Used different No acceptable
Services teaching strategies to March, 2019 strategies that develop teaching strategies teaching strategies teaching strategies evidence was
develop critical and critical and creative that develop critical that develop critical that develop critical shown
creative thinking, as thinking skills and/or and creative thinking and creative thinking and creative thinking
well as other higher other HOTS as shown in skills and/or other skills and/or other skills and/or other
order thinking skills. MOV 1 with a rating of 7 HOTS as shown in HOTS as shown in HOTS as shown in
MOV 1 with a rating of MOV 1 with a rating MOV 1 with a rating
6 of 5 of 4
Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted 3 lessons Submitted 2 lessons Submitted 1 lesson No acceptable
lessons as evidenced by as evidenced by MOV as evidenced by as evidenced by any evidence was
MOV 1 and supported 1 and supported by MOV 1 and of the other given shown
by any 1 of the other any 1 of the other supported by any 1 MOV
given MOV given MOV of the other given
Basic Education 2. Learning 4. Managed classroom June, 2018- Quality Used classroom Used classroom Used classroom Used classroom No acceptable
Services Environment structure to engage March, 2019 management strategies management management management evidence was
and Diversity learners, individually or that engage learners in strategies that engage strategies that strategies that shown
of Learners in groups, in meanigful activities/tasks as shown learners in engage learners in engage learners in
( 22.5% ) exploration, discovery in MOV 1 with a rating of activities/tasks as activities/tasks as activities/tasks as
and hands-on activities 7 shown in MOV 1 with a shown in MOV 1 with shown in MOV 1 with
within a range of rating of 6 a rating of 5 a rating of 4
physical learning
Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted 3 lessons Submitted 2 lessons Submitted 1 lesson No acceptable
lessons supported by supported by MOV 1 supported by MOV 1 supported by any of evidence was
MOV 1 and any 1 of the and any 1 of the other and any 1 of the the acceptable MOV shown
other acceptable MOV acceptable MOV other acceptable
Basic Education 5. Managed learner June, 2018- Quality Applied teacher Applied teacher Applied teacher Applied teacher No acceptable
Services behavior constructively March, 2019 management strategies management management management evidence was
by applying positive of learner behavior that strategies of learner strategies of learner strategies of learner shown
and non-violent promote positive and behavior that promote behavior that behavior that promote
discipline to ensure non-violent discipline as positive and non- promote positive positive and non-
learning-focused shown in MOV violent discipline as and non-violent violent discipline as
environment submitted with a rating shown in MOV discipline as shown shown in MOV
of 7 submitted with a rating in MOV submitted submitted with a
of 6 with a rating of 5 rating of 4
Efficiency Submitted at least 4 of Submitted at least 4 of Submitted at least 4 Submitted any 1 of No acceptable
the given strategies as the given strategies as of the given the given strategies evidence was
observed in at least 4 observed in 3 lessons strategies as as observed in only 1 shown
lessons observed in 2 lesson
Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Weight Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Actual Results
(5) Satisfactory (4) (3) (2) (1) Q E
Basic Education 6. Used differentiated, June, 2018- Quality Applied differentiated Applied differentiated Applied differentiated Applied differentiated No acceptable
Services developmentally March, 2019 teaching strategies to teaching strategies to teaching strategies teaching strategies to evidence was
appropriate learning address learner diversity address learner to address learner address learner shown
experiences to address as shown in MOV 1 with diversity as shown in diversity as shown in diversity as shown in
learners’ gender, a rating of 7 MOV 1 with a rating of MOV 1 with a rating MOV 1 with a rating
needs, strengths, 6 of 5 of 4
interests and
Basic Education 3. Curriculum 7. Planned, managed June, 2018- Quality Planned and Planned and Planned and Planned and No acceptable
Services and Planning and implemented March, 2019 implemented implemented implemented implemented evidence was
( 22.5% ) developmentally developmentally developmentally developmentally developmentally shown
sequenced teaching sequenced teaching and sequenced teaching sequenced teaching sequenced teaching
and learning processes learning process as and learning process and learning process and learning process
to meet curriculum shown in MOV 1 with a as shown in MOV 1 as shown in MOV 1 as shown in MOV 1
