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IoT Prospects of Worldwide

Development and Current Global

Dr. Bilel Jamoussi
Chief Study Groups Department
Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU
IoT in ITU –
already many years experience…
• ITU 2005 Report The Internet of
• Describes the visions underlying
the IoT
• Examines enabling technologies
• Explores the market potential
• Contemplates the challenges and
wider implications
• Sets out some of the benefits of
IoT for developing countries
• ITU-R: Global management of the
radio-frequency spectrum
• ITU-T: Global ICT Standards
– Leading the IoT international
coordination Executive summary available at


The concept

The status of global connectivity

A few examples of applications

The challenges ahead

The concept

The promise of an “Internet of Things” has been on the spotlight

for a long time
• A few definitions:
• In computing, the Internet of things, also known as the Internet of objects,
refers to the networked interconnection of everyday objects. (Wikipedia)
• In the 2000s, we are heading into a new era of ubiquity, where the “users”
of the Internet will be counted in billions and where humans may become
the minority as generators and receivers of traffic. Instead, most of the
traffic will flow between devices and all kinds of “things”, thereby creating
a much wider and more complex Internet of Things.
(From “The Internet of Things”, ITU Internet Report 2005)
• The concept is attributed to Auto-ID Center (1999), a research group at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
• Alternative names: “Ubiquitous computing“ (1991, Mark Weiser) and the
“Internet of objects”

“The most profound technologies are those
that disappear. They weave themselves
into the fabric of everyday life until they
are indistinguishable from it.”
Dr. Mark Weiser, “father of ubiquitous computing”

The concept

The basic idea behind the IOT is the connection

of any THING – at any TIME – from any PLACE (…)

Source: ITU, adapted from the Nomura Research Institute, “Ubiquitous Networking: Business
Opportunities and Strategic Issues”, August 2004
The concept

(…) enabled by a number of technologies that needed to be

further developed and deployed at affordable costs
• In particular:
• Connectivity: Ubiquitous access to broadband (e.g.
deployment of 3G and 4G networks)
• Object identification: A simple, unobtrusive and cost-effective
system of item identification (e.g. RFID technologies);
• Real-time information: Authomatized data collection from
devices (e.g. sensors);
• Smart devices: Embedded intelligence in devices (e.g. smart
• Small scale: Advances miniaturization (e.g. nanotechnology)

The concept

The implementation of the Internet of Things has advanced

notably from its initial concept

• Over the past years the work of ITU has enabled the advance of
the technologies that will enable the Internet of things, mainly:
• Overseeing the use of wireless spectrum;
• Working on new standards for networks and services;
• Promoting affordable access to ICTs at the global level;

• In this presentation we will take a look at some of the lessons

learned from ITU in relation to the advance of the IOT


The concept

The status of global connectivity

A few examples of applications

The challenges ahead

The status of global connectivity

The “mobile miracle” has enabled the connection of 5 billion

people worldwide

The status of global connectivity

This connectivity is already being used to provide basic wireless

communication to enable machine to machine (M2M)

(e.g. SMS notifications)

The status of global connectivity

Making of the M2M market one of the fastest growing segments

of the mobile industry
• Several telecom regulators are already registering M2M lines as a separate
segment, evaluating the introduction of future specific regulations for this

Summary of mobile telephone lines in Spain

(Total population Total lines Year variation
Spain 46.9 M) August 2010 (Aug 09 - Aug 10)

Prepaid 20.2 -4.1%

Postpaid 33.3 6.7% Growing 3 times
M2M 2.0 18.9% faster than
Total mobile lines 55.5 2.9% postpaid lines

Source: CMT, Spanish Telecommunication Regulator

The status of global connectivity

Summary of 2G and 3G technologies used for machine to machine

(M2M) communications
2.5G 3G Post-3G / Pre-4G / 3.9G 4G
Technologies GPRS UMTS HSPA LTE LTE-Advanced
1xRRT CDMA-2000 1x WiMAX
CDMA-2000 3x

Data rate 144kbps 7.2Mbps 21Mbps Dwn:100Mbps Dwn:1Gbps

(Max limit) Up: 50Mbps Up: 100Mbps
Channel Voice / data Voice & data Data Data Data
(Single (Dual Channel)
Source: ITU, internal research

The status of global connectivity

The expected growth in M2M connections shows that the

connectivity aspect of the Internet of Things is already
resolved and being used by the industry
Cellular M2M network connections
(World 2009–2014)

Source: Berg Insight


The concept

The status of global connectivity

A few examples of applications

The challenges ahead

Areas of IoT Investment

M2M Logistics and

Access network, air interfaces,
Supply Chain
applications and services, data encoding, Management
RFID data exchange, data protection and
privacy, data synchronization, device
USN interfaces, environmental regulations,
frequency allocation and regulation,
health and safety regulations, Internet Health
Intelligence technologies, interoperability, location
protocols, middleware, mobility support, Environment
NFC naming and addressing protocols, network
security, RFID tags, routing protocols, Consumer
sensors, smart cards, and many more electronics and

A few examples of applications

Smart grids is one of the most expected applications of the IOT

• Smart grids can be defined as electricity networks that can intelligently
integrate the behavior and actions of all users connected to it -
generators, consumers and those that do both – in order to efficiently
deliver sustainable, economic and secure electricity supplies.
• Through the use of smart grids buildings can be made more energy
efficient, reducing CO2 emissions.

