Studio Mumbai. The Practice of Making
Studio Mumbai. The Practice of Making
Studio Mumbai. The Practice of Making
of Mak
Studio Mumbai
Michael Hensel
Located in a studio space just south of Mumbai in India,
Studio Mumbai is closer to a traditional craft workshop than a
conventional architects’ office. With over 100 carpenters based
on site, the studio is able to realise large-scale mock-ups, as
well as models and graphic representations. As Guest-Editor
Michael Hensel explains, craft and the collaboration between
craftsmen is at the very core of the practice. Within the workshop
typical roles become blurred: as carpenters become architects,
architects enter the craft of carpentry; and they both pursue the
field of masonry. Out of an affinity for craft comes an empathy
with the local, whether expressed in a respect for site and the
land or indigenous materials and building traditions.
The medieval cathedral workshops cathedral workshops that undertake carpenters work for Studio
– referred to in German as the large amount of maintenance Mumbai.
Bauhütten1 or Dombauhütten – were and restoration required to sustain
organisations that were made up of cathedrals over time. They too This setup immediately conveys
craftsmen with the range of skills offer to the visitor an extraordinary the vital role of communication
necessary for the construction of experience with a plethora of work and crafts in the conception
a Gothic cathedral. This consisted pieces, tools and craft-specific of Studio Mumbai’s designs.
not simply of local fraternities activities. Principal Bijoy Jain states in the
of stonemasons – even though firm’s biography that the studio
they assumed the key role - but, Clearly Studio Mumbai does not ‘is a human infrastructure of
instead, involved all crafts that design Gothic cathedrals; yet, skilled craftsmen and architects
were permanently required on site, walking into the Studio Mumbai who design and build the work
including cathedral master builder(s), workshop evokes an image of how directly … ideas are explored
foremen, stonemasons, bricklayers, one might imagine a cathedral through the production of large-
carpenters, blacksmiths, glaziers workshop. Located in Mumbai, as scale mock-ups, models, material
and so on. the name of the studio suggests, it studies, sketches and drawings.
consists of a series of small buildings Projects are developed through
It is interesting to imagine the and industrial sheds with transitional careful consideration of place
scene that must have presented areas built from scaffolding elements and a practice that draws from
itself upon entering a cathedral that are clad with corrugated tin traditional skills, local building
workshop building, which were sheet, all arranged around an open techniques, materials, and an
in the main made of wood, and courtyard set within a dense stand ingenuity arising from limited
to picture the tangle of different of trees. Most spaces are open to resources.’3 Yet, does the rich
activities, conversations, work the exterior courtyard and filled scope of knowledge and expertise,
pieces, workstations and tools.2 with an extraordinary number and the consolidation of these
While the cathedral workshop and diversity of activities, models, capabilities, not represent the
tradition came to an end in 1731 due mock-ups, materials, objects, most vital resource, significantly
to their prohibition by Emperor Karl bookshelves, workstations, tools transcending what governs
VI, there exist today contemporary and craftsmanship; about a hundred common practice?
Studio Mumbai, Impressions of the
Leti 360 resort, material transport
Leti, on the narrow
Uttaranchal, mountain trail.
The biography confirms this by unfamiliar elements that provoke spaces consisting of communal
stating that ‘the endeavour is to our response and reevaluation.’5 living environments, places for
show the genuine possibility in Studio Mumbai’s master roofer refuge, contemplation and worship’.7
creating buildings that emerge is a Frenchman by the name of While this is a very small project, it
through a process of collective Jean-Marc Moreno, who learned nevertheless had a pivotal role in the
dialogue and face-to-face sharing his profession through a school foray of Studio Mumbai into the field
of knowledge’.4 The workshop is in France called Les Compagnons of masonry construction. This shows
organised accordingly in such a du Devoir. Monsieur Moreno how the studio is capable of utilising
manner as to facilitate dialogue described this school as ‘more like all opportunities to further their
and exchange between different a guild; they are the people who material interests and inquiries, and
sets of expertise so that a deep built the cathedrals in Europe in the craft-related expertise.