requirements and rating of 7 with a rating of 6 with a rating of 5 with a rating of 4
varied teaching
Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted 3 Submitted 2 Submitted 1 No acceptable
developmentally developmentally developmentally developmentally evidence was
7.5% sequenced teaching and sequenced teaching sequenced teaching sequenced teaching shown
learning process as and learning process and learning process and learning process
evidently shown in MOV as evidently shown in as evidently shown as evidently shown in
1 and supported by any MOV 1 and supported in MOV 1 and any 1 of the given
1 of the other given by any 1 of the other supported by any 1 MOV
MOV given MOV of the other given
Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Weight Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Actual Results
(5) Satisfactory (4) (3) (2) (1) Q E
Basic Education 8. Participated in June, 2018- Quality Consistently participated Frequently participated Occasionally Rarely participated in No acceptable
Services collegial discussions March, 2019 in LACs/FGDs/meetings in participated in LAC/FGD/ meeting to evidence was
that use teacher and to discuss LACs/FGDs/meetings LACs/FGDs/ discuss shown
learner feedback to teacher/learner to discuss meetings to discuss teacher/learner
enrich teaching feedback to enrich teacher/learner teacher/learner feedback to enrich
practice. instruction as shown in feedback to enrich feedback to enrich instruction as shown
the MOV submitted instruction as shown in instruction as shown in the MOV submitted
the MOV submitted in the MOV
Efficiency Participated in at least 4 Participated in 3 Participated in 2 Participated in 1 No acceptable
LACs/FGDs/meetings as LACs/FGDs/meetings LACs/FGDs/meeting LAC/FGD/meeting as evidence was
evidently shown in any 1 as evidently shown in s as evidently shown evidently shown in shown
of the given MOV any 1 of the given in any 1 of the given any 1 of the given
Basic Education 9. Selected, June, 2018- Quality Developed and used Developed and used Developed and used Developed and used No acceptable
Services developed, organized March, 2019 varied teaching and varied teaching and varied teaching and varied teaching and evidence was
and used appropriate learning resources, learning resources, learning resources, learning resources, shown
teaching and learning including ICT, to address including ICT, to including ICT, to including ICT, to
resources, including learning goals as shown address learning goals address learning address learning
ICT, to address in MOV 1 with a rating of as shown in MOV 1 goals as shown in goals as shown in
learning goals. 7 with a rating of 6 MOV 1 with a rating MOV 1 with a rating
of 5 of 4
Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted 3 varied Submitted 2 varied Submitted any No acceptable
7.5% varied teaching and teaching and learning teaching and teaching and learning evidence was
learning resources, resources, including learning resources, resource, including shown
including ICT, as ICT, as evidently including ICT, as ICT, as evidently
evidently shown in MOV shown in MOV 1 and evidently shown in shown in any of the
1 and supported by any supported by any 1 of MOV 1 and acceptable MOV
1 of the acceptable MOV the acceptable MOV supported by any 1
of the acceptable
Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Weight Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Actual Results
(5) Satisfactory (4) (3) (2) (1) Q E
Basic Education 4. Assessment 10. Designed, June, 2018- Quality Designed, selected, Designed, selected, Designed, selected, Designed, selected, No acceptable
Services and Reporting selected, organized March, 2019 organized and used organized and used organized and used organized and used evidence was
(22.5%) and used diagnostic, diagnostic, formative diagnostic, formative diagnostic, formative diagnostic, formative shown
formative and and summative and summative and summative and summative
summative assessment strategies assessment strategies assessment assessment
assessment strategies consistent with consistent with strategies consistent strategies consistent
consistent with curriculum requirements curriculum with curriculum with curriculum
curriculum as shown in MOV 1 with requirements as requirements as requirements as
requirements. a rating of 7 shown in MOV 1 with a shown in MOV 1 with shown in MOV 1 with
rating of 6 a rating of 5 a rating of 4
Basic Education 11. Monitored and June, 2018- Quality Consistently monitored Frequently monitored Occasionally Rarely monitored and No acceptable
Services evaluated learner March, 2019 and evaluated learner and evaluated learner monitored and evaluated learner evidence was
progress and progress and progress and evaluated learner progress and shown
achievement using achievement using achievement using progress and achievement using