A few examples of applications

ITU-T is already working on smart grids

• Scope of the ITU-T Focus Group on Smart Grids (FG Smart).

• identify potential impacts on standards development;
• investigate future ITU-T study items and related actions;
• familiarize ITU-T and standardization communities with emerging
attributes of smart grid, and
• encourage collaboration between ITU-T and smart grid
• Fourth meeting: Chicago, USA, 29 November – 3 December 2010
• More information at: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/focusgroups/smart/

A few examples of applications

Significant work is also being done on intelligent transport

• The use of ICTs in transport system can enable some of the following
• Effective journey management, avoiding congestion and improving
traffic control and navigation;
• Automatic emergency calls in case of accidents , saving lives in
emergency situations;
• Remote diagnostics of systems, improving fleet management and
reducing maintenance costs;
• Tracking of vehicles, improving logistics and reducing stolen
• Reducing drivers distraction, improving road security;

A few examples of applications

ITU-T is already working on car communications, an area that can

prepare the field for intelligent transport systems

• Scope of the ITU-T Focus Group on Car Communication (FG CarCom).

• In car communication: Quality parameters and testing methods
• Interaction of car hands free systems with the radio channel
• Special requirements/testing procedures for speech recognition
systems in cars
• Next meeting: Kyoto, Japan, 11-12 November 2010
• More information at: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/focusgroups/carcom/


The concept

The status of global connectivity

A few examples of applications

The challenges/opportunities ahead

The challenges ahead

Despite the advances made in networks and services, there are

many challenges that still need to be addressed

• Technology is fragmented: global collaboration is needed to

advance standardization and harmonization;
• Users are concerned about privacy and socio-ethical implications
of the the use of tracking and geo-location: users have to be made
aware of the benefits of the IOT.
• These challenges were already identified
by ITU in 2005

IoT standardization landscape

→ Increasingly fragmented IoT standardization landscape

ITU-T for all your IoT needs
• IoT experience over many years Leading
the international coordination with relevant
IoT standards bodies
• Where private sector meets government -
developing standards and policy together
• The place to drive and influence new
global standards
• Standards making the fast way… with well
established policies and processes
• One-stop-shop solution

ITU Structure


General ITU Council



TELECOM Radiocommunication Development

Introduction to ITU
• Founded in 1865, it is oldest specialized
agency of the UN system
• Standards making one of the ITU’s first
• 192 Member States, 700+ private sector
• HQ Geneva, 11 regional offices, 760 staff /
80 nationalities
• Named as one of the world’s ten most
enduring institutions by Booz Allen
Joint Coordination Activity (JCA-NID)
More information at www.itu.int/ITU-T/jca/nid

• High-level coordination group on IoT standardization

– Coordination of all IoT activities within ITU
– External coordination with key players in IoT standards, including liaisons with

• Deliverables to harmonize and facilitate work among the key players:

1. Generic architectural model
2. Standardization roadmap
3. Terms and definition documents

• Deliverables have assisted to close gaps in standardization and contributed to

facilitate harmonization

• Name change: JCA-NID  JCA-IoT (proposed to next TSAG)

IoT in ITU-T
Study Study Group name Activities related to IoT
SG 2 Operational aspects of service provision and Numbering, naming and addressing
Current Standards Activities

telecommunications management
SG 3 Tariff and accounting principles including related
telecommunication economic and policy issues
SG 5 Environment and climate change
SG 9 Television and sound transmission and integrated
broadband cable networks
SG 11 Signalling requirements, protocols and test Testing architecture for tag-based identification
specifications systems and functions
SG 12 Performance, QoS and QoE
SG 13 Future networks including mobile and NGN NGN requirements and architecture for applications
and services using tag-based ID
SG 15 Optical transport networks and access network
SG 16 Multimedia coding, systems and applications Requirements and architecture for multimedia
information access triggered by tag-based ID

SG 17 Security Security and privacy of tag-based applications

Focus Groups

Smart Grid Smart metering, M2M


Cloud Computing Cloud network requirements , e.g., for IoT


Future Networks Describe future networks underlying the IoT

Car Communication

Sample list of ITU-T work related to IoT
SG13 Y.2213, NGN service requirements and capabilities for network aspects Approved
of applications and services using tag-based identification
SG13 Y.2016, Functional requirements and architecture of the NGN for Approved
applications and services using tag-based identification
SG16 F.771, Service description and requirements for multimedia information Approved
access triggered by tag-based identification
SG16 H.621, Architecture of a system for multimedia information access Approved
triggered by tag-based identification
SG17 X.1171, Threats and Requirements for Protection of Personally Approved
Identifiable Information in Applications using Tag-based Identification
SG16 H.IDscheme, ID schemes for multimedia information access triggered by On going
tag-based identification work
SG16 H.IRP, ID resolution protocols for multimedia information access On going
triggered by tag-based identification work
SG11 Q.nid-test-arch, Testing architecture for tag-based identification systems On going
and functions work
The challenges ahead

ITU can provide a forum to discuss these challenges, produce

global standards and find global solutions to advance the
Internet of Things and extend its benefits globally.
To Join ITU-T:


Bilel Jamoussi
Please feel free to contact me!
Chief, Study Groups Department
E-Mail: Bilel.Jamoussi[at]itu.int
ITU Telecommunication
Tel: +41 22 730 63 11
Standardization Bureau


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