conversational interface is created 11th century’,6 which is where the
over time. Carpenters enter the imaginary circle concerning work Located in the foothills of the
field of architecture, architects the space closes. Himalayas at an altitude of 2,350
field of carpentry, and together metres (7,710 feet) above sea level,
they enter the field of masonry, One of the works designed and the Leti 360 resort (2007) is accessible
and so on. The plethora of objects built at the workshop was Studio only on foot by way of mountain
plays an equally vital role. The Mumbai’s project for the 2010 trails. The resort consists of a public
description of Studio Mumbai’s and exhibition ‘1:1 Architects Build Small living/dining pavilion and four small
Michael Anastassiades’s In-Between Spaces’ at the V&A in London. The guest buildings, all set within the
Architecture installation at the 2010 scheme explored a space between existing terraced terrain, which is
Venice Biennale also applies to their existing buildings between the shaped by agricultural use. Farming
actual workshop: ‘Our immediate Studio Mumbai workshop and an and grazing of sheep, goats and cattle
environment is a space that we adjacent warehouse. In the words continue on site and between the
subconsciously create and inhabit. of the studio, the project constitutes buildings. Construction posed a
We can make this space familiar ‘a distilled architectural study of challenge, with the nearest road at a
or we can expose ourselves to dwelling, a home for multifunctional distance of 9 kilometres (5 miles)
View of one of the Interior of
units and the way one of the
it is located on the units.
sloping terraced
from the site. All materials that were methods and materials were deployed.
not directly available on site, such as The stone used for the dry-stacked
teak wood, glass, metal sheets, walls was locally extracted and
canvas, furniture and solar panels configured. A structural frame supports
had to be transported by porters and the roofs and is glazed towards the
mule. Over 70 local craftspeople, exterior. The architecture is conceived
including masons and carpenters, as temporal and designed for a 10-year
participated in the construction, lifespan, and the buildings are
which therefore had to be planned therefore easy to disassemble. The dry
according to seasonal weather walls are already beginning to be
patterns and local customs, halting colonised by local fauna, enabling the
during the monsoon and winter natural and agricultural landscape to
season. Indigenous construction reclaim the site.
Studio Mumbai, The courtyard
Palmyra House, during the
Nandgaon, monsoon rain.
Details of the
louvre facade.
The courtyard
space between
the building
volumes, towards
the pool.
when opened create a continuous was used to elevate the base of the the courtyard to create a veil of
interior and exterior, a strategy that is house in order to prevent flooding monsoon water. Light on the ground
spatially appealing but also enhances during the monsoon season. The floor is modulated via screen walls,
ventilation of the shaded ‘interior’. house is organised around a stone- fluted glass, the overhanging roof
paved courtyard with an open family in the courtyard, the coloration of
Both volumes of the house feature room and more enclosed spaces materials, and also the vegetation
double-height spaces and a section of facing either the courtyard and the in the garden, engaging building
the upper floor opens out over these. surrounding garden or only the and garden in a continuous spatial
Glazed surfaces in the envelope are latter. Screen walls line large parts relation.
only on the upper floor, closer to the of the lower floor, in some cases as
canopy of the palm trees. In this way folding doors to allow continuity What characterises the work of
the tree canopy averts steep-angle between exterior and interior space. Studio Mumbai is their incredible,
light affecting the lower floor, while Again the element of water features considered observation of what exists
the interior receives plenty of indirect prominently with a pool, a well and locally, ranging from site features
light. a stream in the lush garden. Two to traditional ways of using the
copper-clad volumes at opposing land, and to local materials, crafts
For the Copper House II in Chondi, corners of the rectangular footprint and sensibilities. These features are
India (2011), located in a dense mango protrude above the roof of the carefully integrated into the designs,
tree grove, the initial construction first floor and accommodate the which also convey a signature of
of a well resulted in excess soil that bedrooms. The roofs slant towards sorts of the studio. However, this is
View of the
The courtyard
during the
monsoon rain.
not expressed in idiosyncratic form, But while this could be one way for
Notes but rather in a spatial sensibility and Studio Mumbai to design projects in
1. The word Bauhütte was introduced, after
their demise, by Johann Wolfgang von continuity from exterior to interior, a dense urban context, one would
Goethe in Kunst und Alterthum am Rhein in recurrent themes in building imagine that an eventual realised
und Mayn, Vol 1, 1816. The Gothic cathedral
workshop developed from early medieval elements and materials that are project in such a setting will be
workshops consisting of monks and ended appropriate to site and climate, and surprisingly more complex and
de facto in 1731 when Emperor Karl VI
prohibited them. in the sensitive integration of design sensitive to the more subtle traits of
2. Günther Binding, Baubetrieb processes and local resources. Each locality. 1
im Mittelalter, Wissenschaftliche
Buchgesellschaft (Darmstadt), 1993. design is so intricately linked with
3. El Croquis 157 – Studio Mumbai its specific locality that it seems
2003–2011, November 2011, p 4.
4. Ibid. impossible to imagine works by
5. Studio Mumbai: Praxis, Toto (Japan), Studio Mumbai for a generic context.
2012, p 194.
6. Ibid, p 188. True, the installation at the V&A
7. Ibid, p 47. captured some of Studio Mumbai’s
spatial sensibility in a highly
internalised way; by necessity the
Text © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. project needed to create its own
Images © Studio Mumbai Architects
locality in an introverted fashion.