learner attainment learner attainment data learner attainment achievement using learner attainment
data. as shown in the MOV data as shown in the learner attainment data as shown in the
submitted MOV submitted data as shown in the MOV submitted
MOV submitted
Timeliness Submitted MOV were Submitted MOV were Submitted MOV were Submitted MOV was No acceptable
distributed across 4 distributed across 3 distributed across 2 completed in only 1 evidence was
quarters quarters quarters quarter shown
Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Weight Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Actual Results
(5) Satisfactory (4) (3) (2) (1) Q E
Basic Education 12.Communica ted June, 2018- Quality Consistently showed Frequently showed Occasionally showed Rarely showed No acceptable
Services promptly and clearly March, 2019 prompt and clear prompt and clear prompt and clear prompt and clear evidence was
the learners’ needs, communication of the communication of the communication of communication of the shown
progress and learners’ needs, learners’ needs, the learners’ needs, learners’ needs,
achievement to key progress and progress and progress and progress and
stakeholders, including achievement to key achievement to key achievement to key achievement to key
parents/ guardians. stakeholders, including stakeholders, including stakeholders, stakeholders,
parents/ guardians as parents/ guardians as including parents/ including parents/
shown in the MOV shown in the MOV guardians as shown guardians as shown
submitted submitted in the MOV in the MOV submitted
Timeliness Submitted MOV were Submitted MOV were Submitted MOV were Submitted MOV was No acceptable
distributed across 4 distributed across 3 distributed across 2 completed in only 1 evidence was
quarters quarters quarters quarter shown
Basic Education 5. Plus Factor 13. Performed various April, 2018- Quality Consistently performed Frequently performed Occasionally Rarely performed No acceptable
Services (10%) related works/activities March, 2019 various related various related performed various various related evidence was
that contribute to the work/activities that work/activities that related work/activities that shown
teaching-learning contribute to the contribute to the work/activities that contribute to the
process. teaching learning teaching learning contribute to the teaching learning
process as shown in the process as shown in teaching learning process as shown in
MOV submitted the MOV submitted process as shown in the MOV submitted
10% the MOV submitted
Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted 3 different Submitted 2 different Submitted any 1 of No acceptable
different kinds of kinds of acceptable kinds of acceptable the acceptable MOV evidence was
acceptable MOV MOV MOV shown
Ave Score
Ave Score
Ave Score
Ave Score
Ave Score
Ave Score
Approving Authority
Teacher I-III (Proficient Teacher)
Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Weight Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Actual Results Ave Score
(5) Satisfactory (4) (3) (2) (1) Q E T
Basic Education 1. Content 1. Modeled effective Quality No acceptable #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Services Knowledge and applications of content Modeled effective Modeled effective Modeled effective Modeled effective evidence was
Pedagogy knowledge within and applications of applications of applications of applications of shown
across curriculum content knowledge content knowledge content knowledge content knowledge
teaching areas. within and across within and across within and across within and across
curriculum teaching curriculum teaching curriculum teaching curriculum teaching
areas as shown in areas as shown in areas as shown in areas as shown in
MOV 1 with a rating MOV 1 with a rating MOV 1 with a rating MOV 1 with a rating
of 8 of 7 of 6 of 5
Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted 3 Submitted 2 Submitted 1 lesson No acceptable
lessons as lessons as lessons as as evidenced by evidence was
evidenced by MOV evidenced by MOV evidenced by MOV MOV 1 from shown
1 and supported by 1 from colleagues 1 from colleagues colleagues and
any 1 of the other and supported by and supported by supported by any 1
MOV given any 1 of the other any 1 of the other of the other MOV
MOV given MOV given given
Basic Education 2. Collaborated with Quality Conducted, Conducted and Conducted action Proposedaction No acceptable #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Services colleagues in the completed and completed action research with research with evidence was
conduct and application disseminated action research with colleagues colleagues shown
of research to enrich research with colleagues
knowledge of content colleagues
and pedagogy.
Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted any 3 of Submitted any 2 Submitted any 1 No acceptable
of the given MOV the acceptable MOV MOV evidence was
MOV shown
Timeliness Presented the Completed the Conducted the Proposed the No acceptable
research report research report research report research report evidence was
within the rating within the rating within the rating within the rating shown
period period period period
Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Weight Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Actual Results Ave Score
(5) Satisfactory (4) (3) (2) (1) Q E T
Basic Education 1. Content 3. Developed and Quality Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated No acceptable #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Services Knowledge and applied effective effective teaching effective teaching effective teaching effective teaching evidence was
Pedagogy teaching strategies to strategies to strategies to strategies to strategies to shown
promote critical and promote critical and promote critical and promote critical and promote critical and
creative thinking, as well creative thinking, as creative thinking, as creative thinking, as creative thinking, as
as other higher-order well as other well as other well as other well as other
thinking skills. higher-order higher-order higher-order higher-order
thinking skills as thinking skills as thinking skills as thinking skills as
shown in MOV 1 shown in MOV 1 shown in MOV 1 shown in MOV 1
7.5% with a rating of 8 with a rating of 7 with a rating of 6 with a rating of 5
Efficiency Applied at least 7 of Applied at least 7 of Applied at least 7 of Applied any of the No acceptable
the given strategies the given strategies the given strategies given strategies as evidence was
as observed in at as observed in 3 as observed in 2 observed in only 1 shown
least 4 lessons lessons lessons lesson
Basic Education 6. Worked with Quality Worked with Worked with Worked with Worked with No acceptable #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Services colleagues to share colleagues at least colleagues in the colleagues but no colleagues but no evidence was
differentiated, in the department or evidence of sharing evidence of sharing shown
developmentally district/cluster level grade level to share with others with others
appropriate to share lesson lesson
opportunities to address
Efficiency Submitted at least 1 Submitted at least 1 Submitted at least 1 Submitted at least 1 No acceptable
learners’ differences in 7.5%
lesson as evidently lesson as evidently lesson as evidently lesson, as evidence was
gender, needs,
shown in MOV 1 shown in MOV 1 shown in MOV 1 evidenced by either shown
strengths, interests and
and supported by and supported by and supported by MOV 2 or 3 but no
any acceptable any acceptable any acceptable evidence of sharing
MOV MOV MOV with others
Basic Education 3. Curriculum and 7. Developed and Quality Developed and Developed and Developed and Developed and No acceptable #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Services Planning applied effective applied effective applied effective applied effective applied effective evidence was
strategies in the strategies showing strategies showing strategies showing strategies showing shown
Basic Education 3. Curriculum and 7. Developed and Quality Developed and Developed and Developed and Developed and No acceptable #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Services Planning applied effective applied effective applied effective applied effective applied effective evidence was
strategies in the strategies showing strategies showing strategies showing strategies showing shown
planning and developmentally- developmentally- developmentally- developmentally-
management of sequenced sequenced sequenced sequenced
developmentally teaching and teaching and teaching and teaching and
sequenced teaching learning process as learning process as learning process as learning process as
and learning processes shown in MOV 1 shown in MOV 1 shown in MOV 1 shown in MOV 1
to meet curriculum with a rating of 8 with a rating of 7 with a rating of 6 with a rating of 5
requirements and varied 7.5%
teaching contexts. Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted 2-3 Submitted 1 lesson Submitted 1 lesson No acceptable
lessons as lessons as as evidenced by as evidenced by evidence was
evidenced by MOV evidenced by MOV shown in MOV 1 any 1 of the shown
1 and 2 and 1 and 2 and and/or 2 and acceptable MOV
supported by any 1 supported by any 1 supported by any 1
of the other of the other of the other
acceptable MOV acceptable MOV acceptable MOV
Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Weight Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Actual Results Ave Score
(5) Satisfactory (4) (3) (2) (1) Q E T
Basic Education 3. Curriculum and 8. Reviewed with Quality Consistently Frequently led Occasionally led Rarely led No acceptable #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Services Planning colleagues, teacher and participated in collaborative collaborative collaborative evidence was
learner feedback to LACs/FGDs/meetin reviews of teacher reviews of teacher reviews of teacher shown
plan, facilitate and gs to discuss and learner and learner and learner
enrich teaching practice. teacher/learner feedback as feedback as feedback as
feedback to enrich evidenced by the evidenced by the evidenced by the
instruction as MOV submitted MOV submitted MOV submitted
shown in the MOV
Basic Education 9. Advised and guided Quality Consistently Frequently advised Occasionally Rarely advised No acceptable #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Services colleagues in the advised colleagues colleagues in the advised colleagues colleagues in the evidence was
selection, organization, in the selection, selection, in the selection, selection, shown
development and use of organization, organization, organization, organization,
appropriate teaching development and development and development and development and
and learning resources, appropriate use of appropriate use of appropriate use of appropriate use of
including ICT, to teaching and teaching and teaching and teaching and
address specific learning resources learning resources learning resources learning resources
learning goals. as shown in the as shown in the as shown in the as shown in the
7.5% MOV submitted MOV submitted MOV submitted MOV submitted